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Re: Earth

Val Shara paused for a moment, then shook her head.

"Sending Nirrti only off the information he has would still be using his ascended knowledge. They would prevent him from even telling her, at least I think they would. As for destroying this weapon, first we must find it."

Siphon chimed in, nodding his head.

"They'd stop him. Telling Nirrti what he knew would be the same as him using that ascended knowledge himself without going through the proper 'gathering' process on this plane of existence. Our best bet right now would be to quietly search for it, and not tip our hand if we do find anything."

Val Shara nodded again, but when she spoke there was a hint of worry in her tone.

"Agreed, however we must also pray that Cassie's memories do not contain it's location. If they do, Anubis could use her memories via Nirrti recovering them to circumvent the other Ancient's. If she is as old as Vanessa believes, then it's possible she knew of it before she ascended."

The dark scowl that crossed Siphon's face was enough to tell everyone present he was not happy with that possibility.
Re: Earth

"Then we need to get there first, ninja style, find the thing, and either turn it into dust or hide it somewhere else. Just another day in the life." Sho takes a seat once again. "Though we ought to plan for the possibility of Anubis trying to steal the thing or getting his hands on it. Not to be devil's advocate, but I like planning for the worst case scenario."

"Tend ta keep us alive," Ian chuckles. "What'a we do about the folks heah? And us, fer that mattah, since there was some concern we'd be carriahs."
Re: Earth

Siphon nodded at the suggestion of planning for the worst case scenario, then suddenly got that 'I have an idea' look on his face.

"You know ... I'd have to talk with the other Gou'ald and the Jaffa, but there might be an option open to us if destroying the weapon only isn't an option. I know Sho will absolutely want to smack me for this idea too, but it may be an option we want in our back pocket."

He stopped as they mentioned about the others, and then possibly being carriers.

"I can give all of you a quick once over, if there's any trace of that disease in you, even as a carrier, I can remove it. As for the others, they should be waking up at any moment."
Re: Earth

Sho will get up and biff him on the back of the head. It's not hard, but, well, since he's already invited it, might as well take the opportunity. "There, done. Now what's your idea?"

Both of them are fine with getting a once over, since, really, they don't want to be carrying the disease back to the station, or wherever they might end up. Probably a good idea to look over the others, too. Just because they're not infectable doesn't mean they're not carrying it.
Re: Earth

"We pull a page out of the Asgard's book of tricks. Either we collapse the planet and star into a black hole, or we blow up the sun in it's system, thus obliterating the planet."

Val Shara for her part simply blinked at him.

"You really don't mess around, do you?"
Re: Earth

"He likes his drama. We are not blowing up a planet, Siphon. Granted, I'm all for keeping the artifact thingie away from Anubis but think about the repercussions of collapsing a star. About the only way I'd agree to it would be if Anubis was on the planet, too, and even then, he's probably just flit away somehow."
Re: Earth

"Sadly, he could probably survive that too. Unfortunately, I think he may be on to something. As long as that weapon exists, Anubis will try to get it."

Siphon for his part shrugged.

"Wouldn't be the first time we've done it actually. We have to be sure he can't get that weapon, and Val Shara is right. He won't give up unless that thing is gone, and something tells me cloaking it or putting it out of phase isn't going to cut it this time. If you've got another idea, I'm all ears, really I am."
Re: Earth

"We'll leave 'utter destruction of planet' as Plan C, okay? Right behind 'Destruction of weapon' and 'Shoving Anubis into a black hole.' I agree the weapon needs to go, but let's try the more mundane ways of getting rid of it first before we start rearranging galaxies, okay? We still have to find the damn thing first."

"Ah love how yer not phased by the fact that he's said he's done this b'fore," Ian cuts in.

"I had freshmen year with him at the school. Nothing about him phases me any more."

"Point. Ah just got ta see him durin' the walker invasion. So much fer a nice normal education. Course, knowin' mah folks, they'da enrolled ta check out all the hokey dokey firsthand. They still don't know half the stuff we got up to while we were theah."

"Probably a good thing, that."

"And now this. Ah still think mum'd do well in the program. Ah'd just nevah get a moment's peace."

Says something for the two of them that they can go from debating the destruction of a planet to seemingly normal conversation, though Sho will take a seat once more, giving the chair a spin. "Okay, let's get us clear of infection so we can get out of here once people start waking up. Then we can get back, get the necessary permissions to go to the site, and go dig around for Excalibur."

"Ah think 'Keepin' it out of Anubis' hands' trumps needin' permission, but, well..."

"You never know. People get funny when you start talking about holy relics. Or blowing up planets." She makes a face at Siphon.
Re: Earth

Siphon shrugged slightly, though he paused as Sho mentioned about searching for the weapon.

"We may have to let someone else start the search at first. Or you folks can. As much as we need to stop Anubis, I'm going through that anomaly first, and I'm not coming back until we find certain people."

