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DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
1. ToxicShock
2. Hooker
4. TentanariX
5. Dreana
6. Syphon/Talvesh
7. Bartnum
8. BlueSlime

Gifted Girl
You are the Gifted Girl. During a night action, you must choose 1 target to identify if they are demon aligned or non-demons.
I require a Night 1 Action from you.

Normal Girl
You are the Normal Girl. You have no night actions.

You are the Protector. Each night, you must pick a target. That target will not be raped. You may pick yourself, and you may pick the same person multiple times.
In the case that a lone Demon and the Protector are the last two players remaining, it is a TIE.
I require a night action from you.

You are the Tracker. At night, you are required to pick a target to "track". You learn who they visit at night, if they visit anyone.
I require a night 1 action.

You are the Fool. You win if you are lynched, and lose if the Village or Demons win, or if you are raped. You MAY choose to visit someone at night, but are not required to.
Please inform me if you choose to visit (or not visit) anyone for Night 1

You are the Chameleon. During a night action, you may choose to "shift" into another role, that has been lynched or raped. You lose the Chameleon role, and gain that role's powers and win conditions. In the case that you chose a Demon, you will be notified of the other demon's existence and they will be made aware of yours.
Until you choose a role, the Gifted Girl will read you as a demon.

Psychic Demon
You are the Psychic Demon. You are aware who visits you at night. You are the first rapist. I require a night action from you on Night 1, and odd-numbered nights (even numbered nights also, if the other demon is lynched). You have no action on night actions that you do not rape.

Normal Demon
You are the Normal Demon. You are the second rapist, and rape on even-numbered nights (odd numbered nights also, if the Psychic demon dies).

Day 0

An ancient prophecy appears to be coming true - Comets colliding, mass extinction of rodents, and other strange signs seem to indicate that a great battle will occur in the Temple of the Goddess. A pair of powerful demons will take hosts, as will the god of mischief, the Fool, and an enigmatic being called the "Chameleon". However, the Goddess will send 3 of her champions to possess other priestesses, with the intent on stopping these dangerous forces.

The final piece of the prophecy has, today, been resolved - MMK, the head priestess of the Goddess, has been found raped to death this evening in her bedchamber. The battle has begun...

(Food for the role-players out there.)

Night 1 (Actions please)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Are private communications allowed, or is everything in thread?


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

((It is not against the rules to use PMs. Even if it were, I'd never know))

Day 1:

After the horror of seeing the dead priestest, not many slept well last night. You awaken and go out in search of the morning meal, but when you assemble awkwardly at the table, one member is missing...

You search the Temple hallways for Dreana, and find her in the hallway outside of her room, demonic cum coating her body. Her face is contorted in pleasure, but also frusteration - this is not how she wanted to die.

Dreana, the Fool,
has been raped to death.

You nervously look to your 'comrades', and decide it might be better to be killed by a blade, rather than by the demons...

((Lynching may now begin. You may vote No Lynch if you choose.))

1. ToxicShock
2. Hooker
4. TentanariX
5. Dreana --- DEAD (Rape) --- The Fool
6. Syphon/Talvesh
7. Bartnum
8. BlueSlime


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

*Blue puts on her goddess armor* I am here to destroy the demons. We must not suffer evil to live! They must pay for killing the priestess Driana - even if she was possessed by the God of Mischief.

*she looks around at her fellow priestesses*

I have a proposal to the being known as the Chameleon, whomever you may be: announce who you are now, so that you will not confuse the scans of our Gifted sister. Take a public stand to ally yourself with the forces of Good - we will not lynch you for being honest. Claiming now will help good, and you will be protecting yourself from becoming a demonic scapegoat. No Demon will bother outing themselves to counter your claim - nor will they choose to actively kill you once they know who you are, because you aren't the greatest threat to them.

Whether or not you decide to claim, should the demons kill one of Good's power roles - I hope that you will side with us by taking that role as your own.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

How long do we dare to wait for the chameleon to reveal herself? Before too long one of the demons might come to the conclusion that the chameleon isn't going to confess and might try to trick us. And if the chameleon won't reveal herself, we won't know that we've been tricked until at least two more nights have passed.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Can we really trust that of the chameleon? I mean she has so many options at her disposal, that I know I wouldn't reveal myself in her position. The fool was the best first person to be killed for the chameleon, she could stay on the side of good without revealing herself, and could take over the fool if she's discovered. We can't ask someone to submit their survival for a side she's not inherently on.


