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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Character Name: Elise Langray Crimea

Character Race: Half Elf, Half Mathosian.

Character Class: Assassin

Starting Stats:

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 20
Intelligence: 35

Starting Accuracy: 155
Starting Magical Accuracy: 175
Starting Evasion: 160+50=210
Freedom Rating: 155
Sexual Freedom Rating: 150
Magical Defense: 175
Speed Rating: 160

Starting HP: 105
Starting Mana: 40
Starting Sexual Stamina: 160

Special Skills:

Swift Edge Chain: This chain hits for 150 up to three times for a maximum of 450 damage. Each hit MUST connect to keep the chain going. Physical Attack.

Rune Carve Chain: This chain hits for 100 up to five times for a maximum of 500 damage. When this chain ends, the Assassin uses her limited magical powers to detonate invisible runes left behind by this chain. For each hit that landed, the detonation deals 100 damage, for a maximum of 500 additional damage. Mana Cost - 15. Physical Attack on the Carves, Magical Attack on the Detonation. Magic Damage is not affected by Clear Focus, it requires a roll. Has a five turn cool down.

Beast Swipe: This attack deals 300 damage and stuns the target for one turn. Three turn cool down. Physical Attack.

Signet of Agony Chain: This chain hits for 100 up to five times for a maximum of 500 damage. When this chain ends the Assassin uses her limited magical powers to detonate invisible runes left behind by this chain. The detonation deals 100 additional damage, and if 3 or more attacks landed prior to this then the target is placed in an energy hold for two turns. Mana Cost - 25. Physical Attack on the Carves, Magical Attack on the Detonation. Magic Damage is not affected by Clear Focus, it requires a roll. Has a five turn cool down.

Clear Focus: This semi-passive skill allows the Assassin to deal twice the normal damge she normally would with each attack. This skill lasts for four turns and has a cooldown of fifteen. However, if the Assassin is raped during this time, the skill ends and enters a twelve round cool down from the time she escapes rape. Mana Cost - 5. This skill may be used to pre-buff before any physical damage dealing attack and does not consume your turn. This does not stack with critical hits OR amplify, essentially replacing them. This does not crit hit any shadow damage dealing spells.

Class Specific Skills:

Evasive Boost - This passive skill greatly boosts the Assassin's evasion stat by 50, allowing her a greater chance to evade attacks.

Assassin's Defense - When an Assassin is raped to an orgasm (pussy ONLY), her body can release a powerful muscular contraction which takes 5% of the enemies maximum health, and hurts them enough to prevent them from attempting any moves for a full turn, and eliminates their chance to avoid an attack for that round. If she is sucked off or gripped in a pussy, nothing happens.

Class Specific Perks: +10 to rolls and -10 pleasure vs. Male Enemies

Class Specific Weaknesses: -10 to rolls and +10 pleasure vs. Female Enemies

Racial Notes:

Being half Elf and half Mathosian, Elise will have +20 to rolls against Male Ogres, Male Balaur and Male Demons, as well as -10 pleasure against them. She will also have -20 rolls and +10 pleasure to all Female Demons. She will have normal rolls against tentacle rape due to her being an Assassin with +10 against Male Enemies cancelling out her -10 against Tentacle Rape. However a few enemies can Tentacle Rape her that aren't Male, so she will suffer a -10 roll against them. Those enemies are the Tentacle Pit Trap, Life Rift, Death Rift and Tentacle Tree/Pole Trap. She gets a -20 against Baalina, Nelvoken Females, Flesh Teaser, Queen Leech, and the Tentacled Drayne Queen due to them being Female. If her attacker was a Male Tentacle Demon, she only will have a +10 roll against him She's also extremely fertile, requiring only a 6+ roll to get pregnant, or a 6+ roll to impregnate someone else. Note: Tentacle Rape means she is the one getting penetrated by tentacles somewhere. It does not apply if the tentacle sucks her dick or something like that.

Elves - Elves are strong against Ogre and Balaur Rape but weak against Female Demonic Rape. +10 to all rolls against Ogre and Balaur Rape, -10 to all Female Demon Rape. Elves are more fertile than humans, so they require 1 less point on the dice roll to become pregnant, or impregnate their attackers, regardless of what attacked them.

