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Down we go. Sketched CYOA


The user formerly known as MoT
Nov 16, 2008
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Many years ago, a young beautiful female adventurer took on a mighty, ancient, powerful tentacle demon..!
A battle of true ultimate destiny.. Actually, no, not really. The female adventurer in question put up a fight but really, you can expect what happened here.

The woman was left in a rather bad condition.. Not only for her body which's stomach was bulging way too big and tits that had gone gigantic.. The body that was covered and was left rest in a big pool of stickiness.
But her mind had gone away.. All was left was lust, nothing of her old self was there anymore.

And this woman was your sister, whom you're now off to set vengeance for now that you have grown yourself to be a strong young adult adventurer yourself..!

Tracking down the beast based on rumours and research, it seems to be lurking down beneath the earth in an old questionable dungeon.. Which you have found!
And now you step in the dung--

Whoa whoa whoa. hold on there gurl. We don't even know one damn thing about what you look like, who you are, what you're good at, do we?


No really, we don't. So lets start with the basic, shall we?

What exactly are you?


A) I'm a human ofcourse
B) I'm an elf, check mah ears
C) I'm a nekokin, nyaa (catgirl)
D) I'm a Kitsunekin, hmph! (foxgirl)

A bit more resilent than others in terms of survival near defeat.

Slightly better at magics, resisting and casting.

Meow I'm catty. Slightly better eye sight and slighty more agile.

Mystery. Your trait is a complete wildcard, you never know what it is till it activates.

How's your hair?


A) Short
B) Medium to the shoulders.
C) Longish to the back
D) Long all the way past my butt

How big is your breast size?
("wow, lewd!")


A) Small.. But there.
B) Not Biggest, But not the smallest.
C) Clearly noticeable. I got the rack.
D) Big enough to sometimes get in my way.

And now...

How do you like to battle?

A) I like getting close and personal (Meelee)
B) I like to get a little distance.. (ranged)
C) Magic, bitches! (Magic)
D) Anything goes, really! (Jack-Of-AllTrades)

Very intresting, so, yes, you did get in the dungeon by the way.
How did it go?

A) Piece of cake. Nothing was in my way (Good Starting Gear)
B) Had a little trouble, nothing major. (Decent Starting Gear)
C) ... Pretty bad. (Bad Starting Gear)
D) fuck.. Fuck. FUCK! AAAAAARGH. (No Real Gear at all)

Oh almost forgot, colour of choice?
*name a basic colour, this will be the colour our adventurer will be sketched with*

And then you may also suggest a name:
*Suggest name here*


And so, the CYOA starts after these choices have been made.
and we'll get to see how our little adveturer looks like and the start up dungeon level.

there will be some RNG good ol rolle elements here and there but the major impact will be from the choices in posts.

Updates between posts can vary, cause ill be doing this different so yeah, might be long sometimes depending what will be happening.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D: Kitsunekin
C: longish to the back
C: noticeable
C: magic
B: decent starting gear
Cyan - maybe teal - and if we can pick a secondary color, it's gonna be purple.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Species)D for mysterious powers
Hair)B some length but we don't want too easy a grab target in battle
Bust)A she is very sensitive about our petite bust
Battle)A lets watch them squirm
Arrival)B lets not be too hard on ourselves to start
Color)Red to represent our courage
Name)Melissa is a good name
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Species)D seems good but I'd also support B if someone else votes for it.
Battle) C
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D) Kitsunekin
C) To the back
D) Huge
B) Ranged
A) Good starting gear

Cyan or Red sounds good
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D) Kitsunekin
A) Short
D) Big
C) Magic
B) Decent
Color : Dark Red
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D) Kitsunekin
C) Longish
C) Noticeable
C) Magic
B) Decent

actually i like lea as a name
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

D. Fox lady
A. Short hair
C. Not too big... not too small
D. Uhhh.... primarily ranged and magic
B. Lost some of our good stuff but kept the bare essentials.

Colour: Purple

Our name..... our name is....
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Vote tally:

i - locked
I - bit unclear (or)

Kitsune iiiiiii
Elf I

short: iii
Longish to back iii
Some lenght i

noticeable iiii
small: i
huge: ii

magic iii I
meelee i
jack ii (I)
ranged i

good i
decent iiiiii

Cyean/Teal i I
red i I i
purple i

name: Lea(2), Melissa, Krystal

Kitsunekin is obviously winner and so is decent gear.
Kinda evenly split for the fight, the chest size has gone in the obvious direction with bit of variety.
Will still need a tie breaker for hair

But eitherway I'll let the vote go on still so who knows what changes might happen?
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Longish to back
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

I'll change to just magic to make it a little easier, and add a name.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Well seems we have our adventurer done then huh.


So here you are, Lea! A proud young female kitsunekin.
Kitsunekin have always been proud and honourable people (also sometimes refered as snobs by other races) with mystical eerie air surrounding them..

You sure are looking quite stereotypical one too! But who knows what your honour code might be.

Your gear used to be better but..


