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DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Tariel, le Angel Ninja

Name: Tariel
Class: Ninja
Race: Angel
Sex: Female

Body: 12 + 50 = 62
Mind: 12
Spirit: 16

Hit Points (HP): 62 + 6 + 8 = 76
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 31 + 12 + 8 = 51
Spirit Energy (EP): 31 + 6 + 16 = 53
Speed: Sqrt(620) = 25
Dodge: {(62 + 12 + 16) / 2} + 10 = 55
Armor: 1
Resistance: (62 / 2) + 8 = 39
Perception: Sqrt(620) + 8 = 33
Stealth: Sqrt(620) + 8 + 5 + 3 = 41
Grapple: 62 - 12 = 50
Spirit Ceiling: (53 / 5) = 11

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Hard to Hit
Skill With Throwing Knives

Open Soul
Tainted Bloodline
Hatred: Demons
Poor Grappler

Naturally Warped
Selective Fertility
Greater Wings

Sudden Shot
Called Shot
Blinding Strike
Strike the Weak Spot
Paralyzing Strike

Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Throwing Knives
2d12 + (16 + 8 + 8) = 2d12 + 32 damage, +2d6 if sneak attacking. d20 + (62 + 12) = d20 + 74 to-hit. 20 foot range.

Tariel is a fairly young (for an angel) angel, less than a century old, who trained for all of her youth in the arts of stealth and killing. Most of her kin were a little bit less subtle in their methods of combating the demons who seeped into the mortal world between invasions, but she was convinced that her way would be much simpler and less painful for her. She was also able to get at targets that would be much harder to deal with through more traditional means. Once she had become skilled enough to truly fight she set about finding not only demons, but also mortals who were particularly wicked, and then killing them in the dark of night. She turned out to have natural talent at it, and others of her kind often provided her with targets they thought needed to be dealt with. In time she became a fairly ruthless, efficient killer, willing to take on most any job.

Her fighting takes up almost all of her time, outside of a few very brief vacations. Tariel has little in the way of a personal life, though she does tend to take time to watch over small towns filled with humans when she isn't on a job. She's developed quite an affinity for them, despite the many flaws they often display. She likes to observe long enough to find one who behaves in a particularly virtuous manner, sneak into their home, and... "reward" them with a long night of sex. It's a nice break from her duty, and a good way to give something back to people who have incredibly hard lives.


The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

A remake of dat witch.

Name: Anthea
Class: Spirit Wielder (Witch)
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 10 = 10
Mind: 14 = 10 + 4
Spirit: 50 = 10 + 20

Hit Points (HP): 42
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 44
Spirit Energy (EP): 92
Speed: 10
Dodge: 37
Armor: 1
Resistance: 25 (23 w/ unlucky)
Perception: 22 (19 w/ unlucky)
Stealth: 10 (7 w/ unlucky)
Grapple: 14 (11 w/ unlucky)
Spirit Ceiling: 18


[General] Exceptional x3: +20 Body, +4 Mind
[General] Natural Warrior (Heavy Weapons Specialist): +10 damage with two-handed weapons.
[General] Natural Mage (Focus in Arcane): +10 casting arcane spells, +2 damage per level, +1 buffs, +2 body/1 AV summons. Can use up to level 5 arcane spells.
[General] Side-Skill: +1 Skill.
[General] Natural Succubus (Multitalented): +1 feat, +4 base casting.

[Spirit] Starseeker: +5 Celestial Powers.
[Spirit] Alchemist: +5 Alchemist Powers.
[Spirit] Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP.

[General] Open Soul: +4 EP damage taken.
[General] Fragile: At 1/2 health or lower gains an instance of weakened.
[General] Easily Tired: At 1/2 EP or lower gains an instance of weakened.
[General] Unlucky: -3 to all non-damage rolls.



[Heavy Weapons] Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Base Casting: 11 (21 w/ arcane)
Favored Elements: Arcane
Magic Feats:

Countermage (Arcane) – Resistance checks made to Dispel or Counter effects gain a +8 bonus. The characters own spells also receive a +8 bonus against being dispelled or countered. Requires Focus in Arcane.

Wielder Aptitudes:

Multifocused: The character uses their Spirit stat in place of Body and Mind when making attacks with Spells, unarmed attacks, or weapons. They also gain a static +4 bonus to attack rolls in general.

Master Blaster: The character is a master of the destructive aspects of their abilities. Spirit Powers that are treated as if they had put an additional 3 points of EP into their attack. This bonus may be traded in order to force any creatures struck to make a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4 times the EP input or gain one of the followings statuses: Blinded, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened. The player chooses which status effect to inflict when they make the attack.

Powers: Assemble Contraption, Mine, Reshape, Seal, Transformation, Astrologer's Boon, Starbeam, Scrying, Void Touch, Meteor

(Not listing the entire descriptions for a theoretical sheet)

Pleasure Damage: Bluh, bluh.
Penetration = 2d8 + 3
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3

Witch Hat and Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Sir Sweeps, faithful sidekick and useful bludgeoning instrument! i.e. Two Handed Polearm (51) 2d10+8
Sir Sweeps, firing mode! i.e. Badarian Lever Action Rifle (51) 2d12 + 8, 30 foot range, 6 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 8 AV
Toothpick! i.e. One-handed Sword (51) 2d6 + 5
Paralysis Poison
Universal Antidote
20x Explosive Rounds

A fairy average, if short, woman of around 5'2". She has the light skin common to Crolians, shoulder-length, straight hair bleached blond from time spent in the sun, and light-blue eyes. Anthea is of a slender build, thin mostly due to her complete and total incompetence when it comes to gathering provisions. In contrast to an appearance that wouldn't otherwise stand out, she tends to wear bright red clothing that includes a skirt that ends just above the knee and a long-sleeved red jacket with darker red flowers patterns running across it. She wears black leather knee-boots and gloves when traveling. Usually she can be found wearing a belt with several pouches and loops for carrying various alchemical tools. Two things that she will absolutely never be seen without are her bright red witch's hat and her trusty companion, Sir Sweeps, the latter of which is a fairly ordinary looking broomstick.

