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DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Re: Character Sheets

Nala the Night Elf Witch

Name: Nala
Class: Mage (Dark Witch)
Race: Night Elf

Body: 8 +4 =12
Mind: 34+4+16 = 54
Spirit: 8

Hit Points:43
Pleasure to Orgasm: 64
Spirit Energy: 41
Speed: 6
Dodge: 37
Armor: AV:1
Resistance: 27

Experience: 0
Corruption: 88

Strong of Mind x2
Focus in Entropy
Focus in Nature
Natural Succubus: Knowledgeable
Empower Spell

Open Soul
Demon Lover
Horny Slut
Fey Lover
Beast Lover

Whip Tongue*

Base Casting:27+8=35
Favored Element: Entropy and Nature

Darkwood Staff: (+12) [Dmg: 1+1d4+6]


Bio/Description: Nala is the daughter of a powerful Night Elf High Priestess, who has eschewed the spirituality of her family's sect to study the eroding properties of nature. She is a learned scholar, but very rebellious and sure of herself, to the point of being overconfident. She has taken many lovers within her mother's spiritual conclave, and has been a somewhat corrupting influence with her love-making amongst the neonates, causing some embarrassment to her family. As a punishment for her behavior, her mother has sent Nala to practice her skills in a distant land.

Nala stands at 5'7", with smooth purplish-blue skin, and long flowing, dark blue hair. Her breasts are on the petite side, but she is endowed with perfect hourglass curves and shapely legs, which she loves to show off by wearing provocative and revealing silks, usually dark green in color.

Experience, Corruption and Mutations:

Total EXP: 8
Current EXP: 0 (Acquired Empower Spell (8)), (Acquired Seduction (Role Played))
Corruption: 88+50
Mutations: Whip Tongue (+2 pleasure damage dealt when using oral foreplay)
Tight (+2 pleasure damage dealt when being penetrated, but only if the penetrator is capable of deriving pleasure from the act.)

Nala's Specialized Talent Tree (Nala only)
Seduction: Whenever Nala causes her partner to climax, she can make a casting roll DC = pleasure she received for that round. If she succeeds, the targets will it slightly subsumed By Nala. Taking any action against Nala requires they make a Resistance check against her, even if she is helpless or not present. Every orgasm they take per day after the first increases Nalas Resistance by 4 for the purpose of this check.

Undistractable: Ignore the Penetrated penalty to casting, and decrease the penalty from having an orgasm by half. Pleasure damage no longer causes a casting penalty. Requires Seductive.

Climactic Casting: Fully ignore the penalty to casting from having an orgasm. Get a +12 bonus to casting while penetrated. Requires Undistractable.

Into His Head: The Resistance Check to resist Nala is increased by 8. Can be taken multiple times. Requires Seductive.

The Addiction: If Nala accumulates a Resitance Check bonus equal to the value of the victim's Resistance, then their will has been subsumed fully and they become Nala's thrall. Requires Seduction.
Re: Character Sheets

(I’ve basically remade Neri rather than port her. I have no idea where her base stats in DG2 came from, but they seem to be wildly wrong, so I just started again from scratch. Also, I get the sinking feeling my stats are horribly wrong, somewhere.)

Name: Nerzalil
Class: Warrior
Race: Shadow Demon
(I was initially going to use the DG2 F.B. Demon, then I realised how massively powerful the DG3 F.B. Demon race is in comparison. To set things up for a SD race, I took the base DG3 FBD race and: removed lustful for -4 mind. Removed fertile/infertile for -4 mind. Removed the corrupting venom, not sure if that’s a flaw or bonus, so have not made any adjustments for it. Removed Shapeshifter for Open Soul.

End Result is:

+8 Body, +8 Soul, Demon, Supernatural, Open Soul, Mutated*)

*(If I was to set these for all SD’s, they’d be glowing skin, odd skin, and fearsome maw. Pretty much unanimously existent between all shadow demons, though I will be downgrading fearsome maw for strange face in Neri’s case. Reasoning: When it comes down to it, Neri has a normal mouth behind her mandiables; and the mandiables can be physically forced away from her mouth, removing the whole point of the mutation. The normal SD's actually have horrible needle teeth, though, playing it straight.)

Sex: F

Body: 40 (24 +8race +8strong of body)
Mind: 14 (14)
Spirit: 20 (12 +8race)

Hit Points (HP): 97 (57 + 40healthyx2)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 44
Spirit Energy (EP): 47
Speed: 17 (20 – 3EV)
Dodge: 27 (37 – 10easy to hit)
Armor: 10
Resistance: 28 (20 + 8resistant)
Perception: 9 (7 + 2glowing skin)
Stealth: 12 (20 – 2 – 3EVx2)
Grapple: 40

Corruption: N/A

Natural Spirit (Shadowmancer) (Shadow Armour, Piercer, Patch of Shadow)
Two Weapon Fighter (-4 attack and damage)
Resistant (+8 resistance)
Skill With One-Handed Swords (+12 to attack rolls with indicated weapon)
Healthyx2 (+40 hp)
Strong of Body (+8body)
Skilled(Strong Willed Strong Willed STRONG WILLED) [*Wilhelm Scream* -Come at me, brO’Brien] (+15 resistance when resisting domination)

Open Soul (Racial) (+4 to EP damage)
Mutated (Racial)
Plant Lover (+8 pp damage from plants)
Easy To Hit (-10 dodge)

Glowing Skin (+2 Perception -2 Stealth)
Odd skin
Strange Face
Claws (+2 unarmed damage –2 attack roll with weapons)
Fetish(dominating) (+10 PP damage taken while dominant) [additional penalty for RP purposes]

(From Body: )
Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and damage. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge for the round. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack any enemy that hits them in melee with both of their weapons. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat, or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Characters with the Foul aura mutation get a +5 bonus on this check.

(From Skilled: )
Strong Willedx3 (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Spirit Ceiling: 5 (8 – 3)
Dark Armor
Armor formed of living, moving shadow coats the character, not weighing them down in the slightest but protecting them from harm.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-The characters gets a bonus to their Armor, melee damage and Grapple equal to 3X.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or held in a Submission Hold.

The character hurls shards of shadow at their enemies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they can pay 1 EP to target one additional creature with this power. This additional cost can be payed as many times as the character likes, but each creature can only be targeted once.
-One target creature within 60 feet of the character takes (1d12 + 2) * X damage.

Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designate using this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

SD Shortsword x 2 (Attack Roll: 1d20 +46, Damage: 2d6 + 16)
Made out of the same strange, organic material as the carapace of the Shadow Demons themselves, these 60cm blades (12cm hilts) are fierce weapons. The blades are two-sided, with one side being smooth, sharp and straight, while the other is serrated and harshly uneven; it starts wide, thinning for the first half of the blade, and then suddenly becomes wide again, till thinning to a point. This unusual 'ditch' allows it to catch the blows of enemy swords and prevents them from easily sliding off and recovering, giving the wielder more time to hit with their off-hand weapon (or, for one-weapon users, it helps in pulling the opponent’s weapon away from them). The blade itself is thicker and wider than would be usual to cope with the structural stress of taking blows in such a manner, but the material is lighter than typical metals so it ends up evening-out. The weapon only has a guard on the uneven side, if the wielder isn’t careful they can lose a few fingers that accidentally creep up the straight side.
Ceremonial Golden Plate Armour (Chainmail) [AV = 10, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 5] Weak against Piercing. Strong against Slashing.

The origins of this armour are unknown even to the surviving Shadow Demons themselves, dating back to a time before the Devourer, believed to be either created as an experiment after seeing armour on the enemies of the Shadow Demons, or taken as spoils of conquest from some forgotten victory and modified for their use. The armour is probably not intended for anything other than ceremonial or decorative use, as it has a number of flaws none going into combat would want. Not only is it incredibly gaudy, marking the location of the wearer in any melee, but the armour has gaps in all the locations where the body of a normal spawn glows blue-white. It practically emphasises the weakest spots on the spawn’s body! Indeed, the armour does not seem to be designed to cover the whole body so much as shield some of the more likely to be struck spots. It does –look- really cool, though…
Due to this minimalistic design, the armour’s integrity and ability to absorb damage is lessened, but so is its weight; it also unintentionally solves part of the problem of plate armour’s tendency to turn into an oven in the presence of a heat source, but at the trade-off of failing miserably against anything able to pierce into the artistic gaps in the armour. The wearer themselves typically cannot sneak for hell in it, but due to its ability to attract a gaze, others in the battle have an easier time of it.
And it’s a right pain in the arse to get on.

The armour itself is not made totally out of gold as it looks, but a compound of copper, silver and gold, in unknown proportions, and created through a forgotten method. This left it with its golden colouration, and somewhat around the durability of steel, but without the ability to be tarnished. …In other words, the suit of armour is basically made out of Corinthian Bronze.
There is supposed to be a matching set of ‘horse’-armour for a Stag Beetle, but it was left back in hell…

Nerzalil is a Shadow Demon, one of a near extinct insect species from the world Beyond the Dark Portal. Like most of her breed of the species, she is a humanoid covered in a thick, black carapace, with a pulsing, blue-white glow coming from various places on his body; the location of her eyes, claws both hands and feet, ribcage both front and back, breasts, abdomen, and the underside of her tail. Unlike most of her species, she has a pair of fairly large, but ultimately useless ‘wings’ of black carapace growing from her back, three pairs viciously sharp, mildly mobile mandibles surrounding her mouth, and, finally, free will; while most of her species are tapped into the Shadow Demon’s all-controlling Hive Mind, Nerzalil was an experimental creation, forced to endure the autonomy her brethren went without. Nevertheless, she is fiercely loyal to her kind and wishes only for their safety and proliferation. She has a considerable dislike of both sex and demons, the latter of which is tempered, somewhat, with pity considering that they’ve recently lost their all-encompassing deity, something the Shadow Demons can understand… and demons are more familiar to them effectively everything else on this world.

Nerzalil is a warrior, and she is built like one; not a waif, but neither what amounts to an overly muscled man with breasts – her muscles are defined, but so are her curves.
Nerzalil has breasts that would look unrealistic on a thin, incredibly feminine form, but are believable if still large on hers; E is probably a good real-world measurement. While the rest of the insect is certainly attractive, to those who can bypass the inhumanity of her form, Her bust is the most standout aspect of her body’s inherent eroticism. She has a certain air of maturity and command, which combined with her body type, gives her a somewhat MILFy feel – but while certainly fulfilling the “I’d like to fuck” part of the acronym.

Fighting style:
There are two usual types of combat involving dual-wielders. The first is the berserker style, using the overwhelming ability of dual-weapons to overcome defences, attacking madly and without reservation, stopping the enemy from sufficiently retaliating simply by the maddened zeal of the blows. The second is the rogue style, which uses the superior ability of dual-weapons to block single weapons, allowing them to nearly never be hit with enemy attacks while still being able to get in parries now and then.

Nerzalil uses modified versions of either style depending on the situation. Unlike a berserker, when attacking all out with her twin swords, she is entirely in control of her mind. The main difference is she attacks more with finesse than berserk fury… though she still throws attacks as quickly as she is physically able. Despite being in control of her own actions, she still holds no regard for her own injuries, allowing her armour and natural resistance to soak damage as in one action, she makes a swipe, gets blocked, and guts the opponent with her offhand. She is similarly heedless towards her own damage while fighting in the rogue style, focusing on the movements of opponents but allowing her body to take a good deal of the damage, while she strikes back in the moment they are the most vulnerable. It would seem her self-preservation instinct is not all that strong…

The OOC section:
Fuck knows, man - I’d have to see how DG2 ends, first. Actually, I’m not even sure Neri’ll be alive at the end of DG2, so this is a bit pre-emptive, but I figured she might as well play on the island with all the other kids while she could.
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Re: Character Sheets

Character goes here. I still need a name, but here's her stats. In fact... I think I might stick with the nameless theme... Going to get her into the wrestling later. Just wanted to get her sheet up first.

