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Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The impetuous lad had started to pull his hand away as Vezina spoke but the second his eyes locked with hers it was over. The boy could do little but in agreement to her statement with a blink of his eyes. Without the slightest clue as to what had occurred he turned and began to lead the way back towards the gate.

The boy seemed to want to protest as he lead the way but his will was simply not strong enough to shrug off the command. Eventually they arrived at a small inn, the Tabard, where the boy stopped and pointed towards the door. Eventually he dejectedly said.

"You'll find 'im in their lady. Just ask the publican which room."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina felt vindicated as the mortal led her back toward the gates.

Let no beast treat you as an equal. That was what Gyulu had told her regarding the kine. They were lesser things. Lower states of being. Having come from them, Cainites understand their lot, but must remain separate from it. And as rightful lords of the night, a kindred must not allow herself to be played the fool.

The boy brought her to her destination and she nodded at him.

"You have done well, boy. Remember, should you feel you are owed something for this service, you can speak to me again later tonight at the gate."

She left the boy then and entered the Tabard Inn, keeping her cowl up and scanning the room as she entered. If she saw no immediate dangers, she would cross to the publican and address him.

"I am come here to see Sir Donegal. May I know which room he is staying in?"
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The boy departed back towards the gate as Vezina entered the Tabard Inn. The main chamber of the building beyond was lit well by a warm fire and number of travelers lounged at their meals. Everything seemed typical of a place used to serving the many travelers coming to London from the south and most importantly she saw nothing to fear.

Vezina made her way to the man standing near the bar, she could feel the heat of the nearby fire as she began to ask about the Brujah primogen. Thankfully her beast was well-used to the rigors of facing fire and she felt little need to flee.

The well-fed publican nodded and spoke with a jolly smile as he leaned upon the bar. "You mean the guy who uses his room to teach the local urchins, right. He's in now if you would like me to deliver a message or something along those lines. He really doesn't like to be interrupted if'n you know what I mean?"
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Yes of course. Please deliver the message that the Lady Vezina desires the honor of an invitation to meet with him to discuss matters of the Church. I will be waiting out here."

She moved to the darker edge of the room, as far from the flames of the fireplace as she could. There was no need to taunt the Beast. A pity that as creatures of the night, fire was the only thing besides the moon that they could see by, and yet it was the very thing that they abhorred. She vowed to master the first circle of the Way of Fire, so that she might be as her beloved sire - fearless of this ancient enemy with its red and orange tongues.

She waited in the common room, observing those who came and went in this inn. She watched the late night patrons, deciding upon which would be best to cajole aside and partake vitae from. Any that was not drinking heavily and looked to not be riddled with disease would do.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Of course, milady. I will deliver the message immediately. Feel free to warm yourself by the fire or ask one of my girl's for refreshments while I am gone." The jovial fellow said as he quietly disappeared somewhere into the back of the inn.

The inn was relatively quiet though there were at least a dozen guests in the main room. Vezina noted that most of them seemed to be merchants or ship captains. They weren't exactly members of the higher class though they were certainly out of place in the rundown slums of Southwark. The majority seemed to be from the continent as she recognized the French and German they spoke in.

The majority of the sailors seemed to be rather deep in their cups though the merchants seemed more interested in food. There was also a good number of serving girls of varying age who bore a resemblance with the innkeeper. Fat merchants or buxom maidens seemed to be the main options on the menu this evening, it was just a matter of getting one of them alone.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The taste of youth was always preferable to the old and experienced on Vezina's tongue, unless of course it was the sweet taste of amaranth that still lingered in her memory. The buxom serving girls seemed lively enough to provide for a feeding, and it would be easier to convince them to be in private with her than it would a man - at least under the pretense of decorum.

She stood and gestured for one of the innkeeper's daughters to attend to her.