Mathosians - Mathosians are strong against Male Demonic Rape but weak against Tentacle Rape. +10 to all rolls against Male Demon Rape, -10 to all Tentacle Rape. Mathosian's are more fertile than Humans, and give up their seed even more easily than elves do. -2 points to become pregnant or impregnate their attackers, regardless of what attacked them.

Orientation: TANK Class

Available Weapons: Dual daggers.

Appearance: She is 5'10" tall, Pinkish purple eyes, long black hair that she keeps in a ponytail but lets it down at times to hang freely, large and quite perky E-cup breasts that jiggle deliciously as she walks, one very tight pussy, a large 12 inch long and 1 and 3/4 inch thick penis with testes underneath for the many enemies to tickle and milk dry repeatedly, and she produces a lot of potent seed with every orgasm which all of her foes will enjoy, regardless of how many times she's already reached orgasm without a rest. She also has pointed elven ears.

Elise awoke with a start, nearly falling flat on her face. Groggily, she looked around, realizing suddenly she'd come out of something that looked like a cryo-sleep pod. Blinking, it was now she realized she was completely nude. Before she could completely comprehend that, a voice filled the room she was in.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure my dear Elise. You've been chosen to participate in a game. In this game, you will try to survive for as long as you can, using special abilities you've been granted. The goal of course is to get home, but along the way you'll encounter many chances to have some fun. By fun of course I mean there will be plenty of chances for you to have hot, fun sex with my friends. Now, I've been told you have a lovely girlfriend by the name of Brianna Crescent Crimea. I'm sure you want to see her again, so be a good little girl and play the game. Actually, in truth, she's here, on this planet herself. Such a lovely young woman, I do hope she manages to get here so I can play with her too. Alas, the last time I checked in on her, she was quite enjoying the ride of her life from a Succubus about a mile from you. Do you think you can save her? Or perhaps you'd like to join in the fun and help corrupt your friend into a demon through sex? Better get going either way, soon enough my friends will come for you. Don't go down too easily, hahaha."

About the time the message ended, a door opened up that led upstairs, probably to the surface. She'd spot a pair of daggers on the table, which seemed to be, given the information she had in her mind, her weapons. Apparently she was an Assassin.

((Only Option at this stage is to get moving))
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

(Shouldn't she have -10 to tentacle rape and -10 to female demon rape rather than just -20 to female demon rape and no penalty to tentacle rape? Though if it's a female demon that has tentacles it's a moot point I suppose. Or is that supposed to be -20 to attack female demons and I just goofed and didn't realize it was that?)

Elise's sweet slumber that she'd remembered going into with her beloved Brianna was disturbed with quite a start as she saw the floor rushing up to meet her face. Throwing her strong arms out in front of her she barely managed to catch herself before face planting the floor. Her eyes bleary with sleep still in them, Elise kind of just rolled over to sit as she looked around to get her bearings. She could tell she was naked just from the breeze hitting every bit of her skin, and this didn't disturb her all that much really since she remembered going to bed without any clothing on. It was all so blurry and muddled that she couldn't really remember much.

"Gods I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much last night. Ugh... Brianna, what time is..." Elise began saying, though before she looked back at where she'd fallen from and saw what looked to be a stasis pod of some sort from the looks of it. It was then that she heard the voice booming throughout the room. Elise's eyes widened a great deal as soon as she heard Brianna's name and that she was nearby and what was happening to her. "What the fuck? Now you listen here you son of a bitch, I'll gut you from asshole to appetite if you don't release Brianna right now, bring her to me, and send us home. And for your information we haven't gotten married yet, so she doesn't have the Crimea name yet you prick," Elise said to whoever the voice had come from as she noticed the door opening up.

