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Desperate Excursions (Hafnium and Astarte)

: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Cawtiously Optimistic

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

"Mmmm...." The guardswoman gave a noncommital sound following Kasa's initial lie about the state of their village, though whether it was a simple acknowledgement of what she'd said or an indication of skepticism was unclear. She seemed more interested when Kasa mentioned an ill omen, and after taking another sip of her own tea following Kasa finishing her explanation she murmured; "You have my sympathies... And my prayers. It is as dangerous as ever to travel these days."

Just then, another guard would approach, a young skinny man with thin facial hair. They bowed quickly to the table as a whole, and then approached to whisper something into the guardswoman's ear. The woman listened intently, tilting her head, and then sighed as he straightened, turned, gave another bow, and then hurried off again.

"I am afraid that something important has come up," she said apologetically, rising to her feet. "Enjoy whatever of the festival you can before you go, but take care. Something... Well, I shouldn't have to tell you that it's best to be careful. Good luck seeking what you need to cure your mentor," she said, and then gave a slight bow of her own, left a few coins on the table, and then turned to depart, though she would stay long enough to answer any other questions or concerns that the pair had before she departed. The pair would be allowed to finish their pots of tea, and the guardswoman's if they wished. At some point their waitress would return, asking if they wanted anything else, but otherwise they would go unbothered while they sipped their tea, given the privacy of being in a fairly noisy festival while they figured out what they wanted to do next.
Kasa repaid the guardswoman's sympathies with a grateful smile. She didn't dwell on whether or not the other woman had seen through her minor deception. It made no difference to her or her mission anyway.

When the guard approached to pull their host away with what seemed to be distressing news, the bear apprentice would watch with obvious interest. She didn't bother trying to pry into what had happened when the woman rose and excused herself though, instead replying simply. "Thank you. May the spirits' blessings be upon you and your people."

With that, she would take something more resembling a large gulp rather than a sip of her tea and then set her cup upon the table and turn to face her comrade. "I'm ready to go hunting for Achara when you are, Sanuye!"
Sanuye took her cup carefully as it was placed before her, testing the temperature before taking her first sip. Contrary to her companion's assumptions—Perhaps due to the influence of the herbivorous animal spirit on her body, or simply her own natural preferences—bitter flavours had never particularly bothered her, so the flavour was rather pleasant to her. She continued to remain mostly silent, simply nodding to the explanation of the festival.

She hesitated as the guardswoman asked about their home but kept her expression carefully neutral, not wanting to give too much information. While these people had long been friendly to them, if not particularly close, things could change quickly. There was no sense in letting these people know of their tribe's current weakened state. Fortunately, Kasa was quick to answer, her explanation conveniently leaving out the fact that more than just their teacher had fallen ill.

"Yes, and thank you for the information. We have heard little news of the lands this way recently, so knowing the dangers ahead will be helpful in bypassing them safely" Sanuye placed her now empty cup down, picking up the teapot to refill it once more before preparing to leave. Hopefully this woman the guardswoman mentioned would have some more information for them. Knowing of the dangers ahead would allow them to be prepared for what they might encounter, and she had always been taught that proper knowledge and preparation was of utmost importance.

Finishing her cup once again, Sanuye set it down and stood from her seat "Let's go. Hopefully she can tell us something."
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: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Fine and punless for once

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Departing from the tea shop in search of the merchant that the helpful guardswoman had mentioned, Achara, Sanuye and Kasa would make their way through the ever-colorful festival in search of where she might be drinking. Achak flew overhead, circling, but his eyes from the sky wouldn't be helpful today; it was hard for the crow to pick out specifics in the pressed in crowd and the person that were seeking was likely indoors anyway. A few would greet Kasa pleasantly without being approached first, and through their search no less than four different people - three young men and one woman - tried to draw her off to one of the dances. No one would approach Sanuye similarly, and those that they stopped to ask in order to find Achara were seemingly nervous of her if she even so much as stepped too close to them.

Finally, they would find Achara in one of the lounges of a local silk trader's home, many having opened their homes to friends for the festival. Their quarry was an elf, a night elf to be specific; a fairly short but also thickly set woman with ample curves concealed by tight trousers and a sleeveless shirt that ended with her ribs. She had a tattoo of black angelic wings on her lower back, and another tattoo of a dragonfly on her right arm. The woman was swaying in her seat in rhythm with the music being played by a trio of satyrs dancing in a circle nearby, glass of plum wine half empty in hand, but turned to look Kasa and Sanuye up and down when the pair approached her, looking at least somewhat attentive.
Kasa probably looked more dog wilderheart than bear as she walked through the crowds with her comrade. Her head swiveled to and fro as she looked for any sign of the mysterious Achara. It probably would've been wise to ask the guardswoman more about their prospective target, now that she was thinking about it.... Well, no point crying over spilled berry jam she supposed. There were still plenty of available targets for questions among the throngs of people, and Kasa certainly wasn't afraid to question every and anyone who looked like they'd be willing to listen to her for even a half-second.

