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Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Eric began to shake at the sight of Vezina's knife being slowly drawn from it's scabbard, his eyes closed as though that might block out the image as he whimpered. Finally they opened and his voice grumbled as he tried to speak, his voice was so dry that it took him several minutes before he eventually got out what he wanted to say. "Walter gets a lot of visitors...especially at night...he knows all kinds of stuff about the occult...magic, nigramancy...I've never been present for any of it...please...I-I don't know anym-more...Just stay back....please."

Eric certainly seemed to be telling the truth, though it was possible he knew details without knowing of their importance. He would certainly require more training as she was not interested in a broken servant with no will to stand up to anyone. He had broken down far more quickly than she had expected though he was certainly not a lost cause just yet.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"If you've never been present for any of it, then how do you know of it?" Vezina asked calmly, not putting the knife away but not advancing it either.

"And stop your sniveling. You degrade yourself by fearing the pain. Much of the pain lives within the fear. Pain will still come to you, whether you fear it or not, but man and woman can master fear and meet pain on their own ground, ready to study it, to understand it, free of emotion. Now THINK, Eric. Tell me how you know of Walter's lore in the occult. Tell me what you have seen. Make no assumptions. Stay in the realm of known truth."

She raised the pale hand not carrying a dagger to cup his cheek, despising and yet seeing some hope yet for this man, if he could just drag himself out of his self-pity long enough to learn from his suffering - he would be a better man for it.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"I-I suppose I have been present when he has conducted rituals from his black book, but I did not understand them. My cousin can be very close-lipped when it suits him and he would not explain how he came by the tome. He communicated with an ancestor of ours recently dead, my cousin wished to have more power over the king and his family." Eric's voice started softly, weak almost pitiful but slowly he seemed to be finding the fortitude deep within himself to shut out the fear.

It would take more goading to truly draw the sniveling boy from his fear and though he did not truly present her with any useful knowledge she believed what he had said. She had already learned that the bishop had knowledge from the Cappadocians, if Eric knew anything of the usurpers however she doubted he would know enough to even recognize it.
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

Vezina let a low, inhuman hiss exit her desiccated lungs as she considered the sniveling man's words.

"His black book, you say? His tome of secrets, bartered for with his soul, bound by blood, and now it may well fall into the hands of the Usurpers. The fool of the mortal is playing both sides."

Both sides? Or one? Vezina could not shake the thought that perhaps the machinations of the Lord Mitra and his Vizier might side with the warlocks in exchange for secrets. Certainly their thaumaturgy was potent - and had not the villain she had drained in the woods summoned ghosts to his cause?

"Where does he keep the book? Think. You have seen him with his rituals. You have observed his routines. You know in whom he places his trust... the aides who guard him. Tell me how to claim his book."
Re: Echoes of the Forgotten Lesson (Vezina)

"My cousin has a number of hiding holes where he conducts his studies but the most likely would be his observatory. Deep in the forest behind the cathedral away from the prying eyes of meddlesome peasants and priests. It's the only place he might be found if he's not in the cathedral meeting with someone." Eric answered quickly and his tone suggested he told the truth, not only the truth but he was beginning to show a bit more back bone as he stared back into Vezina's pale face.

"He trusts no one beyond family like myself and even then he only trusts us enough to tell us what needs to be known. Of course if you had something he would find interesting his paranoia might dissipate enough that he might tell you himself. Either way I doubt you'll find it, he's far to smart for you and he has power comparable to King Henry himself. He's well out of your league harlot!." Eric spat as the insult cut through the air, almost immediately raising the ire of Vezina's beast. Suddenly she found herself struggling to control her body as the beast roiled within for the mortal's blood.