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Dr. Love, Dr. Death (GargantuaBlarg)

Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 44, Status = Fine

It didn't take very long for Naltaibur to perform her tasks, and she surely had enough cum covering her to get as many samples as she wanted, though after it a while the cum started to harden, and she figured that it was no longer fresh. As she worked, the sounds coming from up above eventually ended, the creature apparently losing interest and leaving, though she shuddered to think of what it had done to her shop. Granted, after what she'd seen happening in the streets, she had a feeling that it would be a long while before Therion was returned to a peaceful state in which she might get any business. That was, if it ever recovered at all. That thought in her mind, the night elf suddenly felt an intense pain originating from within her, as though all the damage that the monsters massive member should have done to her insides was catching up to her. Blood pulsed in her ears as she collapsed, agony causing her body to spasm uncontrollably until she finally blacked out on the floor of her lab.

(You got over 100 corruption from that scene, so pick a mutation and add it to your sheet.)

Naltaibur awoke to darkness, but she could at least still hear the sounds of her menagerie. They seemed to have quieted somewhat, suggesting that maybe they had become accustomed to whatever was happening up above, or perhaps that whatever was happening above was over. The fact that it was now dark outside, when before she'd stepped out it had been mid-morning, led her to believe that she'd been out for a long while. Suddenly, she heard a knock against the entrance down into her hidden lab, and a female voice said; "Hello? Is anyone there? Anyone?" Her menagerie quieted suddenly, as though the various animals were frightened of something.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Consciousness returned slowly to Naltaibur. Groggily, she picked herself up, raising up to kneel on all fours, and the events of earlier that day came back to her. It had been a normal day, and she'd been working in the lab... then a thunder... rumbling and screaming...

And then it hit her. In a flash, her life had disappeared. Who was alive was either being violated or would soon not be, and she'd seen at least... five people she knew, was it, dead, many of them exploded from the sheer force of the-

Oh God, the monster. She'd attacked it, but in seconds it had grabbed her and rendered her helpless, and in a few more it had impaled her on a dick that should not have fit. Then, in a few minutes, it had made it fit. She flushed a little when she remembered how good it'd made her feel, which led her again to a mental self-lashing. She'd escaped, but her crotch ached at just the memory of it...

Wait. That's not memory... Something feels different, Naltaibur thought. She put her hand on her pelvis and pressed in different places with her fingers, trying to find anything odd. Nothing. Experimentally, she clenched, and- yes! Her insides felt much different - she could feel it clamping down much harder than before.

She'd expected to have loosened up - after all, the giant's dick had stretched her out as if she were stretched around it, like a tight cotton stocking. But she could feel it, pressing tighter than before. Relaxing, she felt it spring back, and she knew that she was just as before the encounter. It felt as if the spell she'd used to keep herself from tearing had left a permanent mark - now, she could open wider, or close tighter than before.

But such a small and unstructured spell couldn't leave such a permanent effect... right? She'd fed the spell from what was essentially an empty furnace, and had adlibbed in the last second before the giant penetrated her. It was just... impossible.

Unless... unless the creature was a demon? Demons exuded a power that could warp a creature's flesh should they come into contact with them. It was theorized that many of the larger, stranger, and more aggressive creatures of the world were results of some ancestor's contact with demonic influence. But why would demons suddenly invade Therion? Moreover, none of them looked like had ever been documented - any that she knew of, at least. And she didn't know if it'd been just the hypothetical power, or if it had interacted with her spell to create the current effect.

Before she could muse on this further, a knock and a voice came from upstairs, at the entrance to her lab. Looking towards it and realizing she couldn't see anything because of how dark it was, she wondered briefly how much time had passed while she was out.

The voice had been female - very odd, given attitude of the invading monsters and the totality of their coverage of the city. A noticeable silence befell the lab as her voice made itself heard, as well - she hadn't noticed her creatures making noise. This was somewhat alarming - even the giant from earlier hadn't shut them up like this little voice had.

Staying low, she crouched, hidden from view in the dark and behind the counter she'd collapsed behind. She was still naked, clothed only in a dried stiffness that was the cum coating from earlier. He hair was particularly bad, a mess, frozen into place with dried sweat and cum. Not wanting to make a sound, she slowly grasped the truncheon that had fallen beneath her, and hoped that this next action would not give away her presence; she reached out with her mind, sniffing around for the voice at her lab entrance. When she found it, she would brush it with the lightest of touches, and attempt to read her surface thoughts for a purpose.

One level of Tight, please.

Also, to clarify, it's not specifically "demons", but outsiders in general, right?

Activate telepathy, 2 EP.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 42/44, Status = Fine

(Okie dokie. Any magical creature can cause mutation, so that includes Fey, Plants, mutated beasts, ect. Slightly different from how it was in DG1.)

Reaching out with her mind, the cum covered Baltaibur found two bodies standing on the opposite side of the door. But..... They felt, strange, somehow. At first it seemed as though they were completely identical, their thoughts and feelings the same. But then, Naltaibur realized that it wasn't that their minds were the same, but that they had the same mind! Two bodies, each controlled by one mind. How could that be possible? The mind the two beings, seemingly both women, shared was itself very strange, its thoughts readable, but the images presented to her made no sense. It was not dissimilar to trying to read something written in a different language, but Naltaibur had never encountered anything like this before. Even the beasts around her had minds which she could understand, albeit with some difficulty, but this presence was so alien as to be completely unreadable.

