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Dragon Maidens and Demon Schlongs II - Return of Pudding (Mindflayer/Pervy)


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
Reputation score
It was waving time.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop, went the horses. It was unusual for elves to travel in coaches. It felt wrong to restrain horses with saddle and reigns, but the people loved it. The people looked at her, the Dragon-princess and cheered.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

The city of Andurvan. There had been rumours here of.. violence against elf-men, elf-women disappearing, abducted, to be sold as expensive slaves, trained to be perverts by twisted humans. Her presence here is half ceremonial and half political. She was a sight to behold, of course.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

The coach turned a corner. Kids cheering, watching. Adults pointing and whispering, men in curious lust, women with secret jealousy, observing the strange creature before them. She however, was busy oberving something else. There, among the masses, moving with them, were a few robed figures, her sharp dragon-elf eyes spied.

Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

Some trouble, perhaps? She couldn't just stop this little arrival parade based on a hunch of course, but perhaps she should tell the coacher of her concerns. Or take a closer look. Or.. someone cheered for her in the backlines. Dragon-princess, they shouted, and she was about to ready another wave.
"Show us your boobs!" The young demanded then, with a lustful grin.
Evangeline Kinais, dragon princess as she was called, waved to the crowd with the most pleasant and diplomatic smile a person could muster. Her long tail and dragon wings swishing and fluttering slightly as she waved and smiled at them all while they cheered and shouted at her.

Evangeline was tall, very tall, standing at an even 10 feet in height, though despite her height, she still looked as beautiful and graceful as someone half her size, and not like some big giant barbarian or anything. She had long platinum blonde hair that flowed down her back all the way to her beautiful heart shaped rear; her eyes shone with an mix of icy blue and shiny silver in color; her body was a near finely sculpted work of art, having curves in all the right places to make her desirable to not just men, but women as well, while also having a perfect blend of womanly muscles too to give a mixture of beauty and strength; she had large DD-cup breasts in proportion to her larger size; she had a draconic tail and wings, both snowy white like her hair. Also, unbeknownst to the crowds, Eva had a quite large penis, easily dwarfing most men, as she was hung like a horse so to speak; beneath that large shaft swung like a pair of pendulums, a large sack with two large and plump near lemon sized testes inside, with her womanly folds tucked behind said sack. Her skin was pale and smooth; her breasts had cute light pink colored nipples and areolae on their peaks.

After a couple of minutes going through the crowds, Eva noticed the robed figures moving in and out of the crowds, and she couldn't help but feel a Bit uneasy to say the least. It was then, just as she was about to lean forward to tell the driver softly about her concerns, that she heard a younger person in the crowd demand to bare her breasts to them all. Her cheeks flushed and the Dragon princess scoffed softly to herself, not making any outward appearance of being disgusted or displeased with the demand. Instead, she maintained her diplomatic face, and tried to ignore the words, thinking that surely it was just some young guy or girl trying to tease her. She maintained a close eye out however for more of the robed figures, making sure to keep ready just in case, and leaning forward, which would end up showing a bit of cleavage thanks to her robes being somewhat opened to allow her chest to breathe.

"I think we are being followed, and not just by the crowd, good sir," she muttered to the driver softly, but loud enough for them to hear.

(Just add her futa cock and balls to the Image below, and there you have Eva. ;) )

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Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

The horses went, as, somehow through the noises of the crowd, the Dragon-princess could pick up a cheer from the back-row youngster, as she bent over, a demand for "More, woooo!"
The driver, meanwhile, leaned over and nodded.. and then, everything happened in slow motion.

Evangeline, who had kept her eyes at the robed figures at all times, saw them tossing something at her, something small, and with a burning, hissing piece of cloth stuck in it. Out of reflex, she reached up, catching one of the things, whilest the other rolled under horse and carriage. The crowds expression turned into confusion. She could have sworn she saw a smirk in the faces of those robed ones.
The cloth of that homemade explosive had almost burnt down now. She had to toss it away, somewhere, but everywhere around where people. She'd have to use all of her strength to chug it into the sky.. just then, an explosion rocked the coach, unleashing a scream amongst the crowd, and sending the coacher tumbling off, a horse screaming in pain.. but Eva had no time to focus on any of this, as her centre of gravity shifted, she tossed the thing in her hand and saw it going up, but not up enough.. and then, there was a nasty cracking, as a wave of pressure send her against the shattered coach, and everything went dark....


She awoke, laying naked not on one, but two beds, put side-to-side to provide adequate resting space for her larger size. A blanket half covering her nude body, a bandage on her left arm, her head throbbing a little. Where was she.. oh right, the accident, yes.. no, not an accident. The assault!
She got up and..
((In game there will be a choice here, I'll give you all branching paths right away. I'll do this for all fluff-decisions, if you want to respond to one individually, please seperate the text a little so I don't mix that up. ^^))

She Looked at the room she was in.

It had a window, but also bars, although the curtains infront of said bars disguised it more than one would a prison. The beds below her were of the same making, as were her two pillows. There was a small table, with a tray that finally made her realize... she was in some sort of hospital, although, considering the bars, perhaps more of an asylum type thing? Then again, perhaps they had just put her into a secure place, after the attack on her.

She Looked at herself.

Her body seemed to be fine.. even a little bit of morning wood throbbing between her legs, something she ignored for now. Her left arm was bandaged, but touching the bandage cautiously, there was more of an itching than a burning or stabbing sensation.. likely not a bad injury. Looking at her right arm, there was a small puncture on it.. perhaps from her accident, but it seemed more recent.. had someone injected medicine into her with a needle?

She tried to focus.

The throbbing of her head was a problem, but just who'd these assailants been? The situation in this country was bad, but not so bad anyone would dare to provoke a national incident by attacking an official of the elven kingdoms like her.. not to mention inciting the potential ire of her grand-parent, who, to put it simple, excelled at politics like no other. The persistant rumors of him having eaten half of a congregation of diplomats he was displeased with nonwithstanding...


