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Desperate Excursions (Hafnium and Astarte)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = CAW

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great

Across the generations since their tribe had assumed the form that it now took, the Standing Claw tribe had gone through many tribulations. Such trials were recorded in their legends; an earthquake six generations ago had left many dead and wounded and flattened every building in the village, the migration of a herd of gargantuans had done much the same two generations prior to that, demons had tried to slip into their ranks many times in the early days of their tribe, and wars with other neighboring tribes had sometimes taken a grievous toll. Nothing that had happened prior, however, had threatened the tribe as badly as the present epidemic did. The disease had swept through their population with frightening quickness despite the protection against disease normally offered by the magic that the wilderheart ritual infused their people with. It had started without any warning, coming into the village with a hunting party that had managed to fell a creature that they had never seen before, undetected until nearly a week after their arrival.

The hunters that had brought it were the first victims of the strange wasting disease, and the fastest to suffer its full effects; they had died within a fortnight, and only lasted that long because the shamans had been able to concentrate their healing magics on keeping them alive. Their most potent healing magics and herbs had only been effective at delaying their deaths, but by the time they had died the disease had spread. The advancement of the disease was slower in those secondary infections, but the number of afflicted was far greater, too many for the tribe's limited resources to handle. Already more were dying; the youngest and the oldest went first, but healthy adults were being stricken. The bodies had begun to pile up with frightening speed, and it became all too clear that if they didn't do something to stem the tide, the entire tribe was at risk.

Their initial efforts to cure or control the disease had failed, and the spirits that guided their tribes offered no answers, and thus they forced to this, their last desperate hope. The apprentice shamans had been sent off, in pairs, to search for a panacea that could cure their affliction. There were old legends among their tribe, among their oldest scrolls, that hinted at places where they might find something that could save them. One lead would take them to a temple in the mountains far to the North, where a fruit capable of curing any disease and healing even would-be fatal wounds was tended to by a group of monks. It wasn't clear exactly where this temple was, but they had a name; Oframana, and that at the base of the mountain was a great waterfall that fed into a gigantic lake. Another was of more definite location but less certain in effectiveness, at least in terms of how far old legends could be trusted; to the Southeast was a city located just beyond the edge of the jungle called Dabakai where a great sage lived. This sage was said to be immortal, untouched by time or sickness, and was a healer of unfathomable skill. Whether or not they could help with the sickness, if they would, or even if they still lived was unclear, but it would be an easier place to find compared to the mountain temple.

Kasa and Sanuye had decided between themselves the night before which of the two they wished to pursue, leaving the other pair of young shamans to head for the one they didn't choose. Now their journey had begun, and they had only their skills and each other to protect them from the jungle's countless dangers.

In the early morning hours of their third day of travel, Kasa and Sanuye came upon a wide river that cut through the jungle, marking the border between the area in which their village was located and the denser portions of the deadly Pfitherian jungle. The water roiled and burbled as it rolled over rocks in the midst of the fast-moving river, but lapped gently at the shore. Nearby was an eddy surrounded by a semicircle of solid rock, a small pool that was shielded from view by a series of reeds and cat-tails, a nice place to take a bath or maybe catch a few fish perhaps. The pair could see a bridge some ways downstream, a wooden band decorated with colorful lanterns hanging from the guard rails that spanned the entire river, supported by thick wooden beams thrust into the riverbed. It was the work of another nearby village, a place built of stone atop a high hill named Japasar. Traders came to their village across this bridge sometimes, some from so far away that the language they spoke was barely coherent, and there they might get a better idea of what lay ahead of them... If they wanted to stop. Japasar was slightly out of their way, and no one had come from it for more than two months now, so there was no telling what the condition of the place might be. They could skip crossing the bridge entirely, either by finding their own way across the river or by bypassing it to cross somewhere else; there was another bridge known to them further along, near some cliffs, that would be the fastest way to go, but it was seldom used and possibly dangerous. Alternatively, if they followed the river it would take them closer to their goal, though eventually it would begin to cost more time than it would save, and in the meantime it would leave them with limited escape routes and limited cover from anything dangerous that might come out of the jungle to drink from the river.
One probably wouldn't think that Kasa's village was on the verge of extinction, to see her walking down the road alongside her deer counterpart on the third morning of their trip. She proceeded with a skip in her step -- despite carrying two large packs and a shield almost as tall as she was on her back, along with a heavy mace topped with an iron-coated bear's skull in her belt, the combined weight of which seemed like it might topple her over at any second -- and a song on her lips as she hummed the tune to a children's rhyme about the difference between edible plants and poisonous plants. She appeared positively rosy for someone who knew that any one of her friends or family members might be losing their fight against the plague ravaging her home right that very second.

But while it was true that was all very grim, it was hardly something she could solve by thinking too much about it or giving into despair. All the plans had already been set in stone. Sanuye and Kasa had been assigned to go north to Oframana by the rabbit shaman, following the two apprentices' agreement that they'd prefer to seek out the legendary fruit. Afterward Sanuye and Kasa had spent the night plotting out their journey to the best of their abilities, with Kasa primarily contributing in her capacity as cook, healer, and potion brewer and determining what supplies they should take for the trip, and then the next morning they had left. With the important groundwork set, all that was left was to do whatever they could do. Spending time mourning those who had died and might die while she was gone wouldn't help, and it was pointless anyway. All the spirits of the lost would go to join their tribal ancestors in the end anyway. Even though she'd be really sad if, for example, the old owl, her teacher and frequent disciplinarian, died, she knew that this was less about saving any individual more about ensuring that this wasn't the last generation of eventual ancestral spirits the tribe would ever produce.