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

We probably shouldn't lynch anyone just yet, even if the fool is out of the game for today. If we do a lynch and miss, tomorrow it'll be 3 vs 2 assuming the chameleon takes our side or dies. And if the chameleon is still in the game, we might even have a fool messing the waters. So I vote no lynch.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

We probably shouldn't lynch anyone just yet, even if the fool is out of the game for today. If we do a lynch and miss, tomorrow it'll be 3 vs 2 assuming the chameleon takes our side or dies. And if the chameleon is still in the game, we might even have a fool messing the waters. So I vote no lynch.
*Blue shakes her head gravely*

A vote of no lynch is the worst possible solution, sister. Lynch is the only weapon we have against the demons, and there are so few of us to begin with to have to deal with both a pair of demons and a neutral. Additionally, we know for certain that the Chameleon is still here - she wouldn't know who to target last night because no one was a known dead until this morning.

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good women to do nothing. There are many who are still silent. I would rather they speak up and talk and offer ideas or thoughts rather than sit in the background, as if they hope to not be noticed by the crowd. Such would be the actions of a demon.

At least Hooker, Toxic and I have been talking. Plmnko, Bartnum, Syphon, and TentanariX have yet to comment. I will pledge to vote for a silent player. As soon as they comment with something other than a "I'm here," I will change.

No silent, useless villagers. No hiding silent evils. No free rides.

vote Plmnko


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

"Im here"

I was also waiting for the chameleon to reveal herself and like i don't have nothing to say that could help us i decide to avoid it. I vote no lynch


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

"Im here"

I was also waiting for the chameleon to reveal herself and like i don't have nothing to say that could help us i decide to avoid it. I vote no lynch
No lynch is never a good idea for Good. Plmnko is being deliberately unhelpful, so I'm comfortable continuing to vote for her lynch.

Someone should be lynched - otherwise were essentially saying "no thanks demons, we'll let you get another free kill before we decide to start hunting you."

Information can be learned, even from a mislynch. Nothing is learned from a no lynch.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

If your going to speak my name, could you at least do me the courtesy of pronouncing it properly? It's SIPHON, not SYPHON. Why you folks continue to mis-pronounce (and mis-spell) it is beyond me. (It's in every post I make ...)

That said, I've got absolutely nothing information wise. I'm with holding from voting for now until some others speak up and share if they have any thing. I will not vote for someone to die until I am sure I have all the facts I possibly can.

Temptation is to vote none at this point, but I agree it might not be the best of ideas. However, I also point out that we may be forced to cut losses and not chance killing an innocent and giving the demons a free pass by taking out someone for them. We need to be sure we have the highest possibility to succeed.

You'll need a better argument than we should definitely lynch to sell me on why I should essentially choose someone at random. Do you have anything at all to back up suspicion of Plmnko other than her not wanting to lynch? If so, I would like to hear it. I'm open to convincing, give me something to work with.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

*Blue blushes slightly* Sorry, Siphon. I don't know why I mispronounced your name - though I'm happy at least that it's a common error.

Hmm, convince people that a no lynch is a bad idea... well, when I've played this type of game in other groups, anyone suggesting no lynch was assumed to either be a noob or an evil. So I'm clearly coming from a different mentality.

The first thing I'd try to explain is the idea that a mislynch (ie: lynching a good person) is not necessarily the worst thing in the world - as long as that person who is being lynched has had ample time to give a defense and perhaps claim a role before they are sent on their way. Lynching is the way to Test claims. If someone claims a unique good role, and no one counters by saying "no, I'm the such-and-such, not you." Then the person who claimed should never be lynched. The reason for this is fairly straight forward. If someone does counter that unique role, well then you know that one of two people is an evil (or perhaps a neutral with anti-village motives, which should be lynched anyway).

My vote for Plmnko is not because I definitely at this point want her to die. It's there to put pressure on Plmnko : I'm saying with my vote, "I want you to not sit back, I want to see you do something." I can always change my vote if I'm satisfied with Plmnko's answer.

Even if Plmnko were to react to my vote aggressively, and attempt to lead a bandwagon against me out of spite - that in and of itself is at least a telling example of the player's mentality. At least we're learning what Plmnko is willing to allow to happen - and we can judge her - and myself - by what we say.

We learn nothing if the village is lazy and the first four people vote no lynch without even talking about the role distribution or trying to poke each other to get a feel for how people will react.

I think it's a very defeatist attitude to declare that there's no information to be gleaned on day 1. It's simply not true in my opinion, and that's why I am dead set against voting no lynch.

That's my best attempt to answer your question Siphon. Let me know if there's anything you're dubious about.


And in answering that question, there is something I'd like to point out:

All the goods, including the normal girl, have unique roles in this particular game. So whoever is about to get lynched, it's very important that you claim before we place the final vote on you. For example, if you were to claim normal girl and no one counters you, then we can save you and switch to someone else. If you are the normal girl and someone counters you, then if you die, we'll know that that person is a demon and should be lynched tomorrow. Either way, the village learns something with certainty by your claiming.

