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Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

"Uri! Y-"

The older man cut the younger off again. "You'll shut up until I finish, boy." Turning back to Luminita, he grew more seriously. "There are two problems at this point. The first is... well frankly the fact that they don't seem to scare you much. They sure as hell scare me. And even worse is the thought of what happens if I send you after them, they beat you, and you tell 'em how you found 'em."

He paused a moment, then seemed to recall that he had promised two problems. "And secondly, I didn't exactly follow them home, did I? Why should I have?" Another moment passed while that sunk in. "Now, that isn't saying I've told you all I know, but don't expect an address or nothing. And you have to understand that this isn't just between you and them, not if I keep talking. Putting my throat - all our throats - just as far out as yours." He took a deep drink from his mug before continuing. "If not as pretty."
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita met the man's gaze as his tone grew more serious, her stony mask breaking for a brief moment as he commented on how little they seemed to scare her. Perhaps she'd been a little too successful in putting up a strong face. In truth, she was scared, very scared. The people she was after had managed to defeat her father in combat, and she knew that she wasn't even close to his equal there. She refused to let that fear paralyze her, however. She couldn't wait until she was stronger, or spend her time seeking allies. The trail was already cold, if she waited any longer she'd never find it again.

"I am not so foolish as to believe myself capable of matching them all in open combat, nor am I fearless. Even my father had been hard pressed before they used their trickery to bring him down." Her voice grew a little unsteady for a brief moment before she took a few more to shut her eyes and compose herself again, trying to push away the memories that came unbidden. "They nearly killed me too. I know not to underestimate them. I do not intend to take them on together, and if they split up as you say, all the better."

Her hands clenched into fists where they rested on the table, her claw-like nails digging painfully into the flesh of her palms as her arms quivered briefly. It was more difficult to keep up this calm facade than she'd anticipated. She was usually more... emotional. Letting herself be driven by emotion alone wouldn't get her what she needed, though. "I have no desire to endanger the lives of anyone but myself and them, but I will not stop. Discovering their final destination would be too much for me to hope for, but I cannot leave until I've found some clue."

The look she fixed upon him as she spoke was somehow more intense than it had been previously. Unlike then, this time it was filled with emotion, threatening to burst free at any moment. If she stopped or gave up, they won. She would not let them win. She would turn over every stone in this town if she needed to, but she would find something before she left. And this man knew something, whether minor or not. She didn't wish to hurt anyone uninvolved, but fortunately, he'd given her something to work with, and an idea of who else to ask if this didn't work out. She would get her answers, one way or another.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

"Well, at least you understand this isn't a walk in the park," the man replied, "But you still seem to be missing the point. I don't want you to get your pretty little throat slit. But I really don't want a bunch of angry Dragonslayers coming after me."

Uri had been speaking fairly quietly, and the bar was all but deserted, but what other sound there was stopped as his voice rose, and 'dragonslayers' seemed to echo through the room. He coughed, and continued more quietly as the normal noises resumed. "Anyway, the point being that I'm not getting my head cut off for a smile and your undying gratitude. Make it worth our while or find someone else to be your tracker."
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita let out a sigh as the man's intent became clear, seemingly oblivious to the change in the atmosphere of the room. She had expected that she might have to bargain with people for answers, but unfortunately she had little understanding of what value these people put on anything. What she had on her was a pittance compared to what her father had possessed, an insignificant amount. She still wasn't quite certain how such coin was valued here. What she'd seen so far indicated that it might be more than she'd thought, but it certainly wasn't a fortune by any means.

"What is it you want, then?" She spoke a little louder than might be expected for what he seemed to want to keep a private conversation. She really had no idea what to offer him aside from money, and she wasn't certain whether she had enough for something like this. She could decide whether what he wanted was worth the information to her... if not, she'd have to find someone else. "I have little to offer, but I am willing to... trade, if needed. Just tell me what it is you want."
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

The old man paused, frowning, considering. He started to open his mouth, but his younger fellow cut him off. "A round of ale would be a good start."