"Good evening, sweet girl. I would ask a favor of you, though it may be unusual. I am without a handmaiden tonight but have need of someone to help me with my dress, it is pinching in a way that is most uncomfortable. Would there be somewhere we could go away from the eyes of these good men? A place where you could help me?"

Vezina smiled sweetly at the young woman, trying to evoke sympathy and depend on the girl's desire not to dismay her father's guests.

If her gambit worked, she would simply offer the girl her cloak to set down in a corner of whatever room she was taken to, and then while the girl's back was turned she would make good her approach. The kiss would ease the child's objections, and she would feed enough to restore her while at the same time being careful to leave the daughter with enough to recover easily from.

All this trickery was necessary but distasteful. Vezina longed for a time when servants under her roof would offer themselves regularly to her. Something she intended to arrange as swiftly as possible. A member of the high clans required a herd.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The smiling maid nodded happily at Vezina's request before leading her into a smaller room towards the back of the main room. The request may have been a bit odd but the girl did not seem to mind and readily took Vezina's cloak in order to set it upon a hook in the corner of the room. No sooner had her back turned on the young tzimisce when she felt the tickle of fangs on her neck.

A soft groan of pleasure and the kiss had taken hold of the buxom maiden as her youthful blood flowed into Vezina's mouth. The taste was exquisite compared to her meal earlier in the evening, yet not quite perfect. There was something about virgin blood that was so delicious, comparable only to the heady power of another like her.

Soon the maiden was asleep but unharmed, she would awaken with no memory beyond aiding a noble lady with her dress. The blank parts of her memory assumed to be from overwork or stress.

Vezina stole back into the main room of the inn well-sated and prepared for her meeting with the Brujah primogen. A representative of Baron Damien of Carlisle far to the north, odd she thought that a Ventrue prince would send a Brujah as his representative. Though Carlisle was known as the most rebellious of the Baronies under Mithras' rule so perhaps it fit.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The Tzimsice laid the girl down gently and took a moment to caress her slumbering, blissful face. She removed a few locks from the maiden's face and let them drape behind the ear.

"You were exquisite, my dear. Innocent and obeisant. Of mortal stock, there is little finer. Now sleep and be at peace. You have served your purpose well."

Vezina stood, cleaned her lips to ensure no sign of her feeding was obvious, and slipped back into the main room to await the pleasure of the Brujah primogen. She considered what she knew of him, and of his relationship to the Ventrue Baron of Carlisle.

If that barony were as rebellious to Lord Mithras' rule as rumor suggested, then she could only surmise that the use of a Brujah was to undermine the Prince's strength - at least, that would be her guess at the face value of things. But as always, she suspected things were more complicated than merely that. Sir Donegal would have purposes of his own. As a neutral newcomer, Vezina needed to divine those purposes herself, and then see how well she could use them to her own ends. She had no real loyalty to anyone save herself and her sire. The politics of this court only concerned her so much as they could aid her in acquiring and expanding her domain and cleansing the Usurper taint.

She moved to the window and looked for her ghouled owl summoning it nearby to ensure it was on hand. She knew she was dealing with an elder vampire than herself, and one with more experience in combat. She was at a severe disadvantage if things were to become violent, and so she wanted to ensure that at least one animal ally was nearby to come to her aid if need be. She hoped though that this Brujah would be amenable to a harmless discussion about the Bishop of Westminster.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina's owl answered her call without a sound, swooping silently down to a spot where it could quickly give aid to it's master. Vezina turned her attention within once more just as the jovial innkeeper was making his return from passing along her message. The look on his face told her all had not gone as well as she had hoped, for the state of fear was evident on his brow.

Making her way towards the simple innkeeper he took on the most apologetic look he could muster as he blustered out. "I delivered the message as ordered, milady....I-i-i-i'm afraid that the gentleman who rents the backrooms responded in the negative to your request."

