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Divine Arms - A magical action-adventure hentai game

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Actually he did provide a new version now didn't he. Calling it a scam is actually hyperbole the situation to be fair. Looking at the quality from gameplay,artwork and animation it's actually considered pretty very good. I won't deny that 2 years for something that's not even halfway done is behind schedule, but not everyone is good at programming (i come from IT background myself welp) and he is just an indie dev from what I see. Though I am not sure about his full situation like why he didn't hire extra help with that big monthly wage etc, but seeing he did update it it's not really a scam no?
These are all false. As previously established, we know what area he lives in and how many natural disasters have hit him, and we also have a comprehensive record of the times he fabricated more than actually existed because he did not expect people to find other people on the internet. He gave fabricated reasons as to why he delayed a product put still took the payment for it, delaying progress for two years until conveniently when everyone started calling him out on it. The reason everyone is jumping on it is because there is solid proof.
You have proof of someone making excuses and failing to provide results and even lying in the process. If you honestly can't tell the difference between that and fraud then you really shouldn't ever be throwing the term around. I don't think many people with disagree with the notion that this entire shitshow is shady as fuck, or even that it very well could be a scam, but there is a difference between (likely) possibility and fact, which is the crux of my statements. Again, libel and slander are not things to be committing to with such fervor, talk about the dishonest practices all you like, but leave the trite accusations out of it unless you have some solid basis to it. How hard can that be?
Actually he did provide a new version now didn't he. Calling it a scam is actually hyperbole the situation to be fair. Looking at the quality from gameplay,artwork and animation it's actually considered pretty very good. I won't deny that 2 years for something that's not even halfway done is behind schedule, but not everyone is good at programming (i come from IT background myself welp) and he is just an indie dev from what I see. Though I am not sure about his full situation like why he didn't hire extra help with that big monthly wage etc, but seeing he did update it it's not really a scam no?

Is he still actually planning on finishing the game, or is he just finishing the prologue and quitting? He really needs to communicate what he's doing and what his plans are without hiding them behind a paywall.
He made some posts a few pages back that provide little clarity, but you might want to go and read those regardless.
Is he still actually planning on finishing the game, or is he just finishing the prologue and quitting? He really needs to communicate what he's doing and what his plans are without hiding them behind a paywall.

I have no idea, I am new to this game circle as well despite seeing the thread here for some time. And never really step into due to.. you know why just by reading the comments here. That's the issue I had in my earlier post, regarding why putting cheats behind the paywall. As a new guy checking out his patreon, the lack of proper info was what caused the misunderstandings, he only explain it after that cheats are available in game even if you pay for the lowest tier, again as a new guy how would anyone know that. I see that he actually change his patreon pledges and try to be much clearer.
Actually he did provide a new version now didn't he. Calling it a scam is actually hyperbole the situation to be fair. Looking at the quality from gameplay,artwork and animation it's actually considered pretty very good. I won't deny that 2 years for something that's not even halfway done is behind schedule, but not everyone is good at programming (i come from IT background myself welp) and he is just an indie dev from what I see. Though I am not sure about his full situation like why he didn't hire extra help with that big monthly wage etc, but seeing he did update it it's not really a scam no?

People are capable of amazing feats when their source of income is threatened. Do we know how much new content the update added yet?
People are capable of amazing feats when their source of income is threatened. Do we know how much new content the update added yet?

That's why I don't really intend to defend him fully. But "scammer" is a really harsh word, I've seen people calling him 'lazy', that might be a more appropriate word. It's not as if he totally delay or ran off without any replies/update.
That's why I don't really intend to defend him fully. But "scammer" is a really harsh word, I've seen people calling him 'lazy', that might be a more appropriate word. It's not as if he totally delay or ran off without any replies/update.

It took two years and everyone threatening to leave to provide that update.
Reminds me about that guy in spain that didn't come to work for six years but nobody checked his office, so he got his paycheck every week.
Calling stalkers people that just google a name lul!.One another note at some point i considered pledging.I found the game after the disasters and thought not much of it other than it was unfortunate .However i saw 3-4 post regarding H animations coming the next month etc that never came.That made me lose faith in this guy along with the fact the he hid the income.Plus some random shit like with ur pledges u help me along with his family and the strays he adopts making excuses for his lack of work which now has made me draw the conclusion that this he is just lazy and the kind of person that lies to himself that this is acceptable for the x reasons.The only shed of light was that after his animator left he urged people to stop the donations until he shorts it out.
Well it seem like he overhauled his page to remove the drama about your pledges keeping him safe from storms and floods, donating to dogs, and raising a family of 5 and their mini zoo. Searching him on google to verofy his claim credentials did say he donated for dogs. At least my 10 usd went to that lol

He fixed his donations to 8500 usd and is at 74% meaning around 300 000 peso philippine per month. His previous goals were US 1000, 2000, then some other, then 8500 then 150000 then 20 000 USD. Before he abandoned the game and hid his amount he was hitting almost 70% of 15 000.

