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DG3 Character Sheets

Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Yuki Ofberon
Class: Warrior (Duelist)
Race: Human Badarian
Sex: Female

Body: 30 (B20+T10)
Mind: 10
Spirit: 26 (B20+T6)

Hit Points (HP): 48 (B30+M5+Sp13)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38 (B15+M10+Sp13)
Spirit Energy (EP): 66 (B15+M5+Sp26+T20)
Speed: 14 (B17-A3)
Dodge: 57 (B15+M5+Sp13+T20+Sk4)
Armor: 12
Resistance: 15 or 27 for resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. (B15+Sk12)
Perception: 17
Stealth: 11 (B17-A6)
Grapple: 18 (B30-F12)
Spirit Ceiling: 10 (B13-A3)


[T1] Duelist: A character with this Talent gets +10 to Dodge and +2 to all damage rolls so long as they are using a single weapon in one hand and nothing in the other.

[T2] Natural Spirit Wielder (Spirit Warrior) : The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Spirit Warrior power list.

[T3] Greater Energy Pool: Grants the character an additional 20 max energy. +20 EP, in other words.

[T4&5] 2x Resistant Soul: The character is more resistant to attempts to steal their spiritual energies. Damage dealt to the characters EP is decreased by 5.

[FT1&2] 2x Exceptional: The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among stats.

[FT3] Skill with [One-Handed Swords]: The character gets +12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.

[FT4] Hard to Hit: Increase the character's Dodge stat by 10.


[F1] Fertile: The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. Mechanically, rolls of 2 or more now indicate success.

[F2] Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

[F3] Sensitive: The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any.

[F4] Poor Grappler: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Grapple stat.



Battle Dance – The character gains a +12 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV. Requires Duelist.

Lightning Strikes – The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -12 penalty to its attack roll and a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.

Strong Willed (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.


Battle Aura
The character begins to glow as power surges through their body, granting them heightened strength and speed temporarily.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 2 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gets a bonus to attack rolls, melee damage, Speed and Dodge equal to 3X, as well as a +X bonus to Resistance.
-In addition, the character cannot attempt to make any Stealth checks so long as this Power is active.

Instant Transmission
The character can teleport themselves and anyone they are in contact with to any location that they have been previously, or can see from where they are.
-If out of combat, the character pays 6 EP, and teleports to any location that they have previously been to or can see from their current position.
-If in combat, the character pays X EP and teleports to any location up to 15X feet away from where they currently are. The space they enter must be empty and visible to them.

The character spends their energy to cause a violent explosion extending out from their own body.
-The character pays X EP.
-All creatures within 5X feet of the character take 5X damage.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 10
Foreplay = 2d4 + 7


Unarmed +30 To hit
2d4 + 7

One Handed Sword
Longsword +42 To hit[Only with on handed swords]

2d6 + 17

Badarian Lever Action Rifle +30 To hit
2d12 + 8, 30 foot range, 6 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 8 AV

Mercenary Attire: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 30, DU = 4. Weak against Bludgeoning. Strong against Piercing.

Corruption Cure Potion
Energy Potion
Master's Ring

80 Denarii

Yuki grew up most of her childhood on the farm that was owned by her parents. She lived there together with about 6 brothers and 8 sisters, with herself being born around the middle of the pack. Life went by rather peacefully, and like all her other sisters she was taught how to do basic farm work and chores suited for women. Although life was easy going there was often fights between the siblings, and with her mother nearly always pregnant, she and her sisters had to pick up the jobs their mother usually did. One horrible day, ruined her peaceful life, on that day she had to go to the village nearby as her father forgot to give the village elder some papers. When she went on her way home, she noticed a black fuming cloud in the night sky, at the direction the farm was located. Worried she rushed back home, hoping that nothing too awful as happened. However it was way worse then she taught, not only did the farm seem ablaze, but she could see several shadowy figures tie up what seemed to be her family. When she wanted to come closer to take a look, suddenly one of the shadowy figures would yell and point in her direction, overcome by fear she ran in the opposite direction. After running for a while she regained her thought process, she went to the village and asked them for help. However when they finally came back to the farm, it was completely burned down, with only a few corpses left in sight. Three she recognized, 2 eldest brothers and her father. Overcome with shock she had no idea what to do, she wished she could save the rest of her family, but if even her father and brothers were no match, surely she would lose in an instant and just get captured, assuming that she even could find them before something else would claim her.

Instead of doing the sensible thing and going living together with the elder, she decided that she needed to find someone that would be willing to teach her how to fight, so she could eventually rescue her family. Although finding someone that would be willing to train her for free, proved more difficult then she first imagined. Most of them wouldn’t even give her the time of day, and those who did often wanted to teach her in more carnal things. Until she asked a seedy looking man, at first she thought this man was going to ask her either to scram or worse, however to her surprise the man was willing to teach her, but only if she could prove herself useful to him, if she couldn’t she had to make herself useful in a different way. Out of desperation and hunger, she didn’t even give it a second thought and agreed to his demands. From there on out started her apprenticeship under the man named Jacob. Soon she realized that she might have made a mistake agreeing to this guy’s demands, as his training was strenuous and way too much for someone like herself. Not only that, but she had to clean the house spotless, and make sure to cook appetizing food, or else he would punish her, and usually following up his punishment by threatening to sell her as a slave. Although this was the least of her problems, once she was able to wield a sword decently. He would bring her along on his jobs, things that only the lowest scum would do. Working together with him made her realize how much of an asshole this guy was. She began to understand how cruel people can be through her master, and how cutthroat being a mercenary is. Finally after she felt there was nothing to learn from her master anymore, she left without a word. There was no way she could bare being near him any longer, not to mention the older she grew the more perverted and molesting he became. She is moving on to next closest city with the little gold she haves, hoping to perhaps find some information as to where her family might be.

Mainly through her master doing, Yuki has become rather distrusting, although she distrusts man more than women. She is serious and defiant, often preferring to keep people at a distance. She no longer knows how to show affection properly or even how to act when other show her affection, making her rather awkward in those situations. Because of her master she makes sure to stay honorable, so she never will become anything like him. Even though she has a sense of honor, she doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, if it means getting closer to her objective or if she is low on funds and is forced to do so out of desperation. Although Yuki tries her best to not care for others, usually she cares more for them then she thinks, making her more heroic then she realizes.


The OOC section: For RJ to Approve.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Azra
Class: Succubus (Spirit)
Race: Half-Blood: Night Elf/Ember Draconian
Sex: Female

Body: 30 (14 + 8)
Mind: 10 (4 + 6)
Spirit: 60 (24 + 4 + 32)

Hit Points (HP): 65 (30 + 5 + 30)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 55 (15 + 10 + 30)
Spirit Energy (EP): 80 (15 + 5 + 60)
Speed: 15 (17 – 1 - 1)
Dodge: 50
Armor: 4 (2 + 2)
Resistance: 30
Perception: 34 (24 + 8 + 2)
Stealth: 9 (17 – 8 - 2)
Grapple: 30
Spirit Ceiling: 16

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0/300

Perceptive (Racial)
Exceptional (x4)
Fuck Me
Suck You Dry

Open Soul (Racial)
Fetish: Demons (Racial)
Obvious (Racial)
Mutated (Racial)
Fetish: Heat (Racial)
Lustful (Class)
Fetish: Subbing

Naturally Supernatural (Racial)
Demon (Racial)
Emberblooded (Racial)
Dragonblooded (Racial)
Damage Reduction 1/2: Fire (Racial)
Natural Attack (Racial)
Glowing Skin (Racial)
Egg Layer (Racial)
Night Eyes (Racial)
Odd Skin (Racial)
Armored Hide (Racial)
Horns (Racial)
Claws (Racial)
Wings (Racial)
Soul Eater (Class)
Greater Wings
Clawed Feet

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10 + 30 + 12
Foreplay = 3d6 + 20 + 12

Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence
Dazzling Beauty
Sexual Healing

Unarmed Damage: 2d12 + 10 + 2
Slave Collar

Azra is an Ember Draconian hybrid, born from a Night Elf mother. She is of average height, with full C-cup breasts and shapely hips. Like her mothers, her skin is of unusual color, though rather than the typical Night Elf hues hers resembled dark stone. She also has rock-like draconic scales covering parts of her skin, mostly her limbs as well as a few places on her back, including the spine. Thin, glowing lines run between the scales, giving them the appearance of half-molten stone. She has a long, scaly tail and a pair of curved horns framing the sides of her skull, pointing forward. Both share the same appearance as her scales. She has short but sharp claws on both hands and feet. Azra also has a pair of large, draconic wings that can carry her through the sky. She has long, silver hair and red eyes.

Azra's mother was a slave, used to breed beasts and half-bloods for her master's purposes. The ember hybrid was raised to be a slave as well, first helping out with menial chores as a child before being made a whore once she came of age and her „talents” in pleasuring men and breeding became apparent. While initially she was her master's prized possession, he was eventually forced to sell her when a tragic fire claimed much of his fortune. Since then, the girl had changed hands a suprisingly large number of times, ending up in many different parts of the world and getting to meet all kinds of people. Thanks to this, she was able to learn a bit more than the average slave, and while it was hardly comprehensive education, it did allow her to become somewhat discerning.

It did not help her gain freedom, however, and thus Azra found herself having to get used to spreading her legs and letting men have their way with her whenever ordered. Not like she had any idea what she'd do if she was suddenly granted freedom, even if sometimes she entertained the fantasy of escaping or even being released. The fact that as a relatively rare catch she was fairly valuable and thus treated better than most helped her bear with the ennui of life as a pleasure slave, and she had to admit she enjoyed being fucked, thus having relatively little motivation to act on her fleeting fantasies. She hardly held much attachment to her masters though, having been given out as a trophy, claimed as spoils, traded away in exchange for favors and exchanged for cash many times.

Her latest master was a demon of not inconsiderable wealth living in Acheron who fancied himself something of a player. Unfortunately for him, his pride outstripped his political skills and his arrogance led him to scorning many more powerful than him, eventually culminating in a „tragic incident” involving a speeding carriage. His possessions were swiftly cleaned up after that, a select few baubles of seemingly little value disappearing in mysterious circumstances while the rest was claimed or auctioned off. Including Azra, who found herself on the Demon City's slave market suprisingly fast, along with the few others slaves the man owned. Somehow, despite her apparent worth as an exotic toy, she ended up being the last of them to be sold, standing alone on the stage as she wondered who her new owner would be.
The OOC section:
Right, dropping this here because why not. If someone feels like picking Azra up and GM'ing for me, PM me or something. Looking mostly for an adventure romp with a side order of sluttery, a lighter shade of entertainment.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Dorag Snorrison
Class: Warrior
Race: Dwarf
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Body = 30 + 4 + 2 = 36
Mind = 6 + 4 = 10
Spirit = 14 + 6 = 20

Hit Points (HP) = 51 (36B + 5M + 10S)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 36 (18B + 10M + 10S )
Spirit Energy (EP) = 43 (18B + 5M + 20S )

Speed = 30
Dodge = 2d10 + 2d10 + 4 + 1d10 = 5d10 + 4
Armor = 14 (Warplate) + 3 (Warrior Ex) + 3 (Smith) = 20 (6 Natural AV)
Grapple = 7d10 + 1
Spirit Ceiling = 43/5 = 8 - 1 (EV from Items) = 7

Reflexes = 18 + 5 = 23
Focus = 6 + 3 + 5 = 14
Willpower = 6 + 6 + 5 = 17

Defensive Bonuses:
Tumble Mod = 0 + 5 (RoM) = 5
Bull Rush Mod = 0 + 5 (RoM) = 5
Overrun Mod = 0 + 5 (RoM) = 5
Parry= + 3
Parry DCs= + 3
Max Parry DCs= + 3
Stealth= - 6 - 2 (EV*2 from Items)
Perception =
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 5 + 23/2 = 16

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

Class Bonuses:
Warrior’s Skill
Reliance on Might

Talents: 9
Start Talent 1 - Skill with [Jade Butcher’s Shot] - The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with the chosen weapon.
Start Talent 2 - Wealthy - The character starts the game with an additional 250 denarii, which they may spend immediately at character creation. May not be taken outside of character creation.
Start Talent 3 - Warrior Exemplar - The character gets a 1d10 bonus to Dodge and to weapon attack rolls, a +3 bonus to natural AV, and a +3 bonus to damage rolls with weapons whose damage is reliant on their Body stat, and a +3 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs.
Start Talent 4 - Heavy Weapons Specialist (Style) - A character with this Talent gets a 1d10 bonus to weapon attack rolls and a +8 bonus to damage on melee attacks so long as they are using a two handed melee weapon.
Start Talent 5 - Skilled - The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Bonus Talent 1 - Skilled - The character can choose an additional 3 Skills.
Bonus Talent 2 - Natural Spirit Wielder (Dragonfire Adept) - Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Spirit Talents list. Cannot be chosen by Spirit User, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points of Spirit possessed by the character
Bonus Talent 3 - Exceptional - The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats
Bonus Talent 4 - Resistant - The character gets a +5 bonus to all of their Resistances.
Natural Spirit Wielder Talent - Dragonfire Adept - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Dragonfire Adept power list.

Racial Talents:

Bonus Flaw 1 - Indebted (RP) - The character owes someone or something a debt. It must be fairly significant, though it can be monetary or something more abstract. This may be taken multiple times, but each must be different and all must be described in the character’s backstory.

Bonus Flaw 2 - Obvious - The character takes a -6 penalty to Stealth checks.

Bonus Flaw 3 - Sensitive - The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any. This Flaw may be taken up to five times, but only the first, third, and fifth count towards Talent credits.

Bonus Flaw 4 - Slow Learner - The character loses 8 trade dice.

Noble Born Flaw 1 - Weakness (Tails) - Whenever the character encounters tails in combat, the GM rolls 1d4, and on a roll of 1 the character loses their turn.

Noble Born Flaw 2 - Fetish (Tail Job) - The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage. Examples include particular types of creatures, such as demons, faeries, plants or beasts, particular acts or positions such anal, creampies or double penetration, or anything else you might be able to think of. If you’re not sure if something would be appropriate for this, just ask your GM. If the character might be subjected to one of their fetishes in some way, they automatically gain the Excited status.

[OOC Note: I think that’s what it’s called when one party uses their tails to jerk off a male’s penis?]

Class Flaws:

Racial Flaws:
Racial Flaw - Easy to Hit - The character only gains Dodge dice for every stat/20 instead of stat/10, and their static bonus from the remainder of theirs stats is halved again and cannot exceed 4.

Racial Mutation - Night Eyes - Your character can see very well in the dark. They no longer take penalties to Perception for being in darkened areas, but take a -2 penalty to checks to avoid being Blinded by bright lights.

Class Special Mutations:

Special Mutations:

Racial Special Mutations:

Weapon Attack: 7d10 + 1 + 5 (RoM) + 3d10 (Jade Butcher’s Shot) + 5 (Jade Butcher’s Shot) + 3 (Warrior Ex) + 1d10 (Heavy Weap) - 5 (Large) - 4 (Jade Butcher’s Shot Teeth) + 1 (Jade Butcher’s Shot Blade) = 11d10 + 6

Base Damage: 2d4 + Body/4 + 3 (Warrior Ex)
Two Handed Sword Damage: 2d12 + Body/2 + 3 (Warrior Ex) + 8 (Heavy Weap) + 10 (Large) + 5 (Jade Butcher’s Shot) + 1 (Jade Butcher’s Shot Blade)
Kradian Mark 19 Heavy Sniper Rifle: 6d12 + 3 (Warrior Ex) + 10 ( Large)
One Handed Sword: 2d6 + Body/2 + 3 (Warrior Ex)

Skills: 1 + (36/10) + 3 + 3 = 10
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack takes a -1d10 penalty to attack and a -4 penalty to damage rolls. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Guillotine (Passive) - When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP or half health remaining (whichever is lower,) makes an attack that brings the target below or 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with a single attack, they make a Reflexes check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist. The character also gets a +5 bonus to Parry checks against targets with less than half health.

Slay – The character takes a -2d10 penalty on their attack roll and a -2d10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. In exchange, their bonus to damage from Body increases by one step, usually from +Body/2 to +Body. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -2d10 penalty to their Dodge and their attack roll until their next turn, but their attacks have their damage dice maximized and doubled and ignore any AV granted by armor. This doubling stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. This skill can be used in combination with the Rapid Shot skill, but all of the attacks take the penalty but only the first shot gets the bonuses. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Quick Reload (Passive) – Decrease the reload time of any weapon wielded by the character by 1 round. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Armored Champion (Passive) - The character is more comfortable when fighting in armor, allowing them to ignore the penalties caused to Dodge and Speed caused by the EV of their gear.

Giant Strength (Passive) - The character can wield a normally two-handed weapon in one hand, but takes a -1d10-3 penalty to attack, a -4 penalty to damage, and -1d10 penalty to Dodge while doing so. If the character chooses to wield another two-handed weapon in their offhand as well, they take this penalty on both weapons in addition to the penalties for two weapon fighting. During this time the weapon is considered a one-handed weapon for the purposes of penalties/restrictions for skill use and use in grapples. (i.e. no using heavy weapons specialist skills via a two-handed weapon held in one hand). Two handed ranged weapons with a Body bonus to damage may not be used in one hand, but those without a Body bonus to damage take no damage penalty. A character may also wield a one handed weapon of a larger size category at no penalty, or a two handed one at a -5 penalty, may reduce the attack roll penalties for not mounting weapons that normally need it by 2 per -10, or a one handed weapon of a further size category larger in both hands at a -10 penalty to attack.

Bladesinger (Passive) - Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers.

Smith (Passive) - The character gets a +3 bonus to Natural AV, and a character may smith their own items, gaining the Smithing trade or increasing it by 2 dice, and may enhance items by either adding upgrades or creating them from materials at half the listed cost in the shop. They may also fully repair their own armor for half the usual price in materials.

Tantric Durability (Passive) - The character is able to use Reflexes in place of Willpower to resist pleasure.

Power Attack: 7d10 + 1 + 5 (Jade Butcher’s Shot) - 1 (EV from Items) = 7d10 + 5

Wielder Aptitudes:
Dragonfire Adept

Draconic Transformation
This power transforms the character into an imitation of a dragon, granting the character claws, wings, scales, and all those other wonderful dragon-esque physical features. The actual specifics of how this transformation changes the character’s appearance are up to the player.
-Buff Power.
-The character spends X - 1 EP. They must also pay X - 4 EP upkeep. .
-The character gets a +2X bonus to melee damage, Bull Rush checks, Overrun Checks, Swim checks, and weapon and power attack rolls, a +X bonus to AV and Grapple checks, and a +X bonus to damage rolls with ranged weapons dependent on Body.
-The character may pay an additional 2 EP to grant themselves Flight at their Speed for the duration of the power without increasing its upkeep. When activating this power, they may also activate Dragon’s Ferocity and/or Dragon’s Pride as a free action.

Dragon's Ferocity
The character gains fangs, a set of talons, or a tail durable and deadly enough to rival those of a dragon and is filled with vim and vigor after every kill.
-Weapon Power.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP every round.
-The details of transformation are entirely up to the character to decide, but for mechanical purposes the weapons can reach no further than standard attack range. Successful attacks deal (1d10 + 2) * X + Spirit/4 damage.
-Every killing blow made with the summoned weapon heals the user for 2 + X HP.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated so long as they have used nothing else that takes up their standard action, but only using this power. This weapon counts as a natural weapon attack for all intents and purposes, and gets the attack bonus from the Talent if the character has the Skill with Natural Weapons Talent. For use with Multiattack, this power counts as claws and a tail for a total of three possible attacks.

Dragon's Breath
The devastating fiery breath of a dragon!
-Damage Power.
-The character pays X EP.
-Choose one of the following ranges. All creatures caught within that range take (2d6 -1) * X Heat/Fire damage.
1) A 10 foot radius explosion anywhere within the character's line of sight.
2) A 120 foot long line originating from the character.
3) A 90 foot long 30 degree cone originating from the character.
4) A 60 foot long 60 degree cone originating from the character.
5) A 30 foot long 90 degree cone originating from the character.
-Alternatively, the character empowers a melee weapon or ammunition as a free action. A melee weapon enhanced has a maximum X of 5, with an upkeep of X - 3, and deals an additional Xd6 + 2X fire damage. A character may enhance up to X units of ammunition, each of which gets a 2d6 bonus to damage. Enhanced ammunition becomes mundane again at the end of the encounter.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 12 =
Foreplay = 2d4 + 9 =

9 Denarii

5 Type 17 Badarian Heavy Rounds (Free)

Bone Carving Knife
-One Handed Sword
-Cost: Free

Modified Black Oak Elven Warplate: AV = 14, EV = 1, TP = 35, DU = 4, strong against slashing. Wood. +1 to the effective spell level of all spells cast, +3 free EP into the X value of all powers that have an X value. If you would roll to have a curse placed on the item, roll again if the first roll doesn’t produce a curse.
-Chemical Treatment - Made to be sealed against chemical attacks, the armor becomes immune to the Chemical Splash power and similar abilities that deal damage through toxins and acid, and the character gains 30 resistance against damage from such abilities. Costs 6 denarii
-Shrapnel Protection - Makes the armor resistant to the AV ignore provided by guns as if it were bulletproof, having no benefit on armors that are already bulletproof. Costs 14 denarii
-Warding - The armor has warding inscribed on its surface. Roll a d20 and add 1 for every creature in a formation that puts them all within 5 feet of the next one that would be affected who has warding of this type on some piece of gear and compare the result to the Focus stat of a creature casting a spell, or the Willpower stat of a creature using a Power. If the result of the roll equals or exceeds the caster’s Resistance stat, the spell or power is negated as if it was countered as the warding absorbs and disperses the magical energies. Warding has no effect on Succubus Powers, but may dispel abilities that could not normally be countered. individual source of warding contributes an additional +3 to the roll. 31 denarii
-Cost = [180 + 14 + 6 + 31) = 221/2 = 111 denarii
[To note I reduced the original Warplate by Strong against Piercing, 2AV, 1EV, 5TP. By four points basically.]

