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DG3 Character Sheets

Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Narali Lund: Outcast Orc Warrior
Name:Narali Lund
Class: Warrior (Pike and Shot Warrior)
Race: Orc
Sex: Female


Hit Points (HP):92
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):44
Spirit Energy (EP):42
Spirit Ceiling:8


(R) Skill With Polearms (+12 Attack rolls with Polearms)
(C) Skill With Rifles (+12 attack rolls for Rifles)
(C) Battle Hardened (+8 armor)
(C) Resiliant (+30 HP)
(C) Heavy Weapons Specialist (+10 damage on every attack with 2 handed

(C) Heavy Hitter (+8 to all damage to all melee attacks)
(F) Exceptional x2 (+16 stat points)
(F) Sniper (+8 Ranged Damage)

(R) Bloodthirsty
(R) Fertile
(C) Fetish (Smaller Women)
(C) Lustful
(C) Open Soul


Skills (6):
Berserker (+3 to all attack rolls and damage from all melee attacks)
Strong Willed
Heavy Metal
Deadly Aim


Halberd: 2d10+3+25
Pike: 2d10+3+25
Badarian Breach Loader 3d8+8 35 foot range, ignores 8AV

Orcish Battle Armor: AV = 14, EV = 4, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Slashing.

Strong against Piercing.

Narali was an orc of not great descript, serving her clan loyaly as a pike
and shot warrior, earning herself a small amount of honor through her
service. This was a life she was content with. But things changed as she
began seeing how the fallen and defeated warriors were treated. Men and women taken into slavery and simply used for sex and breeding was a horrible and disgraceful practice that Narali disapproved of greatly and she let her superiors know. This did not sit well with them and she was forced to flee from her clan, lest she be slapped in irons or something worse. Her life was rough after that, the orc barely surviving in the harsh lands of her homeland on her own. She fled south to warmer climates and eventually made her way over to Amazon. There, her skills were put to great use protecting merchant caravans and traders traveling between what few scraps of civilization remained. But she was very particular abou who she worked with, only taking mercenary work from men who trafficked in civilian gods. Things like food, medicine and weapons. Never slaves.

It was on one such expedition that she heard the desperate cries of someone in trouble. Her caravan had stumbled upon a rather curious scene of a sidhe attempting to fight off one of the locals in the form of a lizard hunter. Not one to back down from a fight, the orc outcast sprang into action and dispatched the creature in brutal fashion. With the beast made an example of, the ever grateful Sidh practically threw herself at the orc and offered to pay her back for saving her life. This came in the form of her swearing her loyalty to the orc and the willingness to serve her until death or dismissal. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, Narali accepted the Sidhe's offer, binding her to service.

(Minus the eye patch but retain the scars)
The OOC section: Same as Ranger pretty much. I'm not too picky when it comes to topics. Same dislikes too.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Kero Xuran, the Necromantic Survivor
Name: Kero Xuran (Pronunciation: Key-row Xer-ahn)
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Night Elf
Sex: Male

Body: 14 (10 +4 [Exceptional])
Mind: 14 (10 + 4 (Race Bonus))
Spirit: 54 (30 + 4 [Race Bonus] + 20 [Exceptional])

Hit Points (HP): 48
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 48
Spirit Energy (EP): 98 (+ 30 [Massive Energy Pool])
Speed: 45 (37 + 8 [Quick])
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7
Resistance: 27
Perception: 31 (23 + 8 [Perceptive])
Stealth:29 (37 – 8 [Obvious])
Grapple: 14
Spirit Ceiling: 20

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.
Exceptional(x3): The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.
Demonologist (Initial Spirit Talent): The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Demonologist power list.
Necromancer: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Necromancer power list.
Massive Energy Pool: The character gets +30 max EP.
Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8.
Powers: The character gains 2 Powers from any power list. They must still meet the prerequisites of the list to take powers from it.

Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Fetish (Demons): The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage.
Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.
Obvious: The character takes a -8 penalty to their Stealth stat.


Wielder Aptitudes:

Power Gather: The character may, as the primary action of their turn (they may still move) gather ambient energy from the air. They may use this energy only to pay the activation cost of a Power, and excess energy is wasted. They may gather an amount of energy (EP) equal to their Spirit Ceiling divided by 2 every round. This ability may be used for up to 3 consecutive rounds, and gathered energy doesn't affect Spirit Ceiling. Areas with higher or lower natural ambient energy changes the amount of EP that can be gathered from the air by 2 points per spell level (down for low energy and up for high energy), to a minimum of 1 EP per round. In addition, a character may trade their move action in a turn in which they use a power in order to get 2 free EP to spend on that power.

Deathspeaker: Animate may be used to animate multiple corpses in a single round for 2 additional EP per corpse, but bodies animated this way don't gain the +10 body bonus unless another 2 EP is paid per corpse. Aspect of Spirit may now be used on a target and maintained in order to debuff that target using any of the options as per normal, but at half value (i.e. 4X becomes 2X as a debuff), and a character using it on themselves may pay an additional 4 EP at activation and increase the upkeep by 1 to add an additional primary effect (the ones you get two of) or 3 EP and 1 upkeep for an additional secondary effect. Call Spirit may now be used to summon daemons as per the Summon Daemon power, but the minimal EP cost is 5 and daemon summoning costs will generally be higher. The character may now forsake the healing from Life Leech and instead choose to gain 1/2 the X value in EP for every killing blow it makes. The character may pay an additional 3 EP when using Puppeteer in order to halve all damage done to Puppeteer HP.


Devil’s Lightning: Black lightning crackles forth, firing in a line from the casters hand out to 100 feet away or until it hits some obstruction that it can't pass through.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5 feet of a 100 foot line take (1d8 + 4) * X Electricity damage.

Form of the Swarm: The character pays 5 EP.
-The character can move at their Speed, but can fly and can generally get around obstacles very easily.
-Killing individual members of the swarm has no effect on the whole. Directed attacks against the character have no effect. Area of effect attacks deal ½ of their normal damage. If knocked out while in a swarm, the character regains their original form and falls to the nearest available location.
-This power can be used while Bound or in a Submission Hold.
-Reforming takes a turn during which the character can take no other action.
-The swarm doesn't have to stay completely together. While in this form, the character cannot attack, cast Spells, use Powers other than this one, use any special abilities, or communicate verbally with other creatures.

Hellfire Blast: The character pays X EP. In addition, using this power also causes the character to take 2 points of damage no matter how much EP they pump into it.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) A directed attack against any one creature within line of sight of the character that deals (1d6 + 4) * X damage.
2) An explosion that deals (1d6 + 3) * X to all creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within line of sight of the character, or a 90 degree 30 foot cone that deals the same amount of damage.
3) A touch attack against a creature adjacent to the character that deals (1d6 + 5) * X damage.
-This power always deals Heat/Fire damage.

Summon Demon: The character pays 3 * X * T EP, where X = the number of creatures that you would like to summon and T = the tier of the creature, which is indicated for each possible summon.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Soldier, Stalker or Goblin
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. Require that the character make them orgasm at least once as additional payment once their task is complete. Male characters will get female versions, while female characters can choose either or.
2) Succubus or Sorceress
Tier 2 creatures capable of using magic. Require that they be able to feed on the energy of another, though they will prefer the character who summoned them. The character can choose between a male or female version of this creature when they summon it.
3) Knight
Tier 3 warrior in plate armor. Require only that the task they are set on be meeting a goal that the demon shares, such as the release of another demon or the fall of an angel or a powerful faerie. Only one Knight can be summoned at a time.
4) Greater Darkwalker, Greater Tentacle Horror, Nightmare or Hellhound
Tier 3 monsters with great physical power. They require a host for their spawn in exchange for their service, and if the summoner is female they will prefer her.
5) Demon Lord
Tier 4 beings of immense power and unfathomable malevolence and/or insanity. Their price varies and is determined when they are summoned, but it is always high and almost always bad for the character that summons them in the long run. Only one can be summoned at a time.
6) Nightmare Lord
Tier 4, and one of the most powerful beings in all creation. Only the angels are said to rival them in power. Their price is always the same: A woman to impregnate and a gateway to the mortal world for their true form. Only one can be summoned at a time.

Animate: If animating a corpse, the character pays 6 EP. That corpse retains its previous Body stat, Talents, Mutations and Skills, but its Mind and Spirit both drop to 0, and it loses all spells, powers and special abilities that it had in life. Animated creatures get a +12 bonus to Body, the Natural Attack mutation, the Undead special mutation, and have their Resistance and Perception become dependent on Body.
-If animating an object that has never moved on its own, one of three things can be done:
1) The object can be animated to bind a target temporarily. If used in this way, the character pays X EP. Unless the targeted creature wins a Grapple check against a DC equal to 6X (this DC does get a d20 roll,) they gain the Bound status. Multiple creatures can be targeted by increasing X by 1 without affecting the DC for each creature beyond the first. Creatures bound in this way can continue to make checks every round, and once the creature beats one of these checks they are free to go. The material is animated with only enough power to grab and then hold them, not enough to grab for them again if they get free.
2) The object can be animated into a creature that will fight by the characters side. If so, this power functions exactly like the power Call Spirit, only with the following differences: the creature gains 8 AV and none of the special additions can be used on this creature. The costs for this power are the same as those for Call Spirit.
3) The object can be reshaped to a size more useful to the character. If used as such, this ability functions exactly like the Reshape power from the Alchemist power list, but costs 3X EP instead of 2X.

Aspect of Spirit: The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains any 2 of the following: a +4X bonus to attack rolls, a +4X bonus to Dodge, a +3X bonus to melee damage, a +4X bonus to Resistance, or a +4X bonus to Grapple. In addition, they may choose any one of the following: a +2X bonus to Armor, a +3X bonus to Perception, Flight at twice their Speed, or a +2X bonus to Speed.

Call Spirit: The character pays 2 + X EP.
-In any space that is not yet occupied within 50 feet of the character, a creature with a Body stat equal to 10X appears. This creature automatically has the Natural Attack Special mutation. In addition, the character may pay additional EP in order to add any of the following abilities to this creature:
1) For an additional 1 EP, the creature gains the ability to fly at its Speed.
2) For an additional 2 EP, the creature either gains a +50 bonus to Body and the Juggernaut Special Mutation OR the Unarmed Fighter Talent. Only one of these can be added to any one creature.
3) For an additional 1 EP, the creature gains a ranged attack that deals an amount of damage equal to 3d6 + Body/3 and has a range of 50 feet. They may also pay an additional 1 EP to do any one of the following: Remove the range limit against direct targets, OR make the attack ignore the AV of affected creatures, OR automatically hit all targets. In addition, they may pay an additional 2 EP to cause the creature's ranged attack to affect any one of the following areas: a 100 foot long, 5 foot wide line; a 10 foot radius area within 100 feet; or a 120 degree 30 foot long cone. Only one of each of the above categories can be added.
-Creatures summoned with this power cannot have a Dodge stat greater than 50 or a Resistance stat greater than 40.

Life Leech: The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 20 feet of the character take (1d8 + 1) * X damage. The character also regains 2X HP for every creature hit by this power.

Nightmarish Image: The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a 3X bonus to Dodge, melee damage and Resistance to resist hostile effects.
-In addition, any creature attempting to attack the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 4X or have their action automatically fail. This DC does not get a d20 roll. Creatures that lose this roll by 20 or more will attempt to flee rather than fight the character further. This effect does not work on mindless creatures.

Puppeteer: The character pays 3 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X-1 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within 30 feet of the character must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to 5X or be controlled by the character. Any action taken by the controlled creature costs them X HP.
-The creature effectively becomes a summoned creature with a +6X bonus to Body, and gains a new “Puppet” HP stat equal to this upgraded Body stat. Any damage against the creature goes against both their normal HP and their Puppet HP. If their normal HP drops to 0, they fall unconscious but continue to fight so long as the character animating them is still conscious. When their puppet HP drops to 0, the effect ends.
-In addition, the character can use this power on themselves, in which case they need to make no Resistance check, but they must still spend at least 2 EP. A character using this power on themselves pays 2 less EP to upkeep this power.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold, but only on themselves.
-While this power is active, the caster can take no other actions save to control their "puppet," and if used on oneself, the character cannot use any other Powers, spells, ect.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 4
Foreplay = 2d4 + 4


50 Starting Denarii

Badarian Revolver
2d8 + 6, 30 foot range, 5 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 4 AV

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.


How quickly one's world can fall apart just from one person knocking you out is truly surprising... All it took was not looking over my shoulder, and... Ah, sorry, I digress from what I was intending. Allow me to explain myself.
For a couple of years now, I began my diving into the necromantic and demonic arts, and my curiosity led me from my home and abound to find more to learn about the subject. Out of sheer luck, I happened upon a group with similar intent, though sadly I came to find out that they were all outcasts for their curiosities. Bah, I told them. The people who outcasted them only fear an art they have no knowledge of. I joined them. Learned with them. Shared my own knowledge. And in time, I found kinship in their company and joined them in their home. And for a few years, I was content living there with my shared studies to keep me distracted. Though it seems like necromancers truly are not welcomed by quite a few...
One night, when I was sitting alone in my little section I had to myself, I heard a soft noise. I just thought it was a rodent or something similar... Turns out, it really was one. A sneaky, bipedal vermin that put his hand over my mouth, threw me down to the floor, then slammed the handle of his knife into my forehead until I blacked out, knocked out in one hit from the rogue.
When I woke up, I could smell the potent scent of blood in the air as I arose. Walking out, there was... By the gods, it was horrifying! All of my fellow scholars of the necromantic arts were massacred... So many of our things gone as well, those who came ransacked the place! There was only one survivor that I found, and he was hardly still alive. He told me they were 'Heroes' who were heard of wandering the lands and happened upon our camp. I guess they thought we were up to no good and took justice into their own hands...
I spent a few nights staying there, gathering my equipment and digging proper graves for all of the ones who passed using the help of some of the relatively unharmed bodies. By that time, I decided to go as I finished saying prayers for my fellow scholars of the dark arts... Those damned 'Heroes' will get what is coming to them. I swear upon my massacred colleagues' souls that I will repay them in kind... Oh yes...
They looked for evil ones? They are about to find one.

Standing at about 5' 9", Kero stares out upon the world with grey colored eyes alongside dark bluish skin and nearly black midnight blue hair, Kero almost always is wearing his battlemage robes, which accent his dark look with it's deep brown color and ebony black belt that keeps a tight fit to ensure the robe doesn't flap about needlessly, and with a embroidered shape of a roaring wolf on the left side facing forward, as if howling at those who stand in his way. His complexion is clean across his whole body, him still noticeably thin despite the robe that covers his body from nearly head to toe. With his legs beneath the robes covered in casual pants and the soles of his feet protected by sandals, his outfit has an obvious focus in practicality instead of good looks.

The OOC section:

No real turn offs, outside of Guro, Vore, or things in a similar vein. I don't mind dark themes, as long as it isn't the ONLY theme, and as long as it doesn't go overboard (Gore is fine, excessive gory details not okay).
Last edited:
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Wizard Fox's Thoughts
Name: Ran
Class: Wizard (Mage)
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female

Body: 8 + 0 + 0 (8)
Mind: 48 + 12 + 0 (60)
Spirit: 10 + 12 + 0 (22)

Hit Points (HP): 49
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 56
Speed: 9
Dodge: 45
Armor: 7
Resistance: 30
Perception: 24(.49...) (+2 for each of sight, sound, and smell involved)
Stealth: 9
Grapple: 8
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0


Exceptional(x2) (+16 stat points)
Psyker (Spirit Ceiling is more of a very good suggestion/)
Knowledgeable (Mind to pleasure damage)
Natural Spirit Wielder (Daemonic Wielder)
Experienced Caster (3rd level spells as baseline)
Focus in (Arcane, Force) (All spells in those fields unlocked.)


Tainted Bloodline (Racial) (1.5x corruption)
Sensitive (Racial) (+5 pp damage taken)
Fertile (Racial) (Easily impregnated.)
Easily Aroused (Gain aroused status at half pp)
Weakness [Too Many Eyes] (A phobia has survived the scrubbing, and may surface if exposed to one of her Master's hallmarks.)
Honorable (She's honest.)

Mutations (12/12):

Naturally Warped (Racial)
Shapeshifting (Racial) (Can add or discard mutations.)
Kitsune Heritage (Racial) (Too much to summarize here.)
Funny Ears (Racial) (She has fox ears.)
Tail (Racial) (Just one fluffy tail.)
Breeder ("Flaw") (Halve pregnancy times.)
Keen Ears ("Flaw") (+2 perception for hearing things)
Keen Eyes ("Flaw") (+2 perception for seeing things)
Keen Nose ("Flaw") (+2 perception for smelling things)
Night Eyes ("Flaw") (Can see in the dark.)
Chameleon Skin ("Flaw")
Chameleon Skin ("Flaw")
Chameleon Skin ("Flaw") (+6 stealth when activated)
Claws ("Flaw") (+2 unarmed fighting, -2 weapon use)
Fangs ("Flaw") (Can bite to inject venom.)
Venomous Fangs [Weaken] ("Flaw")
Venomous Fangs [Arousal] ("Flaw")
Supernatural (Excessive use of the Mutated "flaw")​

Base Casting: 30
Base Spell Level: 3
Favored Elements: Arcane, Force
Magic Feats:
Heighten Spell
Intensify Spell
Maximize Spell

Pleasure Damage:

Penetration = 2d8+20
Foreplay = 2d4+15​

Wielder Aptitudes:


Warp Shell​

50 denarii
Dagger (2d6+2)
Battlemage's Robes (AV 7/EV 0/TP 25/DU 1)​

I had just written this book. The ink wasn't dry yet, but already I was forgetting what I had recorded. When this was over, when I had my life back, I would read it.


