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*DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?


Demon Girl
Nov 27, 2011
Reputation score
Over the last week there has been a few users(or one user with multi-accounts) posting a ton of random content.

-Is this content safe? Or do they have viruses?
-I've noticed the topics disappearing after a bit, I guess they get closed. why not ban the user?
-Am I missing something?
-- Didn't know where to post this.



This will only be a sticky temporarily.

The problem:
There are dumpers, mainly from posting mangas in the doujin section.
Not only have they started posting other threads in the other sections, such as this one, but sometimes they'll even respond to threads that have already been posted.

This you can do to help:
These dumpers are easy to spot. There's going to be a large list of the threads in a row with a general trend to their titles. As is mentioned below, the downloads are rarely ever worth it. On top of that, the information they post is almost negligible, so protect yourself with common sense: If you don't know anything about the game other than a picture, you probably shouldn't download it.
Don't report the threads or posts. I know this sounds counter intuitive, but with how many dedicated frequenters of this section there are, it fills our inbox with constant emails just because you guys are a little faster than us. Like I said, these threads are easy to spot, so we will find them and root them out.
Don't post in them. One of the easiest ways for us to spot these threads is the fact they'll have very little views and no posts. If you start posting, it's almost as if you're bringing legitimacy to them by boosting numbers. Also, bear in mind that these are dumpers, so they will not actually ever read anything you submit to them anyway.

Things being done:
As for now, the issue is separating actual posters from dumpers. That's not too big of a problem, but it can be difficult with certain members that like to contribute in ways similar to the dumpers. Hentar is not a dumper, but uses a style similar to advertising games. However, (s)he actually searches for threads before posting and puts in their own info on the game, so you know what's going on in what you want to download. Champion also seemed like a dumper, but it's beginning to look like it's an actual person with maybe just a language barrier issue who stays mostly in the RPGmaker thread, giving links to games from one website. Sometimes those posts are off topic and they are deleted, but nevertheless, the mods do keep track of all the threads here.
On top of that, in forum development, we are discussing the use of a capcha system to subvert anymore incoming dumpers, as they would have to actually provide accurate information, which botted accounts often lack the ability to do.

In the meantime, just sit back, ignore them, and enjoy your hentai

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Re: Off topic- whats with mass spam threads?

It's bots/people trying to get you to click their links so they get money when you d/l the game/movie/whatever. Sometimes, although it's rare, there's something worth it, but 99% of the time it's crap and not worth downloading, or there's already a download by someone NOT trying to earn money.

ALSO: probably shoulda just asked this in the Frequently Asked Questions and Problems thread.
Re: Off topic- whats with mass spam threads?

Kinda of a spam-blitzkrieg going on right now, I don't think I've ever seen them trying to offload this much content in one sitting before.

Though I'm no stranger to the "creation of multiple threads in a single day" bit as I've done this before about 5+ years back on two forums, only I was attempting to troll people for my enjoyment.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

I like how I was specifically mentioned in a sticky. lol

And we had the exact same dumper on Hentaipalm a couple of months ago. I recognize the usernames being used. I would see one of them, ban them and delete all their posts, only to have another user with a slightly different username post the exact same links. It was really freaking annoying.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

It's definitely been a lot worse the last month or so than it has since I started on here. Hopefully they just go away soon.

Only thing that will probably do it is if nobody click on their links...
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

I like how I was specifically mentioned in a sticky. lol

Well, we collected an entire case file on you that we had to discuss at one of our weekly "round table" meetings.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Thank you for clearing this up for me, and I apologize for not thoroughly checking the faq.
*face slam* (when you need a nearby wall to make the point).
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Nope, I was thinking about making a thread about it anyway, thank you for the opportunity.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

A case file? For somebody who only has 20 posts (including this one) that's quite the feat. lol
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Well, we were gonna ban you, then someone was like "Woah hold up, check this out," and you've been a human being ever since.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

That would have been traumatizing. I've never been banned from anything before....well, except 4chan, but that doesn't count.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Give some utility to the ignore list on the CP and make it ignore not only posts but also remove topics started by the user. As you say there are only a few names out there spamming that should be easy to solve.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Or you can install some sort of a single ban-hammer button on posts. We used to have one of those on an old version of our forum. If you saw a spammer, all you had to do was click that button and it would ban not only that username, but it would also delete all their posts and ban their IP. It was quite nice. We haven't had much trouble lately with spammers though.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

just dropping my 2 cents in here...what about giving your fanbase on this forum the ability to report a thread and if enough ppl flag the post its removed for *insert reason here* wether it be dumping or flaming or trolling etc etc...you mods can only be in and reply to problems so fast but if the people had some power in voting someone out i think you might find some of the problem alieviated for you guys...of course there is potential for abuse of said system but that is then what the mods can investigate if someone says "hey i was not *insert offence here*. i really didnt do that can you investigate?" not sure how much of a cluster fuck setting something like that up would be but i deff think it would help your forum goers remove the irritation from the mods skin...sort of like that little fish that follows the shark around eating parasites off its body and whatnot.a little friend fish :) captcha can help but it can also be a bit irritating at times...but we all do what we must right?
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

I don think giving users the ability to ban would be the best of ideas, people can do crazy things on bad days. I would say get a flag system set up. Instead of the user sending you a mail they could just click the flag and it would raise its priority for you to look into it. If you already looked into the thread you could just ignore the new flags or post the decision you've made.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

I didn't word that the best. I meant it to be a mod function. Mods get a special drop-down section when viewing posts. On the old setup of our forum that's where it was located.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Apparently there is already something in place where you have to have at least 15 posts to post links. That's a good start.

Maybe you could also have a youtube comment-esque hide system where if a certain amount of people down vote the thread in a certain amount of time then it would auto-hide.

Anything to decrease the workload for the mods would be a plus...as it was, they were having to delete a dozen or so threads every day.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Neither I, nor Darkfire, have the power to ban. Obviously it would be the easiest solution, but it seems there was either a miscommunication or forgotten event over the past few weeks to ban the constant dumpers. It may not even have worked anyway, as you see, some of these accounts are the exact same, except with a few characters different at the end.

The method you just mentioned about the posting prevention has only just been put into place, and I'm confident that it will rid us of mass dumpers for a while. Because of that, I don't believe that this thread is really all that necessary as a sticky anymore, so I will remove it in 3 day's time, allowing people the chance to read this for peace of mind before it is locked or deleted.
Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Neither I, nor Darkfire, have the power to ban. Obviously it would be the easiest solution, but it seems there was either a miscommunication or forgotten event over the past few weeks to ban the constant dumpers. It may not even have worked anyway, as you see, some of these accounts are the exact same, except with a few characters different at the end.

The method you just mentioned about the posting prevention has only just been put into place, and I'm confident that it will rid us of mass dumpers for a while. Because of that, I don't believe that this thread is really all that necessary as a sticky anymore, so I will remove it in 3 day's time, allowing people the chance to read this for peace of mind before it is locked or deleted.

Well that "have at least 15 posts to post links" idea may have a possible flaw to it that could make it easy for them to circumvent that limitation but it's probably best not to mention that in here in case they don't already know about it and I don't want to be giving them ideas. If you want me to pm you that flaw, tell me.
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Re: *DUMPERS, MOD RESPONSE* What's with mass spam threads?

Yeah, I realized the same thing and didn't mention it in my post for that very reason.