Large Spellforged Jade Combi-Weapon (Named for Skill Reasons: Jade Butcher’s Shot)
-Two Handed Sword
--A lanyard may be added which grants +6 bonus against resistance checks to disarm a character with this weapon for 5 denarii.
--The edge may be given teeth or some other means of creating a wound profile at the price of -4 attack. Characters who take slashing HP damage from this weapon take 2d4 bleeding damage per round until they receive some form of healing or use an action to bandage themselves. This costs 10 denarii.
--The sword may be designed with a perfect balance in mind. It gains +1 attack and +1 damage for 20 denarii.
-Modified Kradian Mark 19 Heavy Sniper Rifle: 45 foot range, +0 attack, ignores 20 AV, 6d12 damage, 2 round reload, 1 shot before reloading.
--Fires Type 17 Badarian Heavy Rounds, may fire up to 0 additional shots with rapid fire, must be mounted or take a -10 penalty to hit, Ignores Dodge Bonus from Shields
--Long Range Scope - Give the weapon an additional 2 range increments, scaling as normal, for 5 denari
-Spellforged Jade - Get a +5 bonus to attack rolls for spells and powers as well as the weapon, also deals +5 damage. If you would roll for sentience, roll again if the item didn’t become sentient or gain a new option with the first roll. . [Note doesn’t affect Rifle portion.]
- +10 Damage
-Cost: [115 + (30 + 100)]*2 + 5 + 10 + 20 + 5 = 530/2 = 265 + 10@Two Handed addon@ + 5@mechanically collapsible@ = 280

Trades: 30 - 8 (Slow Learner) + 10 (Noble Born) + 2 (Mind) + 2 (Smith) = 32
[Language] Badarian 5
[Noble Born] Lore (History) 4
[Noble Born] Lore (Dwarves) 5
[Noble Born] Mathematics 4
[Noble Born] Reading/Writing 4
[Noble Born] Riding 3
[Noble Born] Trading 3
[Smith] Smithing 2
[Free] Perception 2
[Free] Stealth 2
[28] Disable Devices 4
[24] Alchemy 4
[16] Medicine 6
[12] Perception 2-->6
[11] Trading 3-->4
[3] Smithing 2-->8
[0] Engineering (Metallurgy) 3

Noble Born
The character was born into a region’s ruling elite. They are naturally well educated by private tutors but generally spoiled. Must take Selfish and Prideful Flaws, or can take two Flaws worth Talent credit, but starts with an additional 100 denarii at character creation. They get 4 dice in the Lore (History), Mathematics, and Reading/Writing trades, 5 dice in the Lore trade for their culture, 3 dice for Riding and Trading trades, plus 10 more trade dice to spend as they like.

Bio: Dorag wasn't always a resident of Acheron he had been like most Dwarves living in the jungle but, unlike most of his race he was dead set on exploring more of the world, the high life of a scion was too restrictive for him. At the tender age of seventeen he set out his family money spent on golden embossed armor and brilliantly shined weapons he hardly could swing. He left the tunnels and... it wasn't long before he was almost enslaved, it was only through luck that has he passed from slaver group to slaver groups he ended in the famed demon city. It was providence that one of the many demon lords decided to give the young dwarf a contract instead of outright enslavement. Twenty five years Dorag spent slaving away in the forges honing his skill at the anvil squirrelling away his savings bits and pieces at a time, his adventurous spirit never dampened even with his time in servitude.

Under his owner he continued to receive education and training, alchemical arts, a little in the arts of bartering past his own former training and a surprising amount of medical knowledge growing used to treating various poisoning attempts. As well amongst other things depraved and twisted torture of the highest order, at least to his eyes, twenty-five years of sexual assault by her various slaves and underlings leaving the adventurous blacksmith scarred in a way that he deeply wished he regretted.

Even at the end of his contract both Snorrison and his employer knew that he owed her more than just money and time. Holding his near enslavement over his head. She felt safe to continue investing in him giving the man some funds which he immediately put to use arming himself again in expensive gear. A midnight black chestplate that seemed to suck in the light, odd for shaped wood and a a dull green shining finely toothed cleaver the weapon nearly as tall as the man. The tang of the weapon is replaced by a sizable barrel, the cleaver opens up along the center of the blade to reveal the sniper inside, a scope popping out at the base of the hilt and tang and the trigger appearing from the base of the cleaver’s cutting edge as the sword slides open in a forward and down manner fixed just past the hilt. The Dwarf couldn't reliably hit anything with the massive gunblade, but when it did connect the entire assembly disintegrated most targets he cared to try it against.
Sorta like this except trigger and barrel is hidden inside the cleaver’s blade and only one side of the blade is sharp. Also the scope is technically under the blade's tang and pops out and over to set itself along side the barrel of the gun. Its meant to have one hand on the trigger, another on the back edge of the blade and the hilt under the shoulder with the crossguard firmly against it.
Whether it would be enough to save him or not is still up in the air. The fact that his mistress told him she'll see him again soon did little to reassure him.

Starting Location: Acheron

OOC: No M/M, scat, guro, loli (legal or otherwise, if it looks like jailbait no. Svelte women sure, a matron with a childish figure no.)

Planning on alot of Invader or Demon battles as that's technically the place where money or lost stuff is at but, is open to anything really. Sex isn't a focus and I don't mind if its not included that often or at all.

The Indebted flaw is mostly to get the character to do things besides getting his ass lost in the wilderness. Which he will do often, sometimes even on purpose.

The Weakness Flaw should technically kick in if he is close/fighting a tailed character not entirely sure if it counts while sniping.

Finally I have suffered some memory lost so I don't remember some things anyone that does take me on will have to be okay with explaining some of the more nuanced things in DG again or for the first time.

Edit: Cleaned up a bit and got rid of a few artifacts from the previous generation of revisions.
Last edited:
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

I rather enjoy making characters and I still have a few in the works. Sorry if it seems like I am spamming with new characters, its just a fun thing for me to do. Well the let me present Astra the Knight!
Name: Astra
Class: Warrior (Knight)
Race: Part Demon
Sex: Female

Body: 48 (4+40+4)
Mind: 10 (6+0+4)
Spirit: 16 (6+10+0)

Hit Points (HP): 91
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 42
Spirit Energy (EP): 45
Speed: 22
Dodge: 53 (37+4+2+10) (43 without shield)
Armor: 22 (10+2+8+2)
Resistance: 24
Perception: 22 (34 for treasure)
Stealth: 14 (22-8)
Grapple: 36 (48-12)
Spirit Ceiling: 11

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Cheat Sheet
Melee attacks assumed with one handed.
Normal attack: d20+68. Normal Dmg: 2d6+34
Shield Bash: d20+60 Shield Bash Dmg: 3d6+34
Shield Slam: d20+60 Shield Slam Dmg: 3d6+44 (Plus resistance check for going prone)
Block attack: d20+58 Block Dmg: 2d6+34 (Dodge is 43. Resistance check against character. Character wins: No dmg, Enemy wins dmg. Cumulative -2 per enemy)
Defensive Stance: Dodge is 63 and free attacks on any miss. Can’t initiate attacks.
Reminders: +5 PP dmg taken, 1.5 times more corruption, missed AOE attacks dont do dmg,

Exceptional (+8 Skill points)
Skilled X2 (+3 Skills)
Battle Hardened (+8 AV)
Skilled with one handed (+12 to attack rolls with the chosen weapon)
Shield Fighter (Allows the character to attack using both their weapon and their shield in the same round. These attacks can be against different targets. Defensive Fight penalties apply at 1/2 the usual rate to shield bash attacks, though they still apply normally to any regular attacks.)
Resilient (+30 HP)
Heavy Hitter (+8 dmg with melee)

Sensitive (+5 PP dmg taken)
Poor Grappler (-12 to grapple)
Honorable (The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment)
Tainted Bloodline (Racial) (1.5 times more corruption)
Mutated (Racial) (3 Mutations)

Horns (Demonic horns)
Vestigial Wings (Small wing on her back)
Odd Hair (Light Pink hair with silky texture)
Naturally Warped (Racial) (Born warped but can't corrupt without Warped mutation and Warped doesn't corrupt character)
Demon (Racial) (They gain resistance to Fire and Force, ignoring the first 5 points of damage from sources of either type)

Block - The character may take a -10 penalty to attack rolls and Dodge for the round, any attacks against them must win a Resistance check against the character or have their attacks negated. Cumulative of a -2 penalty for each additional enemy.
Defensive Stance - The character forsakes all attacks for the round, but gains a +10 bonus to Dodge. The character gets a free attack on any creature that attacks them and misses.
Shield Slam – The character makes only a Shield Bash attack for the round, but that attack deals +10 damage, and the creature hit by it must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone.
Shield Specialization (Passive) – Any shield used by the character gets a +4 bonus to its DB. Shield bash attacks get a +10 bonus to attack rolls and a +2 bonus to damage rolls.
Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks.
Nose for Treasure (Passive) - Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining a +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.
Evasion (Passive) - If the character's Dodge exceeds the attack roll of an area of effect attack, they take no damage rather than 1/4. The character also gains a +4 bonus to Dodge.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Smith (Passive) - The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, and a character may smith their own items, either adding upgrades or creating them from materials at half the listed cost in the shop.

Spirited Warrior - The character can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. This skill can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.

Weapon Focus (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent.

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 16
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12

Long Sword: 2d6 + 34
Badarian Lever Action Rifle
2d12 + 8, 30 foot range, 6 shots, 3 round reload, ignores 8 AV
Dagger 2d6+47

Chainmail: AV = 10, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 5. Weak against Piercing. Strong against Slashing.
(25 denarii)

Targe shield: DB = 6. EV = 1. Deals Piercing or Bludgeoning damage, plus an additional +6 damage when used to shield bash.

What she looks like: gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3510679

Description: Astra has a very athletic build due to all her training as both a smith and a knight. Although she is quite strong and fit she still retains much of her feminine body, with a large butt and equally large breasts she can easily be called beautiful by these qualities alone. Most likely due to her demon heritage her skin is smooth and supple. Her demonic genes are more apparent than her human as she has horns on her head and small wings on her back. Her hair is light pink with a silky texture.

Attitude: Astra was a very care free but loving girl and after her training as a knight, her attitude also became honorable and more determined to get things done. She would never betray a friend and as she was trained by a former member of The Order of the White Rose, she took on some of their qualities. She cares for the innocent and and would do whatever she could to help someone in need. Although it is unknown what kind of trouble this could lead to. She is innocent when it comes to sex but can't deny she isn't interested in it.

Astra was born from a demon mother and a human father. She and her family lived in a small town north of the Necropolis. Her father was the town smith and from his profession was one of the wealthier members of the town. Although he was devoted to his craft he still found plenty of time to spend with his family. Astra was the middle child of the family with 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. While her father worked the forge Astra’s mother ran one of the very successful local inns. It was a peaceful life for Astra and her family. Her older siblings and the second youngest spent most of their time helping out in the family's Inn, while Astra and the youngest both became apprentices of their father in his forge. Slowly they learned and as the years go by Astra’s life continues to be calm, almost to calm for Astra. She loved working in the smithy but she honestly couldn't see herself having that as her only job in the future
One day during the year she turned 15 an adventurer came to her mother’s inn while she was there resting. The adventurer came in and quickly got drunk from her mother’s specialty brew, and he started to tell stories of all the places he had been. Astra was bored doing nothing, but when she hears these stories, they quickly gained her attention.

Hearing stories from a person who was actually there was much different compared to stories just from rumors and hearsay. For some reason it was like a switch had been flipped in Astra as she listened to sad stories, exciting stories of battles and stories of companionship. They set her imagination wild and a new passion was born in her. Astra had heard stories before of the city of Acheron, but the Adventurer’s story of how every where you looked you could see her own kind, demons and humans living in one city. It was a huge city with anything you could think of inside of its walls. As the day went by Astra and a few others spend most of it listening to drunken tales and boasts. Although Astra knew some of what the Adventurer had said was false the ideas behind what he was saying, adventure, fame, and truly living your live was what had caught her.

After that day, it had become her dream to travel to Acheron, and to adventure on her way there. Perhaps when she arrived she would be able to find a greater purpose other than just being an adventurer but for now the idea captivated her. After the day was over and the family had returned to their house behind the inn, Astra approached her parents about her dream. At first her parents were truly against their baby leaving home. After some debating between her parents, it turned out her mother came to terms with her daughter leaving much faster than her father did. She understood how Astra wanted to visit and see other demons, while expanding her horizons. One thing both her parents did agree on, was that she didn’t know how to properly defend herself.

She was told to not even think about going on an adventure, before she learned how to fight from someone. So Astra went to the local Guild in order to find a teacher. She asked around and a good majority of the adventures straight up turned her down. Dejected she finally found one who accepted her. On some terms though. The one who accepted her was a retired knight of The Order of the White Rose. He had been forced out of the order for letting greed get to him and took selfish actions that lead to innocents dying. At the time he didn't think of the consequences nor what he was losing by leaving the Order. After he was forced out was when he truly realized he had destroyed his honor and betrayed what he stood for.

In order for Astra to become the Knight's apprentice she must first take an oath of honor and learn what is like to be a knight. The Knight told her she would what he could never be again, a true knight and that would be how she would be trained. Astra knew this would change her life and her personality but after hearing some of the tales the Knight told her, she felt a resonance with the idea.

After being taken as the Knight’s apprentice, Astra learned of his name. Evan was her master's name. As the days went by under the tutelage of Evan, Astra’s personality changed little by little as she fully took the role of a knight. She was taught to fight with sword and shield, as that was Evans expertise. Between learning to be a smith and a knight, Astra’s days went by fast. Before she knew it she had learned everything Evan could teach her and at the age of 19, she was ready to set out. At their final session Evan gave her a warning. Even though I disgraced myself, before then I was a pretty good knight if I do say so. A hint of pride still in his voice. And because of the missions I took on there are still organizations out there that would target you if they knew you are my legacy to this world. Even if you don't say a word about my name, they may still find out. I'm sure they still look for me, even if it's not a priority. So always keep up your guard, and remember. A true knight never betrays their honor or duty.

The OOC section: I hope for Evan’s enemies to try and capture Astra at some point. I'm fine with most things, just want capture instead of killing Astra.

If there are any questions feel free to PM me or if you think you would like to GM but want me add or remove something Ill probably do it.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Condensed Rebecca and Sylvia down into one post! Any of my future characters that can be condensed into one post, will be from now on.

Name: Rebecca
Class: Mage
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female

Body: 20 (10+6+4)
Mind: 36 (30+2+4)
Spirit: 10 (10+0+0)

Hit Points (HP): 43
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 51
Spirit Energy (EP): 58 (38+20)
Speed: 22 (14.16 +8)
Dodge: 33
Armor: 7
Resistance: 15 (18-3)
Perception: 16 (19(18.9)-3)
Stealth: 11 (14-3)
Grapple: 17 (20-3)
Spirit Ceiling: 12 (11.6)

Experience: 4
Corruption: 0

Cheat Sheet
Physical: d20+33
Spells: d20+33
Nature & Wind Spells d20+43

Foreplay deals 2d4 + 5 (20/4) PP damage.
Penetrative sex deals 2d8 + 7 (20/3) PP damage.
8 (16/2) can be subtracted from PP taken, but doing so also causes the character to take 1d6 + 2 HP damage that ignores AV.

Masochist: when taking health damage, + 1d4+1 PP damage
Unlucky: -3 to all rolls except damage

Commonly used Spells
Spirit of the Bear (Summon) This creature gets the Exceptional, Hard Hitter, and 2x the Pain Resistant Talents. DC 30 Cost 4 EP 2d12+31(23+8) 14 AV, 54 Body

{F} Gust (Line) [Creatures affected by it must win a Resistance check against the caster or be knocked Prone.] DC: 20, EP Cost: 4, Damage: 3d8+ 10, Attack: D20+ 36, To cast: d20+33

Greater Energy Pool (+20 EP)
Exceptional (+8 to stats)
Concentration (+8 to Base Casting)
Magic Feats X2 (+2 magic feats)
Experienced Caster (up to spell level 3 for all elements)
Focus in Wind (Cast up to 5th level spells, +10 to casting for wind, +2 damage per spell level, Buff increase stat +1 per spell level, Summons +2 to body & +1 AV per spell level.)
Focus in Nature (Cast up to 5th level spells, +10 to casting for Nature, +2 damage per spell level, Buff increase stat +1 per spell level, Summons +2 to body & +1 AV per spell level)
Quick (Racial) (Speed +8)

Tainted Bloodline (1.5 times more corruption received)
Fertile (Need 1 or 2 on 1d4 to get pregnant)
Unlucky (-3 to all rolls except dmg)
Mutated (Racial) (+3 Mutations)
Fetish: Beasts (Racial) (Gains weakness against Beasts)

Breeder (gestation period is reduced by half)
Masochist: (Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure)
Multi-Orgasmic (when receives orgasm resets to ½ PP)
Natural Attack (Racial) (unarmed attacks deal 2d12 + 7 damage)
Tail (Racial) (Cat's Tail)
Funny Ears (Racial) (Cat Ears)

Base Casting: 23 (18+8-3)
Favored Elements: Wind, Nature
Magic Feats:
Quicken Spell: Spend 4 EP and -10 to casting for the round to use 2 spells at once
Maximize Spell: Spend 2 EP to max spell damage
Enchanter: Denarii costs of all enchantments halved and Enchanting an item with a spell requires you to have the spell. Enchant Weapon and Bolster Power Feats costs 1 less EP, deals an additional 4 damage.
Herbalist:The cost of the Create Potion and Love Potion rituals, both in terms of time to gather ingredients or costs to pay for them, are halved. The character's healing spells also restore and additional +2 HP per spell level
Wind Caller: Spells of the Wind element of the Line shape deal damage as if they were one spell level higher, and summon spells of this element gain a +12 bonus to Body. Requires Focus in Wind.
Martial Magician: Melee attacks are modified by mental and penalty to base casting from taking HP damage is halved.

Dagger 2d6 + 10
Su-Ku-Ta Hand Repeater: 2d8 + 3, 15 foot range, 7 shots, 1 round reload, ignores 4 AV
Battle Mages Robes AV = 7, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1.
Buckler DB = 6. EV = 0. 3d6 + 7
125 Denarii (Owe Laon 25)


Rebecca is a playful and mischievous descended of long line of Su-Ku-Ta. Her father a merchant of great skill and her mother a mage with skill in enchanting and potions. In the family there was a tradition, only one male child could truly inherit the family business and fortune. At the age of 16 each child would be given money and equipment and by the end of 15 years, who ever had the most success in their own business would be the inheritor. Since Rebecca was a female she couldn't compete, but that didn't stop her from wanting to be successful. She grew up mostly learning her mother trade as her brothers decided to inherit their father's knowledge of business. Growing up among 3 brothers forged Rebecca’s personality. She became a competitive and confident child while also having a mischievous and playful side. She is 5’4” and has inherited her mother's dark hair and modest figure while having her father's purple eyes.

As she grew older she knew that she wanted to travel and become an adventurer in order to become a strong and powerful person like her brothers who have started down their own paths to become the successor. Rebecca started to train with some of the warriors in the village over her martial skills but she focused on magic as she has much more talent and interest in the area. By the time she was 18 and ready to go out on her own she was the only child left at home. Her parents were in tears as they sent her off, even her tough father as she was his only daughter. After gaining and reveling in freedom she set off for the nearest city with an adventurer's guild as her hometown did not have one. She lived in a medium sized village to the North, North East region of Badaria.

Will probably add more for plot points

The OOC section: What I wish to see during game/possible plans for Rebecca. Slavery, Beasts, consequences when losing/enslavement, lots of corruption, mind break and the usual stuff. Was thinking that Rebecca in the future might either head north to Corlia or head South/stay in country and try to help with the aliens.

Name: Sylvia
Class: Warrior (Duel wielder)
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female

Body: 40 (30+10+0)
Mind: 22 (18+4+0)
Spirit: 28 (18+10+0)

Hit Points (HP): 95 (65+30)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 56
Spirit Energy (EP): 59
Speed: 20
Dodge: 35 (45-10)
Armor: 15 (7+8)
Resistance: 20
Perception: 20
Stealth: 10 (20-8-2)
Grapple: 28 (40-12)
Spirit Ceiling: 12 (11.8)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 2d8 + 13
Foreplay = 2d4 + 10
Masochist Dmg Taken: 1d4+6

Cheat Sheet
Normal (2) attack: d20+54 Normal Dmg: 2d6+24
Flurry (4) Attacks: d20+42 Flurry Dmg: 2d6+18
Rend (2) Attacks: d20+50 Rend Dmg: 2d6+24+2d12 (2d12 ignores AV)
Throwing dagger Attack: d20+40 Throwing Dagger Dmg: 2d12+10 (10 foot range)
Whirlwind (All in range) Attacks: d20+44 Whirlwind Dmg: 2d6+14 (-10 to dodge)
Challenge (2) Attacks: d20+58 Challenge Dmg: 2d6+28 (-8 to dodge against other enemies)
Parry Mode: No AV from skills, gain 5 dodge no penalties to dodge from two weapon skills. Can sacrifice off hand attacks for +10 dodge.
Scissor Defense: No attacks, -10 to dodge, +12 AV and attacks those who hit.
Reminders: +5PP & +5EP Dmg taken. When HP is damaged +1d4+6 PP Dmg taken
+8 PP from orcs, PP resets to ½, ignore 20 Dmg of fire, +5 resistance for stunned/paralyzed/weakened, +1.5 corruption.

Skill with one handed swords (+12 to attacks with these weapons)
Two weapon fighter (can fight with a weapon in each hand, attacking once per round with each of them at a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls with both weapons)
Skilled X2 (+3 skills)
Exceptional X2 (+8 to stats)
Resilient (+30 to HP)
Heavy hitter (+8 to melee dmg)
Pain Resistant (Racial) (+5 to AV)

Tainted Bloodline (1.5 times more corruption)
Sensitive (+5 PP dmg taken)
Poor Grappler (-12 to grapple)
Fetish: Orcs (+8 PP dmg from Orcs)
Antagonizing (Racial) (Unless the character genuinely respects/works under him/her/it, she will be prone to insulting, teasing, pranking, and/or harassing nearby sentient creatures who are aware of his presence.)
Easy to Hit (Racial) (-10 to Dodge)
Obvious (Racial) (-8 to stealth)
Open Soul (Racial) (+5 EP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any)
Mutated (Racial) (+3 Mutations)

Multi-Orgasmic: The character is able to orgasm more rapidly. Whenever they orgasm, their PP rests to ½ of its maximum value rather than full.
Masochist: Whenever a character takes health damage, they also take 1d4+1 PP damage. This PP damage is not affected by Resistance or damage due to resisting pleasure.
Exhibitionist: The character is affected by being seen in the nude. They gain +1 to all non-damage, non-resistance rolls but suffer 4 resistance damage for each unique character or creature that sees them when they're naked. If they fall to 0 resistance their resistance is reset, they become aroused, and the roll bonus resets back to 0, at which point they begin the process again and become horny if they drop to 0 a second time. The roll bonus and resistance damage reset when the character gets dressed or orgasms, but the aroused status does not reset by redressing and persists for either an hour or until the character orgasms. The horny status is handled normally.
Dragonblooded (Racial) (ignore the first 20 damage of any dmg with fire, 2 natural AV, +5 bonus Resistance check that would give them the Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened)
Horns (Racial) (Draconic horns on head, refer to bio picture link)
Tail (Racial) (Draconic tail, refer to bio picture link)

Flurry – The character takes two attacks with each weapon, totaling to 4 attacks, but all attacks are made at a -12 penalty to attack rolls and take a -6 penalty to damage. These attacks need not all be against the same target.
Parry Mode - The character chooses to forsake all AV granted by Skills so long as this mode is activated. In exchange, they no longer takes penalties to Dodge from using skills in the Two Weapon Fighter branch, and they gain a bonus to Dodge against melee attacks equal to the AV sacrificed plus 5. In addition, using the Scissor Defense skill allows them to attack creatures that miss them rather than creatures that hit them. They may also sacrifice all attacks on their secondary weapon to gain an additional +10 bonus to Dodge while using this mode, but any attacks that they make still suffer the penalties for two weapon fighting.
Rend – The character takes a -4 penalty to all of their attacks for the round. If the character hits the same creature with both of their weapons in the same turn, they deal an additional 2d12 points of damage to that creature. This damage ignores the targets AV, but can only be dealt once per round to any one creature.
Scissor Defense – The character forsakes all attacks for the round and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge. In return, they get a +12 bonus to AV, and automatically attack (using both of their weapons) any enemy that hits them in melee. If an attack is a grapple attempt, these attacks resolve prior to the grapple being initiated.
Whirlwind – The character attacks all enemies within range of them, but take a -10 penalty to attack rolls, damage, and Dodge until their next turn. They attack with both weapons if they have two.
Challenge - choose single enemy within 30 feet w/ line of sight to. Enemy can only attack the character while they are within range. +4 bonus to attack and damage but a -8 penalty to Dodge against attacks from other creatures until their Challenge target is dead. Needs 3 people in fight.
Nose for Treasure (Passive) - +12 bonus to all Perception checks made to locate treasure.
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapons without spending an action.
Smith (Passive) - +2 bonus to AV, and may smith their own items, either adding upgrades or creating them from materials at half the listed cost in the shop.
Weapon Focus One hand (Passive) – The character gets a +6 bonus on all attack rolls with one handed weapons
Spirited Warrior - can pay X EP in order to increase their Dodge and AV by X, Resistance by 2X, OR increase their damage on each attack by 2X, OR increase their attack rolls by 2X. Can be used even when the character is Sealed or wearing a Sealing Collar, and does not affect the maximum amount of EP useable per turn due to Spirit Ceiling. X may not be greater than 10 on any given round, but the EP may be spread across multiple bonuses.