I was... four months? at the time. Master came, for the first time. I was still with my family, then. It was the last day.

Master came, and... stated doesn't do it justice, but it will do. Master stated that I would be coming with Master, like it was just a law of reality. Then I was falling. I didn't even look at what I was falling through, at the time; my eyes were fixed on the falling blood in front of me.

I don't know how long I screamed before I blacked out. I would come to in a sealed room.

There was a scroll there, with me. I don't know how Master knew I could read, none of my siblings could, but Master knew, and it was there.

So many things that I didn't know, back then. Would I have still chosen servitude, if I had known what I know now?
All around me, bloody flames engulfed the building. Though they licked my frame, I was unharmed. I had started them, hadn't I?

I couldn't remember. I needed to get out.
I got my first assignment that day. Master was still teaching me magic, but Master said Master trusted me to get supplies for the house without supervision.

Dalwhe village was a nice place. I had to hide my ears and tail, but everyone there was friendly. I got... rice, tofu, duck, fish... I don't remember any more. That's bad, my memory shouldn't be failing yet.

When I returned, Master grilled me on the details of the village. Even then, Master was refining my memory so Master could use it as additional storage.

Looking back, it seems so obvious, but at sixteen I didn't even notice that I was the only one to use those supplies.
Finding the door was a challenge, as the walls were collapsing around me. Once, I collapsed as the excision continued to strip away all that connected me to her. It felt wierd to be able to think of her as anything other than "Master".

It was nice. Even as my world collapsed around me, I was finally free.
Master asked me to clean up after one of her experiments for the first time that day. A man infected by something, I never found out what. He had run, and made it to the village of Dalwhe.

I should have been disgusted with myself, but I couldn't have been. Master would not allow it. My mind was turned to the destruction of that village I had visited so often, and not one word of protest was raised as flooding cut off every road leading out.

It took several days of rain, but I brought high water to that village. Master seemed pleased when I returned.
I was on the road when the first of the rocks blasted apart the gathering clouds. Somehow, I knew this was a good thing. There was a book in my hand, but something stopped me from reading it just yet. Perhaps the noise and the rain?
Master introduced me to a new job, that day. It hurt, but Master made use of my abilities as a kitsune to move souls safely.

I wish Master were less cruel. I had studied the matter to an extent, and most seemed to think that a girl's first time shouldn't be trying to drain a tentacle monster to death.

At the time, I just felt dirty afterwards, but with Master... it was either get used to it or there was no other option.

Master just dismissed my concerns about the corruption by saying it would stabilize before long. Master didn't tell me that it was also an opportunity to study darkheart formation.
The roadside copse seemed safe enough, keeping off the rain. The hail of stones had ended in the distance, though as I watched a tornado began to form. Someone would definately be having a bad day today, but I doubted I could help if I tried.

I felt incomplete somehow. Maybe this odd book would help.
Master is losing interest in this world. I've seen it happen before, Master's pawns cast aside to wither as Master moves on.

Master's control is slipping. I could get free, if I wanted. It would mean abandoning everything that I've become... .

Free. I've lost count of the centuries since that word could be applied to me.

I will not die here.
The book told the story of a girl... a kitsune, taken in by a cruel master. It was a sad story, and one that left me with many questions unanswered. Then, a note fell from the book as I flipped the last page. Hastily scribbled, it answered one of my questions at least.

"Goodbye, Ran. May you lead a fulfilling life."
--Ran Yakumo​
A few images to go along with the story, I think.

The Girl who Played with People's Shapes
I woke, screaming. Another night, another nightmare, my home put to the torch by unreasoning invaders. As my racing heart calmed, my dolls were there for me.

It would be another sleepless night, it seemed. Two weeks had already passed and there was no sign of them letting up. Already I knew, intellectually, that it was over. That I should move on. That there was nothing I could do or could have done.

It wasn't enough. Falling asleep for more than thirty minutes continued to prove impossible, but at least I had my creations with me. My first successes were spared the flames of the rioters, and the bandits that had been drawn in like flies.

Never again, not if I could help it.

Name: Alice Margatroid
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 12
Mind: 40
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 39
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 53
Spirit Energy (EP): 40
Speed: 11
Dodge: 23
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 11
Grapple: 12 (-12 when grappling)
Spirit Ceiling: 8

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Exceptional (x2) (+16 stat points)
Natural Spirit Wielder (Alchemist)
Arcane Companion (The Grimoire of Alice)
Guardian Companion (Hourai Doll)
Spirit Companion (Shanghai Doll)
Experienced Caster (Third level spells as baseline)
Focus in Light (All light spells unlocked. Yay illusions~)
Potent Spells (+12 to resistance for opposed rolls from spells)

Sensitive (+5 pp damage taken)
Fetish (Tentacles) (+8 pp damage taken from tentacles)
Excitable (Aroused at half pp)
Tainted Bloodline (*1.5 corruption gain)
Poor Grappler (-12 to grappling)

Mutations (0/12):

Base Casting: 20
Favored Elements: Light
Magic Feats:
Enchanter (Access to the enchanting rules, and it just makes sense for her.)
Trapspinner (The in-character choice. Setting traps for fun and profit~)
Mana Scultper (What else for the careful, methodical combatant.

Wielder Aptitudes:
Assemble Contraption (The dolls, they come!)
Transformation (General boosts to a character.)

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+4
Foreplay = 2d4+3

46 Denarii
Dagger (x3)
Battlemages Robes

Once a tailor in a relatively small village, she left with her research and her creations when an argument over some issue spilled over into a riot, and fire took hold. To say that she is displeased with a few people would be a rather large understatement, but mostly she would love to find somewhere quiet and peaceful. Her chances of finding this are, unfortunately, rather slim... .


She carries with her a grimoire of power, a gift from her mother before they became separated a long time ago. Though normally quiescent, should Alice find cause to unseal it the tome is a powerful spellcaster in its own right, capable of overcoming magi, binding demons, and tearing holes in the fabric of reality.

Ever accompanying Alice are her two greatest successes in her quest to create artificial life, Shanghai and Hourai.

Almost entirely independent, these two dolls are Alice's trusted companions. Hourai tends towards aggressive initiative when left to her own devices, though she's a bit scared to show this around Alice. She relishes in physical activity, and is highly outgoing.

Shanghai, the first, is rather more sure of herself. She has followed in Alice's path, studying the arts of artifice, and could once have been found sneaking into the workshop while Alice slept. These days, she spends much of her time riding on Alice's shoulder, sticking close where Hourai has started moving away, though never far.

The three (and occasionally four) have found that they work well together in the distressingly common occurence of being forced into combat.


Companion Sheets
Blue Doll of Creation
Name: Shanghai
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Doll
Sex: Female

Body: 6
Mind: 10
Spirit: 24

Hit Points (HP): 23
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 25
Spirit Energy (EP): 32
Speed: 8
Dodge: 20
Armor: 1
Resistance: 12
Perception: 15 (.49...)
Stealth: 8
Grapple: 6
Spirit Ceiling: 6

Experience: -
Corruption: 0

Alchemist (More dolls!)

Mutations (0/12):

Wielder Aptitudes: Engineer
Powers: Assemble Contraption, Transformation, Bomb

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+2
Foreplay = 2d4+1

Red Doll of Destruction
Name: Hourai
Class: Warrior
Race: Doll
Sex: Female

Body: 24
Mind: 6
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 32
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 23
Spirit Energy (EP): 25
Speed: 15 (.49...)
Dodge: 20
Armor: 3 (11 when intercepting attacks)
Resistance: 12
Perception: 15 (.49...)
Stealth: 15 (.49...)
Grapple: 24
Spirit Ceiling: 5

Experience: -
Corruption: 0

Unarmed Fighter

Mutations (?/12):
Natural Attack

Teamwork (Boost ally's attack, resistance, or armor by X at the cost of a 2X penalty to Hourai's attacks, +8 armor when intercepting blows, may dodge intercepted blows at a -10 penalty, may take a -10 dodge penalty to move at 3x speed towards an ally to meet the range requirement for defending another.
Smith (+2 AV, access to the smithing rules)
Weapon Focus (Natural Weapons) (Technically unarmed... gives a +6 to attack rolls.)

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+8
Foreplay = 2d4+6

Tome of the Beginning
Name: The Grimoire of Alice
Class: Mage
Race: It's a book... .
Sex: -

Body: 6
Mind: 24
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 23
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 32
Spirit Energy (EP): 25
Speed: - (Technically 8, but it's a book... .)
Dodge: 20
Armor: 0
Resistance: 12
Perception: 15 (.49...)
Stealth: 8
Grapple: - (It's a book... .)
Spirit Ceiling: 5

Experience: -
Corruption: 0

Focus in Arcane

Base Casting: 12
Favored Elements: Arcane
Magic Feats:


The OOC section:
I'm fine with most things, though blood and scat are a bit of a turn-off. Tentacles and slimes rate a bit higher than normal, though not by much. Tentacle clothing included in that.

Story wise, I'm not the best versed on this world and Ran knows even less, so exploring the world some would be nice. I'm pretty fine with whatever, though.​
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Up for RJ's examination and approval.

Name: Iri
Class: Spirit wielder
Race: Anudorian
Sex: Female

Primary Stats:
Body: 16
Mind: 10
Spirit: 40 = 24 + 16(Exceptional x2)

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): 41 = 16 + 5 + 20
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 70 = 8 + 10 + 12 + 40(Just a Little Longer x2)
Spirit Energy (EP): 83 = 8 + 5 + 40 + 30(Massive Energy Pool)
Speed: 12
Dodge: 39 = 33 + 6(buckler)
Armor: 1
Resistance: 20
Perception: 18 = 20 - 2(Shadowy)
Stealth: 17 = 12 + 2(Shadowy) + 5(Stealthy) - 2(Pheromones)
Grapple: 16
Spirit Ceiling: 18 = 16 + 2(Skilled Wielder)

Experience: 0 (Spent: 8 on Talents)
Corruption: 0/700

Shadowmancer(Class) – gains 2 + 2(Spirit/20) Shadowmancer powers;
Natural Succubus (Fuck Me) – gains Succubus Talent;
Powers(Class) – gains 2 Spirit wielder powers;
Exceptional x2 – 8 stat points extra;
Natural Warrior (Stealthy) – gains Warrior Talent;
Spunky – uses Spirit to deal PP damage;
Just a Little Longer x2 – extra PP;
Soul Sense (Class) – +12 to attack roll on powers;
Massive Energy Pool (Class) – extra EP;
Superior Succubus (Enthrall) - can Charm creatures she made cum by winning a Resistance check;
Skilled Wielder (Harmful Spirit) - higher Spirit Ceiling, new Aptitude;

Easily Aroused – gains Horny instead of Aroused;
Excitable – gains Aroused when at below 1/2 of max PP;
Mutated – gains 3 mutations;
Sensitive – always takes extra 5 PP damage;

Mutations: 6/12
Night Eyes – permanent night vision, no perception penalty in dark;
Heat – 1d4 each day, 2 or above grants -1 to impregnation rolls and +10 to resisting Aroused/Horny status and reduces PP damage by 10, roll of 1 gives +2 to impregnation rolls, +10 PP damage, -10 to grapple rolls against penetration, gains Lustful and Pheromones, loses 1d6 (2d6 against character with Pheromones) resistance per round when in close proximity to character that can impregnate Iri, gains Aroused upon reaching 0 resistance, resistance damage resets after 1 hour or sex with character that caused it;
Shadowy – perception penalty, stealth buff;
Pheromones - stealth penalty, attracts people;
Breeder - gestation period shortened by half;
Exhibitionist - +1 to non-Resistance, non-damage rolls when naked, suffer 4 Resistance damage for each unique creature that sees them, becomes Aroused (and later Horny) when Resistance falls to 0 as a result, Resistance damage resets when character dresses up;
Warped - deals Corruption to other creatures during sex equal to 1/2 of pleasure damage;

Wielder Aptitudes:
Efficient Wielder – reduce upkeep of buffs by 3 EP (minimum upkeep 0 EP) or provide +X resistance, dodge, bonus to attack rolls, melee damage rolls, perception, stealth (choose one);
Harmful Spirit - minimum roll value on damage die for Spirit Powers is equal to half of maximum roll value;

Powers (including upgrades from Nightstalker):
Dark Armor – X EP, X-2 EP upkeep, 3X bonus to melee damage, grapple and armor value, +X bonus to stealth, 3 EP for Tentacles, Razor Fingers, Tentacled, Spider, Dangerous Tail with Venomous Attack (Paralysis), Phasing, or grow wings (each upgrade costs extra, growing wings increases upkeep by 1 EP), can't be countered or dispelled, can be used when Bound or in a Submission Hold, gives access to Sneak and Shadow Striker when active;
Death Whip – X EP, 1 EP upkeep, 2d8 * X + 10 damage, 15 feet, grapple range 3X feet, no benefits to victim from group grapple, can attack up to 3 creatures (second and third at -8 penalty), 2 EP when in grapple to cause Stranglehold;
Patch of Darkness – 5 EP, range 100 feet, covers the area equivalent to a 30x30x30 feet cube in instant darkness that causes Blinded status to all in range except the caster and designated others, can be used at 10 AP as a move action;
Piercer – X EP + 1 EP for each additional target, (1d12 + 2) * X damage, range 80 feet, 3 EP to make targets gain Weakened unless they make resistance checks;
Rupturing Shadows – 3 + X EP, range 80 feet, 8X damage that ignores AV, shadows make mirror of target (stats and behaviour as per necromancer's Animate power) on killing blow;
Shadowstalker – 5 EP, range 100 feet, dematerializes and moves silently from one shadow to another, undetected unless seen directly, can be used as move action for 10 EP;

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 13(Spirit/3) + 12(Fuck Me)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10(Spirit/4)
Succubus Powers:

Dagger: 2d6 + 8(Body/2)
Skimpy Clothes
50 Denarii

Iri is a moderately tall girl with a quite feminine figure. Not too curvy in the chest or hip area, fairly modest in fact, but on her lithe body it's definitely enough to draw the eye. Her dark hair is fairly short, enough to reach past her ears but not far past that point. It has a tendency to become wavy unless wet, forming a fairly large and distinct fringe along with ear-covering bangs. Her skin is tanned, typical feature for a desert dweller, and her eyes are a deep blue.

Iri never meant to be someone of note. Life in the desert is harsh, but manageable to the wandering tribes, and not without it's perks. Born as a member of a fairly small clan, the girl was raised just like any other and content with her life. Fate, however, seemed to conspire against that desire. Iri was a child that loved the night, despite it's dangers, and liked to occasionally take short walk in the evenings. During one such walk in her teenage years, she heard an odd sound. Looking around, she thought she caught a movement of sorts out of the corner of her eye, along with an odd shape that resembled a woman, but as she turned to look closer, it was gone from it's spot. Approaching it, Iri found nothing in it's place save for an odd, black stone.

Feeling curious about it, the girl touched it. Her vision went dark as she did so, inky blackness surrounding her. A voice called, speaking of her potential and claiming it'd grant her a „boon” to draw her hidden power out, claiming it'd be watching her progress. The vision disappeared as soon as it came, leaving Iri alone in the desert where she stood, the stone gone. She hurried back home and never spoke of the incident. Nothing seemed to happen for the next few days, though, so she thought little of it. As she grew up and reached the beginning of adulthood, however, things slowly but inevitably began to change.

Iri's eyes slowly grew past the common human weakness of being less useful in the dark of the night. She found it slightly easier to blend in with her surroundings in the dark, too, an ability she soon honed into a talent through practice. Perhaps more worrying was how she was getting increasingly capable in bed and more sensitive to physical pleasure, to the point of finding it distressingly easy at times to resist an urge to have sex while her appearance seemed to subtly grow more enticing to others. Those things could be swept under the carpet as long as she kept a lid on them, though. The last change, on the other hand, was too big to ignore.

The mysterious voice, whatever it was, made good on it's promise. As the changes grew, Iri found herself uncovering a strenght that lay dormant within her. An ability to command and shape the shadows around her, giving her power over darkness itself. The girl did her best to hide it, but between the rapid expansion of said power that brought control issues with it until she figured out how to use it and her nomadic lifestyle making practicing it's use in secret difficult, rumors eventually began to circulate. Soon enough everyone was certain something was wrong with the girl, even if they didn't know what it was. Unable to disprove some of these rumors, even to herself, Iri quickly grew aware of the fact that she wouldn't be able to continue her life as before.