Before you managed to enter the dungeon, you had a run down with a bunch of goblins that seemed to be guarding the said dungeon entrace.
Normally, goblins oughta be cowards, somethings that just scatter from the sight of one little fireball.

But not this time, you underestimated them badly. They ran right to you, and boy, did they play dirty! They were immidiatly after your items and your body! Those filthy things wanted your dignity and to break your stuff.

You were still way stronger than them tho. You wouldn't be standing now would you if you weren't? Not to mention you managed to keep them away from your dignity, your left nipple itches a bit due of that one nasty things suckling on it.

Sure, it still sucks you lost a good staff, a necklace, few other small items and your bra that helped to keep your noticeable rack in order underneath the robes.

But hey, you still have your robes, good stockings, nice enchanted boots, and enchanted bracers underneath your sleeves, not to mention your item bag was left untouched.

So down we go.. What paths await our adventurer on the first room?

(Continuing tomorrow with actual adventure start options)


Should we have a little power vote/influence system to give this bit more spice up when it comes to choices? (like each person having a possibility to weight in double for their choice once every x posts or if they've been voting for non winning option they'd get bonus vote or something something)

Y/N ?
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

That sounds like an interesting idea so yeah. Some questions though, if you go with the latter option is there going to be a limit to how many bonus votes you can cash in at once? Also for either option what happens if someone uses extra weight to a post like your initial one with multiple questions, would they have to pick which question to add extra weight to or would it get added to all questions that originate from the same post?
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Adding extra weight will probably only serve to exclude anyone who has not started from the beginning. This is not a bad thing per se as it would stop someone from coming out of nowhere and making a vote that is going to decide a choice.

If there is weight then there needs to be balance to the weights. That would be the only thing that I am concerned about, as I did not care what the character looked like for example. However I do want to participate in this cyoa, so it would be silly that since I did not already participate that my vote would count for less on that reason alone.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

It makes sence that people who arn't just joining in more should get more saybecause of investment int the charicter and to stop some one random from fluffing a choise just to troll.

So Y.

(Seems I'm a bit late to this party but it's not like my choises so far would have changed the results ;) )

Oh, just a spot of clarifacation, when you say
you managed to keep them away from your dignity
Is that a roundabout way of saying she's a virgin?
Just curious is all.
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Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Is that a roundabout way of saying she's a virgin?
Just curious is all.

maybe, maybe not. who knows, this is a honour based race.

That sounds like an interesting idea so yeah. Some questions though, if you go with the latter option is there going to be a limit to how many bonus votes you can cash in at once? Also for either option what happens if someone uses extra weight to a post like your initial one with multiple questions, would they have to pick which question to add extra weight to or would it get added to all questions that originate from the same post?

I'm not actually too sure on that.. Maybe it'll focus mostly on the heaviest decisions. I am aiming to make it so there are "lesser" and "greater" options. greaters being such as where to move the character when in a situation with multiple paths, or interactions, choosing/learning things, etc.. Lessers being something minor or suggested actions. It will be possible to suggest things to do in rooms and all or smaller interactions, etc. I mean, this is gona be sketch based a bit so who knows what you might notice from my overall descriptions and pics?

So following system is what I figured that might work best:

After you vote for the first time, you will gain a power vote. Power vote is a vote that adds +1 to vote weight. Every 3 votes you make, you gain another power vote. You can use em as you wish at some point.

First vote: 1 power vote get. then after every 3 votes (starting from the next vote) 1 power vote get.

Using power oughta work for your post in general, for the more important votes, such as the movement etc i descripted before.

Sound good?


Adventure start.


So here you are.. Down your first room after rumming down the dungeon entrace.
Ugh. what a dump, and rather stereotypical aint it? Chains, wooden doors, rock walls, ground.. Flames flicker from the torches at the side, meh, no wonder its dim if this is the best light source here.

Man, the builder sure has had some imagination hasnt they?

Well generally, your status is fine, but for a first room, you sure got a disapointment, right?

Well what now?

A) Go through the door with wet floor
B) Go through the door downwards
C) Actually lets not move (Other?)

Minor things:
1. Suggest things to do in the room.

Status: Fine!
Magic: Full mana. (60/60)
Trait: ???

Spells known:
FireBolt - Fast cast ranged fire bolt that deals bit of damage. 4 mana.
Scorch - almost instant cast close range fire swipe move that deals damage and is good for taking distance. 7 mana
ice shard - Fast cast ice spell that creates a shard that impacts hard on the foe and shatters. Useless against armored foes. 6 mana.

Fire Ball. - Medium cast time fire ball that is pretty much twice stronger than bolt. 7 mana.
Frost breath. - Fast cast surprise spell for close range. Slows down foes quite nicely, but can't be cast repeatedly. 12 mana.
bolt strike. Fast cast medium range lightning move that deals nice damage and can shock foes. 12 mana.

Combustion - Fast cast, powerful, explosive move that is almost a last resort move. Can damage user and their items. 22 mana.
chain lightning. - Medium to long cast powerful jumping classic move. 13 mana.
Re: Down we go. Sketched CYOA

Other:Before leaving see if you can get one of those torches off the wall and doused, in case later areas are less well lit.