Treh Val blinked slightly, a puzzled look on his face, but Val Shara waved him off, indicating she knew what was going on, and now wasn't the time to bring it up.

Nevertheless, Siphon quietly went about checking both Sho and Ian out, and in a short period of time had pronounced them clear of any trace of infection. As the others began to wake up, Val Shara set about filling in the Colonel and the rest, allowing Sho, Ian and Siphon to talk privately if they wished to.

((Giving Sho and Ian a chance to talk to him first and declare where they plan to be before moving this back to Peltas and getting things moving fully.))
Re: Earth

"Well, I know there's no talking you out of heading to Klarnell ground zero. I guess the big question now is whether or not you want or need back-up in this."

"We're not all that effective against them, Shoni. Or, well..." Ian hesitates.

"Just go on and say it. I mean, I'll admit it, about the only thing I can really do to them is shoot the sons-of-bitches with the zat and even then, that's a crap shoot. You, on the other hand, can throw them into walls."

"Though Ah'm a little more qualified ta handle the dig. But, as Ah undahstahnd it, this is Siphon's family we're talkin' about heah? Y'need help, mate, y'know Ah'll go with."

Sho gets a bit of a look on her face. "It's your girls, too, isn't it?" Another pause. "I might...not be able to help much with the Klarnell, but...they don't know Ian and you've changed a lot over the years--"


Sho lobs a pen in Ian's direction, not really caring if she hits him or not. "What I'm getting at is they might feel safer with a woman on the rescue team. It's your call, though, since I know it's pretty much a war zone we're going into and whether or not you want the extra tagging along with you or not."
Re: Earth

Siphon thought for a moment.

"You know, the thing that bugs me is this. They had similar abilities, albeit different, to Aya, their mother. So that being the case, the Klarnell must have developed something capable of neutralizing their latent powers. Assuming that's the case, there's no way to know if any of us will be able to use our own. That goes for you too Ian and Sho, we just have no idea if they'll work until we get there. We need to think of this as storming the castle as soldiers, not, as you put it once Sho, mutants. Which means we may have to take actual weapons and rely on them instead."

Again he paused.

"I'd agree on it might make them more comfortable, but not just them. From what I understand, we may come across other survivors, those who haven't met certain species yet. It might be helpful to have at least one other woman along besides Aya, a sort of ..."

He trailed off, trying to find the right words, but in the end it was Val Shara who supplied an adequate enough reply.

"Calming presence amongst the storm of males laying waste to their captors?"

Siphon merely blinked at her a couple of times, probably trying to figure out when she'd come back into the room, then shrugged, pointing to her as he looked back to the others.

"Yeah, what she said."
Re: Earth

(Fuckall. I had a response typed up and apparently didn't send it before my computer reboot. Time for some adjustments.)

"Even if it is on the ironic side." Given Sho's potential for whipping up storms pretty much at her whim.

"Eh, Ah do mah right best ta not rely on mah powers overmuch anyway," is Ian's take on the theory about the Klarnell. "Suppose we just have ta make certain we bring weapons with a big enough punch ta make an impact on 'em, hey?"

"Or just be incredibly guerrilla about the whole thing, too. Maybe a mix of both." She'll glance over at the other woman. "You two coming along, too, or going to stay home and start looking into our little scavenger hunt?"

Though it's brief, it's clear which of those options Ian would prefer, but he's not about to tell Vanessa what she can and can't do. He knows better.
Re: Earth

The reply came from Vanessa, and not Val Shara.

"Val Shara and I think it might be best if we remain and start looking for that weapon. And to be honest, I'm a bit hesitant to put myself in that kind of position not knowing really what I'm up against, with virtually no time to catch me up to speed. I'd just slow you folks down at best, or be a liability at worst, and I won't Jeopardize a mission like that. Besides, Val Shara still has other things to report back to the Tokra, and it wouldn't be appropriate to go on a mission like that and risk something happening to either one of us, potentially losing all of it. Just ... take care of yourselves alright? I want all of you back in one piece."

Siphon nodded at Sho first.

"I was thinking the same thing. Keep as low a profile as possible, only strike if and when we need to. We won't be taking any prisoners either, so that makes the rules of engagement simple. Shoot to kill, and shoot as many times as it takes to ensure a kill. We'll also need to keep any team small to maximize stealth capabilities. Won't have much stealth once we rescue any survivors but ... that can't be helped. At that point a small team will mean speed."
Re: Earth

(The hell does this not tell me you've updated? This is getting annoying.)

"That makes sense. Besides, we'll need some form of cavalry to haul our butts out of the fire if this goes sideways," Sho chuckles.

Though the remark is made, there's likely a good chance there won't be one and she knows it, which makes sense. Still, it's more a remark to their friendship rather than regard to the mission itself.

"We'd best get doin', then," comes from Ian. "Got a bit of packin' ta do, given this'll likely be an extended engagement." His gaze drifts over to Vanessa but it's pretty clear that he's not one for having further conversation with her while there's an audience, even if they are friends.

