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DG3 Character Sheets

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Kailen Katel, the Hopeful Princess

Mirchell is back, baybeeeee~

Name: Mirchell
Class: Spellblade (Warrior)
Race: Fullblood Demon
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Raised as a Warrior

Body: 32+8* = 40
Mind: 6+8* = 14
Spirit: 12+8* = 20

Hit Points (HP): 40+7+10 = 67/67
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 20+14+10 = 44/44
Spirit Energy (EP): 20+7+20 = 47/47
Speed: 25+10+10(Quick Talent) = 45
Dodge: (40/10=4)+(14/10=1 carry 4)+(20/10=2)+1(Warrior Exemplar) = 10d10+4
Armour: 11 natural + 20 worn = 31
Reflex: 40/2 = 20
Focus: (40/6=7)+(14/3=5) = 12
Willpower: (40/6=7)+(20/3=7) = 14
Defensive Bonuses:
Orgasm Threshold: 40/20 = 2
Pleasure Resistance: 5+(14/2=7) = 12
Reliance on Might: +5 to Weapon Attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, Tumble, Resistance Checks using Skills
Parry: +3 to Parry Checks, DC’s, and max DC’s. +8 when using a two-handed melee weapon.
Perception: 6d10 (Rerolls 2’s)
Stealth: 2d10 (Rerolls 9’s)
Grapple: (40/5=8) = 8d10
Spirit Ceiling: (47/5=9.4) = 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: n/a (Already a Demon)

Talents: 6/6
*Battle Hardened (+8 natural AV)
Heavy Hitter (Melee attack +6 with one-handed, +8 with two-handed, +1 Skill)
Heavy Weapons Specialist (Style) (Weapon Attack +1d10, +10 damage, +5 to parry checks, DC’s, and max DC’s when using two-handed melee, +1 Heavy Weapons Skill)
Natural Spirit Wielder (Demonologist) (2+(20/20=1) = 3 Demonologist Powers)
Quick (+10 speed)
Perceptive (Reroll 2’s on Perception Checks)
Warrior Exemplar (1d10 bonus to Dodge, Weapon Attack Rolls. +3 natural AV. +3 Damage to Body-reliant weapons. +3 to Parry Checks, DC’s, and max DC’s)

Flaws: 3/3
*Honorable (RP) (Refuses to break her word, though isn’t above Monkey’s Pawing it now and again)
*Excitable (Make a Willpower check when PP falls below ½, DC = Pleasure Damage taken that round. Failing causes Arousal status, or Horny if already Aroused)
*Fetish (Sensual Handling) (+8 PP damage taken from actions reminiscent of a lover’s touch)
*Sensitive (+5 PP damage taken from all sources)
Obvious (reroll 9’s on Stealth checks)
Mutated*2 (Greater Wings, Aerial Warrior)

Mutations: *Night Eyes, *Fangs, *Horns, *Tail, *Vestigal Wings, *Wings, Greater Wings (Can fly at normal Speed), Aerial Warrior (Negates Dodge Penalty in the air)
Special Mutations: *Corruptive, *Demon, *Selective Fertility, *Shapeshifter, *Supernatural, *Soul Eater

Weapon Attack: (40/5)d10+1d10(Warrior Exemplar)+1d10(Heavy Weapons Specialist)+(Heavy Hitter +6 with one-handed, +8 with two-handed) = 9d10+(1d10 with two-handed melee)+8 with two-handed weapon. With her Darksteel Greatsword, 10d10+17.

Skills: 1+(40/10)d10+*1 (Raised as a Warrior)+1 (Heavy Hitter) +1 (Heavy Weapons Specialist) = 7/7
Swooping Strike (Whilst flying, move full movement range in a straight line - including up and down movement - to make an attack with +2d10 bonus to hit, and +10 damage, but -10 to Dodge for that round)
Aggressive Fighting (Trade up to 4d10 from Dodge to gain 1d10 per die on a single Attack Roll, or +2 per die on all attack rolls for one round)
Bladesinger (Uses Body to determine Attack Rolls with Powers)
Heavy Metal (Delays attack until the end of the round, gains +10 AV that round. Any foe hit when active must win a Reflexes check against the user or be Stunned. Any attack made against the user that round - hit or miss - adds a cumulative +1d10 bonus to attack and +5 damage)
Cleave (Upon slaying an opponent, automatically attack another nearby enemy at -1d10 attack, up to twice a turn. All bonuses or penalties from the initial attack apply to the Cleave.)
Terrify (Upon slaying an opponent, all other foes within 30 ft with Line of Sight make a Willpower Check vs DC [(damage of killing blow/10)*tier of foe slain])
Strong Willed (+12 bonus to Resistance Checks to attempts to control or alter her actions, or otherwise affect the mind. Includes Dominated, Charmed, or Horny statuses among others. Also +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.)

