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EGG System Version 3.6


RP Moderator
Jan 4, 2009
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This is an updated version of the combat system and world details for the EGG. It is primarily for my use for reference and refinement. If you wish to use this system for your own use (eg to run a game or modify), please ask me first.

The core is primarily the same, the biggest change is the system no longer uses d20s, but 2d6 for combat instead. This change leads to much smoother combat, because of delicious delicious bell curves. In addition it makes each bonus mean a whole lot more.

There is an EXP system for combat traits and fatigue. The exact details are private.

Combat is 2d6 vs 2d6, using modifiers
Ties rule in favor of player
A defensive win of 8 or greater is a counter.
An offensive win of 7 or greater is a crit. Crits deal an extra one point of damage.

AP and FP
This system is almost exactly as it is in the old egg.

FP is fatigue, when you run out, your character 'loses' (Meaning you probably win, you jerks). The other is AP, or arousal. There is a penalty to all combat actions equal to one-half AP, as below.
When a character reaches 10 AP, they can do nothing but try to pleasure themselves, ignoring everything else to try and get some release.
AP | Penalty
1    -0
2    -1
3    -1
4    -2
5    -2
6    -3
7    -3
8    -4
9    -4
10   'Stunned'

FP has a cap starting at 5. It can increased in the game.
AP has a cap of 10. It can not be increased.

Trait List
The list of weapons has been decreased, there's three primary traits now for weapons. More can be added per request.

Combat Traits max out at level 6.
Sword Use X	+X/+X in combat.
Axe Use X	+x/+x-1 in combat. Increased crit rate by X.
Polearm Use X	+x/+X+1 in combat.
Swords require less experience to level up than polearms, which require less than axes.

Bonus Traits
Traits are awarded based on story that can affect certain things. A player can try to utilize a trait to gain a positive outcome in situations. Some traits will have bonuses that are effective in combat. The maximum level for such traits is 3.

The coins of the in game EGG world is the Klerf, Kf for short. Players start with 50 Klerf's. A Klerf is about the size of a nickel, though a bit lighter. They're made from a strange red metal. They were created as a trade coin so worth could be measured.

A night at an Inn is a single Klerf. Resting at an Inn or any similar situation will fully replenish FP. At towns rest kits can be purchased for 2 Kfs a kit. Rest kits are required to recover FP in the field, and one is used up per rest. A single rest recovers all FP. Kits include a variety of bandages and herbs, allowing the user to rest and to bandage up minor nicks and scrapes.

Upgrading Items
Player may visit a smith to upgrade their weapon. Upgrading a weapon costs 40 Klerfs, plus an additional 20 for each time the weapon has already been upgraded. An upgraded weapon will give a +1 offensive bonus in combat per upgrade for as long as the weapon is maintained. A weapon will count as maintained as long as a whetstone is used on it at least once every other battle.

Armor may be upgraded in a similar way, visiting a smith, tailor, or leather-worker depending on the exact makeup of the armor. The cost is the same, and the bonuses are the same, except for defensive rolls instead of offensive rolls. Armor needs to be maintained at the same rate as weapons with Armor Repair Kits, purchased in town.

Whetstones may be used on a maintained weapon or an non-upgraded weapon to give them a +1 offensive bonus for the next combat they're used in. Each Whetstone may be used three times, either for maintaining or sharpening.

Armor Repair Kits are primarily used for maintaining armor, but can also be used to restore a set of armor so that the player has something to wear, should the clothes be damaged or destroyed by a monster with a cloth damaging attack (eg. Slimes). Armor Repair Kits have two uses.

Trail Rations are used to keep a player fed. As long as a player has trail rations in their inventory for each day that passes, no penalties will accur.

	[U]Item Price List[/U]
Item			Klerfs
Rest Kit		2 Kfs
Trail Rations (3 Days)	1 Kf
Armor Repair Kit	3 Kfs
Whetstone		2 Kfs

Skills are gained at each even numbered level in a weapon track. There is no list of skills, but two choices will be presented at level two. The choice not taken will reappear at level 4 with two new choices, and the two not taken will reappear at level six with two new choices. All skills can only be used once per encounter. If the player enters another combat without resting (with a rest kit), they cannot use a skill.

Combat Modifiers and Options
All players can utilize this options during combat. Players should keep an eye out for options in terrain and utilize smart fighting techniques to squeeze bonuses out. For example, taking the high ground can yield a +1 bonus to defensive rolls.