Sho, meanwhile, is already thinking. "What about a taser? Works slightly different than a zat. Did we try that? Or rule it out? Also might be good for human guards. Y'know, people who actually might have embraced the Klarnell way."
Re: Earth

Vanessa smiled slightly, then inclined her head in one direction for Ian to follow if he wanted, before moving out into another room.

Siphon meanwhile blinked slightly.

"That's a scary thought actually, humans who've embraced the Klarnell way? I just can't fathom it, but then again we've seen it with the rebel wraith so we can't rule it out either. As far as the Klarnell go, maybe if we get them without their armor on or in a spot they aren't covered in yes, otherwise I don't think the taser prongs will penetrate their armor. That being said though, the armor should conduct the charge from a zat more so than flesh would, so we might catch a break there."

((Not sure, but I'll give Ian a chance to talk with Vanessa before we get moving along.))
Re: Earth

(Yet again not showing up as there being new posts. Granted, I'm not on daily but this is getting annoying.)

"Still, it's something we might want to consider," Sho continues. "The last thing we need is getting stabbed in the back by someone who thinks it'll get them something with the lords and masters."

While the two of them continue to deliberate, Ian will less excuse himself and more simply slip out to follow Vanessa. Once it's just the two of them, she gets caught in a light embrace, though he's mindful of Val Shara when he does so. "Hey," she gets quietly. "Silly question, but ya doin' all right?"
Re: Earth

((Gonna PM you from now on so you at least have a notification. Take yer time ofc, but yeah, that's BS it won't even tell you there's been an update.))

Siphon nodded slightly, the look on his face suggesting he didn't even like the thought of having to consider it, but that he knew it couldn't be ruled out as well ...

Vanessa smiled back at Ian, embracing him back without any reservation. Still, he could tell she was holding back just a bit, but that seemed to do more so with the fact her grip seemed stronger than anything else. He might vaguely recall having heard somewhere that hosts to either a Gou'ald or Tokra symbiote tended to get a fair bit stronger, and despite how quickly she had blended with Val Shara, it seemed she still wasn't entirely certain of just how much stronger she'd become, and had elected to play it safe.

Stepping back and nodding, she replied to his question, "Yes, I'm doing fine. To be honest, this is all very ... interesting to me. In a way it's like reading an entire database of information, and being able to immediately recall any specific part in your mind like it's lit up perfectly, tough to describe better than that. More than that though, I actually can see some of the past experiences, some of the knowledge her previous hosts went through, or things they learned with little to no effort. Oh, and you don't have to worry Ian. She thinks you're cute."

She chuckled slightly, shaking her head before adding, "if she weren't a part of me, I might have to say something to her on the side."

Again came a small chuckle, indicating she was both amused, and perhaps still a bit in awe at what had transpired in the last hour or so. Still, she did seem perfectly fine, in fact she seemed more relaxed than she had when she had first arrived, and while she wasn't saying it out loud just yet, Ian might have the impression that this had gone a long way to helping her recover from what Nirrti had done to her.
Re: Earth

Part of Sho's job description: Devil's advocate.

"Ahn't you the quick learnah?" he says with a bit of a grin as she explains what's going on. As she makes the remark about the symbiote thinking he's cute, he ducks his head a little. "Didn't think they got along that way, but good ta know, I suppose. Ah'm just glad yer a'ite. That yer safe. That both of ya are safe." He skims his fingers along her hair. There's more going on behind his expression, but for the time being, he's keeping it to himself. Maybe it's just observations that seem to go in hand with what's happening to her. "Y'stay that way while we're gone, a'ite? Ah've a feelin' comin' home ta you is goin' ta be what Ah need."
Re: Earth

Vanessa smiled back at him.

"I will. Hopefully when you get back, we'll have found that weapon and have an idea of how to keep it away from Anubis already, and then you and I can relax."

There was a small pause as she considered something, then added, "I think that remark has more to do with her being a part of me and sharing how I feel about you rather than her own personal insights. While there is a primal instinct to them that determines a suitable host based off many factors, it's not attraction as you and I would think of it. The way I understand this ... the feelings I have for you, the bonds I have with anyone, friendship or otherwise, she shares those feelings because she's a part of me. Even if and when we're split apart, part of who I am will stay with her forever. And it's possible part of her will remain with me forever as well. To be honest with you .... I haven't really thought about yet what my future plans as far as that goes are. I don't think I really can until I fulfill my promise to get her back to the Tokra and relay what she knows to them."

Another pause as she embraced him again and then continued, "You stay safe too you hear me? I want you back here in one piece. Watch your back, and keep Siphon from going too apeshit. I know I'd be more pissed off if that were my kids out there than what he's showing outwardly to us, and ... well Val Shara thinks we're going to need him further down the line. Just ... make sure everyone comes back in one piece, especially you?"
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