A click-clacking of the door shook Eva up. A key, unlocking it, as a Nurse, with a tray and a clipboard stepped in, her expression one of bored professionality.. shifting into curious suprise as she realized her patient was awake. Eva had a moment to speak first. Although the moment she tried, a cracking of her voice revealed just how badly she wanted something to drink before holding long speeches..

The Nurse is about 5'7 and blonde, although her badly died hair reveals more of a brown-tone beneath. Her eyes are also brown, and her uniform just a little too short, revealing bounteous breasts on a low cut top and a lot of thigh on a high cut skirt. Eva could be excused for calling it scandalous, but then again, perhaps that was just her morning wood talking.
Evangeline scoffed at the man in the crowd jeering at her like he had, and stood back up with an indignant look on her face. She truly had wanted to tell the man off, but her pride and the knowledge that it would just be unbecoming of her prevented her from doing so. Then, the flaming cloth caught her eye as it hurtled through the air towards her. Gasping, Eva darted an arm out to try and catch the thing on instinct and did manage to catch it rather easily. The fact that it was on fire was enough to cause alarm. Was it an assassination attempt?

She didn't know if it was an assassination attempt. But she did know that she had to get whatever it was out of here, and fast. She looked around, desperate to find somewhere to throw the thing. To her left, no... the crowd was there. To the right? No, more innocent people in the crowd there too. Ahead and behind had yet more innocents crowded around. One of the nearby buildings perhaps? Curses, no that wouldn't work either, because people were surely in them as well. Seeing no other choice, Evangeline reared back and threw the thing as hard as she could into the air.

Would she be quick enough? Would her throw be strong enough to get the thing away from not just herself, but the crowd too? Time passed slowly, feeling like years to her, even though it was mere moments. Whatever the thing was had just left her hand when it suddenly exploded. She thought she screamed in terror. Or was that a woman nearby? Everything happened just so fast that she could barely even register what was going on.

She heard other screams as well, and saw the coach driver being thrown from his seat. It was then that Evangeline realized... that she was flying out of the coach too. She hadn't flapped her mighty draconic wings, had she? Glancing over her shoulder, she discovered no she hadn't. With reality moving in slow motion the whole time, Evangeline heard what she could only imagine was the coach snapping and cracking from the force of the explosion.

Her vision went dark moments after that, and Evangeline went limp before she'd even hit the ground.


"Mmm... what the. Where am I?" Evangeline thought as she awakened finally.

The first thing she noticed was the feel of a nice soft bed beneath her. It felt quite nice to be honest, she thought. It took only a few moments for her to realize that she was naked too beneath the blanket that was only half covering her. Within moments of her body becoming more alert, she felt the painful throb in her head. To be honest, she felt like she had a bad hangover after a night of intense drinking.

Opening her eyes and raising up, Evangeline looked around the room and down at herself to try and take in her surroundings a little better. "Who were those robed people? Why did they attack me? F-Fuck... just what the hell is going on?" Eva thought to herself as she noticed the bandages on her left arm. "Well... at least whoever brought me here took care of me... it seems. But I'm still a prisoner I think. This... is no prison though, that much is clear," she then thought, noticing the bars and window.

Evangeline didn't know why there were bars, and she didn't know who had brought her here, or why. But she did know that she was at least safe... or seemed to be for now anyway.

She glanced down after a minute or so, and it was then that she realized the erection she was sporting. Immediately, Eva blushed and moved on instinct to try and hide it a little better, leaning partially over to one side to keep it from tenting the blanket. She instantly felt silly though when she realized nobody else was in there to see it. So, Evangeline ignored it for the most part for the time being, as there were much more pressing concerns to worry about.

She probed the bandages on her left arm gently, and winced slightly at the burning itching sensation beneath them. "Damn... I'm glad I threw that thing when I did, else I might have lost an arm, or worse," Eva thought to herself as she sat there.

Then the ache in her head throbbed again, causing her to wince once more as she reached up to grab her head with a soft groan. How long had she been out? Did her family know about the incident? These questions and more poured through her mind as she heard the door opening up, shaking her from her thoughts.


"A nurse? So I Am in some sort of hospital then... most likely," Eva thought as she stood up, and normally she would have immediately regretted doing so as the blanket fell away from her body, revealing her nude form. In this instant however, her mind wasn't thinking about that, as she wanted answers.

"W-Where am I? And what happened?" Evangeline demanded of the nurse... or would have if she could speak, though because her throat was so dry Evangeline began to cough instead.

While she coughed however, Eva was able to take in the sight of the nurse a little better, while mimicking drinking a glass of water to her and grabbing her throat. She found her eyes traveling towards the woman's chest, where there was quite an ample amount of cleavage to look at. After catching herself staring, Evangeline blushed a bit and looked downward to avert her gaze, hoping she hadn't been caught staring.

Her blush grew even brighter red though when she remembered that she herself was naked as the day she was born, and she immediately spun around to face away.
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"Oh my..." The nurse remarked, pursing her lips as she watched that blanket flop down.. and along the morning-arousal of the draconic beauty. "It seems your recovery is going fine!" She then looked over to the draconic woman starting to cough, nodding and stepping out for just a moment, before returning with a large glass of water. Although Eva could have sworn she saw the nurse checking out her ass too.. propably just her imagination.

When Evangeline had recovered, .. and asked her questions, the nurse began explaining. "You were attacked and are now at a remote house for the sick by the city-gates. The identity of those that planned this vile thing is unknown, but uh.. I think the people in charge are very sorry it happened. The doctor wants to see you soon I bet.. oh and before I forget, for your own safety, you should stay under supervision of medicinal personnel until you are cleared.. here you go." She goes, presenting two pills, one white and one red-pinkish.
"These will help your recovery. Go ahead."
The nurse encouraged, before placing the small cup containing the two pills by the bedside. "Anyway.. I guess I ought to go alert the doctor soon. Do you have any other questions?"
[[Take the pills]]
Or Eva could wait for the nurse to leave and then..

