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DLSite Game Manager 0.3.3

I see... In this case would it be possible for you to make two releases of the manager; One with the arc_conv and the ability to unpack Wolf RPG and one without? That way those of us who just want to use it as a folder organizer/namer can do so without havign to worry about antiviruses triggering and deleting the file as often as it does?
Made the one without... it still triggers some AVs, though less than before, only BitDefender from major ones.
Don't really know where to dig more.
I uploaded it at the same link at page 7 if you want to try, named 'GameManager0.3.3_mod_0.48_no_arc_conv.zip'
Made the one without... it still triggers some AVs, though less than before, only BitDefender from major ones.
Don't really know where to dig more.
I uploaded it at the same link at page 7 if you want to try, named 'GameManager0.3.3_mod_0.48_no_arc_conv.zip'
View attachment 45123
I appeciate you going out of your way to do this; but when i downloaded and tried to extract it it still ended up detecting the same virus as seen in this screenshot. 1660668549565.png
Nothing more can do about this.
Source code is open, it's the best assurance.
Nothing more can do about this.
Source code is open, it's the best assurance.

Hello, I have encounted same issue too,
but I did some google search saying that changing the icon of the exe may get rid off those false positive.
Would it be a nice try for you? (though I did use your mod 0.47 for a long time and added it in exclusion list)
Anyway Thanks for your effort and recently I found the category is not functioning well so I'm trying your 0.48 version XD
Tags also seem to be broken.
DLSite changed their advanced search page somewhere in the last 10 days, which i used to pull category and tags.
I'll try to fix when I have time.
Whatever changed with dlsite, it happened within the last 72 hours, why do they have to change their damn website so often?
Hello, I have encounted same issue too,
but I did some google search saying that changing the icon of the exe may get rid off those false positive.
Would it be a nice try for you? (though I did use your mod 0.47 for a long time and added it in exclusion list)
Anyway Thanks for your effort and recently I found the category is not functioning well so I'm trying your 0.48 version XD
Hi I fixed it, now the tags and category are displayed correctly, but I'm using version v.0.46, if you need here is the .rar
Can someone tell me why I cant build it with the source code ? Using the 0.48 mod but everytime i get the error that he cant find the assemby (ObjectListView) even the the build order is right and the path where he can find the dll is right to ? I made no changes to the project or code up to now, just downloaded it and trying to build. Using VS 22 Community. Does someone has an idea how i can fix this problem ?

P.S.: Nvm the Version mod 0.46 works
and I made some modifications on my own. had the problem that the Rename and Organize didnt worked for me.
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Any Updates?! I just got back to this after years having organizations needs. This Software is God's work!
Sorry for the necro, Currently using ver 0.47, it seems circle Alibi, Alibi+ has ceased to exist and now the manager cant download the info from dlsite.

my question, how do the mod get the icon image for the game? I tried add image from another source as a custom way as shown below
1670043220629.png ,
but I cant set any of the image as the cover for the game in the tiles, it just showing blank.

And when I browse any of the dlsite, for many games theres no image that like the icon. does the manager somehow generates this icon? or it exist in dlisite page, but we cant access it?
also how to fix the category for 0.47
And when I browse any of the dlsite, for many games theres no image that like the icon. does the manager somehow generates this icon? or it exist in dlisite page, but we cant access it?
View attachment 46314
also how to fix the category for 0.47
Same, I was using 0.47 and update at 0.48, if I do "Download info" only download; Title, Circle an Released, while "Category" is
ml lang="en-us">

<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=1024">
+a lot of lines
Hey im kind of new to this whole thing and I have a question I put the Paths in the Manager, do I need to click the Translate button everytime or is there a way to do it without my input when a new sentence comes?
Would it be possible to not have it auto extract when you drag and drop archives in? I have quite a few games but I don't have enough space to have them all extracted on my local machine.
Would it be possible to not have it auto extract when you drag and drop archives in? I have quite a few games but I don't have enough space to have them all extracted on my local machine.
As a workaround, you can place each archive in its own folder and drag&drop these folders onto manager. It won't unpack them in this case.
As a workaround, you can place each archive in its own folder and drag&drop these folders onto manager. It won't unpack them in this case.

I have 500+ files in my folder, is there a way to automate this? I mean move each .zip file into its separate folder.
I have 500+ files in my folder, is there a way to automate this?
Create .bat file with the following content:
for %%i in (*.*) do (if not "%%~xi" == ".bat" md "%%~ni" && move "%%~i" "%%~ni")
Place it in the folder with your archives and run it.