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E Building

Re: E Building

"Sorta. Most people think he's like the father of the sci-fi genre, but there's a fair amount that just don't like his work. I blame Will Smith for it, personally. A lot of people our age knew of the movie before the books, and it kinda jaded then." Autumn explains, accepting Sho's apology with a dismissive wave.
Re: E Building

One of the many advantages of having to wear a dark, face-hiding hood, was that no one could tell when you were rattled. There could be no little secrets given away by facial expression, no blushes stolen from your cheeks and turned to others' purposes.

Thus, when Alazais made her quiet entrance, and surveyed the hall, she was confident most people wouldn't spot her darkened eyes. A night without sleep did that to you..

The dark figure pauses, briefly, then glides a short distance from the door, and stops there, arms folded across a shrouded chest.

(Considering she's sensitive to death.. I figured she wouldn't have slept well. Especially considering she hasn't been back to her dorm room yet.)
Re: E Building

As the gymnasium filled out with students the Dean made his way to the center of the hall. He stood at about just under six foot, his hair, whilst lacking any grey was thinning out to the point that he had a predominant bald patch. He also wore a plain dark-grey suit.

“Welcome to Gosamer Falls,” He starts, addressing the student body as a whole. “I see new and old faces alike, and I would firstly like to apologise for making you take time out of your last day of freedom before the school term starts. But, it is necessary to cover several points.”

“As you’re all aware this school prides itself on its high level of education. Whilst we expect you all to do your best to achieve the highest possible results from your education we don’t put an emphasis on you using all your time to study. Instead, we want you to enjoy your education at your own pace, as if it were simply another part of your activities.”

“However, there are a few rules that we’d like you all abide by, after all they are there with your safety in mind. I’d imagine that your tour guides have told you but I’ll say it again, the forest is strictly off limits. This isn’t because there are wild bears and the like, it’s because that once you enter it there’s a chance you’ll get lost due to the density of the forest. And once the sun sets the fog that comes down makes it impossible to navigate through. The second rule is that the curfew is 10pm. That’s not to say you have to be in bed by then, you just have to be in your dorm. The final, and most important rule is that apart from during certain events alcohol is not to be drunk on these premises.”

The Dean continued to talk for some time, covering the various events held at the school as well as the classes and possible field trips.

“Well, it looks like I’ve taken up far too much of your time already,” He says at it comes to 3pm. “Don’t forget to pick up your school uniform as well as your time tables. They are your most important possessions for the next year after all. And the club signups will be starting in about an hour though they will be continuing for the next week. I wish you all the very best of luck for the coming year.” The Dean then went to join the other teachers as the students applauded him.
Re: E Building

"I've only ever read one thing of his and that was when I was a kid, so I've got no opinion there," Sho replies. She quiets down when the Dean finally makes his appearance, only half listening, really, since she'd heard the same speech at the beginning of every other school year. When he was done, she made a show of at least half-heartedly clapping before turning to Autumn.

"What say we blow this pop stand and scurry over to the club hall? We can get our uniforms any time. Clubs are first come, first serve sometimes."
Re: E Building

Psh, clubs. Clubs can suck it. Why should Barry get together with a bunch of idiots to waste his time baking cookies or some shit when he could get to learn some more spells from the books?

After the Dean has finished talking the young warlock gets up and heads for the door, inadvertently bumping into somebody ((feel free to pick this up)). Murmuring something that could be an apology he goes to leave.
Re: E Building

"Well, time to get going then." Ellisia says getting up. Grace lifts herself to follow.

"You were helping as a host or something right?"
Grace asks looking up.

"That's correct. Doesn't really mean much, but I like helping with the club. It's a place I can understand."

Grace pulls a small face at the curious choice of words but has nothing to say. The pair head off to the clubs among the crowd.
Re: E Building

Shortly after the faculty leave, a black rope drops from the rafters, and Kyle slides down, leaning back as he nears the floor to decelerate. Once on the floor, he removes a pair of black gloves, and unhooks the rope from his belt. He then turns to head out.
Re: E Building

"His Foundation Series is one of the first best Sci-Fi's of all time. Once you read it, you'll spot his influence nearly everywhere." Autumn says, quieting down as well for the speech. She claps when it's finished, quite impressed. "He's really good at that." She comments to Sho, before answering her question. "I guess so, we don't want to miss out, do we?"
Re: E Building

Unconciously, Kyo sticks to the shadows as he exits, having been quite bored with the Dean's speech. It was the same one he had given last year, at that one was quite boring too.

