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Eastern Farmlands

Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em gives a quick sigh and shakes her head. "Fine, wild man. We'll take a break before we reach Shard. Then we'll come in nice and slow. How's that sound?" she asked, sounding almost like a mother trying to placate a child. She slows down her horse, looking for a place to rest. She settles on a group of trees next to a slow lazy stream. "We'll stay here for an hour, then move on. Shard's not far" she said authoritatively, jumping down from the horse.
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Re: Eastern Farmlands

Better. Zagan replies as he eases himself of the horse and walks with an odd gait over to a tree. He then uses it to start stretching.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

"Anybody want lunch?" Said Lydia as she got off her horse. She admired Zagan for a moment before getting out some supplies to form a nice meal.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

After letting her horse drink from the stream, Em leads it back to others and ties it a tree. She leans against the tree while watching the others, but doesn't say anything.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Might as well make use of a break. Zagan responds.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia nodded a happily and easily began to garner together some jerky and bread for the break.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em stretches her legs then walks over to the other two to grab a bite to eat.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Thanks. Zagan says, taking a portion of food from Lydia.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

An hour passes.​

Zagan stretches his legs once more before moving towards his horse, Okay, then. Should we get the final stretch over with?
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia nods and stops napping and gets up on her Horse Siva and waits for Em.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

"About time," Em said as she untied her horse and led it away from the trees. She jumped up into the saddle and pushed the horse to a fast walk, but let the others set the pace this time.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Happy now Em? Zagan asks as he moves himself onto the top of his horse.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

"I'll be happy when I'm rich," she replied. "Which is what I plan to be after finishing this job for Muristan."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia makes a face at Em and says "But isn't adventure the only thing worth it?"

(Btw who's leading?)
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Em gives a sharp laugh, but doesn't respond. Instead she turned to Zagan and said, "When we reach Shard, you should probably take the lead. Imperials don't think much of women."

(I figured Pheonix would lead since he made the "break camp" post.)
Re: Eastern Farmlands

I believe they dislike you past career more. Besides, if these are more city-folk like back at the capital, I would probably be out of my depth. I'm not really that comfortable around large groups of people. Still, I can give it a try if I need to. Zagan says in response.

(We could always throw Lydia out for the slaughter)

Edit: through, throw same difference.
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Re: Eastern Farmlands

"Nothing girl, you just keep looking for that 'adventure'," Em said with a smirk, "I'm sure you'll find it eventually." She turned to Zagan and asked, "Do you think the Imperials are knights in shining armor? They made deals with bandits all the time."
Re: Eastern Farmlands

All I have to say is if someone has shiny armor, then they spend more time cleaning it than doing their job. As for their deal's with bandits, somehow I'm not surprised.
Re: Eastern Farmlands

Lydia listens to Em and Zagan's bantering with a smile plastered onto her face, which showed that her mind was elsewhere. Time passes to their bantering as day gets closer to night and Lydia is thinking about asking the others if they should stop for camp, until she sees something "Hey em, what's that?" Lydia asked as she pointed at a jutting building.

(Fort Shard. It's night time for the kaliverans I believe from what pale has posted. If wolf says differently through I'll edit the post.)
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