[[Take only the red pill]]

[[Take only the white pill]]

[[Take none of the pills!]]
Evangeline blushed furiously at the nurse's remark as she tried to keep from being stared at. When the nurse returned with the water, Eva practically snatched the glass out of the nurse's hand and started to chug it down. Within seconds, half of the glass was empty. As she drank, Evangeline was almost certain the nurse was staring at her shapely rear as she faced away from her, practically feeling the eyes on her.

"H-Hah... thank you so much for the water. Goddess above I feel like that's the first drink I've had in weeks," Evangeline panted softly to the nurse as she finished most of the other half of the water.

Setting the glass down on the bedside table, Evangeline bent over and grabbed the blanket she'd had over her, and wrapped it around herself as she listened to the nurse's answers to her previous questions. "I see. So does anyone actually know I'm here? And... may I ask why there's bars around my room?" Evangeline replied, turning around to face the nurse now she was somewhat decent with the blanket around her, looking a bit embarrassed even though she was near twice the height of the nurse.

Evangeline looked a little unsure as she held the cup with the pills in it. But thinking about it, this nurse worked for a doctor who Had helped her, and the nurse herself had also helped her with the water as well. Surely she wasn't trying to trick her. Or was she?

"What... are they for exactly?" Evangeline asked, looking back up from the cup with the pills, and catching herself stealing a glance or two at the nurse's chest again.

Blushing again, Eva quickly tipped the cup with the pills into her mouth and quickly swallowed them with another drink of the water she had left to try and hide the fact she'd been staring again. She hoped the nurse hadn't caught her staring again.


Only Red Pill:
Evangeline eyed the pills a little suspiciously but nodded to the nurse, waiting for her to turn around, or at least turn her head, where she'd tip the cup into her mouth, quickly spitting the white pill out into her hand to hide it, not trusting taking both pills. She thought that taking only one might keep anything bad from happening to her, if they were intended to drug her.

"Thank you for the help, miss. I really appreciate it," Eva told the nurse after taking the red pill.

Only White Pill:
Evangeline was more than just a little unsure about taking both pills together. So, she as she pulled the cup up to tip them into her mouth, she'd wait for the nurse to turn enough to not notice Eva slipping the red pill out. She was suspicious of its color, if she was honest. After pulling the water glass back up and downing the white pill, Eva sighed softly and smiled at the nurse.

"So um... how long was I out for exactly?" Evangeline asked, hoping to keep the nurse from realizing she hadn't taken both pills.

No Pills:
Evangeline didn't trust the pills whatsoever really. She couldn't help but not trust them. She had been attacked, and was now in an unfamiliar place, and the room they had her in had bars, as if intending to imprison her. Pulling the cup up, Eva tipped the pills into her mouth, but merely acted like she'd swallowed them, hiding them up against her gums until she could spit them out without the nurse spotting her.

"So when will I be seeing the doctor?" Evangeline asked curiously after acting like she'd taken the pills.

When the nurse turned to leave, Eva would immediately spit them out into her hand, holding them there as she smiled and finished off the last of her water before sitting back down on the bed.
"You haven't been out for many weeks if that helps, no." The Nurse informed, although she seemed in a hurry to leave and share the news of Eva's awakening. "Oh.. ah, right.. we struggled to find a hospital gown in your size. As for the bars.. this used to be an old insane asylum, tough doors and windows.. anyway, I really ought to tell the doctor the good news.. relax and stay there, you shouldn't move around too much yet."

And, before answering her next question, the nurse had already rushed outside.

Even getting no answer, Evangeline gulped down the pills,... and felt a content warmth pulse through her head, replacing the headache, her cock twitching in relaxed pleasure at the change of her circumstances, as she felt herself positively falling back onto her bed and into a warm, relaxing, lustful nap, that she found herself not remembering much of... Warm and fuzzy and hot, her cock throbbing and pulsing lustfully. This felt nice. The nurse is nice.. you forgot the details of what worried you earlier as you decide dthat taking your yummy medicine was propably the right choice.

Something about this place feels.. off. Perhaps just a sixth sense of hers tingling without good reason to.

And it seems like Evangelines suspicions are justified.. a hot, almost overwhelming sensation of heat pulses out of her belly and through her body mere moments after taking the pill, her shaft growing to full erection, pulsing and oozing cum, her desires suddenly going into overdrive, her hands reaching out, grasping at her large, cock in desperation, stroking herself to a quick, rough climax, before falling back onto the bed.. she pants for a few long, lustful minutes in which her shaft feels even fuller and more throbbing until finally, it calms down.. and she can get back up, with still a little dripping of cum from the tip of her cock..

Something about this place feels.. off. Perhaps just a sixth sense of hers tingling without good reason to.
But you don't care anymore. You are just so tired... The bed jumps up into your face and relaxes you with a comforting embrace as you feel your thoughts just kinda.. stop, to the point where you don't even realize you are laying there, in a dumbly smiling, empty eyed tranced daze, breathing shallowly and, only after a long, long moment slowly waking back up.. huh, what happened? Did you fall asleep? You think you remember a nurse... Oh well.. what to do next?

Something about this place feels pretty off. Perhaps just a sixth sense of hers tingling, better safe than sorry, after all, right?
Right.. Although, as Evangeline stepped forwards, perhaps to rush after the nurse, demand to see the doctor, she felt.. woozy, disoriented, the room spinning.. suddenly, she.. remembered images, a white-cloaked figure standing over her, examining her naked body, flashing lights, a silk-gloved hand caressing over and examing her cock.. she felt dizzy and disoriented, before finally struggling to get back up.. just a bit of blood rushing to her head.. she could do this!

Eva gets up, and finally steps outside her room, only to be met with a small corridor. To her right and left are rooms like hers, massive, with ward-numbers above them. Down to the right there seems to be a nurses office, down to the left, there seems to be a staircase, perhaps an exit.