A girl who showed promise in spiritual arts at a young age and was sent to train at the Academy as a result. Despite her talents, Anthea was never much interested in studying beyond the basics. The young spirit wielder, who many expected to at least be competent at the end of her lessons, ended up doing nothing with her education in the spiritual arts. After her time in the Academy was over, she was offered a chance to apprentice under a master Alchemist, who took pity on her after having seen the prodigious girl accomplish absolutely nothing of note in so many years. The offer, one that many would have jumped at, was accepted by Anthea mostly because she had no place else to go at the time. Years passed and, try as he might, the master alchemist couldn't teach Anthea any of the things of value that he had to offer. Where he would try to offer good and practical uses of alchemy, the young spirit wielder would only find practical jokes to play upon the unsuspecting populace of the surrounding towns. The "flying exploding phallus" incident (known in much lewder terms by some) being the worst of them all.

Anthea's time spent mooching off of the master spirit wielder and constantly frustrating his attempts to get her to do anything of good with her life ended when the aliens invaded. During the invasion her mentor went missing and the younger alchemist herself only barely escaped with her life (and other things) intact. With the loss of one of the few remaining people who could find the patience to care about the selfish girl, Anthea was suddenly alone in the world. Yet, for all of it, it was only when independence was forced upon Anthea that she became interested in improving as an alchemist. So, in the aftermath of the would-be apocalypse, the witch seeks to both survive and grow as a spirit wielder.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Name: Helena
Class: Succubus
Race: Full Blooded Demon
Sex: Female

Body: 10
Mind: 60
Spirit: 20

Hit Points (HP): 50
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 85
Speed: 10
Dodge: 45
Armor: 0
Resistance: 38
Perception: 24
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 17

Pleasure Damage:
3d6+20 Foreplay
3d10+30 Penetrative


Racial: Succubus Magic
Natural Spirit Wielder: Psion
Superior Spirit: Massive Energy Pool
Natural Mage: Experienced Caster
Kama Sutra

Fetish (Bondage)
Easily Aroused
Hatred: Vampires
Open Soul

Selective Fertility
->->Greater Wings


Base Casting: 30
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Psychic Shield
The character forms a barrier around their body using their will.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets +3X bonus to Dodge, Resistance and Grapple, as well as a +X bonus to Armor.
-The character can place this effect on any creature within 30 feet, but they must remain within that range and the character’s line of sight or the effect will be lost.

The character can reach out to contact other beings with their mind. This can be as simple as communication, or as invasive as attempting to dominate their will entirely.
-If used for communication, the character pays 2 EP and thinks of on creature whom they are familiar with, or who is within line of sight. The character opens up a telepathic link with that creature across which the two can communicate. Additional creatures can be added to the communication by paying another 1 EP. This connection can be refused.
-If used offensively, the character pays 8 EP and must win a Resistance check against the targeted creature. If the character wins, the targeted creature gains the Dominated status, allowing the character to control their actions as if they were a summoned minion. Forcing the creature to make actions contrary to what it would normally do or that would harm them can cause it to make another Resistance check against the character, and if they win they throw off the effect.

The character forms a link with another target creature, causing any pain (or pleasure) that either suffers to be reflected upon the other.
-The character selects a single target creature within 50 feet, and does one of the following.
1) The character pays 4 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character also takes any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
2) The character pays 8 EP. The targeted creature makes a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creature takes any damage to HP or PP that the character takes. The character does not take any damage to HP or PP that the targeted creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond.
3) The character pays 6 EP. The character targets two creatures instead of one. Both targeted creatures make a Resistance check against the character (which they may choose to lose) or the creatures take any damage to HP or PP that the other creature takes. Neither gains any of their own bonuses to armor or damage reduction, instead using whatever resistances to armor that the other gets. Status effects do not transfer over this bond. The damage or pleasure taken due to this bond does not transfer back over.

Succubus Powers:
Siren's Song
Apparent Innocence

0 Denarii
A loose cloak with a hood and her clothing, that's about the extent of it.

Bio/Description: Dude, it's Helena, See "Are the Stars Right?"
Also, Helena usually keeps all of her mutations hidden so she just looks like any other normal blonde woman. Stumbling into Acheron almost entirely by accident, Helena had to look around curiously. She could see demons, walking around in the open... now that was curious... Not bothering to hide her own wide wings now, her horns plainly visible and her tail lashing around behind her, Helena sauntered into the demon city full of a burning curiosity. She could taste the emotion here, the lust and the pride and the greed welling up from the place like a beacon that drove her wild. Here was a kind of paradise for her kind and it drove her to move straight to it's heart, stopping at the central square. Standing as she felt the rush of different emotions bleed around her, Helena raised her hands and clapped, just once as her hips started to sway and she began to move. The erotic motions of a favourite dance of hers taking shape as she reached out to those like her, extending the invitation to dance under the moon to anyone with the will even as she opened her mouth and a voice like honeyed gold spilled into the night. And there she stayed, dancing and singing, her voice hauntingly rising into the air, her mind open to share the dance and the song with anyone who wished to join as she twisted and moved with practiced grace and blue flames danced along her form in time with the music. Soon other colours could be seen, 7 colours to reflect the notes of the music and the dark emotions that dwelled within the mortal soul. It was a beautiful and haunting and dark display as the succubus from another world made her entrance into a place that sang to her soul in a way that very few places had. She was surrounded by brothers and sisters and she could feel the warmth of hell, her true home calling to her that told her it was close... Hell was close here, and Helena drank in the moment like a fine wine as she put on a show that would be remembered for a long time...

