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Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

I'm looking forward to this PbP if you're planning on starting it back up.

But... it never ended... whaaa...?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP


Just because I was in a MAJOR idea slump, doesn't mean I'm entirely giving up on DMing. It's just sometimes the numbers and the fairness takes out the fun of DMing. I'm as bad as RK on that note ;^;

Maybe set up a schedule for yourself "okay, I'll do two run-throughs of folks" or "I'll post between the hour of X and Y" so that the GMing part doesn't take over... or else find another GM to take over or help you? :)
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Yeah, I'm going to have to back out of this, sorry guys. Trying to free up some of my time, and I actually found my copy of the game again, so my Dungeon Keeper fix has been sated.
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

O_O It's my turn?

I'll doublecheck once I'm at work, but holy cats! *thought this game was on hold*
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

O_O It's my turn?

I'll doublecheck once I'm at work, but holy cats! *thought this game was on hold*
The way Lurker updates, it essentially is.

LURKER! Get off yer duff and make Keylo's dungeon already! Now that Shrike7's bailed out from uninterest, that's all ya need to do! Then once Keylo posts his first turn's actions, ya can actually get around to PLAYING THE GAME!

*has been not-so-patiently waiting to see how Lurker turns an RTS into a TBS*
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

So I'm a lazeh DM =p At least I keep poking at it instead of Nunu Archiving it!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Setting up Keylo's dungeon, beings it seemed I forgot it...
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Woohoo! Finally this might get going!

C'mon Keylo, your turn now! Post!
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Actually, I think I pissed Lurker off by PM'ing him a few hours after Keylo posted his first turn.

Hopefully he's not avoiding DKX because of me.:(
Is it bad that I read that phonetically at first and thought it said 'dicks'?
Re: Dungeon Keeper PbP/RP

Get it right. Me life is so screwy my eyes are rolling in thier sockets. Heck, dunno if I'm even cut out for DMing at all anymoes --;