The voice quietly spoke down at her, knocking again; "Hello? Is anyone down there? My sister's hurt! I think she's going to die! We need help! those things could be here at any moment! Please!"
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Their call for a doctor alarmed Naltaibur. She immediately made a deliberate effort to shield her thoughts, and watched for any odd tingles with her telepathy.

Huddled behind the table, naked and in the dark of her lab, Naltaibur found herself conflicted. Every instinct in her screamed that this was a trap. These two women were odd beyond that of anything she had ever encountered - how could one mind manifest itself in two bodies? She could remember hearing nothing of the sort before, in any form of book, lecture, legend or discussion.

They'd found the door, and yet hadn't opened it themselves. Instead, they had knocked, almost politely, as if the entire city hadn't been decimated. Why? Her experiments seemed spooked by them - far more so than the giant from before. Why?

And still... they'd called for a doctor. Had she not taken an oath, to help those who needed her? It was an off-chance if there ever was one, but what if these two - one? - weren't hostile? What if... what if they could help her? She might have been able to bag the odd fauna to experiment on, but that was very different from trying to move through a devastated city, filled with hostiles. She... she needed these two to be friendly.

When she read their mind... had they read hers? After all, it was hardly implausible that a mind connecting two people would be capable of something like that, and if her sister was in such danger, shouldn't she have sounded more urgent? They'd only called for a doctor after she connected with their minds.

But maybe... maybe she was just being paranoid. Even if this house wasn't advertised as a healer's workshop like her father's was, it was still hardly uncommon knowledge the "Weird Night Elf doctor" lived there, and it was hardly a leap to expect a doctor to be holed up in a doctor's basement.

But if they knew of her, shouldn't she know of them? But what if they were just passing through the city when this happened? But...

This train of thought was going nowhere. If they were hostiles, surely she'd have confirmed her presence by now, and she'd have already sealed her fate. Deciding on a course of action, Nal sprang up and got to the closet with her spare outfits, grabbed a robe, and stuck her arms through it, buttoning the top few buttons. Far from ideal protection, the thick coat was surely better than just a caked layer of sperm. Brandishing her truncheon in case trouble followed, she inhaled and thrust at the her mysterious guest's mind again, this time aggressively. She'd know if they meant what they said, one way or another.

How much does it cost to probe their mind? It's only speech and dominate in the Telepathy section. If it's dominate, then 4X, I guess - enough to get a 40 vs. res otherwise.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

Resistance: Naltaibur wins.
Resistance: Naltaibur wins.

Nailtaiburs mental attack doesn't reveal any more about the people on the other side of the room. the single mind between them seemed to be created in a way completely at odds with what she was used to, every thought that it had completely alien and unreadable. But, after a moment and a massive amount of effort and energy, she managed to take control of the beings thoughts. She could see through their eyes, which would not have been unusual except that there were two bodies to control at once, and Naltaibur found that she could control both at once. Her nudity had been covered by the robe, but only just so, and even as she felt herself take control of them, something seemed to slip across the mental link. She felt a very sudden unbidden lust start to take hold of her. Her cock and nipples hardened beneath the light cloth, and her womanhood dampened. But she easily recognized the foreign nature of the urges burning inside of her, and managed to push them out of her thoughts.

For the moment, it was impossible to tell what they were thinking, what their origins were, or even what the two beings on the other side of her lab door were. The only way she would find any of that out was by letting them in, and trying to study them. She had a fairly firm grasp on their mind, and she thought that she could probably control the lust that was being transmitted across the mental link so long as she didn't get distracted.

(The robe counts as clothes, but they're easy to remove, so there will be special cases involved in that.)
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Though her light telepathic touch had revealed the alien nature of the pair's shared mind, seizing it had been like plunging her hand into a bonfire to grasp a coal. She felt a fire of incomprehensibility searing the hand that was her consciousness as it dug through the embers, but despite every instinct telling her to pull away before her mind was consumed, she pushed deeper. Power rushed from her center to wrap itself around her mind's hand, forming a psychic blacksmith's glove to protect her, but as quickly as it formed it blackened and crumbled, burning up, and Naltaibur found herself veritably hemorrhaging magical energy to keep herself shielded.

Slowly, though, Naltaibur saw, in the flickering of unintelligible images and thought, a steadily increasing presence of something that made sense. At first, it was just a few naked men and women, appearing briefly before disappearing. Then, she saw the feeling of thrusting a cock into a mouth, and then felt the smell of sweat and sex. The Idea of Arousal, pure, untainted by a cause or thought, brushed at the glove surrounding her. Her dick felt like it was the filling in a overstuffed sausage, and she pumped her tremendous hand up and down, pumping up and down an ash-colored Night Elf, tinged oddly with green and purple...

She shook herself mentally, clearing the thoughts from her mind. She was once again Naltaibur Slybelqua, a doctor and Night Elf of Therion. She focused, digging through the impossibility that was the flames licking her; images and smells and thoughts of sex still floated through it, but she blocked them out, concentrating on the task at hand and ignoring them.