Regardless of if the voice answered her or not, Elise got up and shook the sleep from her head then looked around at her surroundings. This wasn't home obviously, which meant that this wasn't a dream. Or was it? Elise reached over and pinched her arm. "Ouch!" Elise said as she pinched herself. Yep it wasn't a dream, definitely not. If that was the case then she had to hurry and get to Brianna before it was too late. Spotting the daggers on the nearby table, Elise rushed over to them, grabbed them, and felt the power that she'd apparently been granted rising up within her. She had always been quick and nimble for being a halfbreed like she was, combining the lithe agility of her elven side with the strength of her Mathosian side to be able to climb easily and whatnot, but this... she felt deadly with this power. She itched to try it out on this succubus that the voice had told her was taking her Brianna.

"Hold on Brianna, I'm coming to get you. Just hold on and don't forget my promise that I'd always come a running if you were in trouble," Elise muttered under her breath as she looked around for anything else in the room before rushing for the door to look outside and see if she can spot Brianna since she was only a mile off according to whoever this guy... thing was that spoke to her. If she found a path, then she'd take it if she couldn't spot Brianna in the distance anywhere.
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((She doesn't because her being an Assassin with +10 vs. Male Enemies cancels out the -10 to Tentacle Rape there, except for a few bosses. I have made a note of Female Bosses or enemies that she'll get that -10 to and that Male Tentacle Demons she only gets a +10. Thanks for pointing out that flaw there to me. Now I have to edit everyone's sheet with that as needed.))

Taking the weapon and venturing outside, the first thing that Elise would notice was that she was on the top of a hill, overlooking a massive ocean that was almost emerald green in color. The sky however was orange, not like the sky at home, and even though it was broad daylight she could make out at least a dozen moons in the sky. Once she turned around, she'd spot the only way to go, and that looked to be through a small, but dense wooded area. Wherever she'd been taken to, it wasn't on her home planet, that much was for sure. In fact, she didn't recognize anything off the landscape or the moon alignment, which meant she probably wasn't on any of the worlds they knew about. So where the hell was she? The most stunning thing though was the sexy black haired woman who appeared suddenly, looking like a phantom projection!

"Hello, my name is Cassidy. My duty is to guide you the best that I can through this place, in the hopes you can survive. The creatures you will undoubtedly encounter are lustful beasts who will stop at nothing to sexually corrupt you. Don't let that happen. I'm limited in how I can help you, but I will do my best. As you progress through this place, I will appear to you, guiding you as best as I can. When the time is right, I will see you again. Farewell for now, and good luck."

As suddenly as she appeared, she was gone, leaving Elise to wonder who she really was, and could she be another person who needed help herself to escape and was trying to help her, but keeping a low profile? What was her role, and who was she really. For that matter, what species was she? Was she Mathosian, or something else?


1: Move Onward and into the Woods!

2: Stand and Gawk at the surroundings (chance to be ambushed).
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Rushing up and outside, Elise found herself at the top of a hill that overlooked a very large emerald green ocean. It was quite beautiful to say the least, but Elise didn't have time to stand around and look at the scenery right now, she had to find Brianna. Looking up at the sky she saw it was orange in color, much different than home, and this was the final nail in the coffin as it were that sealed the thought in her mind that she wasn't just dreaming as she pinched herself again at the sight of it all. Turning around to look in the other direction, Elise saw a quite dense forest area, and looking up at the sky she saw a strange looking moon that looked nothing like the moon of her homeworld, or any world that her people knew about for that matter.

"Gods where the hell am I? And where is Brianna?" Elise asked nobody in particular as she looked around some more.

As she stood there wondering where she was exactly, Elise saw a beautiful and very sexy woman with black hair like her own suddenly appear in front of her. Elise kind of just stood there stunned at how suddenly she appeared as the woman talked to her, but she quickly listened to what she had to say, nodding her head as she finished up. "W-Wait miss, please don't leave yet. Can you tell me where Brianna is?" Elise called out to Cassidy as she'd introduced herself.

