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DTT3 Sign-up

Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Desperate Girl chooses at random one person, not knowing their role to take down with her. So she might choose the demon by pure luck, or she might take out the Gifted Girl with her.
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

...okay, that's new.

In my rulings she gets to choose, but this is your setup ;)
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

What S/T means I think is the desperate girl chooses her victim by name, not by role, since she has no way of knowing the roles.
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

What S/T means I think is the desperate girl chooses her victim by name, not by role, since she has no way of knowing the roles.

What he said.

I was just using an example saying that when the Desperate Girl is lynched, and she chooses a name to take with her, she MIGHT take out the GG when she does, not realizing it, or she might give you a break and take out the Demon. There is no way of knowing who she takes down with her until they die.

Sorry for the confusion.
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Oh good.

That makes the desperate girl good for the village, since anyone who counter claims must then also agree that they don't mind being lynched so they can shoot the counter-claimer.
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Damn you [Name Redacted], how could you kill me! :(
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Because you didn't claim? :p

At least you'd have been able to use your ability to save someone like janna before you died if you'd claimed -_-
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Actually, I just chose the most annoying target. Stupid paranoid ninja :(
Re: DTT3 Sign-up

Hahahah, I can't believe you picked aika Lumarin. Aika obviously lied when he told you he was the barrier mage. ^^