Long Sword X2
Throwing Knives
2d12 + Body/4, 10 foot range, come in packs of 5, deals +2d6 damage if used in a sneak attack
Elven Bramble Armor: AV = 8, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2. Weak against Slashing. Strong against Piercing. Wood
50 Denarii


Description: 5’4 with 34’DD’s hidden under her clothing and armor. Blue eyes and raven black hair.

Attitude: Confidence in herself that some may just call arrogance. She is ignorant of the ways of the world as she grew up in a small friendly village. She was raised to try her best and do what she thinks is right though she isnt a saint, she can be selfish at times. When in battle she lets go and she holds no insults back towards an opponent, most would call her foul mouthed while the ones who know her better say it's her expression of love for battle. While out of battle she pulls back that foul mouth of hers but will still mutter to herself about others and tends to be much more mischievous than insulting with her antics. She is inexperienced with sex and is a bit innocent when it comes to anything related to it. She hides her body with her armor and heavy clothing for the north. Although she is mentally innocent her body betrays her, as letting other see her naked sets her off and any pain she suffers turns to pleasure shortly after. Only the people close to her know this and not even Sylvia knows if this is a reason why she loves battle so much. While growing up in a elven village she was affected by the villages dislike for orcs. She sees Orcs as taboo and yet when she thinks of them instead of hatred she gets excited at the thought of taboo.

Story (Reiterates the stuff from Attitude and adds some plot points and fluff for GM’s use)
Sylvia was found as a toddler right outside of a small elvish village west of The Academy in Crolia. At first the villagers were a bit xenophobic of the random Dragon Kin child, as their race has suffered recently to other races. But then the village matriarch comes forwards and asks “what are you afraid of a lone toddler? No wonder we have suffered so much.” At this the villagers realize how ridiculous it was to be so wary of a child. Some of them burst out laughing on the spot. The Matriarch then comments “We will try and find this child's parents as we shall not make an accidental enemy of a dragon.” She pauses “If we can not find any signs of the parents then we shall raise her as our own” As she said this there were some murmurs of disagreement among the crowd. Hearing these she continued “I shall not let an innocent child grow up alone on the streets of some city or out in the wild, suffering in this cruel world! Don't tell me this is what you want to happen.” At this reasoning all disagreement stopped and the Matriarch smiled “well then let us begin our search.”
Two weeks goes by and still no signs of her parents, it's almost certain at this point the village would be her new home, seeing no signs of being able to find the child's parents anytime soon the Matriarch begins to stomp out and disapproval towards her decision.
As the years go by Sylvia is raised as the Matriarch's daughter who was named Evelyn. This small elven village is one of the villages that has adapted to be more war like than some of the other villages and as such Sylvia was not spared the grueling training of the village. Because Sylvia was a DragonKin she began training at 6 and at age 10 was an equal for even the normal adults. She was a genius at battle and only when she used a sword in each hand did it feel ‘right’. AS her battle prowess increased so did her confidence. She was a shining star among the younger children. At 16 Sylvia had turned into a young women. She was 5’4 with Raven black hair a decent sized chest. Her training had affected her appearance as well as her attitude. She was athletic and spent most of her time training out in the woods. On a certain day, while out in the woods training and letting her adventurous side loose, she came across a small band of Orc Bandits. She had no idea how they had gotten so close to the village nor they had gotten so far from the new Orc stronghold of Gods-Reach. When the Orcs noticed her they attacked her and talked about a new sow for the group. All that could be said was that it was a bloodbath. Although 1/2 of the group escaped as Sylvia was not fast enough nor was she proficient in ranged attacks. As the leader of the small scouting group ran he screamed something along the lines of “Our Matriarch will make you pay!” Sylvia payed no mind to the threat as if this was all they could do, then there was no need to pay any thought to the bandits.
As the days passed there didn't appear to be any retribution from this “Matriarch” of theirs so Sylvia just put the thought to the back of her mind. That same year was when Sylvia had the sudden desire to find her parents. She realized she had never given the matter that much thought before. She just accepted Evelyn as her family. When she brought up the matter of finder her parents to Evelyn, she said to Sylvia “I know you are talented with your swords but you're still not ready for the real world yet. Not before you are 18 will I allow you to go looking for them.” And as teenagers do, Sylvia expressed herself vehemently. After which she stormed out because of her temper. Evelyn was a little depressed, her true reason for why she didn't allow Sylvia to leave was because she had grown to attached to Sylvia. It was too fast for her to separate from her yet. So she spent as much time as she could teaching and being with Sylvia and just like that the day for when Sylvia was to depart came. Sylvia's closest friends were in tears as she left, Evelyn included. As Sylvia departed she was excited for the future, confident and naive that she would crush all obstacles in her way.

Change Log: Where I put current conditions of character
Used 8 Ep on Spirited Warrior

The OOC section: Things i would like to see: submission/slavery, Futanari enemies, corruption. My hopes/plan for Sylvia to go to the at least once west. This is just a plan, entirely possible she will never go to the west due to the story. After all im not the GM :D, Hope someone picks Sylvia up soon!

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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Goblin gal:
Class: Warrior
Race: Goblin
Sex: Female

Body: 38 (26 +12 +0)
Mind: 10 (6+4 +0)
Spirit: 18 (18 +0)

Hit Points (HP): 82 (52+30)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 38
Spirit Energy (EP): 42
Speed: 19
Dodge: 33
Armor: 6
Resistance: 19
Perception: 18
Stealth: 9 (19 -2-8)
Grapple: 50 (38+12)
Spirit Ceiling: 7 (8-1)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

-Heavy hitter (+8 melee attack damage)
-Heavy weapon specialist (+10 damage with two handed weapons)
-Skilled (+3 skills)
-Exeptional x2, exeptionaller (+16 points)
-Grapple expert (+12 to grapple stat)
-Resilient (+30 hitpoints)
-Natural Mage (Focus in element: Body This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element, and in addition, they gain a total of +10 to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, Buffs increase the chosen stat by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +1 bonus to AV per spell level. )

-Obvious (-8 to stealth)
-Antagonizing (Goblins are no.1!)
-Bloodthirsty (not backing down from fights!. RP wise I'd see this transforming into idealistic vs goblinoids exclusively.)

Naturally Supernatural

Skills: (7 total)
-Berserker (+3 to attacks and damage in melee)
-Giant Strength (Use two handed weapon one handed, with -8 attack, -6 damage, and -6 Dodge penalty)
-Rage: The character gets a +10 bonus to attack rolls, Grapple and damage, as well as a +4 bonus to AV, but all attacks made against them automatically hit and the character must attack every round. While enraged, they cannot be afflicted with the Horny, Charmed, Dominated or Stunned statuses. Requires Berserker.
-Quick draw: Draw weapon without requiering an action
Fling: The character throws a grappled opponent, or perhaps ally, a short distance at another target. When the character has a creature in a submission hold, they may throw that creature at another creature for 3d6 + Body/3 damage to both targets. Both the creature being thrown and the one being hit must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked Prone. This skill has a 15 foot range.
-Heavy metal: The character delays their attack until the end of the round. Targets hit by the character's attack must win a Resistance check against the user or they become Stunned. In addition, every attack made against the character until the end of the round, whether the attacks hit or miss, grants the user a cumulative +2 resistance bonus to the stun check, along with a cumulative +6 attack and +4 damage bonus until the character's next action.
-Guillotine: Ruin someones day if they are under 30 hp, you put them under 30 hp, or deal 50%+ of their hp total in damage.

Base Casting: 5
Favored/only Element: Body

10 Denari
2x Two Greatswords 2d12 + 1 + Body/2
Enhanced Leather Armor: AV = 6, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 3.
Healing potion x1

Ruxi stands at four foot tall, with light green skin, bright red hair, red eyes, a somewhat muscular frame and a rather flat chest (although she'd dispute the last part) She dresses in a slightly ragged, though she would claim, wellkept leather armor and wields a sword (or two) larger than herself.

Ruxi is an exeptional genius ... for a goblin. In her case this means she can count into the high two digit numbers without using her hands and read scripture (As long as she is given enough time and the letters are large enough).
More impressively, or some might claim, concerningly, her talents go so far as to having herself taught some magic, though nothing akin to the goblin-archmage she claims to be, as she fails to see the usefulness of spells that don't directly aid her in kicking ass liberally.
That is, to keep it simple, her motivation as well. Born to a simple goblin tribe she witnessed the mistreatment of her kind from both humans and demons, seen as primitive and savage.. well, they -were- but this was a matter of principle. Seeking to prove her strength and by extend, the strength of the goblin race, preferably by beating up everyone who dared laugh at her, she works to fashioning herself into a protector and hero of her people, uncaring if the same appreciates the effort or not. She considers herself a hero.

The OOC section: Ruxi is ment as a sub, though I can completely see her switching occasionally. For either male, female or in between doms. I'd like to explore the idea of having the tiny gobliness beating around vastly oversized foes, only to attract those interested in using her abilities for their own ends, naughtily mind control-corrupt-enslaving her. I'm a bit of an odd cookie in that I like lewd gameover like scenarios but will keep resisting unless Ruxi is to meet a cajoling/seducing dom type that'll guide her rather than simply enslaving her.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Name: Satsuki
Class: Mage
Race: Human
Sex: Female

Body = 10
Mind = 34
Spirit = 30

Hit Points (HP) = 52 (10B + 17M + 15S + 10T)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 64 (5B + 34M + 15S + 10T)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 92 (5B + 17M + 15S + 40T)
Speed = 25
Dodge = 9d10 + 2 (B 1d10, M 3d10+2, S 3d10, N 2d10)
Armor = 8
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10
Grapple = 2d10
Spirit Ceiling = 18

Reflexes = 13
Focus = 31 [39 with force spells]
Willpower = 20

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 20

Class Bonus
Sorcerous Dedication - The character gets a +4 bonus to casting checks.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0


3 x Exceptional - The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats.

Focus in force - Focus in [Element] - The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element. In addition, they gain a +3 dice bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, get a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, buffs increase the chosen stat (and only stats, not dice or other additions) by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +2 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be taken multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.

Natural Spirit Wielder: Necromancer - The character gains 2 + Spirit/20 Powers from the Necromancer power list.

Natural Spirit Wielder: Massive Energy Pool - The character gets +30 max EP.

Mental Fortitude - The character gains +10 max HP, PP, and EP. The character may also choose a Mage Feat.

Knowledgeable - The character uses Mind instead of Body to determine how much PP they deal. The amount of orgasms that they can have before gaining an instance of the Weakened status becomes based on Mind instead of Body, and resisting pleasure becomes based on Focus instead of Willpower. The character's Orgasm Threshold is increased by 1 as well.

Good Focus - The character gets a +9 bonus to Focus.

Resistant - The character gets a +5 bonus to all of their Resistances.


Prideful (RP) - The character is possessed of immense pride in themselves, their race, their station, an organization that they belong to, or something similar. They will not suffer the dignity of whatever they take pride in to be insulted, will not allow its name to be besmirched, and will not allow it to go undefended under any circumstances. They will commit to violence in defending it if need be.

Fertile - The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +5 bonus to Pregnancy rolls. This Flaw may be taken multiple times, the second instance increasing the bonus to +10 and the third to +15.

Tainted Bloodline - The character gains corruption 1.5 times as fast as normal. Does not normally provide Talent credit.

Easily Aroused - Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.

Fragile - Whenever the character's HP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

Mutations: 0/18

Weapon Attack = 2d10
Unarmed damage = 2d4 + 2
Dagger damage = 2d6 + 5
Kradian Mark 7 Heavy Pistol Damage = 3d10 + 4

Spell Attack = 6d10+8
Casting Dice= 13 [Force 16]
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Metaphysical Hammer (Force) - Force spells deal +1 damage per spell level, spells that would move a target push them an additional 5 feet, and all Force spells with Resistance checks gain a +8 bonus to their checks. Requires Focus in Force.

Glowing Presence - Instead of targeting a buff or healing spell at a specific person, you share the effect with everyone close to you. Using this feat costs 4 EP and increases the casting DC of the spell by 2 and the upkeep by an amount dependent on spell level and number of targets (a 1st level spell would cost 1+1/4 targets per round, 2nd level 1+1/2 targets, 3rd level 1+3/4 targets, 4th level 1+1/target and 5th level 1+3/2 targets.) Creatures affected by this are chosen by the character and must be within 30 feet of them when the spell is cast. The spell also counts as one lever lower for determining its effects. A character can use a Hex like this, so long as that Hex would not be reduced to an effective spell level of 0 by its assorted penalties.

Quicken Spell – The character may pay 4 EP and take a -2 dice penalty to casting for their round in order to cast a single spell as a free action. Other activated feats may not be applied to this spell, and this may only be used once per round.

Power Attack = 6d10
Wielder Aptitudes


Devour Magic
The character selects a single target, and as they attempt to make a working using their energy, the character steals that energy.
-Utility Power.
-The character pays 4 + X EP. This power’s cost may never exceed the user’s Spirit Ceiling.
-The next time the targeted creature attempts to cast a spell or use a power, one of the following happens.
1) If the targeted creature attempts to cast a spell, that creature must win a Willpower vs Focus check against the character or the spell fails, that creature takes damage equal to twice the spell level, and the character regains an amount of EP equal to the amount paid for the spell. The character gets a +X bonus on this check.
2) If the targeted creature attempts to use a power, it must win a Willpower vs Resistance (same as above) check against the character or that power has no effect, and the character regains however much EP that creature paid for that power. The character gets a +X bonus on this check.
-Alternatively, the targeted creature has one currently active effect on it deactivated if it fails a check as stated above, suffering no further harm. The character can choose the effect to disable if they know them, otherwise a random effect is disabled.

Nightmarish Image
The character conjures an illusion of pure horror around them, making all others hesitant to get near them.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X-1 EP. In addition, they must pay X - 4 EP upkeep.
-The character gets a 2X bonus to Dodge, melee damage, and a +2X bonus to all of their Resistance checks to resist hostile effects. Creatures grappling with the character take a -2X penalty for any actions other than escape.
-In addition, any creature attempting to attack the character must win a Willpower check against a DC equal to 5 + 3X or be unable to hit with anything other than a glancing blow. Creatures that fail this roll by 20 or more will attempt to flee rather than fight the character further.
-Alternatively, the character may cause an image to appear only to a single creature as a mind-affecting attack requiring no attack roll, in which case they must win a Willpower check with a DC equal to 4X or be made to avoid the character. Failing this check by 10 or more causes the target to flee, failing by 20 or more causes the targeted creature to pass out instead, and failing by 40 or more causes it to die of fright.

The character forces tendrils of power into another living creature, forcibly controlling their actions.
-Utility Power.
-The character pays 3 + X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 1 EP upkeep.
-One target creature within line of sight of the character must win a Willpower check against a DC equal to 4X or be controlled by the character. Any action taken by the controlled creature costs them X HP.
-The creature effectively becomes a summoned creature with a +6X bonus to Body, and gains a new “Puppet” HP stat equal to this upgraded Body stat. Any damage against the creature goes against both their normal HP and their Puppet HP. If their normal HP drops to 0, they fall unconscious but continue to fight so long as the character animating them is still conscious. When their puppet HP drops to 0, the effect ends and they fall unconscious as normal.
-In addition, the character can use this power on themselves, in which case they need to make no Resistance check, but they must still spend at least 2 EP. A character using this power on themselves pays 2 less EP to upkeep this power but still takes full damage.
-This power can be used while the character is Bound or in a Submission Hold, but only on themselves.
-While this power is active, the caster can take no other standard actions save to control their "puppet," and if used on oneself the character cannot use any other Powers, spells, ect.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 11
Foreplay = 2d4 + 8


Protective Robes = AV 8, EV 0, TP 25, DU 1


Kradian Mark 7 Heavy Pistol (+10 attack) 3d10 + 4, 20 feet, 6 shot before reload, 2 round reload, 10 AV ignored
Fires Type 7 Badarian Light Rounds, may fire up to 1 additional shots with rapid fire, no special abilities

Type 7 Badarian Light rounds x 18

50 Denarii

Lore = 6d10
Writing/Reading = 3d10
Trading = 4d10
Sleight of Hand = 5d10
Riding = 2d10
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10
Casting = 12d10


Satsuki was born into the second branch of a noble family that had a firm grip of the city they lived in. The sole purpose of the second branch was to support the first branch’s family members and serve them. This meant that Satsuki had to study day and night to be useful for the first branch. Although, Satsuki didn’t exactly understand what she was studying for, she quickly became a prodigy in using her powers and magic. This made the second branch announce Satsuki as their leader in training at a very early age.

However, it might’ve been better for Satsuki if they waited with that announcement, as from then on she became incredibly overconfident in herself, and instead of walking around with an air of humbleness, like the second branch are supposed to, she started to walk around with an air of superiority. Anyone that was stupid enough to berate or insult Satsuki while she was listening, usually were made to regret their decision immediately, as Satsuki would force them to grovel for her and beg for forgiveness. Although, Satsuki didn’t quite understand what was going on, she couldn’t help but feel strange when others groveled in front of her.

Although, her personality wasn’t an issue when dealing with the second branch, when she first got introduced to the leader in training from the first branch, things immediately turned sour. They were supposed to have a friendly match between the two of them, but when Satsuki utterly humiliated the first branch leader in training, and realized how weak he was, she was stunned with disbelief. Despite Satsuki’s egotistic view of herself, she still had a much higher opinion of the first branch then herself, but after she saw how pathetic the first branch leader in training was, despite him being much older than her, that image was completely shattered. However Satsuki didn’t stay stunned for long, as began to demand him to grovel for her, and she demanded that he’d give up his position to her, as he clearly wasn’t worth being the leader of their family.

However, the moment Satsuki made those demands she got apprehended by servants from the second branch, and for insulting the leader in training, she got imprisoned in the dungeons for a week. After the week ended, and she was called to the leader in training to apologize, she instead decided to abandon her family. Satsuki wasn’t going to serve an incompetent leader. Instead, she was going to follow her own ambitions of creating a kingdom for herself. Although, Satsuki wasn’t exactly sure how to accomplish such a feat without the power of her family, trying from scratch would be better than being an idiot’s servant. Anyway Satsuki could, she was searching for a way to amass fame, fortune and followers, to eventually make her dream come true.

Physical description: Satsuki is a small and petite girl with long blond hair tied in twin tails. Furthermore, Satsuki is lacking in the breast department and has a petite behind that fits with the rest of her stature. Usually, Satsuki wears a choker that has a small golden symbol of a skull attached to it, and her usual attire consists of a fancy looking low-cut black robe with red seams, while wearing very skimpy underwear underneath the robes.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

All 4 characters are now here. Now I'm looking for GMs for any of them

First off Este, Uncivilized Dragonkin brawler with a protection streak.

Class: Warrior
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Uncivilized

Body = 34+10 = 44
Mind = 8 + 4 = 12
Spirit = 8 + 10 = 18

Hit Points (HP) = 119 (59 Base + 30 from Large+30 from Resliant)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 43
Spirit Energy (EP) = 46
Speed = 25 (35-10 from Large)
Dodge = 7d10+3 (4d10+1B, 1d10M, 1d10+2S + 3d10 from Unarmed Fighter -3d10 from Easy to Hit +1d10 from Warrior Exemplar -2d10 From Large) Lucky
Armor = 16 (5 Pain Resistant +3 from Warrior Exemplar+8 from battle Hardened)
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple = 9d10+4 (8d10+4 base +1d10 from Superior Grappler) Lucky
Spirit Ceiling = 9

Resistances (Lucky)
Reflexes = 22
Focus = 13
Willpower = 15

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = -5 ( 5 -10 from large, so -5?)
Bull Rush Mod = 25 (5 + 20 from Large)
Overrun Mod = 2 5 (5 + 20 from Large)
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 12 (7+5)

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

Unarmed Fighter(Style): Defensive Grappler
Warrior Exemplar
Battle Hardened
Pain Resistant*

Easy to Hit*
Open Soul*

Mutations: X/18
-Natural Attack* (2d12 + Body/3 = 2d12+14)
Odd Skin* (Scales)
-Dangerous Tail*

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 8d10 + 1 (Natural Attack from Claws for 2d12+14)
Skills (5 Natural):
Iron Body
Leap Glomp
Powerful Embrace

From Skills (4, 3 from Skilled, 1 from Unarmed fighter)
From Skilled: Slam
Superior Grappler
Natural Warrior
(From Unarmed Fighter): Defensive Grappler

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 14
Foreplay = 2d4 + 11

What are these Items you speak of, can I eat them?
Weapon Attack = 8d10 + 1 (Natural Attack from Claws for 2d12+14)

Trades (20 base, 8 from Unciv, 5 Free into Language)
Acrobatics 6d10
Language (???) 5d10
Tracking/Woodcraft: 8d10
Navigation: 6d10
Herbalism: 6d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 2d10

Raised in the wild, more or less by herself by a mother that abandoned her. Este has learned how to hunt, how to fight, and how to survive entirely by herself. The only teachers she had was watching the beasts, or the occasional sentients that wandered through. Watching the former group hunt down and stalk their prey, and the latter build fires and shelter. A large part of her survival though boiled down to nothing more then luck. The dragonkin was born with it in abundance, and without that luck she likely would have died time over throughout her life.