Name: Nameless
Class: Warrior
Race: Gemini Empowered
Sex: Female

Body: 46=30+8+8
Mind: 10=10
Spirit: 12=12

Hit Points (HP): 57=46+5+6
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 39=23+10+6
Spirit Energy (EP): 40=23+5+12
Speed: 21
Dodge: 34+10 when unarmed
Armor: 0
Resistance: 23
Perception: 19=5+10+4
Stealth: 39=23+10+6
Grapple: 82=46+36

Experience: 10 (2 spent on Spirit, 8 on Sneaky)

Unarmed Fighter
Grapple Expert x3
Natural Spirit (Dragonfire Adept(Draconic Transformation, Dragon's Pride, Roar))
Strong of Body

Lustful (Racial)
Mutated x2

Alien (Racial)
Warped (Racial)
Tentacles (Racial)
Soul Eater (Racial)
-Dangerous Tail
-Venomous Attack (Paralyze)
-Corrupting Venom
-Greater Claws

Skills: 5
Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.

Rage (Activated) – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.

Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +4 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Disarm (Activated) – The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist OR Unarmed Fighter.

Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Spirit Ceiling: 8
Draconic Transformation
Transforms the character into an imitation of a dragon, granting them claws, scales, and all those other wonderful dragon-esque physical features. The actual specifics of this transformation, like colors, general shape, and how dragon-like they become, is up to the character when they use this.
-The character spends X EP. They must also pay X EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to melee damage, melee attack rolls, and Grapple. In addition, they get a +X bonus to Armor.

Dragon's Pride
Dragons are proud creatures. It only follows suit that those who venerate them begin to manifest much the same sort of invigorating arrogance.
-The character pays X EP. They must also pay X - 3 EP every turn in order to upkeep this power.
-The character gets a +4X bonus to Dodge and Resistance.

The character emits a deafening roar, a sound both painful and frightening to those who are nearby to hear it.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet take 2d4 * X damage. In addition, all creatures that take damage from this power take a -X penalty to all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. Multiple Roars do not stack, instead the highest penalty is taken.

Inventory: 50 Denarii
Claws: (+50) 1d8+11+23
Tail: (+47) 1d8+10+23
(All natural attacks can have venom applied)

Bio/Description: http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/picture.php?albumid=268&pictureid=6329
Bio coming later.

The OOC section:
Coming sooner.
Re: Character Sheets

I Would assume, after being told my sheet was in the wrong spot, that it actually goes here, That and some combat practice couldn't hurt

Class:Spirit Wielder


Hit Points (HP):71
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):71
Spirit Energy (EP):148


Talents:Spirit Warrior
Massive Energy Pool (+30 EP)
Hard to Hit (+10 Dodge)
Strong of SpiritX5 (+40 Spirit)

Flaws:Tainted Bloodline (Corruption Gained 1.5X faster)
Open Soul (+4EP Dmg)
Plant Lover (+8 PP From Plants)

Mutations: Odd Skin (See Description)
Strange Face (See Description)
Skyclad (-2 Penalty to all Non-Dmg rolls when not nude)
Greater Wings (Flight at half speed)
Warped (Half Pleasure dealt also taken as corruption)
Faerie (Resistance 5 to Cold and Electricity)

Spirit Ceiling:30 (29.6 rounded naturally)
Powers: [ Battle Aura ]
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them great strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to melee attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.
[ Instant Transmission ]
The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP, and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and visible to them.
[Energy Blade]
The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal (2d4 * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a one handed sword, and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.
[Dark Armor]
Armor formed of living, moving shadow coats the character, not weighing them down in the slightest but protecting them from harm.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X EP upkeep every round.
-The characters gets a bonus to their Armor, melee damage and Grapple equal to 3X.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or held in a Submission Hold.
The character hurls shards of shadow at their enemies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they can pay 1 EP to target one additional creature with this power. This additional cost can be payed as many times as the character likes, but each creature can only be targeted once.
-One target creature within 60 feet of the character takes (1d12 + 2) * X damage.
[Shadows Made Manifest]
Summons a creature made out of pure shadow to serve the character.
-The character pays 4 + X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) The character summons a creature, choosing the size and shape of it however they can imagine that has the Unarmed Fighter Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X.
2) The character summons a tentacle that has the Grapple Expert Talent and a Body stat equal to 10X. This creature cannot move, but can attack any creature within 20 feet.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

Inventory:50 Denarii

Bio/Description Anthriel, arriving in the middle of a swamp on this plane would have normally caused quite a stir among the populace, The angel simply popping into existance in a blinding flash of light, Nude save for the swirling tribal tattoos burned into her pale skin, a deep black against the alabaster white, constantly changing shape slightly with the time of day, and changing color when she used her power, burning a bright blue. Her enormous white wings draped around her, she surveyed her surroundings, "Greeeaaat, a swamp, why a swamp. You would think that the Angel of balance and harmony would be sent to somewhere a little more comfortable than a swamp" Continuing her rant, she beat her wings slowly in time and floated off trying to find somewhere a little drier to set down.
Full Description: At 5'10" Anthriel is tall and slender, with defined curves and a generous chest, her hair a short cropped raven black. The tattoos that adorn her entire body with their thick curving lines and detailed swirls shift slightly based upon the time of day, sinking more towards her back during daylight hours and shifting more forward on her form at night. Her eyes have no pupils, instead they're jet black with golden flecks throughout the entirety of the eye, reminding anyone looking into them of the night sky between summer and fall. Her Wings are Long, Wide, and gloriously thick, their feathers straight and true. Her facial structure is calming, neither antagonistic nor overly plain, with wide cheekbones and a high brow, her nose small and her lips usually formed into a tight thoughtful expression. As Anthriel is the Angel of Balance she is both parts Mercy and Wrath, Always showing kindness to those who require it and bringing down mighty retribution on those who would dare challenge her authority.

The OOC section:Really just looking to have some fun. Anything goes.
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Re: Character Sheets

Just posting this here until DG3 starts up:

This is my cockatrice character, Setia Alarra:
Name: Setia Alarra
Class: Spirit Weilder
Race: Cockatrice (Part-Demon)
Sex: Female

Body: 16 (14+2)
Mind: 22 (16+6)
Spirit: 34 (20+8+6)

Hit Points (HP): 64 (44+20)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 91 (53+30+8)
Speed: 19 (13+8-1-1)
Dodge: 46 (36+10)
Armor: -none- (+2)
Resistance: 17
Perception: 15
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 16


-Strong of Spirit
-Spirit Warrior
-Massive Energy Pool

--Tail (Scales)
--Wings (Feather)
--Odd Skin (Feathers & Scales)
--Clawed Feet
--Whip Tongue

Spirit Ceiling: 18
-Spirit Warrior
--Battle Aura
--Instant Transmission
--Psychic Shield
--Mind Cutter
--Fell Might
--Devil's Lightning
--Gorgons Gaze


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Re: Character Sheets

Anyone want to take on the blind spirit user? Hmm? Hmm?

Name: Alice
Class: Spirit
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 4
Mind: 20
Spirit: 8 + 8 + 30 = 46

Hit Points (HP): 4 + 10 + 23 = 37
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 2 + 20 + 23 = 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 2 + 10 + 46 + 20 + 30 = 108
Speed: Sqrt(40) = 6
Dodge: 35
Armor: 1
Resistance: 23
Perception: 23 - 10 - 10 = 3
Stealth: 2
Grapple: 4

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Additional Powers
Additional Powers
Massive Energy Pool
Soul Sense
Strong of Spirit
Strong of Spirit
Greater Energy Pool



Spirit Ceiling: 22
Shadows Made Manifest
Patch of Darkness
Dark Armor
Death Whip
Rupturing Shadows

to-hit = d20 + (46 + 12 = 58)

50 denarii
Staff [2d8 + (5 + 2 = 7)] damage, [d20 + 4] to-hit
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Personal Notes:


The OOC section:
Re: Character Sheets

Karkastan Succubus
Name: Vaerithrae
Class: Succubus
Race: Karkastan
Sex: Female

Body: 46 + 72
Mind: 2 + 8
Spirit: 2 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 128
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 74
Spirit Energy (EP): 74
Speed: 34
Dodge: 69
Armor: 3 + (7)
Resistance: 59 (Body)
Perception: 34
Stealth: 34
Grapple: 118

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Strong of Body * 8

Lustful Wants sex.
Sensitive +4 pleasure damage dealt to her
Fertile (2+ on pregnancy roll to conceive)

Soul Eater Cannot normally regain EP beyond 1. Must feed if EP is at 1.
Shapeshifter Gain/lose basic physical mutations and change appearance at will
Supernatural Cannot gain corruption, deals corruption equal to pleasure dealt
Discordant Fertility half the time is considered fae, half the time is considered demon
Demon Reduce Fire and Force damage by 5
Faerie Reduce Cold and Electricity damage by 5
Greater Wings (and prerequisites, from Mutated flaw)
Tight/Large * 3 (+6 pleasure given to penetrated sex)
Whip Tongue * 3 (+6 pleasure when using tongue)
Soft Skin * 3 (+6 pleasure from foreplay)


Spirit Ceiling: 14

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (-10 perception to anyone who can see her, +6 to pleasure dealt)
Stunning Gaze (5 + 5X EP = +X bonus to resistance check, winning stuns opponent within 20' for X + 1 rounds)
Charm (10 EP, opponent within 20' must pass res check or be charmed)

Naginata (polearm), Dirk (1HS), Repeating Crossbow, Battlemage's Robes

A Sidhe Lady was questing, when she fell prey to a demon lord. She killed him and escaped, but not before becoming pregnant. Vae has grown up fast, knowing she was different, but not how much so until she spend a sleepover at a friend's house. Sex ensued, with her friend and friend's mother both ending up pregnant due to succubus powers manifesting (Supernatural Shapeshifter Futanari and Pheromones). She was...requested to leave her village because of that and she is currently exploring the world, trying to come to terms with what she is. Ebon skin with glowing red markings, dark red hair, silvery horns that come out from her head and and curl like ram's, and Bat wings capable of carrying her in flight.

The OOC section:
Finding an angel as a travelling companion would be the most fun, I think. Seduction, corrupting while the angel tries to redeem her...
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Re: Character Sheets

Name: Lani
Class: Budding Adventurer (Warrior-type)
Race: Half Demon
Gender: Female

Body: 58 4 + 8 + 46
Mind: 10 6 + 4
Spirit: 6 6

Hit Points (HP): 66 58 + 5 + 3
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42 29 + 10 + 3
Spirit Energy (EP): 40 29 + 5 + 6
Speed: 24 (58*10)SqrRt
Dodge: 37 (58 + 10 + 6)/2
Armour: 5
Resistance: 29 58/2
Perception: 24 (58*10)SqrRt
Stealth: 12 (58*10)SqrRt - 10 - 2
Grapple: 58

Experience: 0/0
Corruption: 0/0

[CLASS] Two Weapon Fighter - Allows the character to fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons.
[CLASS] Skill with Pistols - +12 to attack rolls.
[CLASS] Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic);
- Dazzling Beauty
- Apparent Innocence
[CLASS] Strong of Body - +8 to Body stat.
[CLASS] Natural Spirit Wielder (Demonologist);
- Fell Might
- Form of The Swarm (bats)
- Summon Demon
[CLASS][FLAW] 3x Sniper - +24 damage on all ranged attacks.

[RACIAL] Tainted Bloodline - The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal.
[RACIAL] Mutated - Gain three mutations.
Mutated - Gain three mutations.
Infertile - The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
Obvious - The character takes a -10 penalty to their Stealth stat.