Of course, Kasa's determinedly cheerful nature didn't mean she intended on being a complete fool about the journey either though. The Pfthirian Jungle was a dangerous place. There was a certain minimum cutoff of strength, seriousness, and awareness just to survive. Monsters, demons, bugs, bandits, and even the trees themselves would make short work of a traveler who was entirely carefree, as attempted ambushes using the jungle's poor visibility were common from all five. So, when the duo of seemingly vulnerable girls came to Japasar's bridge, one of the few safe river crossing points for quite some distance and an easy place for crossbow-wielding thugs to get the jump on travelers, the ursine apprentice intended on taking some precautions before they traversed it. Because while it was true that they could've sought some other way across, all would bring them much further away from Japasar itself. And stopping in the newly quiet town was part of their planned journey too, as they had both deemed its sudden silence worth a brief investigation given its timing in relation to their own tribe's epidemic.

"Sanuye, Sanuye," she called for the attention of the other apprentice. "I'm going to use a spirit to check things out. Can you keep watch for a minute?"

Assuming her partner answered in the affirmative, Kasa would waste little time in summoning a spirit. She pulled the bear skull topped rod from her belt with her right hand and raised it into the air, waving it into a small circle as she called out to one of the myriad of animal spirits for favor. Her left hand, meanwhile, raised up into the air palm facing upward as if asking for a gift.

"O' great Quimichin! I beseech your aid! Please send me one of your servants to scout the path ahead!"

If she was successful, her requested spirit would form a physical manifestation right in the palm of her free hand: a small dark chocolate colored mouse with a long fleshy tail and disproportionately large beady, black eyes fixed on her as it awaited her order. Despite its tiny size, complete inability to aid in a fight, and the fact that it was even more vulnerable to jungle predators than she was, it was invaluable for its stealthiness and speed. And as an added bonus, such a request from Quimichin, one of the major rodent spirits venerated by her tribe, would barely cost her anything in the moment, even though she'd be sure to repay the spirit with its favored offering of berry jam once the adventure was all said and done. Being a shaman really was all about knowing when, why, and how to earn and call for the blessing of each individual spirit.

"Go now, little one. I will see what lies ahead through your eyes," she would whisper to it as she knelt and lowered her hand to the ground, allowing it to scamper off. Kasa herself would take a crossed leg sitting position and close her eyes as she assumed direct control of the mouse. Using it, she would scout across the bridge, the wooded areas on the side opposite Sanuye and herself, and as much as she could see under the bridge without risking the spirit being washed away by the river, all in an effort to determine if anything was lying in wait for the two.

Kasa is summoning a Spirit of the Rodent (Summon) [This creatures gets the Small and Quadruped Special Mutations, a +10 bonus to Speed, a 3d10 bonus to Dodge, the Sneak Skill, and the Stealthy Talent.]. Once summoned, she's going to have it scout the bridge and the area on the other side of the bridge for any side of aggressors. Using Druidic Secrets she'll be ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL of it to do all this.

If she finds nothing she's going to have it scamper back to her and up onto her shoulder, as she'll be using it again later for scouting Japasar.

This is a level 1 spell, so 0 EP cost. 1 casting check required to succeed. Kasa has 15 casting dice when casting Nature spells.

Probably prominent rodent stats (accounting for Focus in Nature, Druidis Secrets, Small, Dodge bonus, Sneak, and Stealthy):
Body = 16
HP = 16
Speed = 35
Dodge = 6d10 + 3
Stealth = 7d10, rerolls on 2
Perception = 5d10
Last edited:
In contrast to her companion, Sanuye remained mostly silent as the two of them walked. Though she wasn't weighed down quite as heavily as Kasa was, she too carried a pack of supplies, her stag-skull staff in hand—it was too long to comfortably carry in any other way—and her familiar currently perched atop her antlers. While she looked the part for the grim situation their village faced, her expression flat and giving a somber impression, she agreed with her partner's feelings on the matter. The only thing they could do to help was carry out their mission, and worrying excessively would only cause them more stress and distract them. Such distractions could be deadly, considering the environment they lived in.

Though the two of them might not have looked the part, they were capable. One did not survive long in the jungle if they were careless, or if they lacked an appreciation for the dangers. That had been a part of their training as well, and they had been taken as apprentices as young children. Sanuye's eyes and ears remained sharp, and she was certain her companion's did as well, despite her jovial demeanor. In truth, that was something Sanuye truly appreciated. Kasa was much better at lightening the mood than she was, and made it much easier to remain positive despite the threat lurking over their heads.

"Yes. I'll keep an eye out." Sanuye nodded, coming to a stop next to her partner. It was a good idea, both to scout out any possible dangers and to assess the state of the town of Japasar. Going long times without contact from other settlements wasn't entirely unusual, and didn't always mean a village had been lost, but the timing was worrying, considering the plague affecting their own village. It was very possible it had struck elsewhere as well, and it would be dangerous to walk into a village in such a state. Of course, the village's troubles could be unrelated, or they could have simply had nothing to trade in recent times and so not made the trip, but it would be good to confirm before they approached regardless, not to mention the risk of dangers along the way. While life in the jungle was dangerous to everyone, that did not stop people from turning to banditry and preying on others.

As Kasa summoned the spirit, Sanuye too raised her staff, before lowering it to the ground once again, the tip—carved into a point for exactly this purpose—drew a circle in the dirt at her feet. "Wikvaya, Please grant us your blessing, and ward away misfortune." She invoked the name of a great serpent spirit, one said to have dominion over secrets and misfortune. It might seem odd to call upon a spirit of misfortune for aid, but his blessing could ward off misfortune just as well as it could bring it upon others. The blessing she called upon was only a minor one, but a little luck could always make a difference.

"Achak," She spoke again once Kasa had seated herself to take over the spirit's senses, this time speaking to the crow perched upon her antlers. "Please keep an eye out from above." She requested, while turning her own eyes and ears towards their surroundings, alert for any sign of danger.