As she grew, Este was able to fight larger and larger prey. First she had started with squirrels and birds, then she had moved up to deer, then onto wolves and wild pigs. Her skills increasing with each stage, to where she could spot a deer through the foliage from quite some distance away, and track it for days on end until it tired out and she could slaughter it. When she fought wolves she learned to match their claws and fangs with her own. The boars she fought with a grip of iron, and the ability to crush bones in a hug designed for killing rather then affection. Soon though she'd grow still until she towered over much of the local wildlife. Standing upright like the sentients who even they she looked down at. Even as she had started to protect them from the wildlife, feeling an odd affection for the squishier beings.

She felt something though, the urge to move on. To see the world beyond the woods she lived in. So she had started to follow the tracks of one of the sentients that had come into her woods, following it back toward civilization.

The Out of Character Section

Second up, Allise, the gun wielding mage.

Class: Mage
Race: Wolfir
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Body = 14 (6+8)
Mind = 34
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 36
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 46
Spirit Energy (EP) = 54 (34 base +20)
Speed = 25
Dodge = 5d10+3 (1d10+1B + 3d10+2M + 1d10S +2d10 Base)
Armor = 8
Perception = 3d10
Stealth = 4d10
Grapple = 2d10+3
Spirit Ceiling = 10

Reflexes = 21 (12 base, +9 from Good Reflexes)
Focus = 17
Willpower = 10

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 10

Class Bonus
Sorcerous Feats - The character gets 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats, rounded down.
Sorcerous Dedication - The character gets a +4 bonus to casting checks.

Experience =
Corruption =

Focus in Body
Focus in Force
Greater Energy Pool
Artifact Holder
Good Reflexes*

Flaws (1 Extra from Sorc APP, 1 extra RP from Sorc APP, 1 extra RP from Wolfir)
Poor Willpower*
Fertile 2**
Idealistic (RP)*
Submissive (RP)*

Mutations: X/18
Funny Ears*
Night Eyes*
Odd Skin* (Fur)
Keen Ears*

Special Mutations
Pack Hunter*
Wolfir Genes*

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack = 6d10+4
Casting Bonus = +6
Favored Elements: Body and Force

Magic Feats (2)
Silent Magic

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 4
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3

Artifact Staff
Allise’s Model 03 Pistol (+10) 4d6, 30 feet, 9 shots before reload, 1 round reload, 5 AV ignored
Fires 11P Ammunition, may fire up to 0 additional shots with rapid fire, no special abilities
Allise’s Model 09 Rifle (+5) 6d8, 50 feet, 1 shot before reload, 2 round reload, 15 AV ignored
Fires 11R Ammunition, may fire up to 0 additional shots with rapid fire, causes 1EV
Battlemage’s Robes
50 Denarri

*Mathematics: 6d10
*Reading/Writing: 6d10
*Alchemy: 4d10
*Herbalism: 3d10
*Lore(Magic): 3d10
*Lore(Fairies): 3d10
*Lore(History): 2d10
*Enchanting: 4d10
*Language: 5d10
Engineering (Mechanical): 6d10
Engineering (Metallurgical): 5d10
Surgery: 4d10
Medicine: 4d10

Perception = 3d10
Stealth = 4d10

Allise is a bit of an odd girl, separated at a young age from her village by a powerful storm. The not even pubescent girl ended up being picked up, haggard and near dead, by a passing hedge witch. The woman, a Virpian, was isolated from Londorien society by her own beliefs. Living in a hut in the middle of the jungles, the sorceress had decided to take the wolf woman under her wing after she showed some natural aptitude with magic.

Living isolated from society did not lead to an exactly well balanced character. Indeed, only given very limited information about the outside world from her mistress. Allise started to build her own mental picture from the books her mistress had had. The wolf woman dreaming of an ideal world, where adventure was around every corner and draconic knights battled with forces of evil from within and beyond. It was one of the few fantasies she was allowed to indulge, given her mistress insisted on a rigorous schedule with no room for deviation. Her personality in turn became meek, submissive to the dominant personality even if no sexual contact had happened in their relationship.

Diagrams of every body known to magic, where the organs were or their closest equivalents, her mistress even had her performing disections on some of the more beastial beings around the hut. That had been the first stage of her training that she had actually taken an interest to. While spells that could harm and damage were useful, it was through magic like this that she could help and heal people. She did not stop her research into such matters until she could draw those diagrams, and recite the names of every major bone or artery by memory. Though she also experimented with...improving beings. Only temporarily but she had become quite adept at it too.

The next subject that drew her interest was that of force. While she could heal and if need be, defend or harm with her other spells and specialities, with force she could defend herself too. Bubbles of magic to push back those that would hurt her, ways to disable the enemy without killing them. It fit quite well with her idealistic view of the world.

Alongside magic her mistress taught her of things from the other continents. Things she was learning herself but ahead of the wolf woman, using books purchased at great cost through underhanded methods or legal ones. Books of machinery, of guns and technology. Allise devoured these too, learning everything she could of science and technology, things she could improve with her own magic, or vice versa. She even crafted her own guns and adhoc ammunition after a few trials and errors.

Finally though it’d come time for her to leave into the world. Her mistress did not let her go empty handed though, instead she had broke into her own store of items. Giving the wolf girl a staff that was strong, but also cursed. Near priceless but demanded payment from its owner for it’s strength.

Still, it was better than nothing, and there was little Allise could do once it had bonded to her. So set out she did, eager to go explore the world beyond her mistress’ realm, and to the other continents beyond.

The Out of Character Section

Next up, Kess, the Naga Spirit Wielder.

Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Naga
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Basic

Body = 12 (8+4)
Mind = 12 (10+2)
Spirit = 34 (32+2)

Hit Points (HP) = 35
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 35
Spirit Energy (EP) = 76 (46 + 30 from Massive Energy Pool)
Speed = 15 (25-10 from Sluggish)
Dodge = 6d10+4 (1d10+1B, 1d10+1M, 3d10+2S, 2d10 Base)
Armor =
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple = 5d10+2 (2d10+1 base + 3d10 Grapple expert)
Spirit Ceiling = 15

Reflexes =
Focus =
Willpower =

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod = 10
Overrun Mod = 10
Orgasm Threshold =
Pleasure Resistance =

Class Bonus

Experience =
Corruption =

Spirit Warrior (3 Powers)
Druid (3 Powers)
Massive Energy Pool
Soul Sense
Starseeker (3 Powers)
Grapple Expert*

Tainted Bloodline*

Mutations: X/18
Natural Attack*
Odd Skin*
Whip Tongue*

Special Mutations
Powerful Hold 10*
Serpentine Body*

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack: 6d10+4
Wielder Aptitudes (2):
True Inner Strength
Celestial(3): Meteor

Druid(3): Summon Nature's Ally
Wrath of the Elements
Natural Order

Spirit Warrior(3): Flight
Instant Transmission
Battle Aura

Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 4
Foreplay = 2d4 + 3

Hand Crossbow (+10 attack) 4d8 + 6, 30 feet, 1 shot before reload, 1 round reload, 0 AV ignored
Fires bolts, may fire up to 0 additional shots with rapid fire, Silenced
Battlemages Robes: AV = 8, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 1
Cost = 10 denarii, Cloth
One Handed Sword: 2d6 + 6, one handed
50 Denarii

Trades (33)
*Language: 5d10
Instrument (oud): 5d10
Lore(creatures): 5d10
Performance: 5d10
Trading: 5d10
Reading/Writing: 5d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 6d10

Kess has spent much of her life wandering from place to place, passing from town to town as she had worked on her own abilities. Those abilities, born from within her own soul, were a rather odd spread. Tapping her soul, she first learned how to summon blades, learned to unleash small armies of woodland creatures or even some fey beings, and learned how to fly and teleport herself. Teaching herself had been hazardous at times, but the Naga didn’t mind, skill didn’t come without hardship afterall. Thus why she had wandered though, as she occasionally may have caused some damage that she had to get away from without getting fingered. As such her wandering continues, in search of better challenges to fight, and maybe a chance to settle down with some power of her own.

The Out of Character Section

Cilli the Su-Ku-Ta succubus fashion designer

Name: Cilli
Class: Succubus
Race: Su-Ku-Ta
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Raised as a Succubus

Body = 30
Mind = 10
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 40
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 80 (30+20 from JALL+30 from Just Getting Started)
Spirit Energy (EP) = 30
Speed = 30
Dodge = 7d10 (3d10B, 1d10M, 1d10S, 2d10Base)
Armor = 6
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 4d10
Grapple = 9d10 (6d10 + 3d10 from Grapple Expert)
Spirit Ceiling = 6

Reflexes = 15
Focus = 8
Willpower = 17

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 0
Overrun Mod = 0
Orgasm Threshold = 5 (1+3+1 from fuck me)
Pleasure Resistance = 13

Class Bonus

Experience =
Corruption =

Just a Little Longer
Good Willpower
Suck you Dry
Just Getting Started
Fuck Me
Grapple Expert

Fertile 1
Slow Learner

Mutations: X/18
Clawed Feet*
Keen Ears*
Strange Face*
Funny Ears*
Odd Skin*

Special Mutations
Beastman Genes*

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack = 6d10
Succubus Powers:
Apparent Innocence (Passive)
Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
Dizzying Heights (Passive)
Dynamic Entry

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d10+15
Foreplay = 2d6+10

Leather Armor: AV = 6, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2 Leather
Bardiche: 4d6 - 1 + Body/2, two handed
50 Denarii

Trades (20)
Performance: 6d10
Sewing: 4d10
Reading/Writing: 1d10
Animal Husbandry 3d10
*Language 5d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 4d10

Cilli is a girl of a few different worlds, well, not really but that is the best she could describe herself. Born with a need to recharge herself from others, through well, sexual energy, Cilli ended up getting a bit of a reputation in her home town. Not for the clothes she created, or the dancing she could do (though both certainly helped.) Instead it was for her being quite willing to sleep with anyone she took the slightest fancy to. Even if said partners would end up feeling quite weak in the aftermath. Eventually though, Cilli actually started to get annoyed at this reputation, even if it helped her keep her energy.

So she picked up her gear, her sewing kit and a weapon she had gotten from her father, and left town. Heading off to tour the world, hoping that she could eventually settle down somewhere where her non-sexual skills could be known first, and her ability in bed known second.

Not to say she didn’t want to have sex still though, far from it, an adventure like this also served a secondary function. It’d let her go out and see what the world had to offer, fuck all she could find as it were.

The Out of Character Section

Risa Saar, the noble rebel for independence

Class: Warrior
Race: Human (Badarian)
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Noble Born

Body = 26
Mind = 14
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 38
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 32
Spirit Energy (EP) = 30
Speed = 30
Dodge = 6d10+5+3d10 from Agile = 9d10+5
Armor =
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple = 5d10+1
Spirit Ceiling = 5

Reflexes = 13
Focus = 8
Willpower = 7

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 5
Bull Rush Mod = 5
Overrun Mod = 5
Orgasm Threshold = 1
Pleasure Resistance = 8

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

Skill with Pistols


Mutations: X/18

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack: 5d10 + 1, where X is Body/5 rounded down and Y is the remainder
Skills: 7 (3 Base, +1 from Skilled with Pistols, +3 from Skilled)

Ranged Weapons (5): Bayonet
Called Shot
Quick Reload
Sudden Shot

Mounted Combat (2): Mounted Accuracy
Mounted Training

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8+8
Foreplay = 2d4+6

-Badarian Heavy Revolver (+5 attack) 4d8 + 6, 25 feet, 6 shots before reload, 3 round reload, 15 AV ignored. Fires Type 15 Badarian Slugs, may fire up to 1 additional shots with rapid fire, Incremental Reload
-“Bullfighter” Holdout Pistol: 10 foot range, +10 attack, ignores 15 AV, 4d8 damage, 2 round reload, 6 shots before reloading, Burst Fire, Type 15 Badarian Slugs
Flack Jacket: AV = 12, EV = 3, TP = 40, DU = 3, strong against piercing, strong against slashing, bullet resistant. Cost = 30 denarii, Metal.

Trades (30 from Human + 10 from Noble Born)
Lore (History): 4d10
Mathematics: 4d10
Reading/Writing: 4d10
Lore (Culture): 5d10
Riding: 8d10
Trading: 6d10
Animal Husbandry: 8d10
Sewing: 6d10
Language (Badarian): 5d10
Navigation: 6d10
Performance: 5d10

Perception = 5d10
Stealth = 6d10

Risa Saar is the latest in a long line of nobility, a line that has extended back to the period of disunity between the first and second coming of the lich king. Formerly, her line had controlled a not insignificant stretch of land that had been renown for its horses and farms. Following the re-incorporation into the Badarian empire the land instead became a home for imperial stables. Breeding warhorses for the further conquests of the Empire. As it was though the region has been chaffing heavily under the Empire’s control, and none chafed under it more than the Saars themselves. As the Empire’s sunset time has come, and formerly independent states have started to rise up to claim renewed independence, the Saars have too brought their population into rebellion. Not openly though, no, openly they still follow the Empire’s bureaucracy.

It just so happened that one of the youngest daughters of Risa’s parents happened to run away from home. Said youngest daughter, Risa herself, was far out of the line of succession, and had steadfastly refused her parents attempts to marry her off during her teens. Now though they had found a use for her that she was fine with. The woman, who had spent her youth training like her brothers instead of her sisters, battling with the guards using wood swords or hitting the range with pistols she had purloined from the estates armoury, was tasked with forming and leading an independent rebel movement. Officially, she was made a non-person from her house, officially, well there was a number of weapons and ammo shipments that ‘fell off a truck.’ Not to mention that she had been able to ‘escape’ the estate with one of the finest war horses the stable had.

For now her rebellion was small, barely more than a dozen people, but the girl had ambitious dreams. She would see her land free or die trying!

The Out of Character Section
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Tani, the blind swordswoman

Class: Warrior
Race: Crolian
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Orcish Upbringing

Body = 42
Mind = 12
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 53
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 38
Spirit Energy (EP) = 37
Speed = 35
Dodge = 12d10+2 (6d10+2 from stats, 2d10 base canceled by -2d10 from blind, +1d10 from Warrior Exemplar, 2d10 from Hard to Hit, 3d10 from Agile)
Armor = 13 (5 natural, 8 from armour)
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 4d10
Grapple = 8d10+2
Spirit Ceiling = 7

Reflexes = 21
Focus = 11
Willpower = 10

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = 0
Bull Rush Mod = 12
Overrun Mod = 12
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 10

Class Bonus

Experience =
Corruption =

Talents (7, 5 base + 2 from Flaws)
Heavy Weapons Specialist
Heavy Hitter
Warrior Exemplar
Hard to Hit
*Skill with Two Handed Swords

Easily Aroused
*Hatred Mages

Mutations: X/18

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 8d10+2
Skills 9 (1+4 from body+1 from HWS+1from Skilled with Two Handed Swords+1 from Hard to Hit+1 from Hard to Hit)

Heavy Weapon Style (3):
Guillotine (Passive) - When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP or half health remaining (whichever is lower,) makes an attack that brings the target below or 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with a single attack, they make a Reflexes check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Slay – The character takes a -3d10 penalty to Dodge and -5 to Parry DCs until their next turn. In exchange, they triple their damage dice, rolling all of them rather than just tripling the result of one roll. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Falcon Guard - The character spends their standard action and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge, but in exchange they get a +5 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs. The character may make a free attack dealing -10 damage against any creature within reach that they successfully Parry. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Other (2):
Quick Draw (Passive) - The character may draw their weapon or weapons or retrieve them from the ground without spending an action.
Death from the Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same motion. When doing so, they get a 1d10 bonus to attack and a +5 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.
Terrify (Passive) - Whenever the character kills an enemy, all other enemies within 30 feet that have line of sight must make a Willpower check vs a set DC or be unable to attack the character that round. Failing three of these checks in a single combat generally causes a creature to either retreat or surrender. The DC for this check is equal to the damage dealt on the killing blow divided by 10, and then multiplied by the tier of the monster. (Damage/10) * Tier in other words. Characters with the Foul Aura mutation get a +4 bonus to this DC, and characters with the Nightmarish Image power active gain the bonus to Resistance provided by that power to this DC as well.
Sturdy (Passive) – The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to move them, or to give them the Stunned or Prone statuses, as well as to checks made to resist other creatures attempting to Bull Rush or Overrun them. They also gain a +2 bonus to Natural AV.
Weapon Specialization (Two Handed Swords) (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Grandmaster (Two Handed Swords) (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization, and the armor of creatures that the character attacks is treated as if it didn’t have the Strong Against ability when wielding such weapons if it did have them. In addition, the character gets a +5 bonus to checks made to resist being disarmed and to Parry checks, and increases their max Parry DCs by 5 while wielding weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization. Requires Weapon Specialization.

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8+14
Foreplay = 2d8+10

Two Handed Sword (Great Sword) 2d12 + 21, two handed
Orcish Scout Armor: AV = 8, EV = 1, TP = 25, DU = 2, bullet resistant.
Cost = 20 denarii, Leather.

*Lore (Orcish): 4d10
Herbalism: 5d10
Leatherworking: 5d10
Medicine: 5d10
*Language (orcish): 5d10
Language (corelian): 5d10
Acrobatics: 4d10

Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 4d10

Tani had a poor childhood. Born blind, she should have by all rights been cast out to die by her parents in the frozen land rather than seeing an age old enough for her to even remember. Indeed, her parents hadn’t been able to care for her, and she had through luck been taken by the elderly smith of the village who had the wealth to risk a dependent such as herself. She spent her youth listening to the smith tell stories of times long past as he worked and she sat nearby. Though she’d occasionally pilfer some of his swords to play around with where she was sure nobody was around.

Thanks to that smith, she made it to the age of eight. Then the village was struck, not by the usual suspects, famine, wild beasts, or an orcish raid. Instead it was by a crazed mage, out to dominate the village into servants and test subjects for his mad experiments. To say the least the town had mustered out to battle the mage, but it hadn’t been enough. Tani, hidden away in the smith’s house, heard the fighting going on in the distance, and then silence. Her caretaker didn’t return, and soon she heard the sounds that terrified her beyond the walls of the building. Noises that weren’t human, and the sound of fire burning one of the nearby buildings. Scrambling down into the smithery, she found herself one of the swords the elderly man had been working on, clutching it to herself as a new, inhuman language, joined the noises outside.

Unknown to her, the village had been doomed from the start. Even if they had defeated the mage, there was an orcish patrol that was moving through the area and her village had been its target. Even now outside the walls of the smithery, the orcs were battling the raised villagers in a battle to get through to the mage.

It was into that battleground that the blind, not even pubescent girl had stepped out into. A much too large sword clutched in both hands. Hearing one of the inhuman noises ahead of her she swung with all the might her young body could manage, and by some luck struck true. Pulling the sword free with a full body yank, she did the same to the next noise, and the next. It was in that way that Tani cut her way through the abominations that had once been the other villagers, the girl not realizing just what she was doing.

Finally though she came to the source of shouting in inhuman speech, and another that was much more human. The small girl hearing the man, the mage, boast about what he had done, talking about what he planned to do. He was so stuck in his monologue to a group of orcs he was pinning with force magic, that he failed to notice the small child running up behind him until his arm was missing. By sheer luck Tani managed to avoid the mage’s enraged and pain driven counterattack long enough for her to strike again, this time fatally.

The inhuman voices came again, the ones that actually seemed to be speaking instead of moaning and screeching. Tani had held her blade toward the sources, and even tried to strike at one that had approached, but then the events of the day caught up to her hard. Her adrenaline gave out and she collapsed.

After that Tani was taken back to the village of the orcish patrol, and thanks to having saved a number of the orcs and having killed the mage in the process, she wasn’t made a slave. She even managed to learn their language, and had insisted on learning at the blade whenever she could, until she was able to make herself into a fine swordswoman despite her handicap.

The Out of Character Section
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

(Translated from old. MAY HAVE MESSED UP PRETTY BAD? Lots of crunch of stuff, weapon specifically, I'm not 100% on)
Aria North, the talented heroine seeking redemption. [4.0]
Name: Aria North
Class: Warrior
Race: Badarian
Sex: Female
Background: Raised as a Warrior (+2 to hit, +2 to damage, +1 Skill)

Primary Stats
Body: 38 (30+0+8 Exceptional)
Mind: 10 (10+0)
Spirit (10+0)

Secondary Stats:
HP: 48/48
PP: 34/34
EP: 34/34

Speed: 30

Dodge: 14d10+4

AV: 20

Perception: 5d10
Stealth: 2d10 (reroll 9's)
Grapple: 6d10

Spirit Ceiling: 6

Reflex: 19+5 from Fencer
Focus: 9
Willpower: 9

Bullrush:+5 from Reliance
Overrun:+5 from Reliance
Parry:+3+5 from grandmaster
Tumble: +10 from evasion +5 from Reliance on Might +5 from Fencer

Orgasm Threshhold: 2
Pleasure Resistance: 9

Class Bonus:
Warrior's Skill - +4 Skills
Reliance on Might: +5 to weapon attacks, Bullrush, Overrun, Tumble and Resistance Check

Exp: ???

Talent 1 - Resilient (+30 HP)
Talent 2 - Heavy Hitter (+6 Damage+skill)
Talent 3 - Skilled with One Handed Swords (+3d10 attack rolls, + Skill)
Talent 4 - Duelist (+2d10 Dodge, +2 Damage)
Talent 5 - Natural Spiritual Wielder (Powers (Astral Wings, Lay On Hands)
Flaw 1 - Artifact Holder (Ancient Sword)
Flaw 2 - Skilled (+3 Skills)
Flaw 3 - Exceptional (+8 Stats to Body)
Flaw 4 - Warrior Exemplar (1d10 dodge/weapon attacks, +3 natural AV, +3 damage, +3 Parry)
Flaw 5 - Agile (3d10 to dodge)

Idealistic (RP)
Honorable (RP)
Obvious (Rerolls 9s)
Weakness (Innocent Looking)
Open Soul

Skills: 11/11
Fencer (Passive) - Against weapon wielding enemy, +1d10 dodge, +5 Parry/Reflex, 1d10 to hit, +3 damage.

Defensive Stance – Use standard action but gain 2d10 Dodge and a free hit with -1d10 to hit on any who attack them and misses.

Battle Dance – The character gains a +2d10 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round and takes 5 damage per round that ignores their AV.

