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Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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This game is easy to understand, and is based off of Dungeon Keeper and it's sequal. I've actually worked hard on this one, getting all the details and stuff right

Basics- You're a Keeper, ready to take over the underworld, and soon the world, with your dark powers. However, you need minions... thus, you plan on making a dungeon to assist you!

The big difference with this is you can choose a 'special' dungeon master, known as a 'Keeper Lord,' to assist you. Keeper Lords can attract your forces to you, including certain uniqe units.

As for the RP aspect, the OC thread will have various areas that the Keeprs and creatures can interact, even keepers meeting up with thier Keeper Lords to discuss tactics and ideas, or BS with other Keepers. Let your Imagination... flow.

Well, one major aspect I need, though: Ideas for Keeper Lords, and the creatures they're bringing in. The current 3 I'm working on:

Horned Reaper, A.K.A. 'Horny'

Horny is an offence hero, with heavy melee, but no magic or ranged capabilities. He's got a major attitude, too, so female Keepers should mind thier manners, or they may find a new meaning to his nickname...

Horny can draw in other creatures of a demonic nature, including:
Demon Spawn- Replaces the Goblin
Hellhounds- Quick creature that can boost the decomp rate of corpses
Balrog- Horny's little brother, and the 'Ultima' unit of Horny's callins. Only available under certain circumstances

Horny is also surprisingly economic, and gold stockpiles can hold an aditional 200 Gold per tile, meaning 500 gold may be stacked in one spot. Plus, all demonic creatures get a boost in power as long as Horny is still consious.

The Overlord

The Overlord is a cruel, sadistic warrior, who is willing to serve, as long as he gets a section of land to himself. He's a mixture of magic blasts and melee power, and is a balenced warrior, about as strong as the strongest enemy hero, but the other Keeper Lords can best him in thier best element. Luckily, he's not that stupid.

The Overlord can draw in other creatures of a balenced nature, including:

Orcs- Orcs are decent melee forces, with throwing axes for ranged attacks.
Wolf Riders- Savage warriors riding wolves, they move fast and hit hard, though are lightly armored.
Dragon- The 'Ultima' Unit of the Overlord. Like the Balrog, The Dragon is only called in certain times

The Overlord's combat powers allow spells and combat training to cost less, allowing money better spent on rooms... and PAYDAY.

The Necromanceress

A young, upstart sorceress who is sorta infiltrating the buisness of Dungeon Keeping. Not too strong of body, the slightly sarcastic sorceress can hold herself epicly with magic, though, and she has found... creative ways of inviting creatures into her dungeon.

The Necromanceress can draw in other creatures of an... erm, 'interesting' nature, including:

Tentacles- Attracted by Lairs near water, the Tentacles can strike out of nowhere, and are quite effected at keeping female heroes alive.
Wraiths- A spectral creature made out of a female spirit, Wraiths are restless, and willing to capture heroes and incapacitate them.
Harpy- A flying monster, able to outflank creatures and attack them from the back. Deals decent damage, and can cause injury with thier shrieks.

Any extra ideas, or intrest, or comments, feel free to toss at me! I'd love the ideas :D
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Sounds interesting, I don't have much of an idea for you for keeper lords, but maybe consider a ranged keeper lord as you currently have a melee, melee.magic hybrid, and a magic. Possibly, you could have it be some sort of clockwork thing with a built in crossbow.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

XD Probably not relevant, but it makes me think of the Heroes of Might and Magic games... maybe you could find some inspiration in the hero classes for your keeper lords? X3
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

*is so in*

I'd consider making a succubus lord, and giving her the tentacles instead of the necromantess, and having her get vampires or something similar. As for other units, how about the mistresses from the games, and perhaps a greater tentacle creature as an ultima unit, one able to move around outside of water and with better stats, methinks. As for the succubus lord's abilities herself, she's very adept at converting heros, is able to stun with a glance, and focuses more on avoiding damage than meting it out. Hell, give her a whip and maybe a bow and make her your ranged lord :)

So, the player is the over-keeper and the lords are NPC's, right? Does this mean that there will be a separate thread for every player? I wouldn't mind working for one of the other players, or even having the over-keeper as an NPC if it meant getting to play my idea ;)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I dunno, I'm still working on ideas. Really depends on how people wants to play it I guess. Requests? XD
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Query: are the keeper lords our right hand minions? If so what exactly are we? (That big floating arrow that tells things what to do, voice from a cauldron, an actual keeper lord-like character, a meat bag?)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

My original idea was the players were the keeper, and the Keeper Lords helped customize thier dungeon a bit, for example, a dungeon with a Necromanceress would mix seducing with a lot of female/pleasure based monsters, while a dungeon under a Horned Reaper would be able to use melee-heavy demons.

