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Drowning... (Mirella)


Nov 9, 2008
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"Comedy?...Why of course, I have always enjoyed comedy ever so much...Watching humans attempt to imitate fish comes to mind...Fufufufufufufu..."


Mirella awoke, to find herself feeling strangely disoriented, and facing downwards towards a body of water, as if she was dangling from something. Wait...dangling?... It was then, that she would find herself to be buck naked, and suspended from a rope seeming to be hanging from the sky. Of course, what was probably more disturbing was the fact that...the rope was being sawed away at with each passing second...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

It took her a moment to figure out whats happening.
Just a moment, before you snapped out of her sleepy mood and into panic mode.

She didn't try to move, she didn't even know where she was or why is she suspended in mid air above a pool. She looked around and noticed that a rope is holding her up, but that doesn't seem to be true for long as she suddenly dropped a little which caused her to look up and examine whats above her.
(I am guessing this is where she takes the plunge?)
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Unable to see anything that could possibly be holding her up, the girl can only watch desperately as the rope is sawed away at until only a single strand remained, which unraveled slowly as if to tease her.


The last thing the girl heard before plummeting into the icy cold water below was a sound akin to impish laughter...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella felt the rush of air as she fell into the icy cold water.
(I am assuming her hands are free?)
She snapped her eye shut as her body smacked into the cold lake below.
Her body stung with pain but a more important matter is at hand as she started swallowing water, frantically she tries to make her way up to the surface of the water.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella let out a gasp as she broke the surface of the water, latching onto a nearby piece of flotsam to help her stay afloat. Should she look around her surroundings, she'd find an envelope floating near her, strangely dry and undamaged despite the water..
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella coughed as she tried to stay above the water, she floated for a while feeling cold until the envelope nudged her with it's sharp corner causing her to pick it up. It was dry, which creeped her out. She hesitated, a part of her says whatever is in this letter it's not good, but a part of her says it's not like it's gonna get better and inside this letter might be something good... and after a moment of thinking, she tore open the envelope and started to read the letter...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

The contents of the letter read the following:

"Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink... However in this case, where fishes sleep a monster lurks... How long will you last?

-The Lady and master of this world.​
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella always liked a normal lifestyle, but it seems thats not the case anymore as she let go of the letter and let it drift off. It was a simple motion, but it helped calm her. Whatever was going on, it wasn't normal and this 'Lady' is probably the cause of it.
"Master of this world..." She whispered to herself, does this mean that she's not longer in her original world that god or the 'big bang' or whatever created? And monsters now? She just drowned! And now there's gonna be monsters? This is feeling more and more like a nightmare where she's not allowed to wake up. But the distracting thought would have to wait as the water got seemingly colder, making her nipples erect and hard. She's embrassed but for now... lets just stay alive. And with that, she tried to paddle to the shore.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Not fully sure where the shore was, given how she seemed to have been dropped in the middle of nowhere, Mirella doggy paddles about aimlessly for a bit, unable to find anything that might indicate where the shore was until she grew tired and had to stop for rest. It was then, while she was resting, that a ceremonial dagger of sorts drifted near her, a note seemingly made of the same material as the letter attached to it.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Something bumped into her again. This time however wasn't a sharp corner of a envelope, it was the blunt side of a dagger. When she turned to look at what had knocked into her, it was a shock to see the dagger. She made 'backed' away from it, her heart pounding. Until she saw the letter. This time she wasn't scared, but there was still a feeling in her heart that told her this isn't good. She grabbed the envelope in tore it open, reading what was inside.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

The contents of the letter read the following:

A beacon of hope, a guiding light to salvation! Sailors often steered their ships towards these, only to wreck themselves upon the rocks below...Will you suffer the same fate?

-The Lady and master of this world​

It was then that a thick fog began to gather, with only a single beacon of light piercing it...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Mirella sighed.
She looked at the blurry lightsource.
Lighthouses was actually built to keep the sailors away from land, yet guide them to land so they can dock. But is that she's suppose to do? Follow the light and dock? Or is it a warning? She felt confused but she won't get anywhere by thinking. Wanting to decide fast, she tossed the dagger into the air ahead of her and swam after it, looking at where it pointed, whereever it pointed she would go. After all, in a situation like this, not a lot can save you but luck.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

The dagger, seemed to point towards the direction the light came from, encouraging Mirella to swim in that direction. However, upon stopping to rest again while swimming in that direction, she begins to feel that there is something watching her from below... a long slimy tendril like object brushing against her leg...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

She gave a gasp of surprise as 'something' brushed against her leg, being naked really doesn't help calm her. She didn't know what was happening, but she knows that right now, being on solid ground would be much better than in this icy cold water.

(And Is the dagger still around her? If it is....)
With the dagger still floating around her, she grabs it, if worst comes to worst, she will have to use this dagger.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Yup, it was.)

Despite having been prepared for what was to come, Mirella soon finds her dragged underwater as multiple tendrils wrapped themselves around her legs and pulled her down. In the water, she finds that she is above a dark underwater chasm, in which multiple, long green tendrils had sprouted forth...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(can she breathe?)
Giving a slient scream Mirella held her ground(?), and readied herself to slash at any of the tendrils that tries to catch her.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Unless you want it so your character can die, we'll assume that she took a breath of air before being dragged under.)

Slashing at any tendrils that attempted to loop themselves around her arms to restrain them, Mirella managed to keep herself from getting caught by anymore tentacles. However, that did not change the fact that her legs were still bound and that she'd have to cut them to escape...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

Fearing that she might not be able to hold her breath much longer, Mirella focused on the tentacle that looped around her leg in a quick attempt to free herself.
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Uh...Enjoy your critical fail?)

Before Mirella is able to cut the tendril on her leg, multiple tentacles suddenly shoot forth from the abyss and restrained her arms. Such was her surprise, that she accidentally let go of the dagger which was her only means of defense. Disarmed and restrained, things did not look good for Mirella, especially as a particularly large tendril started prodding at her nether regions...
Re: Drowning... (Mirella)

(Damn Those Dices! Fucking Haters! I suppose the only way to break free is to get a very good roll?)
Surprised, and scared, Mirella tried to wiggle free from the tentacles.