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Descended from Earth (Tsuki)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Alandra was conflicted, like some other Dual-Blooded Descendants; She wanted to protect anyone and everyone; but, at the same time, the blood of Aedus coursed through her veins, the urge to fight always strong in her. When the Elder called the Descendants, it seemed like the perfect time for her to please both Gods... Even though it did take her a while to decide if she should do anything for the village. Still, as she looked around at all the villagers, she knew she had to do... well, at least something.

[Current Position: 0,0]

Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

At the edge of the village, Alandra looked back for a moment. Of course she wanted to help, but could she? She just didn't feel as if she was ready to really help. Was she strong enough? Skilled enough? The strongest had already been taken, what could she really do? But the more she thought about it, as she saw the desperate circumstances the people were in, she knew that she could not just sit around.

Finally, Alandra looked back forward, to the danger of the forest before her. As long as she kept her wits about herself, she should be fine, or so the Descendant hoped. With that feeble self assurance, she left the safety of the village for the forest, heading to the northeast.
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Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra moves to the Northeast, into the forest and off any beaten trails. She felt at one with Pekol and Medina, here amongst the trees, with no distractions or others bothering her. She wasn't anti-social per say; but the solitude of the forest seemed more at home than the village sometimes.

She pauses as she comes across a familiar patch of land in the forest. Spending a few minutes searching, Alandra locates the fresh tuber growths, that somehow thrived, despite being shaded by bushes almost year round. Picking a few, she stashed them away in her bag, knowing they'd come in handy for the village.

[Alandra finds 3 food for the Village.]

[Current Position: 1,1]
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Well, that was it. Mission accomplished, right? Alandra had found food. So that was that. Or so she joked to herself.

Closing her bag, Alandra looked around. There wasn't anything else here, at least nothing immediately noticeable, so where should she go now? As she thought about it, she recalled something about a sighting of another village nearby and that the elders had wanted some of the descendants to check it out.

The least she could do was at least observe and get a better idea of who these people were. If they were going to be obviously hostile, that sort of thing. Steadying herself, Alandra carefully, and hopefully quietly, headed towards the east.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra heads towards the East, remembering how that one Half-Elf with red hair bragged about finding a village filled with... well, real Elves. Slinging her tubber-filled bag over her shoulder, she starts off in that direction, hoping they still were as friendly to Half-Elves as the other Descendant had claimed.

Reaching the village was fairly easy; a good portion of the trees around it had been cleared out to make these odd little cubes that the Elves apparently lived in. There was a main path leading to the village, well used and beaten; standing on either side of the path was a male elf, their skin tones almost polar opposites of one another. As she approaches, the dark skinned elf with bright white hair starts towards her, scowling.... before a small smile breaks his lips. He opens his arms in a tiny welcome.

[Ansita Jerei]

"Another half-breed? Well... If that's the case, welcome." He grins a bit, "You are from the same village as the red-haired one, right?"

[Current Position: 2, 1]
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Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra took a step back, sizing up the man approaching her. She also, on reflex, reached up to touch her ear.

"Ah, yes, I am. Assuming we're thinking about the same one."

Something about this apparently elven man just seemed... strange. Mostly the smile. Why so angry then suddenly smiles? Perhaps Alandra was just being paranoid. Yes, that was probably the cast, but you couldn't really be too careful when you're alone amongst these people.

(No, this isn't meant to be racist.)
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

The male raises an eyebrow at Alandra. "Not used to being greeted?" After a few moments, he rolls his shoulders in a shrug, "It matters not. You don't seem to have any weapons for us to be weary of... A mage, I take it?" After a few moments of digging into a small pouch on his belt, he produces a small medallion made of silver, it seemed, tossing it towards Alandra.

"I'll need you to wear that if you're coming into our village. We don't need you causing trouble for us here."
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra reached out to catch the medallion, but fumbles around with it, nearly dropping it a couple of times before she finally got a firm grasp on it. With a sigh, she opened up her hands to nervously stare at the medallion. "Yeah, I'm a mage..." she answers, sounding a bit distracted. With this, she'd, essentially, be defenseless; what meager means she had to protect herself would be inhibited. But, it was not as if she could just turn around and leave now. It would be insulting and, as the goal was to make friends with these people, that would be counterproductive.

"Alright." Alandra takes a deep breath and puts the medallion on with a bit of a grimace.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

The dark elf watches as Alandra puts the medallion over her head. "Heh. So you're Eager to see what we have in here, hrm? Well, follow me," He says, starting along the path towards the village, beckoning Alandra to follow.

As the half-elf walked along, she very quickly noticed the differences between this village and her own; there didn't seem to be a single human here. The Elves ranged from rather fair, pale skin; or dark skin, like the man showing her into the middle of the village. Their huts were made from wood instead of straw and mud, and seemed much sturdier. Off to the sides of the path, young children and their parents would sit, practicing little spells together; several other were fashioning their own bows.