"I'm no stranger to sex, so these things she mentioned will find me no easy prey. Hell I might even be able to show them a thing or two myself," Elise said confidently, regardless of if Cassidy or anyone else heard her or not. "But I've got to find Brianna and soon in case what that bastard said was true. But she would never choose someone else over me, I know that. Who knows, maybe I can even make them a part of my harem, with Brianna as the head of it," Elise added with a confident nod of her head, setting off towards the wooded area and hopefully towards Brianna, still wondering who this Cassidy was exactly and if she was a friend or foe, or neutral party. As she went onwards, Elise kept her eyes peeled for any sign of either Brianna or trouble, whichever came first.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As Elise made her way into the woods she came across a building sitting there, one that seemed like it had been made specifically to hole out in for a period of time. It was sturdy, with a door that she could enter by. She decided to check the place out, maybe Brianna was here? She entered the building, discovering it to be large enough to comfortably house four or five people, but no sign of Brianna, or anything living for that matter. However she did find herself a nice little single use Stun Gun!

Stun Gun - This little one use stunner jolts your enemy with a blast of shadow energy, dealing 100 damage and allowing you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

There seemed to be nothing else of value here, and she couldn't stay here without finding Brianna at least.

((Only option is to move on at this point.))
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As Elise walked on towards the forest, she noticed a building along the way on the side of the path. It was a quaint little house that didn't look like it was meant to live in for a long period of time, but it would suffice to stay in for a short time at least. If only she had Brianna here with her then they could hold up here for the day maybe until they were fully recovered from waking in the stasis pods. Heading over to the door, Elise took a peek inside, wondering if Brianna might possibly be inside resting or something, or if what the voice said was true if she were inside being ridden by one of these succubi.

"Hold on love, I'll find you soon," Elise muttered to herself as she went inside.

The place was pretty large considering, but that mattered little to Elise as Brianna wasn't inside, now anyone or anything else either. The only thing of any interest she found was a little stun gun good for one shot, which she snatched up to use on anything that might grab her. "This'll definitely come in handy, hell if I find Brianna under a succubus then I'll jolt the bitch right in the ass," Elise said as she looked at the thing.

Rushing back out, Elise moved on quickly, but kept a wary eye out for any dangers of her surroundings. Maybe she could come back to this place with Brianna if she found her close by, and they could rest for a bit and maybe get a bite to eat and some clothes, and hopefully figure out a bit more of their situation if this Cassidy showed herself again to her.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Heading back out into the woods, Elise continued on, quickly finding that she couldn't figure out what direction was what! She'd lost her bearings, and had no idea if the house thing was behind her or where it was. She suddenly found herself looking at another building like she'd left, only this one seemed to be made of a different type of material. Poking her head inside, she found a nice Mini Knife she could take with her. Grabbing that, she moved on again.

Mini Knife - Stab your enemy with defense and immunity ignoring damage for 75 damage, allowing you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

Elise now has a Stun Gun and a Mini Knife.

Moving onward, once again Elise found herself lost in these damn woods. She finally stopped when she saw a strange device on the ground that her mind recognized as a Neural Impactor, though she had no idea how she knew that.

Neural Impactor - Fits onto your hand and when used smacks your enemy for 120 shadow damage by causing their nerves to misfire. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled. Doesn't work on most traps.

Elise now has a Neural Impactor, a Stun Gun AND a Mini Knife.

Elise noted that the area had numerous tracks on the forest floor, which led her to believe a patrol came by every now and then.


1: Move On.

2: Wait for the Patrol and attack them.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

After a short while of walking and quite a few twists and turns through the woods later, Elise found herself quite thoroughly lost to say the least. "Well shit this is very embarrassing," Elise muttered as she stood there looking around while the breeze blew against her naked skin, making her shiver slightly.

Just then she noticed the building she'd left earlier, or at least she thought it was until she moved over to it for a closer look. It turned out to be another similar, yet altogether different building, as it was built of a different material. She peeked inside, but found no one just like at the last building, which worried her. Had she really been put onto a deserted planet and the voice was just screwing with her? Surely if he had minions that were supposed to attack her just as Cassidy had warned her of, then she'd have met at least one by now. Taking the miniature knife, Elise moved on and tried to make her way through the woods again, hopefully this time without getting lost.