When she had dug her way through to the coal that was the pair's mind and wrapped her fingers around it, she felt the fire surrounding her instantly shrink. An unpleasant warmth of unfathomability still radiated from all around her mind's hand, but it had ceased it's imposition onto her mind. Instead, she imposed herself onto the coal; it turned into a pair of glasses, through which she saw and felt and heard everything from both the "sisters" upstairs. It was quite disorienting, but Nal was able to track them individually while acting herself.

Naltaibur took a moment to gather herself, and was horrified to realize she had burned up over half her magical pool to keep her mind safe in her little exchange. After little hesitation, she decided she just could not pass up a chance to investigate this oddity. She made them twist the wheel on the outside of the door to open it, hoping she hadn't just taught an observing invader how to operate her door or somesuch thing. One pulled the bookshelf back into place, and then Naltaibur made sure they closed it tight, incase their minds were able to resist and leave it open for anything to find and crawl through to surprise her.

Meanwhile, Naltaibur dug through her drawers, looking for manacles that she thought would fit the pair. She held four manacles with foot-long chains by the time they reached the bottom. Considering having one help her restrain her sister, she rejected the idea as too much of a risk, and had one of the sisters hold her elbows behind her back, crossing her forearms. Naltaibur wrapped a chain tightly around the anomaly's arms before securing the manacles to the girl's wrists. She repeated this with the second sister, and then bound their legs with the other pair of restraints similarly. Scraps of cloth were then wrapped around their eyes, to hopefully buy Naltaibur a few seconds in case they got free despite her precautions.

Laying them on whatever tables were nearby, she quickly rifled through the rest of her restraints, looking for anything that might help her keep them immobile. As she attempted to restrain them further, she wondered how long she would be able to hold them in thrall. She also took a mental inventory of what she had to study these two - she had spells to examine a body, living or otherwise, but those mostly assumed she already knew was being shown to her. They would show her a burst kidney, but not how a mysterious new organ might work, such as one that might let these two share a mind. And then there was possibility it was not a feature of anatomy, but some kind of magic, like her telepathic ability. If that were the case, she would not be able to examine it so easily, her work in the lab being geared primarily toward the physical body. Still, she'd had a few instruments to attempt to monitor mental and magical change...

Action: Restrain them!

Oh God I burnt through 22 EP doing that? I'm not going to suddenly kick my own ass spending 22 on upkeep, am I? Or is it 17?

I am told shit like marijuana and like Buddhist nirvana "alter your perception of reality", so that you I guess feel colors, hear sight and maybe start perceiving the fourth and/or fifth dimensions. I wanted something like that, but without being able to understand it with the added understanding of altered perception.

I feel I did not capture this accurately. Or well. At all.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

(It's good writing, and no there's no upkeep.)

Despite their alien appearance, the two didn't seem to be any different from a human being, at least not in function. The bookshelf was set back into place, and they were down in her lab in short order. Both were women, and both were completely uninjured, though they were covered in a strange, glistening wetness. They looked like sisters, one slightly taller and with short golden blond hair, while the other with long hair of the same color. They both had blank, gray eyes, and both of them were also totally nude and visibly aroused. They were both on the athletic scale in terms of figure, though the taller one had a pair of breasts that even Naltaibur couldn't help but secretly want to caress. She easily found everything she'd been looking for within her lab, but as she put the two in shackles, she got some of the slime on her skin, which immediately caused a slight warmth develop within Naltaiburs belly, though it was only slight.

After their arms and legs had been bound, and they'd been blind-folded, the pair of girls stood waiting patiently, still under her mental control. It would last for a while longer before she started to lose control of them, if they behaved anything like those she'd used this particular power on previously, perhaps an hour at most depending on the subjects willpower. Still, it might be best to find someplace for them to stay in her menagerie before it started to wear off. Outwardly, the pair seemed completely human, though she had no idea what they might be like inside. She even thought she recognized the one with long hair, though she couldn't precisely place where or when.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Looking at the two girls bound up and docilely standing around, Naltaibur found she couldn't help but think what an odd predicament this was - three girls, mostly naked, two of them bound in heavy chains and blindfolded, teetering slightly to keep balance, waiting for her command.

One seemed familiar... but that would have to wait. For now, Naltaibur went back to the drawer filled with restraints, drawing out a few more. She took another pair like the ones she'd wrapped around each woman's arms and legs, and clasped one manacle around the wrapped chain around one girl's legs, securing the other around the chains holding her arms - further restricting the girl's ability to move. She did the same to the other.

Looking over at the dissection table, Nal took the long-haired girl and guided her as she hopped over to it. After placing the girl's bottom against the edge, Nal lifted her legs up and onto the table, commanding her to scoot over three or so inches, to center herself. This one was interesting... Nal thought she recognized her, though, morbidly, Nal briefly thought it might just be the dead look in her - their - eyes, which resembled the look she saw in the eyes of every patient she'd failed to protect from the grim reaper.

She took the thick leather straps on the table and pulled them tight. They'd been meant to hold down much larger creatures than this woman, oversized wolves and the like, so there was much length leftover when they were secured. Nal decided to leave the straps that held the girl down from the waist up undone - she was already bound VERY securely, she thought, and she'd need the bare flesh for examination. She did, however, take a leather strap across the girl's neck, pulled snug, but not enough that it would interfere with her breathing.

