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Down Time and Hospital Time

Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“Request acknowledged.” Viktor sighed, setting the cake on the table for the moment, if it ever happened, Charlotte decided to take a bite on her own. “Well then, let’s not allow this little sour patch to bog us down. This is a party, henceforth everyone is free to enjoy themselves.”

Quick to stand up, Viktor retreated to the kitchen, trying to figure out what else to bring out for the kids, this was their party after all. He returned with a handful of glasses and some more refreshments and snacks, they wouldn’t thrive on cake only after all. “Enjoy.”

With that said, he walked into the kitchen again. Sighing as he reached the fridge, retrieving a can of beer which he promptly, yet quietly, opened it, taking one long refreshing sip out of it. “Wonder how long this peace will last…”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

"A metal rod would be a non-ideal replacement for a spine," Charlotte replied matter-of-factly. "The stiffer material strength would be mitigated by the lack of segmentation and inability to bend, crouch, and roll with the force of incoming blows." Now that she wasn't being petted anymore, Charlotte's face was again devoid of expression. "I don't know what a 'yank' is, but in regards to your second assertion I might posit that perhaps your training was neither hard nor long enough."

She rolled her shoulders and bent her head first left, then right, a few pops accompanying the action as the vertebrae in her neck popped. "I assure you Pilot Marshall, regardless of what your assessment may be, I am very limber."

Charlotte didn't touch any snacks unless Viktor had brought out some celery sticks or other raw vegetables, in which case she took a scant few and nibbled on them. She did look around for water. She was always nervous about remembering to take her medication - enough that she always had a bottle of it with her, save only for when she was in her Evangelion.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Did she really just say what she thought she said? Good lord she didn't even know how to take a joke or an insult. She took everything way too literally. Lynn could only look at the girl with a curious expression. It was almost like she was reading off all that information from a text book, word for word without missing a beat. "Clearly no one taught you how to take a joke. I almost didn't think that was possible." She said, placing her hand on the back of her head and tussling her hair a bit. Hell, she didn't even know what a Yank was. The very term used to describe Americans. It was...bizarre. But then she said something that really flipped the wrong switch in the Neo-Spartans head. Her eye twitched slightly and a growl could be heard coming from her.

"You implying I'm soft? Cause no one says that about a Neo without damn good evidence. Hell, no one says that about any warrior from Mother Eire. I come from a nation of proud warriors. Men of myth and legend that fought gods and creatures beyond imagining. The armies of my home fought for decades...centuries against all manner of oppression and even when the enemy thought they snuffed us out, we only fought back harder! I...am the sole heir to that legacy. The proud daughter of hundreds of years of warrior history! I am the last true warrior of my proud island. I will see every opponent crushed before me and I will make my ancestors proud! And no one will tell me my training wasn't long or hard enough!" During her speech she had since shot up from her seat, her face red with anger and indignation. She was a proud young woman. She saw herself bearing a legacy of an entire nation and she would not be told she was weak or incompetent.

But despite all this...she could bring herself to do much more then talk. She couldn't hurt a fellow pilot and the last thing she needed was to make an enemy of everyone in the room. She was the new arrival and she'd already pissed off enough people today. She didn't need to alienate herself from her team as well. She might as well sign her own death warrant if that was the case. In a huff, she sat back down, ignoring the girls little display, but responding to her comment, strange as it was. "Yeah...well...Maybe you need to loosen up and learn to take a joke. It's not that hard. Even for you." She quickly grabbed a random article of food and began eating, trying to calm herself before Viktor returned, no doubt attracted to her blustering.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito sat, listening to the two debate back and forth, despite Viktors attempts to defuse the situation. In his departure, things had only gotten worse. Charlotte remained the impenetrable shell she always was and Lynn had lashed back with a hot temper- and words. He doubted that he could cool the situation, but he would try. He cleared his throat and closed his eyes.

"A good sword is the one left in its scabbard. Let not you two quarrel, for we all are comrades." Takehito started, opening his eyes. He went on, looking at Charlotte.