Grandmaster (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage, and ignores ½ of the AV granted by their target's worn armor when wielding a weapon that they have Specialized in. +5 to resist being disarmed and to parry.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to AV, Dodge, all attacks rolls, and damage rolls for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Weapon Focus [One Handed Swords] (Passive) – The character gets a +1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon. The weapon types are the same as those that can be selected with the Skill with (Weapon) Talent. +4 damage

Weapon Specialization (One Handed Swords) (Passive) - +4 Damage

Evasion (Passive) - +1d10 to dodge, +10 Tumble. Take 0 damage from aoe dodges.

Armored Champion (Passive) - Ignore speed/dodge penalties caused by EV.

Lightning Strikes – The character attacks three times instead of only once, but each attack takes a -2d10 penalty to its attack roll and a -5 penalty to damage. These attacks need not be against the same creature. Requires Duelist.

Parry Magic - The character may use Parries to defend themselves against damage dealing Spells and Powers that target only them. Spells use Focus in place of Reflexes, and Powers use Willpower.

Powers: 2/2

Astral Wings
The character conjures a set of brilliant magical wings that grant them unusual powers.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X - 2 EP. In addition, they must pay X - 5 EP upkeep every round.
-The character gains the ability to fly at their Speed if X is less than 5 or twice their Speed otherwise, +2X Dodge, +2X to all Resistances and to Overrun checks, and +2X AV.

Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-Utility Power.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, they choose any combination of the following effects:
1) If used as a standard action, one touched creature regains 6X HP. If used as a move action, one touched creature regains 4X HP.
2) One touched creature gains 5X Temporary HP until the end of the encounter. Using this function twice on the same target in a single encounter discards the lesser temporary HP pool.
3) Instances of the Blinded, Deafened, Paralyzed, Stunned, and Weakened status may be removed for 2 EP each with any other use of this power as a free action, or on their own as a standard action.

Inventory: (From previous)
Angel Forged Longsword (Sheathed) - To Hit: ??? Damage: ???
Splint Mail: (Not sure if still accurate) AV = 16, EV = 8, TP = 50, DU = 6.

Trades: (30d10)
Acrobatics (6d10)
Agriculture (2d10)
Language (Elf) (2d10)
Lore(Military) (2d10)
Medicine (4d10)
Reading Writing (2d10)
Riding (4d10)
Tracking (4d10)
Perception (2d10)+4d10
Stealth (2d10)

Almost the entirety of Aria's life could be described by a single word, Blessed. From all the turmoil the land has suffered Aria and the people of her sleepy village nestled forgotten in the reaches of Badarian have been almost entirely unaffected, often believed due to the blessing of the shrine held in the center of their village.

She was born to a happy family as the young married couples only child. Her father was an adventurer, a sellsword of some reputation, never terribly well known but he did well enough to support his family, even as it kept him from them from time to time. Aria and her mother accepted this, as he provided a comfortable living and the absence always caused them to cherish the time they did spent together even more. Aria's mother was a seamstress, and mended clothes for the village.

Aria inherited traits from both of her parents, a spirit and thirst for adventure from her father and her father assured her her gentle nature came from her mother She was a well liked child, well behaved and outgoing if a bit of a handful as she disappeared for hours on ends for her little adventures, recruiting the other children to her cause.

One thing notable was that had a seeming gift for the sword, a talent for fighting. She quickly surpassed the children her own age, often scrapping with sticks playing make belief while she insisted against being the damsel.

And life continued like this. The idyllic sleepy little village had the occasional conflict, trouble during harder winters, occasional bouts of disease or trouble amongst the locals, but it was an otherwise entirely happy life. She made friends, learned from her mother and father, honed her talents and developed into a beautiful young woman. Aria joined the towns relatively small collection of guard when she grew older, her good nature diffused any conflict and her talent was more than enough to handle whatever trouble had come.

As word came in from the outside, speaking of terrible disaster and conflict all her village could do was pray and thank that they were so blessed, thanking in the protection of the shrine. Surely their peace would last forever.

Nobody knew why it happened, perhaps someone had offended whatever god or spirit was looking over them, perhaps that gods power had waned or been lost, or it was simple misfortune that befell them finally, a cosmic repayment for their years of prosperity.

Monsters assailed the village. Aria and the others did their best to resist but it was hopeless. She didn't know how she was spared, awakening alone in the ruins of her villages, but she trusted in the belief of their villages guardian that it had been for some purpose.

A week of mourning followed as she did her best to bury the dead and honor the missing. She decided then that she had to set out, to find who was responsible for the attack, to find the survivors who had been taken, and to maybe try to help those who had suffered like her along the way. She collected her supplies for the long journey. In the heart of the village she found the hilt of a blade in the ruins of the shrine, and found that it was drawn easily from the bedrock from which it had been lodged.

Sure that this was a sign of fortune, Aria steeled her heart and set out from the only place that she had known. She's had a few adventures along the road, but remains steadfast in her quest to avenge her people, and regain her honor for having failed them.

Aria is a pretty naive dogooder who throws herself into danger to help people to try to make amends. She has a bit of a mysterious heritage, her father is an old hero still out somewhere more than likely, and her mother is unknown. This is quasi what the lay on hands/wings powers are for but this is ultimately a plot line easily abandoned/left by the wayside.
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets

With some of my games slowing down and more time on my hands, I decided to give life to some of the character ideas that have been floating around in my head!

May I present:

Breanna, the talented Human Gunner, determined to get rid of the bandit threat around her town, while exploring the lands!

Aki, the shadowy Su-Ka-Ta Pistolero looking to help others in her adventures!

Shana, the honorable Night-Elf Warrior seeking answers to the seemingly random prophesy hanging over her head!

Layla, the Angelic Spirit Wielder helping others, making friends, and seeking new knowledge!

I still have some ideas that I may take time to flesh out, other than that, go ahead and PM me if anyone is interested in GMing one of these girls. As for fetishes, I'm good with basically anything except scat, gore, and similar things.
Re: DG3 Character Sheets

Yukiyo, the former slave turned wild woman Oni

Name: Yukiyo Yakushimaru
Class: Warrior
Race: Oni
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Born as a Slave
The character was born into slavery, or perhaps sold into it at a very early age. This has resulted in a great deal of unrewarding toil on their part, giving them a +2 bonus to natural AV and 8 trade dice, but requiring that they have the Enslaved Flaw, the Indebted Flaw, or the Unlucky Flaw.


Body = +12(Racial) +24 (Exceptional) +14= 50
Mind = 18
Spirit = +4(Racial) + 18 = 22

Hit Points (HP) = 50 + 9 + 11 + 30 (Resilient) + 20 (Healthy) = 120
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 25 + 18 + 11 = 54
Spirit Energy (EP) = 25 + 9 + 22 = 56
Speed = 25 + 10 = 35
Dodge = 5 d10 + 1 d10 + 2d10= 8 d10 + 10
Armor = 13 Natural +2 (Berserker)= 15 Natural / +25 When in Rage.
Perception = 6 D10
Stealth = 4 D10
Grapple = 10 d10
Spirit Ceiling = 11


Reflexes = 25
Focus = 8 + 6 = 14
Willpower = 8 + 7 = 15

Defensive Bonuses

Tumble Mod = +5
Bull Rush Mod = +5
Overrun Mod = +5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 13

Class Bonus

Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =


Hard Hitter (Racial)
Pain Resistant (Racial)
Grapple Expert
Unarmed Fighter
Exceptional 3 (Flaws- 3X Mutated)


Enslaved (Template)
Blood Thirsty (RP) (Racial)
Easy to Hit (Racial)
Fertile (Racial)
Mutated 8 (Only 3 give Talents)
Hatred (RP) (Crolians)
Magically Null
Submissive (RP)

Mutations: X/18

Odd Skin (Racial)
Horns (Racial)
Natural Attack
Multi Attack
Storm of Claws
Armored Hide
Natural Armor (Slashing)
Special Mutations
Demon (Racial)
Oni Alcoholism (Racial)
Warped (Racial)

Weapon Attack = 10d10+3 Claws 2d12 + 13 +3+6= 2d12 + 22 damage,

Berserker (Passive) – The character gets a +2 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Natural AV, Grapple checks, and melee weapon damage. Requires the Bloodthirsty Flaw.
Rage – The character enters a frenzy as a free action, getting a 2d10 bonus to attack rolls and Grapple, a +6 bonus to melee weapon damage, a +10 bonus to Bull Rush and Overrun checks both offensive and defensively, and a +10 bonus to Natural AV and offensive Reflexes checks. Their Dodge and Parry dice are all treated as if they had all been a roll of 2, the character cannot communicate with other creatures or act in a rational manner, cannot go out of their way to avoid danger even if it is obvious if such would leave them unable to attack something, cannot cast spells or use powers, and must attempt to attack in some way if able to, even if only to start a grapple check or by making a Bull Rush or Overrun check, every round or fall out of rage. While enraged, they get a +10 bonus to Resistance checks to avoid the Horny, Charmed, Dominated, or Stunned statuses, though they cannot enter Rage while under any of those statuses and then get a bonus to resisting it. Leaving rage causes the character to gain an instance of the Weakened status that lasts until the battle ends. For the purpose of whether or not a character would leave rage, pleasure attacks do count as attacks. Requires Berserker.

Bloodbath - While in a rage, a character can pay 4 EP in order to regain HP on successful attacks for that round. When active, any successful attack for the round heals the character for 2d6 + 6 HP. The +6 modifier is reduced by 2 for every additional attack on a round for all attacks on that round to a minimum of 2d6 + 0. In addition, as a passive effect during rage, if the character is hit by a blow that would knock the character unconscious or kill them, they may make a Reflexes check against a DC equal to the damage beyond what would reduce them to 0 hit points. If they win, their HP becomes 1 and they transfer half of their current EP, rounded up, to their HP, but will automatically fall unconscious when their rage or the encounter ends. EP expended on this skill does not trigger a character's Spirit Ceiling, and this skill can still be used while Sealed or wearing a Sealing collar. Requires Rage.

Animal Warrior - The character may attack both with a weapon and with a natural weapon. In doing so, they make two separate attacks, each with a -1d10 penalty to hit. One of these attacks is with the character’s normal weapon (or weapons in the case of a two weapon fighter,) which may be modified by other skills relating to that weapon as normal. The other is with a natural weapon, which may not be modified by any skills save those that could modify natural weapons normally. The two sets of attacks do not take penalties or receive bonuses from each other. Requires Natural Attack.
Natural Warrior (Passive) - The character is adept at using their natural weapons, giving them a +3 bonus to all attack and damage rolls involving natural weapons. In addition, if they have any natural weapon attack that they don’t use, they get a +5 bonus to Parry checks and DCs. Requires Natural Attack.
Superior Grappler (Passive) - The character gains a 1d10 bonus to Grapple and a +2 to bonus to damage rolls for Powerful Embrace, Stranglehold, and attacks made in a grapple. This skill may be selected up to three times. Requires Grappler Expert.

Pummel - The character may take a -10 penalty to their grapple check in order to make a grapple action allowing them to make up to three attacks against a target that they are grappling with instead of just one. These must be attacks allowed in a grapple. Requires Grapple Expert.

Slam - The character may take a -5 penalty to grapple in order to deliver an attack that deals 2d10 + Body/2 damage. The target must win a Reflexes check against the character or be Stunned if hit. If the target is Pinned the character gains a +10 bonus to this check. In addition, they may trade grapple to damage at a 1:1 ratio (IE: for every point of grapple that they sacrifice, they deal an additional 1 damage) with a 10 point cap. Any bonus that a defender has against being moved applies to grapple checks for this skill. Requires Grapple Expert.

Stranglehold - When the character has a target in a grapple, they may as a grapple action at a -2d10 penalty attempt to choke a creature as if they had it in a Submission Hold, dealing normal damage as if choking the creature. Requires Grapple Expert.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2 D8 + 16
Foreplay = 2 D4 + 11

Ball and Chain

Trades 23 Dice
Stealth - 6 D10
Perception - 4 D10
Tracking/Woodcraft - 4D10
Leatherworking - 2D10
Herbalism- 2D10
Acrobatics- 5 D10


Yukiyo was taken as a slave as a toddler after Crolian Crusaders murdered her parents in a purge throughout the Amazonian Jungle. She was then fitted with a weakening and obedience collar and sold to a noble family to work as a slave. When she came to be of age, she was put to work fighting in the gladiatorial arenas for sport and for the noble’s profits. She would be whipped, raped, and forced to share lodging with the livestock as price for failures in the arenas and in her daily tasks. After several years of toil, turmoil, abuse and dejection, she would manage to use her claws to dislodge the control gems from her necklace and use her ball and chain she was fitted with to crush the gems before sneaking into her owner’s estate and snapping his neck, killing him in sleep. As she would make her way out of the area however, she would be spotted by the guards and halted by an ear piecing shriek from the master’s spouse. She would fight her way through the guards, mangling and mauling the gods cursed humans who had subjected her to such indignities and pains, leaving a trail of broken and bloody bodies in her wake before finally making her way to the outskirts of civilization and the Crolian wilderness. She would stay hidden in the woods and wilds, fighting off beast and man that would dare approach her. After several months of harsh travel and seemingly constant battle between the wild and those seeking the large bounty her old master’s spouse had put on her head, she would make her way back to her old home of the Amazonian Jungles. She now resides in the jungle’s mountains, prowling the wilderness and striking terror into the hearts and souls of those fool enough to prey on the inhabitants of the jungle, with an extreme prejudice for those of Crolian descent or slavers…

The Out of Character Section

Sister Karen Celeste, Former Battle Nun turned Slime

Sister Karen "Pure of Heart" Celeste

Converted for DG4

Character Sheet:

Name: Sister Karen Celeste "Pure of Heart"
Class: Spirit Warrior
Race: Anudorian-Crolian (Converted to Living Slime)

Body: 22+8=30+8+2=40
Mind: 10
Spirit: 18+8=26+8=34

{Hit Points (HP): 40+5+17=62}
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 20+10+17=47
Spirit Energy (EP): 20+5+34= 59+62 = 121
Speed: 35 -10= 25
Dodge: 8D10 + 2
Armor:Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2.
Reflexes: 20 - 5 = 15
Focus: 12 - 5= 7
Willpower: 17 - 5 = 12
Grapple: 8 D10
Experience: gained 30, spent 16= 14+4=18

Class Bonus
Wielder’s Aptitude - The character gets 1 + Spirit/20 Wielder Aptitudes, rounded down.
Mastery of Spirit - The character is better able to efficiently channel their power. They spend 1 less on summon and utility powers compared to non-wielders using powers, to a minimum of 3 EP. Their buffs costs 1 less EP to upkeep and 2 less to activate. Their damage and weapon powers except for Black Dragon are treated as if they had an extra 1 EP put into them for the purpose of how much damage they inflict.

Skill with Pistols
Two Weapon Fighter
Natural Spirit
Strong of Body
Greater Energy Pool
Strong of Spirit
»Holy Mage


Grapple Expert
Honorable (RP)
Idealistic (RP)
Open Soul


Damage Reduction ½,
Physical Damage Reduction ½,
Malleable Form,
Natural Linguist,
Naturally Supernatural,
Soul Eater,

Aphrodisiac Slime
Born to Lust
Milk/Cum Drainer
Perfect Shapeshifter

Called Shot – The character acts last in the current turn and takes a -2d10 penalty to their Dodge and their attack roll until their next turn, but their attacks have their damage dice tripled (roll them all) and ignore any AV granted by armor. This multiplication stacks with the doubled damage from a sneak attack if the attack is a sneak attack. This skill can be used in combination with Rapid Fire, but all of the attacks take the penalty but only the first shot gets the bonuses. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Quick Reload: Decreases the reload time with your preferred ranged weapons by 1. Requires: Skill with Any Ranged weapon.
Rapid Fire Specialist (Passive) - The character can take extra attacks with a ranged weapon at a reduced penalty, up to the number indicated in the description of the weapon. These attacks take a -1d10 penalty to attack and a -2 penalty to damage, rather than the usual -10 and -4. The penalties are cumulative and the same penalties apply to each attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)
Bayonet (Passive) - The character can use their ranged weapon as a melee weapon in a pinch. The Bow is treated as a Two Handed Blunt Weapons, Pistols are treated as One Handed Blunt Weapons, and Rifles and Crossbows are treated as Polearms. Attacks made with these weapons are made at a -1d10 penalty to attack rolls but no longer cause the penalties of attacking with a ranged weapon in melee combat, and benefit from all skills that would benefit their melee category if used for a melee attack. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Sudden Shot (Activated) – The character may enter a special Overwatch with a weapon, giving them a 2d10 bonus to attack and allowing them to select a specific creature to focus on if they like. The first creature to attack them or move towards them triggers this Overwatch, or they will wait until the creature they have selected triggers it. If the character has the Stealthy Talent, this attack also prompts a Perception check from the creature being attacked versus the character’s Stealth, making the attack a sneak attack if the character wins that check. Requires Skill with (any ranged weapon.)

Thief (Passive) – The character gets to reroll a single failed die for Stealth checks and a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks relating to the Tumble maneuver, and gains the Disable Devices and Sleight of Hand trades or increases them by 2 dice.
Focused [Pistol] (Passive) – The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.

Specialized [Pistol] (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.
Untemptable (Passive) - Gain 2d10 Dodge against succubus powers, all Resistance checks against Succubus abilities get a +10 bonus, and the character can resist an additional 5 PP when trying to resist pleasure.

Pistolero (Passive) – The character can reload two pistols at once without trouble. Whenever they choose to reload their weapons, they reload both at the same time instead of doing so one at a time. In addition, the character no longer takes penalties to attack and Dodge when using pistols in melee combat, may use pistols while in a grapple, and have the attack penalty for attacking while moving reduced by one. Requires Skill with Pistols.

Bladesinger: Your character uses their Body stat to determine their attack rolls when attacking with powers. Requires: Any Spirit Talent that gives powers.

Spirit Ceiling: 13
Powers:Holy Fire: White fire springs forth from the character's hands, and streaks out toward their foes. This flame cannot harm those allied with the one using it.
-The character pays X EP.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) One creature within line of sight takes 3d4 * X damage.
2) All creatures within a 10 foot radius of any spot within 100 feet of the character take (2d4 + 1) * X damage.
Binding: The character conjures astral chains to bind a creature, holding them in place and preventing them from moving or fighting.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay X - 3 EP upkeep every round.
-One target creature within line of sight must win a Resistance check equal to 5X or gain the Bound Status. In addition, Powers and Spells that could normally be used even with the bound status cannot be used while the creature is bound with this power. All active Powers and Spells on a creature that fails this check are instantly deactivated. The creature bound in this way can attempt a new Resistance check every round in order to escape at the same DC so long as they are not knocked unconscious and the character pays the upkeep cost.

The character grants increased strength to themselves and their allies.
-Buff Power.
-The character pays X - 1 EP and X - 3 EP upkeep.
-The character gains a +2X bonus to attack rolls, Dodge, Resistance checks, Bull Rush checks, Overrun checks, Swim checks, and +1 trade die in Perception for every 4 points of X. Allied creatures within 30 feet of the character when this is activated gain a +2X bonus to attack rolls and Dodge, a +X bonus to defensive Resistance checks, and +1 trade die in Perception for every 5 points of X.

Perception: 4 d10
Stealth: 6 d10
Sleight of Hand 2D10 (Thief)
Disable Device 2D10 (Thief)
Medicine 2 D10
Reading/Writing 4 D10
Riding 2 D10
Trading 2 D10
Lore: Religion 4 D10

Angels favorite doll and 2x Badarian Hand Cannons

9-1-11 Gained 8 XP
9-5-11 Gained 8 XP
9-5-11 Spent 16 XP, Earned Stealth and Skilled Talents; Took Sudden Shot, Bayonet and Thief Skills.
11-23-11 Gained 6 XP
3-3-12 Gained 8 XP
8-14-12 Gained 4 XP
8-14-12 Spent 18 XP gained +10 Body and +8 Spirit, and earned Bladslinger Skill.

Karen is a beautiful young woman who stands about average to slightly above average height for a woman, with long fuchsia hair, yellow eyes, and a beauty mark below left eye. She was blessed, or in certain situations cursed, with an incredibly endowed body, with a shapely waist, round buttocks and large breasts. She is extremely devout and prays and teaches the word of the holy beings and angels regularly. She is also quite stern and serious, and looks poorly upon acts of sexual promiscuity. She is a pure and untouched virgin and takes great pride in her cleanliness. She emits an air of piety, righteousness, and dignity. Her mother was a former Battle Maiden in the Badarian church who was greatly revered until the day it was discovered she a secret spirit user, she was forced to fight her way out of and flee her own country or be forced into a life of slavery. She eventually made her way to Crolia where she would start a church and branch of Battle Maidens there, until she became too old to continue. She would bring up and teach Karen in the ways of the Battle Maiden until she herself was the age to become one in proper and take over for her mother. Her pistols are her mother's that were handed down as family heirlooms for her to use in service. She has never been outside of Crolia, though and therefore has never been exposed to demons, allurane, naga or other beings of in human or near human species. She was born into a highly religious and pious family of Crolian nobility, and was dedicated to the church and blessed at a young age. She was trained in the righteous texts and use of spirit energy since childhood, when she was 15, she was taught in the use of fire arms and eventually became the star and top student of the academy. At the age of 21, she finally graduated from the school and was given the honorary and coveted title of Battle Maiden. She sets out from The Academy to spread the word of the Angels to the lost masses for the first time setting foot out into a strange and dangerous new world for the greater good.

One day while she was in prayer to the Star God, her village was attacked by the alien invaders. Along with the help of a beautiful bat winged woman named Grace,
Karen would manage to drive the invaders away from her home. Unfortunately there would be some scragglers left behind who would trail her and Grace to her home.
Thankfully, due to the use of Karen's spirit powers she was able to defeat the invaders before they could prey on her or Grace. They were then directed to Professor Greyheart by the dean of the academy and sent into the sewers to investigate and locate some escaped specimen from her lab. During the investigation both she and grace were ambushed by invisible hunters and dragged off to a secluded chamber where Karen was violated by the fiends. But thankfully due to their lack of attention after the deed she was able to cast her Holy Fire again and incinerate the group of monsters. Further down the sewers she would find a group of strange eggs, inside of one of which was a small baby. Fearing that the locals would not be understanding of the small infant, she and Grace fled the sewers and her home village and settled outside of a small town. They lived there for three years peacefully, until one night a group of cultists attacked her home. Upon finding out that they were looking for small chidlren that matched their daughter, Angel's description, she and Grace left Angel with Grace's mother while setting out to find the cultists that would threaten her family.