Power Attack: 8d10
Fell Might (Pay X - 1 EP and 1 HP. Upkeep X - 3 EP and X/2 - 3 HP. Gain +2X bonus to Dodge, attack rolls, melee damage, Bull Rush checks, Overrun checks, Swim checks, and Grapple, a +X bonus to Resistance checks and ranged weapon damage rolls relying on Body, and deals +2X PP damage when engaged in penetrative sex so long as this power is active.)
Hellfire Blast (Pay X EP, 2 HP. No HP cost if Fell Might is active. May trade points from Fell Might’s X value to add to Hellfire Blast’s X value as a free action. Deals heat/fire damage, but ignores the first 10 points of any target’s fire resistance. Single target in LoS; [1d6+3]*X damage. 10ft explosion or 60 degree 30ft cone; [1d6+2]*X damage. Touch attack to adjacent; [1d6+4]*X damage. Empower weapon; maximum X is 5, upkeep X-3, deals Xd8 fire damage.)
Vampiric Futanari (See powers sheet.)

Pleasure Damage:
Penetrations = 2d8+(40/3=13) = 2d8+13
Foreplay = 2d4+(40/4=10) = 2d4+10

Two-handed Sword (2d12+20, double damage dice, -2 damage) 4d12+18, +2d4 bleed damage on slash.
Light: +3 attack, -2 damage.
Serrated: -4 attack, 2d4 bleeding damage per turn until healed/bandaged on slash hit.
Darksteel: Doubled damage dice, +1 per dice to attack rolls.
Light plate armour (Splint Mail): AV = 20, EV = 6, TP = 50, DU = 6, strong against slashing.
5 Denarii

Trades: 15/15 (Full-Blooded Demon)
Casting: (14/5=2) = 3d10
Perception: (2 free+4 investment) = 6d10 (Rerolls 2’s)
Stealth: (2 free) = 2d10 (Rerolls 9’s)
Acrobatics: 3d10
Lore (Demons): 2d10
Tracking: 3d10
Trapping: 2d10

Bio/Description: Standing at 6’6” - 198cm, Mirchell is - or perhaps more accurately was quite an intimidating sight. It’s been a long time since she left Doneviron, and the time has… not treated her well.

Ashen-coloured skin stretched taut over lean, rippling, fell-empowered muscle; bone-framed, bat-like leathery wings with an imposing 15' - 4.5m wingspan, and a whiplash tail flitting agitatedly back and forth. A veritable powerhouse driven on by the distinctively maddened look of a wounded beast. Features that were more handsome than pretty by the unnatural nature of Hell now look more… tired, than fearsome; dark bags lend a sallow look beneath burning crimson eyes, seemingly unable to linger in one place for any great length of time.

Instead, they flit back and forth with a touch of madness - scrutinising things that simply aren’t there, and sometimes missing, or at least not quite meeting, things that are. A sculpted nose and noble cheekbones are mottled and scuffed, driven into the ground more times than can truly be healthy. Pointy, elfin ears jut upwards from her head, though the tip of one has long since been lost - scar tissue well-formed and aged across the stump a couple inches down. Bone-white hair that was never the best-kept in the first place is now truly unkempt - strewn about her head in tangled tresses, though the characteristic ‘spines’ of hair still flourish about her ears, in a manner almost similar to a sunflower.

And from her forehead, where once two proud, curved, ridged horns befitting a demon princess had risen, instead two broken stumps of bone jut from her scruffy hairline - it appears that one had been cut off by a weapon, judging by the clear line, whilst the other... Was snapped. Jagged and ruined - as sure a fall from status as anything before.

The final mockery of a once-proud face is her lips - where once they were plain and dull, these have been well kept in the intervening centuries; smooth and glossy, decidedly the most feminine aspect of the demon’s features, though a nearly-perpetual sneer, grim and humourless, tugs at one corner.

Despite the misfortunes stemming from an ill-fated foray into Hell to vanquish a Demon Lord, headstrong and foolish as they were, her physique has remained - if tarnished - that of a warrior. Lean and well-defined in every area, the half-plate armour she still wears reveals rippling biceps and an abdomen toned enough to grate cheese on, though the fine details do little to hide new marks - chafed scars ringing her wrists and elbows, and the purple discolouration starkly visible against her wan, ashen skin at broad, womanly hips indicative of stretch marks. Marks and damage that any self-respecting demon, surely, would have shapeshifted away no sooner had any of these marring defects been received.

But despite these signs of a more… Horizontal lifestyle, Mirchell remains every inch a fighter, if notably less shrouded in knightly mockery now. Armour now beginning to show signs of age, forged of blackened steel and complimented by a serrated, darksteel greatsword remains in impeccable condition, wielded with skill that had only been further honed in her prolonged absence from Doniveron.

But before any of that can matter, there remains the small issue of the collar clasped about her throat, and the dimension separating her from moving air…

The OOC Section: It’s been a while. But we’re back. In tides of red. And quite a bit of motherhood in the interim… But here's some pictures that are out of date with this new and 'improved' bio...~

- image gallery~
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