Eventually, the girl sought to speak with the leadership of her small clan, knowing full well that things couldn't go on like this. The discussion was a long and tense one, growing heated at times, but eventually a grim consensus was made. Iri's powers were useful to her, but a potential danger as well. The girl kept the existence of the voice in secret, mentioning only the stone, but in the end she had to agree that things couldn't go on as they did. As such, she elected to leave, taking some supplies for the road and setting out. Wandering since then, Iri moved along the northern border of the Anudor desert. Using her wits, strenght, dark powers and sometimes her body, she slowly moved on towards Acheron, having heard of the demonic haven and reasoning that the source of her troubles had to be a demon as well. Now walking alone, she tries to find the origin of the black stone and the voice that spoke to her, hoping to find some answers to the many questions she has. And maybe check out some of the stories about the rest of the world that she heard along the way...

Personality wise, Iri is a fairly serious person who doesn't speak or express herself much, keeping to herself a lot of the time. She generally tries to be a nice person, though, helping those that truly need it, altough her temper can occasionally flare when confronted by a rude or annoying individual. Like most Anudorians, she doesn't really understand the concept of marriage or adultery. Reasonably smart in her own right, but not very educated. Typically she tries to do the right thing, altough sometimes can be a little petty and irresponsible. Has a few principles she refuses to break, though, mostly involving outright evil or despicable acts, despising murder and preying on the weak. Not entirely comfortable with her powers, though not too shy about using them when necessary.

The OOC section:
What I'm looking for is basically adventure – visit new places, meet interesting people, get into some trouble and cause a lot more of it, steal and loot, punch out a couple dicks and sleep with more people than reasonable. Something that's perhaps tense and dramatic when it happens, but leaves you feeling good when you come back home with cool stories to share and stuff to brag about. Explore the world and see what it has to offer, pursue mysteries, make some friends and enemies, uncover secrets, maybe save someone or something while at it. And get laid. On the sex front, standard: no guro, scat or anything violent or disgusting. Other than that, suprise me.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Eena Eaglehart, The Bird who didn't want to fly
Name: Eena Eaglehart
Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Bardian/Amazonian)
Sex: Female

Body: 20 + 16 = 36
Mind: 20 + 4 = 24
Spirit: 10 + 4 = 14

Hit Points (HP): 36+12+7+20= 75
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 18+20+7+20= 65
Spirit Energy (EP): 18+12+14= 34
Speed: 19
Dodge: 36+24+14= 74\2= 37+ 10 + 4 = 51(63 Kite Shield)
Armor: 5 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 16
Resistance: 18 (30 Sturdy)
Perception: 19
Stealth: 19 - 4 - 3= 12
Grapple: 36 - 12 = 24 (44 EA Trait)
Spirit Ceiling: 7



Healthy: Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.
Pain Resistant: The character has some sort of natural resistance to pain, be it deadened nerves, scars, scales, thick skin or what have you. Increase the character's AV by 5.

Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.

Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.

Exceptional3x: The character gets an additional 24 points to spend among stats.

Cowardly (RP) : The character shies away from confrontation, particularly violent confrontation. They are likely to go along with the plans of others if it means avoiding conflict within a group, and are more likely to surrender or attempt to flee if pressed in combat.

Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat.



Escape Artist (Passive) - The character gets a +20 to Grapple for the purpose of getting out of escaping grapples, submission holds, and bindings only. Requires Poor Grappler.

Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.

Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to AV

Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.

1x Longsword
2d6 + 18
1x Kite Shield
DB = 12. EV = 2.

Badarian Flack Jacket: AV = 8, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 2. Weak against Bludgeoning. Strong against Piercing. Weak against Slashing. Bullet Resistant (only attacks that ignore all AV ignore defense granted by this armor)


Eaglehart a name hollowed in honor and respect all throughout Bardia even before the unification of our country. Great warriors and stalwart leaders were we with no equal except the emperor himself! Yet that's what was as for the now it's rather like all the rest we all claim some greatness of the past but when you speak of ourselves we are...The apple seems to have fallen very far from and seems to be ever rolling faster downhill oh we're still very rich but the quality of our family is well lacking in the great deeds department.

My father Teon Eaglehart is such a man went on a campaign northward ended up getting raped by an Amazonian princess it took over a 3 year for the ransom to go through and returned with me when it was all sorted out. I think my mother said his seed wasn't worthy to rule her tribe. Only a few months after that my father passed away due to severe depression and I was left in the tender care of my aunt and uncle. Although I was treated as a bastard my uncle did his best to make me feel welcome as did Hans, his son and my cousin. That is until the invasion came to the the capitol uncle was in charge of the western garrison and had to remain while we were quickly evacuated.

Oddly me and my cousin felt an odd realization while once we lived our lives for our glories emperor we now was only a feeling of nothingness. When we reached adulthood a rag tag group of nobles and men at arms of former Bardian's were on their way to retake the Capitol or plunder it's ruins I forget which anyway without so much as a word my cousin secretly joined the group and they vanished. At first my aunt and I thought he had been kidnapped but when the truth finally came our way we were utterly flabbergasted! Many of his friends said he had joined the group to recover his family's heirlooms and his fathers body yet we had quite a comfortable life here after the hell that was the invasion I thought of life of R & R would be it's own reward alas.

Only two weeks after my aunt sent me a letter urging me to meet with her as soon as I could not wanting to ignore my current benefactor I rushed over. The house eerily empty and my aunt sat on favorite chair sipping her luxurious tea. At first we exchanged pleasant conversation but it quickly turned sour when she brought up her son and then laid upon me a quest to find him. It was abrupt and something I felt i was horridly unprepared for! She mere gave an annoyed glare and said. "Child I would not be asking unless I was out of options I've already spent a fortune on mercenaries and adventures...All whom pretended the attempt or died...Family is my last hope." She said with a sad tone but I tried to reason that I'd probable have no better luck then the dead ones. She gave a the smallest of smiles and said. "Yes but you won't cost me a denarri and quite frankly the only reason I kept you around was because my son begged me too and with him gone...I'm not feeling to generous but if you succeeded than I will be forever in your dept even give you a place with my inner circle." That alone was an esteemed gift I've heard bone chilling things what this woman had done to those who crossed her. Not that staying home was an option it was either do it or get tossed out. So against my better judgement I accepted and asked if she would supply me with armor and weapons. She threw me my fathers sword, shield and uniform then promptly tossing me out of the house. I guess she wasn't kidding she about liberality having nothing left in her pockets though my fathers military uniform looked a bit flamboyant them seemed to offer some protection. For the last time I looked upon my home hoping against hope that this whole affair would be over and i'd return to my life of luxury post haste!...I can only hope.*Gulp*
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Welp let's get this train wreck started!

Character Sheet
Name: Oria Penpe
Class: Spirit wielder
Race: Human
Sex: Female (Futa)

Body: 13 + 7 = 20
Mind: 14 + 6= 20
Spirit: 23 + 11= 34

Hit Points (HP): 20 + 10 + 17 + 20 = 67
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 10 + 20 + 17 + 20 = 67
Spirit Energy (EP): 10 + 10 + 34 + 20 = 74
Speed: 14
Dodge: 37
Armor: 1
Resistance: 17
Perception: 18
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 15


Exceptional x3 – 8 stat points extra
Spirit Warrior: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Spirit Warrior power list.
Soul Sense: The character gets +12 to attack rolls for Powers.
Healthy: Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.
Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.
Just a Little Longer: Grants the character an additional 20 max pleasure. +20 PP, in other words.

*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Futanari: If selected by a female character, they grow a penis. If selected by a male character, they grow a vagina and boobs. Futa's will generally be more feminine than masculine regardless of their original sex. (Cock)

Wielder Aptitudes:
Burning Spirit
True Inner Strength

Spirit Warrior
Battle Aura /w True Inner Strength
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them heightened strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

The character spends their energy to cause a violent explosion extending out from their own body.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet of the character take 5X damage.

Energy Blade
The character conjures a sword formed of pure energy attached to their arm.
-The character pays 1 + X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The blade can be of any color or shape that the character desires, and can range from 1-3 feet in length. Attacks with the blade deal ((2d4 + 1) * X) + Spirit/4 damage that ignores armor.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one (or both if they conjure two) of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's unarmed attack. The weapon conjured by this power counts as a sword (any of the three kinds depending on how the player describes it,) and gets the attack bonus if the character has the Skill with X Talent.

The character uses their energy to allow them to fly.
-The character pays 3 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at five times their Speed so long as this power is active.

Halberd - Wipeout
2d10 + 3 + 10
Frilly Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Personality: '"What a true hero should be!" In her own words Oria personality is mixture of hot blooded heroism and chivalrous morals which can sometimes conflict with one another depending on the issue at hand. She's easily carried away by her emotions which she believes is the source of her power making her more easily prone to be taunted or tricked by some sad story. She prefers more simple clothes or armor rather than the frilly things her sister Oeia makes her wear despite the fact her personality revolves around close combat than the diplomacy route her sisters usually take.

Outfit 1#
Outfit 2#
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Height: 5.4 feet
Weight: 115 lbs
Cock size: 5 inches
Note: All three sister's usually wear the same outfit to confuse friends and enemies alike. Though Oria is more easily picked out of the flock being 4 inches shorter than her elder sisters.
In a town not to far from the borders of the City-States of Crolia two girls were born both with scarlet red hair and red eyes. Oeia, Ordella were their names and they were obviously twins. Born to a family with little influence and money the twins were raised as best peasant families could which was usually they would hopefully live past 30. As the twins grew older they acted and thought as a pair outwitting their single minded enemies with ease.

Ordella the first-born by being the first to come out of the womb was a woman who used her charm at first to win over any obstacles that stood in her way. Though unlike her sister who used the arts to do so she used a more alluring method with promise of intrigue and possible pleasure. When this failed she would bid her time until her and Oeia had enough forces to overwhelm the competitive side. She would never enter a battle that didn't balance to her favor. Her sister Oeia was gifted in arts of entertainment she found excitement in dancing, singing, and subterfuge. She used these skills to hinder the bigger threats that sought to harm her bigger sister or just diverge them to another bully to distract them. Soon all those in her generation were under Ordella's thumb.

Though when they reached puberty both sisters found they neither liked men or women. They were only attracted to each other to love only their own reflection that person whom all others could never be fully trusted only that person whom shared the same womb. How could that not be the greatest form of love was their united thought. Though they did tease boys and girls to serve their purpose they would never go farther than kisses and hugs but even those were begrudged. There was only the two soon they both took one another innocence and vowed their undying love for one another openly.

Their parents were of course shocked at this turn of events but they were busy with another problem. A third child was about to be born. The twins were indifferent and in fact left the family to pursue a better life in the city-states using their skills to become accomplished adventurers amassing a small fortune for themselves. Only Oeia would return to the village from time to time to retain some of the friendships she had in her hometown. Soon the third child promptly named Oria was born and had near identical look of the twins though her hair was a darker shade of red. In many of Oeia's visits would check on the child's development and complained how the new girl looks were vastly different from her own being very particular on the smallest flaws. As she grew older though the girl looks and hair mirrored the twins to a flawless point and Oeia grew very quiet around her that is until they finally met alone.

It was like going back in time looking at her she was the very spitting image of the younger version of the woman she had pledged her life to. She would watch over the girl as she grew into a teenager before finally approaching her would be her sister. Their meeting was under the trunk of an oak tree that grew just a little beyond the village. "It's so unbelievable you were so ugly when you were just a little thing...Yet now seeing such a glories form you have taken I cannot help but gush every time I see you my little sister!" She said tackling her to the grass floor in a loving hug much to the embarrassment of her little sister. It took no time at all for the twins to return home and reconcile with their parents and even welcome in the news of a fourth child that was under way.

The twins returned to their hometown finding an odd fixation on the third Doppelganger literally taking over as her guardians. When they shared a bath together however the twins made an odd discovery their beloved little sister had a boys phallic tool! This discovery although shocking at first didn't change the overly loving feelings they had for their little one. In fact it only enhanced it once the girl hit puberty Oeia would often tease her and was willing to go farther. Oria however was very chaste about such matters. Ordella would tease but didn't seem to go beyond that trying to encourage Oria to sleep with Oeia. For that Oria was thankful for Ordella seemed to be a person who would not take a refusal and would probable have her if she desired it. Oria grew up well-balanced in both body and mind though she valued her fighting spirit most of all. Often she would tackle problems with a fury unequaled and repeat challenges all day even if she ended up failing in the end. She would never tire nor be downtrodden by any foe or disaster that stood before her!

When the fourth child was born what was supposed to be a day of celebration turned instead to agony at least just for the twins. It was a boy with brown hair and green eyes that clearly took after the father dominantly instead of taking from both as the three had done. Though Oria took a special interest in her new brother the twins however couldn't bring themselves to even approach the babe it was too unlike them or her...It pained them to even see Oria to interact with the child. Smiling with such affection that should be only theirs...Something dark seemed to stir in themselves as they gave up on another miracle like Oria had been.

Suddenly with little warning the town came under fire by a horde of demons which gorged themselves on death and rape on the inhabitants. The twins were absent on the day having gone on an adventure two days prior. Oria found her training proved most vital in her survival that day as she barely escaped death on numerous encounters. Yet she couldn't overcome a whole horde on her own much to her dismay she had to focus on saving her family despite hearing countless pleas for help from other friends and relatives. When she arrived at home she witness what remained of her father's corpse being devoured by a very large demon. He stood 9 feet tall a gray body covered with black spikes and teeth that seemed to pulse a green flicker but was covered by all the blood from his victims.

Oria's mother just a little away from her father was laying on the ground with equal wounds and it seemed the demon was distracted with his meal to notice Oria. A cry was heard from below her mother's body causing the demon to stir as he moved to investigate revealing a baby boy under the dead woman. The demon slowly lifted the small morsel preparing to devour it in one go but just as he released it the babe it was snatched away by Oria. She then proceeded to burst right through a window that happened to be nearby. Ignoring the shards that had imbedded themselves in her body she focused on running full force to try to escape.

The demon pursued her smashing every cover the girl tried to use against him. With his larger size he easily caught up pinning her to a tree with an overly large claw. The force of the blow sent Oria into darkness still clutching her little brother in her arms. All Oria remember before blacking out is that the demon seemed to respond to a shout the voice sounded vaguely familiar but it was too distant to distinguish.

When she awoke Oria was in a feathered bed with the twins on each side of her, Oria herself was clothed and bandaged but the twins bodies were just covered by the blanket they all shared. As if they sensed her awakening the twins awoke from their own slumber welcoming her back with a hug that nearly brought Oria's lower member to life but she managed to resist the temptation only barely though. She brought her sisters attention to the events that happened in the village and asked if they saw their baby brother hoping against hope that somehow he would be just around the corner. The twins looked at one another then took a pained expression that seemed almost planned. "Just you little sister...I'm so sorry..." Ordella revealed as Oria eyes filled with tears that poured out like two little waterfalls.

Inaudible sobs and shouts echoed the house as the twins hugged their grieving little sister crying. Oria held her twin sisters close she didn't feel any arousal she just needed their comfort someone to tell her sweet nothings to help her calm down. The twins almost seemed disappointed at this wanting perhaps something more but Oria didn't go further and the twins seemed to think it'd best not to bring up the issue. Oria swore she would make the demons responsible pay and if any conspirators would not escape her retribution! A few years past and Oria become a permanent member of the twins adventure group that would vary from a large or small group depending on how dangerous Ordella thought the job or quest was.

Oria had begun having a strange string a dreams where she and what appeared to sound like a man were trapped in a dark room with her body completely bound. The man seemed amused at what he described "Bloodied Paradise" She and her sisters were living. Though some of their adventures had ended that way Oria didn't consider herself or her sisters bloodthirsty and argued with the man about how wrong he was. "Then renounce your vow and live without truth with your conspirators for you'll never find the retribution you demand. The path your sisters walk will create this "Bloodied Paradise and once your all there...All shall become one." He broke in what would be her last nightmare his words would not leave her mind. How could she be happy not knowing the truth? How could her sisters be involved in any evil they were just doing things to get by like any other!