Uri rolled his eyes, but after a moment nodded. "If you have little at the moment... a show of faith to start with, and then... well, we'll discuss it."
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita gave a brief start as the younger man interrupted, having nearly forgotten he was there. She was caught off guard both by him suddenly speaking up and by what he asked for. It was... reasonable, she supposed. She wasn't certain how much it would cost her, but it couldn't be more than what she'd paid for her own drink each.

"Yes, I can do that." She nodded once she'd regained her composure, rising from the table to return to the bar for the drinks. "I'll be right back then."

She briefly considered getting herself another drink as well, as hers was now empty, but decided against it. She didn't need to run the risk of getting herself intoxicated, or spend more of her relatively meagre funds than she needed to.

"How much for, um... a round of ale for the men at that table?" She asked of the bartender once she reached the bar again, repeating the man's words. Hopefully this would pay off in the end, she couldn't afford to waste so much time if they weren't going to tell her what she needed.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

For four denarii, the barkeeper offered a pitcher that would fill four or five mugs, and sent a barmaid over to fill the three men's cups and leave the pitcher on the table.

The old man took a deep drink from his mug, but waited to speak until the barmaid was out of earshot. "Ah, excellent. Just what I needed. Well. Honestly there's not much more to say. Not from me, anyway. The wizards walked out, the other three stayed a short time buying food and such, then hired a cart. But..."

He pointed at his hooded companion. "HE happens to be a cart driver. One who just got back from a certain job? Not very talkative. But maybe a little more open to risk than me, eh?"

The hooded man nodded.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita gave a simple nod when she was told the price for the drinks, fishing a few more coins from her already dwindling supply. Hopefully this information would be worth it, she couldn't afford to keep doing this for long. Still, this was her only lead so far, she had to take it.

She felt a brief flash of anger as it was revealed the hooded man who has been quiet so far had been the one to give them transportation. She forced that feeling down though, it was irrational and she knew it. There was no way he could have know, she couldn't blame him for that. He had the information she needed, too.

She turned to the man, who had simply nodded to Uri's question. "Will you tell me where you took them? Did they say where they were headed after that?" With the information she so desperately sought being offered before her Luminita was much less successful keeping the emotion from her voice and expression. The look she gave him was almost pleading, even though she would have been mortified if she'd realized that herself.

She'd been worried she'd never find anything, but this was exactly what she'd been looking for. Perhaps she'd been a bit too eager in jumping on that bit of information, but right now she really didn't care. She still had no leads on where the mages went, but three of five was as much as she could have hoped for... and once she found them, perhaps she could learn more about the others.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

For a long moment there was no answer. Then, finally, the hooded man drew in a deep breath, and after another brief pause gave his answer. "'ll take you where I took 'em. For one thing when you're done with 'em."

Finally he looked up at the dragonkin, though that seemed to be the end of what he intended to say. Uri looked at him dubiously, then nodded. "Aye, that sounds fair. He picks some thing from whatever's left to look when you're finished your business, and me 'an the boy will take our share from him. Can't say fairer than that."

The hooded man gave his old companion a look, but didn't say anything, and after a moment turned back to Luminita.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita paused briefly, considering the man's words. She could probably travel faster on her own if she flew, but he could take her exactly where he took them, that would ensure she didn't miss anything going by description alone. His terms seemed fair too, she grudgingly admitted, though it irked her a little to give away things that probably belonged to her father so easily. Better than in the hands of those murderers, though.

"Yes, that's... fair." She nodded after another moment of consideration. Any cost was worth the chance to avenge her family, this was an easy choice to make. Still, there was something she was concerned about. "I need to make one... exception though. I do not know which of them carries it, but one of them possesses some sort of artifact they used as a weapon against my father. I cannot allow that into anyone else's hands, I must retrieve it. Anything else is fine, but I cannot allow such a thing to remain out there... And if someone else was behind their attack, it might lead me to them."