(Although if there is a counter claim, I would argue that we hold off on lynching either of the claimants and let the Gifted Girl scan one of them during the night.)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)


No Lynch (2 vote)
2. Hooker
PLMNKO ( 1 vote )
8. BlueSlime
4. TentanariX

1. ToxicShock
6. Siphon/Talvesh - Explicitly Withheld
7. Bartnum

5. Dreana --- DEAD (Rape) --- The Fool
There are 7 (living) players remaining - 4 votes are needed for the majority decision.
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Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Right now, it stands at 4 on 3. I'm counting the Chameleon among enemies because regardless of her future intent, there is currently no way for her to take a village sided role. If we lynch right now, we're more than 50% likely to kill a village sided (if you do include the chameleon, we're even MORE likely to kill an ally/potential ally). No Lynch is definitely starting to sound like a plan, and since we have the advantage of numbers we can afford to let them kill one more village sided before we really need to start taking action (this doesn't contradict my earlier argument, because if we mis-lynch then we'll lose TWO village sided, which puts us in a very bad spot this early on). One more night may be all we need to gain the information necessary to make the right decision.

UNLESS, as BlueSlime argued, we can gain some information from players before we lynch. I'd agree it's a bit defeatist to say that no information can be gained on day 1 (though that doesn't change the fact that it's sometimes true). We also need to consider that allowing the demons one more kill may result in the loss of the gifted girl or tracker - currently our only means to gain information. And if the chameleon then chooses not to side with us, we'd have a bit of a problem.

That being said, BlueSlime's apprent desperation to lynch someone and get players to reveal their roles makes me quite suspicious.

*Vote withheld for the moment*
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Right now, it stands at 4 on 3. I'm counting the Chameleon among enemies because regardless of her future intent, there is currently no way for her to take a village sided role. If we lynch right now, we're more than 50% likely to kill a village sided (if you do include the chameleon, we're even MORE likely to kill an ally/potential ally). No Lynch is definitely starting to sound like a plan, and since we have the advantage of numbers we can afford to let them kill one more village sided before we really need to start taking action (this doesn't contradict my earlier argument, because if we mis-lynch then we'll lose TWO village sided, which puts us in a very bad spot this early on). One more night may be all we need to gain the information necessary to make the right decision.

UNLESS, as BlueSlime argued, we can gain some information from players before we lynch. I'd agree it's a bit defeatist to say that no information can be gained on day 1 (though that doesn't change the fact that it's sometimes true). We also need to consider that allowing the demons one more kill may result in the loss of the gifted girl or tracker - currently our only means to gain information. And if the chameleon then chooses not to side with us, we'd have a bit of a problem.

That being said, BlueSlime's apprent desperation to lynch someone and get players to reveal their roles makes me quite suspicious.

*Vote withheld for the moment*
I appreciate Bartnum's post - it lays out his opinion and there are discussion points there.

First: I wouldn't classify my argument as "desperate to lynch" so much as "distainful of not lynching." If you read the last game I was in where I asked for an all-reveal plan from the village and was then resoundingly lynched for suggesting it (and revealed to be a normal girl) - you'll see that my attitude isn't much changed. I will argue for these "suspicious" strategies because in my personal experience, they tend to work. I am hoping that eventually, I will be able to convince the good-aligned players to try them out so that I can show how they work.

Second: I accept the idea that if we end up lynching randomly, we have a greater chance of killing a good than killing an evil or neutral - my point is that if we all are careful about our voting, and if we work towards forcing claims - we will massively improve our odds of catching an evil.

With the roles we have arrayed here, I'm trying to see if an all reveal plan might work... note that this is all hypothetical... I'm merely thinking out loud.

Good has 3 hero roles: the Gifted Girl, the Tracker, and the Protector. We also have a unique normal girl.

If we were all to claim, the two demons would be forced to claim a separate good role each. One would likely counter the GG, the other would probably counter the Tracker. The Chameleon would be wise to simply claim being the Chameleon, as the demons will be killing cleared goods, and the chameleon can then absorb a good role and gain a village victory condition.

Were that to happen, the Normal Girl, Protector, and Chameleon would be cleared. The GG would know one demon without even having to scan. The Tracker would also know one demon without having to track - that'd be a much better situation for good than knowing nothing going into the first lynch.

((MMK: Do the demons know each other? From the way the role set is written, it isn't clear. Because if they don't know each other, its possible that one demon might rape the other, right?))


