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Dia's Office

Re: Dia's Office

The human glanced away, then back at the other woman, her eyes heavily hooded as she replied, "I wasn't expecting to start work of this way, but if you need me, I'll do my best." She'd had sex with tentacles before (the rogue on the way here being the latest!) and she'd had threesomes before, but never both at once! The idea excited her -- she was glad that she'd brought lots of changes of clothing, as she had a feeling she'd probably need them.

She had to ask, however, "is it... really tea, ma'am? Your barkeep was taking cracks at Teamon before I came up about that." She was intensely curious, but found that actually asking was a little embarrassing.
Re: Dia's Office

Dia blinks and tilts her head looking at Walla confused.

"What do you mean Walla? Of course it's tea. I think he has a herbal garden in his room through I'm not sure. Also, Zella making cracks at my secretary? She's going to find a nasty surprise in her bed tonight."
Re: Dia's Office

"Well, uh, I..." The human backpedaled, "most of the tentacles I've worked with secrete something," she laughed nervously, "I figured maybe... well. Nevermind, I didn't mean anything rude by it." Whoops -- she was going to have a mad Zella coming after her if the wolf-woman thought that Wallpaper'd tattled on her!
Re: Dia's Office

Dia laughed as and wiped a tear from her eye, an imaginary one.

"You think Teamon, secretes tea? That would be a laugh." She continues to laugh a bit more before stopping, and as if reading Walla's mind, "Don't worry, Zella won't know that you tattled on her, she'll think Teamon did. Poor Teamon, he is in for a rough rape tonight, since Zella will probably take a go at him."
Re: Dia's Office

Teamon quickly shuffled up to Mad'am Dia's office with a tray of fresh tea. He never liked to serve reheated tea - it must always be fresh! At least, as he prepared the tea, he would be able to give Mad'am Dia and Walla enough time to familiarize with one another.

Once again, a soft rapt came at the door, and a bustling Teamon entered with a tray bearing three cups and a pot of Jasmine tea.

"Here you go, Mad'am Dia" Teamon served her tea with two lumps of sugar.
"How do you prefer you tea Miss Walla?"
Re: Dia's Office

Dia smiles and quickly drinks her tea, sighing at the floral taste and the sweetness, enjoying it immensely.

"Good taste Teamon.."
Re: Dia's Office

Glancing at Teamon side-long, perhaps sizing him up as discreetly as possible, the human replied, "I'm sure you have good taste." She smiled, accepting a cup. "Please add whatever you feel necessary."

Still standing before Dia's desk, the woman had to wonder. "Where and when would you like me, ma'am?" She'd meant about that particular mention of an earlier engagement. A hint of a grin curled her lips, though she was still uncertain around these two. She was not especially promiscuous, despite her experience in other encounters. Tentacles were a matter of course in life where she came from, especially for a woman, but she'd never had the opportunity to speak with one! It added a layer of complexity that she hadn't expected. Wallpaper would be happy to allow the Kitsune woman to call the shots and do as she was bid for now.
Re: Dia's Office

Dia smiled, finishing her tea in one gulp.

"Teamon, are you in the mood for a threesome with me and walla, right here and now?"
Re: Dia's Office

At Dia's request, the hand that was holding the spoon accidentally let the sugar plop into the tea. Befuddled and slightly annoyed with his blunder, Teamon tried his best to keep his composure.

"I am ready when you are Mad'am." Try as he might, he couldn't prevent the faint flush of red in his face.
Re: Dia's Office

Dia smiles pleased, shedding herself of her robe, leaving her in her bra and panties.

"Walla, are you ready?" She asks in an impatient tone.
Re: Dia's Office

It appeared that everyone in the room but Dia had lost their composure. If nothing else, Walla had noted that the odd man seemed as surprised as she, so she surmised that the Kitsune didn't do this all the time. The human had been as surprised as Teamon when the Kitsune mentioned 'here' and 'now' in the same sentence -- she'd expected a few moments notice to freshen up, at least!

Still, she put her game face on, accepting the cup from Teamon, taking a sip after nodding graciously. She didn't feel that it was appropriate to make the first move, even if sweeping the desk free of papers seemed like a good start. Instead she cocked a grin, wondering aloud, "don't suppose those tentacles are dexterous enough to unbutton this shirt? I've only met one species that had the capability and the foresight not to rip my clothing off in the first place."

As the boss removed her robe, Wallpaper glanced over and did a double-take. What composure she'd built leaked away again, and she grinned sheepishly. "How do you want me?" she asked, setting the tea aside where it wouldn't accidentally get splashed (an apologetic look to Teamon in the meantime, poor guy may have just wasted that cup!) and returning to the guest's side of the desk. Sure, she could take initiative when she was training tentacles or with someone she was comfortable with, but she wasn't going to take a risk with the boss, of all people!