She finally revealed her final nightmare to her eldest sister to which she gave vague responses at first but when Oria pressed her for more information Ordella gaze darkened. "You had a dream and nothing more if it was something more the demon was probable just trying to mislead you! Why would I ever lie all I've ever done is to protect you and Oeia!" She shoved Oria against the wall forcefully staring into the eyes that mirrored her own. "He was lying that's all...You do love me right?" Oria fearfully nodded her head and Ordella embraced her sister."Good..." She ends with a light peck on Oria's forehead. After that day the nightmares ceased but her doubts only grew along with her sisters uneasiness to even say the word "Truth". Oria continued traveling with her two sisters trying to put together the pieces of the mans words and what was building this so-called "Bloodied Paradise" and if true how were her sister's were involved.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Gonna give this another go. :p


Name:*Makeda the Shield Breaker


Hit Points (HP):*56
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):*78
Spirit Energy (EP):*47(+30)=48
Speed:*19(15 in armor)
Armor:Natural 11 +14(armor)=25
Spirit Ceiling:9 (-4) 5

Experience:* 4
Corruption:* 235 CL 4
Money: 50 denarii

Talents, Flaws and Mutations:
*Pain Resistance
*Hard Hitter
Natural Warrior
Erotic Fighter
Erotic Champion
(Flaw)Unarmed Fighter
(Flaw)Sexual Tyrannosaurus
(Flaw)Just Getting Started
[Natural Warrior] Two-Weapon Fighting
Superior Warrior
[Superior Warrior] Grapple Expert
(6XP) Multi-talented
*Easy to Hit
(Flavor) Mutated
(Flavor) Mutated
(Flavor) Fetish: (Giving) Face Sitting
*Odd Skin
>Armored Hide
>Natural Armor
>Venomous Attack: Paralyzed
*Oni Alcoholism
>Venomous Attack: Horny
>Venomous Attack: Weakened
>Natural Attack
(Flavor) Massive Breasts
(Flavor) Futanari
(Flavor) Large
(Flavor) Stretching
(Flavor) Odd Textures
(Flavor) Masochist
Flurry – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target. Requires Two Weapon Fighter.
Superhuman Toughness (Passive) - The character's natural AV is no longer ignored by attacks that ignore AV, and if the character has natural DR they treat it as one step lower rather than ignoring it completely. DR steps start at 1/4 and go lower by increasing both the denominator and the numerator by 2. IE: A character with DR 1/4 would get DR 1/2, a character with DR 1/2 would get DR 3/4, a character with DR 3/4 would get DR 5/6, etc.
Iron Body (Passive) - The character may use defensive fighting in order to exchange attack for AV. In addition, using Full Defense also grants the character Damage Reduction 1/2 for that round. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
Powerful Embrace (Passive) - The character is well versed in the art of the bear-hug. The character automatically deals 2d10 damage that ignores armor per round when in grapples when they're the dominant grappler (i.e. they've won the grapple check that round). Requires Grapple Expert.
Stranglehold - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may forsake all other actions for that round in order to make a grapple check at a -4 penalty against their target. If the target is in a submission hold, the -4 penalty becomes a +4 bonus. If the character wins, they deal the difference between the check in damage to the target's Resistance. When the target’s Resistance hits 0, they are knocked unconscious. Requires Grapple Expert.
Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to all attack rolls, and damage for all melee attacks. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.
Rage – The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple, and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.
Pleasure Damage:*
Penetration =*2d8+11
Foreplay =*2d4+8

Succubus Powers:*
Aphrodisiac Fluids (Passive): Creatures who swallow the character's sexual fluids have their Resistance stat decreased by 2d6 temporarily. Creatures reduced to 0 Resistance by this ability gain the Aroused status and have their Resistance reset, and if their Resistance drops to 0 again they gain the Horny status. If the character with this power has the Enthrall talent and a target with the Horny status as a result of this power has or is made to orgasm this encounter then that target automatically becomes enthralled and the enthralling character gains a +10 bonus against attempts by the target to break free. This Succubus Power can be taken up to 3 times.

Oil Up: The character uses a move action and oils their own skin (either by secreting it themselves or by some other fluff means). This oil causes the character to take a -10 penalty to attacks and attempts to put a target into a submission hold but gives the character a +10 bonus when attempting to free themselves from a grapple and causes characters coated in it to take +8 PP damage. The oil also halves resistance for the purposes of resisting pleasure and any damage caused by resisting pleasure is doubled. In addition, it doubles the maximum X value of rhythm and energetic foreplay. Any character who touches (i.e. grapples) a character currently affected by this oil is also covered in the oil and gains all of the bonuses and penalties listed above until the oil is removed. This oil lasts until the end of the encounter or until the character cleans themselves (spells such as Clean or other water producing spells and powers can work for this).

Dynamic Entry: While in a grapple, the character can give a particularly forceful thrust, enabling them to penetrate - or be penetrated by - their sexual partner through their respective clothing by winning a Resistance Check at a penalty equal to double the total combined AV of the armor/clothing that they are attempting to penetrate through (both their own and their partners, where applicable). If the character attempting to penetrate fails the Resistance Check, they become Stunned for one round. Characters with the Tentacles Special Mutation do not need to be in a grapple to use this power if they are attempting to penetrate with one of their tentacles. This penetration takes a penalty equal to the combined DU of both armors.*

Drain through Pain (Passive) : The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also deal 2d6 + modifiers EP damage, and regain that much EP. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining. This power cannot allow a creature to drain more EP than the attack with which it is used deals in HP damage.*

Deny Release: The character can deny their partner orgasm by winning a Resistance check against them. For every round that the subject of this power would take pleasure damage that would reduce their PP to 0 or less, they are drained as if they did orgasm, but are denied their actual climax effectively leaving their PP at 0. For every turn in which they maintain this effect, they can drain an additional 4 EP from their partner. This effect is cumulative but is not multiplied by orgasm unless the character ceases using this power.*

Tonight, You: When in a grapple the character can, as a free action after making a successful grapple check for the round, make a Resistance check against their target. If they win, their target's clothing is shifted (if they have any) and they are penetrated/penetrate the character and everything that that entails. If they lose then nothing happens. If the target is in a submission hold, this can be used once per round as a free action.

Knuckle Dusters (Off Hand)- These weapons enhance unarmed damage, and is all. Using them causes the character to deal damage as if they had the Unarmed Fighter Talent if they don't have said Talent, or grant an additional +3 bonus to damage if they do. In addition, these can be enchanted like any other weapon.*
Mace (Main Hand)- 2d4 + 2 + 17+12= 2d4+31 d20+36+12
Orcish Battle Armor: AV = 14, EV = 4, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing.*
(35 denarii) Leather
Natural Armor – 11 (Strong against Slashing, Weak against Piercing)
Natural Attack: 2d12+17+12= 2d12+29 d20+36+12
Improved Unarmed Attack 1d8 + 2 + 18

http://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2574740 – Makeda is a specimen to behold. A 6'9” tall, red oni with the body of a Mr. Olympia winner, two large sharp horns potruding from her head, white shaggy hair, golden yellow eyes, massive F cup breasts, and a 4 inch thick, 11 inch long, ribbed cock. Her fingers end in sharp vicious claws, and her mouth contains two sets of sharp fangs. She normally wears a tiger skin bikini at home when she is not out on the battle field, in which she chooses to don a suit of Orcish Battle Armor, brandishing a a knuckle duster on one hand and a heavy mace in the other. In the event she is disarmed, she is none the less lethal, utilizing her impressive strength, resilience and vicious claws to dispatch her foes. Makeda is a sadomasochist. In the bedroom, she is a dominant force, overpowering her partner/victim in mighty submission holds. She has a penchant for face sitting, auto erotic asphyxiation, and BDSM. Due to supernatural resilience, she has a bit of masochist side, due to the uncommon sensation of actually RECIEVING pain.

The OOC section: I am open and cool with most fetishes. Unless my prospective GM has qualms with it, this includes scat (enemas) and soft water works (being made to urinate only). The only things I do not want in the game are loli/shota, guro, and Hard vore (anything reulting in death/dismemberment). Exhibitionism, public humiliation, soft to medium ryona, and pet play are also welcome.
Starting Area: Glassmoor

((For MAF, ranger, thetwo, or whoever can take a thread.))
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Mara-Jade Riley for thread with MAF

Name: Mara-Jade Riley 'The Jade Flame'
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 10
Mind: 46= 30+ 8 Talent +8 Template
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 38
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 56
Spirit Energy (EP): 58
Speed: 10
Dodge: 33
Armor: 7
Resistance: 23
Perception: 21 (23 for checks involving sight, smell, or sound)
Stealth: 10
Grapple: 10
Spirit Ceiling: 12

Attack Cheat sheet:
Magic attack: d20+46
Regular Weapon attack (long sword): d20+46 , 2d6+5 damage
Enchanted weapon (feat) attack: d20+63 attack, 2d6+5+ 27 elemental damage, +8 to resistance checks to negate attacks
Fire Attacks: Creatures take -1 penalty to all non-damage rolls for every 10 points of fire damage taken that round
Lightning Attack: Ignore dodge bonus from shields

Experience: 0
Corruption (Warped): 0/700

(TEM)Focus In Fire: Cast up to 5th level and+10 BC in element, +2 dmg/lv, buffs increase stat by +1/lv, summons get +2 Body and +1AV/lv
Focus In Lightning:
Focus In Wind:
Focus In Earth:
Focus In Arcane:
Focus In Body:
Exceptional: +8 Mind
Concentration: +8 BC
Magic Feats: +2 Mage Feats (Physician, Channel Spell)
Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP

(TEM)Bloodthirsty: Never Quit
(TEM)Open Soul: +5 to any EP damage taken
(TEM)Mutated: +3 mutations
(TAL)Tainted Bloodline: Take 1.5x corruption
(TAL)Sensitive: +5 PP damage when taking any
(TAL)Mutated: +3 mutations
Fetish: Kitsune

1. Keen Eyes: +2 to visual perception checks
2. Night Eyes: No penalty to perception in the dark
3. Lactation: Lactates, takes +2 PP damage when breasts touched
4. Healing Milk: Character's milk restores 1d6+4 HP when consumed
5. Keen Nose: +2 to perception checks involving scents
6. Keen Ears: +2 to auditory perception checks

Special Mutations:
1. Naturally Warped
->1a. Warped: Don't take corruption from anything but Supernatural and Corruptive, deals corruption equal to 1/2 PP damage dealt to non-warped/naturally warped
2. Immunity to Fire

Base Casting: 31 (41 for favored elements)
Favored Elements: Arcane, Body, Earth, Fire, Lightning, Wind
Magic Feats:
(PAS)Enchanter: May enchant own items, enchant weapon and bolster power feats cost 1 less EP and deal an additional 4 damage
(PAS)Martial Magician: Attack rolls for weapons and unarmed strikes are modified by Mind instead of Body. The penalty to base casting from taking HP damage is halved.
(ACT)Enchant Weapon: 4EP and DC 20 casting check, add Mind/2 to weapon attack and damage, must pick an element for damage, attack can be treated as spell if beneficial, +8 to resistance checks to negate an attack, 1EP upkeep, counts as one of active buffs
(ACT)Channel Spell: +2EP, channel touch spells through melee attacks, add damage
(ELE)Physician: Max rolls for healing spells, body buffs grant +1/spell level, maintain regenerative aura as free action for 4 EP with casting check

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+3
Foreplay = 2d4+2

Denarii: 10
Longsword: d20+ 46, 2d6+5
Su-Ku-Ta Wargun: d20+46, 3d6 + 6, 35 foot range, 3 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 AV
Battle Mage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1
Enchanted Gloves of Mage-Collar-Breaking: Lv 2 Earth: Break/Mend: Can break or mend small object, doesn't reliably preserve/restore magical properties

Mara-Jade was born within the walls of The Academy in Crolia to two loving parents, her mother was a gifted mage and her father was a high ranking member of the guard. Her subtle, red eys, different from both of her parents, are the most obvious outward sign of her more magical nature. A number of mages speculated that perhaps because she was carried to term inside the institute of magical learning that she was born as a somewhat magical creature herself, though she was never completely sure that was the cause. Regardless, as a magical creature she was always treated rather differently by her peers, she was separate, not like them. Despite being kept at a bit of a distance, she did not feel like she had a difficult life growing up, both of her parents supported her mightily and worked hard to teach her what they could from their respective disciplines. They couldn't have been more proud when she joined The Academy. She was a brilliant student, regarded as a prodigy by her teachers for her talent for quickly learning new magical abilities which quickly propelled her to the top of her class, both in theory and execution as her sparing matches with her fellow students, and even instructors proved.

Because of her excellent marks and proven skill, Mara-Jade was allowed to take on missions for The Academy from time to time in the hopes that exposure to the world outside of the Academy would further enhance her talents as a mage. This in addition to having a student helping the citizenry of Crolia from time to time was good for The Academy's public image. These jobs ranged from public works and relief efforts to tracking down objects of magical and historical significance to the academy. She got in more than her share of scraps doing these jobs, but she was certainly a better mage for her troubles. It also led to some unexpected developments. On a particular occasion she neglected to properly handle a magical item she had recovered, and subsequently received a large dose of magical energy on her way back. When she woke up one morning, she found that her breasts had expanded and leaked a rather tasty and nutritious milk. It was all rather embarrassing to say the least. Her frequent trips out into the field also resulted in her absence from The Academy during the initial alien attack, and she only arrived home in time to help mop of the remnants after the floating fortress was destroyed. Fortunately for her conscience, her mother and father both escaped the battle relatively unscathed. Her parents watched as she annihilated a great many invaders, showing no mercy. This marked the point of a realization for Mara-Jade. She didn't just like fighting, she loved it. She loved using her powers to destroy her enemies. Building people and cities up was good, she had used the constructive applications of earth magic many times to help refugees, and had done so again following the alien attack. However nothing could compare with using that same magic to bring buildings and even mountainsides crumbling down. It was just exhilarating. Her aptitude for magic opened the way for her to destroy things in a whole new manner, it was more than just violence, killing, and breaking things. To Mara-Jade, it was an art.

Due to her realized potential after the alien attack, Mara-Jade's instructors saw fit to declare her an official graduate of The Academy. Having known it as home for most of her life, she opted to stick around and help with the more important tasks that needed doing. Now that she was recognized as a Mage of The Academy, more dangerous, risky, and important missions began to fall to her. Now well past the attack, as order begins to return to Crolia in the face of the Orcish hordes, Mara-Jade finds herself sent to investigate a city that has exhibited a suspicious decline into sin and vice that is characteristic of demonic influence.


The OOC section:
Big time fan of what the kids these days are calling 'yuri', or 'total lesbianism' in layman's terms. Mara-Jade is definitely a lesbian, so any voluntary smut, which I am also a fan of, will need to involve lady-parts. Futa works just fine too. I also think it would be cool if a hot piece of kitsune ass could come her way to potentially get swept along for the adventure and smut at some point. Other than that, my fetish don't list is: scat, guro, whatever other non-sexual body fluids. I'd also prefer no heavy rape scenes, defeat rape is fine, just nothing too terribly violent.

Otherwise, I'm looking forward to investigating things and hopefully causing some pretty tremendous property damage along the way! And if she get's the chance to do some enchanting of gear along the way, that'd be cool too. Especially if she has to get the enchanting ingredients from the corpses of those foul beasts foolish enough to cross her.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Cattleya, Retired Giant Slayer, Wandering Weapon Smith

Name: Cattelya
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body: 20
Mind: 20
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP): 35 (+30)= 65
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 35 (+40)= 75
Spirit Energy (EP): 35
Speed: 13
Dodge: 25
Armor: Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3
Resistance: 10
Perception: 14
Stealth: 14
Grapple: 20
Spirit Ceiling: 6


Heavy Hitter: The character deals +8 damage on all melee attacks.
Heavy Weapons Specialist: A character with this Talent deals an additional +10 damage on every attack so long as they are using a two handed melee weapon
*Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.
Skill with [Two Handed Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon. Two Handed Swords
Skilled: The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
(Flaw) *Natural Succubus (Talent Chosen) : Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, and can only be take once.
*Superior Succubus: Can pick a Succubus Talent that isn't Superior X/Cross-Class Talents. Requires Natural Succubus, and can't be taken by Succubi.
*Inherent Succubus: The character gains +6 PP Damage Dealt and a Succubus Power. They cannot regenerate past 1/2 their maximum EP naturally without having sex, regaining EP as a creature with Battery would. Requires Superior Succubus, and can't be taken by Succubi.
Manifested Succubus: The character gains +10 to Max PP, a Succubus Power, and the Soul Eater Special Mutation. The penalty to EP regeneration from Inherent Succubus no longer applies. The character may take the Succubus Talents granting increased PP damage or Succubus Powers as if they were general Talents. Requires Inherent Succubus.
(Natural Succubus) *Just Getting Started: Grants the character an additional 30 max pleasure. +30 PP, in other words.
(Superior Succubus) Kama-Sutra: You are a very skilled sexual partner when you choose to be. Change the calculation for pleasure damage from foreplay to 3d6 + Body/3 and penetrative sex to 3d10 + Body/2.

Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.
*Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.
*Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.
Weakness (Tentacles) : Whenever the character encounters the thing that they are weak against (tentacles, giant boobs, fluffy tails, futas, ect) in combat, the GM rolls 1d4, and on a roll of 1 the character loses their turn.

Lactation: The character begins to lactate, and any pleasure they take due to their breasts being touched is increased by 2. Can only be taken by female characters.
1) *Healing Milk: Creatures/people that ingest the characters milk heals 1d6+4HP per turn drinking.

Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack is at a -10 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Guillotine (Passive) - When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP remaining, makes an attack that brings the target below 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with an attack, they make a Resistance check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Supreme Might – The character can trade points from their attack roll for additional damage. These points are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, and the character cannot trade more than 20 points per round. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Whirlwind - The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons, if they have two. Requires Two Weapon Fighter OR Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Weapon Focus (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10+10
Foreplay = 3d6+6
Succubus Powers:

Lead from the Bottom (Passive) : The character only takes 1d4 damage when resisting pleasure, and gains a +10 bonus to Resistance when determining how much PP damage is negated. In addition, as long as the character isn't unconscious or otherwise helpless they can prevent themselves from receiving pregnancy rolls when a creature penetrating them orgasms.
Self-Control: The character can attempt to resist their orgasm. The character can only use this power when not resisting whatever pleasure they are receiving. They take pleasure as normal, and must win a Resistance check against a DC equal to the amount of pleasure exceeding their PP. Their PP is set to 0 at the end of the round if they win the check, and any pleasure they deal for that round is increased by 10. If they lose that check, they orgasm, and receive all of the penalties thereof. If a character would take multiple sources of pleasure, calculate them all at the end to determine the DC of the Resistance check.

