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DTT: game on!


Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
The current list of living. It shall be edited with each passing phase. Roles are being sent out after i have this up. ~~if you DO NOT receive a role your a normal girl.~~

1. Plmnko -Normal- Raped to death
2. Tentanari -Demon- WINNER
3. Toxic -Normal girl- Brutally raped
4. Hooker -Normal- Raped to Death
5. Dematt -Gifted girl- Lynched
6. Blue Slime -Normal- Lynched
7. Copper -Protector- Raped to Death
8.Siphon -Normal- Lynched

With the school season in full swing these lovely college girls were diligently working hard even so much as to pass up a holiday to stay at their dorm for some extra study sessions. Little did they know this could possibly be the last days before them. A strange glow in the night goes unnoticed right above the dorm and come mornign the girls would all meet for breakfast finding the head of their little study group missing. Curious as to what took so long for the one who was usually first down they sent a girl up to check. With a piercing scream everyone was summoned to the room to find the naked sticky body of their beloved Aika spread eagle on the floor. strange smelling gunk oozing out of every hole of her body she was bathed in it. A precursory check brought the obvious determination that the violated lookig girl was quite dead and scrawled across the wall in black markings was a message.

"She was the first..she wont be the last..fear not..your last moments will be pleasurable as I fuck you all to death.."

Someone here was not what they seemed amongst the 8 girls gathered a small few knew something had changed in them and one of them was desperate for the nubile bodies surrounding them but knew better and would wait for night fall. The other two knew they had the tools at their disposal to fight this thing but yet they couldnt tell about each other..who has the killer..who would save them..questions that only the night would answer

The first day is spent mourning the loss and quibbling with each other over what is going on and soonnight falls as everyone fearfully departs to their rooms scared of what may be coming for them.

NIGHT 1 actions.
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Re: DTT: game on!

ooc: Are we informed how many Evils are in this game? After night one, will it be 1 vs 6 or 2 vs 5? Also... is there talking during the night?
Re: DTT: game on!

(shoulda mentioned that figured i forgot something its 1 of each special role so only 1 monster. and most the talking is kept to day time so that night actions can take precedent and go faster. at least in my opinion)
Re: DTT: game on!

((Poor Aika. Relegated to the role of "first to go" yet again...))
Re: DTT: game on!

Re: DTT: game on!

how long does night last?
Re: DTT: game on!

(night lasts until i have every action in so that we can proceed.)
Re: DTT: game on!

Daylight breaks and the girls come to meet in the morning not at all comfortable with whats going on. the6y talk briefly only to realize someone is missing. everyone hurries to Plmnko's room to find the girl in much the same way Aika had been found very much dead and looking very well fucked before she died.

Plmnko the normal girl is dead.

Arguing breaks out accusations going back and forth and it is decided the only way to solve anything for the moment would be to vote...someone was gonna get lynched! maybe they would be able to kill ht emonster maybe not but someone was going to die.

Daytime action of voting begins!
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Re: DTT: game on!

I blame blueslime
Re: DTT: game on!

Ah, so role reveal as well, eh??

Okay, well while Toxic arbitrarily blames me, I'll go ahead and offer up some what if scenarios.

Currently it's 1 Evil vs 6 good (2 of which are good specials).

Hypothetically, if we all-reveal now here's what could happen:

2 of the 7 remaining claim good special. 5 claim normal girl (one of which is actually an evil, because if 3 people claim good special, the game is mathematically solved.)

This clears our two specials and gives evil only a 50-50 chance of targeting our talented girl (referred to by me as the seer from now on). The chance of the seer dying is reduced because the protector knows exactly who to protect.

We lynch from only the 5 normal girl pool. Assume we lynch an innocent. Now it's only 3 normals and 1 evil left.

Evil can't lynch from the remaining three, he has to try and go for the seer, who is auto-protected.

Worst case scenario is that he hits the protector and kills her. Seer views one of the remaining uncleared.

Next day, assuming the evil hasn't been targeted. We have 1 seer, 1 cleared normal girl, 2 uncleared girls and 1 big evil.

We lynch from the uncleared, with a 33% chance to insta-win. Assume we don't hit.

Now Evil kills Seer.

Absolute Worst Case scenario: 1 cleared normal girl has a choice between the evil and a normal girl.

And this is a scenario where we have 0% chance of lynching seer or protector, the protector knows exactly who to protect from the get go while the evil only has a 50-50 shot of guessing right (if they guess wrong, they insta-lose). The seer has a narrowed pool of girls to pick from. And the village gets three increasingly likely chances of lynching and defeating the demon. (20%, 33%, and 50% chance on each of the three days).


The alternative to this is to just "go by feel" and possibly lynch our good specials.

I'll let others comment on what I've said, and if someone sees a glaring hole in my logic, please correct it, but this game is hugely in good's favor if our two specials come out and say "I'm a good special."

Obviously, real normal girls have no reason to claim to be special, since sowing confusion is only helpful to Evil.
Re: DTT: game on!

Ehhh... I don't trust you. Simple as that.
Re: DTT: game on!

Oh I never said lynch ya, I just blame you. You with your fancy number system, you're obviously a witch, and you've brought hell unto us.

No lynch
Re: DTT: game on!

(Toxic i stated in the rules that a no lynch vote will not be allowed this was part of the original rules as i remember and thats what i'm falling back on)
Re: DTT: game on!

(Yeah, I just ignored everything you said after running it classic, since classic included a no lynch choice. Lynch dreana)
Re: DTT: game on!

(Ill be fair that your classic and mine may be different in our heads classic to me is how aika introduced this to the forum originally but anyways less ooc more debating or voting)
Re: DTT: game on!

Well ... this is some grim shit. Alright ...

I can't find any flaw whatsoever in Blue's logic or planning from a thought process. Tactically speaking, I don't like the idea of throwing out the thoughts of who is or isn't special here, but admittedly, I dislike the idea of firing shots blindly even more. I'm forced to agree that it may be in our best interests to reveal and take this gamble. At the very least, it gives us a better shot than what we would have just ... well, right now it almost feels like randomly drawing a name out of a hat.

This said, I'm in favor of giving this plan a shot, I just hope other people will see the potential good in it. I fully do not expect to live another night at all, so that said I'll put out my claim first and hope for the best and that I do live, however we shall see. I'm one of the normal girls.

This now said, my lynch vote is going to focus first on anyone who refuses to cooperate with this plan. Right now, I'm looking at you Dematt.

So ... who's with the program?
Re: DTT: game on!

AHA! BLUE HAS TRICKED YOU! The plan was to see who would be the first to agree because they'd be the demon!

Re: DTT: game on!

Well, I think there's two flaws in BlueSlime's logic. First is I think he's too-easily discarded the "evil declares herself special" case. Second is, the demon doesn't "insta-lose" if she targets the protected person.

The other reason I dislike the cold-blooded logic is that it pretty much intentionally sacrifices two-thirds of us. Want to have a two-thirds chance of personally dying, Siphon? Whether by our hands or the demon's?