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Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Or at least for you to draw on, if you're planning on throwing heroes at people and run out of ideas, or something. X3

Let us know if you want to make some kind of stat system that we have to fill out, or if you're fine with us free-handing things!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP


Btw- I won't be updating the dungeons until after everyone gets started- that way I can get a post order every day done :p
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

:eek: I'll have to hurry my character along, then. XD I was going to have her linger around, since everyone else was hurrying to get their characters out the door!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Go ahead a bit, I can start your dungeon off anyway!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Another idea - Maybe heroes and heroines of all kinds could be bound and dropped in the pleasure room to serve their life-long sentence as sex slaves.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

>:D Kind of the opposite of dropping them into the dungeon to torture? Mua ha haha.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Yeah, kinda like that. Could be a special ability of the Dark Mistress - she should know how to tie somebody up properly.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

So... Is this dead? I was waiting for Wallpaper to wander off and a new pleasuregiver to appear...
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I was waiting for Lurker to make another post! XD (And was wondering the same thing, actually!)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

sorry sorry sorry >,<

Life's hit me hard in the creativity department is all, which also explains my missing streaks in the chats btw. Will try and post a little bit today.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Don't worry about it too much, writer's block hits everybody, there just wasn't any post stating that was the case. Take your time, now that we know this didn't just die I'm sure we can wait :)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Sorry for holding you up, Shrike! If I'd known I would have hurried Lene out of the tavern!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I've been dropping hints in my posts, you know ;) doesn't matter, it's kind of nice to have an RP that's still active, just not enough so that I need to check it several times a night :)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP



I remember that, now. XD Arg, I'm sorry. It's been a while. If she's not skidaddled in another couple of posts, you have free reign to smack me!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Haha, no really, don't worry about it, play your character :)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

My god. Lurker's necro'ing his RPs.

Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

*Watches Mia ninja the priest with hax shadow powers*

Erm, I'd recommend not trying to exorcise her dungeon master/contractee, she's rather touchy about that you know?...
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

My god. Lurker's necro'ing his RPs.



Just because I was in a MAJOR idea slump, doesn't mean I'm entirely giving up on DMing. It's just sometimes the numbers and the fairness takes out the fun of DMing. I'm as bad as RK on that note ;^;
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

In other news, it's been a while since I played around as Mia, so I'm looking forward to this PbP if you're planning on starting it back up.