Sadly, while investigating a mine that a map they had found from one of the cultist lead them to, Grace and Karen were separated. While trying to find her way back to Grace, Karen was subdued and taken captive by the cultists. She was then taken to an alchemists lab deep in a remote cave far from her home. She woke up to find her self strapped to a stone slab and naked. She was then subjected to horrifying experiments, injected with Alien blood, trained to live off of cum and milk, ravaged by slimes and demons, and finally had her soul extracted from her body and placed into that of a slime. But thankfully due to her strong will and high level of Spirit Power, she was able to retain some of her old self, and found her control over her form to be exceptional. She managed to use her powers, new and old as well as her desire to see her family again to manage to break away from her captors. When she managed to get free from the lab she found herself deep in the Amazonian mountains...
Green= Starting Talents/Flaws
Magenta=Bought with XP
Red=Racial Taken from slime Transformation
Indigo= Special mutations from Slime Transformation
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Re: DG3 Character Sheets


Name: Maya
Class: Spirit Wielder
Race: Human
Sex: Female/Futa
Backstory Template: Destined
Template: Psyker

Body = 10
Mind = 10
Spirit = 30 (+32) = 62

Hit Points (HP) = 46
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 46
Spirit Energy (EP) = 72 (+50)= 122
Speed = 25
Dodge = 8 D10
Armor =
Perception = 4 D10
Stealth = 6 D10
Grapple = 2 D10
Spirit Ceiling = 25

Reflexes = 14
Focus = 14
Willpower = 32

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold = 4
Pleasure Resistance = 21

Class Bonus
Wielder’s Aptitude - The character gets 1 + Spirit/20 Wielder Aptitudes, rounded down.
Mastery of Spirit - The character is better able to efficiently channel their power. They spend 1 less on summon and utility powers compared to non-wielders using powers, to a minimum of 3 EP. Their buffs costs 1 less EP to upkeep and 2 less to activate. Their damage and weapon powers except for Black Dragon are treated as if they had an extra 1 EP put into them for the purpose of how much damage they inflict.

Experience =
Corruption =

Massive Energy Pool
Exceptional X4
Greater Energy Pool (Flaw)
Spunky (Flaw)
Sneaky (Flaw)
Dragonfire Adept (Flaw)
Starseeker (Flaw)

Enslaved (RP)
Fertile 2
Weakness: Tentacles
Fetish: Triple Penetration

Mutations: X/18

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 2 D10 2d12 + 5


Power Attack = 12 D10

Wielder Aptitudes
Burning Spirit
Dragon Born
Multi Focused

Black Dragon
Dragon's Pride
Summon Dragon
Draconic Transformation
Dragon's Breath
Astral Wings
Star Balde
Astrologer's Boon

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 21
Foreplay = 16

Sealing Collar DC 25 (Worn)
Stolen Sword


Perception = 4 D10
Stealth = 6 D10
Acrobatics= 4D10
Performance= 6 D10
Reading/Writing= 2 D10
Trapping= 2 D10
Navigation= 2 D10
Tracking= 6 D10

((Coming Soonish))


but with black gloves and boots like this:


The Out of Character Section
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Tilda Varvara, Human Female Warrior.
Name: Tilda Varvara
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Educated

Primary Stats:
Body: 50
Mind: 12
Spirit: 12

Secondary Stats:
Hit Points (HP): 82 (base- +50 +6 +6) (talent +20)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 63 (base- +25 +12 +6) (talent +20)
Spirit Energy (EP): 43 (base- +25 +6 +12)

Speed: 35 (base- 25)(body- +10 [50/20])

Dodge: 14d10+9 (base- 2d10)(stats- 7d10+4)(shield- +2d10)(Agile- +3d10)(+5 no bashing)

Armor Value: 6 (0 NA + 6 WA + 0 TA)

Perception: 2d10 (base- 2d10) (Oblivious - reroll 9s)

Stealth: 2d10 (base- 2d10) (Obvious - reroll 9s)

Grapple: 10d10 (base- 10[50/5]d10)(expert- +3d10)(poor grappler- -3d10)

Spirit Ceiling: 4 (base- 43/10)

Reflexes: 25 (base= 50/2)
Focus: 12 (base= 50/6 + 12/3)
Willpower: 12 (base= 50/6 + 12/3)

Defensive Bonuses:
Tumble Mod = 5 (base- 0) (warrior +5)
Bull Rush Mod = 5 (base- 0) (warrior +5)
Overrun Mod = 5 (base- 0) (warrior +5)
Orgasm Threshold = 3 (maybe 2? 50/20 = 2.5 rounded up?)
Pleasure Resistance = 11 (5 + 6)

Class Bonus:
Warrior's Skills: 6 (base- +1) (stats- 5[50/10])
Reliance on Might: +5 bonus to defensive bonuses, weapon attack and resistance using skills

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: (5) (+5 from flaws)
Grapple Expert
Shield Fighter (Style)
Skill with 1H Swords
Healthy (+20 HP)
Just a little longer (+20 PP)
Agile (+3d10 dodge)
Unarmed Fighter (Style)
Exceptional x3

Flaws: (5)
*Infertile (may waive this)
Poor Grappler
Weakened Essence
Easily Tired


Special Mutations:

Weapon Attack: 10d10 (base- 50/5)
1H Sword: (2d6+25) 13d10 +5
Shield: (3d4+17) 12d10 +5
Unarmed: (1d8 + 19) 10d10 +5

Skills: (6) (+1 grapple skill) (+1 shield fighter skill) (+1 healthy skill) (+1 unarmed skill)
Powerful Embrace (Passive)(grapple skill): May automatically deal 1d10+4 damage that ignores AV per round when dominant in grapple
Shield Specialization (shield fighter skill): +1d10 bonus to dodge while using shield. Shield Bash gains +2d10 to attack rolls and +2 damage.
Escape Artist (Passive)(healthy skill): Optional +4d10 bonus to Grapple when escaping Grapples, Submission Holds, Penetration, and Bindings.
Disarm (unarmed skill): Instead of dealing damage with an attack, may instead attempt to disarm opponent. Make opposed Reflex check and if won, enemy loses their weapon. May also use move action to equip or throw aside stolen weapon.
Stranglehold: -2d10 penalty as a grapple action to attempt choking a creature as if it were held in submission hold dealing normal damage.
Armored Champion (Passive): Ignore penalties to Dodge and Speed caused by EV of armor.
Intercepting Strike: Sacrifice attack with either sword or shield to make a feint. Against incoming melee attack, if feint check is successful the incoming attack is considered parried they lose all other attacks and receive a -10 dodge penalty for next turn. This ignores all other bonuses and penalties associated with Parrying.
Defensive Stance: Give up standard action for +2d10 Dodge bonus. Gains free attack at -1d10 penalty for any incoming melee attack that misses. Can use both sword and shield to counterattack.
Cross Counter: Spend standard action and take -1d10 Dodge penalty in order to make Reflex check against incoming melee attack. If check is successful, may make unarmed attack that can be altered by skills as normal. If unarmed attack is successful, incoming attack takes penalty to their attack roll equal to damage dealt by Cross Counter.
Perfect Block (Passive): When parrying with shield, successive attacks cause -2 instead of -5 penalty to Reflex check DC. When not attacking with shield in a round may split DB of shield as desired instead of all on one or other. May also parry single target ranged attack of any kind like spells, powers or weapons.

Pleasure Damage-
Penetration: 2d8 + 17 (50/3)
Foreplay: 2d4 + 13 (50/4)

1H Sword (starting gear)- 2d6 + 25 (50/2) damage
Light Round Metal Shield (starting gear)- DB = 2d10, EV = 1, Bash Damage = 3d4 + 17 (50/3)
Leather Armor (starting gear)- AV = 6, EV = 1, TP = 30, DU = 2
*Clothes (3 denarii)- AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2 (not regularly worn)
47 Denarii

Acrobatics: 4d10
Agriculture: 2d10
Alchemy: 2d10
Animal Handling: 3d10
Disable Devices: 3d10
Enchanting: 2d10
Engineering: 2d10
Herbalism: 2d10
Language: 5d10 - (Crolian)
Leatherworking: 6d10
Lore (History): 2d10 (template)
Mathematics: 3d10 (template)
Medicine: 4d10
Reading/Writing: 3d10 (template)
Riding: 3d10
Sewing: 4d10
Sleight of Hand: 2d10
Surgery: 2d10
Tracking: 4d10
Trading: 5d10

Special Trades:
Perception: 2d10
Stealth: 2d10

Tilda was one of the squad captains of her howe town of Laugar. It was a fairly small village that was part of the Neissheim city state allegiance. The village was on the outskirts of a region that was referred to locally as simply the Timberlands. It was a forest that many dared not venture into as it was elven lands. Every so often a small skirmish would emerge around the edges of the forest between the humans and elves, but to an outsider these skirmishes would look more like training sessions than any true combat mission.

With regards to Laugar, most of the population was strong, at least physically. Most everything was measured strictly on power alone. Strength alone would not be enough as the elves would generally win most of the skirmishes as they would move quicker and flank the Laugarian forces. Over time, Laugarian forces would adapt a style that was reliant on speed much like the Elves from the Timberlands. Combining their advantage in strength along with the tactics that relied on more than brute force, the battles between the elves and humans would be far more even.

As time moved on, the Laugarians and the Elves of Thilhonne would start to send small envoys to train with the other faction. There was a stable peace that was established between them over time.

Tilda is 5’8”, 145lbs., 36C - 26 - 34 on the body measurements. Squad commander of the 3rd infantry battalion of Laugar, Tilda answered to two people. Her platoon Lieutenant, and the Captain of the infantry as a whole. Tilda was the only female squad commander within the four sections of the infantry. Tilda was primarily responsible for training both new recruits and the Elven envoy groups that would come from Thilhonne.

Tilda had learned how to use a shield first while growing up. Then once she could defend herself, Tilda would move on to learning how to use a basic one handed sword. Never developing the strength that was typical of most inhabitants of Laugar, Tilda would find that she was naturally faster as a result. A tradeoff that Tilda would take advantage of as best she could over the years.

Tilda was married for a short time however her husband left her after repeated attempts at bearing offspring had failed. Her parents were killed in battle around 10 and 12 years ago and Tilda to this day still uses her mother’s metal shield. If Tilda had considered anything to be her family, it would be the trainees that she is responsible for along with the rest of her unit. This was the inspriation for what would drive TIlda to make herself and everyone else around her better.

OOC Settings:
Humanoids: 3
Male/Female: 3
Female/Female: 4
Futanari: 1.5
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, faeries, etc...): 2
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): 4
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals): 3
Anthros/Beastmen: 4
Plants: 4
Artificial Enemies (Golems, animated toys, possibly robots) : 3
-----This section is the gray area for me -----
Bondage: 2
Exhibitionism: 2
Slavery: 2
Despair: *
Pregnancy: *
Birthing: *
Oviposition/Seedbearing: *
---- End gray area ----
Lactation/milking: 5
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Oh look a new page and me without any sheets on it.
Name: Igpay Atinlei
Class: Assault Marine (Warrior)
Race: Badarian
Sex: Yes
Backstory Template: Educated

Body = 30
Mind = 10
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 90
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 30
Spirit Energy (EP) = 30
Speed = 30
Dodge = 7d10
Armor = Enough
Perception = 8
Stealth = What is this
Grapple = 6d10
Spirit Ceiling = 6

Reflexes = 24
Focus = 8

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold =
Pleasure Resistance =

Class Bonus

Experience = 0
Corruption = I AM PURE

Skill with 1h Sword 1sk
Skill with Pistol 1sk
2weapon Fighter (STYLE) 1 2wf sk
Skilled x2

Wealthy x2
Good Reflexes

Fertile 3
Obvious 3
Mutated 2
Hatred (The Alien)
Hatred (The Heretic)
Hatred (The Mutant (I'm not a mutant fuck you))

Mutations: 2/18
Night Eyes

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack =
Skills 10, 1 twf
Whirling Death
Scissor Defense

Quick Reload
Melee Shooter

Armored Champion
Quick Draw
Strong Willed

Parry Magic
Spell Resistance

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes


Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers

Pleasure Damage
Penetration =
Foreplay =

41 spacebucks
2 Healpot
Flash Protection Goggles

Heat Treated, Shrapnel Protection
EP 20, Spirit 30
Point to the sky and yell HOOOOOOME to long range InsTran back 'home'; visualize and point up with both hands to go to LRIT to other places.
Slam fists together and jump to do the short range InsTran.
When using the short range InsTran, Explosion triggers for 3.

Preserver's Ring
EP 10, Mind 30

Lanyard, serrated, balanced

Badarian Revolver 6/6
Custom Bore, Sights
30 dakkas

Short Barrel Shotgun 2/2
18 shells

Trades 30
5 Language (Badarian) 5
2 Stealth
2 Perception

3 Maths
3 R/W

2 Lore - History

4 Acrobatics
3 Animal Husbandry
+6 Perception (8)
3 Engineering General
4 Tracking/Woodcraft

3 Lore - ALIENS
3 Lore - MUTANTS

Casting =
Perception =
Stealth =


Through the advancement of armaments and technology, the glory of Man is being replaced by the soulless Machine. The blood and sweat of men, and even the endeavors of the mage, are becoming obsolete - a skilled warrior can be felled in an instant by a gunner, and by this, Man is made less, for the wielder is irrelevant to the might of the gun.

A fortune was sunk into creating this warrior and her armaments, the first of what [insert mad Badarian mageknightguy here] desires to be a caste of mighty warriors to defend the ancient (?) ways of Badarian Knighthood and the supremacy of Man.

Fuck I dunno dude I was going to do some Empra bullshit here but this actually sounds cool even though its entirely unsupported by my trades and skill and shit.

The Out of Character Section

This is actually a ruse and that FILTHY XENO is going to die in a moment.

Name: SUSAN Slybelqua
Class: Magoo
Race: Nelf/Part Demon mix
Sex: Yes
Backstory Template: Academy Educated
Template: Vampire

Body 20
Mind 40
Spirit 20

Hit Points (HP) =
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) =
Spirit Energy (EP) =
Speed =
Dodge =
Armor =
Perception =
Stealth =
Grapple =
Spirit Ceiling =

Reflexes =
Focus =
Willpower =

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod =
Overrun Mod =
Orgasm Threshold =
Pleasure Resistance =

Class Bonus
Sorcerous Feats - The character gets 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats, rounded down.
Sorcerous Dedication - The character gets a bonus die to their Casting trade and a 1d10 bonus to hit with spells.

Experience =
Corruption =

[RACE] Healthy
[VAMP] Shadowmancer
Jack of All Trades

Focus in Body
Focus in Arcane
Focus in Entropy

Natural Succubus - Succupowers
Superior Succubus - Enthrall

[RACE][VAMP] Open Soul x2
[RACE] Lustful whatasurprise
[RACE] Fetish: Demons
[RACE] Fetish: Oral
[RACE] Tainted Bloodline
[VAMP] Easily Tired
[VAMP] Fetish: Drinking Blood
[VAMP] Phobia: Sunlight
[VAMP] Selfish
Fertile 3
Soul Eater
Mutated: Yes

Mutations: Yes/18

Special Mutations
By yes I mean like so many of them.

Weapon Attack =

Spell Attack =
reroll a single 1 on casting checks.
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats
Blood Magic
Spell Control

Power Attack =
Wielder Aptitudes

Shadaloo - Shadows Made Manifest, Shadowstalker, Patch of Shadow

Succubus Power Attack =
Succubus Powers
Dazzling Beauty

Pleasure Damage
Penetration =
Foreplay =

84 slutbucks
20 whoremonies in some kinda poison I guess. Probably paralytic?

Battlemage Robes
Heat Treated, Complete Protection
DU+1, AV+2, TP+10
10 EP
Light Crossbow 1/1
5 dakkas
Mage Gauntlets (Fist Weapons + Bracers)
Anudorian Copper
10 EP

Soul Protection enchantment (no corruption, +10 Res vs attacks against soul, etc)
10 EP

Trades 25
5 Language (Crolian)
9 CASTING Mind(40)/5 = 9
5 Perception

4 Lore (History)
4 Lore (Magic)
4 Lore (Faeries)
4 Lore (Dragons)
4 Lore (Demons)
4 Lore (Aliens)
4 Mathematics
4 Reading/Writing
3 language (Elf babble)
3 language (Orc gabble)
3 Lore (Religion)

6 Enchanting
6 Alchemy
4 Herbalism

4 Medicine
5 Surgery

Casting =
Perception =
Stealth =

A great-great granddaughter of Naltaibur (which really isn't that impressive given that her kids grow up in like two years and then proceed to have MORE ridiculous sex with her) with an inclination for the magical. Clung to great-great grand-Daddymommy's creepy beakmasked coattails and got a thorough introduction into the healing arts and magic in general before eventually fucking off to the Academy herself. She spent a LOT of time saving up money to attend - not really a big deal, considering. Whereas Naltaibur was shaped by her goody-goody of an adopted father, SUSAN was raised by the creepy fucking doctor with a secret basement full of dead shit that she cuts up for fun, and raised her on stories about how she had to get all these OTHER people (who were all some variety of annoying) to murder all these cunt xenos for her that one time. Nal probably told her 'being a good person is important' and shit a couple times, and Mavra probably tried a little harder, she's fallen more on looser side of morals.

After graduating from the Academy, she rented a Shady Laboratory somewhere and turned herself into a vampire, and intends on securing power for herself so she doesn't have to ever deal with feeling out of control like Naltaibur did. She isn't REALLY sure how yet, but she knows seeking personal power should be one of the first steps. Also a good first step: finding someplace nice and isolated, but still populated enough that she doesn't fucking die of thirst.

One plan she's considering is starting an elf refuge, to help them breed their numbers back up with the help of her potioning.

Definitely intends to sacrifice some nerds to empower herself and her rituals, though she plans to only use shitty people to do it.

She inherited Naltaibur's fucked up skin color, but got some red mixed in thanks to Mavra. Well... thanks to Mavra, who gave birth to X, who fucked Naltaibur and gave birth to Y, who then fucked Mavra and gave birth to SUSAN.

She's totally not incest-fuckedup thankfully, her fuckedupness is all based on stuff besides incest.

The Out of Character Section
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Name: Raidy
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Destined
Template: Elementakin

Body = 30 +16 = 46
Mind = 10 +8 = 18
Spirit = 10

Hit Points (HP) = 30 + 9 +5 +30 +20 = 94
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 23 + 18 + 5 = 46
Spirit Energy (EP) = 23 + 9 + 10 = 42
Speed = 35
Dodge = 2d10 + 4d10 r6 + 1d10 r8 +1d10 = 8d10 + 7
Armor =
Perception = 2d10
Stealth = 2d10
Grapple = 9d10
Spirit Ceiling = 3

Reflexes = 23
Focus = 13
Willpower = 10

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod = +5
Bull Rush Mod = +5
Overrun Mod = +5
Orgasm Threshold = 2
Pleasure Resistance = 10

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill - The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might - The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

Skill with 2 handed Sword
Warrior Exemplar
Artifact Holder
Heavy Hitter (Flaw)
Skilled (Flaw)
Exceptional 2 (Flaw)
Healthy (Flaw)
Heavy Weapons Specialist (Flaw/Destined)
Greater Energy Pool (Elementalkin)
Focus in Lightning (Elementalkin)
Lustful (RP)
Fetish: Anal
Weakness: Tentacles
Extreme Fetish
Open Soul
Submissive (RP, Destined)
Selfish (RP, Elementalkin)
Easily Aroused (Elemental Kin)
Fetish: Spanking
Fetish: Pregnancy/ Giving Birth

Mutations: X/18
Naturally Warped (Elementalkin)
Immunity: Lightning

Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 9d10 + 1, 2d12 +23 damage
Charge – The character may, using both their move and standard actions, move up to three times their Speed this round so long as that movement is in a straight line and ends with them attacking a creature with a melee attack or an attack with a thrown weapon. This attack gets a +5 bonus to its attack and melee or thrown weapon damage rolls and a +10 bonus to Overrun and Bull Rush attempts, but the character also takes a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. Skills that grant additional attacks cannot be used in the same turn as this skill, but skills that modify a single attack can. A character using this may move through space occupied by other creatures to reach their target via Overrun as a free action. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist or Shield Fighter.
Cleave (Passive) – Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack takes a -1d10 penalty to attack. This may only go off twice per turn, with scaling penalties. Any bonuses or penalties from skills used on the initial attack are applied to subsequent attacks. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Falcon Guard - The character spends their standard action and takes a -10 penalty to Dodge, but in exchange they get a +5 bonus to Parry checks, Parry DCs, and max Parry DCs. The character may make a free attack dealing -10 damage against any creature within reach that they successfully Parry. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Slay – The character takes a -3d10 penalty to Dodge and -5 to Parry DCs until their next turn. In exchange, they triple their damage dice, rolling all of them rather than just tripling the result of one roll. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Whirlwind – The character attacks all enemies within range of them with their melee weapon or weapons, but take a -2d10 penalty to their attack rolls and Dodge and a -5 penalty to weapon damage rolls until their next turn. Requires Two Weapon Fighter or Heavy Weapon Specialist.
Death from the Draw (Passive) - The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same motion. When doing so, they get a 1d10 bonus to attack and a +5 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.
Weapon Focus (Passive) – The character gets a 1d10 bonus on all attack rolls with a single weapon type and gets a +5 bonus to Reflexes checks to avoid being disarmed or Parried when wielding that weapon. This can be selected multiple times, but each time it is with a different type of weapon.

Weapon Specialization (Passive) – The character deals an additional +4 damage with the selected weapon type. Requires: Weapon Focus with the selected weapon type.

Grandmaster (Passive) - The character gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization, and the armor of creatures that the character attacks is treated as if it didn’t have the Strong Against ability when wielding such weapons if it did have them. In addition, the character gets a +5 bonus to checks made to resist being disarmed and to Parry checks, and increases their max Parry DCs by 5 while wielding weapons with which they have Weapon Specialization. Requires Weapon Specialization.
Altered Grip - The character shifts their grip on their weapon in order to gain more utility out of it. The character may choose one of two options. The first is that they shift further up the weapon and leave one at the base of the handle in order to gain more control over it, and while this is active they take a -10 penalty to damage but gain 1d10 attack dice, ignore ½ of their target’s worn AV, can use the weapon in a grapple even if it’s two-handed, and gain a +5 bonus to resist disarm attempts and parries. The second is that they shift their grip in order to better attack with the butt of the weapon, and while this is active they take a -8 penalty to damage but gain the blunt damage attribute if they didn’t already have it, ignore ½ of their target’s worn AV, and gain a +5 bonus to checks that would Stun their target.