A charge can be used when not in melee with an opponent. It gives a +1 to offense rolls. Generally this is during the start of the fight.

Defense Stance
The player can take a defensive stance in combat, giving a +1 to defense rolls by taking a -2 penalty to the attack roll.. This can lead to a counter through normal countering rules.

Offensive Strike
An attack which gives a +1 to offense at the cost of -2 to defense.

Back Off
Use a feint attack to cover a retreat. It deals no damage. If it succeeds by three or more, the enemy backed from doesn't get an attack this round, and you can charge them next round.
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Re: EGG System Version 3.6

Monster Details - Very much work in progress

<Name> | <Hit Points> | <Base Offensive Power> | <Base Defensive Power>
Effects & Description
Slimes | d6 HP | +0 | +0
Slimes look like somewhat translucent blobs of a semi-liquid state. It is well know that slimes are breathable, which tends to be little comfort to their victims, when being deeply throat fucked. The standard types are a blue-green in color, other colors exist, and they tend to be more powerful.

Slimes tend to be very rough on their victims, though some are gentle

When a slime hits, the target is engulfed. An engulfed target has a 30% chance of becoming more aroused each turn. They also take penalties as defined below. It takes a single successful attack, or escape roll to escape.

Rounds Engulfed | Penalties
1                 No Effect
2                 -1 to Attacks
3                 -1 to Attacks, Slime has +1 to Hit
4                 -2 to Attacks, Slime has +1 to Hit
5                 Can't Attack, -1 to escapes, Slime Auto-Hits.
Rope Demons | d6 HP | +1 | +0
Rope Demons look somewhat humanoid in shape, though more deformed, and made of rope coils. They have long whip like arms, which are used to capture and entangle a victim, they tend to have large amounts of rope coils spread in their dens.

Rope demons tend to be gentle with victims.

A Rope Demon attacks using its whip like arms. When a rope demon hits its target, the target becomes entangled. An entangled target takes penalties as below.

Rounds Entangled | Effects
1                 10% Chance of Arousal
2                 -1 to Attacks, 15% Chance of Arousal
3                 -1 to Attacks, Demon has +1 to hit, 30% Chance of Arousal
4                 -2 to Attacks, Demon has +1 to hit, 40% Chance of Arousal
5                 Unable to Attack, -1 to Escapes, Demon has +2 to hit, 75% Chance of Arousal
6                 Target is Bound and unable to fight.
Tentacles | d8 HP | +0 | +1
Tentacles are very common enemies, tough and hard to hit, they waver and attempt to grab their victims. They come in many colors.

Tentacles emit a slick slime that dissolves clothes and arouses when in contact with the skin. Any tentacle who hits its target grapples the target, a grappled target takes a -1 penalty to attacks, but they can try and escape at no penalty. They also have a 50% chance of being aroused every turn while held.
Lust Lily | 0 HP | N/A | N/A
A lust lily isn't so much a monster as a pest. Releasing aphoristic like spores, this flowers tend to make any female nearby filled with lust and arousal. They also tend to be hard to spot, there's only a 25% that a character will spot one each round. They increase AP by 1 each round that a character is in a nearby vicinity.
Shadow Possession Box | d12 HP or Victim (see text) | +0 | +1
This isn't so much a monster per say, but more of a hijacking of another person. Although it only possesses males. When a victim is taken, it uses either the victims HP or the roll of a d12, whichever is higher. It also uses it's victim traits for attack and defense.

It tends to be no more rough than the person it possesses, though it has different ways to claim it's victim.
Wrap Demons | d10 HP | +1 | +1
Wrap demons are much like rope demons, though are still quite different in many ways. They tend to be effectively large amounts of bandages held together by a spirit, generally a perverted one. It tries to encase itself around it's victim. Generally when they take too much damage, they either try to escape or dissipate.

They grab hold of a victim when they hit in combat, refer to the following table.
Rounds Held | Penalties
1                 No Effects
2                 -1 to Attacks
3                 -2 to Attacks
4                 Victim Mummified, unable to participate in combat
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Re: EGG System Version 3.6

With this new version of EGG can we post here for a new game?

-Edit- Oh wow I just noticed that the last post here was in January of 2013!!!

Still is this system being used?
Re: EGG System Version 3.6

From my long watching experience some people still use it, through most of the topics here are freeform now or use analogical system to this one
Re: EGG System Version 3.6

You can use it if you want to I suppose. Just post your sheet up in The (New) New EGG thread where all the others are.