"One who does not bend to the wind will break. Lynn, Viktor, nor I mean you no ill. You are a soldier, forged in the fires of war. Rigid and unyielding, properties very useful in a battle. Not so in here. Lynn is not your enemy, but your friend." Stopping, he turned towards Lynn.

"Let not words spoken in hostility shape your response in anger. I am but a simple civilian, suddenly adapting to the lifestyle of a warrior. You and Charlotte have been trained for years, perhaps even from birth. Both of you are women of fearsome martial skill, and the Angels shall fear you in battle." He stopped again.

"So again, end this squabble. We are all here for one reason, to destroy the Angel menace." He looked at them both, a face of calm resolve on his face.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn look curiously at the young Japanese man, almost surprised by his words. It was rather surprising hearing something that deep from someone so young. Then again, Japanese people had the habit of being not only fierce warriors but calm speakers. Even battle did not shatter their tranquility. Or at least that's what she read about in all her books and junk. But he still made a good point. Now was hardly the time for the two to be squaring off like a pair of wild dogs fighting over meat. "I guess I got in a little over my head there. Call it a reflex action really. But Takehito is right. We have a common enemy and we have to unite to face it. Sorry if I overreacted, Charlotte. Truce?"
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte stared back at Lynn as she spoke, going on and on about how the people from her home were all great, fierce warriors, with so much history behind them. So what? Did she expect ferocity to work on such monstrous beings, when all of history had proven that the clearest, coolest head was the most valuable asset on a battlefield? Was she the almagation of all of them, put together? Did she possess their skill in antiquated abilities in sword, spear, and shield, techniques born to wound and kill other men, and not the Angels they opposed, to be relevant? She'd used a knife to kill their last enemy, it was true - only because she'd been forbidden to use her gun, and swords and the like were too fragile and unwieldy to really fare well against such beasts. Did any of the ancestors born when the only weapon that actually mattered - the gun - have any skill in them - true marksmanship, who hadn't simply lain in ambush, which they could not do against an Angel?

Did she really believe that the greatness of her forebears had any relevance to her own performance - so far having nothing that mattered, except arriving just in time to miss the first battle she was needed in? She opened her mouth to ask...

...And was cut off by Pilot Takehito. And then Lynn was speaking again.

"There was no battle, so there cannot be a truce." She turned to their male compatriot. "It is a fallacy to assume that Angels know fear. I know my function Pilot Takehito. A sword cannot kill while in a scabbard."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“I can’t ignore that last statement.” Viktor’s voice came just before he appeared before them again, holding a tray in his hand with a greener selection of snacks for the less junky inclined. Viktor looked at Charlotte with a disapproving stare, clearly not impressed with the girl’s undue resistance.

“You cannot genuinely say this hasn’t been a fight, there has been clearly two sides of an argument here, which you started.” He said, setting the tray, which contained a more vegetable-filled variety of snacks, like diced carrots with lemon and salt among other stuff, on the table. “Right now you’ve been unjustifiably stubborn Charlotte. I didn’t bring you here for you to be at Lynn and Takehiko’s throats. There’s no need for you to have such a stiff mentality when there’s no threat around us, likewise, there’s no need for you to be hostile, having had drawn you metaphorical sword out of your metaphorical scabbard, threatening us and keeping your distance from us for no reason.”

“There’s a modicum or respect you have to keep to other people for relationships to be civil. We aren’t here to antagonize you, so I don’t want you antagonizing any of us. It WILL make things harder on the battle field if no one can care for one another due to situations like this. I can’t stress this enough… Charlotte, I expect you to understand this… Also, believe it or not, Angels might really feel fear, they are sentient and intelligent. In the most primal sense, we can bring fear upon them through their need of self-preservation.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Charlotte wore a genuinely confused look on her face when Viktor returned. No punches had been thrown, no shots fired. So how had she started a fight? An argument? You couldn't hurt with words.

How had she been at their throats?? She hadn't moved since she'd taken her seat. She didn't understand what he meant by 'stiff' - this was the demeanor she had been instructed in. And hostile? Threatening them? Distance??