The Nurse-station is currently empty, considering the nurse on duty likely went to get the doctor. Eva could check out the other rooms, although they might be locked, or go towards the staircase. She tries to pull the door to 'her' room closed behind her and notices the effort that massive door takes to move back in place.. her room was definitly secure.. and well, it is not like she'd been locked in it. Perhaps she's been worrying too much about this place. //Shouldn't worry, but be calm and listen to the doctors.// Yes. nothing was achieved by worrying too much. Perhaps she should look about a little on her own.. but where to start?
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"Ah I see. Well that's good to know at least. I assume I've been out for at least more than a day though, surely. And I did get a hint of this place was an asylum of some sort too. Thank you for answering my questions miss," Eva said, feeling a little more at ease after the nurse responded. "And... d-don't worry about the gown. It's quite alright. I'm just... a bit embarrassed at someone seeing me in such a humiliating way. It isn't often that a dragon is seen like that," she added as an afterthought as she sat back down on the bed.

Both Pills:
She was trying to ask the nurse lady something else, but couldn't get it out before the girl left mere moments after she'd taken the pills.

It didn't take long for Eva to find out just what the pills did either. Her shaft began to stiffen up even more than before thanks to the drugs. It didn't take long after that for Eva to fall back onto the bed, and she felt sleepy as hell. "Mmm... this is... rather nice at least. She's quite nice too, and that body... mmm..." Eva sighed softly to herself as she lie back on the bed and closed her eyes and dozed back off.

After a while though, Evangeline finally woke back up, feeling a bit horny, but not unbearably so. She would climb back out of the bed and start to go out into the hallway to investigate the place outside of her room.

Red Pill:
"N-Ngh... s-so hot..." Eva sighed softly as she felt her body burning with lust suddenly, mere moments after the nurse retreated from the room.

Eva felt like she was on fire, her loins blazing with lust. Her left hand reached down as she fell back onto the bed, and she began to furiously pump her shaft. As she stroked herself, Evangeline's mind started to go blank to everything else around her, and she couldn't help but focus on the pleasure in her loins. "F-Fuck yes. S-So good..." she moaned softly as she sat on the bed, her legs spread wide to give her easier access.

Evangeline's hand worked her cock vigorously for several long minutes while the pill did its dirty work on her. She didn't really know just how long she was there, masturbating like crazy, each throb of her penis bringing a new wave of ecstasy as she felt pure bliss when she finally came for the first time. Her hand didn't stop there though. Twitching like mad in the aftermath of her first climax, Evangeline kept pumping her hand up and down her length.

"Y-Yes... YES!" Eva cried out after a couple of more minutes as her second climax struck through her like lightning, leaving her trembling like crazy.

The dragoness' eyes were mostly glazed over as she fell back onto the bed, still stroking herself passionately, and she could swear that her penis was even bigger than before thanks to whatever those drugs were. She couldn't tell how much time had passed, but she knew that she needed to investigate this place and find that nurse and the doctor. Or if possible find a way out of this place instead.

"I... might need to find that nurse and take another one of those red pills, show her what happens when you tease a dragon like that," Eva thought to herself as she left the room.

White Pill:
After downing the white pill, Evangeline sighed softly and sat back down on the bed to rest a bit longer as the nurse scampered off before answering her last questions. Her body suddenly felt... heavy though. And before she knew it, Evangeline saw her pillows speeding towards her face. "W-What the... hell?" was all she managed to mutter out before she face planted the pillows on her bed, her consciousness fading fast.

It was an unknown amount of time before she woke back up, and Eva couldn't tell just what'd happened. She remembered... a nurse? Or was that just a dream? No... surely not. Rubbing her head a bit, Evangeline started to walk out of the room to see the hallway stretching in both directions, nary a soul in sight.

Neither Pill:
"H-Hey wait a sec. I just wanted to know... u-ugh, whoa..." Eva called at the nurse as she made to follow the woman out, before letting out a groan, as she felt incredibly dizzy and fell to the floor.

Lying there sprawled out on the floor, Evangeline groaned again as her vision faded in and out. She could swear she saw someone in a white cloak standing over her, as if examining her like a piece of meat almost. "O-Oh please... d-don't touch me there. It's... s-sensitive..." she remembered moaning softly in a somewhat drunken voice. Or was that a dream? Was all of it just a dream perhaps?

No... surely it wasn't a dream. It felt too real to be one. As the blood rushed back to her head, her dizziness began to fade, slowly, which was a godsend, because being dizzy was something that Evangeline simply couldn't stand. It made her want to vomit.

Finally, when she could see straight again, and stand without feeling the world spinning a million miles a minute, Evangeline staggered a bit towards the doorway to look out into the hallway.

"W-Where to start now...?" Evangeline muttered under her breath as she looked up and down the hallway after getting her bearings and taking in the sights of both directions and what lie down them.

"I really need to get out of this place I think. But... it'd be good to gather some information first I think," Eva thought to herself as she headed down the hallway towards the nurses station as she pulled the door to her room shut behind her, grunting a bit as she did so.

Along the way, Eva would stop and peek into the other rooms, curious about this asylum she now found herself in. She was still a bit worried and frightened about the place. But the more she knew, the more her fears would be eased, she hoped.
To glance up and down the hallways is both equally uneventful, an old, but relatively clean place, with a slight scent of some sort of medicine or perhaps sterilizing alcohol in the air.. even a fruity note, some sort of perfume?
Guessing by the light shining through the windows on one side (Again, large iron bars), it was late morning, maybe about midday now, a look outside revealed a hill, some smaller houses on the outsides, and she seemed to be on the second floor of a larger building.. although it's hard to see anything up close through the fortified and ever so slightly dusty windows.

Eva continues towards the nurse office, but first tries some of the other doors.. the first is locked, and seems to hold no one inside, the second opens to an empty room, pretty much looking like hers.. she could search it, but a moan from the adjacent room has her.. distracted.