[RACIAL][SPECIAL] Demon - The character is a demon. They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type.
[RACIAL][MUTATED] Vestigial Wings (bat-like)
-> Wings - The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
-> Greater Wings - he character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their speed.
[RACIAL][MUTATED] Horns (two small nubby little candy corn coloured horns on the top of Lani's head)
[RACIAL][MUTATED] Tail (thin whip-like tail almost as long as her legs with a small arrow tip at the end)
Fearsome Maw - The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage.

Skills: (5 + 1)
Rend (activated) - The character takes a -6 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.*
Rapid Shot (activated) - The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Pistolero (Passive) – The character can reload two pistols at once without trouble. Whenever they choose to reload their weapons, they reload both at the same time instead of doing so one at a time. Requires Skill with Pistols.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending a turn.
Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Focused [Pistols] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type.

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) - The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature, it is increased by +6.
Apparent Innocence (Passive) - The character is less likely to be attacked by hostile creatures. If in a group, the character will always be the last one to be attacked. If alone, creatures will not (usually) attempt to kill the character, and will instead attempt either to knock the character out, or rape them.*

Spirit Powers
EP Ceiling: 8
Fell Might
The character's body becomes charged with powerful, but also destructive energies. granting them increased strength but also causing them pain along with the energy required to use this power.
-The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X EP and X - 3 HP upkeep every turn.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, attack rolls, melee damage, and grapple rolls so long as this power is active.

Form of the Swarm (Bats)
The character's body dissolves into a legion of tiny creatures of the casters choosing. Be it bees, locusts, rats, ants, bats, spiders, butterflies, or what-have you, the character becomes a swarm of them.
-The character pays 6 EP.
-The character can only move at half their Speed, but can fly, and generally get around things very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. As such, directed attacks against the character have no effect. Only area of effect attacks matter. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn, during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. Creatures would not normally recognize the character as what they really are while in a swarm. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use Powers other than this one, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.

Summon Demon
The character summons a demon to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Soldier, Stalker or Goblin
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. Require that the character make them orgasm at least once as additional payment once their task is complete. Male characters will get female versions, while female characters can choose either or.
2) Succubus or Sorceress
Tier 2 creatures capable of using magic. Require that they be able to feed on the energy of another, though they will prefer the character themselves. Can be male or female, but will always be the opposite sex of the character.
3) Knight
Tier 3 warriors dressed in black plate armor. Require only that the task they are set on be meeting a goal that the demon shares, such as the advancement of their cause, such as the release of another demon or the fall of an angel or a powerful fey. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
4) Great Darkwalker, Nightmare, or Hellhound
Tier 3 monsters of great and terrible power. They require a host for their spawn in exchange for their service, and if the summoner is female, they will prefer her over any other possible bearers.
5) Demon Lord
Tier 4, beings of immense power and unfathomable malevolence and/or insanity. Their price varies and is determined at the time when they are summoned, but it is always high and almost always bad for the character that summons them in the long run. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.
6) Nightmare Lord
Tier 4, and one of the most powerful beings in all creation. Only the angels are said to rival them in power. Their price is always the same: A woman to impregnate and a gateway into the mortal world. Unlike other demons, only one can be summoned at a time.

Inventory: (Unfinished, will remain that way until my session of DG2 is done with)
Badarian Revolver [2d8+4+8/50ft/5 shots/2 round reload (reduced to 1)/ignores 4AV/Acc - 75]
Badarian Revolver [2d8+4+8/50ft/5 shots/2 round reload (reduced to 1)/ignores 4AV/Acc - 75]

Leather Armour [AV=5/EV=1/TP=30/DU=3]

6x Darkheart
2x Stalker Skin

Denarii: 72

To come later

To come later

Unnamed character, some spaces still blank for now
Class: Arbiter of Destruction (Warrior-type)
Race: Half Breed (Dragonkin + Vampire)
Sex: Male

Body: 76 = 10 + 16 + 50
Mind: 12 = 4 + 8
Spirit: 14 = 6 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 109 = 20 + 89
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 57
Spirit Energy (EP): 58
Speed: 20 = -3 -4
Dodge: 51 = -10 + 10
Armor: 20 = 4 + 6 + 10
Resistance: 38 (48 against succubus powers, 43 against being forcibly moved, Stunned, Prone, Dominated, Charmed and Horny status')
Perception: 27
Stealth: 19 = -8 + 27
Grapple: 76

Experience: 0/0
Corruption: N/A

[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Pain Resistant - The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 4. (scales)
[RACIAL][VAMPIRE] Healthy - Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.
Unarmed Fighter - The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
Skill with [Unarmed] - The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Heavy Hitter - The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
2x Strong of Body - The character gets a +16 bonus to their Body stat.
Strong of Mind - The character gets a +8 bonus to their Mind stat.
Strong of Spirit - The character gets a +8 bonus to their Spirit stat.
Natural Spirit Wielder (Dragonfire Adept) - Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Spirit Talents list.

[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Easy to Hit - The character takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge stat.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Obvious - The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN/VAMPIRE] 2x Open Soul - The character takes an additional 8 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Mutated - The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
3x Mutated - The character gains 3 mutations of your choice. This Flaw can only be taken up to 4 times.
Selfish {RP} - The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Vestigial Wings (draconic)
-> [MUTATED] Wings - The character's wings grow slightly, allowing them to glide. The character no longer takes fall damage.
-> [MUTATED] Greater Wings - The character's wings have grown enough that they can actually fly with them. The character can fly at their speed.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Tail (draconic)
-> [MUTATED] Dangerous Tail - The character's tail can be used to deal unarmed attacks. If so, it deals an additional +4 damage but has a -3 penalty to the attack roll. Using their tail to attack is optional. The character does not require Tail Cock in order to take this mutation. This mutation does NOT require Tail Cock.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Horns - The character gets a horn or horns, usually located somewhere on their head. (similar to bull horns though slightly shorter and pointing forward)
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Claws - Claws sprout from the character's fingers, causing them to deal +2 damage with unarmed attacks but to take a -2 penalty on any attack rolls made for Weapons or Spells.
-> [MUTATED] Greater Claws - The character's claws grow even larger. Increase the unarmed damage to +5, but the penalty to attack rolls with Weapons and Spells increase to -4.
-> [MUTATED] Razor Fingers - The character can no longer use weapons at all, and any attack rolls made with Spells are at a -6 penalty. The bonus to unarmed damage increases to +10.
[RACIAL][DRAGONKIN] Odd Skin - The character has unusual skin in some way, whether that be by just having an odd skin colour, or by having fur or scales. (scales)
-> [MUTATED] 3x Armoured Hide (scales) - The character's skin has become strong enough to resist damage. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales, or porcelain skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character takes a -3 penalty to Speed, but they also get a +6 bonus to Armour.
[RACIAL][SPECIAL][VAMPIRE] Vampire - The character is a member of the undead, and must feed off of the life essences of others in order to survive, but is also supernaturally resistant to damage. All damage against the character is reduced to 1/4. Av is subtracted from damage before this division, not after, and attacks that ignore AV also ignore this damage reduction. The character can attempt to bite creatures that they are in a grapple with, which deals 3d10 damage that ignores Armour if successful. Any damage done by this attack is recovered as HP by the character. In addition, if they have the Venomous Attack mutation, they can also inject venom while feeding. This can either be extremely painful, or extraordinarily pleasurable to the one being bitten at the players choice. If the player chooses pleasurable, the bite deals an amount of PP damage (that ignores Resistance) equal to the amount of HP drained to the creature being bitten. When the character rests, they cannot heal up to no greater than 1/2 of their maximum HP. The character can see perfectly in non-supernatural darkness, and takes no penalties to Perception due to darkness.
[MUTATED] Fearsome Maw - The character has a mouth filled with Razor Sharp teeth. They deal -4 pleasure whenever they use their mouth during sex, but whenever they deal unarmed damage to creature that they are in a grapple with, they can choose to bite them. If they do, they deal an additional +4 damage.
-> [MUTATED] Venomous Attack (paralysed) - The character's can choose to inject venom with one of their unarmed attacks. If so, that attack deals -10 damage, but the creature affected must make a Resistance check against the character or gain one status effect. The effect is chosen at the same time as this mutation and can only be changed when the character gains another mutation. The possible effects are: Charmed, Horny, Paralysed or Weakened.
[MUTATED] Foul Aura - The character has an aura about them that causes others to know to distrust them. Non-hostile NPCs are less willing to work with the character due to them being seemingly corrupted.
[MUTATED] Reverse Jointed Legs - The character's legs are reverse jointed rather than forward jointed.
[SPECIAL] Natural Attack - The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

8 = (76/10 rounded down + 1)
Stunning Blow (activated) - The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn.
Shattering Blow (activated) - The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage until their next turn. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted.
Focused [Unarmed] (passive) - The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type.
Specialised [Unarmed] (passive) - The character deals an additional +3 damage with the selected weapon type.
Terrify (passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Resistance check vs the character or be unable to attack that round. Failing 2 such checks in a single combat causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The character takes a -10 penalty on this check, but also gains a bonus to the check equal to the damage done on the killing blow /10, and multiplied by the tier of the monster. Characters with the Foul aura mutation get a +5 bonus on this check.
Untemptable (passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Resistance against all succubus powers, including energy draining (read, pleasure damage.)
Sturdy (passive) - The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses.
Strong Willed (passive) - The character gets a +5 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Spirit Powers
Spirit Ceiling: 12
Dragon's Breath
The devastating breath of a dragon is now available. Doesn't have to be fire, necessarily.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6) * X damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion, anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 100 foot long line, originating from the character.
3) A 30 foot long, 90 degree cone originating from the character.

Summon Dragon
The character calls upon a true dragon for aid. The called dragon manifests itself, and does as the character asks it so long as it isn't demeaning to the creature. These are only manifestations of whichever dragon you call, not their actual bodies, so they aren't at anywhere near their full strength.
-Costs 16 EP.
-Summons one of the following dragons. A character can conjure only one dragon at a time. Regardless of their stats, all dragons have the following attributes: Melee attack: 2d12 + Body/2, Flight at Half Speed. All dragons can use the Dragon's Breath and Roar powers, which they get a +10 bonus to attack rolls with. Resistance = 40, Dodge = 40, Armor = 10.
1) Karthus, the Tyrant. Body = 100, Mind = 10, Spirit = 30. Speed = 30. Has a +10 bonus to Armor.
A massive green scaled dragon who seems to take after the traditional stereotype of his kind, and is so bulky that he can barely fly. That doesn't stop him from smashing anything that gets in his way though. On the rare occasions that cause him to take human form, Karthus generally takes the appearance of a massive, heavily muscled man in dark leather armor.
2) Skytherix, the Blight. Body = 50, Mind = 10, Spirit = 60. Can use all of the Necromancy Powers, and has Focus in Entropy. Speed = 30.
A nearly skeletal black dragon, Skytherix still possesses the ability to fly despite her rotting countenance. She often wanders in the form of a bent, brown robed crone that constantly emits a vile smell, and hides her haggard face under a hood.
3) Intet, the Dreamer: Body = 30, Mind = 70, Spirit = 30. Can cast all spells, and can use all of the Shadowmancer Powers. Speed = 40.
A blue dragon with the horns of an elk sprouting from her head. Intet often takes the form of a beautiful night elven women in order to speak to strangers, whom she tends to treat with a great deal of arrogance.
4) Tarox, the Bladewing: Body = 80, Mind = 10, Spirit = 40. Can use all of the Spirit Warrior Powers. Speed = 60.
A red dragon, and the fastest of his kind. He tends to take the form of a blacksmith, and often lives for long periods among mortals.
5) Kokusho, the Night Bringer: Body = 40, Mind = 50, Spirit = 60. Speed = 40. Can use all Demonology Powers.
A black dragon with a long, snakelike body who flies without the aid of wings. When in mortal form, he generally appears as a very serious man looking man dressed in simple white robes, and generally masquerades as a monk.
6) Numot, the Devastator: Body = 60, Mind = 50, Spirit = 40. Has Focus in Fire. Speed = 40.
A white dragon. She will appear, at times, to those who are lost, or in great danger, or beset by demons in order to offer aid. When she does so, she generally takes the form of an elven woman with white hair and wearing a white dress.