The OOC section:
yes. it's That Helena

Because I can. and because the Island needs another alcoholic
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Character idea with a bit of a story popped into my head and I figured why not.

Name: Gwennan
Class: Warrior
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 38
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 78
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 34
Spirit Energy (EP): 34
Speed: 19 (9 w/ armor)
Dodge: 31
Armor: 10 (30 w/ armor)
Resistance: 27
Perception: 19
Stealth: 11 (-9 w/ armor)
Grapple: 38
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (3 w/ armor)


[General] Exceptional: +8 Body.
[General] Resistant: +8 Resistance
[General] Pain Resistant x2: +8 AV.

[Warrior] Heavy Weapons Specialist: +10 Damage with 2H weapons.
[Warrior] Skill with Polearms: +12 attack with polearms.
[Warrior] Resilient: +30 HP.
[Warrior] Skilled: +3 Skills
[Warrior] Heavy Hitter: +8 damage.

[Talent] *Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
[Talent] Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.
[Talent] *Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
[Talent] Mutated: +3 Mutations.

Futanari: Has a penis.
Potent: The character's orgasms are very messy--time to change the sheets. In addition, the character gets a +1 to impregnation rolls if they're the one cumming or being creampied.
Tight/Large: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex.


[Heavy Weapons] Charge (Activated) – The character can move up to three times their Speed this round so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature. This attack gets a +4 bonus to attack rolls and damage. The character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist OR Shield Fighter.
[Heavy Weapons] Whirlwind (Activated) - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.
[Heavy Weapons] Slay (Activated) – The character takes a -20 penalty on their attack roll and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. They deal double damage on any attacks that hit until their next turn. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

[General] Spirited Warrior (Activated) : The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.
[General] Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.
[General] Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses.

[Weapon] Deadly Reach (Passive) - A character with this skill can make an extra (free and automatic) attack vs a target who charges them or attempts to grapple them. This attack takes a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls, and resolves before the enemy's action. Requires Skill with Polearms.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 15
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10

Halberd (+52) 2d10 + 42
Bastard Sword (+37) 1d12 + 29 -or- 1d12 + 46
Dagger (+40) 2d6 + 29

Desc: A plain woman. She has short, curly black hair that reaches her shoulders. Her eyes are blue. Her face is plain aside from a few freckles, matching the rest of her rosy skin. She has modest curves.

Bio: Short version. Gwennan was born to a lord. From birth, she had both sets of genitals. He was going to immediately kill her and claim she had died during birth as a means of avoiding potential investigations by the inquisition. The midwife, a barren woman, asked to take her and after some convincing he acceded. She grew up in the lord's estate, never knowing he was her father. By the time she was eight she was working in the estate as a servant. She was given no preferential treatment and did hard work and took the same punishments as any of the other servants. At some point during her years as a servant she fell in love with a boy who worked at the estate and they had a brief romance. It ended when she sought to give him her maidenhead and he discovered she had a penis. Afterward, rumors spread about her and her adoptive mother and her were ostracized by most of the other servants because they believed her tainted. She ended up losing her virginity to a curious maid. Despite her outcast status and the hard work, she remained ardently loyal to her lord.

During the alien invasion, the lord was forced to evacuate his manner and flee Necropolis. During the flight, some of the servants, including Gwennan, were cut off from the lord, his family, and his soldiers. Losing several people along the way, the servants managed to make it out of the fallen capital, but they ended up realizing that their lord hadn't. Against all reason, Gwennan chose to loyally go back for him. She managed to acquire a spear and a horse along the way and charged from street to street trying to find her lost lord (and, unknowingly, her father). Along the way she managed to kill three adult grabbers. When she managed to find her lord, his wife had already been taken, his horse had been slain in the fighting, and most of his retinue was dead. She gave her horse to him and rallied his remaining troops to fight their way through the invaders and cut their way free. Despite all odds, they succeeded, and she was noted as personally cutting down an additional four aliens on the way out.

Even with her display of loyalty, she wasn't really acknowledged by her father. She was gifted a set of armor and weapons for her heroism and promoted to his retinue, but never told the truth of her relation to the man she had saved. She currently serves as a glorified messenger for her lord and handles the missions that he wouldn't bother to assign to any of his other men as he attempts to reconsolidate his power.

The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

This is probably my dumbest sheet yet. There's probably also something wrong with me. ;_;

Name: Ebenezer Scrooge
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Vampire
Sex: Male

Body: 22 = 4 + 10 + 8
Mind: 10 = 6 + 4
Spirit: 50 = 40 + 2 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 72
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 46
Spirit Energy (EP): 96
Speed: 15
Dodge: 41
Armor: 1
Resistance: 25
Perception: 20
Stealth: 17
Grapple: 22
Spirit Ceiling: 19


[Race] Healthy: +20 HP
[Race] Shadowmancer: +5 shadowmancer powers.

[Class] Daemonic Wielder: +5 daemonology powers.

[General] Exceptional x2: +8 Body, +8 Spirit
[General] Natural Warrior (Duelist): +10 dodge, +2 damage when wielding something in one hand and nothing in the other.