That was the original idea at least...
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Rephrased Query: What is a Keeper? Does one have stats?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

A Keeper is esentually the 'Overlord'. They build the dungeon, watch over it, and command the creatures they manage to lure inside thier dungeon due to thier setups. Keepers are more babysitters with magic and a giant floatie hand :D
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Ok, that's what I wanted to know. Also, a thought just hit me for a keeper type:

Slime Lord. A melee/stealth keeper who can engulf and digest heroes/heroines and is invisible in low light conditions.

Units would be something along the lines of:

Slime: Lie in wait to ambush adventurers to feed of their sexual fluid. (sort of a more visible version of tentacles that can hit male heros as well)
Acid Slime: Each unit has a one time ability to melt away a section of floor to make a pit to hide in. (Offensive slime that can turn into a trap)
Gelatinous Cube (Ultima Unit): You can't say no to a 10ft cube of Jello. (And if you want a funny image, think of the cube's movement not being sliding along, but flipping from one side to the next as some sort of gooey die rolling along the ground)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Very nice, though I feel the need to interject on one small part: tentacles can rape men, it just doesn't work as well :)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

well at the moment not ideas come forth but i'm interested.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I was thinking of adding googirl, but I don't think an entire army of slime would work as well imo *shrugs* would be really weak against magic...
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP



Focus: Melee Combat & Fire
Bonus: Treasury have a +200g Limit per Tile

Low Tier: Imp
Mid Tier: Hellhound
High Tier: Hellspawn
Ultimates: Balrog, Cerberos

Imp, Think the Doom Variant, Just with flaming fists for Melee, can still throw fireballs.

Hellhound, Two-Headed Cerberos-esque Guard Dog, Adept at striking out at multiple enemies, Also capable of minor breathings of flame.

Hellspawn, Think infernal variant of Hydra. Like the Hellhound, Strikes multiple enemies. And oh, Fire Breath.

Balrog, Is a Powerhouse in terms of Tanky Combat with a high amount of Hit Points, very capable "Tank". With various powerfull spells of fiery and infernal nature.

Cerberos, Is a Powerhouse in terms of DPS Combat, striking three enemies for decent damage. Also capable of a massive firebreath attack.


Focus: Melee Combat
Bonus: ?

Low Tier: Goblin
Mid Tier: Orc, Rider
High Tier: Ogre, Troll
Ultimates: Stompah

Goblin, Small, Annoying, Weak... But comes in hordes to make up for it, although the annoying nature is only multiplied.

Orc, Greenskinned Brute which favours the noble tactic of "Axe to your Face or whatever other bodypart I can chop it into"

Rider, a Wolf-Riding Orc, with a big, dull sword! Also prefers the tactic of choppy violence without any regard to tactics. The Mount is probably smarter too.

Ogre, Big, even uglier, variant of the Orcs, They are as fat as they are tough, A Tank, through and through.

Troll, Trolls, Regenative, Scrawny, Infiltrator-Like bastards that -will- get where you don't want them to be, also an Orcish Variant.

Stompah, Stompah is basicly the offspring of a Troll and an Ogre, that by some cruel twist of nature happened to grow twice as big no less! Powerhouse in terms of taking and regenerating damage.


Focus: Magic & Melee Combat, Upkeep
Bonus: Reduced Upkeep and Training Costs

Low Tier: Gremlin
Mid Tier: Fire Gremlin, Water Gremlin, Venom Gremlin
High Tier: Gargoyle, Golem
Ultimates: Dragon

Gremlin, Small, Weak, Much like the goblin, They come in hordes. Although they tend to focus on annoying the enemy more than their own Keeper!

Fire Gremlin, Still Small, Still Weak, But has the bonus of throwing Fireballs!

Water Gremlin, Still Small, Even Weaker, But has the bonus of being a capable healer... In smaller hordes at least.

Venom Gremlin, Still Small, Still Weak, But is very sneaky bastards that likes to sting your back. In minor hordes of course.

Gargoyle, An Animated Statue with rocky wings and jagged tail, while not capable of flying for extended periods of time, They are capable leapers, and assaults with rocky claws or stony spires rising from the ground.

Golem, An Animated Construct, capable of withstanding rigorous amounts of damage, very slow moving however, and not too good on crushing foes. Best for Guard Duty.