Before he could open the door, Barry knocks into Kyo, and Kyo thinks he hears an apology, but knows better than to be a smartass with Barry. "He'd probably just give me some sort of curse I'd have to deal with until I could find a solution to it... which, given the fact that I have NO idea what language his books are written in, could be some time..."

Kyo simply sighs and attempts to leave again, this time making it out the doors. Once outside, Kyo headed directly to pick up his schedule. "Eh, I guess I should pick up a new uniform as well. This one is kind of tattered...," Kyo mutters to himself. Truthfully, what one could see of the uniform was really all that remained; most of what was hidden had been torn to pieces during that 'zombie' episode... Kyo had just never bothered to get his uniform replaced.
Re: E Building

Grace leaves the nurses office, having just visited to check on her little fall. It was pretty much as she expected. The nurse checking for any obvious problems, asking a few questions and telling her to be careful and to visit again if anything else happened. Of course, even if Grace had visited a full blown hospital and had scans and blood tests they wouldn't have been able to tell her she had received a sharp magical backlash and a minor case of mana poisoning.

Strolling down the corridor on the way back to G Building she pulled out the apple Suzy had given to her. She admires it for a moment and then crunches into it. In Graces mind it was more important to try and fully enjoy something given to you. The fact she could afford dozens of apples with the "limited" allowance she already received was totally irrelevant.
Re: E Building

With the nurses in tow Art's mother quickly finds her way to the infirmary. Having a quick, but quiet word with the nurse on station Art's mother then begins to set up all her equipment, her own nurses help her as the on-call nurse makes her leave.

After several minutes Art's mother had set up all her equipment; various monitoring devices, IV drips with varying solutions as well as blood packs and her many pieces of equipment.

"Right, will you set Art down on the table, er, what is your name?" Art's mother asks Ellisia. The nurses stand around waiting to be called on to help.
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Re: E Building

Ellisia silently complies, gently laying Arts body down on the table, and stepping back. "Ellisia Alvante. I was present from near the beginning of the fight, and closely involved in the combat. We may want to question Coraxus on any events that happened earlier in the day." She replys straight forward almost military like manner.
Re: E Building

"Sure," Art's mother says as she tears open Art's shirt and proceeds to cut it all off. "My name's Celeste. Celeste Wingate." Holding her hands above Art's chest they glow briefly before she pushes down on him, a thick cloud of black mist escapes from Art's body and quickly dissipates. Celeste does this a few more times without speaking before picking up a scalpal.

"I'm going to need one of you to explain to me fully what happened and what was said," Celeste says as she places the tip of the scalpal at the top of Art's ribcage. "Oh yeah, this is probably going to get messy." Slicing vertically down Art's torso the blade cuts him open to reveal his organs. His intestines seem to have lost their form, while they looked like intestines they seemed to have started breaking down into a semi-liquid form and his stomach seems to have started breaking down too. Art's other organs have taken on more of a grey hue though for the moment they've kept their form. "This is worse than I thought. Al, I'm going to need you to use your healing magic to keep Art's other organs from breaking down while I clone fresh cells to replace the destroyed ones and repair the cell walls to repair the organ's forms."
Re: E Building

Ian's trailed in quietly, finding an out of the way bed for Yume and pulling up a chair at the foot of said bed to recline there for the time being. He trusted Siphon enough and Al seemed confident in his abilities, but keeping the nearly dead near the healers was probably a very good idea at the moment. Still, they were both well out of the way of Celeste while she was working. Didn't mean he couldn't see a bit of what was going on, but for the most part, he stayed quiet, though he had been listening while the two women talked.

Probably best to wait until after the operation to chatter about how Art had been looking sickly. At least that was the plan, unless she was the chatty sort of surgeon.
Re: E Building

Outside the door, Trixie listened in. She was glad that times like these made full advantage of her time last year in the woods, the boost to her hearing allowing to hear every word spoken during this time...
Re: E Building

(A little out of my head tonight. Gonna have to "cheep it". Hope this covers it.)