Spell Attack =
Casting Bonus =
Favored Elements

Magic Feats

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 15
Foreplay = 2 d4 + 11

Ikazuchi (Artifact Sentient Cursed Two Handed Sword)
Telepathy, the object gains the ability to speak telepathically to the one wearing or holding it. Getting this a second time allows it to speak to those within 30 feet, and the range increases by 30 feet for each additional time this result is rolled after that
The item becomes unreliable and chaotic. Whenever the character would use it, roll a d6. On a 1, the item has its enchantments either negated or reversed, whichever is worse, consulting entry 4 on the sentience chart to determine how various enchantments are affected. On a 2, all enchantment bonuses are negated and activated abilities do not work. On a 3, 4, or 5 the item functions as normal. On a 6, the item’s bonuses are doubled
Lightning Bolt (Line) [Deals +1 damage per spell level.] Level 3 120 Denarii
Hellblast (Ball) [Deals damage as a spell two levels higher. Targets hit must win a Focus vs Reflexes check against the caster or be Stunned.] Level 5 200 Denarii
Static (Utility) [Any creatures that touch the target take 2d4+3 damage.] Level 1 40 Denarii
Acrobatics = 6 D10
Perception = 6 D10
Stealth = 3 D10
Disable Devices = 4 D10
Riding (Horses) = 5 D10
Navigation = 5 D10
Trading = 3 D10


The Out of Character Section
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A succuslut for RJ.

Name: Prisaya Lilithiel
Class: Slutcubus
Race: Full Blood Demon
Sex: A female

Body: 40 (30 base, 8 race, 2 exceptional) (Class Stat)
Mind: 22 (10 base, 8 race, 4 exceptional)
Spirit: 20 (10 base, 8 race, 2 exceptional)

HP: 61 (base)
PP: 82 (52 base, 30 just getting started)
EP: 51 (base)
Speed: 20 (base)
Dodge: 51 (41 stats, 10 unarmed fighter)
Armor: 1 (clothes)
Resistance: 28 (20 base, 8 resistant)
Perception: 20 (base)
Stealth: 12 (20 base, -8 obvious)
Grapple: 52 (40 base, 12 grapple expert)
Spirit Ceiling: 10 (base)

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Natural Warrior - Unnarmed Fighter (Improved unarmed damage and +10 to dodge when not wielding a weapon)
Superior Warrior - Grapple Expert (+12 to grapple)
Erotic Fighter (Disarm, Leap Glomp, see skills)
Just Getting Started (+30 EP)
Resistant (+8 resistance)
Kamasutra (Improves pleasure damage rolls to 3d6+body/3 for foreplay and 3d10+body/2 for penetration)(Flaw)
Seductive (+12 to resistance checks when using Charm, Stunning Gaze, Enthrall or Siren Song. Also +12 to attack rolls with slutcubus powers) (Flaw)
Exceptional (+8 stat points, 2 body 4 mind 2 spirit) (Flaw)
Succubus Magic (3 succubus powers) (Racial)

Sensitive (+5 PP damage when taking any) (Racial)
Mutated (3 mutations) (Racial)
Fetish: Restraints (+8 PP damage when subject to pp damage and chosen thing is present) (Racial)
Prideful (Superpride about self and demon race) (Racial)
Lustful (Is a sloot) (Class)
Obvious (-8 to stealth) (Talent)
Hatred: Angels (Fucken HAETS angels, can't willingly aid angels unless very good raisin to do so.) (Talent)
Weakness: Restraints (At the beginning of each combat round, if restraints are present, 1 in 4 chance of losing turn cos ahhh tie me up mister) (Talent)

Supernatural (does not gain corruption, corrupts others with PP damage causing equal amounts of corruption) (Racial)
Demon (Is a demon, thus has 5 resistance against fire and force effects) (Racial, duh)
Shapeshifter (Can alter body to manifest or remove common mutations, cannot alter special ones) (Racial)
Corruptive (Can corrupt Supernatural creatures if desired, won't be corrupted by anything) (Racial)
Selective Fertility (Can choose to become preggo or not whenever this happens) (Racial)
Soul Eater (Cannot regen EP beyond 1 naturally, must deal PP damage to others in order to regenerate half of the PP damage as EP. When reduced to 1 EP must seek to feed as quickly as possible) (Class)
Whip-tongue (+2 PP damage during the SUCC) (Mutated)
Massive Breasts (Huge tiddies, causes +4 pp damage when tiddyfuck happens) (Mutated)
Soft-skin (+2 PP damage from non-oral foreplay) (Mutated)

Leap Glomp (+42 for both hit and grapple check) (Can do a move action and follow it with a grapple attack and check at -10 each, if both succeed the target is submission held, if either fail the character lands on their ass and is prone)
Disarm (+28 for the resistance check) (Can switch an unarmed attack damage for a disarm, target must make a resistance check against user or get disarmed, must spend a turn to pick their weapon up if they want it back.)

Unarmed Strike: +40 (1d8+2+20 damage)

Pleasure Damage:
Penetration = 3d10+26
Foreplay = 3d6+19 (+2 when succ or handy, +4 for titjawb)

Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Is attractive as fuck, will be center of attention all the time and will always be lusted after. Creatures able to see the character gain -10 to perception when trying to percieve other creatures and take +6 pleasure from the character) (Class)
Pleasing Touch (+52 to hit) (Can use unarmed strikes to deal foreplay damage to PP instead of HP damage. AV and DU of armor reduce the hit and damage as normal, magical and natural AV is ignored, EP drain is only half of regular) (Class)
Stunning Gaze (+40 for the resistance check) (Select one target within 20 feet, pay 2+4x ep, that target takes a resistance save against the character who has +x bonus on the check or get stunned for x+1 rounds) (Class)
Lead from the Bottom (Can reduce pp damage to 1d4 when resisting pleasure and gains +10 to resistance when PP damage is negated) (Succubus Magic)
Charm (+48 for the resistance check) (For 6 ep pick a target within 20 feet and they make a resistance check against the character or gain the charmed status)(Succubus Magic)
Apparent Innocence (Less likely to be attacked by hostiles, in a group will be the last to be attacked unless an obvious threat. When alone will not likely be killed, instead being knocked out or humped with more frequency. Also gains +8 to their resistance score when using Charm) (Succubus Magic)

Inventory: Shiny leather undies, boots, gloves, collar and some random straps (clothes, 1 AV, 0 EV, 25 TP, 2 DU)
50 doshnari

Bio/Description: "Acheron is pretty cool and all, but there is only so much a girl can do there without getting bored of everything. Can I like, get me some new things and people to play with? And no, I don't want you to bring it to me, I'll go and look for it myself out there. What can the world do to lil old me that has not already happened here in the city of vice? Orgies, eating the most sumptious souls and food, lazing about on the lap of luxury, that can all be had here but it kinda gets old after a while. Maybe seeing what the little humans and other creatures do can provide me with some entertainment to pass the eternal youth of my glorious race, maybe I can even play around with them to change their existence as I desire. Help this place, destroy that other one, make that place my underlings, that kind of thing. Or maybe some strong individual will slap me around and make me their sex slave for a while, that could be fun too. The world of possibilities, truly. Guess I'll be going now, the world will have the pleasure of me to deal with for now." These were the thoughts of Prisaya as she left her grand city behind, heading for the interesting spots to come, whatever those might be. Humans and other races with their mortal issues, the animals, all that, it seemed so interesting to see.

As a genuine succubus demon, Prisaya is blessed with the usual power and infernal comeliness of her race. She is a statuesque beauty with an almost impossibly curvy physique, wide hips and a narrow waist combining with huge breasts to make the hourglass that would make most other being lust after her with just a glance on her sensual form, and she is fully aware and expecting this. Her ever so slightly tanned skin makes her long, luxurious white hair stand out even more. Her lips are full, usually in a slight smile as her sharp, bright purple eyes analyze the world around her for potential new playthings or interests to occupy herself with. A double set of bat-like wings show off her demon nature, ones like a weird head-dress of sorts while other, larger ones are just kinda there at her lower back. Despite her ability to make these wings usable, Prisaya almost never uses them for flight, being particular to simply strutting her glorious self around on foot. How would they see her if she was flying, after all? All this beauty should not be hidden away beneath fabrics, and since it helps with the whole feeding process, she dresses in a completely scandalous manner. Only really having a tiny leather bra and thong to cover her torso, Prisaya is dressed just enough to make up for the decency thing most places talk about. Going naked would be just the thing, but some manners always help when dealing with common folk and the mortal races. Along with the tiny underwear, she wears equally shiny long gloves, high-heeled boots, a collar and some long straps on the lower body that she occasionally attaches things to. Personality-wise, Prisaya is friendly and playful at default, not harboring any real hostilities towards other races or beings, aside from the high-and-mighty angels whom she venomously hates for their preachy and holier-than-thou ways as well as the ancient enmities between the two races. Regardless, she expects to be given some respect and will not stand for insults towards her demonic, beautiful form or her race. While she has a thing for taking control of others, She does not usually wish harm on them and treats the charmed victims she has acquired in the same friendly manner she does most other beings. Even then, she does not avert herself from being the one controlled now and then, a thing she learned to enjoy in the city of the demons, having spent time as a harem slave in many a greater demon's ownership. One particular experience among these had her held in restraints a lot, and she developed a fondness of almost scary level for all kinds of ropes, chains and cuffs, not to mention any living types of restraint that might come across her. These days she tries to not feed this little fetish of hers too much, but it still comes up now and then to make things more difficult for the demoness.

The OOC section: Get in here RJ, you dinorawr.
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Alea - Escaped Elven Entertainment Mage

Name: Alea
Class: Mage
( - Sorcerous Feats - The character gets 1 + Mind/20 Magic Feats, rounded down.)
( - Sorcerous Dedication - The character gets a bonus die to their Casting trade and a 1d10 bonus to hit with spells.)
Race: High Elf
Sex: Female
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
The character was taught magic by a hedge mage, an exiled sorcerer, or some other practitioner of magic who also didn’t receive formal training or lacks the resources of a formal magical education. They gain 4 dice in the Mathematics and Reading/Writing trades, 3 dice in Alchemy, Herbalism, Lore (Magic) and Lore (Faeries), 2 dice in Enchanting and Lore (History) trades, and the ability to reroll a single 1 on casting checks. They must take an additional Flaw as if for Talent credit and an additional RP Flaw at character creation and lose 2 trade dice that they could allocate.

Body: 12 = (12 Base)
Mind: 36 = (28 Base + 4 from Exceptional + 4 Racial)
Spirit: 18 = (10 Base + 4 from Exceptional + 4 Racial)

Hit Points (HP): 59 (39 Base + 20 From Talent)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 51
Spirit Energy (EP): 42
Speed: 35 (25 Base + 10 from Talent)
Dodge: 12d10 + 8 (5d10 from Stats, 2d10 from Racial, 3d10 from Talent, 2d10 Base)
Body: 12/10 = 1d10 + 1
Mind: 36/10 = 3d10 + 3
Spirit: 18/10 = 1d10 + 4
Armor: 0
Reflex: 10 (Body/3 + Mind/6)
Focus: 13 (Mind/2)
Willpower: 12 (Spirit/3 + Mind/6)
Perception: 6d10
Stealth: 7d10
Grapple: 12
Spirit Ceiling: 8

Experience: 0
Corruption: 0

Talents: (5 Base + 3 from Flaws + 1 from Racial)
*Hard to Hit
The character gets a 2d10 bonus to Dodge.
Grants the character an additional 20 max hit points. +20 HP, in other words.
The character gets a 3d10 bonus to Dodge.
Focus in [Light]
The character chooses an Element. This Talent allows the character to cast up to 5th level spells in that Element. In addition, they gain a +3 dice bonus to all Casting checks for spells of that Element, get a 1d10 bonus to attack rolls for spells of that Element, all spells of that Element that deal damage deal an additional +2 damage per spell level, buffs increase the chosen stat (and only stats, not dice or other additions) by an additional +1 per spell level, and creatures summoned by spells of that Element gain a +2 bonus to their Body stat and a +2 bonus to AV per spell level. This Talent can be taken multiple times, but each time a different Element must be chosen.
The character gets an additional trade die in Stealth, possibly exceeding the normal maximum. In addition, whenever the character attacks a creature that is unaware of them, they automatically hit (except for ranged attacks which get a +20 bonus to hit) and have their damage dice maximized and doubled on all attacks. If the attack is an attempt to start a grapple rather than an attack that deals damage, the attacker instead automatically succeeds and also gets a free grapple action against their target. Only the first attack of any given round (or first two with two weapon fighting) can be a Sneak attack.
The character gets +2 dice in Casting and a Mage Feat.

The character gets a +8 bonus to Willpower checks when using Enthrall, Charm, Siren Song, and Stunning Gaze, and a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls with all Succubus Powers. The character may also take a single Succubus Power.
Succubus Power - Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -1 die penalty to their Perception checks when trying to perceive anything other than the character. Whenever the character would deal pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +5, even when via other succubus powers like Pleasing Gaze and Writhing Delight. A creature who is in danger of taking PP damage from a creature with this succubus power immediately gains the Excited status.
The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats. Races that may take more than 3 Flaws for Talent credit ignore scaling when taking this Talent, but only at character creation.
Magic Feats
The character gains three Mage Feats.
Increase the character's Speed stat by 10.

Flaws: (3 Base + 2 Background + 1 Racial)
*Hatred (Orcs) [RP]
You are possessed of an overriding hatred of some group (e.g Males), nationality (Badarians, Crolians), or race (Demons, Alraune). You may not aid a member of a group you hate without there being a compelling reason to do so (e.g. by saving a Demon you also save a colony of Alraune, whom you don't hate). Also, since pretty much all PC's should hate the Aliens, they are not a suitable target for Hatred.
*Open Soul
The character takes an additional 5 EP damage or drain whenever anything would cause them to take any. This Flaw may be taken up to five times, but only the first, third, and fifth instances count towards Talent credits.
Easily Aroused
Whenever the character would gain the Aroused status, they instead gain the Horny status.)
The character takes an additional 5 PP damage whenever anything would cause them to take any. This Flaw may be taken up to five times, but only the first, third, and fifth count towards Talent credits.)
The character is more likely to become pregnant, or to impregnate their partner. They get a +5 bonus to Pregnancy rolls. This Flaw may be taken multiple times, the second instance increasing the bonus to +10 and the third to +15.
Sexual Weakness
The character does not get a bonus from their Body stat to their orgasm threshold, meaning that by default they will gain an instance of Weakened for every orgasm they take.
Enslaved (RP)
The character starts out as a slave, possibly with a collar of some sort to keep them that way. The character loses all of their starting wealth that they don’t spend and may not have magical gear or anything made out of a valuable material. Even though this is an RP Flaw, it always gives Talent credit.
Excitable - Whenever the character’s PP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character makes a Willpower check against a DC equal to the pleasure they’ve taken that round. If they fail, the character gains the Aroused status, or the Horny status if they're already Aroused.
The character has a particular kink or preference that sets them off in bed. Whenever treated to their favored fetish, they take +8 PP damage. Examples include particular types of creatures, such as demons, faeries, plants or beasts, particular acts or positions such anal, creampies or double penetration, or anything else you might be able to think of. If you’re not sure if something would be appropriate for this, just ask your GM. If the character might be subjected to one of their fetishes in some way, they automatically gain the Excited status. This Flaw can be taken as many times as you like, but only one instance of it (including those gained from race) can be used to grant the character additional Talents.
( - Impregnation)
( - Birth)
( - Humiliation)
( - Beastality)
( - Creampie)
( - Lactation)

Mutations 0/18:
*Keen Ears
The character's hearing is exceptional. They get to ignore a single 1’s result penalty on Perception checks so long as it's relating to hearing, and the character's hearing range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of being able to distinguish slight differences in noises than an average human's ears. They take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being Deafened.
*Keen Eyes
The character's eyesight is exceptional. They get to ignore a single 1’s result penalty on Perception checks so long as it's relating to sight, and the character's sight range is generally considered to be increased and they're more capable of noticing small movements or objects than a normal human's eyes. They take a -5 penalty to Resistance checks to avoid being Blinded.


Favored Elements: Light

Magic Feats: (1 Base + 3 Talent)
Martial Magician
Attack rolls for weapons and unarmed strikes are modified by Mind instead of Body. The penalty to casting checks from taking HP damage is ignored, as are the first two points of EV for the purposes of how many casting dice are lost.
Enchant Weapon
The character may pay 4 EP and make a casting check of DC 2 in order to give their weapon a Mind/3 bonus to its attack and damage rolls. Using this feat is a free action. You must choose an element type for this added damage. If it would be beneficial, weapon attacks are treated as spells instead, and Resistance checks made to resist negating an attack made with this feat gain a +4 bonus. This effect may be kept up by paying 1 EP, but it counts as one of your active buffs.
Buff Master - The character is especially adept at using buff spells. Their buff spells gain a +1 bonus per spell level to stats that they enhance. In addition, the character may treat a buff spell as two levels lower (meaning that this may normally only be done with a level 3 spell or higher) in order to choose two stats that the spell could enhance instead of just one.
Mana Sculptor (Light)
Illusion utility spells are granted a small amount of substance, and therefore gain a +10 bonus on any check to recognize them as illusions, even responding to touch and behaving as the caster believes the subject would behave. Light spells that cause the Blinded status also gain a +8 bonus to their Resistance checks. Requires Focus in Light.
Split Mind
The character can maintain two additional active effects, such as a Spell or Spirit Power. This Feat may be taken up to 3 times.

Trades: 34/35 (30 Base -2 Background +7 Stats)
Casting: 8d10 (7 Base + 1 Class)
Mathematics: 4d10 (4 Background)
Performance (Dancing): 7d10 (6 Base + 1 [2 Dice])
Acrobatics: 8d10 (6 Base +2[4 Dice])
Reading/Writing: 6d10 (2 Base +4 Background)
Alchemy: 3d10 (3 Background)
Herbalism: 3d10 (3 Background)
Lore (Magic): 5d10 (2 Base +3 Background)
Lore (Faeries): 3d10 (3 Background)
Enchanting: 2d10 (2 Background)
Lore (History): 2d10 (2 Background)
Language (Native - Elven): 5d10 (5 Racial)
Language (Badarian): 4d10 (4 Base)
Stealth: 7d10 (4 Base + 2 Free + 1 Trait)
Perception: 6d10 (4 Base + 2 Free)

Pleasure Damage: 5
Penetration = 2d8 + 9 (4 Stats + 5 Trait)
Foreplay = 2d4 + 8 (3 Stats + 5 Trait)
Succubus Powers:
Dazzling Beauty (Passive)
The character is perpetually the center of attention, and will always be looked upon with lust. All creatures able to see the character take a -1 die penalty to their Perception checks when trying to perceive anything other than the character. Whenever the character would deal pleasure damage to a creature it is increased by +5, even when via other succubus powers like Pleasing Gaze and Writhing Delight. A creature who is in danger of taking PP damage from a creature with this succubus power immediately gains the Excited status.

Entertainment Slave Cloths (AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2):
( )
Golden Chain Lingerie Bra + Skirt
Sandals with Filigree golden chains up to the thigh
Golden Filigree Collar with engraved runes

Ornated Traveler Cloak with Hood (AV = 0, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2)

One Handed Sword 2d6 + Mind/2, one handed

Alea is not the child of love and passion, but of a breeding session between two elven slaves in God's Reach. She learned quickly to dispise the orcs and their treatment of elves, but besides a grudge, she held nothing in her hands to do anything against their captors.
Time passed and eventually she was sold to a hedge wizard from Lockacre at young age.

Things changed for her, her cloths became tender to touch, but more revealing by the time. Her food became better, yet a strange aftertaste was always lingering in her mouth after eating it. The hedge wizard even educated, teached her the secrets of magic, though the way he taught her was different from anything she has known. Instead of gestures he told her to move her body, dance to cast spells and instead of offensive spells, he shifted her focus towards supportive and illusive ones. Her mind got warped, pleasure and desire filling her conciousness stronger and stronger by the day.
It was clear that the hedge wizard looked not only for a student, but for eye candy and a doll to pleasure himself.

Yet curiousity drove her to learn more. At night she always snuck around, reading in books, learning more things. Even in God's Reach she had to stay silent most of the time, avoiding the gazes of her captors and these skills she learned paid off once more.
Eventually she stumbled upon a book in the hedge wizards library and suddenly it struck her. The wizard was trying to warp her, instill pleasure and desire into her... turning her into his personal sex doll who should support him with illusions and other distractive manners when he went out on a journey.

She knew that she had to flee, had to use the skills she learned to escape. Using her illusion spells and her sneaky nature, she eventually could escape, but the only things she had with her were a mere sword, her revealing dancer attire and a cloak to cover herself up. The few coins she could take with here were barely enough to pay for lodging or the first caravan which lead away from Lockacre.

The OOC section:
Not sure if I did everything right with setting up the character, if I did any mistake, feel free to tell me about it.

If anyone wants to GM me, just hit me up in an IM. If the GM has any nice ideas on what happened at the enslavment phase, he would be free to add some additional twists to the character.
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Name: Xavier Sinnassea

Class: Mercenary (Warrior)

Race: Amazonian (Human)

Sex: Male

Age: 28

Backstory Template: Well Educated

Template: None

Body = 20 + 30(Exc) = 50
Mind = 10 + 2(Exc) = 12
Spirit = 20

Hit Points (HP) = 66
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 47
Spirit Energy (EP) = 51

Speed = 25

Dodge = 2d10 + 5d10 + 1d10 + 2 + 2d10 = 10d10 + 1

Armor = 0 (10)

Perception = 6d10

Stealth = 6d10

Grapple = 10d10

Spirit Ceiling = 5


Reflexes = 25

Focus = 8 + 4 = 12

Willpower = 8 + 6 = 14

Defensive Bonuses

Tumble Mod = 0

Bull Rush Mod = 0

Overrun Mod = + 10(On Charge)

All Resistance = +12 if rolled against any Controlling test.

Parry Mod = + 5(With 2-h Weapon)

Parry DC = + 5(With 2-h Weapon)

Parry Max DC = + 5(With 2-h Weapon)

Unseating = + 3(Per Die rolled)

Spell HP/EP/PP Damage = -10

EP Damage = -2

Orgasm Threshold = 2

Pleasure Resistance = 12

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill -
The character gets 1 + Body/10 Skills, rounded down.
Reliance on Might -
The characters gets a +5 bonus to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, and Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience = 0
Corruption = 0

Talent 1 - Wealthy -
The character starts the game with an additional 250 denarii, which they may spend immediately at character creation. May not be taken outside of character creation.

Talent 2 - *Heavy Weapons Specialist (Style) -
A character with this Talent gets a 1d10 bonus to weapon attack rolls, a +10 bonus to damage on melee attacks, and a +5 bonus to Parry checks, DCs, and max DCs so long as they are using a two handed melee weapon. The character may take one skill, taken from the Heavy Weapons list.

Talent 3 - *Natural Succubus (Talent Chosen) -
Grants the character one Talent that they can only take from the Succubus Talents list. Cannot be chosen by succubi, cannot be the Superior X/Cross-Class Talents, and can be taken an extra time beyond the first for every 30 points in the character’s primary stat.
Sub-Talent 3 - Succubus Magic -
The character gets any three succubus powers.

Talent 4 - *Mount (RP) -
The character starts the game with a mount of some sort. Be it a horse, a Warhound, a Hellhound, a Nightmare, a Dok-Cat, or something even more outlandish, the creature’s behavior and stats are up to the GM to decide. This must be worked into the character’s backstory. May not be taken outside of character creation.