2d12 + 1 + 10+ 10+8= 2d12+28
Leather Armor: AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.

Cattleya is very kind and gentle possibly because she has had a son. In the past, she may have been more fierce and serious. This other side is shown when she fights. She appears to be slightly depressed as she is looking for her husband Owen who has been missing for quite some time. She ventures forth into the labyrinth to find and rescue her husband who has disappeared into the labyrinth and put an end to the evil forces dwelling within, if she can.....
The OOC section:

Humans: 10
MalexFemale: 10
FemalexFemale: 8
MalexMale: 0
Pregnancy: 10
Birthing: 10
Eggplay: 10
Non Consent Sex / Rape: 10
BDSM: 10
Monsters: 10
Roughness: 10
Tentacles: 10
Mindbreak: 6
Futanari: 8
Transformation: 7
Bestiality: 7
NTR / Cuckoldry: 7
Group / Gangbang: 10
Cumming inside: 10
Facials: 10
Femdom: 10
Maledom: 10
Furry / Anthro: 5
Double Penetration: 10
Double in one hole (double vaginal, anal, etc): 9
Emotional or public humiliation: 9 (this includes minor scar and water works- public enemas and being made to urinate in public only)
Dehumanization (human furniture, ponygirls / pet play, etc): 9
Consent-inducing drugs or alcohol: 8
Mind Control: 6
Scarfing or Breath Control: 9
Lactation: 9
Size Difference: 9
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Name: Lance
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Male

Body: 30
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP):
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):
Spirit Energy (EP):
Spirit Ceiling:


Skill With Two-Handed Swords- +12 attack with Two-Handed Swords
Heavy Weapon Specialist- +10 damage with Two-Handed Weapons
Arcane Companion- Sill Plain

Antagonizing (RP): Unless the character genuinely respects or works under him/her/it, he/she will be prone to insulting, teasing, pranking, and/or harassing nearby sentient creatures who are aware of his presence.
Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

Odd Teeth: Shark-like Teeth
Large: The character deals +2 PP to your opponent during penetrative sex.
Multy-Orgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value rather than full.


Pleasure Damage:
Penetration =
Foreplay =
Succubus Powers:



The OOC section:
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Hope I got this all right.

Name: Ariyana
Class: Warrior (Rogue)
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 30 + 6(R) + 4(Ex) = 40
Mind: 10 + 2(R)+ 6(Ex) = 18
Spirit: 10 + 6(Ex) = 16

Hit Points (HP): 40+9+8 = 57
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 20+18+8 = 46
Spirit Energy (EP): 20+9+16 = 45
Speed: 20+16 = 36
Dodge: 37+10 = 47
Armor: Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20+8 = 28 40 for finding treasure
Stealth: 20+5+3 = 28
Grapple: 40
Spirit Ceiling: 9

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

*Exceptionalx2: The character gets an additional 16 points to spend among stats.
*Quickx2 (Racialx1): Increase the character's Speed stat by 16.
*Duelist: A character with this Talent gets +10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.
*Skill with [Pistol]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
*Sniper: The character deals +8 damage on all ranged attacks.
*Perceptive: The character gets a +8 bonus to their Perception stat.
*Stealthy: The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +10 bonus to hit) and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple action against their target.

*Mutated (Racial)
*Fetish: Beasts (Racial)
*Easily Aroused: Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.
*Excitable: Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains the Aroused status or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
*Fetish: Multiple Males/ Double Penetration
*Infertile: The character cannot, for any reason, become pregnant. Nor can they cause anything to become pregnant.
*Lustful (RP) : The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

*Multi-Orgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value rather than full.
*Night Eyes – Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas.
*Pheromones: The character takes a -2 penalty to Stealth checks and friendly characters are more interested in sex with them.
*Natural Attacks (Racial): The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual. Their unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + Body/3 damage. Characters that possess this mutation and the Unarmed Fighter Talent deal 2d12 + Body/2 damage instead.

*Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -10 penalty to their Dodge until their next turn, but their attacks deal double damage. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. Requires Skill with (Pistol.)
*Deadly Aim – The character takes careful aim, forsaking all movement for the round. In exchange, they may trade up to 10 points of Dodge for the round in order to take a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls for each point traded. Requires Skill with (Pistol.)
*Thief (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to Stealth, and can pick locks and disarm traps.
*Strike the Weak Spot (Passive) – Whenever the character would make a sneak attack, they may ignore any armor worn by their target. Natural resistances to damage still apply. Requires Stealthy.
*Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10

*Su-Ku-Ta Hand Repeater:
2d8 + 3, 15 foot range, 7 shots, 1 round reload, ignores 4 AV
Attack with Gun: 1d20+40 (Body)+12 (Weapon Skill) = 1d20+52 Base
Damage with Gun: 2d8+ 3 +8 (Sniper) +2 (Duelist) = 2d8+13 Base.
Unarmed Attack (Natural): 1d20+10(Body)
Unarmed Damage (Natural): 2d12+13


Ariyana lived in Shry-Kuth-Lus as a thief, among other less than noble professions. Unlike many of her kinsmen, when the aliens attacked she could see a losing battle when it came. Since Shry-Kuth-Lus had offered nothing to her, with her being one of the poor and destitute, she felt no loyalty to them and quickly left her homeland behind without a second thought.

Her travels took her to Lockacre, as she felt no need to get involved in the war and preferred simple places with which to apply her 'trade'. She's not opposed to adventure and such, as they are often good money, but she does not seek out large scale conflicts unless she is trying to loot something in the chaos.

Ariyana is a crack shot with her pistol, which surprises many who judge her by her appearance. When possible, she likes to win a fight before her opponent has even started, using stealth, preemptive attacks and intimidation to try and cow her opponents. Ariyana knows she is no close combat fighter, and when pressed with an unfavorable combat situation, she knows when to fold. She's gotten quite skilled at using her body to 'encourage' her captors into letting down their guard, allowing her to effect an escape. In situations like this, escape and survival become the objectives, regardless of her initial purpose. She is a survivor first and foremost, and will not hesitate to use anything and everything to guarantee it.

The OOC section:

*Not a fan of Futas or the usual hardcore stuff (watersports, gore, vore, etc).
*OK with tentacles, but I prefer male characters. Monsterous or more normal are both fine.
*Size difference (big monsters) is a major turn on.
*Group play is always welcome.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Lutfiyya al-Zafaar, tainted Anudorian princess!
Name: Lutfiyya al-Zafaar
Class: Warrior
Race: Anudorian
Sex: Futa

Body: 30
Mind: 10
Spirit: 10

Hit Points (HP):
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):
Spirit Energy (EP):
Spirit Ceiling:

Experience: 0
Corruption: Lv6; 0/700

Lucky - +3 to all the things except damage.
Just a little longer - +20 Penis Points.
LAL NEVERMIND THIS ONE Hard to Hit - +10 Dodges.

Two Weapon Fight Guy - Hit mans with 2 thing.
Skill with (1h Swerd) - Hit mans with swerd.
Skill with (pistols) - Hit mans with gunne.

Skilled x3

*Easily Aroused: Get HORNY instead of AROUSE.

Sensitive: +5 PP damage taken.

Mutated x2


Futa - You are a penis woman.
Heat - Daily 1d4; on a 1, you're a megaslut for the day!
Multi-orgasmic - return to 1/2 PP post-splooge.
Potent -
- Overproductive -

Parry Mode
Scissor Defense
Whirling Death

Bayonet (passive)
Melee Shooter
Quick Reload

Skirmisher (Passive)
Quick Draw
Evasion (Passive)
Ranger (Passive)
Spirited Warrior

[No mage stuff]
[No spirit stuff]

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration =
Foreplay =
Succubus Powers:

35 slutbucks


1h swerd - Shamshir.
1h swerd - khanjar.
Su-Ku-Ta Wargun

40 Hollow rounds
20 Exploding rounds


The eldest daughter of many children of the Heads of the Zafaar tribe, one of the larger tribes of the Anudor people. Though they were safe for a while from the invaders, it wouldn't last forever - despite having readied themselves, they were caught unawares by the enemy's ability to fly, and Lutfiyya was taken in the same battle that her father, Zaahid, was killed, and her mother, Nawwaara, injured.

She was held for she is told five days, before the tower she was taken to was blown apart possibly by a certain mercenary spider and she was recovered, in a stroke of pure, sheer dumb luck and coincidence. However, she did not survive her captivity unscathed - her soul was in tatters, barely hanging on. According to the Wisemen, it eventually recovered... but they had to slice her open and pull out a pulsing gray stone, which one of them recognized as being nearly the same as the sort found in those touched by the infernal. Lutfiyya still has a scar on her breast, from where they cut her.

That's apart from the trauma and everything, of course. Lutfiyya has become far more withdrawn than she used to be... but, although she feels like she should be worried about the prospect of sex now, after having been raped by the hideous invaders for some five days non-stop as they tried to give her a death more complete than the mere death of the body, Lutfiyya finds herself more drawn to it than before. However, she has avoided most contact with her tribesmates - the warping powers of the Enemy mutated her body, 'gift'ing her with a man's parts - and, moreover, planted deep inside of her incredible, nigh unconquerable lust, and prodigious virilty...

The Wisemen have told the tribe, who seem to have born the strange mutation stoically... but, they would dare not tell her or her mother their disgust or despair to their faces, and Lutfiyya is as unsure of the unwanted desire boiling inside her as she is of their real feelings towards her oddity.

The battle left a vacuum in the tribe's power. They have survived the journey and have settled into an encampment Though many are still loyal to Nawwaara, some believe she must remarry - and in these dangerous times, there are quiet whispers that her weakness and the corruption of the daughter that had been groomed to inherit leadership mean the tribe needs a new Headswoman, and Head family. Some of her siblings burn with ambition, as well...

The OOC section: I feel obligated to have at least one stupid character per page, so here you go.

I imagine playing this character as dealing with trying to keep her lusts under control, and doing tribal politics - both within the tribe and with other tribes and others around Haven, as well as the general shittiness of living in a fort-city against a powerful enemy like the invaders I guess. Also, jockeying for influence with people Haven!
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Farroe, Amazonian journeywoman (posted for convenience incase ranger needs the reference for the already active game)

Name: Farroe
Class: Warrior
Race: Amazon
Sex: Female

Body: 34 (20+14)
Mind: 20 (18+2)
Spirit: 12

(HP): 50
(PP): 63 (43+20)
(EP): 39
Speed: 16 (17-1 armor)
Dodge: 43 (33+10 while unarmed)
Armor: 7 (5+2)
Resistance: 17
Perception: 17
Stealth: 7 (17-2-8)
Grapple: 47/34 (34+8+5)
Spirit Ceiling: 8
Exp & Corruption
Experience: 0
Corruption: 0
Unarmed Fighter (+10 dodge while unarmed)
Grapple Expert (+8 Grapple on offense)
Resistant Soul (-5 EP damage taken)
Just A Little Longer (+20 PP)
Skilled (+3 skills)
Skill With Unarmed (+12 to attack while unarmed)
Exceptional x2 (+16 to stats)
Infertile (pregnancy switch = off)
Obvious (-8 stealth)
Sensitive (+5 PP inflicted)
Sexual Weakness (weakened on orgasm)
Superior Grappler (+5 grapple on offense)
Stranglehold (attempt to KO grappled target)
Powerful Embrace (2d10 damage while dominant in grapple) (is it possible to weaken this somewhat and have it become stronger as the game goes on?)
Smith (+2 AV)
Disarm (disarm opponent instead of deal damage)
Weapon Focus: Unarmed (+6 attack for unarmed)
Leap Glomp (jump toward opponent to grapple)
10 Denarii
Weighted Gloves
Leather Armor (AV = 5, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3)
Leather Armor Repair Materials
Unarmed Attack = d20 +34 +18
Unarmed Damage = 1d8 +2 +17
Disarm = d20 +34 +18
Disarm Damage = 0/ Resistance check or disarmed
Stranglehold Attack = grapple check -4 or +4 if dominant in submission hold vs Resistance
Stranglehold Damage = Difference between checks to Resistance
Leap Glomp Attack = Grapple - 10
Leap Glomp Damage = Submission Hold get

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 11
Foreplay = 2d4 + 8
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Alright, this seemed interesting so here is my try

Name: Karen Allenheim
Class: Warrior [Noble]
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female

Body: 34 (26B+8T)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 14

Hit Points (HP): 116 (34+5+7+70T)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 34 (17+10+7)
Spirit Energy (EP): 36 (17+5+14)
Speed: 14 (18+8T-12E)
Dodge: 48 (29+15E+4T)
Armor: 22
Resistance: 17
Perception: 2 (18-16T)
Stealth: -6 (29-24E)
Grapple: 34
Spirit Ceiling: 3 (7-12E)



[T1]Shield Fighter: Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks

[T2]Skill with One Handed Swords: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

[T3]Quick: Increase the character's Speed stat by 8

[T4&5]Wealthy: x2 The character starts the game with an additional 100 denarii, which they may spend immediately.

[F1&2]Healthy: x2 Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.

[F3]Resilient: Grants the character an additional 30 max hit points. +30 HP, in other words.

[F4]Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats


[F1]Prideful (RP)(Herself/Family): The character is possessed of immense pride in themselves, their race, their station, an organization that they belong to, or something similar. They will not suffer the dignity of whatever they take pride in to be insulted, will not allow its name to be besmirched, and will not allow it to go undefended under any circumstances. They will commit to violence in defending it if need be.

[F2&F3]Oblivious: x2 The character takes a -8 penalty to their Perception stat.

[EF1]Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.



Defensive Stance - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses.

Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

Weapon Focus One Handed Swords (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type.

Weapon Specialization One Handed Swords (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type.

Pleasure Damage:

2d8 + 11

2d4 + 8


50 Denarii

angelforged plate armor AV = 22, EV = 8, TP = 60, DU = 5

One Handed Sword
(+52)2d6 + 21

Hand Crossbow
(+34)4d6 + 6, 30 foot range, 1 shot, 1 round reload

(+34)2d4 + 8

Tower Shield: DB = 15. EV = 4.
(+44)3d6 + 13

Karen was raised by her singular father, the only information she has about her mother is that she is an unfaithful harlot not worth mentioning. Karen was born nobility, and her upbringing was handled incredibly poorly by her father. Nearly completely sheltered from the outside world, and never having to lift a finger in her life left her quite incompetent. The few times she tried helping around the mansion only got met with disaster, as she was horribly clumsy to the point were simple tasks were to much for her. However instead of berating her or teaching her properly, the servants around the house were ordered by her father to take the blame for her actions. This made her servants constantly mock her with sarcasm that flew right over Karen head, usually taken them as compliments.

Her private tutors didn't have any success with her either, anything they tried to teach her would be forgotten nearly instantly. Many year of tutoring were going completely to waste on her as nothing would stick with her, even worse her father would command the tutors to make it seem she succeeded every single test. This boosted Karen ego enormously warping her personality to think that she was not only splendid but also more invaluable then others. Of course her tutors were became increasingly annoyed by her behavior and soon also became to ridicule her with sarcasm and intellectual insults which went way over her head.

However the few thing that did stick with her were mainly thought by her father. Things like how much pride she should feel for being an Allenheim, that your pride is worth defending with your life. Of course her father was only saying this to impress her, but Karen took his speeches to heart. Besides teaching her about matters of pride, he also taught her about matters of the flesh. These were completely noneducational and filled with deceit, to keep Karen from becoming like her mother. Karen of course took these blatant lies to heart, being taught that even such thing as pleasuring yourself were horrible and awful. Without herself knowing this made her increasingly more and more sexual frustrated over the years.

After several years of this frustration she began exercise, using the guise of self-defense when explaining to her father why she needed this. Unlike most other activities she did, fighting seemed to be naturally imprinted within her. According to her instructors she had a knack for handling the sword an shield, to her this was only obvious as she thought she was supreme at everything. After a few years of training she began to pester her father about making her spar real opponents rather then paid instructors and dummies. After several arguments she finally convinced her father, however her father ordered guards to fight her which would easily let her win without any effort. Of course it went all straight to her head, she began to verbally insult most of the guards about their incompetence.

After a few years of training most if not all of the guards were extremely annoyed with her. Which made the training sessions she asked for in private without her father painful and unfair. They would usually gang up on her and treat her roughly. When they explained it would be the only way to improve someone as amazing as her, she accepted their treatment without any second thought to it. During and after the training session she would over hear many conversations about the outside world, many of which piqued her curiosity. After many attempts to convince her father, she finally got permission to travel the world. However she had to travel with several guards, her father a well known for his greed was underpaying the already cheap guards for their escort service, and ordered them to move only to places were should would be save. Thus she sets off on her journey to see the world, with several under payed guards at her side.

