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Durga Mishra, gottaresearch all!

Re: Durga Mishra, gottaresearch all!

They Nest (part 2)
Zilrax: "Shall we head back?," grumbles Laikasa, grimacing at her arousal, but still rather upset.
GM: Looking at the positive way, now Laikasa could have sex easier with anyone without wound them too much. They could see the two tunnels without anything to come out and the lasts sun hours starting to end.
Zilrax: "Let's go. It's getting dark.," grunts Laikasa, "and I probably can't protect you anymore..." Sleeping with others wasn't too much her concern, and if anything she was more embaressed by that she might be way less endowed yet again
Aust: "Something wrong, Laikasa? I know for a fact you aren't scared of the dark, so it has to be something."
Zilrax: "You mean besides the fact I sacrificed more of my existance, and that I became smaller, weaker and alltoghether even less of anything that could remotely be called a dragon?," growls Laikasa
Zilrax: "I'm barely bigger than you are now!"
Aust: "And yet you'll still be stronger then most of us. Think of it that way. And it just give you more motivation to get your power and size back
GM: Matylda know than she will need to talk with the guild about that hive, certainly more monsters nest are waiting their turn to be explored in the immense forest, but anyone else could take care of them. They would earn 20 gold than they could share in any way between them.
Zilrax: Laikasa snorts, "Yet I've only gotten weaker over time. And please. I was stronger before. Somehow I doubt that's still true."
Aust: "I'm just trying to provide an upside for you, scale tush. Here." She'd hand her half of her share of the gold. "You clearly need it more then I do. Now that was just one nest. There will surely be others out there. I'll leave those quests open for folks but for now, we should be fine."
Zilrax: She looks and takes it with a grumble, "Well, another centimetre to my pillow then."
Aust: "We're not a town basking in wealth you know. We have limited resources at our disposal and we barely have the gold, silver or any other metal to make into coins. We're trying to find those around here."
Zilrax: "I'm aware. But that's the value you all put on it and such. I see it as a bed."
GM: With her coins secured and the day ending, Laikasa will soon go back to the mansion, she could now fit with some struggle in most doors yet Elia mansion have pretty big gates to be a problem in her previous size. All will give her the welcome, yet the kobold will frown before bow to her. "Welcome back, mistress" He said trying to hide his ponders.
Zilrax: "...Yes I'm aware I look diffrent.," she huffs, "Here, put these with the others." She hands the coins over.
GM: "Of course i will, Mistress" The kobold said before take the bag to her room, she could see some mud in his steps, small marks as he has tried to clean himself. She know than the dinner will be served when she demand it, yet as she ponder she could heard moans coming from a not so distant room, something usual in this house.
Zilrax: "Were you bringing food to your family?"
GM: "Yes, i was... is not forbidden, right?" The kobold said turning, he was in part worried to get punished for dont say her.
Zilrax: "No, I said you may. It was part of our agreement.," she says simply, "I was just curious."
GM: Matylda will return to her security post, Cosette would be sleeping huging a big plushie at the sofa, taking one of her usual naps before awake in the midnight and get all active. In the next house used by her soldiers, the red haired neko was taking a bath and the two humans talking with the succubi one about girl things maybe, leaving to Salem all teh work to check the area.
GM: "Good, then let me prepare your bed, you should be tired after this long day" Koby said giving a bow before depart, Laikasa would prepare them for the night, she could see the mortals ending the sealing in the room to avoid invasions from these unknown spirits. Druaga was not at her room, Elia was certainly having fun with her servants and Red was out. So Laikasa could relax and do her will.
Zilrax: Laikasa sighs and get's fed before lounging and brooding on her bed, pouting at the meager pile of coins and her reflection in them