The character emits a deafening roar, a sound both painful and frightening to those who are nearby to hear it.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet take 2d4 * X damage. In addition, all creatures that take damage from this power take a -X penalty to all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. Multiple Roars do not stack, instead the highest penalty is taken.

Unarmed [1d8 + 2 + 38 + 3 + 10 + 8 (+4 if tail is used)(+4 if performing a bite while grappled) Accuracy – 93]
Vampiric Bite [3d10 ignores AV, drains damage as health]

Ashen Breastplate [AV = 10, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4]


Denarii: 50

To come later

The OOC section:
To come later

Change Log
01 - Dec 10th 2011 - Added a new character, changed Lani's perception.
Last edited:
Re: Character Sheets



Hit Points (HP):78
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):47
Spirit Energy (EP):45


Talents: Sneaky X2(+20 stealth)
Stealthy (+6, auto-hit double damage on sneak attack),
Unarmed Fighter (Improved unarmed damage +10 dodge)
Grapple Expert (+12 grapple)
Healthy (+20HP)
Strong of Body X2 (+16)
Skill with Unarmed (+12)
Flaws: Selfish, Honorable, Lustful, Fertile
Bloodthirsty, Fey Lover, Demon Lover

Mutations: Fertile Mouth, Clawed Feet X2(+4 resistance to being knocked prone -2 to speed), Razor Fingers (+10 to unarmed damage), Fearsome Maw (-4PP dealt when using mouth, May bite while in grapple for +4 dmg), Venomous Attack (Paralysis)

Special Mutations:
Spider:The character's lower body is that of a spider. They can climb walls, and gain the ability to use the Web Shot special ability. The character also gains a +8 bonus to armor, but takes a -10 racial penalty to their max HP.
Web Shot: The character makes an attack roll against a single target creature within 30 feet. If this attack hits, it deals no damage, but the creature takes a -10 penalty to all non-damage rolls, Dodge and Speed. If this penalty ever equals or exceeds the character's Body stat, they gain the Bound status with a grapple stat equal to twice the penalty. These webs can be removed by spending the character's turn

Egg Layer: The character has an ovipositor that they can use to lay eggs in other beings.

Supernatural: The character is magical in nature. They can no longer take corruption, and cause any pleasure they deal to other creature to cause an equal amount of corruption. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.

Ranger (Passive) – The character gets a +4 bonus to Perception, and can track creatures so long as they have stayed on the ground.

Focused [Unarmed] (Passive) – The character gets a +5 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type.

Pummel (Activated) - The character can choose to forsake all other actions and allow a creature that they are grappling to take their turn before them. In exchange, unless they acquire some status that prevents them from taking any actions (such as being stunned or put into a submission hold,) they can make 3 attacks with their unarmed attack or a one handed weapon against the creature they are grappling. These attacks use attack rolls rather than grapple checks to determine success, and are treated as if the character was not grappled. Requires Grapple Expert.

Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Requires Unarmed Fighter

Sudden Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -6 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win, those attacks count as sneak attacks. Requires Stealthy.

Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +4 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.

Inventory:50 denarii,

Bio/Description:, Corresta had been quite happy to simply ambush the humans foolish enough to take a shortcut through the swamp she had made her home, Hiding her shiny black lower body and its many thin legs under the murky water, her light blue nude torso with its supple breasts displayed above the water calling desperately for help made things ridiculously easy. But the people were starting to notice, and that meant it was time to move on. New hunting grounds were required...
Corresta's lower body is a polished onyx color, its segmented legs slender and powerful. Her hair falls to her mid back and is only a few shades darker than her upper body, the soft skin of which bearing a teal hue. Her eyes are large and emerald green with thick lashes and a narrow brow, her cheekbones upswept giving her narrow face a predatory look to it.

Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Dumping characters that do/will eventually have an actual description and backstory here, i.e. will be ready for play someday. You may use the mechanical stuff as you desire (not sure why you would, though! some of these will be pretty half-baked), but I would prefer it if you change the name, description, and backstory of the character in question.

Yon eldest sister.
Name: Aadhya
Class: Mage (Traveling Mediator)
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female

Body: 18 = 2 + 16
Mind: 60 = 12 + 48
Spirit: 12 = 12

Hit Points (HP): 54
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 81
Speed: 13
Dodge: 45 (55 while unarmed)
Armor: 1
Resistance: 30
Perception: 24
Stealth: 13
Grapple: 6



[Mage] Focus in (Water): Access to level 1-5 Water. +10 Base Casting for Water spells. +2 damage per spell level, +1 to buffs per spell level, and creatures gain +2 body bonus and 1 AV.
[Mage] Focus in (Entropy): Access to level 1-5 Entropy. +10 Base Casting for Entropy spells. +2 damage per spell level, +1 to buffs per spell level, and creatures gain +2 body bonus and 1 AV.
[Mage] Focus in (Arcane): Access to level 1-5 Arcane. +10 Base Casting for Arcane spells. +2 damage per spell level, +1 to buffs per spell level, and creatures gain +2 body bonus and 1 AV.

[General] Natural Warrior [Unarmed]: Better unarmed damage, +10 dodge while unarmed, access to unarmed skills.
[General] Natural Spirit Wielder [Massive Energy Pool]: +30 EP.
[General] Knowledgeable: Use mind when calculating PP damage.
[General] Exceptional x2: +16 Body.


{Racial] Fertile: Pregnant on a roll of 2 or more.
[Racial] Sensitive: +4 PP damage taken.
[Racial] Tainted Bloodline: x1.5 corruption gained.

[General] *Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
[General] Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat.
[General] Open Soul: +4 EP damage taken.


[Racial] Kistune Heritage: Whenever the character would deal PP damage, they can drain EP as if they had the Soul Eater special mutation. A kitsune who drains a creature down to 0 may continue to drain it for 5 more rounds, and every round thereafter the creature being drained must win a Resistance check against the kitsune or be absorbed by them. If a creature wins all 5 checks or the draining is interrupted, the kitsune's ability backlashes, not only returning all of their stolen energy but also granting them all of the kitsune's, effectively dropping the kitsune to 0 EP and knocking them unconscious.
An absorbed creature effectively dies as their soul is removed from their body, and the kitsune gains an additional Tail mutation with color dependent on the nature of the individual. Tails containing humans are brown, high elves are gold, night elves are violet, orcs are green, demons are red, vampires and other undead are black, gemini are grey, su-ku-ta are orange, naga are teal, arachne are violet with a black web pattern, dragons are the color of their scales mixed with red in a flame-like pattern, fey are blue and angels are white. Daemons, half daemons and particularly heroic souls are colored depending on their personality, half breeds are a mix of their parent's colors, and other kitsune grant tails of a color equivalent to the absorbed kitsune's tail mixed with the colors of any tails they had when they were absorbed. A kitsune can only have up to 9 tails at any one time, and may release a soul at will.
When they absorb an individual, they gain a permanent bonus to their Mind and Spirit stats equal to the stats of their victims divided by 10 and rounded up to the nearest even number. IE: absorbing someone with 40 Mind and 20 Spirit would grant a +4 bonus to Mind and a +2 bonus to Spirit.
Finally, any time a creature would impregnate or be impregnated by a kitsune, the resulting child is always another kitsune unless the other creature is any egg layer, or is not humanoid. IE: Things like tentacle monsters and corrupted beasts don't make more kitsune.

[Racial] Naturally Warped: The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.

[Racial] Shapeshifter: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to grant or acquire other special mutations, but it can be used to hide the more unsightly mutations.

[Racial] Funny Ears: Fox Ears, of course.
[Racial] Tail: A fox tail, of course.

Base Casting: 30
Favored Elements: Arcane, Entropy, Water
Magic Feats:

Empower Spell (Activated) – The character may pay 8 EP in order to cause any spell to have its effects treated as if it were 3 levels higher.

Blood Magic (Activated) – Whenever the character would cast a spell of 2nd level or higher, they may pay half of that spell’s cost in HP and half in EP. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were one level higher for the purpose of determining its effects. Healing spells cannot be improved with this feat.

Enchant Weapon (Activated) - The character may pay 6 EP and make a casting check of DC 20 in order to add Mind/3 damage to their melee attacks for the round. You must choose an element type for this added damage. This affect may be kept up by paying 2 EP, but it counts as one of your active buffs. Using this feat does not take up the character’s turn.

Martial Magician – Attack rolls for weapons and unarmed strikes are modified by Mind instead of Body.

Spirit Ceiling: 16

FISTS (60) 1d8 + 11
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Aadhya is a tall, pretty young kitsune with a refined appearance. She stands at 5' 7” (around 171 cm), and weighs 143 pounds (around 65 kg). Straight, inky black hair hangs to just below her shoulders, unbound and uneven, her bangs, however, are carefully trimmed and kept clear of her eyes. Two black-furred fox ears poke out from her hair. She has a heart-shaped face, with thin lips and a button nose. Her irises are bright red. She has full breasts, a slim waist, noticeable hips, and a fox tail to match her ears, . Aadhya usually wears a silky, form-fitting cheongsam, deep blue in color. Underneath her clothing she wears a pair of silken, crimson panties and a similar bra, neither of which can be mistaken as humble.

Aadhya was born to a swordsman and a spirit wielder, in a fae sanctuary located near Acheron. She had one younger sibling from the same mother, born not long after her, and countless half-sisters, older than her. Like all kitsune, she grew rapidly, but she was obstinate in her short-lived youth. She was socially withdrawn and cared very little to socialize with any of the members of the sanctuary outside of her parents. And even her parents couldn't manage to tame the girl's rebellious spirit in many cases. She rejected efforts to teach her to read, write, and even language in general, all exceedingly strange signs for a child of her supernatural parentage.

She would, eventually, grow into most lessons. Even her asocial nature left her, as she was occasionally left with the faeries of the sanctuary so that her parents could go on expeditions and rescue missions in the name of the fey. She learned language, if only to better announce her complaints at her parents leaving the grove. She learned to accept the, mostly friendly, faeries, as she grew to know them, if not always liking them. Reading and writing, however, did not come until Aadhya met a faerie sorceress.

The sorceress was, as most fae are, charming, graceful, and beautiful. But it was the way she spoke and the ease with which she held herself that most encouraged a response beyond apathy, or simple acceptance, from Aadhya. The sorceress could spin silken threads around the young kitsune with words alone, she amazed with magical cantrips, and she awed the young woman with her charisma. The fae woman, like most, didn't have a name given to her by her parents, but had been called by Fiona by the last mortals she had met. Fiona was so impressive that Aadhya began to look up to her as something of a hero, over time.

It was the faerie woman who managed to finally teach Aadhya how to read and write. When her parents were away, the sorceress took the young kitsune down to a secluded area by the river and would sit with her. For every day's worth of progress, the sorceress offered her a candied apple. With sweets as a primary motivation, it didn't take long for the kitsune to learn. And when she had learned, the sorceress continued by offering her a candied apple for every book she read.