If they did not contest that condition, she would go silent for a few moments, before finally giving a soft sigh of relief and a quiet "Thank you." For a brief moment she appeared very much a vulnerable, grieving child before she once again put on a strong face. She couldn't show that sort of weakness, not to these people, not after they'd agreed to help her.

For once in her life she needed to be the strong one. Her father had always been there, the dragon an implacable pillar of pride and strength. Her siblings, even her human mother, had all embodied that strength far more than she ever had. Now she had to carry that weight for him, for all of them. Any less before she avenged her family would disgrace them all. Even if she had inherited only a tiny fraction of his strength, she had to ensure that was enough.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

The hooded man gave the condition a long contemplation, then nodded. "Aye, you point out that weapon 'n I pick second." With that, he set his mug down hard and stood up, striding out of the room without a backward glance.

Uri gave the dragonkin an embarrassed look, kicking the younger man under the table when he looked like speaking again. "Once Old Ben decides to do a thing, he doesn't hang around waiting. You'd best be on your way, or he'll be out of the city before he realizes you aren't following. And remember: we didn't tell you *anything*." This last comes with an emphasizing gesture that spills a bit of his ale onto the table.

His brow wrinkles while he takes another long drink, then adds "Or, uh, forget that we told you anything? Forget us entirely! Forget everything except that... oh you know what I mean."
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

"Don't worry, I keep my word." Luminta replied evenly, briefly raising an eyebrow as she watched the man knock his mug and spill a little of his drink in his expressive gestures, but letting it pass without comment. Perhaps that was why it had seemed like the scent of ale seemed to have soaked into this place. "No one will hear of you from me."

She rose from the table, making to follow the man who would take her to her quarry, "Old Ben" as the other had called him. She paused only a few steps away from the table though, hesitating for a few moments before finally speaking up again, if only in a voice barely loud enough to carry back to them over the background noise "And... thank you."

There was no turning back now. She had the trail, now she only needed to follow it, and she could take the first step to avenging her family. She barely spared a glance to her surroundings as she made for the exit, following behind the cart driver. She would have preferred simply getting directions, she was certain that she could probably fly there faster than his cart could travel, but he wanted to ensure he was around to receive his compensation. That was fair after all, even if she hadn't fully grasped how human society worked. She hadn't been prepared quite as well as she'd thought from her time with her mother, apparently.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Perception: Success!
Woodcraft: Success!

The old man, once he started moving was persistent, if not fast. He walked out of the bar without hardly checking to see if the dragonkin was following, and started hitching up a horse to an old but sturdy cart in a nearby stable. Ten minutes later the cart was rolling out of town.

As Luminta had feared, the cart was slower than flying. It may even have been slower than walking - certainly it would be if the cart were loaded rather than empty. The one thing that could be said for it was that once the horse started its steady gait, it didn't flag. The trip was, for the most part, uneventful. The man never tried to start up a conversation, and while he would listen politely enough to the dragonkin if she wished to speak to him, it could hardly be called conversation.

As dusk approached, with no real indication of how close they might be to the place where he had dropped off Luminta's target, they were passing through a small forest, when a man stepped out in front of the cart as they rounded a bend, smiling and casually holding a crossbow.

The sound of a twig breaking in the nearby forest diverted the dragonkin's attention for a moment, and keen ears picked up a voice. "Wait for the signal this time, boys...". A few movements of brush weren't quite enough to determine exactly how many people were waiting in the woods, but it was enough to spot the general area.

Meanwhile, the old man grunted sourly, staring at the man for a moment before slowing the horses.
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Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Unfortunately the cart was just as slow as she'd feared, maybe even slower. While it was nice to not have to tire herself out by flying, she was painfully aware of just how much time she was wasting. Time that her quarries were likely using to get farther out of her reach. She forced herself to relax though, to be patient. This was the best lead she had, she needed to take full advantage of it regardless of the compromises she might need to make.