Beautiful Creatures
Characters: Jel, Druga, Elia and Katarina

Elves try to do and learn things but they always end fucking all
(Meanwhile at Elia’s Manor, Elia and Druga start their day)
MasterofSuprise: "Well, that was eventful, isn't that right Jel?" said Durga after a long relaxing bath, the two sparkling clean and happy. "Hmmm, I should learn some spells from the succubi and sorcerers so I have a ranged option." Durga said to herself, looking for a magic teacher to teach her spells.
GM: Elia and Druaga returned to the mansion, mostly to relax themselves or help in the sealing ritual. Jel was loving the bath with her mistress when suddenly the futa elf got an idea, getting out really quickly and dressing herself at her private bathroom. She knows than the succubus and elf were busy in their task to secure her work area.
MindFlayer: "Well Durga, is there anything I can help you with today?" Elia asked her fellow elf.
MasterofSuprise: "Well, I was hoping to learn some spells, the recent fights have taught me that I have no methods for attacking from afar, I want to rectify that by asking a succubus or a wizard to teach me. I could also read some magic books or look over my old notes."
MindFlayer: "Well one of my succubi handmaids here is a mage of sorts, though I know not how powerful she truly is. She's... a bit against telling me exactly. But we can try and find her I suppose," Elia replied, asking for one of the other handmaids to help locate the succubus in question, and having her to come to where she and Durga were at, in the library.
MasterofSuprise: "It wouldn't hurt to try, there are always other teachers and methods to learn spells." Durga said as she walked with Elia and the maids, Jel lazily doing acrobatics in the air.
GM: It was the same succubi from the ritual the one than Elia mention, she with the elf and others were still sealing the place, so the invasions from others worlds couldn’t happen. This helped Elia and the others find her easily. As any servant succubi she was beauty and Elia's family was her interest, so certainly she will be pleased to help once end her task
MindFlayer: "Ah there you are dear. Durga here was hoping that you could teach her some about magic. Do you think you could by chance do so?" Elia said to the succubus in question when she got to the two, smiling and hugging her as she stood there.
MasterofSuprise: "Yes, I hope to learn much under your teachings." politely said the witch, Jel looking at the succubus in curiosity.
GM: Elia got in middle of the ritual, but the succubi stop her work to hug her back with a smile. "Of course i will Elia, the succubi answer, showing how close or for how long they had been to call for theirs names. She then turn to Druaga and ask "It will be an honor to teach my magic to one of Mistress's Elia friends, can i ask what kind of spells do you wish to learn? said this she hold Elia and Druaga's hand to take them to the library or a good place to start to teach her.
MindFlayer: "Thank you dear. I truly appreciate it. And I'm sure Durga appreciates it too," Elia told the succubus, hugging her softly as she stood there smiling.
MasterofSuprise: "Well, a spell like a fireball or thunderbolt would be a good start, I need an offensive option so I don't have to put myself in danger every time I find myself in a fight" she replied respectfully.\
GM: "That sound pretty easy, there is even a shortcut to learn such basic spells, if you already have some experience to feel magic" The succubi said. "Are you interested in following that shortcut" She asks to Druaga.
MasterofSuprise: "I'm interested, what does it entail?" Durga said, curious about the shortcut.
MindFlayer: "I'm listening too. I mean, maybe I could learn a spell or two as well. Could be useful," Elia added after Durga expressed her interest to the succubus.
GM: "I need you to be in your underwear, so you can feel the source magic easier and faster, we can do this in private if you desire it" The succubi said in a calm tone, trying than the others servants don’t heard their conversation yet she looks to be fine in Elia heard it.
MasterofSuprise: "If that what it takes, I'll do it, but lets do this in private." Durga replied, pondering of the most likely outcome.
GM: "Elia's bloodline have many elite magic users, certainly both will learn it in some hours or less than a day" Said this she take them to a large bath to make them feel comfortable, as they were used to be naked and Elia bath together with many servants, so this will not affect her at all. "Now let’s all strip and make some breathing as we close our eyes to relax" She said helping them to undress and store theirs clothes.
MasterofSuprise: "Okay, here goes..." Durga said, trying her best to relax and slow her breathing so she can focus her mind.
MindFlayer: Elia mimicked Durga and took her clothes off and did as the succubus handmaid had told her to do, and tried to focus herself, relaxing and slowing her breath just as Durga had done.
GM: Between their breaths, the succubi exhaled her sweet breath for Druaga to take it all inside, it was a beautiful scent, so perfumed and arousing. "Then surprise Elia as she placed her hands on the dark elf back, making her get a better posture. Her hands touch them before poke a part and add "Feel this part, is warm, focus on it as both continue this for a minute"
MasterofSuprise: "...." was all Durga said, focusing on doing what the succubus handmaid instructed as she continued to breathe in and out, her body becoming slightly warm from the sweet breath.
MindFlayer: Elia was patiently meditating as she sat there with Durga, feeling a tiny bit uncomfortable just sitting there. She preferred to be Doing something rather than this. But she also knew that she had to focus if she wanted to learn any magics. So she remained silent, and meditated for now along with Durga.