Satisfied, Nal attended to the other girl. Clearing off one of the two island counters in the small, underground lab, Nal laid the short-haired girl on top. Without the straps or the bars they were secured to like the dissection table, Nal restrained this girl to the table with yet more long-chained manacles, securing them to the handles of the drawers on either side of the counter. The chains bit into the girl's skin quite deep, and only then did Nal realize how painful it would be for these two, lying on their own arms wrapped in chain links, naked, cutting off circulation on top of it all.

Sighing, Nal gathered some of her dirty towels, and stuffed them under the two girls, such that they did not lay on their arms.

With the two probable threats chained down probably six times as much as they needed to be, Nal tried to clean herself of the crumbly outer layer of dry cum as best as she could, using a basin of water she left in here for washing before procedures. She was about to examine these two, and she couldn't let the giant's jizz contaminate them. After lathering her arms up and rinsing them clean, she splashed water and soap on her chest. Nal spent perhaps a bit more time than was needed absently rubbing her breasts, enviously looking across the room at the pair standing from the long-haired girl's chest. Finally she washed her hair; though cleaner, it was still far from the silky curtain it had been before the titan had caked it.

Everywhere that mattered clean, Nal walked over to the closet that held her spare outfits and got dressed. She felt the residue she'd left on her legs sticking to the inside of her suit, but, though uncomfortable, it wasn't likely to interfere with the study she was about to perform, which was much more important.

Using a few spare vials she'd left next to Dolly's cage, Nal collected a sample of the slime covering the short-haired girl, labelling it such before storing it. Going to a drawer to pull out the tools she'd need for the short-haired girl's "sister", she began a line of mental questioning - not that she expected results. How did you find me here? Why do you share a mind? Are you one being, or two? What happened to you? What is happening outside? She filled a tray with vials, prods, and a myriad of odd equipment she used for measuring changes in magical and spiritual power - useful for her studies in manifesting rogue powers, like her telepathic abilities.

Setting the tray down near the dissection table, Nal ran several vials across the girl's body, collecting a sample from her as well and labeling it accordingly. Nal then began preparing a mental list of all the spells she'd formulated for examining bodies, spells that highlighted organs and anomalous tissue and the flow of blood and magical power. At the same time, she began examining the girl, trying to identify her. Scrutinizing her face and checking her teeth, looking up and down her body, trying to place what clothes she'd seen on it before... aloud, Naltaibur asked, to herself, them, and no one in particular;

"Who are you?"
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

As she further restrained the two docile girls, Naltaibur found that when she tried to move one of the girls, the other followed reflexively regardless of any commands she issued for it to hold still. Indeed, despite her dominance of their minds, Naltaibur found them growing increasingly agitated. As she bound the first of the two girls to dissection table, the other stood as close by as possible, and no matter what Naltaibur did, she wouldn't move more than about five feet away from the one she was bonded to. Still, she didn't yet seem to be actively resisting Naltaiburs mental hold on her, at least not yet, and she only became agitated when she was forced to move away from her partner.

(If your lab is built such that both can be restrained easily within 5 feet of one another, I'll let you tie the other down within the actions of this post. I'll let you decide whether or not that's possible.)

As she cleaned herself off in preparation of what was to come, Naltaibur wondered why the two seemed to be perpetually covered in slime, as neither had dried off at all in the entire time they' been here. When she'd touched it, she'd felt some of the arousal she'd had previously from the giant fucking her come back, though she'd barely noticed it at the time. That in mind, after she'd properly cleaned herself of the massive monsters cum and geared up, she took a sample of the slime covering the short haired girls pale skin, and stored it aside. The mental link issued a soft buzz at her questioning, no answers of any kind being offered despite their continued non-resistance to her mental control. The other vials of lsime were just as easily collected, and Naltaibur noticed that the two girls seemed to excrete the slime through their pores as she collected her samples from the long haired girl. Neither of them responded to her audible question, in fact they didn't seem to even recognize that she'd spoken. After a moments examination, she still can't quite place where exactly she'd seen these two before, but the long haired one certainly seemed familiar. Not a client, perhaps, but maybe related to one?
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

(I suppose I should write up a concrete description of the place, huh?

The entrance is quite large despite being secret, to accommodate the various large beasties Nal occasionally brings in. The stairs are similarly wide, and a bit steep.

At the bottom, there's a straight shot of clear space as wide as the stairs across the room to another large door - the menagerie. On the right of the path is wall, lined with cabinets - one of which is a magical freezer, holding stuff like the samples I've been pulling. On the other side are three tables - the two counters I mentioned, and the dissection table, which is nearest the menagerie/the far wall. It's about three feet wide and seven long. The two counters are just as long, but two wide, and cabinets and drawers under it. There's a foot and a half of clearance around each table. Past these tables, another, smaller counter (about a foot out) lines the wall, also with drawers/cabinets. Shelves and yet more cabinets fill up what space there is higher on the walls where ever they can - except for the menagerie wall, next to the dissection table, so flailing/twitching monsters don't knock shit off. A high stool currently takes up the aisle between the first and second counter.