As it turned out, Elise had a very bad sense of direction and ended up turned around yet again and lost. Sighing heavily at her damned luck, Elise managed to stumble along and into a small clearing where she saw a strange looking contraption laying on the ground ahead of her. She went over and grabbed the thing, looking at it closely and found herself knowing exactly what it was just as she had the previous two items she'd found. "Well at least I'll be well prepared for anything when it does come to a fight," Elise mumbled to herself, liking the fact she was finding a bit of decent equipment before finding Brianna so she could better rescue her beloved elven soon to be bride... well once they got out of this place at least she would be.

Picking up the neural impactor and fixing it to her hand to keep ready, Elise moved onwards yet again, likely to get lost again knowing her luck and sense of direction. Before moving on though she had a quick look around and noticed tracks, indicating that there were other people or things at the very least around. She idly wondered if she should wait for anyone to come along and ambush them and force them to tell her where Brianna was, but then she figured that sooner or later she'd find someone anyway and it was better to keep moving just in case she ended up finding Brianna on her own.

[Moving on]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise continued on, finding yet another area riddled with footprints, but still no signs of life. Yet another empty area, though now she'd finally reached an area where the trees started getting a little less dense, so maybe she was nearing the end of the forest? She kept going for now, and then ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 175+150=325 vs. Elise: 150+258=408

... some sense kicked in and for reasons she couldn't explain, Elise suddenly rolled forward, sensing something very wrong. It proved to be a good thing, for as she came back up out of her roll and looked behind her, she saw a tentacle snaking about from somewhere up in the tree, searching for her. After a moment it gave up, vanishing into the tree tops once more, but she had come pretty close to having something with tentacles grabbing her! Before she could really drift off to what might have been, a voice called out to her from only a few yards away.

"E .. Elise? Is that you?"

When she turned to look, her heart would stop for a moment. It was Brianna! She was completely nude, and she looked worn down, signs of forced sex on her body. Her legs still trembled slightly, and she had a red mark or two on her cock that looked like something might have bitten her there. She had a large metallic staff with her, but she seemed to be leaning heavily on it right now as she 'limped' her way over towards Elise, seeming to still somehow be on edge in case it wasn't really Elise.

Brianna has joined you!

Character Name: Brianna Crescent Crimea

Character Race: Elf

Character Class: Chantress

Strength: 20
Dexterity: 30
Vitality: 35
Energy: 40
Intelligence: 25

Starting Accuracy: 145
Starting Magical Accuracy: 125
Starting Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 125
Sexual Freedom Rating: 120
Magical Defense: 125
Speed Rating: 140

Starting HP: 70
Starting Mana: 120
Starting Sexual Stamina: 180

Mantra of Persistence - While this buff is active, each party member has 25% more Health, 20% More Mana and 30% more Sexual Stamina. This buff remains active from the time it is cast through an entire battle, unless the Chantress is raped. Once penetrated, the buff fails and must be recast later when she is free. Mana Cost - 50.

Mantra of Speed - While this buff is active, your companion is able to have two actions per turn. If they are being raped, they have two chances to escape penetration. If attacking, they can attack twice with the same skill at only the cost of one cast. This might be one of the more useful spells later in the game, along with Persistence. As with all buffs, if the Chantress is raped, the buff ends. This buff however only lasts for 10 turns regardless before it must be recast. Mana Cost - 50.

Replication - This skill allows the Chantress to replicate ANY ITEM in the game except an item that you can only have one of at a time upon their dropping. A highly useful skill, it is used at the end of a fight, so plan your mana usage wisely. Mana Cost - 60.

Holy Blast - This skill deals 300 Holy Damage if it hits, double against undead and demons. This damage cannot be reduced, nor enhanced, it will always do 300 damage to non demons or non undead, or 600 if they are demonic or undead. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Class Specific Skills:

Sexual Frustration - The name to this is misleading to say the least. This passive skill doesn't block pleasure the Chantress suffers, nor does it increase her chances to avoid getting raped. Instead it allows her a little payback. When the Chantress is raped to an orgasm, her body rapidly channels the pleasure she suffers into raw energy, and upon her orgasm the Chantress's body will release this energy in the form of a directed blast of damage upon any enemy raping her at that time. The damage will be equal to her MAXIMUM Sexual Stamina, so to begin with an orgasm would deal 180 damage to any and all enemies who were alive at the time she suffered an orgasm.