She was also happy when four of the people they questioned asked her to dance. Still, this was work and not play so she politely declined each in turn. For the fourth she went a small step further, smiling and putting a hand on Sanuye's shoulder as she replied. "I'm flattered, but I'm afraid I have no time to dance now. And if I did, I'd already have a partner!" Kasa made her declaration while being blissfully clueless as to what message the woman she had declined could take from that.

Not too long afterward they would find the likely target of their search. A night elf. And satyrs. Huh. Kasa couldn't help but feel a little paranoid upon seeing one of the ancient enemies of her tribe and three faeries -- the latter especially given the reputation of the court most typically encountered in the jungle. Still, she had come this far and she wouldn't back out of seeking information now.

"Hi! Are you Achara, by chance?" She greeted the elf with a smile and a wave while approaching her. "I'm Kasa," she started, and would allow Sanuye to introduce herself if she desired but otherwise wouldn't give the other apprentice's name in this situation. "We've come looking for some information on the lake beast to the north!"

Curious as to if Kasa can determine anything about the satyrs through her mighty 3D10 faerie lore trade. Suspicious probably-Autumn satyrs. D:<
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Fine and punless for once

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Faerie Lore: 0 success, Kasa knows NOTHING

"That's me!" the night elf said, swirling her glass idly, "nice to meetcha Kasa. You want somethin' I take it?" Kasa, quickly on to her explanation, would receive a smirk, and Achara would promptly answer; "Oh... That... I don't care!" Then she turned away, finished her drink in one hasty gulp, and got up to walk past Kasa without looking at her or Sanuye further. If allowed past them, she would make her way over to a bar where a number of bottles had been set.

The satyrs continued to play their music nearby, and in her brief appraising of them Kasa hadn't seen any markings or signs on them to suggest anything about them besides the fact that they were talented musicians.
Sanuye couldn't keep a slight frown from her face while she followed Kasa towards their destination. The difference in these people's opinion of her compared to her partner was evident, and while she didn't particularly care what any of them thought of her, it was still an unpleasant reminder. People avoiding her was something she was used to, though back home it was for a very different reason. Her talents were something that would have been valued greatly if they were in a time of war, but the past years had seen little conflict beyond what was normal for the hostile environment they lived in. As a result, there were few people who would associate with her more than necessary, to avoid the attention of the "dark spirits" whose power she channeled. Beyond her immediate family and her partner, it was only her teachers and the tribe's warriors who ever made any effort to speak to her, and even then typically only in her capacity as an apprentice shaman. The warriors sought blessings from the spirits of war and death when going to battle, but even they would avoid them otherwise.

It was Kasa suddenly placing a hand on her shoulder that finally broke her from her thoughts. Sanuye gave her partner a somewhat confused look as they left the woman who had approached them behind, uncertain if Kasa was implying that they should join the dance or simply trying to ward off others from bothering them. While ceremonial dances were something she had learned and practised, they were quite different from what was going on around them, and Sanuye wasn't sure how well she'd be able to mimic them. Fortunately she did not have long to worry about that matter, as it did not take them much longer to reach their destination. Unfortunately, her rising mood quickly fell again upon finding out who they were meeting.

Though she knew it had been long before her time, she had heard many stories of the demon invasions as part of her training, and the elves who would become the night elves featured quite prominently in many. While there had been no open conflict between them in a long time and many of the night elves supposedly had no contact with demons any longer, Sanuye still did not trust them. This wasn't helped by the fact that there were three satyrs nearby, who received a suspicious glare from her while Kasa approached the elf woman. Though the fae were natural beings, unlike the demons, they were still not to be approached or associated with lightly. It was difficult, if not impossible, to tell the true nature of a faerie, and so while these three did not appear dangerous, that did not mean they weren't. She also knew many stories of satyrs luring people off into the wilderness, never to return.

"Of course it wouldn't be simple." Sanuye muttered under her breath as the elf simply brushed off Kasa's question. Regardless, she didn't speak up, as much as she might have wanted to retort. Kasa was much better at this than she was, especially since the person they needed information from was an elf. Sanuye wasn't confident in her ability to remain civil, which wasn't a good way to get information from someone. Instead she remained quiet, suspicious eyes moving between the elf and the satyrs.