GM: "Don’t think in anything else, only in that warm, then slowly i want than both try to make it grow and move" The succubi said as she placed her hands over Elia, helping her to focus on warm needs. Time later she placed her hand on the elves, making them feel how she could increase the warm with just thinking. "Once both can channel that warm in your hands we will continue with another step.
MasterofSuprise: Raising her hands up so they are palms facing up and in front of her chest, Durga channeled that warm energy into her hands, using the lessons her first master taught oh so long ago.
GM: As the time pass, more easily Druga get to create warm with her hands. "Good, let me help you with the next step" The succubi said, leaving Elia for now as her superior blood already has made her create some flame in her fingers. Druaga will soon learn to do the same with her old lessons and the succubi help, but she could notice how natural was for Elia.
MasterofSuprise: Noticing that Elia already produced some flames, Durga kept channeling energy into her hands, accepting the succubus' assistance in doing so.
GM: "Let's take a 10 minutes break, we must some protection for the next part" The succubi said, leaving both sweating slightly tired girls recover, time than they could use to talk too. "Mistress Elia, please undress, let me soak your body with this oil, it will avoid any damage from the fire" It then said the same to Druga, the witch could place it all alone or let the servant do her work.
MindFlayer: "O-Oh wow, I managed to do it," Elia said, gasping softly as she focused on the warmth and a small flame in her hands, almost like a candle flame of sorts, which had greatly surprised her to say the least. "O-Of course," Elia replied, letting the flame dissipate before she undressed completely down to nothing, for the succubus to soak her in the oils she had ready for her.
MasterofSuprise: "If you could please, I want to know what it is like to have a beautiful girl rub oil on me~" Durga teased, slightly tired from sitting in one posture too long and channeling the energy through her body, taking off the rest of her garments as instructed, Jel taking a nap in another part of the room.
MasterofSuprise: "Oh by the way Elia, if you desire any kind of potion or salve to be made, feel free to ask me." Durga said to the dark elf as the succubus prepares the oil.
MindFlayer: "Hmhm, our succubi handmaids are among the most beautiful. During the old demon wars of old, when we elves, and all of the lands of Eldana were under the iron fist of the great demon lords, most if not all succubi ended up turning on them, and sided with us, among a few of the other demon races. Since then, most of the noble families have at least one succubus handmaid for their children, because they make the perfect handmaids," Elia said softly when Durga mentioned wanting to have a beautiful girl rub oil on her too. "And if I think of any, then I'll definitely let you know, Durga," Elia added with a smile and a nod.
GM: Druga, made the succubi chuckle "We could do it daily if you are so interested" She leave them talk, returning with a special oil than she slowly start to place all over them, taking her time as this should protect them. Druaga at being not familiar with a succubus touch enjoy it many times more, her cock hardening just at the start, drool coming out in seconds, the elf blush and loved her round butt being touched, her delicate back. Then the turn of her front to be soaked come, she was close to cum, yet the succubus doesn’t let her do it, wrapping her tail as she proceeds. "We can wait for calm this need or i could help you" She whispers to Druaga as her privates were close to be soaked. The same would come for Elia but as usual she would have her cock dry out of seed by her servant.
MindFlayer: "Hmhm, we practically do it daily ourselves, hon," Elia giggled softly at the succubus, before she let the oil be spread all over her body by the succubus, her cock aching from how hard it was thanks to the attention she'd gotten from the lathering up of her body.
MasterofSuprise: "O-oh yes, help me with this hot need~." huskily said Durga, lubricant dripping from both her dick and vagina.
GM: The succubi touched the witch chin with her index, looking the heat at the elven's eyes and licking her own licks waiting to see the next reaction than Druga will make, stealing a kiss as her tail end turn into a hollow sucking apendage and press deep inside the futa member, she release the kiss as Druaga lost herself for some moments, feeling her balls get sopping and toyed and her cock soon shooting out her cum to feed her new teacher. Soaked and after that blissful moment, Druga see the succubi do the same but more intense on Elia, as the dark elf love to feel so good until almost faint. The two students were in passion and then their seed taken out for a while, resting they would hear than their next step would be to make a fire ball and maintain it.
MasterofSuprise: "T-take me now." Durga moaned, then she moaned louder while they kissed as the succubus tail turned into a mouth and engulfed her member. The inner walls of the mouth was too much as Durga cummed as soon they ended the kiss, orgasmic waves crashing through her body and load moans leaving her mouth as she shoot load after load into her teacher's waiting mouth. "That was amazing~." moaned the witch when her teacher finished emptying her balls, blissfully laying on the floor as she witnessed the succubus do the same to Elia.