Judging from the way the simple peasant chose his words, Vezina guessed that the primogen had not been so kind with his choice of words. She would need to find another means of contacting this Brujah it would seem.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Pity." Vezina said, keeping her face as calm as she could under the circumstances. She was intruding upon the primogen's time, though she did not have reason to suspect that this was his entitled domain. Regardless, it was clear that this Cainite was bristling to her presence. To barge her way into his back rooms would be to invite a lesson in pain upon herself, given the curse of Brujah temperment, and her previous tutelage had made her wise enough to favour discretion. I must not start a fight that I cannot win, she told herself. Beyond the liklihood that Sir Donegal was more skilled martially than herself, even should she pummel him into submission, her goal was inside information, not a war against the establishment she sought to join. Still, the night had not been a total loss. She now knew where he resided, and was aware that he harboured some deep resentment toward her, possibly due to her clan, or to the meddling wishes of his cotorie mate, the Toreador.

Still, perhaps he would listen if she offered a more tempting topic of conversation.

"If you would be so kind, and perhaps in this case, brave as well, let him know that I also am willing to discuss details of the 'Grotesque'. I have heard he has an interest in such matters."

It was a small hope, but one nonetheless capable of getting his attention. She didn't intend to slip away meekly before his initial caustic reception without pressing the matter a little. She also had to consider that the Brujah may not be intelligent enough to have gleaned that she would not be here without something to offer him in return for information. They could, by all accounts, be a little obtuse when their passions interfered with their thoughts.

Once again she waited, although this time she toyed with the window near her own and opened it to ensure she might have a quick egress outside, should Sir Guy be so enraged by her persistence that he come sword outheld to skewer her for her boldness.

I must not be timid before my rivals. Respect must be earned, dignity must be maintained. There will come a time where he and his ilk shall beg for an audience at my doorstep, I must simply be patient, she thought to herself as the minutes passed.
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Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The innkeeper visibly gulped at Vezina's request and looked fearfully into her eyes for a second before looking downwards and nodding. If she were capable of such a thing she might pity the mortal and his current position. He feared going to speak to the Brujah, yet he also feared going against her. Such a pathetic existence mortals were forced to endure as she once had.

Eventually he nodded and said he would take the message to Sir Donegal in his rooms. Bading Vezina to once more await his return, which she did by going to one of the windows of the inn. It was wise to be prepared for danger and so she opened the window a bit. The cold night air felt good as it slipped through the window and she heard her companion as it waited just outside of the lights in the inn.

She sat there for only a few minutes before the innkeeper returned a relieved expression on his face. He waved for the young noblewoman to follow and lead her to the back of the inn. He nodded towards a large common room ahead before making his departure. Vezina could not see the Brujah within but she could hear the repetition of children reading aloud.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

The waiting had begun to make her anxious despite her internal conviction of the necessity for her being here. She must solve the issue of this archbishop and establish her domain, true, but she might also wish to do so without so blatantly stepping on the toes of elder Cainites. Yet, inevitably, she must take strides. The powerful would try to hinder her, sooner or later, but she would overcome them, by strength or guile, until they recognized her right to rule in the night.

The long minutes stretched out, but at last the innkeeper returned, and she could tell by his expression and relief that she would be brought to see Donegal. She did not yet take this as a sign that she would be safe. It was possible that the Brujah had just decided to bring her to him in order to vent his wrath. Still, she would chance it.

She nodded to the innkeeper and followed solemnly, gracefully behind him as she was led to the common room in the back of the inn. There she heard the sound of mortal children reading aloud. How quaint. Yet how dangerous. What would these peasants do with such knowledge? Would they seek to rise above their station? One perhaps was allowable. Vezina had no problem raising up the talented servant to a position where their skill might serve their betters more acutely. But this general education of the masses would lead to strife. It would be impossible for them as a whole to be embraced, and if they were not to be embraced, then they were meant to be cattle and servants. Ghouls at best, and even then, a lone Cainite would be moving a lot of vitae to maintain more than a handful of bound servants. The Brujah's motivations struck the Tzimisce as odd. As Cainites, they were destined to rule the masses, not empower them.