Ellisia cringed just a little at the sight. She'd seen enough injuries before, but never anything quite like this. Ellisia speaks to explain everything she knew of the situation, starting with hearing the bang, then noticing the effect and rushing to investigate. She describes how the battle progressed as people arived, and details the discussions between the fighters and Charles as much as she can, as well as her analysis of Charles displayed powers. She makes a point of not being able to explain the time stop phenomenon. She also adds her own interperation of what she believed Charles to be, sparing none of her familiar way of speech regarding spiritual matters. Celeste may well wonder where Ellisia got her information from, the way she talked about it so matter of factly.
Re: E Building

"Uh, r-right!"

Al immediately begins running his hands over the walls, until eventually he comes to a stop and begins drawing out eco from the anima absorbed by the building. While charging up, he listens intently to Ellisia's account of the fight, hoping to learn more about what happened to Art.

After a minute or so of drawing, he holds his hands over Art's body and begins channeling Eco into the decomposing organs.
Re: E Building

Celeste actually pauses for a moment as she watches Al go around collecting eco before coming to assist her. "Well, I can't say I've ever seen magic done like that," She says to Al, obviously impressed. While Al had done this the nurses gathered around the table to put the IV drips into Art.

Celeste then listens closely as Ellisia explained the situation to her, all the while working on her son, only speaking once Ellisia has finished. "A spirit possessed my son? But, that shouldn't be possible. Especially from the era it was from. Wait, unless..." Celeste thinks for a moment in silence, both focusing on Art and her thoughts. A couple of minutes later she speaks again. "You said he was avenging the death of all the Casters he was made to kill, right? Perhaps, and this is only speculation, but perhaps the lingering spirits merged with this Charles' spirit. That would partially explain how it was able to stay for so long...that would also explain how it was able to possess him without Art fighting back. A spirit like that would be made of a high amount of Negative Anima." While she sounds concerned about her son Celeste also sounded excited, as if she had found out something that she would have to investigate about later.

"I believe I can offer an explanation on the abilities Charles displayed; he was merely using all the abilities that my son can use. Though I'm also confused as to why time stopped. Though I'm assuming it stopped at least all over the world as my husband, daughter, my son and myself found ourselves suddenly dining in a restaurant where no one besides ourselves were moving."

"I'd like to know where you get this information about spirits, though now isn't exactly the time I guess," Celeste adds, making it clear that she's interested in Ellisia and where she and her information is from and while it isn't apparent in her expression she is also suspicious of Ellisia because of her detailed information about spirits.

The operation, from start to finish, takes about five hours during which time Art almost crashed seven times though Celeste managed to revive him successfully each time. "I thank you for your assistance," Celeste turns and says to Al as she finishes stitching Art up. As Celeste pulls her gloves off and throws them to one side her nurses come rushing up to change IV bags of the clear fluid which were now almost empty. "Right, I'm going to need to see the Dean now, he's probably going to want to know that Art will be staying here instead of coming back with me," With that Celeste sets off for the Dean's room, walking past Trixie as she leaves the building.
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Re: E Building

Ellisia stands arms crossed as Celeste works and shares her thoughts on the information, "Yes that's possible, and it would explain that as well." She says in reply to her theory on the merged spirits. Ellisia herself and her unison with the sword spirit were indisputable proof of the concept. In response to Celeste's interest in Ellisia's basis for her knowledge, "Hmm, for now let's just say it's part of my job description. Though no, this isn't the time for talking about me. I'll be around campus if you need me. For now I'll head back to the dorms and leave you to work."

With that Ellisia turns and makes to leave, stopping briefly to look to Yume and nod to Ian, before stepping out the door.

Yume now seemed to be sleeping soundly. Though still very pale, she miraculously was looking better already, even with the limited aid she'd received.
Re: E Building

Ian is half dozing in the chair, though he comes alert more than once, usually when Art's on the verge of crashing, though he still stays out of the way, knowing this is obviously a very delicate thing the casters are doing.

Once she's done and she starts discussing the situation, he finally speaks up. "Dunno if it mattahs but Art was lookin' pretty sickly all day. Don't think Ah saw him eat more than crackahs and water, either. Pale, fev'rish, the like. Said he was gonna get himself ta the nurse here but Ah dunno if he evah did."

What she wants to make of that is up to her, if it's even important at all. Given that Ellisia is heading out and Yumi seems to be doing well enough, he decides its probably best to head to the dorms before he passes out in the chair again. After all, as far as the rest of the world was concerned, nothing out of the ordinary happened. He'd just make sure to stop in sometime tomorrow to check on the patients.