Appearance & personality:
Standing around 5''6 tall, Her body is blessed with amazing looking curves. Due to both her heritage and mother, her bottom is large and firm. She also has big firm malleable that tend to bounce excitedly with all but the smallest motions. She has delicate looking arms and legs, likewise her skin look incredibly pure and unscathed. Her hair is blond and falls down over her shoulders, resting
along the center of her back. Usually put in large curls to show off her wealthy status. Her face though beautiful has a usual scorning look onto it.

Personality wise, she is an over bloated ego and has an severely negative opinion of others that look like they would be of low social status. She has an immense pride towards herself and her house, willing to fight for them to anyone who might dare to speak ill of them. Due to her upbringing she became naive about the ways of the world, she is easy to deceive and because of her pride will pretend, whatever people tell her would only be common knowledge and does it without much thought. Karen isn't very bright and will often have an hard time understanding the simplest of things, however due to her pride she will usually pretend as if she knows.
The OOC section: Welp tell me is I did anything wrong its my first try after all. Also fetish wise, I am really okay with anything although I do not prefer scat thats about it.

Caelise The Weakly High elven mage

Name: Caelise Alferyvan
Class: Mage
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female

Body: 4
Mind: 60(40B+4R+16T)
Spirit: 10(6+4R)

Hit Points (HP): 39 (4+30+5)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 67 (2+60+5)
Spirit Energy (EP): 42 (2+30+10)
Speed: 6
Dodge: 37
Armor: 1
Resistance: 30
Perception: 24
Stealth: 6
Grapple: 4
Spirit Ceiling: 8



[T1,2,3,4&5]Focus in Arcane, Body, Force, Light, Water: The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

[F1&2]Exceptional: x2 The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

[F3]Experienced Caster: The character can cast up to 3rd level spells in any Element.


[RF1]Open Soul: The character takes an additional 5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

Easily Tired: Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

Fragile: Whenever the character’s HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.


Base Casting: d20+30
Favored Elements: Arcane, Body, Force, Light, Water
Magic Feats:

Blood Magic – Whenever the character would cast a spell of 2nd level or higher, they may pay half of that spell’s cost in HP and half in EP. If they do, that spell is treated as if it were one level higher for the purpose of determining its effects. Healing spells cannot be improved with this feat.

Spell Control - The character gains greater control over area of effect spells. Whenever the character would cast an area of effect spell, they may pay an additional X EP where X is the level of the spell in order to double the area of effect of that spell. The character also gains the ability to cause their Area of Effect spells to deal damage only to targets that they choose (sparing their allies from any harm) by taking a -6 penalty to casting for the round and causing the spell to deal damage as a spell one level lower.

Physician (Body) – Healing spells are always treated as if they’d rolled max when determining the amount of HP they restore. Buffs from the Body element give an extra +1 bonus per spell level to the stat that they increase. The character may maintain regenerative aura as a free action, allowing them to perform other actions, by making a casting check as per normally maintaining emanations and paying 4 EP. Requires Focus in Body.

Metaphysical Hammer (Force) – Force spells that would move a target push them an additional 5 feet. All Force spells gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks. Requires Focus in Force.


50 Denarii

Base Damage:
2d4 + 1

Silken Nightgown: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.

Caelise was born within the academy, raised by her mother together with two elder sisters. Being born with an incredibly awful constitution and physique, her time growing up in the academy was rather tough. Unlike her two sister her personality was meek and model child, not to mention she also excelled at class being also a model student. This of course earned the scorn of many students as she usually was the teachers pet, many of the more mischievous students would pull pranks while some also bullied her. However instead of resisting them she would usually just meekly apologize, even now she forgave those who bullied her, as she is not one to hold a grudge. Although not only her fellow classmates bullied up, as she also earned both her sisters scornful jealousy. They were a lot harsher and nastier, with their pranks and bullying, again she could only apologize and never dared to even mention any of this to her mother.

However after graduation her life drastically changed in the academy, besides the scorn of her sisters that were jealous she graduated top of her year earning all the praise and attention from her mother, the others apologized to her. First she was suppose to become a teacher within the academy, unfortunately her poor physique and constitution would tire her out way to quick for to be any use as instructor. Instead she was given an more mundane role of healing those who would injure them severely and administration for the academy. Because of her new role is only occasionally would leave her room, this made her exclusively wear nightwear in the form of a nearly see-through silken nightgown. After a while she would wear it anywhere, no longer really caring about her appearance as much due to her being in bed nearly all day.

This made her rather popular with most of the male student body and occasional female. At first they would seek advice from her merely to hope to see a glimpse of her more delicate parts, but soon they realized that she was nonjudgmental and incredibly gentle. As the rumor spreads about her helpful nature would make many students seek out her advice, not to mention soon after followed the rumor that she often would take responsibility for any failure they would make, and indeed this was true. As Caelise wanted to make sure nobody got punished for her bad advice, she would usually take the blame onto herself and fix the problem. Of course many students would abuse this getting her into trouble major trouble occasionally, but those in charge would usually simply forgive her knowing she was just covering for others. They simply didn't care as long as she would fix the student problem.

However little did she know that her live was about to change drastically, starting with the corruption of her sisters. One day her sisters invited her to go to Acheron with them, which her mother strictly forbid them. Of course like the good girl she was she declined, as she was made to promise not to tell her mother. At first she would obediently follow her sisters orders, but after several visits she began to see changes onto their bodies and behavior. One of her sisters which always had been flat chested suddenly had enormous breasts, also you could notice small horns grow on top her head, and she could swear areas around her nipples were often moist. While her other sister had an obvious bulge at her crotch, and was accompanied with an intoxicating smell. When they left once more she could no longer stay quiet towards her mother, telling her about her sisters changes and were they have gone. In a fit of rage her mother stormed out the academy, that evening only her sisters would return, again her sisters again several new mutations responded in anger when she told them she told mom and if they seen her. Saying she would regret tattling on them.

However she was more worried about her mother, but there was no way something could have happened to her mother, she began to think to herself, after all her mother was even stronger then her. However that way of thinking stopped as soon as one night turned into several, and several turned into weeks, soon months had passed as finally nearly a year had passed and her mother was still no were to be seen. She only got the occasional report of something only slightly resembling her mother being stopped inside the city. Then even worse both her sisters managed to easily grab seats of authority within the academy, as they were spiteful and jealous of her sister they were sure to enforce the punishments she had piled up, they were going to take joy in trying to corrupt her sister, planning to make her a sex craved slut that would do whatever they wished. As they began to scheme the best way to do this, within the academy rules.

She stands fairly tall about 6''2 from the ground, she has long floppy elven ears on the side of her head arcing towards the ground, her eyes emit a certain gentleness and she usually has a soft smile across her face. Her figure is extremely flimsy, though she has two impressively sized mounds onto her chest, her bottom is a bit less impressive but still sizable and firm, Her long blond hair flows down nearly touching her bottom, the nightgown she wears is somewhat see through that becomes fully see through when wet, it shows off ample cleavage and her short size of the gown gives people ample opportunities to see her underwear
The OOC section: Same as my other character, also I made this pretty much because I was feeling restless and can't sleep, again tell me if something is off
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Well first try on the character sheet hopefully I didn't miss anything :eek:
Name: Cara Nialish
Class: Warrior (Thief)
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 42 (6 race 28 points 8 exceptional)
Mind: 16 (2 race 10 points 4 exceptional)
Spirit: 16 (12 points 4 exceptional)

Hit Points (HP): 88
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 45
Spirit Energy (EP): 45
Speed: 20+8 = 28
Dodge: 37 (47 if not holding any weapons)
Armor: AV = 8, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 2
Resistance: 21
Perception: 20+8+2 = 30 (+12 extra if looking especially for treasure, +2 when listening)
Stealth: 20+5+3-3 = 25
Grapple: 42
Spirit Ceiling: 7
Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Quick (Racial Increase speed by 8)
Unarmed Fighter (deals Improved unarmed damage when attacking without a weapon also gets +10 dodge without holding weapons)
Resilient (+30hp)
Perceptive (+8 to perception stat)
Stealthy (The character gets a +5 bonus to their Stealth stat. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +10 bonus to hit) and deal double damage (before armor) on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead gets a free grapple action against their target.)
Exceptional (additional 8 points to spend)
Exceptional (Additional 8 points)
Natural spirit wielder
Holy Mage: The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Holy Magic power list.

Mutated (gains 3 mutations of choice)
Mutated (gains 3 mutations of choice)
Fetish: Beasts (takes +8 PP damage when with beasts)
Weakness: Money

Funny Ears (Has odd ears)
Masochist: (Whenever the character takes health damage also takes 1d6+1 PP Damage)
Keen Ears: +2 to perception for hearing
Night eyes: No longer take penalties in darkened areas
Tight: Deals +2pp during penetrative sex

Thief: +3 to stealth, can pick locks and disarmed traps
Guileful Strike: Can trade double damage to force a resistance check two of the following: inflict blinded, stunned paralysed or weakened
Sneak: Give up all actions in a round to make a stealth check at a -10 penalty. If successful no longer detected by any enemy beaten.
Evasion: If dodge successful takes no damage instead of ¼ damage
Nose for treasure: +12 perception for finding treasure

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:

Wielder Aptitudes: Holy
Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) If used as a normal action, one touched creature regains 6X HP. If used as a move action, one touched creature regains 4X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Negative status effects (Weakened, Blinded, Etc) can be removed from a targeted creature for 3 EP each.

Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will and designate any creatures and allow them to do the same.
-The character pays 4 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round so long as the wall is maintained. Any creature not allowed to pass through the wall must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 points of damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check. Demons and Undead attempting to pass through this wall have the damage against them doubled. The character may pay an additional 4 EP when using this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to Resistance, increasing the upkeep cost by 3. This can be done multiple times.
-Alternatively, the character may pay X EP to gain a shield with 0 EV and X + Spirit/4 DB, which deals 3d6 + Spirit/4 + 2X damage if used to shield bash. The X bonus to damage is doubled against Demons and Undead. This power costs 1 EP upkeep, but may be expended at any time to create an energy barrier around the character and any adjacent allies that absorbs 10X damage.

The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character and all allies within 30 feet gain a +3X bonus to attack rolls and Dodge, as well as a 2X bonus to Resistance and Perception.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+14
Foreplay = 2d4+10
Succubus Powers:

Armour: Badarian Flack Jacket: AV = 8, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 2
Weapon: Metal gauntlets 1d8+5+21

h t tp://lonekakapo.deviantart.com/art/FFXIV-Miqote-579525688 20 years old. She was taken in and taught the ropes of being a thief and fighting by a thief’s guild in one of the cities in Badaria hidden and managed to get away from the invading army fleeing essentially into one either one of the other countries or towards Lockacre.
(Trying to keep options open for a GM to essentially slot story in anywhere)

The OOC section:
Go nuts on anything I have pretty much very few limits when it comes to a roleplay. Had to break up url because of not able to post url limitations.
Shanitia the Kitsune Mage
Name: Shanitia
Class: Mage
Race: Kitsune
Sex: Female

Body: 22
Mind: 36
Spirit: 24

Hit Points (HP): 62 (22+18+12+10)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 69 (36+11+12+10)
Spirit Energy (EP): 83 (24+18+11+10+20)
Speed: 14
Dodge: 41
Armor: 7
Resistance: 18 (+12 bonus to any resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include Dominated, Charmed and Horny status. They also gain +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.)
Perception: 18-8+3 = 13
Stealth: 14+3 = 17
Grapple: 22
Spirit Ceiling: 16
Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Magic Feats: Choose two magic feats and add them to the caster’s list
Focus in body: this Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a +10 bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be chosen multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.
Side Skill: Character chooses one skill that they meet the requirements for. They can use that skill
Exceptional: 8 stat points to assign
Greater Energy Pool: 20 additional energy
Lucky: Gains a +3 bonus to all non-damage rolls
Mental Fortitude: +10 to hp, pp and ep

Fertile: character is more likely to become pregnant on a roll of 2 or more indicates a success
Sensitive: takes an additional 5 pp damage when anything would cause them to take any
Tainted Bloodline: Character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal
Idealistic: Character is unfailingly kind no matter the circumstances. And will always go out of their own way to help others at their own detriment.
Oblivious: Takes an -8 penalty to perception

Naturally warped: The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The character doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption from Warped creatures.
Shapeshifting: The character can change their physical form at will. At any time, they can change their physiology so that they functionally have any of the normal mutations. If they do not have the Supernatural or Naturally Supernatural Special Mutation, they cannot exceed the number of normal mutations that they already have using shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is limited to the base mutations, they cannot get any of the mutations that have requirements unless they have the base mutations without shifting into them, and only one instance of each mutation can be shifted into. This mutation cannot be used to get or hide other special mutations.
Kitsune Heritage: Whenever the character would deal PP damage, they can drain EP as if they had the Soul Eater special mutation. A kitsune who drains a creature down to 0 may continue to drain it for 5 more rounds, and every round thereafter the creature being drained must win a Resistance check against the kitsune (no bonuses or penalties are applied for this check) or be absorbed by them. If a creature wins all 5 checks or the draining is interrupted, the kitsune's ability backlashes, not only returning all of their stolen energy but also granting them all of the kitsune's, effectively dropping the kitsune to 0 EP and knocking them unconscious.
An absorbed creature effectively dies as their soul is removed from their body, and the kitsune gains an additional Tail mutation with color dependent on the nature of the individual. See the lore thread, unusual races entry for a breakdown on how the colors work. A kitsune can only have up to 9 tails at any one time, and may release a soul at will, either into the air, to another kitsune, or into an empty but living body.
When they absorb an individual, they gain a permanent bonus to their Mind and Spirit stats equal to the stats of their victims divided by 10 and rounded up to the nearest even number. IE: absorbing someone with 40 Mind and 20 Spirit would grant a +4 bonus to Mind and a +2 bonus to Spirit.
Funny ears: Foxlike
Tail: Foxlike

Strong willed (Passive): +12 bonus to any resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include Dominated, Charmed and Horny status. They also gain +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Base Casting: 18
Favored Elements:
Magic Feats:
Physician: Healing spells are always treated as if they’d rolled max when determining the amount of HP they restore. Buffs from the Body element give an extra +1 bonus per spell level to the stat that they increase. The character may maintain regenerative aura as a free action, allowing them to perform other actions, by making a casting check as per normally maintaining emanations and paying 4 EP. Requires Focus in Body.
Enchanter - The character may enchant their own magic items, treating the denarii costs of all enchantments as if they were halved from their prices in the shop. Enchanting an item with a spell or power requires that the character doing the enchanting be able to use that spell or power. Using the Enchant Weapon and Bolster Power Feats costs 1 less EP to activate and deals an additional 4 damage.
Enchant Weapon - The character may pay 4 EP and make a casting check of DC 20 in order to add Mind/2 damage to their weapon attacks for the round, and gain a Mind/2 bonus to attack rolls with that weapon. Using this feat does not use any actions for the round. You must choose an element type for this added damage. If it would be beneficial, weapon attacks are treated as spells instead, and Resistance checks made to negate an attack gain a +8 bonus. This affect may be kept up by paying 1 EP, but it counts as one of your active buffs.
Herbalist - The character is adept at mixing their own potions. The cost of the Create Potion and Love Potion rituals, both in terms of time to gather ingredients or costs to pay for them, are halved. The character's healing spells also restore and additional +2 HP per spell level when used to heal.

Wielder Aptitudes:

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+7
Foreplay = 2d4+5
Succubus Powers:

Weapon: Shortsword: 2d6+11
Armour: Battlemage’s Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.

Shanatia grew up in The Academy of Crolia, having been dumped there as a child because her parents didn’t want anything to do with her. She took to the arcane arts quite well learning more or less the beneficial body arts more than offensive as well as the art of enchanting. However due to always being in The Academy she is very eager and willing to see the world despite her own Naivety about some people who would easily take advantage of her. Growing up around books and magic she is quite fascinated with history and literature, would be willing to do nearly anything for old books and tomes. That much that she would desperately if it was actually safe to go to the cities that were taken by the Orcs in Crolia to regain any tomes from the libraries as what they could contain might be of value or importance. The one thing she would do absolute anything to either discover the true origin of her race or atleast prove the legend atleast correct.

h t tp://vampirneko.deviantart.com/art/Kitsune-129657233
The OOC section:
Same as above character
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Aria North, innocent heroine

Character Sheet:

Name: Aria North
Class: Warrior
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female

Primary Stats:
Body: 38 (30+0+8)
Mind: 10 (10+0)
Spirit: 10 (10+0)

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): 98 (48+0+50)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 34
Spirit Energy (EP): 34
Speed: 11 (19(.49) - 8)
Dodge: 39 (29+10)
Armor: 16
Resistance: 19
Perception: 19
Stealth: 0 (19 - 8 - 16)
Grapple: 38
Spirit Ceiling: 3 (6 - 8)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talent 1 - Resilient (+30 HP)
Talent 2 - Heavy Hitter (+8 Damage)
Talent 3 - Skilled with One Handed Swords (+12 to hit)
Talent 4 - Duelist (+10 Dodge, +2 Damage)
Talent 5 - Natural Spiritual Wielder (Powers (Astral Wings, Lay On Hands)
Flaw 1 - Healthy (+20 HP)
Flaw 2 - Skilled (+3 Skills)
Flaw 3 - Wealthy (+100 denarii)
Flaw 4 - Exceptional (+8 Stats)

(+12 To Hit/+10 Damage)

Hatred (Aliens)

Mutations: 0/12

Skills: 7/4+3
Fencer (Passive) – You are more adept at facing an enemy that wields a weapon, as such you have a better chance at parrying and dodging their attacks as well as delivering your own. When fighting against an enemy wielding a weapon of any kind you gain +4 bonus to Dodge against their attacks, gain a +4 bonus to attack, and deal an additional +4 damage per attack. Requires Duelist.