Just casting Least Luck Manipulation, a level 1 spell, which she can cast on both herself and Kasa at once due to having Focus in Entropy. Due to Wielder of Chaos, the spell provides a 2d10-4 bonus to all rolls (Half to resistance rolls), and allows rerolling one 1 result on Trade rolls.
Costs 0 EP and requires 1 Casting success, and Sanuye has 18d10 Casting for Entropy spells, rerolls one 1 result on casting checks, and rerolls all 2s.

Also asking Achak to help keep an eye out.
Sanuye has 6d10 Perception and takes no penalties for darkness (And rerolls a 1 from luck manipulation, unless that somehow fails), Achak has 3d10.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Cawwww...

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Casting Checks!
Sanuye: More than one success.
Kasa: Also more than one success.

Mouse Stealth: 7 successes.
Mouse Perception: 3 successes.

Kasa Perception: NONE
Sanuye Perception: 6 successes.
Achak Perception: No successes.

The crow perched atop Sanuye's antlers gave a mournful caw in response to Sanuye's command, but as it always had the sound became words - or in this case a word - in Sanuye's mind; "Understood." It took off, circling around above them and seeing what could be seen from above the trees while Kasa, emboldened by Sanuye's call to Wikvaya, summoned an aspect of the Quimichin. The tiny mouse spirit stood on hind legs in her hand, rounded ears flicking about as it peered up at the woman who had called it, and given her command Kasa knew instinctively that it had understood her desires of it.

Placed on the ground, the tiny mouse scampered off, and Kasa settled down to guide the tiny spirit and observe what it saw through the creature's own eyes. That less Sanuye essentially alone, as the only barrier between her ursine traveling companion and whatever dangers the jungle might concoct. Even so close to Japasar, which they knew often sent out hunting parties to clear out or ward off the more aggressive creatures that made the jungle their home, letting down one's guard was an easy way to end up in something's belly. Or worse.

Fortunately they had their backs to a section of water that would, at least, likely not harbor anything that would come forth to try to claim them. Every predator that they knew of that came from the water preferred to keep to calmer waters, and while venomous snakes or poisonous frogs might also be about, neither were likely to actively approach them. Once Sanuye had made sure that there were no signs of any of the dangerous plants or parasites about, she could set her eyes to the deeper jungle in case some creature coming to the watering hole happened to come upon them. Being torn apart by a bear or a jaguar would, naturally, not do much to aid in their village's plight.

With the deer shaman on the lookout, Kasa could concentrate entirely on the journey of her tiny mouse spirit. The aspect of Quimichin was an ur-example of it's kind, one of the most defenseless creatures in the jungle that survived by quickness and by not being seen by anything that might want to make a meal of it, and true to its nature the spirit darted gracefully through the undergrowth. The world was much larger to the tiny mouse, making the bushes seem as big as trees and the trees seem like titanic monoliths of impossible size.

On the way to the bridge itself, the summoned mouse encountered nothing that might be dangerous to the two on their way to it, and the only danger to the spirit itself came in the form of a moderately sized lizard sunning itself by the shore that either hadn't seen it or was too lazy to go for the mouse as it silently scampered by. Though it wasn't directly dangerous to them given that it wasn't even that much larger than the mouse, Kasa knew that this particular variety of lizard possessed powerful toxins in their mouth that caused wounds to fester with frightening speed, and should best be avoided.

There was significantly less cover to be had once the mouse reached the bridge, but crossing it proved just as uneventful, but there Kasa's summon encountered the first man of Japasar. He wore a light tunic and baggy trousers made of cheap cloth, slightly worn leather boots, and a wide brimmed conical hat with a chin strap, and as her mouse scurried past him he was leaning against the railing with a fishing rod dangling over the side that dropped a line into one of the eddies created by the bridge's supports. He seemed to be unarmed save for a dagger and his fishing rod, though a small pack sitting next to him might have more. The man took no notice of the mouse as it scampered by, and from there it could first check under the bridge - finding little more than that the stone still held against the water's erosion - and continue on towards Japasar itself.

The fastest way would be directly through the jungle, as the path that the people who had constructed the bridge had built was somewhat indirect and winding, going as it did first to a crossroads that passed a ways away from the town's main gate. The jungle itself offered no great dangers as the mouse went on it's merry way, though at one point a stag beetle paused and turned threateningly towards the mouse as they crossed paths. As the little mouse made it about halfway to Japasar's walls, the distant sounds of music and the busy clatter of daily life echoed towards it; at the very least Japasar was still populated.

Odd, then, that the rodent came upon the corpse of a man on its way to the town. The body hadn't been there long, judging by how much of it had been reclaimed by the jungle. A day, perhaps two at most; the ants and the birds had not yet found it. The body wore finer clothing than the man that the spirit had passed on the bridge, but the fine silks were stained with blood that had likewise stained the ground around it. Stab wounds abounded, though whether they were from a natural weapon or one crafted by men was now impossible to tell. It had been partially covered by scattered jungle debris, obviously some sort of deliberate effort, but among the assorted leaves and branches covering the body Kasa's summon found the long, crinkled leaves of the meccegaone plant, a common frond that possessed a strong minty scent that disguised the odor. That at least explained the lack of early scavengers, though they would not hide the scent of decaying meat for much longer. There were no signs of gear or valuables beyond the man's clothing; he had no jewelry, no coinpurse, no pack, and no weapons that the mouse could find. What was more, while the corpse's ruined clothing had clearly once been fine, at least according to the styles favored by the more "civilized" folk of Japasar, it was not of any style that Kasa had seen them wore and instead resembled the sort she might expect from one of the traveling merchants who occasionally came from Japasar to their village.