Might as well also have Sanuye try for a Lore check, since she is quite suspicious of the three. Hers is also 3d10.
Ever the optimist, Kasa couldn't help but think that their meeting with Achara could've gone worse. She could've tried to stab the two apprentices, for instance. Maybe even succeeded.

Still, while Kasa wanted to respect the night elf's desire to avoid talking about whatever had happened between her and the beast and as much as Kasa shared Sanuye's sentiments on the subject, she knew that she couldn't let Achara go that easily. That was her role in the duo of apprentices. Sanuye would watch her back by keeping a cautious eye on their surroundings and the satyrs -- much to Kasa's appreciation, as faeries worried her more than elves -- so that Kasa could press forward with her eyes focused wholly on their goal here. It was really nothing short of her responsibility to try at least one more gambit to open the elf's lips.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you," she continued, following the woman over to the bar. "The guard captain warned that you were traumatized by the event." A small fib, as far as Kasa was concerned, as anybody perceptive enough could take that meaning from what their host had actually said. "I'm sorry to ask you to relive it, but we'll be passing by the same area in a few days and were hoping to know what we should prepare for. Is there any payment you would consider in exchange for talking with us?"

This was the difficult part, by Kasa's reckoning. Their lack of gold and useful trade items would be a problem when it came to offering the night elf something she might consider. If they weren't in such a hurry, the bear apprentice could offer to brew or mix something that would likely prove much more effective at helping Achara to forget than the current alcohol she was imbibing. And it wasn't difficult to guess that the woman probably wouldn't appreciate Kasa's ability to purify all that she'd drunk already from her system, no matter how much the apprentice herself enjoyed using that little trick to win drinking contests against some of her tribe's largest warriors.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Fine

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Faerie Lore: 2 successes, Sanuye knows SOMETHING. They've probably got some good drugs, should totally party with them.

Sanuye's astute glaring towards the satyr musicians wasn't without warrant. The fae were creatures of trickery and fickle desire more often than their supposed positive qualities, and the three bore the physical markings - skin and fur coloration and the shape of their horns mostly - that marked them as the local sort. The Autumn faeries would rarely deign to enter mortal company on fair terms, meaning that whoever had hired them was either a friend of their court - a sign that they were likely untrustworthy themselves - or had hired them at great expense. Still, there were stories of the fae being helpful, and often of being excellent company in times of revelry. Hallucinogens, the finest of wines and other alcoholic beverages, and great feasts with rare delicacies were accompanied by fine music and wonderful dancing were what one could expect among the Autumn fae. Were she and Kasa to spend time here, it would likely allow them to be party to fantastic revelry... It just might also leave them carrying faerie children that would be stolen away after their birth if they earned the satyr's fancy.

Achara was pouring herself some wine when Kasa reached her, and the elf looked fairly annoyed at the bear shaman's continued harassment. She turned, sharply, at the sound of Kasa's voice and regarded her with a look of cold anger that was teetering on the edge of outright hatred, but continued her pouring without watching while Kasa apologized and mentioned the guardswoman's appraisal of her encounter with the creature that Kasa was seeking information about. That revelation, sympathetically though it might have been worded, curdled the night elf's expression further. "Good to know that even the guards here are such eager gossip mongers," she interjected scathingly, "if that trip across the lake hadn't ruined me financially, I'd have to remember to never visit this shithole again!"

That remark, spoken perhaps louder than it should have been, earned a scathing glare from some of the elf's hosts. She didn't notice it, as her heavy pouring without watching her cup had left it overflowing, leading to a muttered curse before she set the wine bottle back onto the table and grabbed a cloth to wipe up what she'd spilled. It was a few seconds before she turned back to Kasa, and a few more spent without further reply while she glared at the shaman and licked the spilled wine from her fingers and wrist. "Look, just... Don't go that way," she said finally, her voice intense and regularly cracking, "don't try to cross that lake, don't even go near it. If it's not the big monster in the lake, it'll be the goddamn wind drakes nesting in the center... Go around. Go a thousand, ten thousand miles out of your way if you have to; just don't. Go. To that gods-forsaken lake. The only one who that monster seems to ignore is the fucking ferryman, and how or why I don't know."

The elf paused to take a deep gulp of her wine, draining nearly half of the overly-full glass in a single gulp that spilled some of the stuff down her cheeks. "You want more... Put something on the table; what have you got to offer for reliving this again?" the merchant added after taking in a deep gasp of air, before glaring at Kasa while wiping the excess wine from her cheeks.
The information Achara gave away for free was valuable enough for Kasa, even if she ended up being unable to get anything more from the night elf. Wind drakes, a lake monster, and a ferryman who was seemingly ignored by both. It was still a puzzle, but a puzzle was a definite upgrade from being completely blind. Still, she supposed she ought to at least try to offer something to get more if only as a kindness to the disturbed woman, even if she hadn't exactly packed anything that seemed likely to be useful for an irritable night elf merchant.