Dragon, Ah, The Epitome of an Overlords repertoire, the Dragons are powerfull reptilian-like creatures, capable of wreathing flame, acid or frost over large armies depending on their color(Red, Green, Blue).

=Arch Necromancer=

Focus: Magic, Research and Raising
Bonus: Reduced Research Cost, "Free" Troops

Low Tier: Skeleton, Zombie
Mid Tier: Ghoul
High Tier: Vampire, Lich
Ultimates: Dracolich

Skeleton, They are cheap, easy to replace, doesn't require upkeep, never complains or makes a sound, and always willing to follow orders. It's the Ideal Follower! If a bit weak and frail, but nevertheless, Cheap!

Zombie, A bit tougher and more violent than the Skeletons, a tad slower too, and comes in hordes of plague-ridden masses!

Ghoul, Ghouls are, in fact, a more powerful variant of Zombies, they are former humans or creatures that still retain a sliver of their former selves, and ain't as decomposed as Zombies either. Capable of Speech and logic, they prefer to infiltrate or strike from the shadows.

Vampire, Former humans, elves and the like that have delved too deep into the path of shadow, blood and excess. They seek to live life fully, and as thus are capable seducers and warriors when necessary, prefering to toy with their victims for extended periods, before ultimately, putting out their miserable lives.

Lich, Necromancers that have studied far and beyond the cold grasps of death, having achieved Eternal Life, but ever craving for more knowledge, they are powerfull spellcasters in every aspect, but prefer Plague, Poison and Acidic type spells. Can also raise Skeletons from slain foes.

Dracolich, Undead Dragons with barely their skeleton left intact, and dark magic makes up for the rest. They are as strong as their living brethren, and while lacking the breath attacks known so well of their kin, They are ever persistent, For they have met Death. Oh, they also Regenerate.


Focus: Sex & Lust
Bonus: ?

Low Tier: Slimeling
Mid Tier: Tentacle, Harpy
High Tier: Cubus/Cubi
Ultimates: Lust

Slimeling, Small and weak, but constantly emits a very arousing scent, driving the enemies of the Temptress into slaves of lust. Also capable of changing gender or assets of prey they can catch.

Tentacle, they remain in one place, awaiting prey to be caught, while they prefer females, a male every now and then is no biggie for these. They are more of a Trap than frontline troops. They also impregnates females, and upon Birth, wherever the female let the Tentacle Babies fall, they will grow into a new trap at that location.

Harpy, Female or Male, Winged Humanoids, they are a combination of scouts and basic infantry for the Temptress, and their shrill shrieks can deafen and daze unsuspecting foes, making them easy pickings for a flock of Harpies. Harpies also breed like rabbits.

Cubus/Cubi, Everyone knows them. The Demonic Entities of Lust, Pleasure, and Torture. The Succubi and Incubi, Female and Male, are very capable seducers, seducing any gender at their leisure, and bringing them to the Temptress or other Minions of the Temptress. After some Torture if they are allowed to, of course.

Lust, is not so much of a natural creature, as the very Embodiment of the Sin of Lust, It is the Avatar of Lust, capable of causing climaxes in other creatures at will, amongst a wide variety of sex-based spells and other such fun things.
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Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP


Erm, are those suggestions, or just my character creation template I should follow? *sorta speetchless*
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Suggestions, of course. Now get the fuck on MSN so I can rape you for butchering mah Dungeon Keeper Series! |D *Shot*
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Lol I was playing two yesterday and I was thinking of tossing the Keeper Lord idea in the one thread on what you would add to video games. But I thought more, started making ideas, etc. and thus this started.

Maybe I should ask Nunu to toss up a fourum area, I think I'm gonna go through with this one! And then I can toss up what I have and THEN I can get suggestions XD
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

RK, you win :)

Also, bonus for the temptress: how about double creatures per living space, as around her, everyone is willing to live a little closer, ya know ;)

I also think we need a couple units that everyone can use, at least one or two each of melee, ranged, and magic, though not as powerful as the specials. It ensures that everyone gets at least some proficiency in all areas. I also think that we need at least a smattering of traps from the original game, as well as some descriptions for rooms and doors and such.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I said ASK, not DO! :p now I gotta send a proper IM to set up sections...

Anyway, I guess I could work on a sensual-only group, and add more deadish to the Necromanceress set. Well, off to fix up fourums...

EDIT: That was just the Keeper Lords and thier extras. That's not counting the Dungeon Keeper Setup
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

although random knight did some good work try to get some more thinking down on what you want this to actually be before accepting it as gospel. pretty numbers dont mean anything without a solid plan