There was little beyond the observations she'd already made that Kasa's mouse could make of the body, however, so from there it continued to Japasar. It was clear even before she'd reached the town's walls that not only was the town still very much alive, but that it was doing fairly well. The hilltop town's initial construction had been surrounded by a stone wall, built by sorcerers in the town's early days to keep the larger jungle creatures at bay. That wall had been decorated, rebuilt, and expanded in the time since the town's initial founding, but further population growth had taken it well beyond what the original walls could contain. The town's storehouses, courthouse, temples, it's main square, and the homes of most of the wealthiest citizens were located within the main walls. A second layer of smaller stone walls that were not much taller than Kasa or Sanuye demarcated Japasar's second major expansion, where many of the common townsfolk now lived and most of the tradesmen worked their crafts, while further sprawl beyond them housed shanties where the poorest workmen lived. The jungle had been cleared a good ways out from the town itself, the land given over to gardens and irrigated rice paddies and pens containing small herds of domesticated food animals.

As Kasa's mouse approached, the sound of music playing grew all the more prevalent, and it seemed to be coming all the way from the village square. It could be heard even over the din of daily life, the clatter and bustle and voices, and the sharp contrast in the demeanor of these people compared to the present state of their home was palpable. Japasar, if it was plaguestricken, most definitely did not show it. Laughter and other sounds of joy echoed commonly among the common din, and as her summon slipped towards the first people it saw - commoners working the crops to keep the town fed - she saw some smiles even there.

As the summoned Quimichin slipped closer towards the town, Kasa found that the town itself had been thoroughly decorated in flowers, though for what reason she could not recall from her admittedly limited knowledge of the town's history. Some sort of festival seemed to be going on, however, as the decorations only grew more lavish the deeper into the town the mouse slipped. Every dwelling sported arrangements of flowers that had either been grown in the gardens or picked from the jungle, and colorful depictions of flowers had been painted on canvas, wood and stone alike by some of the larger houses. Colorful banners and streamers were everywhere, flapping in the wind, and even in the poorer quarter they seemed to be everywhere.

Despite the relative revelry, the town guards were still evidently on watch. The watchtowers that her mouse passed were all manned by men and women armed with long spears and bows, all of them wearing light armor that sported the symbol of the town's name over a three-headed blue flower. They took no notice of the mouse scampering by, of course, and as the spirit flitted from place to place it saw some of its own kind clearly making their homes among the humans and night elves, scrounging from their scraps rather than risking the jungle's dangers. That did not mean that the worst danger to worry about was being accidentally trampled if she strayed into a crowd, of course; as her mouse darted towards a stone walled house a short ways into the town's slums, a bright orange striped cat appeared on the windowsill above her intended hiding place. The feline turned wide golden eyes upon the scampering spirit and froze immediately, watching with blatant interest every move that her mouse made... Leaving Kasa to decide how exactly she wanted to proceed.

Sanuye, in the meantime, saw none of this. Kasa could keep up a running report of what she was seeing if she so chose, but to do so might distract in case something dangerous elected to creep up on them. Fortunately for them, nothing of the sort came to bother them while Kasa was, leaving her bout of guard duty blessedly boring, if still stressful. To grow complacent in the jungle when no danger was obvious was to beckon for the raven, the hunters often said, and since she had accepted Shikoba as her patron spirit few had heard that saying more often than Sanuye, albeit perhaps too often muttered in low tones when someone thought that she wouldn't hear.
If Kasa were the type to take notes -- she wasn't, but if she was -- there were a few things worthy of it during her little scouting mission. The corpse was number one, of course. Being a denizen of the illustrious Pfthirian jungle, home to all manner of exciting-slash-excruciating ways to die, the bear apprentice was no stranger to dead bodies, so the sight of a decaying stranger didn't shock her in the least. The state of deceased was worth some concern though. One could say many things about the beasts of the jungle, but they primarily killed either to eat or in order to defend themselves, their packs, or their territory. This wasn't that. He had almost definitely been killed by something more intelligent. A beast would've never looted his goods and weapons -- and she was sure he'd had a weapon, only a fool would travel the jungle without one -- before intentionally camouflaging his remains with meccegaone and debris. The whole thing stunk of banditry... and mint.

Japasar, on the other hand, was a more positive thing worth noting. Full of healthy, happy people in the middle of some sort of festival, based on the revelry and decorations. Completely untouched by whatever epidemic had struck their tribe, it seemed. It was a bit of a shame that the two apprentices were only nearby on grim business, or Kasa would've liked to have visited the festival alongside Sanuye. She was sure they'd have all sorts of tasty food and fun things to do. Maybe after their tribe's dilemma had been solved they could visit the next festival? The apprentice would have to try to remember to ask one of Japasar's residents more about the celebration and when it would happen next, if she got the chance. The fisherman near the bridge might be a good option for that, she supposed.

But first, it was time to end her scouting mission since she'd seen all she had needed. The bear apprentice removed herself from the mouse's senses and dismissed it back to the spirit realm before the cat could try to make a meal of it, lest she owe Quimichin more of her precious berry jam stock. With that done, the bear apprentice would practically hop back up to her feet and turn to face Sanuye.

"All done!" Kasa announced before going into the report of what she'd seen. "I never realized Japasar was so big! It's also full of people. No signs of disease or anything. Actually it's the opposite, there's some sort of festival going on with flowers and music and singing and dancing! It looks really fun. But I don't think we're going to get any extra information on the plague there, and we've still got a lot of supplies, so I don't really know if it's worth stopping other than to make sure our maps are right."

"Oh! But there is one other thing. There's a body in the jungle between the road and the town. Somebody killed him and looted him then tried to hide him. No signs of bites or anything like that, so I think there are probably bandits on the road to Japasar, so we should probably take extra precautions for the next few days, Japasar side trip or not."

