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Down Time and Hospital Time

Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Viktor’s face sobered a bit at Olga’s reminder, as they watched the girl fall into a drug-induced dream, a live reminder of what can go wrong in the battlefield. The OD walked toward Olga, patting her in the head once more, muttering a couple words of encouragement before he turned to the pilots. “Well then, guys. I guess you’ll meet our new pilot first then.” He said, walking toward the door, giving them a minute if they wanted to bid farewell to the sleeping clone as well before leaving, before taking everyone into his car.

The trip didn’t last too long, hopefully, avoiding undermining whatever big or small excitement they had for meeting Lynn. Viktor knocked on the door once or twice, as some sort of warning he was coming in, even though it was his own house, and pushed the door open.

“I don’t think neither Charlotte nor Olga have come here. Takehito lives here with me, and so does now or new acquisition.” He said, leading everyone into the living room. “Lynn, we’re here.”
The news having long since bored her, Lynn had taken to wandering to house like any good wolf would. After Docs visit, she was not expecting company for some time, leaving her to her devices. She looked at the various decorations, snooped around the kitchen for snack and even tried to explore the sleeping quarters. Her trip ended however when she heard a knock. Must mean Viktor was back with the others. This sent her scrambling to the living room and sitting herself down on the couch, taking a minute to fix her outfit. "Oh. Good to see you. You bring the others?"
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito stepped in the room, not entirely sure what to expect from this new roommate. He certainly didn't expect a girl dressed in rather...skimpy clothing, and were those wolf ears she was wearing? Regardless, she was another teammate and deserved to be treated as such, he thought.

"I am Takehito Miyamoto. I live here along with Viktor." he said, giving a brief smile as he extended his hand in greeting.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte gave the new woman an unamused stare from behind the Commander. "Permission to be visually noticed," she said drolly. How was she asking if he'd brought them? She wasn't exactly hiding. And what the hell was that on her head?? Animal ears? Maybe she should've gotten a set of eyes, too.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"Takehito was it? I hope I'm pronouncing that right. I was always bad with names. It's great to meet you. I guess you and I will more or less be room mates. Viktor has me staying here as well, so we'll be seeing alot of each other." She took the boys hand and shook it, giving him a smile. "And sorry about the outfit. Doctor Cavey forgot to pack extra stuff, leaving me without a proper wardrobe." She chuckled awkwardly, trying to ease the tension of the situation. It was the least she could do, given she was wearing super revealing clothing

She then leaned slightly to see the other girl almost hiding behind Viktor, causing her to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Her blank stare was a little unnerving but she seemed decent enough. Maybe she was just shy. "Hey there. Don't need to ask. You can just say hello. My name is Lynn. Lynn Marshall. Proud daughter of Mother Ireland and Neo-Spartan, at your service!" Lynn was quite proud of her introduction, glad to introduce herself to her new team mates. Despite her initial embaressment, Lynn had a big smile on her face. "Also, before I forget Viktor, Doc Cavey stopped by to check on me. Left fairly quickly though. Thought I should let you know."
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte's stare went from blank to questioning. So she was half-Irish and half-Greek, was she? Was that supposed to be patriotic now, or something? She wouldn't back down. "Pilot Charlotte Alan, proud daughter of Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam. 'Merica." One hand came up, throwing out the bull horns, though her voice was as deadpan as ever.

A thought occurred to her though, and she gave the new woman an appraising once-over. "Pilot Alan requesting clarification regarding Pilot Marshall's age it's impact on ability to pilot an Evangelion unit."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“I see, I hope she found this place appropriate for your stay.” He answered without missing a beat. He didn’t want getting the place sour just because of him reacting badly to that woman being there.

“Now, now. I assure, Lynn is still perfectly within age range to pilot her vehicle without trouble.” Viktor chimed in, as he walked into the kitchen, getting ready for the visit on his apartment. He grabbed a couple of stuff, plates and glasses, and set them on the table. “Everyone, get here, we’re gonna have a bit of a party, both for our new addition and for a successful mission.”