Regardless, she was a grunt and he was her Commanding Officer; his word was Law. She stood up and saluted. "Yes sir, please forgive me sir. I do not wish to hinder your Op and will dismiss myself if you wish."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“I do not believe you have gotten my point entirely, Charlotte. This exercise is for us to grow together, this exercise will only fail if you aren’t here with us. This is not a military operation or training, but it is equally as important as both of those. I want you to learn to be close with each other, build up trust, and learn to rely on each other and their capabilities.”

“I want you to try to fit in, Charlotte, this is a very important skill. No amount of training or theory will be able to teach you this. Only your comrades… your friends will. But that’ll only happen if you stop struggling, and try to learn from them instead of berating them for not knowing the same you do.”
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn had to admit that Viktor was quite the wordsmith. Or at the very least, he knew his way around an argument and he was very close to fixing this issue. Clearing her throat somewhat, Lynn tried to add a little something to the OD's position, no sign of hubris or boasting in her voice. "And let me say I'm sorry too for dragging this out. I shouldn't have gotten myself so flustered over a few words. Soon enough, we'll be standing shoulder to shoulder against whatever towering abomination the world decides to throw at us and I want you all to trust me to keep me safe and I want you to feel safe when I'm around. If we can do that, no force in the world can stop us." She took her drink and held it up in a sort of toasting manner. "To strong friendships and a brighter future. And we'll be leading the charge into that future! Cheers!" No more anger or frustration was in her voice. No more emotions that could get in the way of her genuine effort to make the others happy. It was the least she could do for them for making them deal with her annoying speeches and manners.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

There was a hint of bewilderment in Charlotte's expression as Viktor spoke. She did not understand how sitting around eating was supposed to 'build trust' or enable her to 'rely on their capabilities'. She would trust their capabilities when she saw them - in training, and in battle - and all this event had shown her of their capabilities was that both Lynn and Takehito were prone to poisoning their bodies with high-kilocalorie foods devoid of nutrients or other beneficial compounds.

It was not important that she understood, however - it never was. That was for Command to handle - her role was to obey. "Yes sir."

She sat back down.

When Lynn raised her glass, she joined her in doing so, repeating the 'cheers' in her monotone voice. She kept quiet, otherwise, looking as if she were thinking - until some point not very long afterwards, when she suddenly stood up, picked up her chair, and placed it next to Lynn's - pushing it over until it was as close as it could possibly be. She then sat down, scooted over until their hips were pressed together, and pulled Lynn's midsection so it too was pressed against hers by wrapping an arm around her ribs.

"Closeness achieved. Pilot Takehito, please join us."
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito breathed a sigh of relief as the two seemed to have finally settled their differences for the greater good. He had to admit he was somewhat impressed with Charlotte's rebound, for she had gone from borderline hostile to friendly- as far as she could go he assumed.

Asking him to partake in their little toast, he wasted little time in dragging his chair to the other side of Lynn. It was good for team morale- and who knows before he would be this close to them again...

Putting his arm on Lynn's shoulder, and somewhat touching Charlotte's, he rose his glass.

"To honor and friendship." he said.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

“For the happiness of everyone.” Viktor said last, clinging his glass of vodka with the kids as he took a seat across them, his smile quite visible as he witnessed the scene unfold. It wasn’t exactly what he had planned for, but this was so much of a pleasing outcome.

If things were like this with them, he could only see an easy road ahead… if only Olga wasn’t missing from the picture. He sighed in his head, there was no need to bring down the mood just yet. The kids were celebrating their victory and the arrival of a new comrade, they had every right to be happy.

“Sorry, this old man wanted to get in on the action.” He said with a chuckle.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

(Time to move this forward)

The Next Day

Well battling Angels and work at NERV did take up much of the pilots time, the largest time sink for the pilots was infact the most boring, school. Inkerman High School stood in a rather strategic location all things considered, being built on on one of the larger hills in the area. (Which wasn't all that pleasant for students to walk up) There was also a personnel elevator in the basement that lead to pretty much the EVA launch bays which were also built into the mountain.