Dismiss the mouse.
"Bandits, hm..." Sanuye frowned at the report from her companion. It wasn't as if it was something too unusual, though the dangers of the jungle made such an occupation even more risky than it might have been elsewhere. Still, to hide a body so close to the road felt strange to her. If it was bandits they were most likely camped some distance from the road to avoid detection, so it shouldn't have been difficult to dump a body a bit deeper into the jungle where the scavengers would have likely stripped it of flesh within a few hours. It would have been a better way to hide the body. If they wanted to remain unknown, that would have been the safer choice—A hidden body near the road would be found eventually, a corpse fed to the jungle beasts was likely to never be found. To her, this sounded like the act of someone afraid to venture off the roads, and that likely meant someone from the town. Still, there was little use in thinking too deeply on it, and she would be on her guard regardless. She knew better than to be careless or trusting. "Whoever is responsible, it isn't our concern, but I would be wary of the townsfolk as well. If I were a bandit, I would have left the body in the jungle for the animals rather than hidden it. Less chance for someone to find it before the beasts tear it apart that way."

Sanuye simply shrugged with that. Maybe she was just overthinking it. "Regardless, we didn't bring anything to trade, so there's not much for us in Japasar besides information. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to stop by if you'd like, but I don't think they'll be able to tell us much about our goal." Sanuye personally felt that they would be better off simply continuing on. Festivals had never been to her liking, and she always seemed to ruin the mood for those who wished to celebrate. She was always 'too grim', as others had told her, and her duties left her little part in such celebrations. None of the spirits she communed with were the sort who had such happy festivals dedicated to them.

If Kasa wished to see it however, she was willing to do so. There was a possibility that Kasa was right and they might know something of value, or might have more accurate maps, though she was skeptical of how much they would be able to get without money or trade goods. The people of these towns weren't likely to give them anything for free, from what she'd been told in the past. Either way, she was willing to follow her fellow apprentice's lead, but she fully intended to remain wary. Sanuye waved to Achak to call him back, preparing to move on one way or the other.
"True, true! It really could've been anyone," Kasa remarked regarding the dead body, seeing the wisdom in her partner's words. "Well never fear! Caution is my middle name! Trust but verify!" She put her hands on her hips and boldly reassured (?) Sanuye.

"Up to me, huh?" The bear shaman mumbled as her deer counterpart put the responsibility for the final decision firmly on her, moving a hand to her chin as she gave some real thought to the situation. It was true that Kasa's lightheartedness hadn't waned under the weight of their shared quest and that she really wanted to see the festival, but even she couldn't ignore the potential cost of spending time on Japasar that could instead be spent toward reaching their goal, the potential cure. At the same time though, when she gave the matter a second thought it occurred to her that time was a double-edged sword. Every minute they might end up spend delayed due to an impedance caused by a lack of information would be just as costly as a minute spent in town, so the real question was which was likely to cost more of the woefully limited currency in the long run.

After some thought on the matter, Kasa came to be of the opinion that lack of information would cost them most of all. She might not be able to justify taking time to enjoy the festival, but they could spend a few minutes asking passersby for general knowledge. The Pfthirian jungle was rife with dangerous monsters, people, and just about everything else. The more of these dangers they could learn about and either prepare for or avoid, the faster they'd reach their goal.

"I think we should visit to ask around and see what we can find out about the surrounding area. I still don't think they'll be able to tell us anything about the disease, but I think it would be good to ask the locals about the state of the roads and see if there are any known hazards around here," she announced her decision. "It's like Uncle Owl always preaches, being prepared is way better than not being prepared," she added, butchering one of their teacher's pearls of wisdom in the process.

Assuming Sanuye was still willing to go along with her decision and unless the deer shaman made any remarks which would require her to pause first, Kasa would proceed by re-readying her weapon and shield and beginning in the direction of Japasar.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Caw but disapprovingly

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Achak would land on Sanuye's antlers at her beckoning, giving a mournful caw and fluttering his wings momentarily before settling onto his usual perch. The ebon-feathered bird gave Kasa a disapproving look, tilting its head and staring at her without blinking for a few moments, as it often did when the bear shaman mangled some part of her avian mentor's teachings.

The pair needed little preparations to get moving, and so headed towards the bridge that would take them into Japasar without further dilly dallying. They weren't far, naturally, and broke from the tree line onto the road just a short ways from the bridge without passing anything more dangerous than the aforementioned lizard and a bush that erupted with dozens of brightly colored butterflies when Sanuye got close to it. The two of them were significantly more noticeable than the mouse spirit that Kasa had used to scout things out, Kasa pushing through the jungle loudly without the magical gifts enacted that might make her less obvious and Sanuye whose mere presence was a beacon to anyone or anything that she got close to. The fisherman glanced their way after they emerged and did a double take, looking them over warily as they approached.

Assuming that neither of them did anything that was overtly threatening, however, the man would nod to them while still watching their approach, even though the fishing rod in his hands was twitching as though he had a bite. He would watch them cautiously, a nervous smile on his face, but would make no effort to engage with them as they passed. After they passed he would watch them a little while he would return his attention to his fishing rod, by which point his potential catch had already been lost, leaving them to continue on the road to Japasar.

The path was lightly paved, if one was generous, with a few stones essentially pushed into the places where the rain caused puddles to form. It hadn't been particularly rainy in their region of late, so the puddles were smaller and the walkway mostly solid. Again they encountered little of note; a few signs of various forms of wildlife, most of it relatively innocuous and what wasn't harmless if one left it alone. The only one not at or near to the festival going on seemed to be the man fishing, as they encountered no one else walking the road, either at the crossroads or along the slightly winding route that took them to the small town's gates.

The outfields were still being worked, but the people there were smiling as they maneuvered through the rice paddies and orchards, bobbing along visibly to the music. Some who weren't so busy paused to wave or hailed the two with pleasant greetings as they passed. Japasar's entire population, at least as far as they knew, had always been human, and as they approached the village they saw nothing to dispute that notion. The people that they passed in the fields were busy, however, and didn't break from their work to enter any sort of conversation unless either of the two tried to approach them.

