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Eggception (thetwo)

Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura: 3 Failed
Mary: 18 Passed

"Yea, we should be careful..." The two mostly naked women, still trailing odd strands of web slowly set out down the sewer tunnel. As they passed the second intersection from the EGG building, the two women saw the remaining three corrupted humans. They had moved farther along the intersection where it branched away from the path they traveled, it was no trouble to sneak past them.

They made it back to the door to the EGG compound without incident, about to walk in, when Mary suddenly stopped Aura, indicating the door they had shut behind them was now open and she heard something. When Aura listened, she heard sniffing sounds as well as clawed feet tapping on the floor. Mary mouthed silently, "Dogs." It sounded like there were at least two of them. It was up to Aura what to do now, but if they remained here much longer, the dogs would likely smell them and take the initiative away from them.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura froze. She'd still be counting on the Egg building to be safe, if for no other reason then that the local population shouldn't have immediately known when its defenses became less effective. But either they'd simply gotten unlucky and something had wandered by, ignorant that there was supposed to be any sort of defense... or someone intelligent had noticed the change and decided to investigate, bringing dogs with them.

She tried to think. She didn't remember any dogs in the Theater, or with the men from there. But her mind had rather been focused on other things most of the time, and nothing said a second group couldn't be active in the area. Probably just dogs, but she couldn't rule out handlers.

And she knew dogs had amazing senses of smells. They could smell a person on the other side of an open door. They would be able to tell that there were two people. That they were both human women. Possibly even that one was pregnant and the other wasn't. And - regardless of if there were handlers or not - they would almost certainly be leaving whatever they were doing and trying to catch her and Mary.

Her first instinct was to run. But even if Aura hadn't been pregnant, she knew she couldn't outrun a dog. It would be able to track her for hours if not days after she fled, even if it didn't notice her scent until after she was gone. The only feasible way to escape would be to close the door and wait for the dogs to leave the building another way. And that went right out the window when she recalled that the door had been closed when they'd left. So one way or another closing it wasn't any real safety.

That left a fight. Naked and unarmed, she didn't fancy her chances against anything larger than a lab. Probably not even against a lab, if it was wild or trained specifically to hunt women, which seemed the only likely options. And if there were more than two, or they had men with them... a fair fight wasn't going to end with anything but defeat. And in this time, probably rape. Aura shuddered, trying not to imagine a dog fucking her. Or perhaps she'd escape on account of already being pregnant. At least dogs weren't likely to try to kidnap her... unless they had handlers, in which case they almost certainly would. "Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Um... fuck."

The only viable option was to take them from ambush. But sneaking up on a dog wasn't easy. And even then, what would she do? Hit it with her fist? That still didn't seem like the opening move of an engagement that ended well. Her stomach churned, and not just because of her womb full of spider eggs. "Mary? Any ideas?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary looked worriedly at Aura as the pregnant redhead asked her what to do for an idea. She was about to respond when they heard the dogs stop moving around in the room. Then they heard the dogs audibly sniff the air, followed by a brief pause and a low growl. Mary's eyes widened, and as the clawed footsteps started to click towards the door, the young woman darted forward and slammed the door closed. It wasn't a moment too soon, as almost immediately after there were two loud thumps of presumably the dogs hitting the door. Fortunately it was well constructed, and there was no way just two dogs could break through.

"It's just the dogs, but we should still get out of here!" Mary's voice was an odd mixture of half-whisper and half-shout as she took off back the way they came, grabbing Aura's hand to lead her back in the other direction.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura let out a sigh of relief as the door closed just before the dogs reached it. She felt Mary grab her hand, and almost jumped, before hurrying after her friend as quickly as she could. But while closing the door bought them time, she didn't think it got them out of trouble entirely. "We didn't leave the door open, did we? If they got past it once they can do it again. And they can follow us for... well, for further than I can run like this." She gestured with her free hand at her belly.