Vezina would not be so stupid as to voice this concern outright. This was Donegal's place of activity, and she was intruding upon his work. Best to not test him further by bringing him to account for his errant actions.

She entered the room, taking a step beyond the threshold and stopping to simply observe the children. She did not interrupt their repetition, but merely looked about for the Brujah.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina stepped over the threshold of the room without a hint of trepidation, though she was loathe to be so bold. If this common hotel room had been a portion of the primogen's domain she would currently be fleeing in a most embarrassing manner. Thankfully the room was not and Vezina's eyes slid over the simple furnishings lingering on the fireplace for only a moment.

Roughly a dozen filthy children sat huddled on the floor in a semicircle facing the one she had come to speak with. They were all younger than the beggars she had used to find where Donegal taught. At least a minute passed as the students finished reciting their rhymes with the occasional correction from their teacher. Vezina began to wonder if she should make herself more obvious when Donegal stood and said that was it for the evening. Each of the children was given a loaf of stale bread and soon parted the room, more than a few of them giving the noblewoman a curious look.

Soon Vezina found herself alone with the Brujah, a look of annoyance seemed to etch his features. Though she could not be sure that was not how he normally looked as he wore the same grimace at court only a few evenings before.

"And what boon do you seek, little tyrant?"
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina had not contemplated the common room of an inn being a possibility for something that would rankle the honor-bound oath of her Cainite ancestry. She had already crossed the inn's threshold, and a common room was just that: common to all. She would have been surprised indeed to discover herself fleeing from the act of crossing without permission - after all, permission had been implied by the act of the innkeeper saying that she would be allowed entry.

She had no doubt that the Brujah had noticed her enter the room. She had been announced, and he would be expecting her. The requirement that she wait for the lesson to be concluded was likely a testament to his current disdain for her, or perhaps merely a test of her patience. No matter, she could play into his game for the time being. It would make a latter time when she played upon his patience all the sweeter.

The urchins eventually left them and the scowling primogen turned his attention to her. With a bluntness typical of his bloodline, he struck straight to the point.

"The Archbishop of Westminster has schemed to increase his relative's holdings at the expense of a small noble family. I have granted patronage to a member of this family, offering to save them from their oppressors. I suspect that the Archbishop has designs that go beyond mere aid to a lesser cousin, and I would know what these designs are.

"You are known to have influence within the Church. You would also know who among the Cainites might have the Archbishop within their sphere of influence, and could help my investigation progress significantly. My interest in this matter goes only so far as to the benefit of my mortal supplicants, but I suspect that my interests will mean acting in opposition to the Archbishop and any Cainite who might be acting through him - this is my primary concern at this point."

Vezina spread her arms to affect a look of humility.

"I am new to this Court. I am not eager to make enemies, rather allies. I doubt my lineage appeals to all; old enmities breed distrust, but my intentions are clear and understandable and, I think, not outside the bounds of respectability. If a Cainite controls the Archbishop, then I can negotiate. If one doesn't, then I can approach the matter more directly. This in itself, could lead to a benefit to your interests, Sir Donegal. If you champion certain potential replacements for the bishopric of Westminster, then the unraveling of this mortal's designs could lead to a promotion for your own favored retainers."

Vezina watched the Brujah for reactionary signs. He may scowl a lot, but Brujah did wear their emotions on their sleeves. Perhaps if her appeal for justice for an oppressed family would soften his stance. And if he hated the Archbishop, then maybe her appeal would make all the more impact on him.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"A tyrant freeing a noble family from their oppressors. How quaint." Donegal mused with a sarcastic scowl. "Why not just tell the truth and say you wish to take on the role of oppressor yourself. Your intentions are quite clear and understandable, unless you thought me to be some half-witted lout!"