Music and singing echoed down from the hilltop village all the way up the road, a mingled chorus of voices and instruments that, despite coming from various sources across town, never became discordant. They caught sight of the streamers and flowers decorating the town's structures soon enough, but before they could approach the town itself the guards atop one of the towers spotted them. One rang a bell, the clanging momentarily ruining the sweetness of the sound, and three more guards emerged from the tower, one climbing up a ladder to the one above and two more coming from below. All were armed, the one above with a bow and the two below with spears, but the archers knocked arrows only if Kasa still had her weapon in hand and shield strapped to her arm. Whether or not she was armed also determined the tone with which the guard addressed them, as any signs of weaponry would earn them a sterner but also slightly nervous tone.

"Who goes there and from where do you hail, strangers?" The speaker was a woman, human, and of local stock by the look of her. The music hadn't stopped, nor had the people deeper in the village seemingly been disrupted by the ringing of the bell, but one of the other guard towers was emptying, and the people inside of it were heading over to join the guards already confronting them.
Kasa would happily wave to each and every bystander the two passed as they made their journey to Japasar, all the while marching to the beat of the increasingly audible music and hopping along the road from paving stone to paving stone where she could despite the load on her back and in her belt. This outward lightheartedness was despite taking some time to silently wonder if the lonely fisherman and his twitchy hands were responsible for the body she'd witnessed. Still, even if he was, she wasn't a member of Japasar and certainly not of its town guard, so it wasn't a matter she particularly cared to butt in on even just to indulge her curiosity.

At the town gate she would stop and wave once more, this time to the guards. She made no attempts to hide the large shield strapped to her back alongside her backpack nor the dagger and mace affixed to her belt, though neither did she reach for them. She imagined these men would understand why travelers navigating these jungles would be armed, so long as those arms weren't being waved at them.

"Greetings, kind guards of Japasar!" She called out to them, taking the lead without hesitation as she was fully aware that it wasn't Sanuye's preferred role in these sorts of situations. "We are of a nearby tribe, and we're on the beginning of a long journey to the north! We have come to your town for a brief visit to gather information and possibly do some trading before we continue on our way!" The latter part was a little bit of a lie, as they didn't have much to trade, but Kasa imagined the guards would be more hospitable toward them if they thought the duo was bringing in something valuable that might enrich the town. It wasn't too much of a risk anyway, since even if they pressed her on the details she could always fall back on her healing skills as her preferred amenity for trade. A physician never wanted for patients in the Pfthirian jungle, after all!
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Caw but ZOMG SO MANY THINGS

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Kasa's friendly demeanor did much to give the town guard and the assorted people that they passed a friendlier attitude to them, and so when the guards appeared there were no weapons pointed their way despite the more wary gazes sent Sanuye's way. "Be well and welcome then travelers," the speaker replied from atop the guard tower, while the other guards seemed more curious than wary. "As you can see, you came at the right time! The festival is open to all."

With that the other guards began to disperse, and the few gawkers seemed satisfied and returned to whatever they'd been doing before the bell had been rung. The guard who had been talking to them turned and went into the guard tower only to re-emerge on the ground floor a moment later, joining the two who had remained near Kasa and Sanuye to keep them from wandering off. "What sort of information are you looking for, if you don't mind me asking?" she said in a neutral tone, her voice lower and thus just barely discernable from the music and regular din of daily life. "Perhaps I can be of some assistance," she added quickly, "there aren't many in Japasar that I don't know, and if I don't know what you need I can likely to point you to someone who does."
"Nothing particularly fancy!" Kasa replied to the female guard's question without missing a beat. "We're just looking for any news regarding the surrounding area and the state of the roads leading north of here. If there are any notable beasts prowling the area, we'd like to know about it before we run into them, if possible!"

She could've asked about Oframana, of course, but letting people know that she was seeking a legendary temple and its healing fruit seemed like a bad idea on multiple different levels. For one, it would probably attract some pretty questionable attention from anybody who learned it to be the case. For two, risking letting slip to a nearby town that her tribe was in need of a legend for its continued survival didn't seem like the wisest move she could make. Best to wait to ask about that until they were closer to their goal and focus on their immediate surroundings for now, the bear shaman apprentice had decided.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Caw. James Caw.

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

The woman smiled, "I believe that I can be of help with that, if you'd like to come sit down for tea." She turned to one of the other guards without allowing either of them time to reply and said; "Back to your post, I'll be back shortly." Then she turned back to Kasa and casually commanded; "Follow me."

Assuming the two shamans obeyed, the guardswoman would turn and head deeper into Japasar, towards the heart of the town. The music and joviality only grew more prominent as they headed deeper into town; there were stages and flatgrounds for dancing regularly, many occupied by young men and women, children, though some were reserved for the older residents who preferred a slower set of steps to the young. The smell of cooked foods of all sorts only grew tantalizingly stronger, and they passed carts with sweetmeats, candied fruits, vegetables steamed in spices, meats, bowls of fried rice and soups and stews of all sorts. The palate on offer was undoubtedly more complex than what they would normally have back at home, leaving them spoiled for choice if they wanted to stop for something to eat either now, or after the guardswoman was done with them. The buildings deeper in town were even more decorated by flowers both cultivated and picked, hanging in baskets near doorways or strategically planted in various places to weave a tapestry of color throughout the town; the people here seemed to have competed to have the most beautiful display, and there were many impressive results.