[Spirit Wielder] Psion: +5 psionic powers.
[Spirit Wielder] Rimewielder: +5 boreal powers.
[Spirit Wielder] Starseeker: +5 celestial powers.
[Spirit Wielder] Massive Energy Pool: +30 EP.
[Spirit Wielder] Skilled Wielder: +1 Aptitude


[Race] Selfish: Pretty selfish.
[Race] Open Soul: +4 EP damage taken.
[Race] Fetish: Feeding: +8 PP damage taken from feeding.

[Talent] *Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
[Talent] *Easily Tired: Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.
[Talent] *Hemophiliac: Whenever the character takes damage, they begin to bleed. For every round following and until the end of the encounter or until they are healed, the character takes 2d4 points of damage.

Mutations: Bluh, bluh, not bothering with full listings for most of these because this is a derp sheet.

[Racial] Vampire, Supernatural, Daylight Weakness, Night Eyes, Damage Reduction 1/2, Fangs

Wielder Aptitudes: Efficient Wielder, Harmful Spirit, Soul-Soldier (Starblade)
Powers: Aurora, Blood Freeze, Frost Armor, Polar Binding, Rimewind Blast, Astral Wings, Astrologer's Boon, Starblade, Void Touch, Starbeam, Call Daemon, Soul Rip, Regenesis, Enhanced Shell, Reflector, Dark Armor, Patch of Darkness, Piercer, Rupturing Shadows, Shadowstalker, Empathy, Telekinesis, Pyrokineses, Psychic Shield, Telepathy

Pleasure Damage: Bluh, bluh.

Unarmed (+22) 2d4+6
Black overcoat, top hat, scarf, gloves, and spats: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Bio/Description: Imagine an athletic Ebenezer Scrooge. Bam.

Grew up, got rich through shrewdness and generally being a miserly dick. Became a vampire so he could live forever and generally be a miserly vampire entrepreneur in a small Badarian town. One winter day, some crippled kid who was distraught because his dad was working his life away for a miserly vampire jerk made a wish to end his reign of miserly jerkiness and accidentally summoned up some daemons.

Three daemons heeded the call and attempted to eat Scrooge's soul to gain revenge for the kid, but Scrooge wasn't just a selfish, miserly jerk, he was a selfish, miserly jerk who was a proficient spirit wielder. They fought to a draw, with him slaying the second daemon who had appeared that night, and then, as he was about to finish the other two, they jumped into his body as a means of taking their revenge.

Now they force him to go around generally being a goody two-shoes and going against his miserly jerk self.

The OOC section: Anti-hero Ebenezer Scrooge has probably already been done. By the Simpson's even.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Name: Kelsier
Class: Knight(warrior)
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Male

Body: 56=30+10+16
Mind: 14=10+4
Spirit: 20=10+10

Hit Points (HP):73 (56+7+10)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):52 (28+14+10)
Spirit Energy (EP):55 (28+7+20)
Speed: 24 (sqrt(560))/14 with armor
Dodge: 37 (28+7+10-10+2)
Armor: 6(4+2)/26 with armor
Resistance: 28
Perception: 24
Stealth: 28(28-8)/8 with armor
Grapple: 56
Spirit Ceiling: 11/3 with armor
(note psyker!)


(R)Pain Resistant
Natural spirit wielder(Holy mage)
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Skill with Polearms
Skill with Bastard Swords

(R)Easy to Hit
(R)Open Soul

Greater Wings
Night eyes
Strange Skin

Favored Enemy(Dragons)
Spirited Warrior
Quick Draw
Death from the Draw
Deadly Reach

Wielder Aptitudes:
Lay on Hands
Fey Servant

Lance: +70 to attack, 2d10+43 (2d10+3+28+10+2) damage
Bastard Sword: +67 to attack, 1d12+31(1d12+1+28+2) damage one handed, 1d12+47(1d12+1+6+28+10+2) two handed
Bow: +58 attack, 2d8+34(2d8+6+56/3+10) damage, 50 foot range
Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 60, DU = 5.


The OOC section: Note: Uses Blessing upon waking up and keeps it active thorough the day when possible at X=2.
+6 to attack rolls
43 dodge
32 resistance
28 perception
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

What Badaria needs is a hero...

But not this guy.

Name: Sir Theodore D. Biase
Class: Warrior
Race: Badarian
Sex: Male

Body: 30
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 30
Spirit Energy (EP): 30
Speed: 17 (3 w/ shield and armor)
Dodge: 25 (60 w/ armor and shield)
Armor: 0 (20 w/ armor)
Resistance: 15 (21 w/ armor)
Perception: 17
Stealth: 17 (-11 w/ shield and armor)
Grapple: 30
Spirit Ceiling: 6 (non-existant with shield and armor)



[Warrior] Shield Fighter: Can attack with weapon and shield in same round, defensive fighting penalties do not apply to shield attacks.

[General] Wealthy x8: +800 denarii.


Fetish: Harem building.



[Shield] Shield Cover – The character cannot move or make any attacks, but they and all creatures standing behind them do not take damage from any attacks unless they are coming from directly behind the character using this skill. Requires Shield Fighter.
[Shield] Defensive Stance - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses. Requires Duelist OR Shield Fighter.
[Shield] Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Shield Fighter.
[Shield] Block - The character may take a -10 penalty to attack rolls and Dodge for the round, and in exchange, any creatures attempting to attack them must win a Resistance check against the character. For each creature attacking a character beyond the first, the character takes a -2 penalty to this check. Requires Shield Fighter.


+4 Hammer (+34) 2d4 + 21 Creatures struck must make a DC32 resistance check or become stunned. (250d enchantments, 2x vs DC or stunned, +4 atk/dmg)
Tower Shield (+30) 3d6 + 10 DB = 23. EV = 4. (280d enchantments, +8DB)
Plate Armor: AV = 20, EV = 10, TP = 74, DU = 6. +6 Dodge, +6 Resistance Grants Battle Aura, EP pool of 20 (320d enchantments, 1x Darkbrain for 6 dodge, 6 resistance, +1 du, +10 tp, one power enchant with bonus EP pool, +4 TP)
Aphrodisiac Poison

Description: A plain looking man vastly overshadowed by the expertly crafted gear he wears and wields.