At the middle of the village was a large, circular hut, with bright blue smoke coming out of the top. The entry way was wide open, a large stone pot hanging over an open fire pit, the smoke coming from the opening of the cauldron. She could make out a figure behind it, it's actions clouded by the smoke.

"RenRen, there is a visitor from another village here."
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra managed a pathetic nod before following along.

As she followed along, she felt envious of the village. It seemed, at the least, more prosperous and safer. Better housing, they seemed better prepared, etc. However, she did feel a bit of sadness at the same time. The descendant hadn't really thought about it before (rather, she was more distracted by the elven man who had approached her), but seeing so many houses made out of wood pained her Earth-descended side that plenty of trees had to be felled to supply this wood. Of course the people were better off, but was it worth the cost to the forest?

Inside the central hut, Alandra still felt nervous about her decision to enter the elven village by herself. She could only guess this 'RenRen' was the village elder. Who else could hold such an important location within the village. In addition, she didn't know what customs she should be doing. Should the half-elf speak first to introduce herself? Or was waiting the more polite option? Too many thoughts were racing through her head and it showed.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Apparently Alandra needn't worry too much, as the figure finished whatever it was doing, and started around the cauldron. She was very tall, and lanky, unlike many of the dark elves she had seen, with long white hair that reached down to her rear. The first thing Alandra noticed was her figure; she was rather... busty... for someone so thin; the second thing she noticed was her eyes, a bright golden hue that seemed to
glow whenever light reached them.

"From the village with no name? Well then... Welcome," She says, her voice filled with wisdom well beyond her years. She bows her head gently, standing up straight after a few moments, smiling down at Alandra. Apparently now was the time to worry about how to properly greet the tribe leader.

After several few awkward moments pass, the elf next to her coughs slightly, touching Alandra's arm to get her attention; when she looked over, he was bowing deeply, trying to lead by example.

When - and if- they both stood up at the same time, this 'RenRen' was still smiling, nodding down at Alandra.
"What brings you to our village, Miss...?" She lets the sentence trail off, apparently expecting a name.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Looking over, Alandra gasped and quickly bowed. Righting herself, she shifted in place and swallowed nervously. It did not help that the half-elf blushed at the figure of the female dark elf. It wasn't necessarily attraction or even envy. It was more of just a 'wow' reaction.

"Er, Alandra, uhm..." she didn't know exactly how to return the address. She had heard the 'RenRen' comment, but was that a name? A title? Was it something she should use? Instead, there was just an awkward pause before the mage thought it was best to continue on than let the silence continue. "...My reason for coming was to try and establish a relationship between our two villages. As I'm sure you're aware, the forest has not been kind recently. Whatever monsters that are out there are getting bolder, more dangerous. I am here for to forge a relationship so that we may benefit from each other: mutual protection, and trade. I-... We are looking for allies."

As she finished, she felt her legs wobbling. Why was she the one trying to do this? Certainly there had to have been a better option to try and make friends with the elves of this village. She was stupid for trying and definitely in way over her head.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

[Charsima Check: 30 Diff.]
Alandra: 19 + 25 = 44. Success!

RenRen's eyes glowed as she tilted her head forward, staring at the young half-elf. It was hard to tell what she was doing, as her eyes flicked up and down her form, before resting finally on her soft face, her lips curling upwards in a tiny, tiny smile. After several moments, she nods, slowly lacing her fingers together, resting her hands in front of her abdomen.

"Alandra. I hear your pleas, and I couldn't agree more." So far, so good, "But your leader hasn't shown any sort of openess to accepting our alliance. Many of our tributes didn't reach your village. We know not why," She says, sadly. This was the first time Alandra had heard of any tributes; maybe RenRen was wrong on where the tributes had gone? Just as her heart began to sink, however, Alandra realized the smile still on the leader's lips.

"But... You have given me hope, Alandra, that there may be hope for our villages yet. She smiles, "Perhaps... if could help us, we'd reconsider our position to your village?" She asks, smiling.

[Alandra gains +1 on the village's scale.]
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra gives a relieved smile back. "Yes, of course I'd be willing to help. What would you need me to do?"

"Oh, but, uhm, I must ask. I am by no means calling you a liar... ma'am," she started, playing it safe, "but this is the first I've heard of these tributes. My village has been isolated and not heard of much of any others in the forest, including yours. Until the... red-haired one had come back with stories of this place, of course. Otherwise, there have only been rumors of sighting people beyond our village let alone tributes."
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

"My brother, Ansita," She gestures with an open hand to the dark elf next to her, the one Alandra had been so sure was ready to mug her, "Can show you where we need the most help."