MindFlayer: Elia gasped as she watched her succubus handmaid practically manhandle Durga for a bit, the tip of her tail opening up like a mouth to suckle on the head of Durga's cock before taking it further. Elia was panting softly even before the succubus finished with Durga and came back over to her, and the feeling was much more intense than before as she stood there her legs shivering slightly as she did, and barely able to keep her on her feet. "O-Oh goddess yes... s-so good," Elia moaned as she nearly fainted from the intense pleasure, and afterwards when the succubus informed them that they'd be making a fireball next, Elia whimpered slightly, not knowing if she could manage it without fainting completely this time. "S-Succubi are the best, after all, Durga. A-At pleasuring I mean," Elia said softly.
MasterofSuprise: "I-I agree...but no succubus will never replace my Jel. Isn't that right? You're a good girl! Yes you are..." Durga cooed as she muttered good feeling phrases to her familiar, who came over because of the moaning and is clearly confused of what is happening but clearly happy at the attention.
GM: "We are good in many things, not only to give pleasure" The servant said after chuckle. "Certainly both have a strong bond. Now let’s focus on recover before continue" Said this they rest the enough to be able to continue without problems, they should slowly control the magic to create the fireball and then maintain it for certain time, it was hard but they would slowly learn to do it.
MasterofSuprise: "Come ooon..." Durga muttered, clearly focused on maintaining the fireball, Jel giving out some encouraging trills.
GM: Both elves have a hard time eating fireballs, but thanks to the oil coat they just feel small impacts in their chests. The bless to be sensitive in a lusty way made them enjoy the hits, it lasted a pair of hours until they get the trick in time. "Now master it, before try to use them outside" their teacher said smiling, proud of both.
MasterofSuprise: "Haaah...thank you for your teachings! I'll practice as much as I can!" Durga said happily, hugging the succubus despite the fact she is erect again and naked.
MindFlayer: "W-We can do this Durga... I know we can," Elia muttered softly as she tried her best to summon up a fireball along with Durga, and finally, she was able to feel the faint impact of the heat within her chest it felt like, and she when the succubus had told them to practice more before trying to use it outside, Elia nodded in acknowledgement, her cock bobbing up and down as she moved, and followed up Durga's hug, with one of her own. "Aye, we'll both practice as often as we possibly can," she added.
GM: "And i will here to give you more lessons, not only related to learn new magics" The succubi said saying her name, Katarina to the blonde elf, then hugs her mistress and congratulated both girls.
MindFlayer: Elia smiled at Katarina and couldn't help but grope her ass a little, winking at Durga as she did so.
MasterofSuprise: "Can we have another lesson now Katarina~?" Durga said, rubbing her body a little against the succubus and joining Elia in groping her ass, Jel looking like she wants to join in too.
GM: Both could notice than their touch please their teacher, she soon doing a kind yet arousing touch on both elves. "Now, which lesson should i teach to both?" she ask sure to know what the naughty elves want of her.
MasterofSuprise: "How about a lesson on sexual techniques? We could learn a thing or two from you, including Jel~." Durga purred.
MasterofSuprise: After the sexy times with Katarina, Elia, and Jel, Durga went to the baths to get herself cleaned. "That was fun, I should have sex more often, doncha agree Jel?" a freshly cleaned Durga said to her familiar, who responded with a happy trill. "Now where is Laikasa, I have some things to give her." she said to herself, asking a nearby maid where the dragoness is.
GM: The young maid led Druaga to where Laikasa was sleeping, Druaga soon notice than the dragoness was smaller than before, just a little larger than a human.
MasterofSuprise: "Oh my, I wonder what happened to you" Durga softly said, careful to not wake Laikasa up. "I'll give her the item in the morning then." she decided, then she grabbed a meal to fill her stomach before going to bed herself.
GM: Durga meet some servants, they soon prepare something for her and Jel, she was eating happily and without worries when she notice some letters created by the leftovers at her food and some water than she write with the water remains of her drink. "...rla..." Looking at the hour she notice than it was close to be midnight
MasterofSuprise: "...strange, this can't be a coincidence right? Hmmm, maybe I should see if there is anything out of place." she said, focusing her magical senses for anything unusual.
GM: She only could notice the wetness at her fingers and how deep was her gaze in look these letters, almost as if something was trying to force her to look at them.
MasterofSuprise: "Nggh! NO!" said Durga, trying with all of her might to break her gaze.
GM: "rla"rla"rla" resonate her mind, she tried to stop it, the fight lasted for a long time but suddenly she heard the clock hand move and all ceased, she was free of what has forced her.
MasterofSuprise: "What in the Goddesses was that?! I need to let someone know about this." Durga said, trying to find someone to tell them of what just happened.
GM: It was some minutes from midnight now, all except some few servants were awake, as also the guards in charge for this night. Laikasa was loving her rest over her small treasure, bigger now thanks to had been reduced her size, she was having a dream about numbers when Druga got her crisis. Elia was sleeping with her succubi servant after their extra lesson.
Zilrax: Laikasa rolls in her sleep, mumbling about her hoard and goddesses and fires
Aust: Matylda had since climbed into bed herself, but knew her sleep would be light. She tended to sleep in a pair of boyshorts but kept her armor nearby in case there was a town emergency. Never a dull moment around here
Re: Durga Mishra, gottaresearch all!