"Do you know a way out of here? If we got outside maybe we could find a tree or something..." Aura bit her lip. "Mary... if you have to leave me behind to escape... better one of us gets away than neither." The redhead felt a bit pathetic saying that, but it was true. Mary was tugging on her hand, urging speed, but Aura already felt her pace slacking, slowly but steadily. It might be hours until she gave birth, and she'd only get slower.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary slowed down between the first and second intersections before finally coming to a stop and allowing Aura to catch her breath. "Well it's weird, the door definitely locked the first time, I know I did this time and there was no sign of it being forced open..."

At the mention of finding a way out of the sewer, Mary frowned thoughtfully. "Well I'm not sure...I don't know where the tunnels down here lead." Her eyes widened as Aura mentioned leaving her in the sewer tunnels if she had to. "Like hell!" she raised her voice as much as she dared in the tunnels. "We only have a few options and that and abandoning you isn't one of them. We can't go back to that entrance to EGG corp, we could make our way to the surface and take one of the surface ways back in, though I don't know which way we should go. Or we could try and get the power back on again." Mary took Aura's hand again but this time it was in a friendly and reassuring manner rather than a frantic one.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

"Well... getting the power back on would probably be best. But I think I might rather try the dogs than those spiders again. I guess we go to the surface, and hope we can figure out where we are? And maybe that the dogs wander away?" Unless Mary could think of a better way to deal with the power than their first attempt, that seemed to be the best hope.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Mary frowned, obviously frustrated that they had to give up and take their chances with the rest of the sewer, but she nodded. "I understand. I just hope we can find our way out of this pit." At Aura's go-ahead, Mary took her hand with a supportive smile and the two slowly walked down the 'T' of the second intersection, the one that had been inhabited by the low-functioning corrupted humans much earlier.

After journeying down the road for awhile, there was came to another T-intersection. There were three options for continuing. The path to the left sloped downwards noticeably, and the two girls could hear water running somewhere down the path. There was nothing notable about the path to the right. Directly in front of them was an old, rusty door built into the wall. Mary looked at Aura expectantly. "Which way?"
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

The rusty door seemed dangerous. Probably it was just a door to a janitorial closet or something, full of expired chemicals. And even if it wasn't, it would probably be loud to open, if they could even manage it. Lacking an Exit sign, Aura dismissed it. She looked down the right passage, then the left. "Water has to run out of here eventually, right? To a stream or something?"

If there wasn't any objection from Mary, the pregnant redhead would start downward on the left path.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura received a nervous nod from Mary and the two young women headed down the path towards water. It took a few minutes, but eventually they reached the source of the noise.

What they found was that a section of the wall had collapsed over the years, bringing down a portion of the ceiling as well. The sewer path forward was blocked, now though there were two substantial holes in the wall, one where the water flowed from, and the other that the water was traveling through. As the girls stood there to consider their options, they heard a series of wet plops behind them. Turning to look, they saw that three slimes, two blue and one red, had dropped down behind them, cutting them off from the way they had come.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura considered the collapsed section. It didn't give her great confidence in the roof above them. But it reinforced her earlier thoughts about the water. So long since the collapse of civilization it hadn't been likely that there was anything flowing towards a sewage treatment plant, but she'd hoped for a stormwater drain or something of that sort. "Well... I guess at least it's a way out of the sewers. That's a start. Which way, do you think? Downstream?"

At which point, three slimes dropped between the women and the way they'd come. Aura recalled that Mary had said the slimes weren't so bad. They couldn't knock you up - not that Aura was terribly worried about that, at least for the moment - and they wouldn't capture you to breed with indefinitely, like the spiders.

But that hardly mattered. They were both unarmed, and Aura at least didn't fancy being raped even if she was already pregnant. If nothing else, the sounds might attract attention. Or even just hold them up while the dogs figured out a way past the door... "Run!"