The menagerie is a separate room, essentially bare except for three large-ish cells. An alcove of sorts extends along the wall with the freezer in the lab proper, where Nal keeps stuff like straw.)

Sighing at the slimy short-haired girl standing over her shoulder all the while she was securing her sister to the operating table, and perplexed at it's ability to retain some form of will despite her hold on it's mind, Naltaibur cleared off all the things she'd left on the table nearest the dissection table, shifting them all over to the further counter. Dolly was put on the counter running the wall - the other had filled up with various documents and notes. She saw her journal there, as well - she made sure to remember that; if anything went wrong, it at least had to be taken before she fled the lab.

Without the bars and straps to tie the short-haired girl down, Naltaibur improvised, securing the girl in place with the long manacle chains she'd used to bind up their legs and arms. Noticing the chains biting into the naked girls' skin, Nal shook her head at how she'd forgotten such a basic thing. Looking around, Nal eventually decides on a course of action, piling some of the old towels between the girl's wrists, the back, and the table, hoping they would not suffer too much.

Satisfied, Nal walked over to the as-of-yet-unresponsive long-haired girl. She formed a series of questions about the thing, and began casting the various examination spells he had, looking for unusual things, such as strange organs.

Holy fucking shit I am sleepy. I can't even keep a train of thought going long enough to finish a sentence, goddamn.
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Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

Dolly squeaked up at Naltaibur as she lifted the winged rats cage, and quickly buried herself in the sawdust that formed the floor of her tiny cage, the rats batlike wings hugged against its body. The two girls remained totally inert as she chained the short haired one further, the one not strapped to a table not even noticing as Naltaibur worked to make her more comfortable within her bonds.

Her spells revealed many things, though none of them explaining the nature of the bond between the two girls. Her subjects appeared to be sisters, with the shorter one with long hair being the elder by about two years. Both of them were in excellent health, which was no surprise given their fairly athletic builds. They showed extremely low brain activity, and she was reminded of what she'd sensed from one who was in a coma by the results of her spell. The slime was somehow magical in nature, and permeated their entire bodies. She also sensed a spiritual connection between the two that grew thinner the farther they were away from each other, which might explain why the one wouldn't move apart. Neither was a virgin, though that particular piece of information wasn't all that important. The strangest thing about the pair, came not from within their bodies, or even from their seemingly dormant minds, but from their spirits. They didn't slowly restore their own energies naturally over time, as most others did, but instead seemed to have the ability to slowly drain the spirits of others through contact. They were both clearly magical in nature, which meant that any intimate physical contact would result in corruption from too much direct exposure to the magic within them. They didn't have any strange organs or foreign objects hidden within their bodies.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur wrote her findings from her last spell onto paper, a file already prepared and off to the side, labelled "Subject Gemini". She'd been accumulating more and more information with each spell... but even then, she'd collected less than a page's worth of information. She'd confirmed several things about the sisters through her examination, but there was no real breakthrough in information...

She'd doubted she would be able to find anything crucial just using the techniques she used to find the source of a patient's side pains... but what else could she do? She was sure leaving the lab was folly; the giant that had raped her had likely moved on, but she'd seen a great many more out in the street, and even if there weren't any there were still the legions of smaller monsters. The absence of light outside when Nal had let the sisters in told her the entire afternoon had passed while she was out; if that was so, then she guessed there would be less chaos for her to lose any pursuers in... less potential victims for the other monsters to chase after.

But, Naltaibur wasn't sure how to handle her specimen. Before this, her research had primarily dealt with affecting a change and comparing the before and after - she'd never gotten a specimen that had already been altered, outside of the massive wolves and such that roamed the city's outskirts, and they rarely had anything she'd never seen before. These sisters, though... they were completely alien, never before encountered by anyone. And the most interesting thing about them was their shared mind; never before had she heard or seen of anything like that - if it weren't for her telepathic abilities she might have never found out! Certainly, she had no instrumentation or magic prepared to handle that.

Setting aside the sheet of what she'd learned about the two girls so far, Naltaibur walked over to stand in between the two girls tied on the table, pacing in the narrow space between the tables they rested on. She knew that they were magical creatures - so theoretically, they were capable of causing mutations. They'd shown up at the same time the monsters from the sky had, so it was a safe bet that they were related, and the giant had catalyzed mutation in her, so it was a safe bet these girls would, too. She knew that their spiritual power didn't replenish itself, like a normal person's did; instead, they but drained it from others, like a succubus. That meant the monsters had the ability to create succubi...? Were they the source of Succubi? Surely she would have heard of them before, in some form - old legends, history, anything. It was also possible that they were already succubi, but then joined the invaders... Had she ever treated any succubi? She thought back...

The implication that these two girls had once been patients of hers, but had somehow been turned into flunkies for the giant gray mass in the sky, disturbed Naltaibur terribly, and thoughts of going back up fled farther into the back of her mind. She looked again at the long-haired girl, turning her head this way and that, wondering who it was.

