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Distant Overlook

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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((This thread is here solely for the purpose of allowing certain plot elements to be revealed in a sort of "Meanwhile..." setting. Players are not allowed to post here.))
Re: Distant Overlook

A short ways away from Route 7, a male figure in odd, dark clothes stood, watching the results of the explosion. Those at the site could not see him, but an odd, blank look was on his face. His posture was that of one who was waiting for someone, such as a superior...
Re: Distant Overlook

He wouldn't have to wait very long.

A tall male just suddenly was there, no warning at all, and somehow had snuck up on the figure waiting. When he spoke, it was with almost no emotion whatsoever, and only the bare minimum of words.

"Report in."
Re: Distant Overlook

Without even moving, the first man spoke. "Three dead. At least five severely injured, three of them possibly fatally. The other device was found before it went off, though."

No emotion, as if the speaker wasn't even there.
Re: Distant Overlook

"Three dead and only five injured? There should have been more even with only the one device. I am disappointed the other device was found before it could be detonated though. How was it found, and by whom?"
Re: Distant Overlook

"Unknown. It is possible that some manner of overseer for the area had the proper training to discover it. We will find out. There have been delays in other areas, though."
Re: Distant Overlook

The only real noticable emotion from him came from his response. "See to it that you do, and delays in other areas? How many and which one's are we talking about now? I'm growing tired of waiting."
Re: Distant Overlook

"The group seeking the Trio have reported difficulties. Apparently, an organized group of locals are attempting to interfere. Little else is known."
Re: Distant Overlook

"Deal with it as you see fit, destroy them if need be. Anything else to report or is that all you have at this time?"
Re: Distant Overlook

"That is all."
Re: Distant Overlook

"Very well, you know how to reach me if anything more to report comes up. Carry on."

He vanishes almost exactly as how he had appeared, without a trace, or any hint of how, or even if he'd been there.
Re: Distant Overlook

The first figure stood there for a moment longer, before simply dropping from the edge of the cliff.
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