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ADV Scat Ryona [ dieselmine] ディーゼルマイン True! Disgrace Battle Royale 真!凌辱バトル・ロワイヤル RE094565 RJ094565


Jungle Girl
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
This one toes the line between ryona and guro. I haven't seen anything close to death, although the game revolves around beating up various characters (who are clearly based on various fighting game females). I'd prefer if there were less bruises all over everyone though.

I do have a request though... can someone who understands Japanese offer a tutorial for this game?

hxxp:// www .dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE094565.html
hxxps:// mega .co.nz/#!Y95iwTSD!QgSFvAES4N-U-OM5TVZhpFHtJnAIjveEjVD1kREefpE


I haven't finished the above game yet, but so far I do prefer their older "Assault Battle Royale". This one is more ryona, with less bruises compared to the above game. I think there was a previous thread for this game, but I couldn't find it.

hxxp:// www .dlsite.com/ecchi-eng/work/=/product_id/RE081933.html
hxxps:// mega .co.nz/#!khYDEbAI!LCZtiCUdzP5UGkOr-11n-GvTKv8LAaqIfdXqM-1xFHI

Defeated, a woman is a sex slave free to exploit!
Pound her like a human sandbag, ravish like like a carnal beast!

But lose to her even once, and your life is over!
You must win, and win, as king of the precocious whores!!

HOTTER erotica, HARDER core, RETURNING heroines
begging to be r*ped wildly in new nefarious ways!


Hisao, a friend who you'd never been too close with,
suddenly showed up with breathless takes of his reckless
foray into a world of sexual extremes.

He told you of his amazing experience...
Illegal fights with beautiful women in an underground arena
Getting directly involved in the battle royale
Freedom to completely violate the opponent if you win

It sounded unbelievable. But Hisao's chiseled frame suggested
he'd been fighting. And if Hisao could do it, you definitely could.

"Do you wanna try?" he recommended it to you. "It'll change your life!"

Dubiously, you accepted... and one week later you
were fit and ready...


Asuka, marital arts/schoolgirl (CV: Maria Ayane)
Ouka, female ninja (CV: Sousya)
Suzu, street fighter/schoolgirl (CV: Yuu Haichi)
Ponma, ainu power specialist/in search of her missing sister (CV: Ryo Suzuki)
Ayahime, princess/in search of revenge for her parents (CV: Yuu Haichi)
Eata, powerful cyborg girl (CV: Milk Amakawa)

The only tip I can give is to sleep 1 hour at a time. In this game, sleeping only 1 hour is the best strategy for some reason. Its better to sleep five 1-hour shifts than to sleep a single 5-hour shift.
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Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

Look interesting and I agree a lot less bruises would be nice. The dlsite picture is extreme with how distorted her face looks but I'll take a shot at playing the game help with getting a tutorial going :). Thanks for the links!
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

For the newest game:

You want to get those special abilities in the bottom-right corner while you are training. You attain each level by levelling up your corresponding stat to levels shown to the right of the special attack.

From what I can tell:

First one: extremely little damage, so use it on the turn that your opponent is guarding. Lowers their speed. Fairly useless if you're already faster and going first, but the damage is about the same as your regular attack so it doesn't really hurt.

Second one: Your opponent's defense is reduced.

Third one: Does significant damage, lowers their attack.

Fourth one: Deals OK damage, reduces all three of the first stats at once! Game kinda gets simple after you get this, most fights you can just spam it.

Fifth one: Ridiculous damage!! If using the fourth move repeatedly won't work, use it once and then this move, then attack/guard for 2 turns and use 4 and 5 again.

Sixth one: Passive. Turns your guard into a counterattack. You will now take full damage when using guard, but you will hit back for what seems like double damage. Also a great skill after you've hit them with the fourth skill to setup.

EDIT: Actually, spam isn't completely accurate. If you use the same special move 3 times in a row, its damage will go down to 0, so try a regular attack or a different move in between.

Basically, once you have all 6 skills, most fights are as simple as:
...repeat last 4 steps

Spoilers here for fights that don't exactly go that easily:
Hidemasa is a counter expert. He blocks turn 1, so use your first skill to lower his special attack.
From there, look to hit your fourth attack to lower all of his stats. This will probably be countered, but you can take the damage.
From here, guard every single turn and you will counterattack him eventually. Your patience must outwit his, as he will guard many turns as well. Every 5ish turns, use your fourth skill again to lower his stats.
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Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

How do you save on this one? I can't find the save menu / button :| the last game was a lot easier for saving.
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

How do you save on this one? I can't find the save menu / button :| the last game was a lot easier for saving.

same as last game though, move your mouse to the top of the screen and a menu will show up. However, in this one you cannot do it in battle or while training. You must wait for a dialog portion of the game to save.
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

oh okay thanks :D! I kept trying to do it during training lol
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

is their any saves to the game around?
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

this game keeps kicking my ass. forgot we even have this uploaded here. Going to give your guide a shot.

Edit: game no longer lets me save despite selecting it.
Edit: never mind figured it out. Q Save wont work unless you do the top bar save.
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Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

I wish some one would post what everything does, in the options menu. I have a slower PC and want to know if I can do anything to make the battles not lag out.
Re: True! Disgrace Battle Royale

Digging this up from its light grave to ask a question.

What all do the items do? Sex items are fairly obvious, but when I'm given another choice after the sex/beat choice, I don't know what I'm picking. I usually pick the top choice because that tends to be "yes", but I don't see any variance in the CG. Also I'm not sure exactly what the food is doing.

Well, I beat the game without really knowing what the hell I was doing. Just get counter -> pump attack/hp -> spam counter -> win. I'd still like to know what specifically the items do, but now I'm bothered by this last panel in the CG mode that isn't unlocked. Also, where the hell did the second girl go?!
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