In his new payment terms if all his subscribers pay the minimum at 1 usd he will get roughly 1200 us dollar monthly. But if everyone pays 10 usd for their premium theb he earns 12 000 usd per month which is not bad. Then he sells it to new grounds for maybe 15k and he's good. Cleared his rep, squeezed more money then go on hiding perhaps. Again these are assumptions provided his new payment categories.

I resubscribed to see if the demo is worth but it is far too buggy and lacking to tell if it is worth the years wait.

I personaly find suspicious that he only gets active at the end of the month and start of the mo th just before patreon pay outs. Granted this is what other creators do but in between they dont leave their patrons hanging.

Is funny how he shots down people who point out his work slowness...

demo 2.0 / fix should be available this week as he commited. If it doesn't happen again and he just updates end of the month or beginning of next month then I'm calling it off.

Seriously someone should take screen for refarence
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You missed the + instant access to early builds, high res psd and animations, designs and game plan folders.
Everyone else will get the game even if they pledge $1 or $100 jesus, why am I even explaining this...

As for some previous comments, I never mentioned I'm going to do SFW games exclusively.
What I said was I'll design the next games as SFW and ADD NSFW separately for patrons while other non-patron players can get it as optional.

jesus christ there were even people stalking me and hunting my real identity.
When a huge storm comes, and you get hit, when the flood goes up your ass and people around you die and get sick, come back to me and tell me it was nothing.
Also try developing a game while you're at it, since you sound like you can do better at everything.

I'll finish this game you assholes. Stop with the all this 2 years - 2 years whining. Chris just got aboard last year. This is my game and I'll do whatever I want with it when I feel like changing something for the better.

Can a mod close this thread now, please?

Lmao, the gift that keeps on giving!
I dont care about this shitty game but a scam like this does affect other creators and me as a potential patron to other projects. The fact that this guy has an audacity to throw a babyrage tantrum after this is unbelievable.
Actually he did provide a new version now didn't he. Calling it a scam is actually hyperbole the situation to be fair. Looking at the quality from gameplay,artwork and animation it's actually considered pretty very good. I won't deny that 2 years for something that's not even halfway done is behind schedule, but not everyone is good at programming (i come from IT background myself welp) and he is just an indie dev from what I see. Though I am not sure about his full situation like why he didn't hire extra help with that big monthly wage etc, but seeing he did update it it's not really a scam no?

It's hard to determine how much extra stuff need for a cost unless you're the dev themselves and most details about development spend were to kept secret between company, it is their right to do and decide should they show certain record for public, which have a high risk for both way of good/bad respond along with social criticism.

Even tho keep those record a secret is the most common thing for work in team does but the lack of materialized outcome to shown for their backer which not balanced with time they took are no doubt - to lead for a suspect of scamming as well.

What we seeing now are what left of Christ Armin done works for him in his part which I assumed that he already done all of them and to be implement in the next fixed or version, and no question about his amazing animator skill as it already topnotch, this might cost some pretty bucks out of ViperV but sadly that Christ fall short as he getting busier with his own campaign and can no longer provide optimal work to ViperV anymore - leading to the downfall he currently in.

Here is example for a real life spend of my family business. (These currency are used for easier understanding - based on my country, not the sustain rate for some actual other country)
I my own run the retail store and have only one stuff for helping hand, my shop didn't do that well but certainly sustainable.
My average sold each day were about 100~150$, I need to paid a stuff about 15$ a day

Each month my shop recorded sell rate about 3,000 ~ 4,000$ in average based on economy situation.
- 450$ labor cost
- 150$ public utility cost (electricity, water supply)
- 500~1,000$ living spend and other needed (internet, food, snack, etc.)
- around 30~70% sell price are the cost which I need to pay for the store I ordered from.

When calculate you'll get --- (assumed that I didn't do that bad and set to 50% as avg cost rate)
(4,000 - 50%) - (450 + 150 + 1,000)
2,000 - 1,600
= 400$ avg. net profit / month

If I were to hire another worker with the same labor cost will lead me to 50$ avg. net lose/month if my shop didn't do better, but matter not as my shop didn't do that bad every single month - still the calculated are not that handsome as I expected to be.
-- etc. etc. etc. --

As you can see, a big number - once calculate down to the spending sheet it divide into many table and can easily bite off multi-thousand down to hundred very quick.
But this is just an example for a retail shop like me while game dev might have different cost from me but we still never know how much each dev need to pay their co-worker unless they decide to public those record themselves.