Resume of the fifth day and Main city status.

Rank: Minor town
Population: 1180+ babies (480 male/ 460 female/ 240 herm)
Buildings: 60 comercial (70% sex related). 450 residentials
Defenses: Walls, 110 Soldiers (half of them defending the port and ships)
Curse: 1/6 male population (1st stage) 2/6 male population (2st stage)
Mayority Races: Succubi, Elvens, Humans
Size: Close to a mile.
Problems: Food, Ore, Missing People, lack of sex

Koby helped by some gargoyle girls lead Laikasa and Matylda to meet the Great Mistress. Laikasa turns into a Goddess wannabe.

Druga helped by Katarina learn about Nyarlathotep for first time. Then she ask to a beastman named Konrad about Nyarla and to try to make guild missions for reagents. Finally she and Elia learned the great and amazing Arousing Spell, the first step to turn into a Slut Mage.

Laikasa return to the mansion there she mate a lot with Elia after the whole group talked about sluty statues and Theology stuff. Then thunders and earquakes happens before the dawn comes.

Skiping to third week

Rank: Town
Population: 1080colonists (280 male/ 530 female/ 270 herm)
7200 natives (cockroaches girls, etc)
Buildings: 60 comercial (85% sex related). 450 residentials
Defenses: Walls, 90 Soldiers (half of them defending the port and ships)
Curse: 1/6 male population (2st stage) 3/6 (3 stage) 1/10 herms
Mayority Races: Cockroach, Succubi, Elvens, Humans, bunnies
Size: Close to 2 or 3 miles.
Problems: Food, Ore, Missing People. struggles with boring prude girls

Many things happened. First Durga learn more about outsiders until Daji a eight black haired kitsune spiritis train her to defend herself and before get mad Durga start to ignore all related to outsiders, but not before share her info with a lamia. Daji train Durga and Elia and help Katarina to teach them some stuff, then gift a evil possessed ancient doll to Durga.

Laikasa fuck hard Elia and Durga and they have cute hybrid babies, weasels have dangerous fire critters half dragons too. Laikasa give most of her powers to cockroaches and is saved by Jel of some neerd tentacle girls at undersea then give almost all her powers to revive someone than call her Klysta make cockroach invade the town and these make many nests inside and out the town, of course the horny dragon make them birth hybrids too.

There is a meeting where all important ones join and Laikasa and co join. Then the loli dragon is brutaly raped by a strange powerful creature, some kind of succubus deity summoned by Pearl the governor save her of be a eternal living batery but she is now a corrupted pseudogoddess. Help some clams and otters at a beach, kill some monsters improve a holy relic to repel monsters and fuck them too to have more hybrids.

Matylda start to be a pervvert thanks friends and because she is a kobold, turn into Koby wife then all group go west to meet Taurens all are used to give a needed rest to Hylo, she return and go to meet more kobolds after give birth again, Elia give birth to as also Durga. Kobolds fuck Matylda she bring them to her house for more fun but an assassin start to kill kobolds, they got to face her, the assassin escape then they have the good idea of use a magic eater and this turn into a monsters many soldiers are almost corrupted and broken, inocent magiceater sacrifice all got saved but dont find assassin.

Durga feels bad and helps the guild and also the farmers to accept lost then use her potions to help guards. Group go to get taurens to get a cure for them, Laikasa get more corrupted, they meet and dragon use a plant girl as cocksleeve, Phyrdra appear and save them, all have an orgy in middle of nowhere then a stone from sky break the south wall, poor south captain is injured. Durga meet the strange totaly mutated girl than survive the magic eater. Turn Klysta into a real dragon and all then go to the mineral doom island.