There, in the next room, is another bed like hers, but this one holds a female.. Long, dark hair, bound by leathery, tough looking restraints that allow her to move around.. but not leave the bed. Her loud moans, sounding out into the hallway after Eva opened the door to peek in, are revealed to be not moans of pain and anguish.. but pleasure. The girl is completely naked, just like her, and vigorously stroking herself. Yes, stroking, it seems she has a nice, thick cock of her own, which, just as she glances up to Eva with those light blue eyes, splurts a rich helping of sticky cum.. going by the state of her bed, and the.. smell emanating from her room, she's been doing this a lot..

She grins and looks up at Eva, her cock still rigid, as she poses, as if wanting her to watch...

[[Watch the show]]

[[Don't Watch!]]

(Watching gives a brief, lewd bonus, but doesn't change the outcome here again. ^^)
"Well at least this place is clean," Evangeline muttered softly to herself as she passed by the other rooms on her way up the hall.

As she continued her walk, she sniffed the air and caught a hint of perfume. Or at least that's what she thought it was anyway. It was hard to tell either way, She also caught the whiff of medicinal scent too, or alcohol. Probably both, now that she thought about it, since this Was an asylum after all.

Glancing out one of the windows along the way, Evangeline reached up to wipe some of the dust away, and noticed the hill nearby outside, and that caught her attention. Didn't the nurse say she was near the gates of the city? There should be far more housing around this area, surely. What with it being near one of the gates and all. Which meant that she likely wasn't in the city any longer if she had to guess. "Hmm... I dunno what it means. But it's definitely not a good sign. I need to find out more about what's going on around here," Eva muttered under her breath as she kept walking, her pace quickening ever so slightly.

Going to the other patient room doors, she grumbled at the first one. "Mmm, damn, locked. Now why would it be locked?" she mumbled, peeking inside and spotting nobody... thankfully.

Heading for the second patient room, Evangeline poked her head inside since it was open, and was about to step in to explore it some more, she heard the moan nearby, making her jump in fright. "W-What the f-fuck was that?" Eva gasped in terror, unsure what it was causing the moaning.

Creeping around the corner back into the hall, and peeking around into the next room, Evangeline steeled her nerves for what might be inside. Her mind was racing. Her imagination was throwing all kinds of creepy images of monsters into her mind, settling on some sort of large tentacled demonic beast that would try and attack her.

Easing her way around to peek into the room as she opened the door, Evangeline spotted... another girl, like her, though not a dragon girl however. Seeing the restraints, and just what was causing those moans of... ecstasy, Evangeline blushed a bit. "W-Whoa... that's uh... h-heh, kinda hot actually," Eva muttered softly as she watched the girl's hand vigorously jerking her penis.

Moments later Eva shook her head and was about to turn and shut the door behind her to leave the girl in peace. But she stopped mid movement, and saw the girl was staring back at her. Evangeline let out an audible gulp, and found herself unable to turn to leave now.

Stay and watch (main choice here):
"She's... so gorgeous. And what she's doing is... r-really hot too. Goddess I can't stop myself. It's wrong, I know. But watching her do this is so... erotic," Evangeline muttered softly as she gulped again and leaned against the door facing as she watched.

While she did so, Evangeline found her left hand reaching down to her own large shaft. Gently taking it in hand, Eva's hand gripped her own length before she started to stroke her pillar of flesh. Pre began to bead up on her tip as she stroked, and Evangeline couldn't help but let out a soft sweet moan of her own. The scent coming from the room also served to keep Evangeline's loins nice and warm also.

As she stroked herself, Evangeline's right hand got in on the action soon enough, cupping her right breast and giving it a firm squeeze, where she started to enjoy herself a bit more. With her defenses lowering, and arousal rising, Evangeline gave her nipple a little pinch and tweak, making her hips thrust outward. As she did this, a gush of her pre spurted out, her scent strong musky scent mingling with the other girl's. "T-This is so hot. I can't stop my hands," Evangeline thought to herself, feeling her climax approaching quickly.

Once it boiled in her loins to the breaking point, Evangeline cried out cutely, not at all like someone her size might, her voice very sweet and soft. Like the sweet gentle singing of a nymph or fairy. Tilting her head back, Evangeline closed her eyes as her seed rushed up her length and gushed from her crown. Her first rope of semen shot out like a cannon, going several feet, and even landing a little on the bed next to the girl. Her second and third shots reached nearly as far, but fell just short of the bed itself. The rest got increasingly shorter in the lengths which they went. All in all though, she'd shot out a good ten spurts of her semen, as she leaned back and relaxed against the door facing.

Try and leave:
After several long moments of staring back at the girl, Evangeline pulled her gaze from the room and turned to leave, blushing furiously and looking incredibly flustered at this point. "S-So lewd. W-What is going on in this place. Those moans gave me such a fright. But now I see it was just some l-lewd display in an attempt to distract me... s-surely," Eva muttered under her breath as she tried to exit the room.
The woman, who has no resemblance to a lewd tentacle'd monster, except perhaps for having the libido as one, moans and grins, glancing up at her audience,
as she kept sensually stroking her hard, throbbing shaft, without a doubt aware of her audience, but clearly uncaring, as her other hand wandered lower, stroking and caressing along her puffy, drooly pussylips.

The sensual scent in the room was almost infectious, distracting the well hung dragon-elf, almost.. invitingly. Perhaps it was Evangeline's imagination, but her cock oozed way more precum than on normal average... perhaps just her imagination.. although, it seemed more copious in quantity too, not that she paid much attention to this fact, too lost in her wonderful, hot climax.. The girl then reaches out, seeming to enjoy Eva's lewdness, sniffing on her cum and extending a hand, scooping some up, extending her tongue.. she wouldn't? But she does.. lick up the cum lewdly, which distracts and arouses Eva further... only to hear a voice behind her.:

"Woaah.. someone is having fun, isn't she?"
Even as Eva turns to leave, after a.. short moment to focus herself, watching the bound womans hand go up and down and up and down along that nice, meaty shaft... just the sight had Eva's own cock rise a little, beginning to ooze some.. well, alright, a decent lot of precum...
And, just as she turned, she ran into another girl, who grinned at her, standing right there as Evangeline steps out of the door, with an innocent. "Leaving so soon?"