Heavenly Delight - The Chantress can, once per battle, choose either herself or her ally to target with this. This spell allows for whoever is targeted to completely resist taking KP from that point on until she suffers an orgasm. Once the target has an orgasm, the spell is broken and she can gain KP again. Very useful in a situation where things aren't going
well and you need a boost, or in combination with a class that can deal damage when they orgasm, allowing them a cheap way to kill something, or seriously mess it up. The only drawback to this spell is it consumes whatever mana the Chantress still had at that point, leaving her very limited until she can regen. If she has some potions though, this isn't such a loss. The Chantress can't cast if she is penetrated, or penetrating, but she can if she's grappled. Mana Cost: 100 to start.

Class Specific Perks: +10 to ALL rolls and -10 Pleasure against Bug type creatures.

Class Specific Weaknesses: -10 to ALL rolls and +10 Pleasure against Female Plant enemies.

Racial Notes: Elves - Elves are strong against Ogre and Balaur Rape but weak against Female Demonic Rape. +10 to all rolls against Ogre and Balaur Rape, -10 to all Female Demon Rape. Elves are more fertile than humans, so they require 1 less point on the dice roll to become pregnant, or impregnate their attackers, regardless of what attacked them.

Orientation: NEUTRAL Class

Available Weapon: Staff.

Appearance: She's 5'6" even, green eyes, long black hair that falls unbound to the top of her butt, perky DD-cup breasts, a very tight elven pussy, and a large 11 inch long inch and a half thick penis between her legs, but no

Brianna's Current Updated Stats:

KP: 9,377/50,000. KL: 0. Full Stats Elsewhere.


1: Talk with her but tell her you have to move on so you aren't seen by someone or something.

2: Throw caution to the wind and talk to her, but stay put. (Chance of being attacked).

3: Have reunion sex! (Chance of being attacked during that, chance of one or both getting pregnant depending on how they go at it, and KP will be gained.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Traveling onwards for a time, Elise soon found her way to another small clearing where she found some more footprints all over the place, but she still found no signs of anybody or anything around. This made her quite worried that she was totally lost, or worse not really on the same planet as Brianna. She did notice however that the trees were a bit less dense around her now though. Figuring that she was nearing the edges of the forest, Elise pressed onwards until she suddenly felt a presence and tumbled forward and away from whatever it was she'd sensed. Glancing over her shoulder she saw a tentacle whirling around as if trying to snatch her up from a tree, but since she'd gotten out of its reach it gave up and went back to its roost up in the branches of the tree.

"Whew that was close, glad my danger senses kicked in when they did," Elise muttered to herself as she watched the tentacle retreating.

As she was thinking of just what the thing was and or what could have happened should she not have gotten out of the way in time like she had, Elise heard a familiar voice call out to her through the nearby trees. Looking over where it came from, Elise saw Brianna limping towards her, where her eyes instantly teared up as she beheld her. Noticing the state she was in, Elise moved over towards her to help, but noticed the wary eyes of her beloved looking at her and figured that she was unsure if it was really her or not.

"Brianna sweetie, I know you really like it when I nibble on the tips of your ears when we make love. It's really me, I just woke up not too long ago and this guy's voice told me you were nearby. And then this woman named Cassidy showed herself to me. But I don't care about that, I'm so glad you're alive and actually here. Are you okay? What happened to you?" Elise said to Brianna, trying to ease any fears she had of a trick by saying something that only the two of them should know. With that, Elise scooped Brianna up in her strong arms and hugged he tight, almost starting to cry right there but stopping herself from doing so.

"Come on we shouldn't stay put I think, because a tentacle just tried to grab me from that tree there and I've seen footprints all around this place," Elise said to Brianna after hugging her. "Do you need my help to walk? And how long have you been awake? And do you know where we are right now? All I remember was us going to sleep what seemed like yesterday back home, then we woke up here," Elise then asked, supporting Brianna as they went onward, but keeping an eye out for any dangers that may come at them now that she was with her lover again.