From then, Aadhya almost always had her nose in a book. It was slightly disappointing to her martially-inclined parent, who had hoped that she would follow in more warrior pursuits. The swordsman never pressed the matter, however, especially with a second daughter who was interested in swordsmanship. Her parents even began to bring her back books from their adventures whenever the opportunity arose. In mere months she had managed to exhaust the meager collection of books available in the sanctuary, and had managed to become a bit chubby for her efforts. Her primary topic of reading interest was the law and carrying it out.

Fiona, aware of her interests, would, from time to time, allow the young kitsune to sit with her when mediating disputes among the lower fae. While Fiona had managed to rise high in the ranks, especially high for a simple sorceress, through charisma alone, she was no match for the ladies and knights in terms of power wielded, so most of the disputes she mediated were minor and between the goatmen or the nymphs, though it was that same charisma and a reputation of fairness and kindness that ensured that she oversaw the resolution of most of the disputes that occurred between the lower-ranked fae. After a time, the sorceress even began to allow Aadhya to give her opinions on the cases as they came. She was even allowed to rule in a few cases. Though the faeries involved, barring Fiona, were apprehensive of this at first, but Aadhya proved to be effective and just. The kitsune quickly gained a reputation of being tough but fair in her decisions.

Being of a supernatural race, she grew into womanhood quickly. Aadhya blossomed into something of a beauty. The kitsune recognized this as much as the fey around her did, and became much more confident in her dealings with the faeries. Her relationship with her sorceress heroine didn't change much at all, however. Fiona chose to begin attempting to teach the girl some magical cantrips. The kitsune had, for the most part, grown beyond being easily manipulated with sweets. The sorceress, instead, chose to offer her silky clothing and pretty baubles for her achievements, which worked all too well. The girl proved to have quite a taste for dressing up in finery.

Halfway through her magical education, her sister went blind as a result of an unexplained malady. Though she had never been especially close to her younger sibling, they had always shared a familial love. It frustrated her to no end that she could do nothing for the younger girl. The pursuit of power in the hopes of aiding her sister became a constant goal for Aadhya. She finished her own education in magics under Fiona and hoped to pass some of the same lessons onto her sister, that she might be able to regain sight through magic. After failing several times in her efforts, a frustrated Aadhya instigated a fight with her sibling in which her younger sister was injured. Although Aadhya's sister would eventually claim that it was one of the greatest things that had ever happened to her, as it woke her dormant magical talent, her older sibling continued to be bothered by instigating the fight.

The feeling of powerlessness when it came to helping her sister haunted Aadhya, despite the strange recovery that the younger kitsune had made. She fell into a depression, for a time, during which none of her family, nor Fiona, could console her. She would see nobody and speak to nobody during this time. When her parents went out on an adventure they expected to see them away from the sanctuary, she finally relented for long enough to say farewell to them. But she didn't have the chance to say goodbye to her blind sister, before the younger kitsune set off on her own adventure a mere week later. Fiona even left the sanctuary on other business not long after.

It was ten days after that, however, that a nymph and a satyr requested that she mediate a dispute between them. And it took them several hours to convince her to do it. But in the end, she played the role of judge. With the realization that her close friends and family, even her blind sister, were out on an adventure, she began to become to a realization. Her revelation was that the law and its carrying out was her life pursuit. And she decided to pursue that life. She set off with Lockacre in mind, intent on visiting the city in order to grow in power and knowledge.

The OOC section:
Last edited:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Using this much like Hafnium is, for ye olde extra character dumps.

Tlech, le goblin summon
From Class
From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Equipment
For Giggles

Name: Tlech
Class: Demonologist
Race: Goblin
Sex: Female

Body: 20
Mind: 10
Spirit: 20 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 44

Hit Points (HP): 20 + 5 + 22 + 20 = 67
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 10 + 10 + 22 = 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 10 + 5 + 44 + 30 = 89
Speed: Sqrt(200) - 1 = 13
Dodge: {(20 + 10 + 44) / 2} + 10 + 10 + 10 - 3 = 64
Armor: 5
Resistance: (44 / 2) - 8 - 3 = 11
Perception: Sqrt(440) - 3 = 18
Stealth: Sqrt(200) - 3 = 11
Grapple: 20 - 3 = 17
Spirit Ceiling: (89 / 5) - 1 = 17

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Natural Warrior (Unarmed Fighter)
Massive Energy Pool
Hard to Hit
Hard to Hit

Easily Aroused
Fetish: Sucking Cock

Naturally Supernatural
Massive Breasts


Powers: 2 + (44 / 20) = 4
Fell Might
Hellfire Blast
Devil's Lightning
Vampiric Futanari

Succubus Powers:

Leather Armor
FISTS: d20 + 20 - 3 Attack, 1d8 + 12 Damage

Tlech is a young goblin woman, frustrated with her boring life as a domestic servant in Hell. As a result, she's spent most of her spare time training herself in the ways of combat, particularly in the demonic arts of spirit magic and in applying that to fistfighting. Her primary hope is to some day be summoned as a warrior by a mortal in need, to be torn away from her boring duties and into an exciting life, preferably one involving more cocks in her mouth!


About 3'11, Tlech is short, curvy, and a little bit pudgy, which belies her skill at hand-to-hand combat.

The OOC section: Ye olde summoned goblin, except a little better than the standard!
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Alina, le human succubus, psion, and body mage, an intense and ridiculously overboard masochist, and mildly insane.
From Class
From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Equipment
For Giggles

Name: Alina
Class: Succubus/Psion/Physician
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 10
Mind: 20
Spirit: 20 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 44

Hit Points (HP): 10 + 10 + 22 = 42
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 5 + 20 + 22 = 47
Spirit Energy (EP): 5 + 10 + 44 + 30 = 89
Speed: Sqrt(100) = 10
Dodge: {(10 + 20 + 44) / 2} - 3 = 34
Armor: 1
Resistance: (44 / 2) - 3 + 8 = 27
Perception: Sqrt(440) - 3 = 18
Stealth: Sqrt(100) - 3 = 7
Grapple: 10 - 3 = 7

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Natural Mage (Focus in Body)
Natural Spirit (Psion)
Superior Spirit (Massive Energy Pool)
Greater Draining

Fetish {Pain}
Fetish {Being Bound}
Fetish {Gangbangs}
Fetish {Being Whipped}
Fetish {Breathplay}
Fetish {Her Own Blood}
Fetish {Bukkake}

Soul Eater
Foul Aura

Base Casting: (20 / 2) + 10 - 3 = 17
Favored Elements: Body

Spirit Ceiling: 89 / 5 = 18
Powers: 2 + (44 / 20) = 4
Mind Cutter

Succubus Powers:
Sexual Healing
Selective Fertility
Energetic Foreplay

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Alina is a bit above average in height, standing at about 5'8, and weighs about 160 lbs. She has very long white hair, almost down to her ass, which she wears in a braid over her right shoulder, and pale golden eyes that are somewhat unsettling to look into. She has fairly large, full breasts and wide hips.

Alina was born in a small town in rural Crolia roughly 18 years ago, to two average farmers. Right away they knew she was different. She was born with pure white hair and piercing gold eyes, and she seemed to cry more than a normal child, though it was hard to tell. As she grew up it became clear that there was much more than simply looks different about her. Things would begin to move seemingly on their own when she was near, and the other children in town would sometimes complain that she bullied them in their heads, without ever opening her mouth. People began to regard her odd eye and hair colors as a sign that she was inhabited by an evil spirit. While not strictly "correct" per se, their assumption wasn't unfounded. Alina behaved strangely, odd tics both verbal and physical pervading her daily life, and she didn't seem to understand the other children, and always played much more roughly than they would have liked with them.

In time the powers everyone else ascribed to evil spirits grew stronger, and it became clear to all that she was able to control it. Many of the townspeople claimed to be able to hear her voice in their heads even when she wasn't in the room, taunting them, though her parents never believed it. Once she reached puberty, however, all of that changed. Her powers seemed to grow exponentially and somewhat out of her control for a while before things calmed down, leaving much of her small home broken and smashed. Her sexual development was much more troublesome... Succubi were a thing only heard about, and they certainly weren't born to normal human parents as far as anyone knew. They were proved wrong one day when Alina used up the last of her energy reserves and went into quite a rage, eventually raping her own father in order to replenish her spirit. The act disturbed her, but it had an obvious effect on her family, and it was then that she lost her last allies.

She was cast out of her home town and into the wider world at a young age, emotionally and mentally vulnerable, and she had quite a rough time of things. She came to despise the people who hadn't been able to understand her, the people who had whispered about her when they thought they were out of hearing. Some of that came out without prompting, and everyone who ran into her couldn't help but be disturbed at her presence, especially considering that her strange tics intensified with time. Alina began to refine her mental powers, becoming more powerful and better able to control them, though she seemed to become stranger the better she was. When the demon invasion came she encountered very few of the supernatural rapists, though one of them managed to capture her for a short period of time before she was rescued. That short time, however, planted the seeds of some rather... odd methods of finding sexual pleasure. She spent two years wandering, testing the limits of her acquired fetishes and finding them only with great difficulty. She found a book of healing magic during this time and studied it thoroughly, picking it up fairly quickly. She often had to use her knew knowledge to patch herself up after pleasing herself, though sometimes after combat. In lieu of any sort of job she got by by stealing, which tended to rub people the wrong way, and "the white-haired devil" picked up something of a reputation in her corner of Crolia, though before anything could come of it the alien invasion occurred. Being in an out of the way sort of place she again encountered few of the invaders, and she was powerful enough to kill the lot of them. She spent another few years wandering here and there in Crolia, stealing her keep and moving on, having given up long ago on finding a home, and hardening her heart towards the world that had rejected her...

The OOC section:
One fucked up girl's quest to find acceptance in the world. Basically I'm looking for some of that quest and then the end of it, and maybe a hook into the wider world, perhaps fighting orcs or some shit. Perhaps a chance to willingly make herself a servant to a domineering but accepting and caring master/mistress with the right amount of ridiculous kink is just what our poor deranged heroine needs. Perhaps not. As for the "kink..." I'm willing to be as extreme as you wish, though I'm not necessarily looking for super crazy (mostly because I'm not looking to freak you the fuck out), and there are ways to do everything in moderation of a kind. Am not terribly averse to game overs, though that may change if I manage to get too attached to this character like all the rest.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Gail, le human succubus who knows not that she is a succubus.
From Class
From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Equipment
For Giggles

Name: Gail
Class: Succubus
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 8
Mind: 32
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 8 + 16 + 5 = 29
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 4 + 32 + 5 + 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 121
Spirit Energy (EP): 4 + 16 + 10 = 30
Speed: Sqrt(80) - 8 = 1
Dodge: (50 / 2) - 10 = 15
Armor: 1
Resistance: 32 / 2 = 16
Perception: Sqrt(320) = 18
Stealth: Sqrt(80) = 9
Grapple: 8


Greater Draining
Just a Little Longer
Just a Little Longer
Just a Little Longer
Greater Draining
Just a Little Longer
Greater Draining
Fuck Me

Tainted Bloodline
Easy to Hit

Soul Eater
Massive Breasts


Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Spirit Ceiling:

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty
Apparant Innocence

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Gail was born to two normal Badarian parents 24 years ago. Unfortunately, she was also born a succubus. This didn't much affect her day to day life, though, and she never discovered that she was different from other women. She got a normal job tending to a shop, sweeping the floor, dusting and stocking the shelves, and selling various household items with a cheery smile. How it affected her was, of course, in her love life. She discovered early on that she didn't have the patience/ability to masturbate to orgasm; she just had far too much sexual stamina. She assumed that she just needed a partner to help her out, that a man could solve this problem for her. That was sadly not the case. No man had nearly her stamina, and the fact that she was unknowingly draining their souls, and quite effectively, helped absolutely none. She became mildly obsessed with finding a man, or a woman, who could satisfy her sexually, but over the years she found no one, and not for lack of trying. The alien invasion barely touched her small little town, though she did hear quite a bit about the appearance of demons in Acheron just to the south. Demons were legendary for their sexual prowess, and thus Gail decided to go on pilgrimage to the city of Acheron. If anyone could give her release, surely they would be there.