The girl infront of Eva wears a (ever so slightly revealing, but perhaps that's her imagination) white patient shirt, has long, ever so slightly unruly black hair, cute, brown eyes and an ever so slightly too calm seeming smile. She pat-pats Eva's.. well, she was clearly reaching out for the womans shoulder, before reconsidering, and patting her side, arm, and a bit of breast, definitly on accident.
"Heh, enjoying the show? Don't mind her.. she's a very sick girl. She's been refusing the medicine the doctors want to give her and now look what sorry state she's in. Not like me. I always take my medicine!" She proclaims, proudly.

"Call me Piper, 's what everyone does. You're the dragon-princess Vip right.. oh.. uh.. crap uh.. Am I supposed to call you her highness and stuff?" She asks, backing off, and doing a little, untrainedly awkward bow. The scene would be rather cute, if not for the backdrop of soft, sensual moans still coming from the room behind.. perhaps Eva could focus better if she closed that door..
Watched (still main path):
Evangeline only barely noticed, or realized rather, the increased amount of pre that her shaft was leaking out from her tip. She Did notice however just how much easier it was making her hand slide up and down her length. It was... incredible, to say the least, and she simply couldn't help but feel the thrill of excitement run up her spin the more she jerked herself. After she came, Evangeline panted softly and found her hand wasn't stopping, as if it had a mind of its own. Not that she minded this of course.

She watched, almost spellbound, as the girl she'd been watching reached out and scooped up a bit of her cum that had landed on the bed. Eva shook her head ever so slightly, as if to tell the girl not to do it. But the girl did, and Evangeline's cock throbbed as her heart raced at the erotic sight of the girl's tongue licking up her cum.

Evangeline gasped when she heard the voice behind her, her left hand still stroking her length as she stood there leaning against the door, though her right jumped to her left breast, clutching over her heart from the sudden fright. "I... it was just so... e-erotic to watch. I couldn't help myself," Evangeline whispered back, her cheeks flushed with a mix of arousal and embarrassment as she turned to look at the newcomer.

Didn't Watch:
Her eyes lingered longer than she had intended them to on the girl, whose cock was throbbing visibly, she could tell. "N-No I shouldn't keep watching. I... k-kind of want to though. It's... so hot to watch, I must admit, and... it Has been a while since I've really gotten any true relief I suppose... assuming earlier was all a dream of course," Evangeline thought to herself as she turned to leave finally, her own shaft twitching a bit.

"E-Eek! G-Goddess above you startled me," Evangeline yelped as the girl surprised her upon turning to the door to leave.

"I... y-yeah, kind of," Eva replied, blushing a bit at being caught like she had, and also because she herself was naked and this newcomer wasn't. "Oh wait, your medicine? Was it by chance a white pill and a pinkish red pill?" Evangeline asked after a few moments, her mind still a little clouded with lust from what she'd just done.

Evangeline shook her head. "No no, you needn't bow. I don't hold people to such traditions when behind closed doors like now. So please, you needn't bow like that. And you may just call me Evangeline, or Eva for short, if you'd prefer," Evangeline replied after Piper introduced herself and started to bow.

Stepping outside the room once more, Evangeline pulled it shut behind her and sighed softly. She looked back to Piper after that and smiled. "There we go, n-now I can focus a bit without her m-moaning like crazy. Anyway... Piper, how uh... h-how long have you been here? And how do you know me?" Evangeline said once she had closed the door and was able to focus without hearing those sweet and luscious moans from the other girl.
"Ajup.. that's my medicine.. it's really nice..." She smiled, seeming.. nice enough to not further comment on bumping into the situation she'd seen Eva in.

"Oh.. ok.. neat, you're nice Eva.. You'll fit right in!" She grinned, putting an arm around Evangeline. The problem with that was, considering the dragon-girls size, that arm came to rest firmly upon her buttocks. Just a mistake by Piper and the size-difference, obviously, although her fellow patient didn't seem to notice this.

"Well, I heard the staff talk about you, you are a bit of a celebrity.. well.. really, a lot. They were so happy to help you recover! I've been here for.. hrmnn.. you know, that's hard to answer, I .. sorry, my memory is a bit bad, it's part of my illness, let's talk about something more fun.. I guess I'm here longer than most, I'm doing good, the doctor says I'm almost ready. Although I know I'm not here the longest, that's the weird one, in the basement..

Oh!" Piper bounced a little..

"My room is to the right, if you need something, you can come visit. The nurse office is over there.." She pointed.. "No one there though.. aww.. Then there's the staircase leading to the doctors office and stuff on the first floor. Ground floor is low risk patients.. Heh.. I'm actually low risk, but I was bored and wandered up here." She chuckled, and presented a small wrist-band, spotting a ruby gem. ".. actually, perhaps I shouldn't stay too long, doctor is propably going to want to see you and I don't want to stress you out before your appointment.." She nodded, but waited for any questions Eva might want to ask her still.
"Hmm, so maybe I wasn't dreaming about it before then," Evangeline muttered under her breath.

"Well I try and be nice, Piper. But... fit in? So there's more than just the three of us here then?" Evangeline said, not having expected there to be many, if any others here.

She really did try and ignore it at first, but Eva couldn't help feel a little aroused at the hand on her butt. Eva didn't really say anything about it aloud though, and kept walking for now next to the much smaller Piper. The ever present feel of that hand though was... distracting, to say the least, especially after what she'd just been caught doing.