She turned and ran - or moved as quickly as she could, given her state - downstream.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Pregnancy penalty: -3 to all rolls
Speed Rolls: Aura+Mary vs Slimes: Mary will match Aura, but +1 for her assistance: 1 vs 17

Mary didn't need any encouragement as she took off downstream with Aura, ducking into passageway carved out by erosion and the other ravages of time. After a few seconds though, she had pulled well ahead of Aura's pregnant bulk, and she doubled back and started helping her through with a guilty expression on her face, the pair of them splashing through the knee-high but fairly narrow stream together. Of course, Aura's pregnancy had been advancing, so she felt somewhat more encumbered now than she had earlier.

The slimes didn't seem hindered by the terrain, in fact, they seemed to move faster with the help of the small stream, allowing it to carry them forwards and towards the two girls. They covered so much ground in that brief span of time that Aura only had moments to come up with something to turn things in their favor or else the slimes would be all over them. Mary called out helpfully, "Not to rush you, but I think they're gaining on us!" It seemed she had at least a little bit of a sense of humor for their current situation.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

There didn't seem much they could do but keep running. There weren't any side passages, the stream wasn't big enough to try to swim in - if Mary even knew how - and Aura was only getting slower. And it became obvious that the redhead had picked the wrong direction. The water didn't really help or hinder the women too much, but the slimes were sped up by it. And if they'd been going the other way, the slimes would have been slowed. She let out a grunt of acknowledgement at Mary's joke, but it was hard to keep up even the pace she was going.

Between that and Aura's increasingly large belly making a full run outright impossible, the outcome seemed inevitable. The heavily pregnant redhead bit her lip and glanced at Mary. Now would be the time for Mary to go on ahead and wait for the slimes to finish with her rather than staying back and getting raped along with her. But Mary had made her opinion on that choice clear. Aura glanced back. The slimes were still catching up. She felt her nipples hardening as her body prepared for what seemed inevitable.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura and Mary vs Slimes: 15 vs 9

Against all odds, Aura managed to find her stride, at least for long enough to build some momentum and make it so the slimes weren't licking at their heals. Unfortunately, after a moment the things were able to roll up into the two girls, sweeping their legs out from under them. The fall wasn't bad, they both landed on the large, slimy cushions that were chasing them. Things didn't stop there though, it seemed the slimes were having trouble stopping their momentum as the gaggle of girls and slimes sloshed down the passageway while the familiar aphrodisiac began to take hold of both girls. Even as they were sliding around, the slimes were starting to get familiar with their charges, beginning spread themselves over their breasts and slick pussies.

The journey came to an abrupt end as the combined group slid into a large open chamber that was mostly flooded, quite a bit of water collecting here, it was probably at least five feet deep in most places, maybe more. "Well, well...what have we here?" A blue, translucent, feminine face poked up out of the water and swam towards the girls. When she got close she pushed the slimey raft towards a rocky outcropping where the water was more shallow. As they got into the shallows, more of the woman was revealed and Aura realized this had to be one of the goo-girls, or goo-women that Mary had told her about. Her entire body was a dark, translucent, blue, and she was clearly made of slime. Speaking of slime, the ones holding her hadn't been violating her. They hadn't released her, but they weren't probing or groping her any more. Even the progress of their aphrodisiac fluids had halted, for the time being at least.

"So, who are you?" the goo-girl didn't seem hostile, more curious than anything. That wasn't to say she wasn't evaluating them for potential breeding, but she wasn't raping them yet, so there was that.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura felt the slime spreading out over her naked body, heading straight for her breasts and pussy. It slid around her fingers as she uselessly tried to hold it back, starting to rub at her, the aphrodisiac making her leak a drop of lubrication. She gasped as the slime squeezed gently at one breast, surprised at how sensitive it was.

It took a moment to realize that the slime's advance had stopped. No penetration, no further molestation. Even the aphrodisiac, while it hadn't faded, wasn't growing more intense. She looked blearily around, and spotted the goo girl, and stared blankly for a moment at her question.