The OOC section:
This is a silly concept, and would have to be babied really. Could be amusing comic relief though.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Dumping character sheets all over Tiffanian's character sheets, because he likes it dirty.
Name: Xara
Class: Warrior (Thief)
Race: Part-Demon (Bunnygirl)
Sex: Female

Body: 40 = 36 + 4
Mind: 16 = 10 + 6
Spirit: 10 = 4 + 6

Status C&P
Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine.

Hit Points (HP): 53
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 41
Spirit Energy (EP): 38
Speed: 28
Dodge: 43
Armor: 1
Resistance: 20 (23 w/ lucky)
Perception: 28 (31 w/ lucky)
Stealth: 34 (37 w/ lucky)
Grapple: 40 (43 w/ lucky)
Spirit Ceiling: 8

Cheat Sheet
When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +4 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.


[General] Lucky: +3 to all non-damage rolls.
[General] Quick: +8 Speed
[General] Hard to Hit: +10 Dodge
[General] Perceptive: +8 perception.

[Warrior] Two Weapon Fighting: Can wield two one-handed weapons at once and attack with both in the same round for -4 attack/damage.
[Warrior] Stealthy: +5 stealth, sneak attacks.
[Warrior] Skilled: +3 skills.
[Warrior] Skilled with One-Handed Blunt Weapons: +12 attack.

[Racial] Tainted Bloodline: x1.5 corruption gained.
[Racial] Mutated: +3 Mutations.

[General] Fertile: Pregnant on a roll of 2 or higher.
[General] Fragile: Gains an instance of weakened at half HP or lower.
[General] Easily Aroused: When the character would gain the aroused status, they instead gain the horny status.

[Extra] Sensitive: +4 PP damage taken.
[Extra] Lustful: More likely to seek sex, accept it, or give into rape.
[Extra] Fetish (Size Difference): Whenever there's a noticeable size difference between two partners, Xara takes +8 PP damage.
[Extra] Fetish (Impregnation): Whenever another character cums inside Xara, she takes +8 PP damage.
[Extra] Fetish (Exhibitionism): Whenever there's a crowd of spectators watching her debauchery, Xara takes +8 PP damage.
[Extra] Fetish (Public Use): Whenever she's in a public use situation, Xara takes +8 PP damage. Probably not good for a water thief in Deun.
[Extra] Mutated: +3 Mutations.

[Racial] Demon: Takes 5 less damage from heat.
[Sort-of Racial] Warped: Deals half pleasure damage in corruption to partners who aren't warped or supernatural.

Funny Ears: See description.
Funny tail: See description.
Pheromones: -2 Stealth, friendly characters are more interested in sex.
Multi-Orgasmic: Resets to half PP instead of full after an orgasm.
Night Eyes: Can see in the dark without perception penalties
Tight: +2 PP damage dealt.

[Two Weapon Fighting] Whirlwind (Activated) – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.
[Two Weapon Fighting] Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
[Two Weapon Fighting] Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
[Two Weapon Fighting] Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

[Stealth] Sudden Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -5 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win those attacks count as sneak attacks. Requires Stealthy.
[Stealth] Sneak (Activated) – The character forsakes all other actions for the round. Instead, they may make a Stealth check against all nearby opponents who are aware of them at a -10 penalty. If they win this check, they are no longer detected by the enemy that they won against. Requires Stealthy.

[General] Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.
[General] Nose for Treasure: Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.

[OH Blunt] Double-headed Meteor Hammer (52) 2d4 + 22
[OH Blunt] Double-headed Meteor Hammer (52) 2d4 + 22.
(Two Weapon Fighting Meteor Hammer Attack: (48) 2d4 + 18.)
(Note: Technically, it's just one double-headed meteor hammer that she wields. But, for mechanical purposes, I've listed two weapons and ticked them off as two weapons.)
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Xara is 5' 2" tall and weighs about 118 pounds. She has the appearance of a woman from Deun; a very lithe young woman with a dark tan as evidence of time spent under the desert sun. A mop of slightly tangled, raven hair falls just short of her shoulders. Two black-furred rabbit ears are present on her head. She has soft features, a button nose, and dark blue eyes. On her upper back she bears a few scars from a whipping long past, though they're only barely noticeable. She tends to wear loose, exposing silks, as a result of needing to combat the desert heat for so long, which she has augmented with a headdress and veil to hide her strange heritage. Her garb of choice is a pair of white silken pants in the fashion of shalwar, a mid-rift exposing silken sleeveless shirt, a similar traveler's cloak, and her headdress and veil. She has a poofy rabbit-like tail that's hidden beneath her pants.

In combat, she wields a double-headed meteor hammer with a two meter long chain connected to two, surprisingly light, iron heads. She tends to keep the heads concealed beneath her cloak and passes off the rest as simple chain wrapped around her waist when possible.

"Short" Bio (Pertinent and public information only, hopefully.)
Xara was born to a hunter and a merchant's daughter, the result of an unnaturally accelerated pregnancy lasting only six months, in a small, primitive tribal village in the deserts of Deun. At birth, she had strange, subhuman mutations in the form of rabbit ears and a rabbit tail. Her mother was believed to have died on her birthing bed, though her body was never found, leaving her father to raise her.

During her youth, she was ostracized for her odd appearance. Her father was viewed with suspicion by the other tribesmen given the unusual disappearance of his wife. The tribe, as a whole, outcast the father and daughter in all but name. They provided one-tenth of the water rations to the two that the rest of the tribe was allowed, and gave them only scraps for food rations. They would not be officially exiled, but the tribal elder had hoped they might be persuaded by the lack of supplies to seek another tribe to live with. Xara's father was an excellent hunter, however, and managed to scavenge enough for the two to barely survive.

The lack of supplies did eventually turn Xara, who at the time was only ten, to steal from the tribe's food and water supplies. She was caught and harshly reprimanded, by both her father and the village, but in the end her father managed to soothe the fallout of her misdeed by offering up some of his already meager hunting gains to the tribe. This even worse state led Xara to try again, bitter at not only the tribe's treatment of them but at losing even more of their precious few supplies. She was caught again and whipped to within an inch of her life. This time, the tribe would not be soothed, they cut off all supplies to the two.

The result of her being caught was that her father had to spend more time than ever before hunting for food and water in the deadly deserts. She barely saw him for more than a few days at a time, and his stops were rarely very warming. In the end, on one such trip he would disappear in the desert, most of the tribesmen believing that he was stung or done in by one of the dangerous creatures that lurked in the sands, the cruelest ones believing that he had abandoned his mutant daughter. Xara was thirteen when her father left for the last time, and refused to believe that he had died for several months, finally only giving into the idea because the alternative hurt too much. In the interim, she kept herself alive by thievery, managing to avoid being caught a third time.

For the next five years, she survived on her own, keeping to herself during the day and coming out at night to steal food and water from the other tribe members. The only time she made any appearances during the day were when rare merchants stopped in the primitive village on their way to some bigger, better place. She would speak with them at length, listening about all the technical advances and wonders that her little home didn't have. She fantasized about leaving the cruel tribesmen behind and finding a new life in one of those cities, but never made the trip for fear of the dangers that lurked in the desert.

When she was eighteen, she began to manifest strange pheromones and, on occasion, began to have periods of intense desire to breed. Having nobody to talk to, she wasn't aware of the strangeness of it all. The rabbit-girl managed to ignore it, though, and avoid the effect she began to have on others simply by way of solitude. It was at that same age that she would finally meet a merchant who was willing take her out of the city. The way he offered unsettled Xara, though, and she ended up not taking him on it.

A few months after the departure of the merchant, strange, brutish men came to the tribe to speak with the elder. In a moment of curiosity, she eavesdropped on them and discovered that they had come for her. The way they spoke of her, however, scared her. They offered the tribal elder an exchange, several barrels of water for her. When she heard the elder eagerly accept, she fled the village with a pouch of stolen food and another tribesman's waterskin and never looked back, deciding that it was a better time than ever to find her luck in one of the cities.

The trip was hard on the girl, leaving her thinner than she had been even in her home. Without any combat experience to speak of, she had to run and hide from most dangers, human caravans among them. The idea of being traded for water had her too skittish to trust anyone. Eventually, without the capability to hunt, she ran out of food and water. But, before she could expire in the hot desert, she found a hermit's home, which she attempted to burgle.

She was caught in the act and given a few good whacks for her efforts. But, the hermit allowed her to live and leave without food or water. To Xara's surprise, he also offered her a chance to earn some food and water. The hermit had developed a fighting style similar to the Shamalus Style of Deun, but using the chained meteor hammers of the east. He was an old man and desperately wanted to pass his methods down to somebody before he passed, so, he offered to allow her to stay and learn, in addition to taking care of some tasks that he was too old to see to, in return for her daily sustenance. Since it was a choice between that and dying in the desert, she readily agreed.

Before she could learn his style in full, however, the hermit would die of old age, only six months later, leaving her only with the basics and a few very impractical forms. She buried him out of respect, then stayed until the last of his supplies ran out before continuing her journey. It wasn't until well after her nineteenth year that she finally made it to a proper city of Deun. She entered with high hopes and a dream of finding a better life for herself...

… And would probably end up getting soupcanned and hydrated in front of a crowd of cheering spectators.

The OOC section: HYDRATION. I'm pretty much good with any direction for her misadventures. Presumably, though, her first goal will be to steal some water or gold or something, 'cause she's poor. Also, there's no fetish that's particularly offensive to me, so no worries there.

Fetish Checker
Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 8
MalexMale: 8
Pregnancy: 9
Birthing: 8
Eggplay: 9
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 10
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10 (I'm assuming this is only for rape, soupcanning, and certain kinds of consensual sex. >.>)
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 9 (Sort of built her personality to be mindbreak resistant, but during the act. >.>)
Futanari: 8
Transformation: 6
Bestiality: 10
NTR / Cuckoldry: 6
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 9
Maledom: 9
Furry / Anthro: 5
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 9999
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 8
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 10
Mind Control: 10
Scarfing or Breath Control: 8
Lactation: 7
Size Difference: 9 (Added this one. >.>)
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

A neko lycanthrope alchemist
Name: Qara Chinua
Class: Spiritual Alchemist
Race: Sukuta Lycanthrope
Sex: Female

Body: 24 (10+14)/48(base+24)
Mind: 22 (20+2)/8
Spirit: 36 (20+0+16)/8

Hit Points (HP): 53 (24+22/2+36/2)/116 (48+8/2+8/2+60)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 52 (24/2+22+36/2)/36 (48/2+8+8/2)
Spirit Energy (EP): 89 (24/2+22/2+36+30)/36 (48/2+8/2+8)
Speed: 23 (15+8)/36 (22+16-1-1)
Dodge: 41 ((24+22+36)/2)/ 32 ((48+8+8)/2)
Armor: 7/6
Resistance: 18/24(26 to stay on feet, 34 against mental control and such)
Perception: 19/33 (22+8+3)
Stealth: 15/27
Grapple: 24/48


Dragonfire Adept
Holy Mage
Unarmed Fighter
Experienced Caster
Massive energy pool
As Lycan also:
Pain Resistant

(R)Fetish: beasts
Tainted Bloodline

(R)Natural Attack
(R)Strange ears
(R)Night eyes
As Lycan:
Clawed Feet
Razor Fingers
Fearsome Maw
Funny Ears(wolf ears)
Odd Hair
Armored Hide(thick fur)
Reverse Jointed Legs
Strange Face

As lycan:
Strong willed

Base Casting: 11
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Spirit Ceiling: 18 (89/5)
DA:Black Dragon
DA:Dragonic Transformation
DA:Summon Dragon
HM:Fey Servant
HM:Holy Wall
HM:Lay on Hands
N:Aspect of Spirit
N:Call Spirit
N:Devour Magic

Succubus Powers:

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
50 denarii


The OOC section:
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets


Stats and Such
From Flaws
From Talents
From Equipment
From Class
From Experience

Name: Llæwyn
Class: Duelist
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female

Body: 26 + 8 + 4 = 38
Mind: 4 + 10 = 14
Spirit: 4 + 14 = 18

Hit Points (HP): 38 + 7 + 9 + 30 = 84
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 19 + 14 + 9 + 20 = 62
Spirit Energy (EP): 19 + 7 + 18 = 44
Speed: Sqrt(380) - 1 = 18
Dodge: {(34 + 14 + 18) / 2} + 3 + 10 = 46 (56 if weapon drawn)
Armor: 8
Resistance: (38 / 2) + 3 = 22
Perception: Sqrt(380) + 3 = 22
Stealth: Sqrt(380) + 3 = 22
Grapple: 38 + 3 = 41
Spirit Ceiling: (44 / 5) - 1 = 8

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Skill with Rapier
Just a Little Longer
Heavy Hitter

Hard to Hit

Open Soul
Hatred: Humans
Fetish: Elves
Easily Aroused


Skills: 1 + (38 / 10) = 4 + 3 = 7
Defensive Stance
Lightning Strikes
Battle Dance

Power Strike
Death from the Draw

Rapier: 2d6 + (17 + 8) = 2d6 + 25 Damage, d20 + (34 + 12 + 3) = d20 + 49 to-hit
Elven Bramble Armor: AV = 8, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing.