Defensive Stance – The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them in melee and misses

Power Strike – The character can trade points from their Dodge to make their attacks more likely to hit and deal more damage. These are traded at a 1 to 1 rate, every point of Dodge traded granting the character a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and no more than 10 points can be subtracted from Dodge. Cannot be used in the same turn that a character is fighting defensively (trading attack for additional Dodge.)

Battle Dance – The character gains a +12 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV.

Grandmaster (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and ignores ½ of the AV granted by their target's worn armor when wielding a weapon that they have Specialized in.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Weapon Focus [One Handed Swords] (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Powers: 2/2 (Granted by Powers talent)
Astral Wings
The character conjures a set of brilliant magical wings that grant them unusual powers.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at twice their Speed, +3X Dodge, +2X Resistance and +2X AV.

Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose one of the following effects:
1) If used as a normal action, one touched creature regains 6X HP. If used as a move action, one touched creature regains 4X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 4X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Negative status effects (Weakened, Blinded, Etc) can be removed from a targeted creature for 3 EP each.

Angel Forged Longsword (Sheathed) - 2d6 + 31/+60 To Hit (19 (body) +10 (talents) + 4 (skills) + 8 (material)) (+38 (body) +12 (talents) + 10 (skills))
Splint Mail: AV = 16, EV = 8, TP = 50, DU = 6.
0 denarii

Almost the entirety of Aria's life could be described by a single word, Blessed. From all the turmoil the land has suffered Aria and the people of her sleepy village nestled forgotten in the reaches of Badarian have been almost entirely unaffected, often believed due to the blessing of the shrine held in the center of their village.

She was born to a happy family as the young married couples only child. Her father was an adventurer, a sellsword of some reputation, never terribly well known but he did well enough to support his family, even as it kept him from them from time to time. Aria and her mother accepted this, as he provided a comfortable living and the absence always caused them to cherish the time they did spent together even more. Aria's mother was a seamstress, and mended clothes for the village.

Aria inherited traits from both of her parents, a spirit and thirst for adventure from her father and a gentle kindness from her mother. She was a well liked child, well behaved and outgoing if a bit of a handful as she disappeared for hours on ends for her little adventures, recruiting the other children to her cause.

One thing notable was that had a seeming gift for the sword, a talent for fighting. She quickly surpassed the children her own age, often scrapping with sticks playing make belief while she insisted against being the damsel.

And life continued like this. The idyllic sleepy little village had the occasional conflict, trouble during harder winters, occasional bouts of disease or trouble amongst the locals, but it was an otherwise entirely happy life. She made friends, learned from her mother and father, honed her talents and developed into a beautiful young woman. Aria joined the towns relatively small collection of guard when she grew older, her good nature diffused any conflict and her talent was more than enough to handle whatever trouble had come.

As word came in from the outside, speaking of terrible disaster and conflict all her village could do was pray and thank that they were so blessed, thanking in the protection of the shrine. Surely their peace would last forever.

Nobody knew why it happened, perhaps someone had offended whatever god or spirit was looking over them, perhaps that gods power had waned or been lost, or it was simple misfortune that befell them finally, a cosmic repayment for their years of prosperity.

Monsters assailed the village. Aria and the others did their best to resist but it was hopeless. She didn't know how she was spared, awakening alone in the ruins of her villages, but she trusted in the belief of their villages guardian that it had been for some purpose.

A week of mourning followed as she did her best to bury the dead and honor the missing. She decided then that she had to set out, to find who was responsible for the attack, to find the survivors who had been taken, and to maybe try to help those who had suffered like her along the way. She collected her supplies for the long journey. In the heart of the village she found the hilt of a blade in the ruins of the shrine, and found that it was drawn easily from the bedrock from which it had been lodged.

Sure that this was a sign of fortune, Aria steeled her heart and set out from the only place that she had known.


The OOC section:
I'm not into the more bodily stuff (expansions/enemas/scat/etc) open to most, prefer yuri and things that tempt this innocent flower or push her past her limits, she wants to uphold a chaste life but isn't all that strong willed. Good fights, adventures, and dogoodery are the focuses with tempting monsters/individuals. I'm open to anything for actual plot, feel free to take whatever liberties you see fit with it, I left a lot open for that reason. Totally up with light-hearted adventuring as well as raunchy sexcapades.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Giving another go with Narali. Feel like I can get somewhere with her this time.

Name:Narali Lund
Class: Warrior (Pike and Shot Warrior)
Race: Orc
Sex: Female


Hit Points (HP):92
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):44
Spirit Energy (EP):42
Spirit Ceiling:8


(R) Skill With Polearms (+12 Attack rolls with Polearms)
(C) Skill With Rifles (+12 attack rolls for Rifles)
(C) Battle Hardened (+8 armor)
(C) Resiliant (+30 HP)
(C) Heavy Weapons Specialist (+10 damage on every attack with 2 handed

(C) Heavy Hitter (+8 to all damage to all melee attacks)
(F) Exceptional x2 (+16 stat points)
(F) Sniper (+8 Ranged Damage)

(R) Bloodthirsty
(R) Fertile
(C) Fetish (Smaller Women)
(C) Lustful
(C) Open Soul


Skills (6):
Berserker (+3 to all attack rolls and damage from all melee attacks)
Strong Willed
Heavy Metal
Deadly Aim


Halberd: 2d10+3+25
Pike: 2d10+3+25
Badarian Breach Loader 3d8+8 35 foot range, ignores 8AV

Orcish Battle Armor: AV = 14, EV = 4, TP = 30, DU = 3. Weak against Slashing.

Strong against Piercing.

Narali was an orc of not great description, serving her clan loyally as a pike and shot warrior, earning herself a small amount of honor through her service. This was a life she was content with. But things changed as she
began seeing how the fallen and defeated warriors were treated. Men and women taken into slavery and simply used for sex and breeding was a horrible and disgraceful practice that Narali disapproved of and she let her superiors know.

Potential GM's shoot me a PM to discuss potential ideas. I had to trim down the bio due to it being linked with anther character before. So new story idea might be needed. Willing to discuss so that it will allow me to finish the bio in a way that makes sense. Right now it just feels half finished.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

...So remember that one person that used to make characters and sometimes play in forum RPs? Yeah, I do too. Throwing my hat in to try out DG4's mage a bit, and to see how viable a full casting focused mage is compared to a gish. I offer a "Dragon Slave" up for this endeavor.

Claithe Alonne
Name: Claithe Alonne
Class: Mage
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Academy Educated
Template: Psyker

Body = 10
Mind = 34 +6 = 40
Spirit = 14 + 2 = 16

Hit Points (HP) = 10 + 20 + 8 = 38
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 40 + 5 + 8 = 53
Spirit Energy (EP) = 5 + 20 + 16 = 41
Speed = 25
Dodge = 2d10 + 4d10 + 1d10 + 1d10 = 8d10 +3
Armor = 7
Perception = 6d10 + 2 (scent exempt)
Stealth = 5d10
Grapple = 2d10
Spirit Ceiling = 41/5 = 8


Reflexes = 9 +5 = 14
Focus = 47 +5 = 52
Willpower = 11 +5 = 16

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod =0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 5 + 8 = 13

Class Bonus

All Mages, no matter their field of specialization or experience, are capable of using a great many different spells, able to cast 1st and 2nd level spells of any element by default. In addition, Mages are dedicated practitioners of their craft, and gain 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats at character creation, rounded down. Mages whose Mind stat increases to a point that they would acquire an additional Feat may choose one then.

Sorcerous Feats - The character gets 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats, rounded down.
Sorcerous Dedication - The character gets a +4 bonus to casting checks.
Experience = 0
Corruption = 0


Focus in Entropy
Focus in Nature
Experienced Caster
Good Focus x3 (+27 Focus)
Exceptional (+6 Mind, +2 Spirit)
Hard to Hit (Racial Talent)
Magical Accuracy


Hatred (Orcs)
Open Soul – Additional 5 EP drain damage
Enslaved (RP) - Starts enslaved to a dragon. (Talent Credit)
Weakness: Dragons – 25% chance to lose turn whenever encountering a dragon. (Talent Credit)
Fetish: Dragons (Talent Credit)
Sensitive (Talent Credit)
Indebted (RP) – Saddled with a long standing debt after her family lost standing, wealth, and likely their lives during the invasion by the Orcs. Though she was able to finish her education at Crolia through assistance from “generous family friends”, Claithe will be hard pressed to ever return to her homeland unshackled unless she finds some way to repay her family’s debts and restore its prestige. It was for this reason that dragon slaying became “appealing”.
Phobia: Dragons (RP) – Turns out, watching all your fellow adventurers killed by a dragon is traumatizing. Who knew?

Mutations: 2/18
Keen Ears
Keen Eyes

Special Mutations


Spell Attack = 8d10 + 3d10
Base Casting (Focus) = 52 + 2 = 54
Favored Elements: Entropy, Nature

Magic Feats (3 Total)
Druidic Secrets: Creatures summoned from the Nature element gain a +4 bonus per spell level to Body. The caster may share the senses of creatures summoned from the Nature element, and may directly control their actions.
Wielder of Chaos (Entropy) – Luck spells are treated as if they always rolled at least one above the min on all dice, spells of the Entropy school deal an additional +1 damage per spell level and any that would require that their target make a Resistance check give the caster a +5 bonus to their check.
Heighten Spell – Whenever the character would cast a spell that requires the target to make a Resistance check, the character may pay X EP, up to a maximum of 5. The character gains a +4X bonus to the Resistance check for that spell.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 2
Foreplay = 2d4 + 2


Su-Ku-Ta Sniper Rifle: 4d10, 60 foot range, 1 shot, 3 round reload, ignores 16 AV
Su-Ku-Ta Wargun: 3d6 + 6, 35 foot range, 3 shots, 2 round reload, ignores 8 AV
Greatsword: 2d12 + 1 + Body/2 (The party leader was a 8 mind fighter.)
Battlemage’s Robes x2: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
Clothes x5: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Morning After Potion x2: Remove's the Pregnant status, or prevents the character from getting it for 24 hours. Only effective if taken before the pregnancy is visibly detectable.


Lore (History): 4d10
Lore (Magic): 4d10
Lore (Faeries): 4d10
Lore (Dragons): 4d10 + 1d10 = 5d10
Lore (Demons): 4d10
Lore (Aliens): 4d10
Mathematics: 4d10
Reading/Writing: 4d10
Language (Elven): 5d10
Language (Croalian): 3d10 + 2d10 = 5d10
Language (Badarian): 3d10 + 2d10 = 5d10
Language (Helltongue): 5d10
Alchemy: 0 + 6d10 + 1d10 (2 dice) =7d10
Enchanting: 0 +5d10 = 5d10

Perception = 2d10 +4d10 = 6d10
Stealth = 2d10 + 3d10 = 5d10

((Abridged Version for now, will finish full version later))

”Ahhh…Dragonslaying. Knighthood’s highest calilng…

Daughter to a formerly prestigious line of High Elf mages, Claithe Alonne was a student at the Grand Academy of Crolia. When her house fell into ruin as a result of the orc invasion however, she would inherit only cinders and debt. Driven into desperation, as “family friends” that had been eager to provide “conditional assistance” during her education continued to hound her, the recent graduate would cast her lot with a party of would-be dragonslayers in a last ditch effort to restore both wealth and honor to her family line.

The result? Mental scars from a one-sided battle that would not heal for a long time, and worse of all? Bondage and servitude to the creature that she and her foolhardy companions had sought to seek glory from. And all her energies that had once been focused on shaking off the shackles of her debtors, is now turned to desperately chip away at the ones currently binding her to a creature far more powerful than she should have ever attempted to challenge…

---------- (Full version starts here, abridged version to be removed when full version is complete)

Claithe "Cassie" Alonne, was born the eldest daughter to a prestigious line of high elf magicians based in one of Crolia's western city states.

Picture Reference

The Out of Character Section
Cheat sheet goes here when I actually get around to making one for commonly used abilities.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

((Gonna give this yet another try. I feel like this is the most real work I've put into a character, so I'm hoping I can get a good or decent GM to give it a spin. :) ))
Name: Katarina Illyasviel von Barrovich (Kitty)
Class: Succubus-Mage (Mad Scientist)
Race: Karkastan Vampire
Sex: Futanari

Body: 12 (+8 Race) (+10 Template) 30
Mind: 22 (+8 Race) (+4 Template) (+8 Exceptional) (+8 Exceptional) 50
Spirit: 16 (+8 Race) (+2 Template) 26

Hit Points (HP): 30+25+13+20 (Healthy)+ 10 (Mental Fortitude)= 98
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 15+50+13+10 (Mental Fortitude) +30 (Just Getting Started)= 118
Spirit Energy (EP): 15+25+26+10 (Mental Fortitude)= 76
Speed: 17
Dodge: 53
Armor: 7
Resistance: 25
Perception: 22
Stealth: 17
Grapple: 30
Spirit Ceiling: 15


(Base)Exceptional x2
(Base)Natural Mage
+ Mental Fortitude (Natural Mage)
(Base)Superior Mage
+ Magic Feats (Superior Mage)
(Base)Natural Spirit
 Superior Spirit (Flaw)
+Daemonic Wielder (Superior Spirit)
 Just Getting Started (Flaw)
 Multitalented (Flaw)
+Alchemist (Natural Spirit)
Healthy (Racial)
Demonologist (Racial)
Sensitive (Racial)
Mutated (Racial)
Open Soul (Racial)
Selfish (Racial)
Fetish: Feeding (Racial)
Phobia: Sunlight (Racial)
Easily Tired (Racial)
Hatred: The Church
Fetish: Medical play (giving)
Fetish: Fisting (Giving)
Lustful (Succubus)

Soul Eater (Succubus)
Vampire (Racial)
Undead (Racial)
Daylight Weakness (Racial)
Night Eyes (Racial)
Damage Reduction ½ (Racial)
Fangs (Racial)
Shapeshifter (Racial)
Supernatural (Racial)
Discordant Fertility (Racial)
Demon (Racial)
Faerie (Racial)
Venomous Attack (Charmed/Pleasurable)
Whip Tongue x2

Mage Stats
Base Casting: 25
Magic Feats:
Heighten Spell: Whenever the character would cast a spell that requires the target to make a Resistance Check, the character may pay X EP, up to a maximum of 5. The Character gains a +4X Bonus to the Resistance Check of that spell.
Maximize Spell: The character may pay 2 EP in order to cause the damage dice for any spell to be treated as if they’d rolled the maximum possible result.

Spirit User and Succubus Stats
Wielder Aptitudes: Burning Spirit
Powers: Seal
Fell Might
Gorgon’s Gaze
Vampiric Futanari
Enhanced Shell
Warp Shell

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8+ 13
Foreplay = 2d4+12
Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence
Sexual Healing

Rapier d20+50 2d6+15
Whip d20+50 2d4 + 9

Battlemage's Robes: AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.


Katarina, or "Kitty" as her parents called her, was born to a male male Sidhe Crolian noble who held position and wealth in Thoria and a female demon named Shezamarr, who had lived for centuries in the mortal realm in the guise of a beautiful and elegant human woman. Due to the Sidhe and Shezamarr's natural shapeshifting abilities they had managed to avoid detection and persecution from religious groups and the other members of the Sidhe for a long time. In fact, Kitty's own demonic nature was able to be kept a secret for a long time as well, being born with iherent control over her form. Her parent's instructed her and emphasized the importance of secrecy and discretion over her mixed and demonic nature since early childhood. Unfortunately, her demonic nature and succubus leanings eventually became too much for her to control on her own, and on a date she had completely sucked her first lover dry, also causing her to lose control of her shapechanging abilities revealing her demonic nature to the world. At news of the death of her lover and discovery of her demonic nature, the Sidhe had banished her father and her family out of Thoria and stripped them of all their holdings. This had planted the seed of hatred of in Kitty's young heart, for she truly regretted the death of her lover, and truly never wished to harm anyone, furthermore she had no control over her natural abilities at the time. Nevertheless, the people still treated what had up until the time, been a normal, decent and peaceful family. For a time, their family had struggled to make ends meet, her parents changing form and identities to find a peaceful life once again. While they may have had lost all of their previous possessions, they would have eventually found a peaceful coexistence, making out a simple living in a small shire on the outskirts of Lockacre.

