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[DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

i wan little cuckoo also....gt 50 crystal but dun dare to draw gacha
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Where do you read the patch notes? I can only find the news.

They post the latest message right below the game window, the indefinite chance up thing is still there.

To get to the forum for any previous notices, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the right most link: "公式コミュニティ". Then click 運営からのお知らせ for "News from operations".


Well now the post below is about the emergency maintenance till 17:00.

Did my 11 roll, got 4 4 stars, no 5 stars :( 2 of the 4 stars I already own. With as fast as we're getting 4-5 stars now, I'm going to just feed the 4 stars to themselves for item unlocks and skill ups rather than using both. 4 stars the new 3 stars, 3 stars the new 2 stars (I've been using 3 stars as food now). Overall a pretty bad roll, but oh well. First time I get to feed 4 stars to themselves, I guess that's something. I'll have 3 full teams of 4-5 stars soon once I level the new girls.

Hibiscus and Sweet Pea are my new girls, nothing to really write home about. I do like Hibiscus' skill but their abilities are meh. Upside is I have somebody to eat all this cake in my inventory now. It's pretty bad when you're excited to meet a new girl just because you want her to eat all your excess cake. Hibiscus, my new garbage disposal.
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Well haven't been all that lucky with the gacha myself though I did pull Cymbidium (pink glasses girl) a day ago. Also managed to find a lily from the 80-stam map which upped her skill... attempted the 120 map as well and pulled out after the first fight, sadly impossible for my team to do. 100k total damage doesn't cut it, but thankfully did manage to 3-star all the other ones.

Also does anyone else find it annoying and think the rng is kind of rigged? Noticed that boss monsters tend to keep hitting the same knight a lot, at least on the event maps. Kind of unfair as we can't select which monster to attack after all.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I don't think RNG can ever seem fair. We focus on the negative stuff/bad luck more than the positive/good luck, even though everything probably evens out in the end. Human nature.

I wish they'd fix your teammates attacking a dead enemy when you're using speed up, pretty obnoxious.
True that... some maps I spent ages on getting 3-star, others you just get them immediately after the first run. It does get frustrating at times, but what can you do about almighty RNGesus :p

Yes it's pretty annoying they attack dead ones, but then again the monsters do that to your team too if one fails... evens out~
What I find more annoying is that you have for example 2 monsters and boss, your team attacks them all at first, but when the normal monsters are almost dead they fail to attack them and go for the boss while still taking damage from the normal ones...
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

lol having 4 girls attacking with their specials all on one fly thats basically already good as dead... hopefully they change that, not sure if it only happens when you turn on fast battle
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Finally tried the 120 map, my 150k team was not enough. The final boss 2 shot my 50k assist with a couple 6 star units. I did manage to kill the miniboss fairly easily. I might have been able to 1 star it if I avoided the mini boss (And my assist didn't get aoed to hell), but eh. I'll just wait to see what the 2nd part of the event brings now.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Finally tried the 120 map, my 150k team was not enough. The final boss 2 shot my 50k assist with a couple 6 star units. I did manage to kill the miniboss fairly easily. I might have been able to 1 star it if I avoided the mini boss (And my assist didn't get aoed to hell), but eh. I'll just wait to see what the 2nd part of the event brings now.

How do you get to the boss without getting destroyed by flies? I haven't been able to do that map without a team reaching the boss around 25% health. The loop of death is just unforgiving to me; watching my teams run around in circles 3-4 times before finally one leaves only to get 1-shot.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

How do you get to the boss without getting destroyed by flies? I haven't been able to do that map without a team reaching the boss around 25% health. The loop of death is just unforgiving to me; watching my teams run around in circles 3-4 times before finally one leaves only to get 1-shot.

I set all my teams to the bottom tent, maybe it helped since I didn't have to make my weaker teams fight mobs and die early. That and my main team has an ability to recover HP from fly burrows and are just tanky as hell. The more teams that survive, the quicker you unlock the locked tiles. So pretty much if you want to beat it, put all your teams on one tent and your strongest team in 1st move order. They should hopefully protect your other teams until you unlock the exit. For the best chance of clearing, probably go all top tent, you'll knock out some of the flies and only have to deal with two mobs before the boss.

Still, you're relying almost entirely on the damage your teams can do in 1-2 turns because the boss can aoe kill pretty much anything people have right now that quickly. I don't think you should try it before 175k power or so by how badly my 150k team got smashed, only did about 25-35% damage to the boss if I remember right, and that was thanks to my assist with 6 stars.

Right now I think the map isn't supposed to be beatable by the majority of players. I think we have to wait until next week's round of fairy dailies to have a shot at it. Probably best to wait unless you don't mind wasting 120 stamina on coins and seeds. I let my curiosity get the best of me, also wanted to be able to warn others of the difficulty.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well, my total attack power right now is 181k. I just keep getting smashed by flies and have no idea what to do to get around taking fly damage from ~7-8 nests over and over while a bunch of RNG keeps my teams stuck in a loop. If there was some way to clear the fly camps at the bottom of the map, then I am sure I could get through to pick up the chest at the end.

It's just too hard for me to spend more than half my stamina trying a map to figure out how everything works. This is why I am constantly asking people about this map as I really want to level Yamayuri's skill, but have gotten destroyed each time I try this map. :p
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

lol having 4 girls attacking with their specials all on one fly thats basically already good as dead... hopefully they change that, not sure if it only happens when you turn on fast battle

Dont worry you dont need to trust this animations anyway.
Cause if you fight against a Monster with the same group, the outcome is the same every time. Even the animation are alwasy the same.