"Perhaps we are both guilty of prejudice, it is rather inherent to our upbringing by the elders of our respective clans. Make no mistake though, nothing any of our kind does is within the bounds of respectability. Even the most altruistic Salubri does what they do out of their own selfish needs."

The scowling Brujah made himself busy with the gathering of his various teaching tools scattered among the chairs and tables within the rooms. When finished he would offer Vezina a seat in a surprisingly noble manner before taking one himself.

"I do know Tirel, or the archbishop if you would prefer. Though he is hardly worth of any title bestowed upon his greedy head. The immediate royal family, as you probably know, is considered to be somewhat off limits to our kind by Mithras' order. Tirel is a well-known favorite of the current king and therefore may present something of a grey area. The queen's untimely death also complicates the manner. A number of royals disappearing at the same time might draw unwanted attention."
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Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Every ruler in history has been labelled an oppressor by the malcontent," Vezina stated with a steady voice. Her eyes stared back at Donegal's. "But the burden and necessity of rule remains a constant. I make no claims to altruism, nor do I hide my desire for power and domain. These are, as you say, universal truths among all Cainites, high clan and low. What I do claim to be is someone who makes good on bargains struck, with mortal or Cainite. If a tyrant I am to be, at least I shall be an honest one."

She took the seat offered her with the practiced grace that Gyulu had taught her in the many nights they had shared together. Courtly manners and etiquette, taught painstakingly to a peasant girl from the woods. She had never had the fur trapper's daughter drilled out of her, not even with the power of the blood bond, but she could affect a clever enough mask to hide the feral girl that lurked beneath - the girl that had so recently sunk her teeth into the Tremere's neck and had savaged him in glorious, raging triumph.

Such primal urges however were a good thing and one that her clan did not shy away from. Noble monsters. Not human, and not sorry for it. That is what the Tzimisce were.

She drew back the cowl of her cloak to let her dark hair spill out. She made certain to affect proper posture without appearing too rigid. Effortless perfection in poise... it took a lot more effort than she would have liked. Still, perhaps Donegal would not notice her flaws as a Toreador or Ventrue might, and even then they could account for such drawbacks as being the nature of Tzimisce nobility - in the dark forests and mountains of a land far away.

"Yes, I had heard of the Queen's demise. No doubt people will be in arms trying to find her killer, or a suitable scapegoat. In any case, I need not be that direct with this Tirel. If I can discover his plot and counter it or expose his involvement, then the process should play itself out in a manner most favorable. Grey area or no, if a mortal's designs are the engines of his own destruction, then it is of no consequence to Cainite law.

"Surely, this man must have enemies within the church. Mortals who desire to see him topple out of the king's favor, and conveniently, out of any protection from Mithras' decree."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Tirel has innumerable enemies. The question becomes who is best suited to remove him from power and how much you are willing to sacrifice. The most obvious choice for removing a mortal in Mithras' sphere of influence would be the barons themselves. Of course none would challenge Mithras' word alone, nor would even two be likely, you will need a majority of the Baronies on your side. Were you even willing to give the necessary boons and oaths I doubt it possible." Donegal certainly seemed to have given the situation some thought, more than he could have in such a short meeting. The prospect would certainly be daunting but it was perhaps the surest method of attaining her goal. There was also the matter of Berenice's father, that would need to be taken care of in a timely manner.

"You could simply kill or remove him yourself, or arrange some sort of contract with one capable of such things. You are new enough to the court and the Baronies that you might very well get off with new enemies." Donegal had hardly moved during the meeting, simply staring off into the fire as he spoke. After making the second suggestion though he leaned forward and looked at Vezina earnestly.

"If you are interested in the surer route I believe you have come to the right place. I do warn you however that Baron Nathaniel's aid will probably come the cheapest. I can of course introduce you to another of the primogen who may be able to aid you as well."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Time might be a factor, unfortunately. There is a mortal, the aging patriarch of the small house to whom I would bestow patronage; he has been taken by Tirel, or someone in his employ. I would prefer to keep the man alive, and have him freed if possible. Otherwise there will only be a female at head of house and she is not strong enough to overcome that disadvantage on her own. The scandal that this aging lord could cause if found and allowed to cry foul might be enough to bring down the Archbishop without the need of rallying the baronies.

