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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Ian, Sho and Colonel Grant stepped through the stargate, and into a well lit, warm area inside the Antarctic base. As the gate died down, three armed soldiers came up to meet the trio.

"Colonel, good to see you. Welcome to the Antarctic facility Sho and Ian, we were told to expect you. You may want to come with us though, she's awake."
Re: Earth

Sho glances around the gate room as they arrive, the quiet comment of "Always expect it to be colder than it is here," coming out, her words dying down as the guards approach. They'll get nods from the two civilians, though Sho's eyebrows arch, hearing the comment about the woman.

"Damn, that was fast. Credit to their metabolism. Sheesh."

"Good thing Nessa's not here or Ah'd be gettin' ribbed, Ah think," Ian chuckles.

Regardless, the two will follow their escort to wherever it is they're keeping their new arrival.
Re: Earth

They were led to a mid sized room that had been converted into a small medical bay. The woman was currently sitting on a medical table, dressed in a hospital gown. She looked up to them as they came in, saying something to the three of them in what sounded like ancient.

Before any of them could ask, a lovely woman who looked almost like Vanessa, save for brown hair instead of red, spoke.

"She gave you a greeting, and she wants to know where she is, and if she is a prisoner."
Re: Earth

Sho's attention is a little more on the woman in the gown than the translator, but it's definitely good to have someone there who can understand and relay the conversation, especially since her Ancient is a lot rusty. She'll return the greeting, though, knowing that much, at the very least. As for the other questions, there's the glance toward the colonel, since, well, he's the ranking officer here.

"Not a prisoner, no, but it is probably for the best she remain here until she gets brought up to speed and we make sure she's in good health after her...extended sleep." It's the other question that she hesitates on. "Tell her she's on Solaris*, still, if that's where she remembers being. In our...facility." That sounds safe. Doesn't reveal anything yet but hopefully gives the woman some answers.

*Don't remember if that's the Ancient term for Earth or not. Sho would use the proper one. I don't remember where it was last used to check.
Re: Earth

Nodding, the woman replied back to the other one, and both Sho and Ian might take note that her ancient was almost flawless, hesitation on only a single word towards the end, but otherwise it was like she fluently spoke the language.

There was a brief pause as the Lantean woman took it all in, slowly nodding. Finally, she spoke back to the other woman.

"She's alright with it, and yes, the last place she remembers was being on Soltarus. She said something about being outside an outpost of some sorts, and then nothing. My guess is she got caught in one of the Antarctic storms here. It would certainly explain why we found her where we did. She also wants to know if we're from the seeded?"

Colonel Grant spoke now, a bit surprised.

"She must be referring to the seeding process. We know the Ancients re-seeded life in our form here. I think she's asking if we're her descendants."
Re: Earth

Sho listens to the reply, considering the question. "Well, figuring out if we're indirect descendants might be a bit tough, but unless there's something the colonel isn't sharing, we're all Earth-born, so it's possible? Guess the only way of knowing is for us to try and use Ancient tech. It'll key up for someone with the gene. Heard they had something here, but I'm not exactly eager to go for a test drive."

"Well, y'know," Ian adds, "it might be possible that you and I have somethin', Sho. All things considah'd."

"I've wondered. Given we're few and far between, though, it's hard to tell for certain. And we're being rude, talking outside of our guest."

He takes the hint, just giving her a grin, glancing over at the translator. "Best ta tell her we're not sure. No proper records kept and all that."
Re: Earth

The woman translated for them when they were sure of what they wanted to say, and the Lantean woman nodded slowly, saying something back to her.

"She says if you were born on this planet, you definitely are one of her descendants, though that doesn't mean you definitely have the gene. She also said she plans to take a bit of a nap now. Apparently the state we found her in doesn't really provide adequate sleep."

The Colonel nodded, motioning for the others to step outside of the room.

"We can run the blood work and tests on samples we have now to check on her health and let her rest some. We can talk in the small conference room we set up."
Re: Earth

"Huh," is Sho's reply to the woman's words. "Rest will probably be good. Mmm," she lets out before making to leave. "What's her name?"

"Lead th' way, colonel," Ian suggests. "Ah know bettah than ta get b'tween a woman an' her beauty sleep."
Re: Earth

"She says her name is Ashana. Didn't give a last name, maybe she didn't have one."

They were led to a mid sized room which had tables and chairs set up for meeting purposes. Here, the Colonel introduced them properly to the woman who had been translating for them.

"Ian and Sho, meet our linguistics expert Samantha Millstar. She's been with us for three years now, ever since the Stargate was found here in Antarctica. She speaks ... what is it now, forty two languages?"

Smiling, she nodded.

"Yes sir. Including Ancient, Asgard, Wraith, Draque and I'm learning the Ingrali language now as well."

If they would accept, she would shake their hands in greeting, evidently pleased to see them.
Re: Earth

"Yeah, not everybody does. But hope she enjoys her rest." Sho will head out with the others, heading for the conference room, more than willing to shake hands with the translator.