"Oh, I see. Well the nurse, before she scampered off, did seem to be quite nice at least," Evangeline said as they walked, stopping at one of the nearby rooms. "Oh so you're near my room. That's good to know. I... don't expect I'll be here for all That long though, to be honest. I'm sure that my guard is looking for me, or that someone is at least," she added when Piper pointed her room out.

"I wonder why there's not any nurses around though. That is a little worrying. And don't worry. I don't think you could really stress me out all that much. But I should probably go and talk to the doctors. I... remember the nurse mentioning that they wanted to talk soon," Evangeline told Piper as she looked back towards the staircase. "Well anyway, I was glad to meet you, Piper. And if I won't be leaving just yet, I'm sure we'll see each other again shortly. So I guess I'll see you soon," she waved and called back to Piper as she started to head towards the staircase to see the doctors, since there weren't any nurses around.
"Oh yeah, there's a bunch of patients.. I mean.. not a lot, and people come and go when they are cured, obviously." Piper informed.
"Yes... all of the staff are very nice." Piper enthused.

"Near your room?" She tilted her head and hesitated... "Nah, I told you, I'm with the low risk patients, downstairs. That's not my room huh... I'm pretty sure.." She mused.. But Eva was certain that the girl had indicated a room to the right. Strange. "Oh don't worry about being here long! This place is nice, you wont want to leave when the time comes.. but I guess when your recovery is complete.." The girl nodded, uncaring, or unaware about the hand still soft, but firm on that dragon-bottom, with no complaints from Evangeline.

"Yes.. you should go talk to the doctors.. they know best!" Piper agreed, with a nod. "See you soon!" Piper enthused. Eva briefly wondered if she should check out Pipers old room, or peraps the nurse station.. but so far, none of this had been all -that- odd.. it was time to visit a doctor.

She approached a Staircase.. Only to be intercepted by a still smaller than her, but larger, and muscular looking orderly with short hair, and a scar on his dark cheek.

"..You are Evangline right? Follow me to the Doctors room." He demanded, whilest paying little attention to Piper, after she waved her wrist-bracelet. The Orderly lead Piper downstairs, and.. The dragon-blood could have sworn that the muscular man was checking her.. or rather, her lack of uniform out along the way.

And then, out of nowhere, his hand reached to to squeeze her bottom.. That was definitly -not- a coincidence!
"Mmm, well let's hope that I'll be cured sooner rather than later then," Eva smiled at Piper before preparing to leave, noting the hand still on her butt at the moment, but again, still trying to ignore it as best she could.

"Huh, I know she said that one was her room, or something. Maybe I misheard her?" Evangeline thought to herself as she left Piper and headed for the staircase.

Heading downstairs, Evangeline glanced around a bit as her left hand reached behind her and gently touched where Piper's hand had been on her butt. It felt warm, pleasant even, to have someone touching her like that. N-No... she shouldn't think that way. Right? But, if Had felt nice, now that she thought about it. Surely it hadn't been intentional though on Piper's part. She seemed like a nice enough girl, and hadn't tried to assault or molest her any. So Evangeline was more inclined to believe that it hadn't been on purpose, and was merely a coincidence thanks to their size differences.

Eva also thought about stopping by the room that she could have sworn Piper mentioned was hers, or that she'd stayed in it or something to that degree. But she decided instead to head on down to see the doctors first instead.

"Yes, I'm Evangeline Kinais. And very well then. I was coming to see the doctor anyway actually. Lead on, please," Evangeline told the orderly in a more respectful and dignified tone than his.

Evangeline didn't really like his demanding tone, but she overlooked it for now. She didn't want to start a fight if one didn't need to be had after all. So instead, she followed the scarred man and hoped that she could finally get some answers. "Surely the doctor can tell me more about just what is going on here," Evangeline thought to herself as she gave a wave back to Piper and followed him down the stairs.

When she felt his hand brush across her rear, her tail instinctively swished about and quickly, albeit quite gently, curled the tip around his wrist, and brushed his hand off of her butt, though not before he'd easily get a squeeze or two in. She didn't say anything aloud about it, as if she hadn't entirely noticed. But any look on her face would reveal the intense blush that crept up her cheeks, telling the orderly that she Had noticed, but was choosing to again, overlook the matter.

"So what can you tell me about the doctor?" Evangeline asked the orderly, trying to change the subject quickly before the blush on her cheeks was noticed.
"Doctor's smart.. Best to do as she tells you. I do, pays me bills." The dark skinned orderly seemed the tight lipped type. He didn't even comment on his -unsucessful- groping any further, beyond a mumbling that Eva could have sworn to say.. "Must be a new one.."

Either way, she was lead to a room, a little like hers in design, albeit larger, and far more well equipped, a book-case in the back, a large table, with some paperwork strewn about, behind which said a red-haired woman with slightly pointed ears (half-elf, perhaps?) and a monocle. She glanced up to the dragon-gal with a confident smile, then nodded to the man that had brought Evangeline here. "Ah, thank you Aaron.. Miss Evangeline Kinais, so good to see you.. we could not find a hospital gown in your size, although you have helped yourself, how nice.. do sit down so I can begin the examination. You've been out for quite a while..." She mused, getting up.

"Miss Eva, if I may be allowed to call you such, you had minor burn wounds on arrival, a few bruises, but, most concerningly, a cranial puncture, luckily we stitched you back up and lucky for you, it seems you slept through the worst of it. Is there any pain?" She got up, stepping over, and pointing to the side.. where a half-bed half examination table looking thing stood to the side.

"I'll have to make sure you are healthy and free of neurological symptoms before you can be released.. the last thing we want is for you to run into any nasty attack again, the way you are right now!" She cooed, with soft concern, petting Eva's arm soothingly. "How do you feel today?"
Evangeline thought she heard the man mutter under his breath, but she couldn't be certain. She said nothing of it aloud, though she was a bit worried now deep down. That was twice now that someone had tried groping her. Once was an accident, twice was a coincidence. If it happened a third time, she'd know that there was a pattern or conspiracy to it, that everyone seemed to want to grab her butt.