Perhaps mercifully the driver didn't seem very interested in conversation, which suited Luminita perfectly fine. She had little to talk about, her mission for revenge still overriding any other concerns or curiosity she might have had. She simply took the time to rest, though the uncomfortable surface and somewhat bumpy ride made it impossible to actually sleep.

As a result, the dragonkin perked up immediately when she heard something in the otherwise silent surroundings. It didn't take her long to understand what was happening, eyes narrowed as she glared at the man with the crossbow who dared to get in her way now, when she'd finally found the trail. She very nearly simply pounced on the man, desiring nothing more than to kill him and be on her way again, but she hesitated when she heard another voice, and the sound of movement off in the woods. He wasn't alone, and she couldn't tell how many more there were. She was more than confident in her ability to fight off a handful of human bandits, but she had all too recently learned the consequences of overconfidence.

Power surged through her body as she stood, hopping down from the cart to face the man who'd stopped them. Her hands shifted into deadly claws, patches of armour-like scales formed on her body and her horns elongated even further as her powers moved her closer to her draconic heritage. While she was painfully aware that her rather diminutive stature hurt her ability to appear menacing quite a bit, her draconic features tended to be enough to intimidate humans, especially enhanced as they were now. Her wings unfolded as her feet touched the ground, not extending to their full length, but enough to be used at a moment's notice.

"What is the meaning of this interruption?" She fixed the man who had blocked their path with a glare, her voice taking an imperious tone once again. She eyed him carefully for any sign of this 'signal' his friends were waiting for, but kept the surrounding woods in her peripheral vision the whole time, watching for any further signs of movements. Her senses were enhanced too, along with her physical abilities, so she was confident she'd hear them moving before they could strike. She wasn't going to attack if they didn't first, but she was prepared to act if they did. If they were smart and backed off, she was willing to let them go and move on. If they didn't, she could only hope her driver would take cover, she didn't want to lose her only lead now.

Using Draconic Transformation (X=11), which also allows her to activate Dragon's Pride (X=12) at the same time as a free action. Soul's Strength bonus to AV from Transformation and Resistance from Pride.

So total cost is 16 EP, no upkeep, for the total buffs:
+22 to Melee damage, Bull Rush checks, Overrun checks, Swim checks and Weapon/Power attack rolls. +22 to AV (Which can't be ignored), +11 to Grapple checks. +24 to Dodge, Perception, and Grapple rolls to escape, and Resistance checks, and an additional +12 to defensive Resistance checks.

Which brings her relevant defensive stats to:
Dodge: 8d10+23
Armour: 35 (29 Natural, 6 Worn.)
Grapple: 6d10+11 (6d10+35 to escape)
Fire Resistance: 20

Relexes: 42 (54 for Defensive checks)
Focus: 35 (47 for Defensive checks)
Willpower: 39 (61 for Defensive checks)

Perception: 5d10+24

Situational modifiers:
+2 to Resistance checks against being knocked Prone.
+4 to Resistance checks against Charmed, Dominated, Paralyzed, Stunned, or Weakened.
+5 to Reflexes checks against being parried while using natural weapons.
+5 to EP damage received.
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Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Highwayman's assessment of Luminita as a threat: maybe this isn't a good idea.

The cart driver turned towards Luminita. "'sa highwaym'n." Then he turned back to the man blocking the path, and grunted at him.

The man, for his part, opened his mouth to speak. "Your money o-" And cut off as the dragonkin jumped off the cart, wings unfurling as magical power flooded her veins, transforming the diminutive woman into a fighting machine to be reckoned with.

The man cleared his throat. "Uh. That is to say... our - that is my - cart broke down a ways down the road, and the horse ran off. I don't suppose it came this way?" He seemed to realize he was holding a crossbow, and smiled nervously, gesturing at it with the other hand. "Can't be too careful in these parts. Untrustworthy folks about. Isn't safe for a man alone, unarmed."

