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Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Noting the fact that there still appeared to be a thing going on between Isabell and Mina, Lieze decided to try and make something entertaining from that later. But now was not the time, and she would have Rin take them to this Thereza girl, which would enable the Lady to look around and see how the servants were doing along the way. But it wasn't too long as the path to the tower was only a few corners away from their position.

Somehow, the girl that they met did not really match the expectations that Lieze had. At least she had a style, or the lack thereof, that was all her own, even if she did have the stuff that could be flaunted and possibly used to her advantage. The lack of interest that she did not even try to hide was another curious feature of this female, but it was not enough to make up for the disappointment that was currently bothering the Lady. Instead of sitting down, she remained standing and circled around Thereza to further analyze her. "The butler recommended you for a scouting mission that we will be undertaking a bit later. But I am not sure as to why that is. What exactly can you do besides look positively peasant-like? Are you a wizard or something? A monk?" she asked from this strange female.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Dread Beginnings (Guan Yu, Mamono Assault Force, xivvix) GMed by Termite

Liezelotte - HP = 56, PP = 47, EP = 91, Status = Fine
Isabell - HP = 102, PP = 46, EP = 46, Status = Fine
Anael - HP = 55, PP = 65, EP = 63/90, Status = Fine

"No, Mistress, I am not. I have little to no martial prowess. At best I can stab things with a sword or shoot them with a gun, but nearly everyone else here can do so better than I." She didn't react in the slightest to the small barb thrown her way. In fact she didn't appear to react all that much to anything. "And I have absolutely no magical or spiritual aptitude. But I do notice things. That is my only redeeming quality, and in that one could say I excel." Though others would probably see that as a boast the woman simply stated it as a fact for the Lady to digest, and after a few moments she simply turned toward the miniature maid in the orange dress. "Miss... Uzumaki, I believe, would you kindly help me with a demonstration?" The short maid looked a little puzzled at that, but she nodded all the same.

"Very good. I'll ask for one simple task from you. Hide. I ask that you please stay within easy sight of the Mistress, but other than that please take whatever measures you see fit to stay hidden." Again, little Rin looked puzzled, but she simply shrugged before vanishing an instant later. Thereza herself simply waited. "Mistress, can you or any of your retainers find Rin?" Given the chance to look none of the Lady's party could even spot a trace of the little orange ninja, and once they all said so their rather unimpressive host merely pointed up to the ceiling. "There." A moment later the maid's face peeked out, her head suddenly appearing from the slightest of shadows that barely existed just above one of the opened shutters, and the girl looked genuinely surprised to be found so easily.

A moment later that face disappeared once more, the shutter itself giving the barest of squeaks as it moved no more than an inch, but even then Thereza's finger was arcing through the air. When it finally came to rest it was pointing straight at Anael, and though the angel would never even feel the girl's presence she would hear a small gasp just before she jumped off to try and hide once more. In the span of ten seconds the short maid managed to find three other equally absurd places to vanish, and no sooner had she settled then she was ousted by the tower lookout. "How... How are you doing that?!" At that Rin turned to her last resort, her fans making an appearance only to be clashed harshly against each other. A large spark rose, one that caught the eye and even slightly blinded everyone before it passed, and though Thereza was seen rubbing her eyes she merely turned and walked over to an open window. A moment later she leaned over the sill, and when she returned she dragged in a rather tired looking Rin who simply plopped onto the floor and could do more than pant for a bit.

A few seconds were given to help the tuckered maid get back on her feet, and once that was done she turned back toward Lieze. "I hope that explains my skill?"