Sadly most patronage artist all over will have to carry these weight of mixed reputation either good or bad, only thing that will kept those patronage goes will only be faith and believe of their fans and only hope that the dev or artist they backed will not came out to be an areshole in the end.
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who the hell thought Rapevine was a good idea? that thing is creepy.
It's hard to determine how much extra stuff need for a cost unless you're the dev themselves and most details about development spend were to kept secret between company, it is their right to do and decide should they show certain record for public, which have a high risk for both way of good/bad respond along with social criticism.

Didn't quote the entire thing since it seems pretty long. Yea i agree it's hard for us outsiders to gauge the cost for individual talents regarding this. But tbh base on what the previous comments about his payroll, it sounded really, and I mean real high for that peak period of hype. Hell that's even higher than a senior storyboard artist friend of mine that I know. Unless Chris actually takes like half of it I think most people will think he should be able to hire at least 1 more helper. But again that's just our speculations.

I actually pledge to his $1 deal after his total pledges revamp to see his old post and progress till now. Can see that he/Chris did work on the animations for sketched version from last year, to full colour+ animation in this new version. But they are really jumping all over the place, like 1 scene for blackball enemy, 1 scene for the rapevine, then fly over to 1 scene bloodhunter and now the upcoming mushroom enemy. I am not sure between him and Chris who is the one working on which, but with everything jumping all over the place none of them are considered 100% completed. And we the players can't see the progression as well with slow updates, unless you are trying to say 0.25x4 = 1 year worth of work(give him the benefit of doubt the other 1 year is spent on the non-animation part of the game).

This game definitely has 1 of the best animation and solid gameplay, but I hope that he haven't forget that end of the day it's an H game, what most of this project's supporters want is the H content more than the combat,map design which can come later. Not to mention the very slow work pace once again.. I know "working under no one" as an indie gives more freedom and flexibility, pshh isn't that why most people go indie to begin with. But If this a an actual company he will probably be rid of by them, at least have the etiquette to do it at the right pace instead of raging at supporters for constantly rushing him.

Now i know he is actually lurking this thread out there, will he come in babyraging and asking for lock again, instead of working on the promised fix version. Who knows.
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To be fare, I believe most dev know this site as it quite popular and have a balanced tone of community so I think he's looking around and mind his own business else where.

We never know how he works them out at any kind of pace but expectation and reality were never cross the same line, don't you think so ?
Some game are looking good and dated to be release in future, the next day they suddenly pop-out and still fine without ripped off.
Some took multiple years, preview like AAA industry but came out to be shitty and only good with arts but anything else gone to hell.

It's a kind of stress relieving process that he babyraging, Just like people love to smoke, drinking or go party outside so I believe he doesn't have any better method as effective as that. Burst out drama story from you chest can make your mind kinda feel lighter in a sense unless it made up whole it'll back fire those in no time, giving them more stress instead.

So I'll just overlooked what he been through either its fake or true - The fact that his works and times spent to them compare with what he has to offer are never change and no way to avoid being criticizing for, this is the actual reality he need to withstand no matter how hard he rage out. I'm just be here, watch a story, having a dose while enjoy any kind of wall-o-text that interest me - only the results are matter now.
You missed the + instant access to early builds, high res psd and animations, designs and game plan folders.
Everyone else will get the game even if they pledge $1 or $100 jesus, why am I even explaining this...

As for some previous comments, I never mentioned I'm going to do SFW games exclusively.
What I said was I'll design the next games as SFW and ADD NSFW separately for patrons while other non-patron players can get it as optional.

jesus christ there were even people stalking me and hunting my real identity.
When a huge storm comes, and you get hit, when the flood goes up your ass and people around you die and get sick, come back to me and tell me it was nothing.
Also try developing a game while you're at it, since you sound like you can do better at everything.

I'll finish this game you assholes. Stop with the all this 2 years - 2 years whining. Chris just got aboard last year. This is my game and I'll do whatever I want with it when I feel like changing something for the better.

Can a mod close this thread now, please?

If you can't accept criticism, what's the point in being a developer then? And making promises you can't fulfill? Your patreons are probably the only real income you get, so I think you should treat every single one of your patrons with great respect, even if they talk shit about you.
who the hell thought Rapevine was a good idea? that thing is creepy.

How is that creepy? If not the lore you wouldn't even know what's wrong with that girl and you would considered her to be yet another Alraune...
How is that creepy? If not the lore you wouldn't even know what's wrong with that girl and you would considered her to be yet another Alraune...

You can see the girl crying and some small amputation scars. you can't see the scars in the sex scene, but it's clear the girl wasn't an original part of the plant.
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