More voices came from the bushes, to the visible annoyance of the alleged highwayman. "What's taking so long! Why didn't he give the signal! Shut up!" He shot a glare at the bushes, then visibly tried to pretend he hadn't heard anything. He raised his voice. "So. Did you, uh, see it?"
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

"I am not in the mood for games." Luminita growled, her annoyance at this interruption growing by the moment. "Step aside and let us pass, or I will make you. I will not ask twice." she took a step forward and turned her head towards the bushes to the side of the road. She wasn't certain if they were used to dealing with completely inattentive travellers or if they were just this bad at laying an ambush.

"And you cowards hiding over there!" She called out, voice even louder than before. The man in front of her seemed to recognize that he was outmatched, and Luminita was more concerned about finding her true quarry than cleaning up the roads, so she was willing to let him go. Not only were his friends hiding in ambush like cowards though, they still seemed to think that they could do something to her. She would have to demonstrate to them just what they were dealing with. "SHOW YOURSELVES!" Her voice turned to a bestial roar, accompanied by a blast of pure force in the direction of the voices, tearing leaves and branches from the trees in its path as she sought to uproot the men from their hiding place. She wasn't aiming to kill, but the power behind her roar was not insignificant, and she wouldn't shed any tears if she had miscalculated.

Using Roar X=10 in cone form, directed towards where the others are hiding (And angling it to avoid the one on the road, or stepping to the side to aim around him if needed).

It affects a 90 degree cone extending 50 feet from her, dealing (2d4-1)*10 damage and giving a -20 penalty to Dodge, Focus, and Attack rolls and -5 trade dice in Perception to everyone affected by it. Additionally, they must make a DC40 Reflexes save or be Deafened and pushed back to the end of the area of effect.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Damage: 20. Luminita successfully tunes her roar to be more 'impressive' than 'fatal'.
Reflexes: 3 pass, one with a natural 20. 3 fail.

"Well. I, uh, wouldn't want to keep you from what I can only assume is an important L-" but before the man finished, hurrying over to the side of the road as he spoke, the dragonkin had turned her attention towards the bushes. The bushes that were now almost directly behind the man with the crossbow. Even so, he seemed to cut off more abruptly than the situation warranted as Luminita addressed the bushes and anyone who might have been inside them.

"Wait, did she call us- Did he say the word!? I think he-" The voices were on the edge of hearing to the keen-eared dragonkin. The same could not be said for the rustling sound of a man standing up. And certainly not of the roar Luminita let out.

As if struck by a sudden and intense gale, leaves and grasses swung away from Luminita, rustling, and a surprising number tore free, sometime taking small branches with them. And with the first layer of leaves went practically the entire bush, revealing a group of five very surprised men in light armor. One of them lost his feet in the onslaught and tumbled backwards, and two more were pushed over and slid along the ground. The final two held their ground, one holding onto a thick staff he had planted in the ground, the other hunching over at just the right moment, eyes squeezed tight and hand going for an axe.

But the man with the crossbow, practically in front of Luminita as she roared, perhaps with the benefit of a clear line of sight, managed to leap out of the way, rolling straight to his feet and lifting the crossbow to point at the dragonkin. "Now now, boys! I think we've just had a bit of a misunderstanding! We weren't planning to rob the lady who just FUCKING SHOUTED HALF OUR MEN INTO THE WOODS!" It wasn't entirely clear if he raised his voice in emotion, or in an effort to be heard by the first of those who had been pushed back, who was already slapping at his ears and yelling "What!?" at more or less random intervals. Either way, the two others who were still standing in the remains of the bush held their weapons tight, but weren't making any obviously aggressive motions towards the wagon. Meanwhile, the three downed compatriots had all found their weapons and were stumbling to their feet, obviously unsteady.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

"That was a warning." Luminita spoke loudly, to ensure everyone who still could would hear her. Those who had been sent flying by the blast would likely still have some trouble understanding her for a little while yet, but a few had managed to hold their ground and didn't seem as impaired. A surprising number, really. She hadn't been trying to kill them, hadn't put enough power behind her roar for that, but it was somewhat impressive so many had managed to stand their ground.

