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Eastern Farmlands

Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia just smiles and says " We'll wait for sleepy over there. After you finish eating why not help me pack camp? " Lydia then swiftly got up, finishing her breakfast. Lydia began to repack all the things she had unpacked.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Putting a portion into his small camp bowl, Zagan stands and walks as he eats as he begins to go about rolling up his bedroll and packing his gear one-handed, he likely has experience packing up while holding his food. It can be noticed, however, that he moves a little stiffly. He probably hasn't done much horse riding before.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em finishes the meal quickly and has her gear packed and ready in just a few minutes. Traveling with bandits meant being able to move at a moments notice. She hops onto her horse and look around, getting her bearings, then nudges the horse into a slow walk towards their destination. The others could catch up when they were ready.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia shakes head at Em's speed and tries to catch up on her own horse, Siva.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Why the bloody hell are they so obsessed with riding horses? A man's legs should be good enough instead of these ass killing beasts. Zagan thinks as he gently climbs into his saddle and begins to move. At the same time he finishes licking his bowl clean and slides it into a saddle bag.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

When the others catch up to her, Em kicks the horse into a trot, then to a canter. "We need to move faster," she calls back. "Remember, there are other people looking for these items. The horses can rest later."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia stares at Em. Lydia looks around watching the area.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Sure, the horses can rest later, but does she expect the rest of us to be good riders? This speed is killing my ass. Zagan thinks to himself, horse weren't that practical in thick forests or on mountain slopes, so he barely knew how to ride them.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em continued to spur her horse on, fully into a gallop now. The sooner they reached Fort Shard the better.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia stares at Em's sudden change of spirit. Lydia spurs siva into a gallop as well.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Do you mind not eroding my ass to nothing? Zagan shouts as the other two start to gallop away while trying to ease his horse into a fast trot.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em shoots a glare back at the half-elf, but grudgingly slows her horse to let him catch up. "With the money we can make from this job, you can buy a new ass," she says when he gets closer.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia winces at Em's harsh words. "Or maybe you could buy yourself a comfortable home and live well?" Lydia says hopefully.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

I don't think I'll be able to relax enough to retire until I'm old and gray. He replies to Lydia before looking at Em, Also, I've not ridden horses much before since they don't do well in thick forests and on steep mountains.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

"Have you killed someone in a fight before, wild man?" Em asks Zagan. "I've got a feeling we'll be doing some of that on this job, and whoever we'll be fighting won't slow down just because you aren't used to it."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

I never actually dealt with bandits, my home was too far out from the major areas of trade for bandits to make a reliable profit, but I have dealt with animals that have taken a liking to human flesh, so I know how to pace hold myself against an enemy.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

"Never said anything about bandits," Em said with a smirk, "but good. What about you, girl?" She looked over to the elf, eyes bobbing up and down her frame quickly. "The old man said you were a fighter, but you don't look it."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia while listening is surprised at being questioned herself. "I was training with some monks before I recieved my summons, swords and other sharp objects I have a knack for cutting myself with them while in combat." Said Lydia as she rode upon Siva. She thought for a moment and asked the human woman "Have you been in combat?"
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em gave a laugh, then said, "I ran with bandits for a long time, and let's just say there are only two types of women who do that." She tossed her head back to gesture to the sword slung across her back, "I'm the kind that carries a sword."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Zagan frowns in disapproval briefly when Em mentions being a bandit, although no one can notice it due to him being in the rear. Moving back to the early topic, however, he adds a small bit, Just realize, when it comes to wearing ourselves out getting to the castle, that if we're worn out and the enemy isn't we probably won't even have the chance to get tired again.