Calculations and Shit
Coming soon!


Bio: Llæwyn was born about 45 years ago to a pair of warrior parents in the village of Grenwyll who traced their use of the sword back generations. Of course, neither of them were particularly good at the art of war, but their daughter had some natural talent, so with about three decades of training she developed into one of the finest swordsmen in all the village. Not that that was particularly high praise in such a peaceful place. She grew up hating humans, or "small-ears" as she came to call them, for pushing her people deeper and deeper into the forest in their quest for ever more resources. She can see that her elven home has become more militant than it once was, its people forced to take up weapons and hide their towns away to defend from further encroachment by the small-eared, so she thinks of them like one might think of any vicious and troublesome insect; something to be exterminated. When Llæwyn wasn't training, she was often babysitting for her extended family or others in the village, and developed quite a knack for children. She would always try to show off to them a bit, and to be the best role model she could for the youngsters of her clan, at least while they were looking. She is also a little bit... "eccentric," in some ways. While most elves are fairly closed off about sex, she's in the habit of going out to a local bar every weekend, having a few drinks, and finding another young elf, man or woman, to take home and share her bed with.

Change Log:
Gain 8 exp for fucking up some slavers.
Gain 4 exp for putting up with Maerwyn's shit.
Spend 8 exp for an instance of Hard to Hit, 4 exp to gain 4 Body.

The OOC section: Tonight. Taki!
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Rachel, le merchant worshiping thief
From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Class
From Equipment
From Skills

Name: Rachel
Class: Thief
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 26 + 8 = 34
Mind: 14
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 34 + 7 + 5 = 46
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 17 + 14 + 5 = 36
Spirit Energy (EP): 17 + 7 + 10 = 34
Speed: Sqrt(340) = 18
Dodge: {(34 + 14 + 10) / 2} - 10 + 3 = 22
Armor: 1
Resistance: (34 / 2) + 3 = 20
Perception: Sqrt(340) + 8 + 8 + 3 = 37
Stealth: Sqrt(340) + 5 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 3 = 45
Grapple: 34 + 3 = 37
Spirit Ceiling: 7

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Skill With [Knives]

Fetish: Buying and Selling Goods
Fetish: Interacting with The Merchant
Easy to Hit


Skills: 1 + (34 / 10) = 4
Strike the Weak Spot
Nose for Treasure

Sudden Strike
Paralyzing Strike

Dagger: 2d6 + 17 Damage, d20 + (34 + 12 + 3) = d20 + 49 to-hit
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Rachel was born to a pretty normal family of Badarian merchants, and was fairly prosperous from an early age. Growing up she always took buying and selling things very seriously, much more so than her parents, and in time she came to get quite a sexual thrill from her job. It was only natural that she began to both worship and fetishize the god of her profession. Still, she took her family's business too seriously to while away her money buying things from him, or to try and resell the wonderful souveniers she got from him. Instead she decided to become something of a thief in her spare time, a treasure hunter, to feed her ability to interact with her god. She doesn't have much experience in the matter, but she's become very good at sneaking, and she's taken every opportunity to study traps.


When she's not raiding tombs and stuff. She'd wear stuff that made it easier to move then.

The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

I completely forget where I was going with this idea, something about Duke Nukem. I also did not scan it for errors. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow and edit it but probably not.

Name: Iunno.
Class: Succubus (Body)
Race: Full-Blooded Demon
Sex: Female

Body: 40 = 32 + 8
Mind: 10 = 2 + 8
Spirit: 24 = 16 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 87
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 72
Spirit Energy (EP): 69
Speed: 14
Dodge: 33
Armor: 12
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 12
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 14 (10 w/ armor)


[Racial] Succubus Magic: +3 Succubus Powers.

[General] Natural Warrior (Skill with Rifles): +12 Attack with Rifles.
[General] Natural Spirit Wielder (Alchemist): +3 Alchemist Powers.
[General] Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP

[Succubus] Superior Warrior (Resilient): +30 HP
[Succubus] Erotic Fighter: +2 Skills, +6 Attack.
[Succubus] Erotic Champion: +Body/10 (4) skills, +6 attack.
[Succubus] Just Getting Started: +30 PP.
[Succubus] Fuck Me: +12 PP damage (Penetrative).

[Racial] Selfish (RP): Only acts on things that will benefit themself.
[Racial] Sensitive: +4 PP damage taken.
[Racial] Mutated: +3 Mutations.
[Racial] Fetish (Faeries): Sidhe and nymphs, specifically.

[General] Fragile: At ½ HP or lower, gain an instance of weakened.
[General] Easily Tired: At ½ or lower, gain an instance of weakened.
[General] Excitable: At ½ or lower, gain aroused or horny if already aroused.

[Extra] Mutated: +3 mutations.

[Race] Supernatural: Deal corruption as a supernatural being.
[Race] Demon: -5 Heat/Force damage taken.
[Race] Shapeshifter: Can shapeshift and stuff.
[Race] Corruptive: Can even corrupt supernatural beings.
[Race] Selective Fertility: Can choose whether to be fertile or infertile upon orgasm.

Tight/Large x3: +6 PP damage dealt (Penetrative)
Futanari: Self-explanatory.
Potent: Messy orgasms. +1 to pregnancy rolls when applicable.
Breeder: Halved gestation periods.

[Ranged] Called Shot (Activated) – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge until their next turn, but their attacks deal double damage. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
[Ranged] Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
[Ranged] Rapid Shot (Activated) - The character can take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls and a -1 penalty to their damage for all attacks that round in order to take an additional attack against a target of their choosing who is within range. This can be used as many times as the character likes per turn, until their weapon runs empty or up to five shots. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
[Ranged] Deadly Aim (Activated) – The character takes careful aim, forsaking all movement for the round. In exchange, they may trade up to 10 points of Dodge for the round in order to take a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each point traded. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

[General] Quick Draw: May change weapons without losing a turn.

[Weapon] Far Shot (Passive) - The character can fire at extreme range with a rifle, crossbow, bow, or sling and still hit accurately. The penalty for firing at things at each range increment are halved, and the character may fire at an additional range increment away at a -32 penalty to their attack rolls. Requires Skill with Rifles, Crossbows, or Primitive Ranged Weapons.

[Alchemist] Assemble Contraption
The character creates an animate minion from their surroundings or possessions, or possibly some mix of the two. Small primitive clockwork robots, walking scarecrows, and bundles of living rags are just a few examples of what kind of minion this power can create. These creatures are soulless, mindless, sexless, and utterly devoted to their creator.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The creature created by this power always appears directly next to the character that summoned it and has the following stats: Body = 8X, Mind = 2X, a Melee Attack that deals 2d6 + Body/2, and a Ranged Attack with a 60 foot range that deals 3d4 + Mind damage and uses Mind or Body to attack, whichever is higher.
-In additional, the character can pay an additional 1 EP for any of these effects as many times as they like.
1) +6 Mind.
2) The contraption can fly at its Speed.
3) Double the range of the creature's ranged attack.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

[Alchemist] Grenade
The character hurls an object carrying a small portion of their soul’s energy, which explodes a few seconds after leaving their hand.
-The character pays 2 + X EP.
-The character throws the grenade to any one spot within 50 feet of them. It then explodes, dealing (2d4 + 2) * X damage to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of it.

[Alchemist] Mine
The character assembles and lays a land mine of some sort, preparing a trap. The first creature to come within 5 feet of the mine trips it unless the character specifies a different trigger. This power can be attached to a moving object or creature, but a creature must be either willing or unaware of the character.
-The character pays X EP. When tripped, the mine deals (3d6 + 1) * X damage to all creatures within a 15 foot radius of it.

Succubus Powers:
*Stunning Gaze: The character pays 2 + 4X EP, and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a +X bonus to their check, or become stunned for X + 1 rounds.

Rhythm: While penetrated (or penetrating) in a hole other than the mouth, the character may take an additional 2X Pleasure each round. Any creatures penetrating them take an additional 3X Pleasure per round, so long as they would take pleasure from the penetration in the first place. The maximum value of X is 5.

Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof.

Dazzling Beauty (Passive) : The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception stat when trying to perceive creatures other than the character, and whenever they deal Pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +6.

*Charm: The character pays 6 EP and chooses one target creature within 20 feet of them. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or gain the Charmed status.

Desperate Avoidance: The character can pay X EP at the start of their turn in order to increase their Dodge by 2X until their next turn.

Shotgun (+64) 3d12 + 12, 20 foot range, 2 shots, 2 round reload
Sniper Rifle (+64) 4d10, 60 foot range, 1 shot, 3 round reload, ignores 16 AV
Assault Rifle (+64) 2d8 + 6, 20 foot range, 10 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 EV
Breastplate: AV = 12, EV = 4, TP = 50, DU = 4.
20x Hollow Rounds
20x Explosive Rounds
1x Universal Antidote
1x Healing Potion


The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets


A monk.
Name: Aconitum
Class: Monk (Warrior)
Race: Alraune
Sex: Female

Body: 46 = 30 + 16
Mind: 10 = 10
Spirit: 10 = 10

Hit Points (HP): 56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 38
Speed: 18
Dodge: 33 (43 while unarmed)
Armor: 7
Resistance: 31
Perception: 21
Stealth: 21
Grapple: 58
Spirit Ceiling: 8


[General] Exceptional x2: +16 body.
[General] Resistant: +8 Resistance

[Warrior] Unarmed Fighter: +10 dodge while unarmed, improved unarmed damage, access to unarmed skills.
[Warrior] Grapple Expert: +12 grapple, access to grappler skills.
[Warrior] Skill with Unarmed: +12 attack with unarmed.
[Warrior] Skilled x2: +6 skills.

[Talent] Sexual Weakness: Orgasming causes an instance of Weakness until the victim has had a chance to rest.
[Talent] Weakness (Cold): When exposed to cold environments or cold spells, roll 1d4 or be stunned for a round.
[Talent] *Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

[Extra] Mutated x2: +6 mutations.