"I am in a hurry, and would prefer not to have to waste time with pointless fighting." Luminita's declared dismissively, confident that her draconic appearance and that show of force had been enough to compensate for her less than imposing stature. She met the eyes of each of the men who were still standing, challenging them to defy her. She would prefer to simply get moving, back on the trail of her true prey, than deal with these highwaymen, but some part of her was itching to fight too, to cut loose and take out all of her frustrations on these men.

"So I'll give you two choices. Clear the road stop pointing those toys at us, or next time I breathe fire instead." Clawed fingers flexed idly and her tail struck the ground behind her with enough force to throw up a small cloud of dust. Luminita's legs tensed, wings ready to propel her into the air at a moment's notice should they fail to stand down. She wasn't even certain which she wanted any longer, the prospect of descending upon them with claws and fire was a tempting one, to punish them for trying to rob her, but she shook it off. This wasn't the real prey she was after.
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Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Bandit intelligence: 5/20.

The 'spokesman' for the would-be bandits had already stopped pointing his weapon at the dragonkin before her roar. Her words seems to be enough to convince one of the two others who had remained standing to slowly, reluctantly lower his weapons, though from the look in his eyes he wasn't entirely sure he should be done. The last man standing, though, instead raised his staff, gripping it tight enough to turn his knuckles white.

But Luminita wasn't the only one to notice. The crossbow-wielding bandit stepped in front of him, turning to face his fellow, and forcibly lowering the staff, though he didn't seem quite able to wrench it out of the other fellow's hand.

The three that had been stunned, though, didn't seem to hear a word she said, and didn't really seem to pick up on her body language either. Mostly. One of those she had blown away she couldn't see. But she could hear him perfectly fine, running on unskilled feet deeper into the woods. The last one to get up was looking, confused, between all the others, blinking frequently. And the first to get up was still yelling "What? WHAT!? Are we still going to rob her or what! I think she might be a dragon! WE SHOULD PROBABLY TELL TIDUS!"

Meanwhile, the apparent leader had managed to get his two standing fellows a few more steps back off the road, no longer pointing weapons at the wagon. None of them seemed ready to give her an answer out loud, but the road ahead was clear, and the intent at least seemed to be to let Luminta pass.
Re: Dragonslayer Wanted (Astarte) GM'd by thetwo

Luminita grinned, crossing her arms across her chest as she watched the bandits lower their weapons. Evidently her show of force had been effective in demonstrating the foolishness of trying to rob her. The fact that she had little to rob in the first place was a constant source of shame, but that was something she would be correcting soon enough. When she found her father's killers, she could reclaim what they had stolen from his hoard as well. The dragonkin's grin only grew wider when she heard the sound of one of the men she'd thrown back into the forest fleeing, and was about to hop back up onto the cart when one of the others—one evidently deafened temporarily by her roar, if his shouting was any indication—said something that caused her to perk up again.

She turned her head to the man who had first blocked their way, knowing the man who had spoken was in no state to even hear her questions, much less answer them, and she had no desire to wait for his hearing to return. "And who is this 'Tidus' then? Your leader?" She asked, eyes narrowing into a glare. The name wasn't one she recognized as anyone specific, but he sounded important enough to be worth some attention, even if he was only the leader of a bunch of bandits.

Perhaps he could even be of use to her once she had followed her current lead, if his influence on this area was large enough. She didn't relish the idea of turning over any portion of her father's wealth to common bandits, but if it meant that she could find his killers she was willing to make that sacrifice. Surely the promise of such wealth would be enough to sway men like these.