Bio: A man who desires to become a legend but has none of the talent for it. Following the alien invasion, he has invested most of his house's remaining money into commissioning the best artisans for the most expertly crafted gear. Unfortunately, it's all gone to a coward who is more likely to flee than even try to put it to use, despite best intentions. The sudden squandering of nearly a quarter of the family's wealth on what they have deemed a midlife crisis has done little to put him in good standing with said family as well, who no longer speak to him unless absolutely necessary.

At least his mistresses understand, provided he scrounges a suitable gift of gold for them when he visits.

The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Joey the Wonder Plant
Name: Joey
Class: Warrior
Race: Alraune
Sex: Female cos hasta be

Body: 54
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 94
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):37
Spirit Energy (EP): 37
Speed: 23
Dodge: 37
Grapple: 66
Spirit Ceiling:7


exceptional*3 (+24)
Resilient (+30 HP
Stealthy (+5 Stealth, and sneaky stuff)
Grapple Expert (+12 huggy powers)
Sneaky (+8 Stealth)
Resistant (+8 Resistance)
Mutated (JUST BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!!)

Naturally Warped
Selective Fertility
Fertile Mouth

Shadow Striker
Paralyzing Strike

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes:
Pollen Shot

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration =
Foreplay =
Succubus Powers:

What's an inventory, or money? joey doesn't know.

In progress work

The OOC section:
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets


I'll probably actually end up using this one somewhere for something, because I was pretty okay with the general appearance and concept, I just had issues with making the backstory flow.

NName: Morana
Class: Mercenary (Mage)
Race: Karkastan
Sex: Female

Body: 12 = 4 + 8
Mind: 50 = 42 + 8
Spirit: 12 = 4 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 73
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 62
Spirit Energy (EP): 73
Speed: 11 (10 w/ Armor)
Dodge: 47
Armor: 0 (8 w/ Armor)
Resistance: 33
Perception: 24
Stealth: 9 (7 w/ Armor)
Grapple: 12
Spirit Ceiling: 15 (14 w/ EV)


[Mage] Focus in Aether
[Mage] Focus in Nature
[Mage] Concentration: +8 Casting.
[Mage] Magic Feats: +2 Feats

[General] Natural Spirit Wielder (Massive Energy Pool): +30 EP.
[General] Natural Warrior (Resilient): +30 HP.
[General] Resistant: +8 Resistance.
[General] Hard to Hit: +10 Dodge.

[Racial] Mutated: +3 Mutations
[Racial] Sensitive: +4 PP damage
[Racial] Open Soul: +4 EP damage.

[Talent] Unlucky: -3 All non-damage rolls.
[Talent] Honorable: Cannot lie.
[Talent] Weakness (Silver)

[Extra] Mutated: +3 Mutations.

Discordant Fertility

Funny Ears
Glowing Skin
Foul Aura
Reverse Jointed Legs (Or digitigrade)

Base Casting: 33 (31 after unlucky, armor, and misc. item modifiers, 41 w/ favored elements)
Favored Elements: Nature, Aether
Magic Feats: Channel Spell, Martial Magician, Enchant Weapon, Reanimator, Heighten Spell

Pleasure Damage: Bluh, bluh.
Penetration =
Foreplay =

Long Bardiche (+47) 2d10 + 9 damage
Elven Bramble Armor AV = 8, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing.
Healing Potion x2
Enchanted Hourglass: +2 Base Casting

Description: Morana bears a more striking resemblance to the fey satyrs than she does to either of her parents. Her long-waisted, athletic frame meets a pair of furry, goat-like legs that begin at her thighs and terminate in hooves. A poofy tail that matches her satyr features can be found above her toned backside. While her legs are sheathed in smooth black fur with accents of white, the rest of her body is furless. Her skin gives off a faint glow that makes her rosy skin appear several shades lighter than it actually is.

From her head sprouts a pair of horns that would seem more at place on a stag than her, which also serves as primary evidence that she isn't a true satyress. Beyond the horns, which are the most striking feature of her face, she has short, jet black hair. A few errant freckles can be spotted on her heart-shaped face underneath her skin's glow. She has purple eyes.

She stands at 5' tall, a little taller if measuring her horns, and as such had to seek other ways to make up for her lack of innate physical strength and her unimposing presence in battle. Morana wears enchanted armor that's engraved and otherwise decorated with a motif of falling leaves and decaying branches. She wields a long bardiche and relies on the weight of the blade and her magics for its ability to strike down enemies.

A Karkastan of less fortunate circumstances, Morana was born into captivity in Hell to her sidhe knight mother and a full-blooded demon Lady. She was on the receiving end of much cruelty for her satyr-like appearance. When her sister was born, the full-blooded demon being the one who mothered her sibling, things became worse. Her sister resembled the demons more than the fey and quickly took to the demonic custom of dominating her older sister in order to secure her place in the family's hierarchy. It was during this time that Morana became sullen and morbidly fascinated with death.

Her sidhe mother, however, would eventually manage an escape from Hell during the events of the Artmirst invasion. She managed to escape through the dark gates, ferrying Morana with her. But unlike her mother, whose will had been unshakable, Morana wasn't as naturally resilient to the tortures she had been through. It would take realizing her talent for magic and the counseling of a sympathetic fey lord in order to eventually turn her continuing fascination with death toward something productive. The fey lord managed to cleverly link death into the grand cycle of nature in Morana's head, leading her to investigate and expand upon her own beliefs further.

