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Don't Rest Your Head OOC thread

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Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Sup dudes. I'll be accepting a limited number of characters and if I get too many people who want to play, I may have to cut the number down, somehow, or get an assistant GM(if you're interested in GMing, awesome. Post here or something.).

If you have questions or comments, post here or contact me somehow(pm, shoutbox, visitor messages, occasionally IRC). If you want to join, make a character. If you need to find the rules, they're available for purchase at (or google for DL links, for those morally ambiguous characters who don't want to support small companies). For exhaustion powers, try not to pick something that can solve just about every problem you might have and it should be ok. For madness powers, ask me first if you want something not in the books.
Re: Don't Rest Your Head OOC thread

Huge question: What's the setting.

Sub-questions that fall into this one:
Where and when is it set? (what society/technology is like)
Who exists? (What races/sexes are allowed)

So, for instance, Modern Day New York City DRYH would be different from London Steampunk DRYH.
Re: Don't Rest Your Head OOC thread

The setting apart from the Mad City is modern world equivalent. The sleeping city is an unnamed small city somewhere in US midwest. Both genders are allowed, but humans are the only "race" to exist outside Mad City.
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