One building had a trellis wrapped around the front and both sides, with a doorway giving access to the porch, covered entirely in a tapestry of checker-boarded blue and pink flowers. Another had a rosebush growing near ten feet high on either corner, with a bedding of flowering moss. Yet another had a small moat wrapping around the building with eddies in the corners, kept from stagnation by a locke that circulated the water and allowed a series of floating lilies to gently circle the building, some of them with frogs sitting on them and others with dragonflies and bees and butterflies hovering around them. The bees and especially butterflies were everywhere, fluttering among and above the crowds as they darted from flower to flower, landing on townsfolk who laughed in delight for their presence. Nearly as common were brightly colored hummingbirds, who kept their distance from the people but were treated as just as much a blessing as the smaller pollinators sharing the same feast.

Kasa and Sanuye were led to a small tea shop surrounded by tall but low hanging flowers in bright violet and red, and the woman entered the patio only to promptly sit at a free table rather than go deeper inside. They weren't the only ones present; many of Japasar's residents were sitting out on the covered patio or inside, at small tables or padded seating areas on the floor. There was a simple, four item menu; Lavender's Kiss, Summer Mint, Rosemary Caramel, and Simple Green. "Have what you like, my treat. The Kiss starts bitter but sweetens towards the end, the Rosemary is for you if you have a real sweet tooth, the other two are what you'd expect from the name," she said, and a few moments later a woman in a light, flower-decorated kimono, her hair in a bun save for three strands with flowers tied to the ends, and finely done makeup covering her face had come to ask what they would like to order.

"The roads North.... If they can be called that... Are not safe these days," she announced immediately once their orders were placed. "Brigands and thieves are about, and we've heard tales of an orc warband coming towards us from the Northwest. There is worse... The monsoons broke down a dam last season, one ill-kept after those living around it were all but wiped out from we know not what, and what was once a valley has become a lake, cutting the route North in half. You may not be going that far, I don't know, but if you are... It will be a problem. The river that it stems from continues well past it and is too dangerous to cross in most places, but the lake may not be much better. I've heard that there was something asleep beneath that valley... Something that awoke when the waters returned, and now makes that lake its home."
Kasa would nod and go along with the woman for now. There wasn't much to lose, she figured, so long as Sanuye and she kept an eye out for any fishy business.

Truth be told, the bear wilderheart would've been happy enough just to take in the sights even if this information-gathering session turned up nothing of value. She did so without shame as they followed their guide to their destination, her head swiveling and eyes moving rapidly between the gorgeous, foreign architecture and the much more natural beauty on display. As someone skilled in channeling the earth through her bonds with the spirits, she knew that there was a practical value beyond simple enjoyment in sights and experiences like these. After their village was saved and with a bit more training in her shamanistic powers, Kasa knew that she could mimic and recreate these moats and trellises using magically-shaped earth and stone, despite not even counting the word 'trellis' among her vocabulary.

That was the keyword though: after. As much as she would've liked to have partaken more personally in the festival and all these new sights, smells, and sounds she might've experienced, it all came second to information gathering. As such, she had no intention of stopping for any food or taking any detours, instead following their guide through to the tea shop and taking a seat across from her when she chose a free table on the patio.

"I feel guilty having a new friend spend her hard-earned coin on me, but if you're saying I'm your guest then I'll take a Rosemary Caramel," Kasa replied with her order. She had considered rebuffing the offer but without coin of her own to spend to immediately reinforce her point, it felt like it might end up seeming like a hollow declaration. The mischievous bear would then turn toward her deer counterpart with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes, wondering at what the other apprentice would order.

After the group's order was placed she would turn her attention back to their guide and fall silent as she broke the grim news. Not that any of it ended up dampening Kasa's indomitable spirit. To live was to experience joy and danger, the who, what, and why of it might change but that base truth never did. They would challenge whatever stood in their way and overcome in order to save their village, and be stronger for having done it. At least now they were armed well enough with information that they could choose the least challenging of those challenges--only for the sake of getting it all over with faster, of course.

"I see, I see," she would remark with a pair of sagely nods once the other woman had finished. "So we get to choose from some combination of bandits, orcs, or a lake monster to overcome on our trip, huh? And I was really hoping to get back in time to enjoy your festival. Maybe next year!" Despite her continuing outward carefree nature, however, another spark of pragmatism ignited within the bear apprentice. "If you don't mind me asking, do you have anymore information on the orc warband? Have they been sighted nearby?"

The orcs, she felt, were another extinction level threat to their tribe. If they overcame Japasar and continued further they'd end up falling upon the duo's weakened tribe and have no issues wiping them out. It would do no good to bring the fruit home to a graveyard.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Caw. James Caw.

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Their face-painted server would give a nod and curtsy before departing to see to Sanuye, Kasa, and their host's orders, leaving their conversation and information trading to begin in earnest. The guardswoman seemed to take some amusement with Kasa's delivery of her order, but once it had come time to talk business her expression became humorless once more. "Maybe," she murmured offhandedly to the bear-shaman's flippant hopes of seeing the festival next year. "Not nearby, precisely... You must know how hard it is to get timely news around here," she answered, "the last I knew, they were something like ninety miles away. Over open ground they could cover that in a week, but through the jungle... They might never make it this far at all, they might divert or simply stop somewhere else... But that distance is from a week and a half ago. If they're going hard, they'll be in the area at the latest within the next couple of days, and are at least two score strong. We hope not to test our defenses against that kind of threat at all, but we dare not trust to hope against something like that. Our scouts are currently patroling to the North."
"Please wait out here. Keep an eye out, but try not to cause a commotion." Sanuye brought her arm up near her face for Achak to land on before speaking quietly to him as they approached the shop. She wasn't certain exactly what customs the people here had regarding animals, but she suspected that it might be frowned upon to bring one into a shop, even if only to the patio. Of course, Achak was far more intelligent than a typical bird, but that was an explanation she didn't want to have to give, and she doubted the woman's offer extended to him as well. She'd see if she could get something for him later, but they were still lacking in any currency to trade with, so it was unlikely they'd be able to buy anything here unless they could sell their services somewhere. In any case, better for Achak to keep an eye out, she still had no reason to completely trust these people.