"Right. Note ta self, keep her and mum outta the same room," Ian chuckles, though he'll shake hands with her as well. "Pleasah." He gives her a nod.

"So, what do we do now? Or rather when our guest wakes up?" Sho will actually boost up and sit on the edge of the table rather than taking a chair.
Re: Earth

The Colonel thought for a moment before he replied.

"We'll take things easy when she does wake up. Truth be told, I think we're all kind of making this up on the fly right now. The excavation for the area was going to be shut down for the season tomorrow, and the crews leaving out. This has changed a lot of plans, but in a good way."

"I can ask her some light questions when she wakes up, we'll take it slow though. Ideally, I'd like to move her some place a bit quieter than this is, but we don't have that option. We have a storm moving in within the hour, and it's supposed to get pretty bad. We won't be going anywhere for several days at least. At least, not with her anyway. Given her state, and her recent ... revival, I wouldn't recommend trying to take her through the gate. Ah, one moment please."

((Time for ya to reply before I wreck this mini vacation :p))
Re: Earth

That gets a nod out of Sho. "Probably best to keep her quarantined until we can learn more about her, both for her sake and for ours."

"Curious as ta where ya jaunt off ta, down here in the land o' icicles," Ian chuckles.

"Well, so long as we've got supplies for the extended season, I don't see a problem. That, and hopefully," Sho raps her knuckle on the table, "we can always book out the gate if the storm gets too hairy."
Re: Earth

While they talked, Samantha was listening to something on her earpiece, and after a moment she spoke with a touch of worry in her voice.

"Sergeant Baker just radioed in, the storm has already arrived. The team that found Ashana earlier had gone out to collect one more sample, to be certain of the age of the ice. We can't raise them at all. We may have to send out a S.A.R team."
Re: Earth

"That happen often? Them blowing up pretty quick?" Sho asks.

"Surprised ya don't keep bettah tabs on the weather, Shoni."

"Wind witch. I'm not Storm. Not yet." She waggles her eyebrows at him. Her attention goes to Samantha. "Anything we can do to help?"
Re: Earth

"Unfortunately yes, they can blow in much faster."

"That isn't the biggest concern, they had a large vehicle, and systems that would allow them to get to us even in a storm. What is the concern though is that we can't raise them on the radio. That means they either lost their hand held radios, or ..."

"Or we're looking for bodies. Let's just hope it's the former and they are on their way back here, and we meet them half way."

"Care to join us? We've got gear that should fit you both."
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Re: Earth

"Why did Ah let ya talk me inta this again?" Ian's grinning as he shakes his head at Sho.

"Because you thirst for adventure. Besides, I might be able to help out with the storm, at least somewhat. Give us an eye or something while we travel. Making it blow over might be a little more than my scope of things, but I can at least make sure we don't end up popsicles. Not right away, anyway."

"Right, then. Let's suit up."
Re: Earth

In short order they had entered a 'locker room' type area and geared up. Then, they were taken to a different area that held several large, and smaller sized snowmobiles.

"We'll take two of the large ones. Two in each one, that way we can fit one of them inside if need be. I'm going off the assumption we won't be able to find theirs, or get it started if it was shut off by now. We'll start with the area they were supposed to be in, and work our way back in a conical search pattern. Hopefully we can find them before it's too late."

Colonel Grant nodded to her as Samantha boarded one of the 'trucks'. He looked to Sho and Ian, who might be wondering why he hadn't been making this call, and explained.

"Samantha knows more about this type of climate than I do. Outside of languages, she's in her element here. She was raised in extreme northern Alaska, and taught how to survive with barely anything available to her. If anyone is going to find those two, it'll be her. Anyway, you two want your own, or should we split with one of you with her? I'll leave that up to you."
Re: Earth

Sho and Ian exchange a glance. "Split up," comes out about in unison.

"Don't think eithah of us has a license for one of them rigs," Ian chuckles. "Sho, you wanna go with the col'nel?"

"Sounds like a plan. That, and if I am going to try to affect the storm, I don't want to have to worry about driving on top of that."

Looks like they were pretty well set once they were all suited up.
Re: Earth

Nodding, the Colonel and Samantha started for their vehicles, when the door way suddenly opened up, and a single person staggered inside.

Samantha looked up in time, putting a hand on Ian's shoulder and letting out a slight gasp.

"That's Dr. Green! One of the two missing."

The man, who was closer to Sho than anyone, staggered forth a few more steps, and promptly crumpled to the ground, letting loose some words that might have been a plea for help, although it was hard to tell since he practically was incoherent.
Re: Earth

Sho will, of course, try to catch the man before he collapses so he's not crashing or crumpling to the floor. "Get some medics down here, stat!" Until that happens, she'll get him stretched out, on his back, checking vitals, looking him over for wounds, the usual crisis checklist. She's careful, though, since he apparently just cleared the distance between a lost crew and here and made it. That smacks of either desperation, adrenaline, or outside forces. Ian will get on the comm if Samantha or the colonel don't have a more immediate way of doing so. Then he starts getting into his bag for anything helpful, though it's more first aid than anything for a hypothermia victim.
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