Mary had said the goo girl she'd met was intelligent and friendly. And capable of impregnating a woman with her 'core' every day or two. Mary had also apparently rather liked her. Finally she spoke up. Honesty seemed, in this case, like the best policy. "Um. I'm Aura, this is Mary. We were just looking for a way back to the surface..."
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

When Aura introduced herself and Mary, the goo girl's eyes widened. "Did you say-"

"BELL!!!" The humanoid was cut off as Mary joyfully exploded out of slime that held her, or at least tried to. She couldn't really get any traction and so she ended up flailing and thrashing around until the goo girl reached over and plucked her out with apparent ease.

"Oh Mary! I can't believe I didn't recognize you with your pretty brown hair! It's gotten longer since last time!" Unbelievably, it seemed like this was the goo girl from Mary's earlier story. What she was doing down here was anybody's guess though. Right now though, it seemed she was happy to pick right back up where she and Mary had left off. The two were passionately making out. It almost seemed like Mary was trying to eat Bell's face while humping herself against the goo girl's leg intensely. On closer examination, Aura could see a small red heart-shaped thing suspended in the goo girl's body, probably the core Mary had mentioned.

Of course, while the two women instantly started to embarrass themselves in front of Aura, there was something that might be of more pressing concern to her was the slimes. Whatever had stopped there more aggressive advances earlier seemed to have faded as the amorphous blobs began to slowly advance over her again. Their aphrodisiac effects activated as did their vibrations, and they started reaching towards all of her erogenous zones. Before she had a chance to do anything, her breasts were once again covered in red, vibrating, sensitizing slime while blue goo was just now reaching her labia. She could feel herself beginning to sink into the mass of slime she was currently riding on, and while it felt very good, there wasn't a lot of time for her to divert the course of events. From the looks of things, Mary and the goo girl apparently called 'Bell' didn't notice what was happening to her. Likely they wouldn't until after they finished, however long that could take, unless Aura did something about it.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura smiled, seeing her friend reunited with the goo-girl she'd apparently rather liked. It took a couple of seconds to realize that this probably wasn't going to stop at a kiss. In fact - as the redhead realized what the little heart-shaped thing likely was - it seemed likely to end with Mary pregnant. Which would be bad enough even if it wasn't happening right in front of Aura. She tried to pull herself away, but didn't have any more luck than Mary had before the goo-girl had helped her. She felt herself blushing. "Um... Mary... would you mind..."

Aura felt herself about to moan, and cut off She tried again. "Would you m-m-" the redhead stifled another moan, blushing furiously. And then glanced down to find her slightly-swollen and incredibly sensitive breasts covered in red slime. Vibrating red slime. Whatever the goo-girl had done to hold the mindless ones back was gone now that she was focusing on something else. And the aphrodisiac was back in full force. This time the pregnant woman couldn't help but let out a moan.

Something brushed across her lower lips, and she looked down. She couldn't see what was going on with her belly in the way, but she could feel it. The slime spreading across her lady parts, vibrating and soaking her in aphrodisiac. She struggled weakly, but it felt so good... "M-mary..." it didn't come out with any sort of force. She knew what would come next, now that the slime was covering every sensitive part of her body, and she knew she shouldn't let it. But she was so horny by then that she wasn't sure she'd be able to make herself pull away even if she'd been physically able.

Aura's body seized as she came, before the slime had even penetrated her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura's timid voice wasn't nearly enough to distract Mary and Bell from their coital reunion. She could see that the goo woman had manifested some of her slime into a very convincing, very pleasurable looking tool. From what she could tell, Mary seemed very appreciative as she humped up and down on it, requiring little help from her inhuman lover as she moaned into her mouth. Their embrace was so passionate that there was at least a thin film of slime coating the entirety of the beautiful brunette's body, more in some places.

The good news for Aura was that these two were so wrapped up in each other that they missed her orgasm and there was no way they would notice her getting pleasured by the slimes unless she was incredibly loud.

The bad news for Aura was that these two were so wrapped up in each other that they missed her orgasm and there was no way they would notice her getting pleasured by the slimes unless she was incredibly loud.