She shook her head, wishing that the world would go back to the way it had been... then, she looked at her subjects. If she wanted to ever set foot outside her little bunker again, she'd need to know more about these invaders. Some sort of weakness, something she could exploit. For not, she settled on working out the details of the two girl's mind. Naltaibur , paying careful attention to the sounds and thoughts that issued forth of the two girl's shared mind, She slapped the shorter-haired on the thigh, hard, Nal's palm itself stinging. A few seconds of pause were spent listening for any register of sensation in the girls' mind; afterwards, Nal turned to the other sister. Naltaibur focused, and in an instant a spark formed on her index finger. Nal jabbed that finger into the long-haired girl's stomach, again watching their collective minds for activity.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

From what she could recall, being a succubus could be passed down through the blood, so it was within the realm of possibility for the sisters to have been natural succubi, if one of their parents was. They didn't seem to be particular demonic, nor did they have any of the marks of one who was a descendant of the Fey. In fact, the only thing about the two that reeked of magic was the slime that permeated their bodies.

As she slapped the short haired girl on the thigh, the flesh around where she'd hit turned red as it normally should have. However, the flesh around the other girls thigh turned red as well, as though she had struck both of them. No pain registered in the twin girls shared mind, however. When she struck her magical spark into the shorter haired girls torso, Naltaibur noticed a similar effects, but something slightly different within their mind. Both girls now had a small burn on their belly, but neither seemed to register the pain in the slightest. The strange, alien mind didn't seem to actively resist her control of it, so for the moment, Naltaiburs mental control over the two girls remained completely solid. However, when she had cast her spell to summon the spark, something within the connected girls mind stirred. They both twitched slightly, a few seconds after they had been burned, and suddenly, the night elven doctor felt them resisting her control slightly. They were still so bound up that even if they slipped her mental reins, they posed little threat to her, at least, but if she continued injuring them, she might have to reassert her control over the two.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

She had found pain weakened her hold on those under her control before, but only if it had been inflicted on her "subject" by Naltaibur herself. She suspected that, even in the dormant state wrought by her domination magic, a subject's mind could sense the destructive impulse that harm generated through the domination magic's link, and would reject it. She had never found a way to quell this instinct, and although was able to be pacified - thought Naltaibur, as she tightened her mental grip - it could cascade into full rejection were it allowed to continue.

The second girl's thigh surprised Nal, when she glanced over and found it growing red, exactly as the one she'd slapped was doing. When she saw the burn appear as well, it was clear they shared more than just their mind; the two's physical wellbeings were linked as well. Nal wondered, if I cut off this one's arm... would the other's just... fall off as well? The mutual burns made the answer evident, but Nal had a hard time imagining such a dramatic reaction.

It was a logical jump to conclude that the girls shared their spiritual power, as well. If that were true, then these two specimens would be one in body, mind, and spirit... they'd be one soul, in two bodies.

If the gray monsters from the sky were the origin of these creatures... this creature... it seemed they had the ability to either meld two individuals into one... or, Naltaibur shuddered, they could turn scour the very souls from their own bodies, and then implant one of their own. Naltaibur hoped dearly that these two creatures were just imitations of the humans that inhabited this city, born from the blob in the sky like the others had been. The alternatives were just too horrifying.

But none of this knowledge wouldn't help her eject the invaders from Therion. They had already devastated the city's guard, as she had seen during her peek at the surface earlier that day, and even if they had met on equal terms, the invader's damned hulking giants would have easily routed Therion's finest. Naltaibur needed to find a vulnerability... they had to have some kind of vulnerability they could exploit, surely! Naltaibur rifled through her shelves, finding as many different herbs and chemicals as she could. She tore off small sprigs from each, and began crushing each one and applying them to small samples poured out into individual dishes from the vials she'd collected from the two sisters, using magic to monitor them for any changes. Any she could find a change in, she would tear off another sprig to rub into the short-haired girl's skin - nearer as she was to the cluttered workdesk Nal worked at... but she knew this was a longshot.

(First paragraph's right, right? If I use dominate in a fight situation, the injured critter doesn't get a chance to break free if it gets hurt by other shit, or I get hurt, right?)
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 20/44, Status = Fine

(First paragraph is correct. Injury doesn't give them another Resistance check, that bit was just for flavor.)

After nearly three hours, during which time darkness fell, Naltaibur had gone through every compound she had on hand, even ones she knew fully well would kill the host just as quickly as it might kill the slime inside of them, if the slime itself was even truly alive, and not simply some magical construct. The slime completely ignored anything that wasn't organic, or was harmful to organic things, such as bleach, arsenic and all of the assorted acids she had on hand. It showed no reaction at all, and seemed to slide out from under everything she set upon it in order to sit on top of it without mixing with it. Certain herbs seemed to repel the slime slightly for a moment, generally herbs meant to suppress an overactive sex drive or a womans fertility, though it only seemed to shy away from them slightly, rather than attempt to move away. Other natural herbs were seemingly absorbed by the substance, and slowly dissolved within it, while still others were ignored as the unnatural substances had been.