[Race] Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.
[Race] Plant: The character is a plant. Their skin is naturally green and leaf-like, though additional specifics about their biology are up to you to decide. Characters with this mutation are immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Whenever a character with this mutation would be impregnated, unless the creature impregnating them is an egg layer they give birth to seeds that eventually sprout into shorn weeds. Creatures that they themselves impregnate give birth to alraune seeds. Characters with this mutation gain the Pollen Shot Succubus Power, and are also immune to the effects of that power.
[Race] Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.

Warped: The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
Odd Skin: Dryad style brown skin with bark on her outer arms and thighs.
Armored Hide x3: +6 armor, -3 speed.
Claws: Fluffing these as small patches of bark on her knuckles and the outside of her hands.
Greater Claws: See above, +5 unarmed damage.
Natural Attack: See above, improved unarmed damage.


[Unarmed] Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, but if they hit their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Trip (Activated) – The character can choose not do damage on a successful attack, and instead force the creature they’re attacking to make a Resistance check against them. If the creature loses this check, they are knocked prone. Against opponents who are Stunned, an attack made with this skill automatically hits, deals damage as normal, and the target automatically loses the Resistance check. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Shattering Blow (Activated) – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Disarm (Activated) – The character can forsake the damage done by their attack to instead disarm their opponent. A creature wielding a weapon that is hit by this attack loses any weapon they are holding unless they win a Resistance check against the character, and must take a turn to retrieve it if they want to continue using it. Requires Duelist OR Unarmed Fighter.
[Unarmed] Flurry of Blows (Activated) – The character can strike repeatedly against the same target. They may take up to 4 additional attacks, but for each attack beyond the first the character takes a -8 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage for all attacks that round. The same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Unarmed Fighter.

[Grappler] Stranglehold (Activated) - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a grapple check at a -4 penalty against their target. If the target is in a submission hold, the -4 penalty becomes a +4 bonus. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When the target’s Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.
[Grappler] Slam (Activated) - When the character has the target in a grapple, they may choose to make an attack at 2d12 + Body/2 damage. The target must win a Resistance check against the character or be Stunned. If the target is in a submission hold the character gains a +8 bonus to this check. In addition, they may trade grapple modifier to damage at a 1:2 ratio (IE: for every point of grapple that they sacrifice, they deal an additional 2 damage) with a 10 point cap. Requires Grapple Expert.
[Grappler] Fling (Activated) - The character throws a grappled opponent, or a willing ally, a short distance at another target. Deals 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. If the flung target was in a submission hold they automatically fail this check. This skill has a 15 foot range. Requires Grapple Expert.

[General] Spirited Attacker (Activated): The character can pay EP in order to increase their attack modifier for the round. For every point of EP spent, they gain an additional point of attack for the round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.
[General] Spirited Defender (Activated): The character can pay EP in order to improve their defense for the round. For every point of EP spent, they gain an additional point of dodge and armor until their next round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.
[General] Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

Succubus Powers:
*Pollen Shot: The character chooses one target creature within 10 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or become Horny, and even if they win this check the targeted creature still becomes Aroused if the attack hit. The character takes a -4 penalty on this check. This power can only be used once per combat. This Succubus Power cannot be selected, it must be gained through a mutaton.

Unarmed (+58) 2d12 + 28 damage.
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

One of Tamo's daughters. Went on a PlantQuest to expand her knowledge and ended up having a few too many good times with some of the local flora and fauna. Ended up being 'rescued' by a monastery which not only took her in but somehow managed to teach her that there's more to life than sexy times. She returned to her plant colony a dryad monk.

The OOC section:
Basically an exercise in making an effective warrior that uses no weapons without dipping into multiclassing.

A berserker.
Name: Scarlet
Class: Berserker (Warrior)
Race: Alraune
Sex: Female

Body: 40
Mind: 8
Spirit: 2

Hit Points (HP): 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 29
Spirit Energy (EP): 46
Speed: 17 (20 w/o armor)
Dodge: 15
Armor: 20 (8 w/o armor)
Resistance: 28
Perception: 20
Stealth: 14 (20 w/o armor.)
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 6 (9 w/o armor)


[Warrior] Resilient: +30 HP.
[Warrior] Two Weapon Fighting: Can attack with two weapons in one round at a penalty, access to two weapon fighting skills.
[Warrior] Skilled: +3 skills.

[General] Natural Spirit Wielder (Powers): +2 powers.
[General] Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP.
[General] Resistant: +8 Resistance
[General] Pain Resistant x2: +8 armor.

[Talent] *Bloodthirsty (RP) : The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.
[Talent] Fetish (Dominance): Nothing quite gets her going like a good victory/loss rape with plenty of domination involved. +8 PP in those situations.
[Talent] Easy to Hit: -10 dodge.

[Extra] Mutated x1: +3 mutations.

[Race] Tentacles: The character has a number of tentacles that they can use for a variety of purposes. If used for penetration, the character deals and takes pleasure as if they were penetrating their opponent, and can impregnate as if they had a penis. In addition, group grappling rules no longer apply against the character unless the creatures that they are grappling with also have this Special Mutation. The character can, while in a grapple, attempt to grapple another creature so long as they win their grapple check for that round, but if they do, they also need to succeed on an attack roll against the targeted creature.
[Race] Plant: The character is a plant. Their skin is naturally green and leaf-like, though additional specifics about their biology are up to you to decide. Characters with this mutation are immune to any effects that would damage or drain their EP. Whenever a character with this mutation would be impregnated, unless the creature impregnating them is an egg layer they give birth to seeds that eventually sprout into shorn weeds. Creatures that they themselves impregnate give birth to alraune seeds. Characters with this mutation gain the Pollen Shot Succubus Power, and are also immune to the effects of that power.
[Race] Selective Fertility: The character can choose whether or not they have children. Whenever they could potentially become pregnant or impregnate another, they may apply either the Fertile or Infertile Flaw if they so desire.

*Battery: The character ceases to naturally regenerate EP, but whenever they would take PP damage they regain an amount of EP equal to ½ the PP damage taken. This mutation cannot be taken by characters with the Soul Eater special mutation and cannot be gained via the Transformation Spirit Power.
*Masochist: Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure. (xivvix)
*Sadist: The character takes 1d4+1 PP damage each time she inflicts health damage to something. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance. (xivvix)

[Two Weapon Fighter] Whirling Death (Activated) – The character gets a +8 bonus to their melee damage, attack rolls and AV, but takes 4 points of damage per round that ignores AV. This damage ignores AV. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
[Two Weapon Fighter] Flurry (Activated) – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
[Two Weapon Fighter] Scissor Defense (Activated) – The character forsakes all attacks for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.

[General] Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to all attack rolls, and damage for all melee attacks. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.
[General] Rage (Activated) – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple, and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.
[General] Unrelenting Fury (Passive) - When in a rage and hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Resistance check against the creature that struck the blow. If they win, they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP. If a character uses this ability, they immediately fall unconscious when their rage ends. Requires Rage.
[General] Bloodbath (Activated): While in a rage, a character can pay 4 EP in order to regain HP on successful attacks for that round. When active, any successful attack for the round heals the character for 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar. Requires Rage.
[General] Spirited Attacker (Activated): The character can pay EP in order to increase their attack modifier for the round. For every point of EP spent, they gain an additional point of attack for the round. More than 10 EP cannot be spent with this ability per round. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar.


Fell Might
The character's body becomes charged with powerful but destructive energies, granting them increased strength but also causing them pain due to the stress placed upon their body.
-The character pays X EP and 1 HP. They must also pay X-2 EP and X - 4 HP upkeep every turn.
-The character gets a +3X bonus to Dodge, attack rolls, melee damage, and Grapple so long as this power is active. They also gain a +X bonus to Resistance.

The character emits a deafening roar, a sound both painful and frightening to those who are nearby to hear it.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet take 2d4 * X damage. In addition, all creatures that take damage from this power take a -X penalty to all non-damage rolls until the end of the encounter. Multiple Roars do not stack, the highest penalty is taken and the lesser ones are lost.

Succubus Powers:
*Pollen Shot: The character chooses one target creature within 10 feet. That creature must win a Resistance check against the character or become Horny, and even if they win this check the targeted creature still becomes Aroused if the attack hit. The character takes a -4 penalty on this check. This power can only be used once per combat. This Succubus Power cannot be selected, it must be gained through a mutaton.

Single-handed Warhammer (43) 2d4 + 25
Single-handed Warhammer (43) 2d4 + 25
Elven Warplate: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 4. Weak against Bludgeoning. Strong against Piercing.

Another of Tamo's daughters. Time away from the hivemind did not do her much good. Is very dim, has an inferiority complex, an insatiable need to prove herself, and access to deadly weapons, a combination which had led her to attack pretty much any adventurer she spotted and violently raping the ones she managed to beat (there have been several, several defeats which have ended in similar for her). One of few alraunes that has actually managed to get herself exiled for her actions. She considers this a blessing, though, as now she can also attack and rape other alraune without the hivemind impeding her efforts. Fairly normal looking alraune except for the looted warhammers and armor.

The OOC section:
Just an "I'm bleeding and you're bleeding and I LOVE IT" character.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Ive, le Luddite Undine

From Flaws
From Talents
For Giggles~
From Mutations
From Class

Name: Ive
Class: Water Mage
Race: Undine (Elementalkin)
Sex: Female

Body: 4 + 6 = 10
Mind: 8 + 8 + 8 + 28 = 52
Spirit: 4 + 16 = 20

Hit Points (HP): 10 + 26 + 10 = 46
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 5 + 52 + 10 = 67
Spirit Energy (EP): 5 + 26 + 20 + 20 = 71
Speed: Sqrt(100) = 10
Dodge: (10 + 52 + 20) / 2 = 41
Armor: 0
Resistance: 52 / 2 = 26
Perception: Sqrt(520) = 23
Stealth: Sqrt(100) = 10
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 71 / 5 = 14

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Greater Energy Pool
Focus In Water
Magic Feats
Potent Spells
Resistant Soul


Hatred: Technology
Sexual Weakness

Immunity to Cold
Naturally Warped

Odd Skin
Odd Hair
Soft Skinx3


Base Casting: (52 / 2) + 8 = 34
Favored Elements: Water
Magic Feats: 1 + (52 / 20) + 2 = 5
Empower Spell
Controlled Spell

Quicken Spell
Maximize Spell

Wielder Aptitudes:

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + (52 / 3) + 2 = (2d8 + 19)
Foreplay = 2d4 + (52 / 4) + 6 = (2d4 + 19)
Succubus Powers:



Her skin seems solid, but so pale that it's almost translucent. It is incredibly soft to the touch, and although it is solid, it may well deform to a degree skin normally shouldn't. She does have blood, though it appears very different from the blood of other races, and is quite watery, for lack of a better word. Her hair actually appears as semi-solid water. Also, ignore the human in the picture, lol.

Ive is an Undine, a natural protector spirit of a river (named Ive, hence her own name) in northwestern Badaria. She is ancient beyond the memory of all who live there, even the ageless fae, and as such her speech is quite archaic, her outlook on the world hopelessly dated. She despises all things unnatural, and views technology and even civilization as foul affronts to the natural order of the world. Only rarely does she interact with the fae, and even more rarely with humanity, a race she finds... misguided, to say the least. That doesn't mean she doesn't believe in their basic goodness, of course, and she's sure that if only they could see the world from a perspective outside of their piddling lifespans they would understand that all of their technological "progress" has dire consequences for the world around them.

Conditions around and in her river have changed many times over the centuries, but
ever as drastically as it has over the course of the last few days... It's dried up more or less completely, the dry riverbed a long scar on the land. Needless to say, she is very disturbed by this turn of events, and has begun journeying upriver in order to find the cause of this problem.

The OOC section: The idea here is that the Badarians have dammed up her river, lol.