With that, Viktor disappeared into the kitchen once again, not leaving the kids waiting for long, however, as he came back carrying a big piece of bread, or rather, a cake that he set in the middle of the table. “Who wants a slice?” He said, already sliding the edge of the knife through the bread.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte blinked. Looking again, she realized this new girl wasn't as old as she'd first thought. Shit, she must have been knocked harder than she'd thought during the fight - how did she mistake a girl almost her age for someone over twenty?

Fuck. I was thinking she was an Impact Survivor for some raisin. <_>
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"Yeah, as Viktor says, I'm in good shape to pilot. The Neo-Spartan program does not skimp on the training of it's pilots. And Ireland really worked hard to make me, no doubt there! Give the yanks a run for their money!" She meant well with her comments, only wishing to joke with Charlotte and meaning nothing ill by her words. She patted Charlotte on the shoulder and smiled. With Viktor leaving the picture, Lynn wasted no time finding a seat and sitting herself down by the time he returned. "Lets eat! The cake is to die for. Trust me on this one!" While she may have been getting into the spirit of the festivities, she was unsure if her new friends would enjoy themselves as well. Hopefully they would in time.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"I suppose we will. Also, I understand...that can happen, I guess." He tried not to make the conversation more awkward that it already was. He was relieved when Viktor called them into the kitchen. Producing a nice looking cake, Takehito took no time in taking a seat.

"Finally, something to eat." he said as he cut a rather large piece of cake and started attacking it.

"So Lynn, any particular reason they sent you over here?" he asked, looking up ever so briefly before going back to devouring his cake slice.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

The plucky Irish lass took a sizable bite out of her cake, knowing full well she'd be burning it off soon enough. Gotta stay in good shape so that she doesn't lax in combat. Least that's what Doc has been telling her. There was no such thing as a fat wolf she said. "Well, I had just finished the training in the program and Europe had been fairly quiet. At least our neck of the woods. They sent me and Doc over because they felt we were needed more over here. Honestly, I was excited. Finally getting a chance to see the world or at least a part of it." Lynn was quite happy to explain that little part of her back story. The world was at her fingertips now and she was going to enjoy every moment of it.

"Mind if I ask how you two came into all this? I mean, I've been part of NERV for the majority of my life due to the program, but what about you guys?" She said, referring to both Charlotte and Takehito
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte looked unenthusiastically at the 'treat' Viktor was apparently treating them to. "That does not look inappropriate to the nutritional needs of the dietary regimen I have been instructed to practice," she said, still standing some few paces away from the table - heels together and arms firmly flat at her sides, standing 'at attention' drilled into her subconscious.

Upon being asked about her origin, Charlotte was unsure she was permitted to share that secret. Without a handler - something she'd only started to wean off of, after spending essentially all of her early childhood training with one at the laboratory, and even after she had been deployed - Charlotte defaulted to Commander Viktor - Command. She shot him a look and hoped he noticed - some small amount of her desperation leaking through to her expression.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Viktor could only look with a smile as the kids finally started talking with each other, bringing some relief to his heart as he handed a slice to Lynn, hoping it would too be of her liking. He walked to Charlotte, holding another slice on his hand. He patted her head, chuckling a bit at the stiff clone.

“At ease, soldier.” He said, handing her a slice before pulling her towards him, walking her to closer to the others, having had noticed her nervous gaze. “We’re among allies here Charlotte. No need to be reserved among friends.” He said, leaving her side right in front of a couch and walked to the side, hoping Charlotte would find it in herself to sit down and enjoy the stay. He went ahead, slicing the rest of the cake in roughly equal pieces, in the oft-chance someone fancied another bite.

“That goes for everyone here. No need to be embarrassed or scared, this is your home for you to relax a bit.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito looked up, trying to recall the events.