((XD I don't want to kill the thread on waiting for posts, but I'm having a hard time writing things without getting ninja'd! If I appear to be next in line, would you guys wait a couple of minutes extra while I hack away at the keyboard? -- Either that, or tell me to write shorter posts. :p))
Re: Dia's Office

Dia giggles and says "Walla help me strip Teamon of his constricting cloths. We need him in tip top shape, through if he want's us bad enough, he's going to need to strip us of our bras and panties. If you are wearing any Walla."
Re: Dia's Office

(Will do Wallpaper!)

*ahem* "Ah, well, before you do..." Teamon pops off the monocle and pats it into his breast pocket. "You can never be too careful with these things! You may proceed"

Usually, when Dia required Teamon's talents for relief, he would let her take the lead in the performance, and would eventually pick up enough momentum to take over once things were in motion.

(I'll post more lengthy messages as we go. I'm usually a man of short words.)
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Re: Dia's Office

Nodding in a half-bow to the Kitsune woman, Wallpaper turned back to the tentacle-man, appraising him again a little more obviously, though with no malicious intent. In reality, her heart clunked away in her throat and the heat that had sparked at the idea of this little endeavor was now a constant, lusty pulse between her thighs.

"I changed into a fresh set after the debacle, dirt-side," the brunette replied, "I hope that's not a problem." That said, she approached Teamon and reached up to work loose his tie, setting it aside for now without a flourish -- this was such a surreal situation, she wasn't feeling especially passionate even if she was horny! -- and quickly unbuttoned his office-appropriate shirt. Unless Dia wanted her to do so, Walla left the monster's pants for the Kitsune, instead dropping to her knees to untie his shoes and, as he shifted from foot to foot, to remove them. Though she was still clothed, she felt a little better down here where they couldn't see the flush creeping more thoroughly across her face. 'there go another pair,' she sighed wryly to herself as she felt her panties absorb some of the wet that her cunt was producing.

((XD and I'm a blatherer -- I don't mind shorter posts, just let me know if you don't like longer ones!)
Re: Dia's Office

Dia giggled, seeing at what Walla was doing. "Taking the initiative Walla?" She smiled lustfully and walked and knelt beside Walla, lightly groping her before taking the belt and taking it off Teamon. She smiled and sniffed, smelling Walla's arousal. She giggled even more and whispered into Walla's ear "Your aroused aren't you Walla?" As she stripped down Teamon's pants.
Re: Dia's Office

Damned strong-nosed Kitsune's -- Wallpaper closed her eyes and sighed as a shiver ran through her. "Maybe a little bit," she admitted, "more than a little bit." She was still fully clothed, but she wondered if she should take her clothing off while she was still crouched down here. Instead, she looked up at Teamon's quickly naked body, as well as the much shorter Dia's, and brought a hand up to caress her boss's softly furred thigh. She was reacting to the Kitsune's forwardness, respecting Teamon's space for the moment even if she eyed him with growing lust. Unless Dia specified outright, she was treating this as a 'tag-team the Kitsune' event rather than anything more personal!
Re: Dia's Office

-_- "Not to kill the mood Mad'am Dia, but it's 'you're', not 'your'". Though he was feeling aroused and slightly ashamed of correcting the manager at a time like this, his held true to his duties.

Lowering a free tentacle, Teamon gently lifted Walla's chin so that her eyes met his. "There's no need to feel frightened or embarrassed my dear, if it were not for these tentacles, I would be another man. Consider these tentacles as a mere... advantage."

As a proof of concept, Teamon snatched Walla's bra's with a well placed tentacle, whilst leaving her shirt on.

(sorry, my browser acted up, and I didn't see your post Wallpaper -_-; )
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Re: Dia's Office

Dia giggled lightly and there was a faint blush as watched Teamon's fine show of tentacleship. "That's good Teamon, but..." She slides her hand into Walla's clothing and slightly rubs her slit through her panties. While she whispered to Walla "A little higher if you please.." As she eyed Teamon..
Re: Dia's Office

The human bit her lip to stifle any noise, still reeling after Teamon's display of prowess. "Yes ma'am," she replies, rising up on her knees and slipping her fingers up against the other woman's folds, testing for wetness there as she sought out Dia's clit. "Would you be more comfortable sitting on the desk?" she asked the boss, "or standing between us?" She assumed that the other woman would want to take the middle, and guessed that she might maneuver Teamon behind her if Dia wanted Walla in front of her! "Or were you looking for me to rise a little higher still?"
Re: Dia's Office

Dia smiled as Walla felt her slightly wet panties, not nearly as wet as Walla's. "Walla, this is your first time with teamon and your breaking in ceremony. Your going to stand in between me and Teamon. After all, he does have six tentacles if not more." She smiles happily as her tails slip under Walla's shirt and rub against her belly and back.