She has since settled upon a strange and seemingly arbitrary system of beliefs, but more importantly has grown. She devoted herself to playing an active role in the cycles of life and death. Her path has led her to take up the mantle of a mercenary. She has also begun to accept summons from most any who would call to her and, as a result of her heritage, even offers her services to desperate pleas otherwise aimed at any among sorceresses and knights of the fey and demons who might hear them, provided the summoner is willing to pay her toll.

The OOC section: What can the harvest hope for, if not for the care of the reaper man? Etc. etc.

Also need a new weakness instead of silver and need to consider replacing channel spell with druidic secrets.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

And boom goes the dynamite.

Testing possible derp that could be accomplished with the suggested "allowing succubi to shift clothes and penetrate on the same round" stuff.

Name: Something.
Class: Succubus
Race: Full-Blood Demon
Sex: Futa.

Body: 54 = 46 + 8
Mind: 10 = 2 + 8
Spirit: 10 = 2 + 8

Hit Points (HP): 64
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 42
Speed: 23
Dodge: 27
Armor: 0
Resistance: 35
Perception: 23
Stealth: 28
Grapple: 71
Spirit Ceiling: 8


[Race] Succubus Magic: +3 Powers.

[General] Natural Warrior (Grapple Expert): +12 Grapple.
[General] Resistant: +8 Resistance.

[Succubus] Greater Warrior (Stealthy):
[Succubus] Erotic Fighter: +2 skills, +6 attack.
[Succubus] Erotic Champion: Body/10 Skills, +6 attack.
[Succubus] Kama Sutra: Improved pleasure damage.
[Succubus] Fuck Me x2: +24 pleasure damage from penetrative sex.


[Race] Sensitive: +4 PP damage taken.
[Race] Mutated: +3 Mutations.
[Race] Selfish.
[Race] Fetish: Surprise-Sex-They-Didn't-Know-They-Wanted.

[Class] Lustful

[General] Hemophiliac.
[General] Fragile.
[General] Easy to Hit.

[Extra] Mutated x3: +9 Mutations.


Supernatural, Demon, Shapeshifter, Corruptive, Selective Fertility, Soul Eater.

Tight/Large x3: +6 PP damage from penetrative sex.
Snug/Stretching: +6 bonus against ending penetration.
Vestigial Wings
Greater Wings

Leap Glomp
Superior Grappler
Spirited Warrior
Shadow Striker

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10 + 63
Foreplay = 3d6 + 24
Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty
Tonight, You (the unfinished shift + penetrate in a single round idea as per the OOC thread)
Deny Release
Stunning Gaze

Birthday Suit.
Unarmed (+66) 2d4 + 18.

Something incredibly stupid.

The OOC section:

Spirited Warrior for +20 resistance, leap glomp onto the target. On a success, uses Tonight, You as a free action against the target at 1d20 + 55 versus resistance. If she succeeds with that then she can shift her target's clothing and DP her target (if female) or be penetrated by her target (if male) and use rhythm in order to immediately deal 6d10 + 78 PP (3d10 if single penetration) damage, and probably trigger deny release at the same time.

Far from an optimized version of this, but it has a few secondary options like stunning gaze -> brawler grab and sneak attacks. Could honestly get by without stealthy and pick up a handy grapple spirit power buff. Oh well, I don't really feel like messing with this concept beyond this.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Just gonna use my same character.
I included her weapons, in case someone wants to go all out.

Name: Onzankai No Mizuko
Class: Warrior
Race: Oni
Sex: Female
Melee damage:2d12+64(2d12+2+3(weapon)+19+40)
Attack roll:1D20+38

  • Body:26+12=38
  • Mind:12
  • Spirit:12+4=16

  • Hit Points(HP):82
  • Pleasure to Orgasm(PP):39
  • Spirit Energy(EP):41
  • Speed:18(19)
  • Dodge:23/33(33-10+10 from unarmed)
  • Armor:8(1 armor, 5 pain resistant, 2 armoured hide)
  • Resistance:19
  • Perception:19
  • Stealth:19(19)
  • Grapple:38
  • Spirit Ceiling:9(9)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

  • (R)Pain resistant
  • (R)Hard hitter:+8 melee damage
  • (C)Heavy hitter(4 times):+8 melee damage, four times. (+32)
  • (C) *Unarmed Fighter: The character deals Improved Unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon. In addition, the character gets a +10 bonus to Dodge so long as they aren't holding any weapons.
  • (C)Resilient: +30 Hp

  • (R)Infertile
  • (R)Mutated
  • (R)Bloodthirsty:Never backs down from a fight. EVER.
  • (R)Easy To Hit:-10 dodge
  • Antagonizing