Upon hearing the news of the lost tributes, or lack thereof, the elven leader seemed... distraught. Furrowing her brow, she murmured something in a language that Alandra didn't quite understand, her eyes glinting in the light as she focused them on the ground. It was a few moments of awkward silence, to the point Ansita even shifted, apparently ready to head out, before RenRen looked up at the half-elf with a smile.

"Your village is not as isolated as you've been lead to believe. We, ourselves, are in contact with several other villages, some not far from your own... which is why it is... disheartening," It was easy to tell the leader was choosing her words carefully, "That our tributes have gone unnoticed.

But, as I said... I feel you have the power to correct this,"
RenRen says, smiling once more, her eyes lighting up in the darkened room.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra looked quite concerned at RenRen's words. Either she was lying or the elders of Alandra's own village had been lying to all of them. Neither seemed to be very good options. Still, the descendant tried to return the smile and gave a small curtsy.

"I... will do my best to."

With that, she looked to Ansita, ready to go.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Ansita bowed to his leader, turning to leave the hut. As Alandra followed after the hunter, she swore she could feel the golden eyes on her back, following her out of the hut. Wanting to confirm this, she takes a quick glance back - only to see a lack of golden eyes, or RenRen altogether.

"Alandra, it's this way," Ansita calls from up a path. He was walking away by the time she went to follow after him.

As small as the village was, it wasn't much of a walk until they reached the Commons there. Along the way, she spotted a small area set off to the side, with several elves practicing archery, shooting arrows at targets about a dozen meters away. Everyone seemed to carry a bow with them, including the civilians. She felt a little left out, almost like her she had missed out on her elven heritage, growing up in a predominantly human village... Of course, all their ranged weapons were made from trees. Maybe the just weren't followers of Medina here?

"Here we are," Ansita says, motioning to a small board, much like the one in Alandra's village. Instead of small pieces of bark, paper, or animal hide, there were little runes etched into the wooden surface, unintelligible to her. After a few moments of awkward silence, Ansita clears his throat, looking off to the side. "Touch them." He says simply.

If Alandra did, she'd hear the voice of the villager that needed help, explaining their situation; two of the runes were from RenRen; and the other was from an Elven woman, apparently concerned about her lover. RenRen seemed more concerned about just solving the problem, without violence preferably.

And if Alandra didn't touch the runes... Well, that'd be boring, wouldn't it?
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra withdrew her hand from the rune, quite startled by the sudden voice. The world outside of her home village was just amazing her. Of course the disregard for the earth and trees was saddening, but they certainly seemed much more prosperous. And then, there was this magical rune that replaced what would normally take parchment.

Settling back down after the jump, she carefully listened to each one. The half-elf considered them in turn before deciding that the best one to tackle would be speaking to goblins. It seemed... the safest for herself, as venturing into the forest to try and find clues about the huntress seemed foolish. Worst still would be to try and tackle the beastman that had already taken out a few villagers. After all, these villagers all seemed fairly well trained. What good could she do?

Turning to Ansita, Alandra let him know her decision. "I... I will try and speak to the goblins for you."
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Ansita simply offers a shrug,"Very well. They're off that way," He points towards the Southeast. "I'd off you good luck, but... Well, we haven't been able to convince them differently." Catching the worried look from Alandra, the dark elf holds up his hand, smiling at her.

"Don't worry! If you're gone for a few days, we'll at least send a hunting party after you. You may not be a villager, but you've offered to help in our time of need. It means quite a bit." He smiles, giving her a clap on the arm... which kinda hurt. A look of surprise replaces Ansita's grin, as he reaches into a pouch on his side. "Oh, right," He says, pulling out something the half-elf hadn't quite seen before.

It seemed to be a hard, shaped container - but unlike a gourd, was completely see-through... and very tiny. Inside of it was a deep blue liquid, and stayed inside from what looked like a tiny piece of wood capping off the top of the thing. The dark elf holds it out for Alandra, waiting for her to take it.

"RenRen whipped this up. It apparently restores someone's connection to the Gods... But, I don't know how to use their powers anyways. So here, this is yours... And I'll take my amulet back," He grins, apparently offering something of a trade.
Re: Descended from Earth (Tsuki)

Alandra blinked rather surprised... and winced in pain. She couldn't help but smile at the gesture as she reached up and removed the amulet, handing it back and accepting the potion. Stowing away the potion, she glanced down at her hands, wiggling her fingers

"Thank you, that means a lot. I'll try and not need rescuing," she tried to joke, though that fell flat on its face. She rubbed her arm slightly awkwardly, but also to soothe the slight ache. "Really though, thank you."

"Well, hopefully I'll see you before too long." The half-elf bowed, before heading towards the southeast.