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Demons ALWAYS know each other. Besides, it was clearly said in the original thread. Also, I don't hear you claiming any role, for all your talk.


Former Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Good has 3 hero roles: the Gifted Girl, the Tracker, and the Protector. We also have a unique normal girl.

If we were all to claim, the two demons would be forced to claim a separate good role each. One would likely counter the GG, the other would probably counter the Tracker. The Chameleon would be wise to simply claim being the Chameleon, as the demons will be killing cleared goods, and the chameleon can then absorb a good role and gain a village victory condition.

Were that to happen, the Normal Girl, Protector, and Chameleon would be cleared. The GG would know one demon without even having to scan. The Tracker would also know one demon without having to track - that'd be a much better situation for good than knowing nothing going into the first lynch.
I've gotta say, you have quite the convincing argument. You've not yet convinced me of your innocence though, and now that you've said your plan out loud the demons will be better prepared for it if it goes ahead.

I'm still waiting for the other players' input, along with your response to Hooker (who also makes a good point).
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Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

((MMK: Do the demons know each other? From the way the role set is written, it isn't clear. Because if they don't know each other, its possible that one demon might rape the other, right?))

The Demons are aware of one another - but not aware of the changleling, even though the Changeling scans as a demon


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

Demons ALWAYS know each other. Besides, it was clearly said in the original thread. Also, I don't hear you claiming any role, for all your talk.
Your inexplicably aggressive stance against me is noted, sister. At least I am stimulating conversation. You are fomenting distrust.

If you read what I say carefully, you'll note I'm talking in hypotheticals at this point - since obviously my last incarnation was lynched for daring to suggest such a radical plan.

Bartnum said:
I've gotta say, you have quite the convincing argument. You've not yet convinced me of your innocence though, and now that you've said your plan out loud the demons will be better prepared for it if it goes ahead.
It's not my obligation to prove my innocence to you, but it would be proven nontheless by the implementation of my plan. Were my plan to be accepted and given the go ahead by the majority of my fellow priestesses, I would claim, and then we would see if one of the Demons thought it was wise enough to counter me. I would welcome the counter of course, because I believe I would be more convincing in the eventual debate, but only the Demons know which role they will feel comfortable lying about.

Talking about the consequences of the plan isn't a bad thing, Bartnum. I assume my enemies are not stupid, and merely predict what they will do. But they won't have to worry about lying if we don't force them to claim. I say make 'em sweat and force them to choose between clearing 3 players or dying immediately.

Bartnum said:
I'm still waiting for the other players' input, along with your response to Hooker (who also makes a good point).
I too, am waiting for other players' input. I will not be so arrogant as to implement my idea unless it has the approval of the majority of priestesses. If people agree to it, I will be the first to claim a role.

As for whether I seem good or not based on how I've acted - you should ask yourself why I would suggest a plan that clears three villagers immediately and pigeon-holes the demons into claiming a false role if I was a Demon? I risk much scrutiny and unneeded attention by bringing this plan up for discussion - as you can see, everyone is highly suspicious of me. What gain do I get that I couldn't have bettered by simply remaining silent and letting the village vote for no lynch?

Naturally there is a scenario where I'm hoping to earn the village's trust so that they won't lynch me immediately if someone matches my claim - but I've just pointed out that Lynching is the way to Test Claims, so if both I and someone else claimed the same role and we lynched the other girl and found out I was lying - it would be proven that I was evil and I'd be on the docket the next day, no matter what.

So in review: I'm drawing all the attention with my plan (bad for a demon). The plan I'm suggesting clears 3 players without the need for a GG or Tracker power (bad for a demon). The plan I'm suggesting forces both demons to identify themselves to one of the goods and pigeon-hole themselves into a role (bad for a demon.)

Compare what I've done to any other player in this game right now. Then ask yourself who seems to be doing more pro-good actions. Beyond claiming and not being countered, that's my best answer to any suspicion that's being heaped on me.

EDIT: Rather than double post, I will add this appeal to the Chameleon:

Chameleon - by acquiring the village's victory condition and cooperating with this plan, your are guaranteed a good victory. Good will have enough lynches to test one of the counter claims and then kill one demon. If the Protector protects herself every night, then the demons cannot rape her and thus eventually 1 demon will have to square off against one protector which = GOOD VICTORY. It would be a mathematical lock for your victory and ours if you side with the village.
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(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: DTT : Game room (MMK's DTT)

I would like to throw my hat in by saying that I support role claims, but it is a touchy issue. It's like everyone carrying a weapon. We'd all like to not have one, but as long as someone else does, I'm not dropping mine, creating a situation where no body wants to be first.

If enough people agree and a single person reveals their role then I, too, would reveal mine.