  • (R)Odd skin:
    • Armored Hide: The character's skin has become strong enough to resist attacks. Whether this is through a tough hide, thick scales or skin becoming as hard as steel, the effect is the same. The character takes a -1 penalty to Speed, but they also get a +2 bonus to Armor
  • Natural Attack: The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12+ Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this. mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.
  • Soft-Skin: Your character causes +2 PP during non-oral foreplay.
  • (R)Horns: six inches, stony-red. Located on each side of head, about 3 inches above ears.
  • (R)warped: : The character has started becoming something other than completely human. Characters with this mutation cause any creatures that do not have this mutation to take an amount of corruption equal to 1/2 the pleasure that they deal. Racial Mutations and other Special Mutations do not count toward getting this.
  • (R)Oni alcoholism: Oni's that ingest alcoholic drinks are subjected to a unique effect. Every alcoholic beverage that an Oni consumes gives them a temporary +4 bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, AV, and Grapple. This effect can stack up to 5 times and lasts up until the alcohol passes from their system. The bonuses come with a price, however, as each one (up to the same limit of 5) also causes 2d6+2 Resistance damage (pushing them towards Aroused/Horny) and each drink causes an additional specific effect. Wine causes them to gain a temporary instance of Sensitive, ale/beer causes an instance of Tight/Large, and liquors cause an additional +2 Resistance damage.
  • (R)Demon:Fire/force resistant 5
  • Nerve Pinch - The character takes a -12 penalty to attack and damage for the round, but if they hit and deal damage, the creature struck must win a Resistance check against the character or gain an instance of the Paralyzed status.
  • Shattering Blow – The character can choose to take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, and in exchange, any attacks that hit deal double damage. The damage is multiplied after the penalty is subtracted.
  • Stunning Blow – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage, but if they hit their target must win a Resistance check against them or be Stunned.
  • Flurry of Blows – The character can strike repeatedly against the same target. They may take up to 4 additional attacks, but for each attack beyond the first the character takes a -8 penalty to attack rolls and a -5 penalty to damage for all attacks that round. The same penalties apply to each attack.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetrative sex: 2d8+13(12.6)
Foreplay: 2d4+8(+2 non oral)

  • Chain handwraps/bracelets
  • Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
  • Fucklarge Sake Gourd
50 denarii

Mizuko moved to Acheron as soon as it sprung up, having run away from home at the age of 10, quickly adopting a life on her own, beating or fucking the shit out of anyone who messed with her. Due to this, when the sixteen year old oni heard of the "party" that she saw Acheron as, she rushed to it. The two years she's spent since have further hardened her. Her hair is a vibrant crimson, as wild and untamed as her, in a perpetually tousled state. Her eyes are a blazing yellow, filled with fearsome energy that shows in her brutal fighting. During her stays at this strange island, her armor has been replaced by clothing, though her shirt's sleeves appear to have been torn off, as has everything below the midriff. Her shorts are loose, giving her full freedom of motion, and end mid thigh, laces preventing others from sneaking a look at her. She wears her gourd like a backpack, one strap slung across her shoulder. Thin iron chains that she usually wears as bracelets serve the secondary purpose of handwraps when she brawls. Though she stands at only 4'10, 5'4,
counting horns, this little Oni packs a powerful punch, and is chaos on the battlefield.
Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Charsheet Dumping, DG4 edition:

Just trying to stat up characters based on things they would've likely been trained in historically and seeing whether it's possible to produce a decent DG character that way or not. Expect weird things like multiple Skilled with Weapons or whatever.

Generic Knight

Will probably actually use this one at some point, maybe.
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

Izria the Ifrit

From Race
From Talent
From Flaw
From Mutation
From Class
From Backstory

Name: Izria
Class: Fire Mage
Race: Half-Daemon
Sex: Female

Backstory Template: Cursed

Body = 10 + 2 = 12
Mind = 26 + 4 = 30
Spirit = 14 + 4 = 18

Hit Points (HP) = 12 + 15 + 9 + 20 = 56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 6 + 30 + 9 = 45
Spirit Energy (EP) = 6 + 15 + 18 + 20 = 59
Speed = 25
Dodge = 7d10 + 10 - 2 + 2d10 + 1d10
Armor =
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple = 2d10 + 2
Spirit Ceiling = 11

Reflexes = 9
Focus = 15
Willpower = 11

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = + 10
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold =
Pleasure Resistance = 10

Class Bonus
2 Mage Feats
+4 to Casting Checks

Experience =
Corruption =

Focus in: Fire
Specialized Mage
Greater Energy Pool
Resistant Soul
Hard to Hit
Magic Feats
Side-Skill: Evasion


Phobia: Bodies of Water
Mutated: X

Sexual Weakness
Weakness: Animals

Mutations: X/18
Glowing Skin
Odd Hair

Foul Aura

Special Mutations
Immunity to Fire
Vulnerability Water 2

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack = 6d10 - 2
Base Casting (Fire) = 30 + 4 = +34
Favored Elements

Magic Feats
Empower Spell
Intensify Spell

Elemental Mastery
Holder of the Secret Fire

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 4
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3


Instrument = 2d10
Performance = 3d10
Perception = 2d10
Stealth = 2d10

Izria was always a bit of a strange duck. Born to an Anudorian couple, she looked more like a pale elf from the east. Even more strange was her hair, seemingly made of little filaments of fire, and her body was always hot to the touch, though not unpleasantly so. She also had the innate ability to manipulate fire, though she had no idea how she did so or why she could. The people of her home village always had a sense that there was something wrong about her, something they couldn't quite put their fingers on... Before her age had reached double digits she was almost what one might consider fully grown, and the townspeople declared that she was the product of some terrible sin on their part, casting her out of the village. She wandered the desert alone until she found a long-abandoned temple to some forgotten god, wherein she discovered a miracle; a bounty of food and water, still fresh and ripe, and other supplies that she needed badly. She feasted until she could eat no more, falling asleep satisfied.

When she awoke she was clothed in something rather odd. Just barely wide enough to cover her genitals, it curved then up between the cheeks of her rump and then up her back, ending in a thin collar around her neck, with two branches at her chest that curled around until they covered her nipples. Despite feeling as if it were made of silk it made her feel deeply uncomfortable, but when she tried to remove it she found the thing stuck to her tight no matter what she did.

It was then that she discovered that her new piece of clothing was alive. And it was not her friend. In fact it was rather cruel. But it did give her a few key hints; she had been cursed from birth, by what it wouldn't say, and led to this temple by fate. The only way to undo her curse would be to find its source... and that the clothing would not reveal. When she left the temple and headed on her way she turned back, and it was gone... No sign that it had ever existed. That left only one path; to journey and quest for the secrets of her origin and the curse that bound her.


