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Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]


"No... stop...please... I don't... I don't want this feeling..."

Memories begin to flow through her mind, as Iris approached ever closer, memories of a certain time before her insanity begun.

A warm embrace, strong arms holding her, and then... the stench of blood.

"No! Get away from me!"

Breaking away all of a sudden and stumbling back Luna's memory relapse apparently horrified her enough that it caused her to even draw her gun and point it at Iris for a moment, before realizing where she was as the unpleasant reminiscence disappeared into the back of her mind.

"I'm...sorry.... I wasn't myself..."
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

Iris heart skipped a beat. What Luna did really surprised her, it almost scared her. When she pointed the gun at her head... Iris just tried to forget about it and shake this feeling off of her. Looking at the girl Iris said-
" It's alright... You're just shocked because of this. "

Iris then got up from the spot she was sitting at. Taking a step over to the girl Extended her hand to her. While she did that Iris said-

" My name is Iris. What's yours? "
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

Once again returning to the handshake from earlier, Luna appeared to calm down a bit as she put away her gun to take the hand extended to her.


"...Luna. The Last Siesta of the Bloody Moon...Or some I'm told."

That being said... it probably wasn't such a good idea to introduce herself as one of the most infamous vigilantes/murderers in the local vicinity, but that was beyond her for the moment as she struggled to regain her nerves.
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

(( Iris never heard of Luna as avigilante.))

Iris let go of Lunas hand and let her arm fall to its side after she got up. Iris didn't know what to do. She couldn't just leave Luna and go off to find Emily. Tilting her head forward and looking at the ground Iris let out a sigh. Tilting her head back up Iris made eye contact with the girl. Iris said-
"Luna... After father died I thought I didn't have any family left. I'm really glad I could meet you... "

Iris then took in a breath and exhailed. Iris continued to speak. She said-

" Luna... Would you stay with me? "

Iris was really worried about Luna. Iris didn't want to leave her alone. She seemed so... So hurt and torn up on the inside...
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

((Thank the heavens for that :p, we can save it for further plot expansion at a later point.))


"I...suppose I could... It wouldn't really make a difference where I stayed anyway..."

Despite part of her mind screaming for her to keep her distance from Iris, the instigator of the emotions that caused her so much fear... Luna simply couldn't for some unknown reason. Whether it was out of respect towards the person she had just met, or because a part of her actually wanted the kindness that she had received, one thing was clear. Luna had found her achilles heel in Iris.

((And no seriously, it currently seems as if Iris has become Luna's biggest weakness. Possible future "insanity outbreak" should something happen to Iris?))
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

Iris reached her hand over to Luna and placed it on one of her shoulders. The girl wasn't going to flee and reject her. Luna staying with her was going to be weird. Iris slept in a one person bed and somethings with Emily. None of that mattered though, things could be worked out.

Iris then said to Luna-
" I want to go and find a friend of mine now. Do you want to come or should I just give you directions to my room and meet with you later? "
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]


"I suppose I'll come along... I've already spent most of the day idle.

(Are we instigating twincest yuri now? Oh dear...)
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

(Are we instigating twincest yuri now? Oh dear...)

((I don't know what twincest means. Also, what did you mean by " Should Something happen to Iris?" Also, maybe we should continue in the Apple inn topic. ))
Re: Duel, [Iris Vs. Luna]

((I don't know what twincest means. Also, what did you mean by " Should Something happen to Iris?" Also, maybe we should continue in the Apple inn topic. ))

((Yeah, we should. And what I meant, was that if Iris was knocked unconscious or such by a monster or say during the goddess mission... Luna at this point will fly into a blind rage. "You...All of you... are FILTHY! REPENT REPENT REPENT FOR THY SINS!" *cue insane scream of rage*))