This i confirmed by myself, 4 Runs and 4 time the exact same animations and damage. Same crit every time, same people who got attacked and so on.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Yeah... I'll do the 80 map a few more times this last day and hope i'll get lucky on another skill up lily. Happy enough I had one of them drop. I'm not even touching the 120 one after getting brutally murdered by the first mobs... That map really is for people that throw money at this game... can't blame the developer for that though, he needs to make money too.

Also know why I sort of like Suzuran... she's classified as a yandere which I find an interesting personality, explains why she's so obsessed and openly wanting to murder enemies and have that psycho laugh. Somehow didn't make the conscious connection of that, haha
Kind of noticed another thing which was interesting. If you have the H-scene of Ginran, to me her face looks a lot like a grown-up not so flat Illyasviel. Well at least from the magical girl anime.

Edit: Yay, had gathered 5 stones again and went for gacha for the heck of it... and finally have my first 6-star, Ume :)
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Ah lucky, everytime I hear someone gets a 6* i wanna try too.

Anyways I'm pretty sure any 120 stamina map we see from now on will be considered extreme XD

My Lily is at skill level 4, I've gone thru 3 event items and it still won't bump up to 5 :(
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

So I have done other searches with Edelweiss as my leader, but this is the first time I have seen her do this. Do other knights have different run animations for search other than the normal run animation?

Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

rofl is she using it as a segway? I use her as a leader too and I haven't seen her do that at all.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Is there anything that hammer can't do?

I bet it flies too.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

i was manage to 1 star the 120 stam map also but with only 1 girls surviving by placing all the team on top tent.The flies are brutal in killing all the team to 1HP.

gratz freykling on getting ume.Ume is useful for killing boss.

LOL.....that hammer. First it can become a sword when skill,second it can use as transport for running. That hammer is jus too funny.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

This is why I am constantly asking people about this map as I really want to level Yamayuri's skill, but have gotten destroyed each time I try this map. :p
I've had quite a bit of success with that map and have maxed out Yamayuri's skill some time ago (caps at 25%, much better than the initial 10%). If you want to beat it for her skill, I maintain my previous advice. Your overall power level is pretty much exactly the same as mine at 181k (which is considerably higher than when I was beating it thanks to the recent fairy daily). If you balance out your teams a little more and find a strong assist (around 70k, ideally with mainly gold and a rainbow or two) you should be capable of beating it consistently regardless of the flies.

Out of the 12 or so times I ran it the flower only failed to drop once and I was unlucky enough to fail the mission only once thanks to a never ending loop and thinking I might still be able to do enough damage to the boss when it had a little too much health left. I should've just taken my nearly 20k gold and 2k seeds and skedaddled instead of banking on it not using it's AoE.
Yes, the boss does love to spam it's AoE, but it has relatively low health and goes down fairly quickly. I've beaten the boss with both the assist and my main team each on their own when it didn't use it's AoE and was lucky enough not to trigger the flies. But usually you're going to need 4 or 5 teams to make it to the boss and do a good amount of damage each time which is why it's very important that they're all sufficiently powerful instead of favoring certain teams and/or girls.

All said and done it is a luck heavy map, but if you go for 1 star with a strong enough team it should pay off in the end, even if you get unlucky a couple times. At this point though the next update is upon us and there's no point rushing if you're still uncomfortable. I'm sure these maps will stick around for another week.

And as a word of warning to anyone else reading this, I do not recommend running it at all if you do not meet the requirements I've mentioned here and in previous posts unless you're desperate for the flower and have balls the size of cantaloupes.
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Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

Well, I was only going for one star after the first time where I went in blind. But I've never had a run where a team made it out of the loop with more than 25% health (and most of the time my knights will have just 1 hp or something). Perhaps I just have terrible luck on that map with some of my groups looping literally 10+ times. I am not sure if that is normal, but it happened to me each time I attempted the map.

In terms of assists, I am not so fortunate. I have 2-3 assists that are stronger than me, but only one has a 6 star knight and for some reason the one with a 6 star knight never shows up in my list of usable assists (okay I am being a bit melodramatic, I have seen that user one time). It's just the way things are, I can't rely on an assist like you so I had to find a different way.

Oh well, the next event half should be slots so I am all out of time to raise her skill. Hopefully the slot maps are a bit easier, I saw people discussing the difficulty of the 120 stamina map on the DMM Community page as well so maybe they will take those into account.
Re: [DMM] Flower Knight Girl

I have the same problem, I'm usually top 4 on my list, and there's only one person who's really clearly better off the top of my head (Keima usually since he has 6 stars). Oh Kregs, Ani and Phoenix are pretty good too (They stay at my levelish), I have a terrible memory. There's one guy that's like 200k power sometimes, but he uses all 3-4 stars so they're actually a lot weaker than they seem. Would probably help if I had some maxed characters too to benefit from the levels his characters are. Having like level 55ish evolved 3/4 stars doesn't really replace 5/6 stars.

I need some better assists... If any strong players want to add me (150k or above): 942816749

My main team is 50k, total is above 150k I think. My main team is almost entirely full target aoe skills and 5 star units, so they deal with multiple enemies and bosses very well. Only 4 star on my main team is a girl who has an all enemy attack skill. I'm actually really close to evolving some of my main team, but the super elite wtf dragons don't like dropping, as I'm sure a lot of you have noticed. OF course today is the day for the red dragons I need to evolve a couple of my girls, but the 2nd part of the event starts so I'll be busy with that instead.


As I thought, now items will drop that unlock the event girl's equip slots.

Apparently (If I'm reading correctly) the droprate of her items are doubled too, that's good news.

Tons of tiny changes and bug fixes.
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