As it was though the next day the four pilots (Olga, who now had both arms again, was released from the hospital for a half day to atleast make some of the first day of school.) would find themselves going to school for the first day of the semester. What they would also find rather surprising was that Viktor was their homeroom teacher, and that they were all in the same homeroom if nothing else. Which atleast meant that he didn't need to actually teach anything but he was able to keep an eye on the pilots.

(OOC: Off to school you guys go, after a little bit here you'll all get some xp we will move onto the next battle so go school yourselves!)
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

To say that the lack of proper clothing was going to be a concern for the young Irish woman was a legitimate concern. But due to some quick thinking on both her and Viktors part, they were able to cobble together a temporary solution. Wearing a few pieces of borrowed clothing, Lynn was able to piece together something respectable: a pair of long pants (The legs being a little too short and falling around her ankles), a pair of sneakers that were thankfully the right size, a t-shirt and a jacket to complete the get up. However, the piece seemed thrown together and nothing matched. But Lynn made the best of it and walked to school. In her hands, she was holding a music player and earphones were stuck in her ears as she jogged (yes, jogged) up the hill to the school with all her stuff for school. If nothing else, today would be an interesting day.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Sailor outfit or BDU, a uniform was a uniform, and Charlotte had ensured hers was pressed, crisp, and in order to parade standards. Her blouse was crisp and white, and the pleats in her skirt where sharp; her socks were white, clean, and ended just below her knees, and her black leather shoes had been polished. What few wrinkles there were in her outfit had snuck into the cloth while she'd walked to class, after she'd ironed them that morning... though there were little nail-shaped dimples in her palm, where her fingernails had dug in as she walked in relative solitude.

"I am student Junior-class Charlotte Alan! Formerly, those I have associated with assigned me informal callsigns 'Charlie', 'Char', and 'Babyface'! My hobbies are rigorous physical training, quick-draw and speed shooting, CQB, and camping! It is my pleasure to serve with you in Company 3-Bravo!"

She stood tall, chin up, fingers at her temple as she held her salute. Given her last name, she was one of the very first to go, so she hoped she made a good impression.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Lynn, looking on with a rather curious expression as Charlotte introduced herself. Geeze, that girl had an intensity switch turned all the way up to 11. And she broke the dial. Well, whatever floated her boat. Lynn would wait long enough for her turn to arrive, her place in class being near the back (For comfort and personal reasons). She'd step up in her rather messed up outfit and introduced herself. "Names Lynn Marshal. Tá áthas orm bualadh leat. For those that don't know, that mean's 'Pleasure to meet you' in my mother tongue. I enjoy archery, history, and hunting among other things. Here's hoping for an eventful year!" Unlike Charlotte, Lynn was a little more relaxed in her intro. She'd sit down, knowing she wouldn't be the last today.
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Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Takehito walked in next, in a simple white shirt, khaki pants, and black shoes. Turning to face those present, he spoke.

"Greetings, class. I am Takehito Miyamoto. I enjoy history, writing, and gaming. I hope to get along well with all of you." Afterwards, he found a seat also in the back, close to a window, and sat down, staring out of it with an already bored expression on his face.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

Next up was olga, arriving in her standard girls school uniform, neatly pressed and arranged, her short shaggy hair beatly combed, her black shoes polished and her recently replaced arm sporting a shiny new cast while the scars healed and got to functioning at full capacity once again. "привет. My name is Olga. I enjoy reading, studying, excersize, philosophy, and games of strategies and tactics. I hope to get along well and learn many useful things while here." She said before bowing curtly and politely to the class and taking her seat in the southwestern corner of the room near a window, before pulling out a copy of text by and beginning to lead theough it.
Re: Down Time and Hospital Time

The class didn't have much to say, Charlotte's introduction had thrown them for a fair bit of a loop, and as a result few actually payed much attention to the others introductions, though a few of the males thought that the three new girls were rather attractive even if Charlotte was rather frightening. Takehito (probably sadly for him) got little to no such attention from the few girls in the class. As it was the homeroom was rather peaceful, attendance was taken and a few people began talking to eachother. The class pilots were left to their own devices, either to go try to talk to the other students or with eachother.

(OOC: If you decide to take the "Talk to other students option I do not mind if you make up a description for a classmate, but I will treat them like any other NPC :p)