"Well, I was born in raised in Tokyo-3. It was by chance that NERV picked me to pilot, apparently I passed some sort of tests they were giving. Anywho, they gave me the briefest of instructions and shipped me out here, much like you....in fact, I have only been here for about a week and a half." Finishing off his first slice, he proceeded to get a half-slice of another piece, knowing he shouldn't overdo it.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn finished her piece as Viktor and Charlotte finished talking and Viktor spoke to the group about the living situation. Well, at least he wouldn't be too stern of a taskmaster. Sure the guy was their OD, but he seemed to have an air of calm when dealing with the pilots, which definitely helped when he was talking to the strange girl. However, Charlotte's attitude did worry Lynn a great deal. Both she and Charlotte were soldiers deep down. That much was certain. But it seems Charlotte has no off switch while Lynn did. Maybe she can't relax or she doesn't want to? Whatever the reason, it was up to her to teach the uppity girl how to relax. Sure they were in a dire situation, but that didn't mean they had to be like that all the time. Enjoy life while you can.

She'd also take in Takehito's story, looking a good bit surprised. Lynn had heard rumors that NERV picked up promising civilians for the program but she thought they'd give them more instruction as to how to handle themselves. Kid was a literal fish out of water. "So this must have been complete whiplash for you? Going from Tokyo to here so fast. Well, hopefully things will be alright."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Her mostly-blank stare was colored by scowl when not only Lynn, but Viktor as well started patting her on the head. It was patronizing! She hadn't spent every waking moment - and most of her unwaking moments, even - learning the intricacies of war... she didn't knife a god to death to be... to be petted and fed cake.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Seeing the disgruntled look on her companions face, Lynn could see Viktor was making no progress. Unsettling to say the least. Being the only one who might even connect to Charlotte, Lynn raised out of her seat and approached her. "Charlotte, speaking from one trained soldier to another, rest and relaxation is a key component of our jobs. The program taught me a great deal, but the key lesson was this: A stressed soldier is a poor soldier. If you can't rest or even relax in your downtime, your going to get tired and stressed and those sorts of soldiers make mistakes. Mistakes that cost lives. Viktor means well and he just want you to relax while we can. Sure we may be fighting enormous monstrosities, but we can't let them control who we are when we aren't fighting them. So please...relax a little. It won't kill you." She made her case. She only hoped Charlotte would listen.
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“Lynn is right, Charlotte. You won’t be able to perform at one hundred percent next time if you expend all your energies stressed like that. Rest and restoration. You’ve heard of it, surely?” Viktor smiled, walking to the clone’s side with an idea in his mind.

“If you are not comfortable letting it happen on your own, I’ll lift that weight from your shoulders. Charlotte Alan, I order you to enjoy yourself and relax while you have the chance, I also order you to see any resting moment as an advantage for future fights. I am certain you would hate to hinder the team at any point, so this is good for you just as much as it is for everyone.” He sat down, holding her slice in front of her, a bit of a confident, yet hopeful smile on his face.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"I am relaxed," Charlotte stated in her 'at ease' stance, though the sounded cross. Her evident irritation only deepened when her commander implied her behavior was detrimental to the group's performance. And how in the hell was she supposed to follow an order to 'see' an opportunity? Even if she weren't at rest already, she could follow an order to 'perceive' things about as well as she could follow an order to 'perceive' infrared light. When she at last spoke up, she had to fight hard to keep her annoyance from creeping into her voice.

"I would request restraint towards petting me like one pets a dog when carries out commands."

Once Viktor had removed his hand, she took a seat, sitting straight, with her shoulders touching the chair's back and her head held tall - though she still didn't touch the cake.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn raised a rather curious eyebrow. For someone who was "relaxed" she sure was being rather stiff and boring. It almost seemed like she was lying to herself. Afraid to admit she wanted to have fun. First she had to make an observation "So how long did it take for them to plant that metal rod in your spine?" She leaned back in her seat a little, pushing her now empty plate aside. "While I admit the OD's petting might have been a bit much in this situation, he only meant well. And besides, I thought you yanks were suppose to be the fun ones. Last I checked, years of military training, conditioning and indoctrination didn't completely kill ones sense of humor. You may say you're relaxed, but you're about as stiff as the Great Wall of China." The Irish lass cracked a smile, trying her best to lighten up her new teammate.