"We didn't pack any coins or valuables for this trip," she started, after the night elf asked what the two had to offer for her reliving it again. "But I'm a healer and herbalist. I can also channel the blessings of Great Makwa! I can set bones, heal wounds, cleanse diseases, and even cure a hangover! Would anything like that be useful to you?"
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Fine

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Achara looked at Kasa like she'd just said something offensive when the shaman declared that they hadn't gone out with either valuables to barter or common currency, but she let that pass without comment. "Makwa?" she asked uncertainly, letting Kasa correct her with the bear spirit's proper title if she liked before giving a heavy sigh. "I'm trying to get a hangover, not cure one; you might have had better luck tomorrow morning... After you untangled me from whoever I've shacked up with anyway," she replied with a flippant but frustrated tone. "No broken bones, no cuts or bruises yet, no illness to speak of here... You could try finding someone that needs medicine, there's probably someone in town that could use that more than I. Unless you or your... Great Makwa can show me a better time somehow, I'd rather go back to drinking and try to forget than have to relive the trip here."
Sanuye's frown deepened as she listened to the exchange between Kasa and the elf. They hadn't brought anything in the way of valuables to barter, only supplies for the trip, and the woman didn't seem willing to give up any information freely. The only things she carried that were likely to be of any value to the people here were a pair of potions, and she was hesitant to consider trading those when they might be needed in the future. Services were something they could provide, as Kasa had offered, but unless someone was in need of her partner's healing powers their options were limited, unless they wanted to be stuck here for days. Unless the elf wished to have someone cursed, or to speak with the recently deceased, Sanuye's own magic was ill-suited to this sort of situation.

She glanced back at the satyrs as she considered their options. If her knowledge was correct, they were likely to possess the sort of things the elf desired, but trying to obtain anything from such fae was liable to be far more trouble than it was worth. Nevertheless, it was an option. It was something she would have to discuss with Kasa if she failed to make a deal with the elf, but not until they were out of earshot of her. That was something she did not want to commit to without proper consideration. For now, she would remain patient, and hope that Kasa might come up with something she hadn't considered, but at this rate she wasn't hopeful.
Well, Kasa couldn't exactly say that the elf's latest response was anything but expected. The bear apprentice had given getting additional information and rewarding the merchant her best shot, which had been all she'd set out to do in the first place. Plus it was easy to tell that she'd gone through some hard times with that lake monster-mostly because the elf had told them, after all. If Kasa was being completely honest about it, forcing a random stranger to relive their traumas seemed kinda like a jerk thing to do! Surely not what Makwa would do, and like any good bear wilderheart from her tribe Kasa always did her best to do as Great Makwa would. Which she guessed mostly was eating and sleeping a lot, but now she was getting off topic.

"I'm afraid Great Makwa's prowess is mostly in healing and protection, so I guess there's nothing we can offer you right now after all," Kasa admitted, still with unwavering positivity and happy energy in her voice likely to the elf's increasing annoyance. The bear apprentice herself was unfortunately not quite enough of a plotter or planner to fully understand what value Sanuye's connection with spirits other than Makwa would offer to a merchant, even if she understood the inherent power within them, so she didn't raise that possibility. "Maybe we'll be back if we find an opportunity to earn something valuable enough to compensate you for your trouble, but we're in a race against time and we have to head north soon so if not I... hope you can at least find the good time you're looking for!"

With that, Kasa would turn toward her fellow apprentice. "Ready to go discuss the new information and revise our travel plan?" The bear shaman didn't want to summarily conclude the conversation without at least offering the deer wilderheart the opportunity to ask the elf any questions that might've been missed.
"Yes, let's go," Sanuye nodded to her companion, quickly making her way to the quietest point she could find nearby. Once she was sure she wouldn't be overheard, at least by anyone concerned, she turned back to Kasa.

