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Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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Questions, comments, etc. go here.

Since scheduling will be tricky, Sundays at 1900 GMT seems the best bet and that's when we're going to play, at least for now. We may or may not start this week(depending on if everyone has their characters ready and I have enough time to poke at them), but I'll be hanging out in the IRC channel around that time anyway.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I;m mostly done. I think it's just gear and backstory.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I have a question regarding Inheritance background. Do all items taken with a single dot in it have to be of the same quality?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

For Inheritance 1, that would seem to be the case. I would say that it does not hod true for higher ranks, however - so for Inheritance 2, you could have one uncommon and two common items.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I see. I'll need to consider my backgrounds and equipment, then. I might end up having little time for this until sunday evening, but I'll try.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I can't make a session tommorow if we're planning to have one (got an archery tournament) but after that I'll be making sundays.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

By the way, do brawling and natural weapons count as unarmed for the purpose of feats?
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Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

Hey folks. The window has closed for this, group's big enough, etc, right?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

Hey folks. The window has closed for this, group's big enough, etc, right?

There are currently four players, so I'm comfortable taking one more, as long as you can finish your character sheet in time for me to read it by next Sunday.

I have question how will the game play out?

We'll be using IRC, so text-only for both IC and OOC, if that's what you're asking.
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Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

There are currently four players, so I'm comfortable taking one more, as long as you can finish your character sheet in time for me to read it by next Sunday.

Oh bless you. I actually discovered this forum searching for DtD games, so I'll get right on that. I have a few questions to make sure I fit the developing theme, though.
  • How smutty is this game expected to be? Let's say the scale runs from facebook to paheal.
  • Someone mentioned not!Starship Troopers. Is that on? I'd hate to try a thri'kreen in a game about splattering bugs.
  • Are there any restrictions on character design that might not be obvious? Any combinations of mechanics and/or tones you're averse to?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I have question how will the game play out?

Oh bless you. I actually discovered this forum searching for DtD games, so I'll get right on that. I have a few questions to make sure I fit the developing theme, though.
  • How smutty is this game expected to be? Let's say the scale runs from facebook to paheal.
  • Someone mentioned not!Starship Troopers. Is that on? I'd hate to try a thri'kreen in a game about splattering bugs.
  • Are there any restrictions on character design that might not be obvious? Any combinations of mechanics and/or tones you're averse to?

  • Things might get moderately lewd in places. I'm open to there being some smut, but it's not going to be the focus of the game and based on past experiences, it won't crop up all that often.
  • I have some ideas, but it all depends on what the party composition ends up being. So if someone actually plays a thri'kreen, it almost certainly WON'T end up being a game about squishing bugs.
  • It's all wide-open, though as I said, the party looks to be chaos/neutral aligned, so something that plays well with those would definitely be appreciated.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

All good. Thank you for being so quick to answer. Leaning heavily toward some kind of daemonhost sky-pirate, then. I'll wait to see what everyone else thinks/wants/is doing before I screw anything down tight, though.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I'm thinking of running with a Bahamut aligned character, actually, so the party may not be as clear cut as before.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I'm thinking of running with a Bahamut aligned character, actually, so the party may not be as clear cut as before.

If you think you can make the party dynamics work, fine, but there's already a khornate in the party, so...
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I figure she could see herself as responsible for keeping an eye on the khornate. Make sure the maniac doesn't go completely out of control and be there to stop her if she does. Maybe try to turn her away from Chaos, if possible.

By the way, do natural weapons benefit from feats like Unarmed Fighter?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

ftr, I am nearly finished with a formerly-eladrin Tiefling Daemonhost space pirate. Corellon aligned, probably disastrously unoptimized, and in possession of a spelljammer corsair. If there are any parts of this I ought to retreat from (in anyone's view), now is the time to warn me.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

It would really be nice to have some vague idea of wtf the even basic premise of the game is going to be. I know DtD is supposed to be balls-to-the-wall crazy anyway, but at least some scenario would be nice.

Also I need to finish more derpgens aaa. Preferably ones who use actual weapons, because as ballin as clawing shit and punching shit sound, if I'm only rolling k1 for damage that'll probably suck.

Besides Atlantean Snake (which will assuredly be a nightmare with the Khornate unless I just hypnotize them forever hue) and Werecat Punchnun, I am considering some sort of huge punchtree and a monkey that sets themselves on fire. And maybe a triple dragon, but only because that sounds hilarious.
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

I agree with Blarg, really. I've tried to include enough plot- and personality-hooks to carry my own narrative weight, and I trust spider based on what I've read on the forum elseplace, but having the SM just go "eh, throw characters at me and I'll bash something out to fit" is a little disorienting.

That said, I'm basically done. I also can't post a link to the sheet courtesy of being new as fuck, so maybe I should PM you, spider?
Re: Dungeons the Dragoning OOC thread

Oh, also, for everybody's consideration and especially Blarg's:
(yes i am intentionally double posting to hit 15 but also I just thought of this)

We would have a ship. It'd be nice to have someone with Divinations, a good Arcanist, some Craft, Tech-Use, Ballistics... I mean, I have most of those things (not Divinations), but I can only sit in one chair at a time.