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Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

You too had a strong opening, but maybe Tiff will be hitting you back for it.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Was it strong? I just beat up Tiff a bit and took his lunch money.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

I propose a treaty of permanent alliance against RJ because he is a bully who took my lunch money. I have a bruise guys!


I play a Red Cohort in my advertiser area.

Guest Area:

Advertiser Area:
Red Cohort
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

I propose a counter offer to any future offer of alliance. I will give you, Tiff, sexy guro RP pronz if you let this and all future transgressions against your person slide.

Also get dunked on blue


I play a Red Sailor in my guest area, and make Blue(Popular) discard their Blue Noble

Guest Area:
Red Sailor
Red Sailor

Advertiser Area:
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Discard my mage from hand to cancel that affect, keeping my blue noble advertiser.

Play Green Cohort as an advertiser to boost my kinkiness by 1.

Waiting for advertiser draw, currently 3/3/4


Sure, RJ. We can totally play this game.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Whelp, that's a dream hand if I ever saw one.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Ruby's pimp chooses to ignore the bawdy sailors and simply sends another man to advertise just how kinky Ruby truly is.

Play another Green Cohort as advertiser.

Ruby (Popular)

Guest Area: None

Advertiser Area:
Blue Noble
Green Cohort
Green Cohort


I could have struck back at MAF, but I'm going to hold off for now.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

(Gorgeous) 5/7/5
I play a Blue Mistress in my advertiser area.

Guest area:
Red Gangster

Advertiser area:
Blue Mistress
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Alright, Tiff is up next.

The board:

Talish (Tiff)
Stats: 2/3/5
7 cards in hand
Coin: 0
Guest area:
Advertiser area:
Red Cohort

Talula (MAF)
Stats: 3/3/3
5 cards in hand
Coin: 6
Guest area:
Red Sailor
Red Sailor
Advertiser area:

Ruby (Blue)
Stats: 3/3/5
5 cards in hand
Coin: 0
Guest area:
Advertiser area:
Blue Noble
Green Cohort
Green Cohort

Kuara (Tass)
Stats: 5/7/5
8 cards in hand
Coin: 3
Guest area:
Red Gangster
Advertiser area:
Blue Mistress

Blue Constable
Blue Mercenary
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Can you even guro? I bet you don't even guro.


I play a Red Mistress in my guest area, allowing me to play a Green Citizen in my advertiser area.

Guest Area:
Red Mistress

Advertiser Area:
Red Cohort
Green Citizen
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

I play a Blue Doctor into my Advertiser Area


Guest Area:
Red Sailor
Red Sailor

Advertiser Area:
Blue Doctor
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Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

My first action is to advertise with a Green Thief.

Ruby (Popular) 3/3/6

Guests: None

Blue Noble
Green Cohort
Green Cohort
Green Thief


My second action may depend on my draw.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Second action is to play a Green Constable as a Guest and target Kuara (Tass)'s Blue Mistress, putting it into my Advertisement pool.

Ruby (Popular) 3/5/6

Green Constable

Blue Noble
Green Cohort
Green Cohort
Green Thief

Blue Mistress
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

(Gorgeous) 5/5/5
I play a Blue Gangster in my guest area targeting Ruby (Blue)

Guest area:
Red Gangster
Blue Gangster

Advertiser area:

Well. Guess you get dunked on from two sides then Blue. For every card in my hand until I'm empty or you have no cards left in front of you. Or until someone else comes after me. I hope you're proud of your decision.
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Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

The board:

Talish (Tiff)
Stats: 2/3/6
6 cards in hand
Coin: 3
Guest area:
Red Mistress
Advertiser area:
Green Citizen
Red Cohort

Talula (MAF)
Stats: 3/4/3
5 cards in hand
Coin: 6
Guest area:
Red Sailor
Red Sailor
Advertiser area:
Blue Doctor

Ruby (Blue)
Stats: 3/5/6
3 cards in hand
Coin: 5
Guest area:
Green Constable
Advertiser area:
Blue Noble
Green Cohort
Green Cohort
Green Thief
Blue Mistress

Kuara (Tass)
Stats: 5/5/5
7 cards in hand
Coin: 6
Guest area:
Red Gangster
Blue Gangster
Advertiser area:

Blue Constable
Blue Mercenary
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Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

I get rid of Green Knight from Blue's hand. He has a second card that he is likely to play within the next few turns that constitutes an auto win for him. If someone has a gangster, I recommend targeting him with it.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Doesn't that make him discard his hand and put him closer to a win, or something.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

If he has the most guests. He's most likely to win as is simply because popular is better than the other classes, draw engine too stronk. Either way, you and I are unlikely to get out of negatives before he ends the game. That said, I'd rather he win with 10 points because we're still sitting on full hands of mostly worthless cards than the 30 he'd win by if he gets to play the card he has in hand.
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

So I'm gonna be suckin' dick and not gettin' paid. Can Talula say she needs to use the restroom and just jump out a window? lol
Re: Desert Paradise (Courtesan Card Game)

Played this game easily over a dozen times and I can guarantee you that Popular is not OP. Blue has consistently been making good plays, had a lucky draw with the very crucial early-game Mage and Mercenary (although Mercenaries are actually fairly common), and tbf, I think Gangster is best used on yourself to get rid of problem cards and to reduce the hand penalty at the end of each round. If a player has the least cards, you need to make them draw cards. Popular can still only play one Guest per round; some builds can actually play multiple, or get double effects from them, or filter effectively like with Kinky. As a GM, I'd personally prefer that people end with more than just one or two guests, but whatever, that's up to you as players then.

And no. You must suck dick for free, if your penalties overcome your coin earned (minimum of 0, people can't have negative points at the end of any given round). In this case, you are technically getting paid, but... the cash just goes to other expenses rather than your pocket. You know, room fees, etc. Deunic lawyers don't fuck around.

Anyhow, Tiff is up next.

EDIT: I am not even gonna say I told you so. But... I told you so
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