"If you think it's worth trying, I know where we could most likely get something for her. I'm not sure it's a good idea, though." Sanuye frowned, pausing as she considered the options. Information was valuable, but dealing with autumn faeries was dangerous. Even if these Satyrs seemed relatively benign, there was no telling what sort of trickery they might employ. She could guess the sort of thing they would want, and it was not something she was willing to give them, so it would likely turn to bartering. And based on what she knew of them, when it came to bartering, they would always try to come out on top, through lies or trickery if needed. "Those Satyrs performing. They're likely to have something. Faerie wines or intoxicants of some sort. I don't think it's worth getting caught up in faerie games though. They look like Autumn Court. It's an option though. They might be willing to trade, but I worry about what they will demand in return. And how trustworthy they are."
Kasa would follow Sanuye's lead and accompany her to somewhere quiet where they could speak with some semblance of privacy. She would put her hand on her chin and hum thoughtfully for several long moments after Sanuye shared her idea for what they might do to loosen the elf's lips and pay her back for her information.

"It'd be nice to know a little bit more, but I don't like being indebted to autumn faeries more than I don't like being indebted to an elf," she finally replied, before any smoke could escape from her ears. "And to be completely honest, at this point it feels like we already know we're being charged by a tiger-no offense to Sister Cat," she added, referring to her fellow apprentice and frequent prank victim by her favored nickname for the other girl. "Learning more about specific dangers at this point is basically just getting an exact idea of its weight so we know how bad it's going to hurt when it crashes into us. Brigands and thieves roaming the surroundings, an orcish warband to the northwest, and a lake filled with wind drakes keeping the air dangerous and a sea monster keeping the waters dangerous, seems like there just isn't going to be a safe path...."

"My thinking is that we're probably best off focusing on getting an updated map from someone next. Spirits willing, there'll be a point where we can slip through and avoid all the danger. If not, we can come up with a secondary plan and play faerie politics if we absolutely must," Kasa suggested. "Though if you want to follow through on the faerie plan instead, I've always got your back! Just sharing what I'm thinking," she continued honestly, more than willing to support Sanuye in her planned endeavor given her trust in the deer shaman.
"No, I agree. Information is valuable, but faeries are tricky to deal with. If we could simply make a deal it would be good, but I doubt it would be that simple, and we can't waste time getting caught up in faerie games." They were still acting under limited time. Exactly how limited they couldn't know, but they could not waste more time than they needed to. They had already learned the nature of the threats they would have to deal with, even if not the exact details, and that was valuable enough.

"A map would be useful, but how will we get one? Unless someone here is willing to pay for your healing, I'm not sure what we could provide in trade in a short time. We don't have time for me to try to make something to sell, and my magic isn't very well suited to this."
"I think we just give it a try before we move on," Kasa indirectly admitted to her lack of an in-depth plan. "Stop by a few merchants on our way out of town and, if we're lucky, they'll have what we need and will be in need of some of our blessings, or maybe someone might even need some help mixing potions. If not.... I'd hate to do it but if we find a detailed enough map then I could try putting my ritual dagger up for trade. I'm sure the spirits of my predecessors wouldn't disapprove, since it's for the good of the tribe. And we'll still have your dagger if we need to perform any sacrifices," she suggested.
: HP = 42, PP = 62, EP = 74, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation
: HP =74, PP = 72, EP = 82, Status = Fine, Least Luck Manipulation from Sanuye
Achak: HP = 8, PP = 27, EP = 35, Status = Doing birb things

Standing Claw Tribe: Not doing great
Japasar: Nearby Town of Much Rejoicing
Oframana: The Land/Temple of Magical Fruit

Quimichin - mouse spirit, likes berry jam
Wikvaya - serpent spirit of misfortune, likes fresh bird eggs and rodents

Stepping out of the bar after the slightly less than helpful elf's dismissal of their request for more information, the shamans would again step out into the ongoing festival, again greeted by a wide range of pleasing smells, sounds, and colorful sights. The village's traders were, naturally, doing as much business as they could, and it wouldn't exactly be difficult to find one who dabbled in maps. Sanuye would again receive a much wider berth than Kasa by those that they passed, though the bear girl's infectious joviality and the general air of levity would keep the glowers and prayer signs sometimes sent her way to a minimum.

Once they had a cartographer, however, the portly fellow would lean over his cart to smile warmly at them. "Hello there! Are you looking for anything in particular?" He was what one might call a common peddler, or if one was being less charitable, a junk trader or pawnbroke. One who sold various odds and ends, essentially whatever they came across, and that included a map of the local area. Such things were often unreliable, being hand drawn by people who had done the exploring to create them first hand. It was generally accepted that no two maps of any portion of Amazonia would be exactly alike, and none were perfectly accurate. Even their destination itself didn't even have a defined point for them to simply go to, merely a suggested area in which it might lie.

That being the case, maps were generally not very expensive, and when told what they were after, the portly man responded that it would only cost them four coins. Their lack of coin presented a problem on that front, unfortunately, and it would be up to them to try and sell their services in place of money in exchange for the map that they wanted.