Talent 5 - Talent(flaw) 1-3 - Exceptional x4 -
The character gets an additional 8 points to spend among their main stats. Races that may take more than 3 Flaws for Talent credit ignore scaling when taking this Talent, but only at character creation.

Talent(flaw) 4 - Skill with [Two Handed Swords] -
The character gets a 3d10 bonus to attack rolls and +3 bonus to damage with the chosen weapon, as well as a Skill.

Talent(flaw) 5 - Skilled -
The character can choose an additional four Skills.


Flaw 1 - Selfish (RP) -
The character, no matter the circumstances, thinks and acts only toward their own interests. They cannot aid another unless the benefit of such an action is obvious to them, and will not shy away from abandoning or betraying their allies if it would benefit them enough.

Flaw 2 - Sluggish -
The character takes a -10 penalty to their Speed stat.

Flaw 3 - Weakened Essence -
The character’s Spirit Ceiling becomes equal to EP/10 instead of EP/5.

Flaw 4 - Easily Tired -
Whenever the character’s EP falls below ½ of its maximum value, the character gains an instance of the Weakened status.

Flaw 5 - Magically Null -
The character may never activate a magic item or use ANY ability requiring EP that doesn’t come from a Mechanist Item.

Mutations: 0/18
Special Mutations

Weapon Attack = 10d10
(11d10 with 2-h Weapon)
(14d10 with 2-h Sword)
(14d10 - 5 With Sebastian)

Skills 1(HWS) + 1(Sw2-hS) + 4(Skilled) + 6(WS) = 12

Skill 1 - Cleave (Passive) –
Whenever the character kills an opponent, they automatically take an attack on another nearby enemy, but this attack takes a -1d10 penalty to attack. This may only go off twice per turn, with scaling penalties. Any bonuses or penalties from skills used on the initial attack are applied to subsequent attacks. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Skill 2 - Mounted Training (Passive) -
The character is especially adept at fighting on the back of a moving creature or while riding in a vehicle. They no longer take penalties to Dodge or attack rolls with melee weapons while mounted and get a +1 bonus to all dice on Riding or Drive checks to avoid being unseated. Requires at least 2d10 in the Riding or Driving Trade.

Skill 3 - Guillotine (Passive) -
When the character makes an attack against a target with less than 30 HP or half health remaining (whichever is lower,) makes an attack that brings the target below or 30 HP remaining, or deals more than half their target's max HP in damage with a single attack, they make a Reflexes check against that target. On success, the target dies (or falls unconscious depending on fluff) instantly. Requires Heavy Weapon Specialist.

Skill 4 - Slay –
The character takes a -3d10 penalty to Dodge and -5 to Parry DCs until their next turn. In exchange, they triple their damage dice, rolling all of them rather than just tripling the result of one roll. Requires Heavy Weapons Specialist.

Skill 5 - Powerful Charge -
The character urges their mount to rush forward, moving at least their mount’s speed in a straight line. They make a single attack at the end of that charge with a melee weapon that gets a +20 to hit and damage in addition to the bonus damage gained from being mounted. A character and their mount using this skill take a -10 penalty to Dodge. A character using this may have their mount move through space occupied by other creatures to reach their target or over their target itself via Overrun checks, with the mount getting a +10 bonus.

Skill 6 - Death from the Draw (Passive) -
The character can draw their weapon and swing with it in the same motion. When doing so, they get a 1d10 bonus to attack and a +5 bonus to damage rolls. Requires Skill with One Handed Swords, Two Handed Swords, or Bastard Swords (Talents) and the Quick Draw skill.

Skill 7 - Spell Resistance (Passive) -
The character ignores the first 10 points of damage that would be caused by any spell or power, even if that spell or power would ignore all AV. They may also Dodge spells and powers that would normally automatically hit, though they take a -10 penalty to Dodge against such attacks.

Skill 8 - Giant Strength (Passive) -
The character can wield a normally two-handed weapon in one hand, but takes a -1d10-3 penalty to attack, a -4 penalty to damage, and -1d10 penalty to Dodge while doing so. If the character chooses to wield another two-handed weapon in their offhand as well, they take this penalty on both weapons in addition to the penalties for two weapon fighting. During this time the weapon is considered a one-handed weapon for the purposes of penalties/restrictions for skill use and use in grapples. (i.e. no using heavy weapons specialist skills via a two-handed weapon held in one hand). Two handed ranged weapons with a Body bonus to damage may not be used in one hand, but those without a Body bonus to damage take no damage penalty. A character may also wield a one handed weapon of a larger size category at no penalty, or a two handed one at a -5 penalty, may reduce the attack roll penalties for not mounting weapons that normally need it by 2 per -10, or a one handed weapon of a further size category larger in both hands at a -10 penalty to attack.

Skill 9 - Nose for Treasure (Passive) -
Your character is proficient at finding treasure, gaining +2 dice and rerolling lowest dice progressing as the Perceptive Talent (so max of rerolling 4 or less) when making perception checks to find loot.

Skill 10 - Quick Draw (Passive) -
The character may draw their weapon or weapons or retrieve them from the ground without spending an action.

Skill 11 - Greatsword (Passive) -
The character can use a two handed melee weapon at any time while mounted, even when their mount is also fighting, and gets a +2 bonus per die to avoid being unseated when taking damage.

Skill 12 - Strong Willed (Passive) –
The character gets a +12 bonus to any Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions, or any effect that would affect their mind. These include the Dominated, Charmed and Horny statuses, among other things. They also gain a +2 bonus to resisting EP damage.

Succubus Powers

S. Power 1 - Drain Through Pain (Passive) -
The character can drain a creature's EP through dealing HP damage. Any time that the character deals melee damage to a creature, they also drain 2d6 + modifiers EP from their target. Modifiers basically include anything that affects EP damage, like Open Soul or Greater Draining. This power cannot allow a creature to drain more EP than the attack with which it is used deals in HP damage, and does not allow a character to drain EP if they cannot do so already.

S. Power 2 - Sexual Healing -
When draining EP from of a creature, the character can choose not to regain their EP, and instead regain an amount of HP equal to the amount of EP they would regain. Whether a character is using this or not must be chosen at the start of the round and applies to every instance of draining in a given round.

S. Power 3 - Draining Denial (Passive) -
The succubus is able to drain a target trying to use magic against them. When a target they are grappling with attempts to cast a spell or activate a power, they automatically deal pleasure damage to that target, by default their unmodified foreplay damage but if they were already inflicting PP through some means then use that instead. This behaves like a normal pleasure attack in all ways save that it occurs first, causing a casting penalty if a character wouldn’t already be taking such, and that any EP drained is first taken from the power or spell their target is trying to use. The effective X value of powers is reduced by the amount drained, and the effective spell level of a spell is reduced by 1 for every 2 EP drained. If a power has a static cost, it only fails if the succubus drains its entire cost, and a spell unaffected by level only fails if all of the EP needed to cast it would be drained. The difference in cost must be paid next round. If the PP damage caused is enough to make them orgasm, they automatically fail to cast their spell or use their power unless they have Self Control and succeed at the Self Control roll by 10 or more, and are still Stunned next round. If this goes off, the succubus does not get another action against the creature it was used on that round. If the succubus would drain more than the cost of the power or spell, it drains from the target’s EP pool as normal. If an ability would still go off and has an upkeep, its upkeep is unchanged even if its effect, such as in the case of a buff, is reduced from its original activation amount.

Pleasure Damage

Penetration = 2d8 + 16
Foreplay = 2d4 + 12


25 Denarii

1 Large Black Oak Two Handed Sword

Damage - (2*2*2d12) + 25 + 10(HWS) + 3 (Skilled) = 6d12 + 38, Enchanted, Spell Levels 1, Two Handed “Sebastian

-Spell - Buffeting Winds (Utility) -
Creatures attempting to attack the caster or any of their allies within 30 feet with AoE or weapon attacks while this spell is active take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls. Any weapon attack that hits the caster or their allies that relies on Body for a damage bonus also takes a -5 penalty to that damage and prevents the damage from being multiplied by sneak attacks or Called Shot. Enemy casters within 30 feet take a -1 die penalty to their casting checks. If two opposing casters have this spell active, the two spells cancel out.
- Mind - 30
- Focus - 15
- EP Pool - 10
-- Trigger - Drawing from Sheath
-- EP Cost - 2
200 Weapon Cost + 40 Enchanted Cost = 240 denarii, Wood

5 Steel Heavy Throwing Knives “Catylin

3 Bone Throwing Knives “Evelyn

1 Elven Warplate: AV = 10, EV = 0, TP = 30, DU = 4. Chemical Treatment.

Cost = 25 denarii, Wood.

1 “Dune” Giant Beetle Mount


1 Saddle and bit, not just random squarish piece of leather secured by loops!

1 Book of past lovers, sadly each one inside has a amount of denarii following the name.

Charcoal pencils.

Trades 30 + 18
Language(High Amazonian) 5
Language(Low Amazonian) 3
Language(Elven) 3
Lore(History) 4
Mathematics 5
Reading/Writing 5
Animal Husbandry 6
Disable Devices 3
Herbalism 2
Medicine 2
Navigation 4
Lore(Giant Beetle) 4
Riding 6
Tracking/Woodcraft 2
Trading 7
Trapping 2

Casting = 2
Perception = 6
Stealth = 6


A former noble scion of the Amazonian elite, there wasn't a moment where the boy turned man hadn't enjoyed the perks of being born into the elite of society. Xavier had the best teachers, the best genes, the best mount, in his opinion. Growing faster and stronger then many of his fellows. Life was nothing but, great to Xavier, till it was discovered that the boy had one fault.

No magic, the man's mana wasn't small by any means but, he was unable to draw it outside his body for any reason that wasn't simply to transfer it to another object, even that required his focus. If it was just this he wouldn't have been quite in his current straits, but he was able to leech magic from those he touch, and more importantly life stealing more then just the essence of those he was in contact with causing spells to fail and powers to be weakened. It was something the brute of a nobleman put to great use abusing his rather magically inclined siblings.

Xavier enjoyed his time on top till it was made clear by his oldest younger sister that he wasn't welcome at home any longer. They were quite civil about things, he was woken up by several house guardsmen who proceeded to beat and kidnap the man leaving him tied like a hog before his siblings. Who left no uncertain terms about what would happen to him if he stayed and tried becoming the next head of house.

Which he violently rejected, ripping his bonds apart with his super human strength, even steel bending and snapping under his power. Committing no few cases of fratricide it was only when he turned to snap the mastermind of this plot that the older generation stepped in, their spells quickly subduing Xavier, those old bones all made it clear this was the will of the House not merely his siblings.

Given this addition and the fact that it was only by the power of his father that he wasn't killed by the rest of his family, Xavier took the deal. The others going as far as to make the man sign a contract that not only made his give up his family name but, made it so that not even his father could protect him should he go back on his word. He did manage to snag something from the mess, mostly his things, but even then it was a paltry amount to what he once had.

Granted his personal belongings, and Dune as no one left alive could take care of the beast, Xavier left <INSERT CITY>, unwilling to even look back, partly due to the fact he knew more than a few of those faces currently aiming at him with spells or guns. Exiled as he was the man was still alive and well armed, he set out to find someplace that could use another strong arm, re-establish himself once more to satisfy his rather debonair lifestyle and perhaps this time finding a brothel that had guards willing to offend a noble house.

The Out of Character Section

Not exactly looking for the Sex stuff, I am hoping for either Dungeon crawler or something involving Aliens, haven't personally seen them in action.

Typical no-no's, scat, watersports, guro, heavy vore, beastiality.

I am still rather rough about PbP's so I hope whoever does pick me up doesn't mind me PMing them after every update.
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Nocri, the fluffdragon jerk.

Name: Nocri
Class: Warrior
Race: Dragonkin
Sex: Female
Backstory Template: Noble Born (kinda sorta)
Template: Raiju

Body = 60 (42 + 10 + 8)
Mind = 10 (2 + 4 + 4)
Spirit = 20 (6 + 10 + 4)

Hit Points (HP) = 125 (75 + 30 + 20)
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP) = 50
Spirit Energy (EP) = 55
Speed = 30
Dodge = 6d10
Armor = 39 (13 from natural AV, 26 from plate)
Perception = 6d10
Stealth = 2d10 (Rerolls on 7, 8, and 9, -3d10 I think from plate armor so actually at -1d10? Idk this is a derpgen and I'd never roll stealth anyway)
Grapple = 16d10 + 10
Spirit Ceiling = 11 (3 w/ armor on)

Reflexes =
Focus = 13
Willpower = 17

Defensive Bonuses
Tumble Mod =
Bull Rush Mod = +25
Overrun Mod = +25
Orgasm Threshold = 3
Pleasure Resistance = 15

-20 electricity damage taken

+2 PP damage taken, +8 EP damage taken (-2 from strong willed).

+16 Resistance checks against charmed, dominated, and horny.
+4 Resistance checks against paralyzed, stunned, or weakened.
+12 Resistance checks made against attempts to control or alter their actions not covered by charmed, dominated, or horny.

Class Bonus
Warrior’s Skill: 1 + Body/10 skills rounded down.
Reliance on Might: +5 to weapon attack rolls, Bull Rush, Overrun, Tumble, and to Resistance checks when using skills.

Experience =
Corruption =

[Dragonkin] Pain Resistant: +5 AV, +1 skill

[Raiju] Enthrall (Special): May attempt to enthrall targets by making a Resistance check against them. On success, the target is inflicted with the Enthralled status for the next 24 hours. Additional successful enthrall checks reset the timer and grant a +4 bonus against the target breaking enthrall. As a Raiju, this may only be used against defeated opponents or partners brought to orgasm when the Raiju is the dominant partner.

[Warrior] Heavy Weapons Specialist: +1d10 weapon attack, +10 weapon damage, +5 parry checks, DCs, max DCs while wielding a two-handed weapon, +1 HWS skill.
[Warrior] Grapple Expert: +3d10 grapple, +1 grapple expert skill
[Warrior] Skill with Polearms: +3d10 attack with polearms, +1 skill
[Warrior] Skilled x2: +6 skills.

[Natural Spirit Wielder] Daemonic Wielder: +3 spirit powers.

[General] Exceptional: +8 PTD.
[General] Healthy: +20 HP, + 1 Skill

[Dragonkin] Antagonizing (RP): Sees most people as below her, which makes sense because she’s fuckin’ tall.
[Dragonkin] Easy to Hit: -3d10 dodge.
[Dragonkin/Raiju] Obvious x2: Reroll stealth die on 8s or 9s
[Dragonkin/Raiju] Open Soul x2: +10 EP damage taken.

[Noble Born] (RP) Prideful: Much pride. Very full.
[Noble Born] (RP) Selfish: Everything is about her.

[Talent] Excitable: Willpower check against a DC equal to PP damage taken on any round where PP damage would reduce her below ½ her maximum or gain aroused/horny.
[Talent] Fertile x3: +15 to baby making.
[Talent] Obvious the third: Reroll stealth trade die on 7s too.

[Extra] Dominant (RP): Large and in charge.
[Extra] Soul Eater: Gain Soul Eater.

Mutations: 12/18

Breeder: ½ gestation times on children.
[Raiju] Funny Ears: Fox-like ears.
[Dragonkin] Horns: Has some horns.
[Dragonkin] Odd skin: Scales along outer legs, arm, and back.
- Armored Hide x3: +6 AV
Odd Textures: +4 PP damage to partner from penetration, +2 PP damage to self.
Potent: +1 to impregnation rolls when penetrating another character.
- Overproductive: +2 to impregnation rolls for every 4 hours without an orgasm up to +6 when penetrating another character.
[Dragonkin/Raiju] Tail: Has a fluffy dragon’s tail.
- [Dragonkin] Dangerous Tail: Has a fluffy dragon’s tail. Can make an unarmed attack at +4 damage but -2 attack with her tail.
- [Dragonkin] Natural Attack: Can make natural attacks at 2d12 + Body/3 damage.
Tight/Large: +6 PP damage from penetration.
- Snug/Stretching: +5 bonus to maintain penetration, -5 penalty to end penetration.

Special Mutations
[Dragonkin] Dragonblooded: -20 fire damage (actually electricity), +2 AV, +4 resistance checks against charmed, dominated, paralyzed, stunned, or weakened.
[Dragonkin] Large: +30 HP, +10 grapple +1 per grapple dice vs smaller enemies, -2d10 dodge, -10 speed and tumble, +20 to bull rush, overrun, and parry checks.

[Raiju] Stormborn: Gains -20 electricity damage (instead of the fire mentioned above), dragonfire adept powers deal lightning damage instead of fire, gains bewitching aura and a version of enthrall which can only be used against enemies defeated in battle or dominated in bed. Can steal EP and exchange buffs/debuffs with enthralled characters.

Supernatural: Very supernatural.

Soul Eater: Can’t regenerate EP beyond 1. Can eat the souls of others.

Weapon Attack = 12d10+5
Skills: 18 = (7 [Warrior] + 11 [Talents])

[HWS] Falcon Guard
[HWS] Heavy Metal
[HWS] Supreme Might
[HWS] Crushing Blow
[HWS] Whirlwind

[Grapple Expert] Brawler: Can dodge AoEs while grappling. No penalty to dodge while grappling. Can join grapples as a free action against stunned/proned opponents.
[Grapple Expert] Superior Grappler: +1d10 grapple, +2 damage to a bunch of things she'll never do.

[General] Aggressive Fighting
[General] Armored Champion: Ignore dodge and speed penalties of gear.
[General] Creating an Opening
[General] Meisterhau
[General] Spirited Warrior
[General] Strong Willed: +12 to resistance checks against things that affect her mind.
[General] Weapon Focus (Polearm): +1d10 weapon attack with polearm, +5 against attempts to parry.

[Weapon Specific] Sweep

Power Attack = 4d10 + 2
Wielder Aptitudes: Nada.

Powers: Regenesis, Enhanced Shell, Warp Shell

Succubus Power Attack = 12d10
Succubus Powers: EVENTUALLY.

[Raiju] Bewitching Aura: +5/+10 against enthralled targets attempting to break enthrallment while within 30 feet of them. May spend EP to command targets to do things.

Pleasure Damage
Penetration = 2d8 + 30
Foreplay = 2d4 + 15

Large Polearm (3d10 + 17d10+5) 4d6 + 44, two handed
Large Full Plate: AV = 26, EV = 8, TP = 70, DU = 8, strong against slashing. Complete Protection (roll 1d2 and negate Called Shot or Sneak Attack effects on a 2).

62 denarii, I guess, cos spent the rest on making normally free weapon and armor large.

(Total Trade Dice at chargen = 30d10, 20d10 from dragonkin and 10d10 from Noble Born)

Perception = +4d10
Stealth = +0d10

Acrobatics = +6d10
Animal Husbandry = +9d10
Language (Crolian/Default) = +5d10
Language (Badarian) = +5d10
Lore (History) = +4d10
Lore (Dragon Cults) = +5d10
Mathematics = +4d10
Reading/Writing = +4d10
Riding = +6d10
Trading = +3d10

Stands at 7’ 2” tall most of the time, but she can alter her own height to suit her whims. She has impeccable skin as white as fresh snow and silvery scales across her back and the outsides of her legs and arms. Her build is lean and athletic. She has a dragon-like tail which is itself a full three-quarters the length of her full body which is covered in silver fur. Despite the color of her tail, her ankle-length, wavy hair is pitch black. She has two fox-like ears covered in black fur with silver tips on top of her head. She also has dragon-like, curving horns sprouting from her temples. Her face is diamond-shaped and her nose is slightly pointed to match. She has piercing gold eyes.

In battle she wears full steel plate and wields a poleaxe as tall as she is. Outside of combat she tends to wear extravagant crolian, anudorian, or amazonian clothing.

Nocri grew up under the care of a mortal dragon cult which had infested the remains of an abandoned castle in Crolia, never knowing who her parents were or why they weren’t with her. But it would be inaccurate to claim that they raised her, as even when she was but a babe the dragon cult worshiped her as a living idol come to lead them in converting all of Donevrion to their faith. Under their care she wanted for nothing and she received an education from them to make any lordling jealous, yet maturing around grown humans who showed her nothing but deference and slavish devotion couldn’t teach her humility or empathy.

By the time she was of age she was taller and stronger than any of her followers, and had an ego to match. She thinks little more of the majority of her followers than of the beasts she learned to breed and tame as a hobby. She takes what she wants or who she wants whenever she wants, she expects deference to her superiority from everyone even if she has to beat them into it, and she always, always desires more.

So, decades after the cult first found her, when the time came to formally assume her role as goddess and leader she did so happily, and hungrily began to eye the isolated villages surrounding her domain with the intent to convert their inhabitants into her worshipers. All the while she’s made no effort to pretend that her religion will bring joy or peace to Donevrion; she does it all to feed her own insatiable hunger for more toys to play with..

The Out of Character Section
Apparently slated for a kingdom management thread now!

Ideas so far:
  • A small number of her devotees are former nobility, including a few knights, who were either exiled or gave up their old lives willingly. These were responsible for her education and martial training. One likely has bloodline rights to the keep they’ve all taken up residence in.
  • The vast majority of her cult are likely downtrodden peasants who fare slightly better on a megalomaniacal fluffdragon than they do elsewhere, and are at least safe from starvation, frostbite, and the beasts of the Crolian tundra under the protection of Nocri and the cult’s keep.
  • The return of Avedel, combined with Nocri’s nature as a Soul Eater, allowed Nocri to gain fledgling daemonic powers early on thanks to the worship of her cult. It also boosted the already supernatural strength she possessed due to her lineage.
  • As a result of her Soul Eater nature and daemonic powers, she also probably learned the joys of growing a dick and simply taking any of her followers as she pleased early on in life. Her own prodigious libido has probably led to massive inflation in the cult’s numbers. Her followers probably accept this mainly due to her nature as a ‘goddess,’ their own lack of better options, and the dominant aura she projects as a Raiju.
  • Between the dragon cult’s worship of, well, dragons, and Nocri’s lecherous ways leading to a lot of fluffdragon half-breeds running around, a caste system has probably spawned. The unofficial ranking system probably goes from most dragonlike to least dragonlike, with the most dragonlike being revered, unofficial leaders who stand only a step below Nocri herself and the least dragonlike being expected to follower their superior’s whims.
  • In addition to using warp shell to turn men into women so that she can breed them, Nocri probably also uses warp shell in order to tinker with the caste system. Worshipers who please her are granted with boons to make them more draconic and as such lift their standing in the cult, while worshipers who displease her are made less draconic. This extends to her spawn, the weakest of whom are no safer from Nocri or her whims than any other member of her following.
  • Nocri isn’t actually opposed to taking a male lover either. She just doesn’t believe that a goddess should have to deal with carrying someone’s spawn for several months, so she typically avoids that risk by instead just turning them into women and breeding them instead. She’d probably be willing to try it if she found a mate worthy of the risk.