Sanuye turned to Kasa as the guardswoman offered to buy them drinks, trying to gauge what her companion thought of the situation. Seeing that she was willing to accept, Sanuye spoke up a moment later, "I will try the Lavender's Kiss then, thank you." Her reply was somewhat curt considering she hadn't directly spoken to anyone aside from her quiet directions to Achak since entering the town, but she did her best to remain polite regardless.

"Well, we weren't expecting this trip to be easy, but it sounds like trouble is closer than we hoped." Sanuye commented, more to Kasa than the guardswoman, at the details of the threats they were given. The orcs were particularly worrying, as there was no real way of knowing where they were headed, and their tribe wasn't likely to be able to put up much of a fight in their current state if the band came upon them. Fortunately they were not located along a major road—as much as any road in these parts could be considered "major"—but there was still a possibility of them being found, especially with how many fewer scouts and hunters were likely to be about to give the tribe an early warning. She didn't want to mention the tribe's state to outsiders at all, however, so that was a subject better brought up with Kasa in private.

"This lake monster. I don't suppose you know anything more about it?" Sanuye asked, though she didn't expect much. A lake itself wouldn't be likely to prove a major obstacle given their magic, and it might provide a good route for avoiding this band of orcs if they had to go around it, but an unknown creature inhabiting the waters could be dangerous.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Cawtion is the better part of valor.

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Achak would give a low noise and flick their wings before taking off, settling on the roof of the shop to hide - albeit poorly given his ebony plummage - among the flowers. The bird would glance around as instructed, though it would look as much for a snack of its own as it would any signs of threats heading for the shamans.

The guardswoman regarded Sanuye for a moment following her choice of tea, and again when the shaman asked about the lake monster before giving a light shrug. "I am afraid that I don't know much about it personally. Threats that don't directly affects aren't something that I can afford to spend a lot of time on. Still, I can tell you who to ask; there's a merchant that came from that way recently, she claims to have seen it in the flesh. Her name is Achara, she's staying in town at the moment and... To my understanding, drinking herself into a stupor."
Kasa regarded Sanuye for a few moments longer as she ordered the Lavender's Kiss. Their host had called it a bitter drink that sweetened toward the end, but Sanuye didn't seem to second-guess her order at all. The bear apprentice put her hand on her chin in what could be mistaken as deep thought as she turned her attention back toward the guardswoman's talks of doom and gloom. This could only mean one thing, right? Sanuye was clearly... trying to act more mature and show off by drinking something that tasted bad to start with! Now Kasa felt a bit immature, having rushed directly into the sweetest drink on the menu.

That was probably less important than the additional news about the orcs and lake monsters though, so she quickly let it go. "Sounds like the orcs might be avoidable, but it's pretty likely we'll cross paths with that lake monster if it exists. Achara, huh? Stupor or no stupor, we'll have to pay her a visit after we finish our conversation here." Kasa gave Sanuye a knowing glance before continuing. "I have a few cures for hangovers, should she need them."

"If you don't mind me asking, what's the occasion for the festival?" Kasa added out of idle curiosity, since she wasn't sure if they'd be able to get much more actionable intelligence on the major threats from their host. "It must be important to follow through with it even with orcs on the warpath."
Sanuye glanced over at her partner, momentarily confused at her reaction to the order. Was there something strange about it? She was quickly drawn back to the conversation however, paying it little mind. Unfortunately it sounded like none of their options were safe—as safe as travelling in Amazonia could ever be at least—but they weren't unprepared for that. Despite what others might assume from appearances, they were far from defenseless, though she would still prefer to avoid unnecessary risks.

"It would probably be a good idea to try to talk to her, at least." Sanuye agreed. Fortunately, Kasa's healing magic would be useful in this situation. Hopefully this Achara would have some information for them. This lake still seemed like their safest option, as bypassing a single monster would be easier than avoiding an entire warband of orcs, but it would be helpful to know exactly what they were dealing with.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Some Cawtion Advised

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

While Kasa was asking about the festival, their drinks arrived; each was given a small cup and a teapot, and their waitress carefully poured their first cups of steaming tea for them before departing. Kasa's was sweet and delicious all that way through, though simple. Sanuye's was a more complex profile, starting bitter but turning slightly sweet and almost flowery in her mouth. There was sugar at the table, and chilled or warmed milk on request. The guardswoman that had invited them took neither and sipped at hers for a moment before answering Kasa.

"Tis' the festival celebrating another year of enjoying nature's beauty, of course! And surviving its wrath... We have it annually, around this time, though it depends on the tidings of the weather and is deliberated on by the council. Some said to cancel it this year... Too many ill omens," she explained, "but here we are. How are things over at your village?" The question had been asked very casually, and the guardswoman took another sip of her tea after asking it. "You are from the settlement across the bridge, right? I have heard little from that direction from some time, actually."
"The same as always," Kasa cheerfully lied without missing a beat. Her optimism and good spirit weren't always at odds with being pragmatically cautious. Besides, the mistruth she had in mind contained some honest information within it. "Doing our best to survive the dangers of our shared home. Orcs, monsters, rivals come to take our forage, and all that."

She decided to pause to take a tactical sip of her drink at that, buying her a few moments to better guesstimate at how much information she should share with this woman. It might've been the sweetness of the rosemary caramel talking, but she felt she could afford at least one full truth here to avoid seeming too guarded. "We're here as a result of an ill omen too. Our teacher fell ill," she tactically avoided both potential mistakes of referring to the shaman who was teaching them as 'Mr. Owl' or mentioning that more than half the tribe had fallen ill alongside him. "We're on a journey to collect the herbs needed to cure him."