The Out of Character Section
The cursed item is a piece of clothing. It is sentient and cannot be removed. It is capable of pleasuring Izria whenever it wants (primarily via foreplay) and draining her EP, while also preventing her/other people from touching her if it wants to. It also can serve as a choke/starvation collar at will. It has a telepathic link with Izria.
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets

She's never going to go anywhere else, here's HARO!

Name: Haro
Class: Warrior
Race: Oni
Sex: Futanari
Backstory Template: Basic

Body = 50 (30 B + 12 R + 8 T)
Mind = 18 (10 B + 8 T)
Spirit = 14 (10 B + 4 R)

Hit Points (HP) = 96 (66 B + 30 M)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 50
Spirit Energy (EP) = 48
Speed = 25 (35 B - 10 M)
Dodge = 8d10 + 2 (10d10 B - 2d10 M + 3d10 T - 3d10 F) [+2d10 vs Magic, Powers, or Succubus Abilities; Can Dodge Undodgeable Spells and Powers at -10]
Armor = 33 NAV (0 B + 18 T + 6 M + 5 R + 4 S)
Perception = 6d10-6
Stealth = 2d10-6
Grapple = 10d10 + 12 (10d10 B + 1d10 vs smaller M + 10 M + 2 S)
Spirit Ceiling = 9

Reflexes = 25 (+5 when using Skills)
Focus = 13
Willpower = 13

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 5
Bull Rush Mod = 25
Overrun Mod = 25
Orgasm Threshold = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 11
Vs Control or Alter Action Effects = 12
Vs Movement Effects= 12
Vs Horny, Dominated, Charm, Prone, Stunned= 12
Vs Magic, Powers, Succubus Abilities= 10

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

R- Heavy Hitter: +6 damage for one handed weapons (+8 for two); 1 free skill
R- Pain Resistant: +5 NAV
1- Exceptional: +8 Body
2- Heavy Weapons Specialist: Bonuses for wielding two-handed weapons; 1 free HWS skill
3- Pain Resistant: +5 NAV
4- Battle Hardened: +8 NAV
5- Agile: +3d10 Dodge
6- Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)
7- Skilled: +3 skills
8- Exceptional: +8 Mind

R- Bloodthirsty: Likes to fite
R- Easy to Hit: -3d10 Dodge
R- Fertile 1: +5 to pregnant
R- Obvious: Not a sneaker
1- Selfish: Selfish
2- Lustful: Likes to have sex
3- Oblivious: Doesn't pay attention
4- Fetish (Elves): Likes pointy ears
5- Mutation: Weird
6- Dominant: In charge

Mutations: 12/18
R- Horns: Oni Horn
R- Odd Skin: Soft but hard to cut
3- Armored Hide x3: See above (+6 NAV)
4- Large: Big dick
5- Futanari: Dickgirl
6- Potent: Makes babies (+1 to pregnancy rolls)
7- Multi-Orgasmic: Lady Cums-A-Lot (PP resets to half instead of full)
8- Pheromones: Smells sexy (makes anyone around here Excited)
9- Skyclad: Doesn't like clothes
10- Soft Skin (See above) (+2 PP during non-oral foreplay)
11- Whip Tongue: Whip it good (+2 PP during oral foreplay)
12- Overproductive: 100 babies!

Special Mutations
R- Demon: ER 5 vs fire and force
R- Oni Alcoholism: Gets stronger (and hornier) by drinking
R- Supernatural: Weirdo
R- Large: Bigger than your average oni

Weapon Attack = 10d10+2
Warhammer: Attack: 11d10 Damage: 2d10 + 2 + 33 + 18 (T) + 2 (S)
Mage Hunter: Resistant to spells
Spirit Oppressor: Resistant to powers
Spell Resistance: Resistant to magic
Untemptable: Resistant to succubus abilities
Strong Willed: Strong willed
Crushing Blow: Attack at -20 damage to cause Stunned and Weakened
Sturdy: Tough
Superhuman Toughness: Can't touch the tough
Whirlwind: Weeee!
Berserker: +2 weapon attack rolls, Natural AV, Grapple checks, and melee weapon damage

Succubus Powers:
Aphrodisiac Fluids: Cum makes you horny (2d6+2 willpower damage per swallow)
Incredible Stamina: +2 orgasms before going flaccid; can resist additional 5 PP damage
Dizzying Heights: Sex gud

Pleasure Damage

Penetration = 2d8 + 16
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12


4d10 Medicine
4d10 Naviation
2d10 Reading/Writing
4d10 Tracking/Woodcraft
6d10 Herbalism

Perception = 6d10

Stealth = 2d10

It was a huuuge person, with jet black skin and even darker black hair. She had a single horn jutting out from the hair that stretched about a foot long. She was barely clothed, with just a loincloth to cover her crotch, a belt to hold a few potions, and a strap on her back to hold a similarly outsized warhammer. Her breasts were huge, even accounting for the fact that she was tall enough to have to crouch down to enter most buildings. She probably would have to crouch to enter anything made for goblins and still it would be a tight squeeze. Her most impressive feature, though, were her muscles. They were everywhere and looked hard as stone. Her face was pleasant but she wasn't a beauty. Her entire form screamed that she was a brute. This was not helped by the fact that she absolutely STANK of alcohol.

The Out of Character Section
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Re: DG Mud Wrestling Character Sheets


For the purposes of this non-canon derpery, she is now EVIL ASHLEY, and is happy to throw the first punch, or have 'fun' with her defeated foe. Etc.