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Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements, Sign Up thread)

Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

Approved Wallpaper. Just teleport into the Docking bay and talk with Zella.
Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

Name: Teamon
Gender: Male
Race: Sentient Tentacle Being
How many do you want to ride a day: My business leaves me with little time for such actions.
Hip Size: 31/31 (I think that's my pant size, the tag fell off. Assume I am a healthy weight)
Bust Size: Yes, I'd love a bust of myself, perhaps about a foot in height?
Healthiness: Quite Healthy
Favorite Tentacle: Mmmmm, this little one is pretty handy at opening letters.
Anal: No, thank you. I don't believe my anatomy even has one of those.
Skills: Filing, Brewing Tea, Proof Reading, and all of the other office essentials

Physical Characteristics: A simple humanoid shaped being fitted with six tentacle shapped appendages. Though his face is non-descript, He often wears a monicle and proper office attire. Unlike the typical tentacle, this monster is capable of conversing coherently and inteligibly, and will not perform intercourse with a mate unless permitted.

Teamon's body is a shade of grey, and may be seen sipping tea during his breaks. He is often never far from the manager of the ranch - Teamon must ensure that all corespondence sent out must be professional to ensure the manager's reputation is not tainted.

X__Teamon_ Please sign here.

Terms 1.5
I pledge not to sue the tentacle farm/ranch/breeding pit on the account of if I do, then I must give birth to an endless cycle of babies.
I also pledge that if I am horribly hurt by a tentacle not as a punishment, I get free pay for a week, or month, depending on severity.

((scribbled below, Teamon seems to have commented the following: "Dear me! I don't believe I shall be birthing anything!"))
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Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

.... Ack. That's hard. If I approve other people might want something like this...unless ahah! Your the only person that shall pull this off Screwdriver. Approved. Also your my third tentacle creature. XD.
Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

Good call sir!

XD I guess you can call me a "specialized" breed, haha.
Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

Yes.... The manager may or may not use your character for personal relief... >:)
Re: Diplomacy Office (Contract and Terms also Trade agreements)

Name: Teamon
Gender: Male
Race: Sentient Tentacle Being
How many do you want to ride a day: My business leaves me with little time for such actions.
Hip Size: 31/31 (I think that's my pant size, the tag fell off. Assume I am a healthy weight)
Bust Size: Yes, I'd love a bust of myself, perhaps about a foot in height?
Healthiness: Quite Healthy
Favorite Tentacle: Mmmmm, this little one is pretty handy at opening letters.
Anal: No, thank you. I don't believe my anatomy even has one of those.
Skills: Filing, Brewing Tea, Proof Reading, and all of the other office essentials

Physical Characteristics: A simple humanoid shaped being fitted with six tentacle shapped appendages. Though his face is non-descript, He often wears a monicle and proper office attire. Unlike the typical tentacle, this monster is capable of conversing coherently and inteligibly, and will not perform intercourse with a mate unless permitted.

Teamon's body is a shade of grey, and may be seen sipping tea during his breaks. He is often never far from the manager of the ranch - Teamon must ensure that all corespondence sent out must be professional to ensure the manager's reputation is not tainted.

X__Teamon_ Please sign here.

Terms 1.5
I pledge not to sue the tentacle farm/ranch/breeding pit on the account of if I do, then I must give birth to an endless cycle of babies.
I also pledge that if I am horribly hurt by a tentacle not as a punishment, I get free pay for a week, or month, depending on severity.

((scribbled below, Teamon seems to have commented the following: "Dear me! I don't believe I shall be birthing anything!"))

Name: Wallpaper (Walla for the sake of RP and slight distancing from, y'know, me-behind-the-computer-screen. XD Sorry!)
Gender: Female
Race: Human; might have some minotaur blood in the heredity, but it's only showing up in the obstinacy and the getting led around by the nose.
How many do you want to ride a day: Up to three at any given time, no more than 9-hours-worth, depending on how long they're going for.
Hip Size: enough to wear size 10 womens pants.
Bust Size: A, though if pregnancy is involved I don't doubt they'll swell. :x
Healthiness: Not chunky, but everything checks out with the doctor!
Favorite Tentacle: Those that are willing to give a good time in exchange for the whole impregnation thing. Better yet, those that are only in it for the play. :p
Anal: Only from tentacles that I've trained well!
Skills: Tentacle-whispering, freakish strength, decent stamina, subservience (when trust is earned at least!), good observational skills, ummm lesbianism? XD
Physical Characteristics:
About 5'4, with shoulder-length wavy brown hair, Walla isn't a particularly daunting looking young woman, though when she sets her jaw and raises her voice she makes a little more defiant a picture. Caucasian and human, she has grey-blue eyes behind frameless clear glasses, a button nose and full lips. She's well suited to space, not taking well to the direct sunlight of the open air ranches -- she freckles up and burns before she tans! She generally wears simple, form-as-function clothing, if she needs to wear clothing at all. She follows orders but is capable of giving her own if need be.

XWallpaper Please sign here.

Terms 1.5
I pledge not to sue the tentacle farm/ranch/breeding pit on the account of if I do, then I must give birth to an endless cycle of babies.
I also pledge that if I am horribly hurt by a tentacle not as a punishment, I get free pay for a week, or month, depending on severity.

Currently Hired Employees.