There, her family managed to live in peace until the church had come to visit their town, hearing of a young girl with great spiritual and martial prowess, who their prophecy had foretold would bring about a cleansing to the continent and repel the demons that had invaded the world. During the visit, the promised one had managed to identify Kitty and her family as demons, to make matters worse, one of the battle nuns had been a family friend of her lover's family and was able to single her out as the one who had drained him. For the "crime" of her lover's draining the church had ransacked her new home, destroying their house and taking her family captive. Her father had attempted to fight them off while Kitty and her mother fled, but was sadly overpowered and soon murdered brutally by the Inquisitors. It did not take the hunters long to track and capture her and her mother. Her mother was branded as a witch and daemon and was impaled through a crucifix and set on fire. Meanwhile, Kitty herself had been taken to a dungeon to be tortured. The Inquisitors and chaplains would abuse and torture the young half breed physically, mentally and sexually attempting to break her will. But she had promised her parents during her time moving to Lockacre that she would stay strong and would not let anyone destroy her spirit or will to live. She would carry on for them.

It was by her 25th birthday, several years of her imprisonment and torture, when the church had began to tire of their time spent trying to break the woman to do their bidding and help hunt and persecute others of her kind, that a powerful Vampire would come terrorizing the village of Artmirst, where she had been taken to a cahtedral for her term. The count had already laid waste to many of the guards and priests that had been sent to dispatch him, some of which being the ones holding Kitty prisoner. It was during the chaos of the attack that Kitty managed to brak herself free of the prison and went about slaughtering many of laggers left behind before setting the building on fire, taking a dark and malicious glee in the destruction and terror she was unleashing on the heads of her opressors. Eventually she would come face to face with the vampire who had allowed her to escape her living hell. Impressed with her power and will to live, even through the constant anguish and horror her captors visited upon her, the count offered her even more power and in a sense eternal life, to freely wreak vengance upon the church who had destroyed her life. She gladly and eagerly accepted the count's offer and was taken to his stronghold where he had summoned an ancient demon's spirit and through his dark demonology and knowledge of the dark arts bound the spirit to Kitty's soul, forming her into a vampire as well. For the next several years she would go about from country to country, attacking the church and corrupting it's priestesses into demons and succubi, exacting her revenge for the loss of her family.

For many years, Kitty would continue her reign of terror, grazing village and city alike. During this time she would also begin research and study of daemon spirit powers, demonolgy, medical science and magic. Looking to create a new race, her race. A race that could withstand whatever the church would throw it, one that would prosper and be free of the oppression demons and other "monstrous" race would face from religious groups and governments. Several years into her studies, her world would rock and be changed again... This time however, hers would not be the only to face such treatment. The aliens would have arrived... It was from her mountain cottage on the edge of Crolia, that she herself would witness first hand the terror and destruction wrought by the alien invaders. She observed the ravaging and rape of men women alike by massive tentacled creatures, and their subsequent conversion into the aliens' race. She would see the fall of the Academy and her original home of Therion by the invaders. She would also hear of the sacking of Anudor and the Amazons. There seemed to be no stopping the otherworldly invaders. And then... Then the invaders would eventually find her own stronghold. Sadly, Kitty and her creations would prove to be no match for the power of the invaders and she would soon find herself captive again...

In the alien's flying stronghold, she would be subjected to more inhuman and barbaric experimentation. She would be exposed to alien blood and semen, different spirit energies, cut on, examined, and bred with the alien's sperm. For several months, she would be tortured and tested by the new menace, until one day they attempted to drain her spirit energy to infuse a creation they had been working on for their invasion of the planet, but through her sheer force of will and burning hatred she had slowly built over many years of mistreatment and abuse, her spiritual energy would become like acid to any and all who would try to drain it from her. Using the unexpected pain caused from her spirit as a distraction, she would begin attacking her captors, using their own drugs and weapons against them, hiding in the shadows, and striking when the opportunity presented itself. Eventually she would manage to break herself out of the alien's prison, taking some of their supplies with her for her own purposes.

Now she lies in hiding in the mountains surrounding the Pfitherean Jungle, travelling to the jungle and other areas at night, stalking and seizing unsuspecting travelers, mostly female, away to her castle keep in the mountains for entertainment, pleasure and the occasional test subject if she deems them strong or interesting enough to use. She continues her hunt on the churches of the world, her passionate hatred toward them for the death of her original family ever present in her now immortal mind....

The OOC section: I am open to almost all kinks. The only exceptions are guro,loli/shots,hard vore, and waterworks. This particular character will be focused on medical play, enemas, public humiliation, anal, BDSM, transformation, body mod, and mind break. Just letting any potential GMs know up front in case you have issue with any these elements. Kitty also takes great pleasure in breaking, corrupting, and warping members of the faith into either sex slaves/whores or into monsters like herself.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Sebell
Class: Harper (Warrior)
Race: Dragonkin (Human)
Sex: Male

Body = 10+30 = 40
Mind = 4+6+4 = 14
Spirit = 10+16+4 = 30

Hit Points (HP) = 40+7+15+30 = 92
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 20+14+12 = 49
Spirit Energy (EP) = 20+7+30 = 57

Speed = 25+10-10 = 25
Dodge = 2d10+2d10+-2d10+1d10 (7+5/4) = 6d10+3
Natural Armor = 2+5+3+2+3+4 = 19
Worn Armor = 0
Total Armor = 19
Grapple = 8d10+2
Spirit Ceiling = 10

Reflexes = 20
Focus = 7+3 = 10
Willpower = 7+5 = 12

Defensive Bonuses:
Tumble Mod = -10
Bull Rush Mod = +20
Overrun Mod = +20
Parry = +20+3 = +23
Parry DC = +3
Parry Max DC = +3
Stealth = -6 to such checks
Orgasm Threshold = 2+2 = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 11

Experience = 0

Corruption = 0

Class Skill:

Warrior’s Skill- 1+[40/10] = 5 Skills
Reliance on Might- +5 to Tumble, Overrun, Bull Rush, and Resistances when using Skills.

Natural Succubus (Succubus Magic)- Pick one Talent from Succubus Class, can be chosen MainStat/30 times round down.
-Succubus Magic- Gain 3 Succubus Powers.

Heavy Weapons Specialist (Style)- +1d10 W. Att and +8 Damage with 2-H Weapons.

Skill with [Two Handed Blunt Weapons]- +3d10 W. Att

Skilled- +3 Skills

Warrior Exemplar - +1d10 bonus to Dodge and to weapon attack rolls, +3 bonus to natural AV, and +3 bonus to damage rolls with weapons whose damage is reliant on their Body stat. +3 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs.

Flaw-Exceptional- +8 Stat Points

Flaw-Lucky-Grants the character a +3 bonus to attack, Dodge, Grapple, Perception, Stealth, and Resistance rolls. Do not include this bonus in any of the actual stats, merely indicate it as a bonus on your character sheet and when showing the bonuses for rolls in posts, as it does not count when secondary stats are damaged.

Flaw-Wealthy- +250 Denarii

Racial Talents:
Pain Resistant- +5 N AV.

Credit-Fetish(Female Elves)- +8 PP and gain Excited when a female Elf is the source of PP damage.

Credit-Extreme Fetish- Whenever the character would be at risk of taking PP damage from a fetish (or experiencing if their fetish wouldn’t normally caused PP damage), they take 1d8+1 Willpower damage, becoming Aroused upon reaching 0 Willpower and then having it reset, and then becoming Horny upon reaching 0 Willpower again.

Credit-Sensitive - take 5 extra PP wherever PP is taken.

Free-Lustful (RP) - The character is a frequent enjoyer of physical pleasure. They are more likely to seek sex from their allies or accept it if it is offered to them, and are also more likely to give in if they are being raped.

Free-Mutated 3

Racial Flaws:
Easy to Hit- The character only gains Dodge dice for every stat/20 instead of stat/10, and their static bonus from the remainder of theirs stats is halved again and cannot exceed 4. For each instance of this after the first they take an additional -2d10 penalty to Dodge with no further penalties, with a maximum of three stacks.


Open Soul- +5EP Lost whenever EP is Lost.

Bloodthirsty(RP)- The character cannot, under any circumstances, back down from a fight. Even if defeat seems certain, and/or engaging in battle endangers their allies, they must fight until they themselves fall, or every enemy has been defeated.

Mutations: 3/18
Racial-Aerial Warrior- No Dodge Penalty when Flying

Racial-Natural Attack- The character has some sort of natural attack that allows them to deal a greater amount of unarmed damage than usual.

Racial-Tail- Long thin dragonic tail.
-Dangerous Tail- +4 Damage -2 W. Att.

Racial-Vestigial Wings
--Greater Wings- Large purple Dragonic wings, Fly at Ground Speed.

Racial-Odd Skin- Deep Purple scales covering wings, tail, and back/limbs.
-Mutated 3-Armored Hidex2- +4 N. AV.

Racial-Whip Tongue- Thin snake like tongue. +6PP during Oral.

Mutated 3-Skyclad- Your character feels uncomfortable when wearing any sort of clothing or armor and take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, Perception checks, Stealth checks, and Dodge rolls when not nude (save for belts or other gear).

Special Mutations:
Mutated 3-Naturally Warped - The character was born with some degree of magic in their blood, but this doesn’t cause them to corrupt others. The lcharacter doesn't deal corruption to others unless they also have other mutations that would cause them to deal corruption, but they don’t take corruption as if they had the Warped special mutation. A Naturally Warped creature is always counted as having at least 3 mutations for the purposes of how many mutations they require in order to reach Warped and how much corruption they need to take in order to acquire another mutation unless they already have more.

Racial Special Mutations:
Dragonblooded- Negate 20 Fire Damage. +2 N AV. +4 bonus to any Resistance check against anything that would give them the Charmed, Dominated, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened statuses.

Large- +30 bonus to HP, a static +10 bonus plus a +1 bonus per dice to Grapple against smaller creatures, and may wield heavy weapons that would normally need to be mounted with reduced penalties, taking only a -4 penalty for each -10 that a normal character would take, and may wield vehicle-mounted weapons with a -20 penalty. They also take a -2d10 penalty to Dodge and and a -10 penalty to Speed and to all Tumble checks. They also get a +20 bonus to all Bull Rush and Overrun checks and a +20 to Parry checks.

Weapon Attack: 8d10+1d10+3d10+1d10 = 13d10+2

2-H Blunt: 2d10+33; two handed.
Unarmed Damage: 2d4+15
Natural Weapon Damage: 2d12+18

Skills: 5+3 (Skilled) = 8
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack takes a -1d10 penalty to attack and a -4 penalty to damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Guillotine (Passive) - When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP or half health remaining (whichever is lower,) makes an attack that brings the target below or 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with a single attack, they make a Reflexes check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist. The character also gets a +5 bonus to Parry checks against targets with less than half health.

Heavy Metal - The character delays their standard action until the end of the round. Targets hit by the character's attack must win a Reflexes check against the user or become Stunned. In addition, every attack made against the character until the end of the round, whether the attacks hit or miss, grants the user a cumulative +2 bonus to the stun check, along with a cumulative 1d10 attack and +3 damage bonus until the character's next action. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Slay – The character takes a -2d10 penalty on their attack roll and a -2d10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. In exchange, their bonus to damage from Body increases by one step, usually from +Body/2 to +Body. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Natural AV, Grapple checks, and melee weapon damage. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.

Smith (Passive) - The character gets a +3 bonus to Natural AV, and a character may smith their own items, gaining the Smithing trade or increasing it by 2 dice, and may enhance items by either adding upgrades or creating them from materials at half the listed cost in the shop. They may also fully repair their own armor for half the usual price in materials.

Giant Strength (Passive) - The character can wield a normally two-handed weapon in one hand, but takes a -1d10-3 penalty to attack, a -4 penalty to damage, and -1d10 penalty to Dodge while doing so. If the character chooses to wield another two-handed weapon in their offhand as well, they take this penalty on both weapons in addition to the penalties for two weapon fighting. During this time the weapon is considered a one-handed weapon for the purposes of penalties/restrictions for skill use and use in grapples. (i.e. no using heavy weapons specialist skills via a two-handed weapon held in one hand). Two handed ranged weapons with a Body bonus to damage may not be used in one hand, but those without a Body bonus to damage take no damage penalty. A character may also wield a one handed weapon of a larger size category at no penalty, or a two handed one at a -5 penalty, may reduce the attack roll penalties for not mounting weapons that normally need it by 2 per -10, or a one handed weapon of a further size category larger in both hands at a -10 penalty to attack.

Superhuman Toughness (Passive) - The character's natural AV is no longer ignored by attacks that ignore all AV, and if the character has natural DR they treat it as one step lower rather than ignoring it completely. DR steps start at 1/4 and go lower by increasing both the denominator and the numerator by 2. IE: A character with DR 1/4 would get DR 1/2, a character with DR 1/2 would get DR 3/4, a character with DR 3/4 would get DR 5/6, etc. If their Natural AV would completely negate the damage of an attack, they take no damage rather than minimum damage. Requires that the character be supernatural in some fashion, at the very least having Naturally Warped.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 40/3 = 2d8+13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 40/4 = 2d4+10

Succubus Power Attack: 8d10

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive) - The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -10 penalty to their Perception checks when trying to perceive anything other than the character. Whenever the character would deal pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +5, even when via other succubus powers like Pleasing Gaze and Writhing Delight. A creature who is in danger of taking PP damage from a creature with this succubus power immediately gains the Excited status.

Incredible Stamina (Passive) - The character can have 2 additional orgasms before gaining an instance of the Weakened status because of them, may choose to automatically ignore the first 5 PP damage that they would take every round even if they aren’t resisting pleasure via Willpower, and have the amount of EP that would be drained from them through PP damage that they take reduced by 5.

Pleasing Gaze - The character chooses a creature within 30 feet and pays 3 + X EP, causing them to take Xd6 + X pleasure damage that may be resisted like any other source of pleasure damage, and allows the succubus to drain energy from their target. No more than 10 EP may be spent on any given round by this succubus power. This ability requires a standard action and may not be used with if the character could not use spirit powers.

Massive 2-H Dragon Maul (<685/2=343>-[150*2=300]= 43 Denarii)
  • +20 Damage
  • Used 2 Dragon Fangs
  • +3 W. Att rolls (Giant Strength/Modifications/Material)
  • Dragon Fang - Doubled damage dice, +10 attack, ignore natural AV
  • The weapon be designed to better disable opponents. The character gains +4 to any resistance checks to inflict stunned or prone on a target caused by a melee attack with this weapon, though they suffer a constant -2 to attack when wielding this weapon, for 10 denarii.

  • 2 Dragon Fangs [Used on weapon noting for initial Denarii spending] (180 Denarii)

Enchanted Iron Collar (70 Denarii)
  • Enchanted to protect the user’s soul. So long as the item is worn, they may not receive corruption, get a +10 bonus to any Resistance checks against attacks against their soul, and reduces any drain or damage to their EP by 15.

Wooden lute

7 Denarii

The character was born and raised in a less civilized area, or at least in a very rural community. They gain 6 additional trade dice between that must be spent between the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Herbalism, Tracking/Woodcraft, Trapping and Woodworking trades.

Trades: 20+6 [Wildlander]+2 [Smith]+2 [Mind]
Free-Perception 2
Free-Stealth 2
Free-Low Amazonian 5
Wildlander-Tracking/Woodcraft 2+2 = 4
Wildlander-Trapping 2
Wildlander-Herbalism 2
Smith-Smithing 2+2 = 4
Mathematics 4
Reading/Writing 2
Instrument (Lute) 6
Navigation 2
Medicine 2
Disable Devices 2


Sebell was born to his Amazonian father and Dragon mother, his father raised him as mom was fairly active, it was literally once in a blue moon before he got to spend some real time with her. Growing up was an odd experience for the dragonkin as it quickly became apparent he shared more with his mother then her scales.

His size and eventually his beauty, his claims of rugged good looks are only heard by his father who gives his condolences, pushed him into taking up the job his father once had that of a harper, his mother says dad was just a uppity bard though. It was here when his father took him through an 'Initiation of manhood' that Sebell learned about sex, an rather experienced and energetic High Elf whore took the young dragonkin's virginity. Sebell never forgot about his first 3 times with her though he has fucked other races nothing quite gets him going like an elf. Something about the race gets his motor running like nothing else.

When not learning the lute or common field treatments and lock picking methods, his mother deemed it to teach him how to handle smithing his own equipment, though in the breath of time his scales grew thick and tough rivaling platemail, putting armor over it seemed redundant moreso when any worthwhile ones would hinder his movement. Still during this time he did manage to finish his weapon, a massive thing made from a tooth of a massive dragon that once challenged his mother it stands taller than he is and weighs heavy even to him. Made solely for violence Sebell deemed it worthy to keep despite the crude craftsmanship and novice work put into it was his. That and his mother made the boy pay for stealing her memento his precious horde reduced to scraps.

When he turned 18 it was time for him to leave the nest his mother heavy with her next egg, his parents did give the man a parting gift, both parents gave unto him a choker of iron inlaid with runic script. His parents told him if he wanted to continue to have sex with any pretty elf he found he would at least do them the favor of keeping this on to curb the corruption of his body.

Starting Location:
Ironrose Monastery

OOC Information:
Less thorny then Zefar. Also not very creative with the name =P.

Put some thought into it Sebell wants to make a name for himself eventually find a pretty Elf lady High/Dark doesn't matter maybe two to settle down and have a family with within the next 150 years or so.
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