"You appear to have already given the fall of the Archbishop some thought. Has Tirel turned to kidnapping and disappearance of enemies before? Whom does he use as his agents and where might he be able to keep a lordly prisoner secure?"

Vezina could not see herself taking Donegal's offer of turning to the Baronies as her first option. She had very little in the way of offering boons and oaths to the Barons might land her in an unenviable spot later on, as she was aiming to legitimize herself in the court and claim domain unto herself. Donegal's suggestion was to ally herself to those outside the system, and she did not think this the most prudent choice - at least not yet.

Then of course there was Berenice' father to consider. His testimony, if he still lived, could ruin the Archbishop and leave the Cainites with no way to really accuse her of breaking any law or tradition. Breaking out a prisoner was not the same thing as blatantly attacking a protected mortal. As she rolled the thought over in her mind, she became more and more inclined to follow it. Yes, a rescue mission rather than an assassination. But would Donegal have enough of an idea about where Tirel might dare house the prisoner?
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"I see, unfortunately I have not given much thought to the specific downfall of the archbishop, so much as given thought to removing the king's favorites in general. I know little of Tirel's methods for disposing of enemies, his family is rather more known for assassination than kidnapping.

No doubt this patriarch you seek will be kept nearby if he has not been killed, there are so many churches, abbeys, and convents in the area I wouldn't know where to suggest." The Brujah primogen shrugged his shoulders in apparent defeat before adding.

"I will however leave the offer of aid standing for now. The baron can always use a powerful ally should anything happen, and I have no doubts that you rankle under the leadership of absentee Warlords." Donegal's sudden flattery did not go unnoticed and Vezina began to wonder if the primogen would be more helpful to a true ally. Perhaps there was someone else among her kind who would trade information at a cheaper cost, she had so very little to offer at the moment after all.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"Your flattery does me a kindness, but it is unnecessary, Sir Donegal," Vezina said, drawing her eyes down to regard her own clasped hands, not wishing to make it seem as if her bluntness was also a challenge.

"I have, upon my arrival and announcement to the Court of Mithras, abided by the traditions of the establishment, because to do otherwise when one is unknown is tantamount to greeting the dawn. Your suggestion of an alliance to the baronies is a dangerous road, though I will grant you that I bear no special love for the Ventrue. Were it not for the appearance of these Tremere, it would be the Ventrue above all who held my emnity, for it is those of the Black Cross who press most violently against my clan's sacred homeland."

She thought that this small honesty might make the Brujah more hopeful of being able to win her over. If she were too eager to pursue his aid, it would come off as dishonest and arouse suspicion.

"I must think of myself and my future in these lands. Do I appease the wishes of an absent prince and seneschal? I suspect that I am compelled to do so, unless a more worthwhile course presents itself to me. Were I to follow a different path, I would need to be confident that I would have allies who would back me as I would back them, and this would extend to issues that are important to me."

"Let us speak more, then, of the Usurpers and the grotesque that resides in Sir Rodger's household. I shall strike straight to the point on this - I cannot forgive the Tremere for their existence at the expense of my clan's blood, and their monstrous creations are an example of how their atrocities will extend to other clans, both high and low. Both you and Isleena voiced an opposing opinion at Elysium. I must ask, was this purely a matter of politics? Or do you believe in the Tremere's legitimacy, and forgive their acts?"

By this point, Vezina's gaze rose to look at Sir Donegal. Her stare was hard and searching, for there was genuine passion behind her words. If anyone could appreciate her getting right to the crux of the issue, surely a Brujah would. If Donegal and Isleena were not willing to budge on the Usurpers, then it was best to part ways now, rather than to find out later.