Entering the room the orderly led her to, Evangeline looked a little impressed at how well furnished it was, especially in such a place as an asylum of all things. "U-Um yes, same to you doctor. May I first thank you for tending to my injuries while I was unconscious. It would be unbecoming of me to not do so. So... thank you very much," Evangeline said to the lady doctor, bowing gracefully.

"And yes, I uh, found this. It isn't much, but it covers what needs covering at least," Evangeline commented about the towel she had wrapped around her, her tail swishing a bit behind her. "Oh, and thank you too Aaron, for seeing me down," she added to the orderly man, thanking him for the escort, and not mentioning the groping she'd received from him.

"Yes, please. You needn't stand on ceremony with me. Eva is fine with me, doctor," Evangeline said as she took her seat and waited for the examination to begin. "And no, no pain at all really. Aside from a bit of a headache when I first woke up I guess, but that's calming down now I think. And I feel just fine really," she added.

"So um, doctor, how long was I out for? And who brought me here exactly? I remember there was an explosion, in the middle of that big crowd. I know I was thrown from the carriage, but I don't remember anything after I was thrown until waking up here. I must have gotten bumped on the head before I hit the ground," Evangeline asked the doctor as she sat there, removing her towel covering her so the doctor could examine her properly.
"Tending to the injured is our duty." The female doctor insisted, smiling.. and Eva could have sworn, checking out her breasts as she bowed. Then again, the towel.. there was a lot to check out... Aaron had meanwhile, already left, with but a slight grunt.

"You are lucky if you got away with just a headache.. Say Aaaaah." The doctor insisted, presenting a small metal spoon, which she pushed into Eva's mouth, checking her throat, before reaching down, gently, but professionally taking her arm, counting something.. "No infections, normal pulse good.." the doctor noted, raising a brow when Eva sat there naked before her.. "Nice.. hmnhmn.. We'll take your temperature.. try to relax." She nodded, presenting a glas thermometre, and rubbing some lotion on it.. before approaching the dragon-girls bottom, slowly pushing it in. It felt.. a little more pleasurable than she wanted to admit.. "Wound infection is a large risk. Anyway, it's no suprise you don't remember much.. considering your injury.. but we'll do some neurological tests soon. Hrmn lets see.." She mused about something.. then, putting on latex examination gloves.. how strange, Eva felt like she remembered something about this..

She reached out, and cupped one of the dragon balls. "Hmnn.. Is this the normal size for them? Quite impressive if so, but they almost seem a little swollen.." The doctor mused, giving a slight squeezing, testing massage.. Now that she pointed it out, Eva had felt a little full..

"Oh, do forgive my professional interest, most patients I have are either male or female, your lineage is quite special, any doctor would be curious, honored even to examine you.. anyway, back to your question.. It took some work to get you here, I heard, yes, yes." She mused.. was she avoiding part of the question? Well, she was.. busy examining Eva, perhaps she just got distracted.. Like that hand.. now two hands, medically.. examining one of her heavy orbs each. "You see, the problem with accidents like yours is not external injuries.. we can sew the body together, but internal bleeding is a very dangerous thing that can manifest many days after an accident.. yes, yes.. I need to check your body for fever,, signs of swelling like these.." She mused, checking the fever-themormetre and sighing, tap-tapping at the silvery liquid inside.. "This is not made for your size.. I'm afraid I'll have to push it in a little deeper.." and with that, Eva felt something wiggling and nuzzling into her bottom, the doctor still having a thoughtful hand on her heavy orb..
"Aaaah," Eva murmured as she opened her mouth and flattened her tongue for the rather pretty redhead doctor.

Evangeline didn't feel anything out of the ordinary right now about the doctor lady, so she was relaxed a lot more now than she had been before. She glanced curiously at the thermometer as the doctor put the lotion on it. Evangeline actually let out a surprised squeal when the doctor gently pushed the thing into her butt. Her legs kicked slightly in surprise too. She managed to avoid kicking the doctor though thankfully.

"I... d-didn't know that's w-what you were going to do with that, doctor. I... mmm, was expecting it under my tongue, like most others, to be honest," Evangeline squeaked softly after the thermometer had been inserted, once she calmed down that is.

"I... t-they're normally that big I think, though... they can be even bigger when I'm... b-backed up a bit," Evangeline murmured to the doctor, flushing ever so slightly as her testicle was squeezed gently. "There was another patient, n-near my room upstairs, and she was... you know, playing with herself. She was rather... erotic to be honest. It left me a bit... aroused, you might say," she added, her cheeks growing ever hotter thanks to the massaging of her sack.

"I-It's quite alright, doctor. Not many healers and doctors get the chance to ever meet one of my kind. I... I'll i-indulge your curiosity, i-if you need to sate it," Eva told the doctor as she tried to relax a bit, as this was an examination after all, so there wasn't anything overly wrong with it, surely. Right?

Evangeline lie there, relaxing as much as she could, given the situation. She let the doctor sate her curiosity, her thoughts wandering to unicorns and bunnies, something nice and pleasant to take her mind off of this somewhat lewd situation that she found herself in. She only half listened to the doctor explaining about internal injuries and the like, though she did raise her head up a bit to look over. "I f-feel alright though, doctor. I don't think I've got any internal injuries," Eva murmured.

"Huh? W-Wait, n-no if it goes any d-deeper it might... eek!" Eva squeaked rather cutely as the thermometer was pushed in deeper, the dragoness biting her bottom lip as she clutched the sides of the examination table.

This left Evangeline's cheeks a bright scarlet. The fact that the doctor lady also had a hand on one of her plump and hefty testicles didn't help matters either. In fact, it only left Evangeline even More flustered and aroused. Eva's butt twitched from side to side rather uncontrollably, moving rather erotically in all honesty. Any words she might have had only came out as soft pleasant moans.