She found no shortage of additional samples should she run out, as both girls remained docile, and continued to leak copious amounts of the slime out onto their skin. When she tried the herbs that seemed to suppress the slime against one of the sisters skin, it seemed to dry slightly, and she felt resistance building once more against her mental hold on the twin sisters. The slime returned a moment later, touching lightly against her skin each time, before Naltaibur could pull away. Each time, heat flowed up her arm, and she gradually became more and more aroused, until she felt her member hardening beneath her protective garments, and the irritating sensations grew too distracting to ignore. Having exhausted all of her options without finding anything that was openly harmful to the slime covering the two girls, Naltaibur was back to the drawing board, with an irritating side effect of the touch of the slime working its way through her system.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur held the last substance she had in her gloved left hand and a pen in her right. A glass dish of slime taken from the subject sat in front of her. Slime dripped from the purple flowers in her left, - Naga's Hazel, a powerful anesthetic in small doses, and a lethal heart-stopper in large ones - while the pen in her right rested on the period in the last line of the Subject Gemini file under her. The ink leaked from the point, a blot forming on the paper.

Naltaibur's work had filled up three more pages, with results spilling onto the top of a fourth paper as well. Naltaibur looked it over.

Abalorthistle. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Xelmaweed. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Helixanabush. No effect.
Ragivy. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Ash gum. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Eunuch's trumpet. Slime drew away from herb. Dried live subject where it contacted skin momentarily before losing effectiveness.
Faeryflower. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Crolian Icegrass. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Milkmoss. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Worm gypsum. No effect.
Spider's glass. No effect.
Snowlettuce. No effect. Absorbed by slime.
Naga's Hazel. No effect. Absorbed by slime.

Naltaibur slammed her hands into the table, cluttered by bins, jars, and herbs in addition to the other papers and instruments that were already there. "DAMMIT!" she shouted, the sound of her own voice reverberating with the mask that covered her face. Nothing worked! The only thing that had any effect were the her contraceptive herbs... and they'd done little but make the girls dry momentarily.

The experiment was not without it's fruits, however. While most of the herbs had proven useless, the contraceptives had all had effects, so Nal could conclude that they were not immune to native toxins entirely. She supposed she might next try concentrating what things had worked and seeing if that would have any greater effect... but honestly, she doubted even that would help at all, nevermind that to deploy it across the city she would need to make it in bulk.

Desperate, Naltaibur set aside her apprehension, and began the process of brewing and concentrating whatever herbs had shown any effect. She released the hold on the girl's minds - despite her terror at the thought, she feared she must leave her laboratory's safety soon if she wanted stand any chance at reclaiming her city, and she would need the magic contained in her mind's glove back if she were to do that.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 44, Status = Charmed

Resistance: Enemy wins.

Releasing her mental hold on the two bound women, they rustled their chains slightly at the sudden freedom, and turned as much as they were able toward her, but as they couldn't mover, they posed no threat to her at the moment. It took her another hour of work to make a proper concoction of the dozen or so herbs that had showed some signs of effect, all of them contraceptives except for one which she'd chosen as a congealing agent that the slime hadn't simply absorbed, as any substance that worked to remove the slime would have to stay in place to have any long term effect. She carefully listed the ingredients, as well as their doses, in her journal, and once it had cooled, she found herself in possession of a single glass worth of a strange greenish brown liquid. It was thick and paste-like, but was completely consistent. All that was left now was to test it, and see if it had any more effect than the individual components.

She poured some of it, about a quarter of the bottle, onto one of her subjects legs, the long haired one. The reaction was immediate, as the slime suddenly seeped visibly into her subjects skin, away from the substance. The bound girl began to squirm, as did the short haired one. Suddenly, Naltaibur felt an intrusion against her mind, not similar to the one she'd used against them earlier, but also not quite the same.... Before she could raise any kind of mental defense, Naltaibur felt her member harden beneath her protective clothing, and felt her thoughts suddenly erased. All of her desires now were bent toward fulfilling her physical urges with the two bound, helpless women.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur watched the goo covering the girls disappear, withdrawing into their skin. She turned, and through the holes of her mask she saw the same thing on the other girl.

Excellent! It wasn't much, but it was something. If she could get to another one of the mages in the city, maybe th-

The Night Elf felt something else in her mind, something that wasn't her. She felt her train of thought disappear, and when she tried to refocus and remember what she'd been thinking about, she could only think of sex. A small spark of realization hit her, and she tried to remember anything - her home, her work, her patients, what she had for breakfast, her father... but all she could think of was sex. How she'd bedded that orc to get his seed, how she'd milked that wolf last week, how that handsome man had stared at her from his cot, how her milk ran down her chin, how he looked naked, in the bath... she thought back to the giant again, feeling it's power as she looked at the green-and-purple spattered elf squirming in her palm, hovering over the tip of her meat...

Through the glass in her mask, Naltaibur's eyes roamed from the drying patch on the long-haired sister's chain-covered legs, up to the small dip at her crotch, while her dick strained uncomfortably under the heavy leather trousers she wore. Naltaibur pulled the hood covering her head free, rushing to undo the straps that held her mask tight to her face, breathing heavily. Her flushed face felt the stuffy air of the underground lab as the mask dropped, clattering to the floor, and Naltaibur tugged at the black overrobe, yanking it over her head and off. Hurriedly slipping off a glove, she dug her fingers roughly into the bound-girl's lap, while she pulled her other one free of it's glove as well, using her teeth to hold onto a finger while she wiggled it free.