Ultimately, her battle with her self restraint to preserve her modesty cost her the chance to escape from her slimy lovers. The time it took for her to try and get her voice under control gave the slimes enough time to coat her in erotic fluids and begin to stimulate her the insides of her vagina. As if they could sense what she had been through earlier, their touches were delicate and soft. The slime inside of her acted as little more than vibrating water, stimulating her to no end but without all of the rough action of an actual phallus. As she sunk further into the slime, some surrounded her pregnancy-swollen stomach and gently began to shift its entire vibrating mass over and around the bulge. The relief to her sore and pregnancy-abused abdominal muscles was palpable.

If Aura didn't manage to get the two love birds' attention during this process, she would find herself almost completely encased in a mixture of red and blue slime. Her head was left free and comfortably propped up, giving her a great view of welcome-back sex that was happening in front of her.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura was still vaguely aware of the couple now definitely having sex right in front of her, and that she probably shouldn't be watching. But it was getting difficult to care, as the slime finally eased itself into her frequently-abused cunt. She gasped, eyes going wide as the aphrodisiacs it brought with it soaked into her inner folds. And then the vibrating mass pushed itself in further.

The redhead found herself fighting to remember why she didn't want the slime inside her. She came again as the slime continued spreading out, covering more of her body, until by the time she recovered all that wasn't covered was her head. The sight of Mary getting fucked was almost as arousing as the vibrating mass massaging her entire body, and within seconds she was moaning her way towards yet another climax.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Now the slimes had almost completely engulfed Aura, still leaving her head free and comfortably supporting it and the rest of her body. The aroused girl could feel the slime vibrating and licking all over her involuntarily quivering form. As the slime slowly moved around and inside her, it would softly build her up to a wonderful orgasm, and while she relaxed in her post orgasmic bliss, it would penetrate her a little further before repeating the process. It wasn't long before slime was actually gently occupying her womb.

In the meantime, the display in front of her had moved from one of tender lovemaking to a passionate, if still loving, fuck. Another slime had moved up to the two women and Bell had Mary leaning against it for comfort and support as the slime woman took her from behind. Aura's slime raft floated her closer to the pair, allowing her to look through Bell and into Mary's stretched open pussy as the translucent cock thrust into her. The lusty cries of both women told Aura they were having a good time and didn't care who knew about it. As the spectacle continued, the slime Mary was rested on slowly floated out into the center of the pool as Bell continued to ride her from behind. Aura's group slowly orbited around them, affording her many different views of her friend taking it doggy style from this slime woman.

This show combined with the erotic massage and very slow, equally gentle loving she was receiving from her slime-float delayed her notice of something else that was happening to her. The pressure in her womb was slowly being relieved and the swelling in her abdomen was going down. When she noticed, she might first think she was giving birth, but after a moment it would become clear that the slime was actually removing the eggs from her womb and transporting them through itself and out of her. Of course during this their ministrations to her didn't stop, they continued right on vibrating against all of her most sensitive erogenous zones.
Re: Eggception (thetwo)

Aura cried out as each egg was pulled from her womb, vibrating its way down her canal and out into the pool. Meanwhile, continued attention to her breasts, outer petals, and clit kept her cumming. Not to mention the sight of Mary, stretched out and taking it hard from behind, and apparently loving it. She could no longer exactly remember why she didn't want this.

Her deflating belly was, however, a mild cause for concern. On the one hand, getting rid of the stupid spider eggs would have been wonderful even if it hadn't also meant she could walk normally, and run more than a few steps. And getting rid of them without labor pain was even better. But Aura couldn't help but think that perhaps if the slime was removing her eggs, it was in preparation for adding something else. Her friend had said that only the goo-girls could actually impregnate - and she blushed just thinking about being forced to watch that - but Mary wasn't infallible. Or there could even be a second, less kind goo girl, taking advantage of Bell's distraction to knock up the woman she'd ignored.

Still, she wasn't exactly in a position to do anything about it, even if that were the case. All she could do was take what the slime dished out, watch her friend get fucked, and periodically moan with pleasure as she was brought to yet another orgasm.