She pulled her hand free of the girl on the table, and brought it to her own face, stuffing the sticky fingers in her mouth. She sucked on them, tasting the sister's musk and slime; soon cleaned, her muscular tongue snaked out, dragging itself along her palm and wrist, lapping up more of the goo the girl exuded, a tingling warmth spreading down her throat and tongue. Meanwhile, her other hand pulled the suspenders that held her trousers up off her shoulders, yanking them and her panties down freeing the stiff member between her legs.

Finally, Nal pulled her remaining shirt and bra off, leaving her clad in only her heavy boots. She eyed the bound girl's unrestrained chest... glistening with slime, perfectly round... Naltaibur didn't even register moving closer, suddenly finding her head down, one nipple in her suckling mouth, tongue swirling around and massaging whatever it could reach. One hand found itself massaging the other breast, arm tingling as it rested on the girl's belly, while Nal's other hand gripped her shaft, stolen slime greasing her palm.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

HP = 41, PP = 47, EP = 44, Status = Charmed

The two bound girls were silent and expressionless as she disrobed in front of them, and the long haired one didn't make any noise as Naltaiburs fingers dipped into her womanhood, though both her and her shorter haired sister squirmed slightly at the touch. By the time she'd gotten her other glove off, the girls magical slime had returned, and wherever it touched her skin, it set Naltaiburs nerves alight. The same held true of her tongue as she licked the strangely sweet slime, mixed with the blondes musky juices, off of her hand and arm. The slime seeping into her body only heightened her arousal, leaving her already needy body almost painfully excited.

As she took the younger sisters nipple into her mouth, licking up more of the slime as her tongue darted against the excited tip of the womans full bust, both sisters gasped out a lewd moan, the first sound either of them had made since they had arrived here. Slime covered her face and arms as Naltaibur groped and sucked upon her specimens chest, the girls soft round breasts perfectly pliable, but also pleasantly firm. Everywhere it touched seemed to burn with a soft, throbbing heat, and any physical sensation was amplified tenfold. As she took one of her goo-covered hands and stroked it along her already stone-hard member, the substance likewise heightened her sensitivity, and provided plenty of lubrication for her to stroke her length with.

The slimy, bound girl underneath her was already clearly aroused, but in her current position, it would be difficult for Naltaibur to open her legs, if that was her desire. She would probably have to release her from her bonds, if she desired penetration. Granted, there were plenty of other things that Naltabiur could do, as the girl was currently totally helpless.
Re: Naltaibur (GargantuaBlarg)

Naltaibur savored the stereo moans coming from the two sisters a climbed onto the table and straddled the girl's belly, any thoughts beyond satisfying her own lusts banished from her mind. She planted her palms on either side of the girl's body, and idly squeezed her thighs and legs against the slimy girl's slick body, warmth spreading where ever the goo touched. She ground her hips softly against the girl under her, the cum that still clung to her skin dissolving into the new moistness on her, and nabashedly stared at her captive, looking her over, taking her in.

Her eyes were fixated on the two mounds that rose from the girl's chest, and through her clouded mind she saw a trail of saliva dripping down from one peak, distinct from the girl's goo coating in that it rolled off, rather than clung to her skin. Behind Nal, the girl's legs were held down with multiple chains and tied at the ankles, and her arms bound tight behind her - arching her back and pushing her chest into delicious prominence. Even her head was bound, held down as it was with a leather strap pulled tight across her neck, and tied over her eyes was a strip of dark cloth. Other than the long-haired girl's squirming and moaning, she was well and truly immobilized... completely helpless, at Naltaibur's whims.

Her humping had grown more intense as she admired her prisoner's body, crotch pressing into her warm flesh, taking long, slow drags across her taut belly just above her waist. The wet stickiness of the slime setting her furrow on fire, and her steely shaft pulsed with sensitivity, the build up of slime around it's base exciting Nal's arousal to ever growing heights.

Unable to contain herself any longer, she bent down and took the girl's head in her hands, cradling the back of her neck in her fingers. Nal pressed her petite body tight against her prisoner, loving the feel of skin against skin and the luxuriant tingle of the slime. The captive girl's breasts pressed into Nal's chest, making her flush giddily, the sensation of those perfect globes squashing themselves against her filling her with lust. She could feel the girl's supple waist beneath her, and she pressed into the other girl's hips and thighs with her knees, one leg sprawling over the tight chains, the other lifted, swaying the air, knee resting on the table. Nal's iron rod found itself sandwiched between the two girl's stomachs, and she massaged it in it's warm, slimy prison, crushing it between them while she continued to grind her hips against her captive.

Naltaibur then slowly lowered her mouth to her prisoner's, stopping inches away from it, breathing raggedly with anticipation. She took a moment to bask in the heat of the other girl's breath... and then let her tongue loll out, dropping the tip into the girl's mouth and licking at her lips until the girl on the bottom closed them around the muscle hovering above her and sucked it in. Nal's tongue coiled around her partner's counterpart, and as more of it was pulled in she roamed it over more and more of the inside of her lover's mouth, feeling her hot, eager tongue, smooth teeth, and ribbed roof. Finally their lips met, and Nal, overwhelmed with her lust, mashed them together, holding the girl's head in place as she dove her tongue even deeper, hot, breathy gasps escaping as she tried to violate the other girl's throat with her long, mutated tongue.