[Move on but talk a bit as they do. Also I didn't expect to find her that quickly to say the least... it seems almost too easy.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((Luck of the gods you have.))

Brianna's features softened at Elise's words. Nothing she'd encountered here could possibly know that, if they had then something would have tried doing that to her in an attempt to trigger the same response. She melted into the hug, starting to shudder as emotion went through her, but she got a grip on herself pretty quickly when Elise mentioned they shouldn't stand around. She was right, that was how she'd been caught, experiencing things she wished she hadn't. Looking up to her, she nodded.

"I ... I'm OK. Just worn out from what those things did to me. Cassidy ... yeah I remember her, I think she's either a spirit or one of the other prisoners here that is being forced into a role in this game. She's not one of them, that much I am certain of. As for what happened ..."

She trailed off as they moved along, her face turning red with shame.

"I got raped by a damn succubus. She wasn't content to just ride me though, no. I managed to throw her off of me, but they're FAST. Bitch got me in some kind of magic chair and sucked me off. Bit me when I couldn't hold back ... I'm sorry, she got me to let loose, I couldn't stop her. I barely got away from her. I started out with someone about ... I'm not sure, three weeks ago? Her name was Rachel. They ... they turned her Elise. They made her a Succubus too. Raped her until she stopped fighting it. I didn't think I'd ever see you, or any living being again. This place ... it's full of dangers, full of things that want to rape us. But we're together now, we can kick their asses, because nothing has ever stopped us before, right? This can't be any different."

By now they had exited the forest, finding themselves in a large field of red grass, with a tree here and there, and a small stream of water that seemed to come up from underground. Suddenly ...

Enemy Encounter!

Level 1 Demon Dog (Demon Type):

Stats: Accuracy: 140. Evasion: 130. Capture: 140. Sexual Attack: 150. Magical Defense: 100. Speed: 130. Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600.

Level 2 Karsetti (Tentacle Type):

Stats: Accuracy: 150. Magical Accuracy: 150. Evasion: 150. Capture: 150. Sexual Attack: 150. Magical Defense: 150. Speed: 150. Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8.

Level 3 Possessed Human (Demon Type):

Stats: Accuracy: 140. Evasion: 120. Capture: 145. Sexual Attack: 165. Magical Defense: 75. Speed: 120. Stamina: 175. Pleasure: 30. HP: 700.

Level 3 Slime Blob (Slime Type):

Stats: Accuracy: 185. Magical Accuracy: 125. Evasion: 170. Capture: 175. Sexual Attack: 185. Magical Defense: 125. Speed: 170. Stamina: 95. Pleasure: 30. HP: 300.

Initiative Rolls:

Elise: 160+356=516 (3rd)
Brianna: 140+162=302 (5th)
Demon Dog: 130+439=569 (2nd)
Karsetti: 150+776=926 (1st)
Possessed Human: 120+51=171 (Last)
Slime Blob: 170+166=313 (4th)

Grapple Attempts:

Karsetti: 150+830=980 vs. Elise: 210+179=389 (GRABBED)

The Karsetti lunges and grabs Elise in his tentacles, but Elise uses her Neural Impactor on it, making it let go just as fast as it grabbed her, and dealing 120 Damage to it instantly!

Demon Dog: 140+156=296 vs. Elise: 210+703=913 (EVADE!)

Elise easily dodges the Dog.

Adjusted Stats and Stuff:

Elise now only has a Stun Gun and a Mini Knife left.

Karsetti: Anger Meter: 1/3. HP: 480

Elise's Turn.


1: Attack the Karsetti.

2: Attack the Demon Dog.

3: Attack the Slime Blob.

4: Attack the Possessed Human.

5: Try to run away.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Oh gods you poor thing. I'm so sorry that I wasn't here until now. And don't worry about what happened to you, I'm not ashamed of you and I'm definitely not going to leave you because of that. That guy's voice said you were being raped by a succubus though and that you were only a mile or so from where I was at, up on a hill in that general direction I think overlooking the ocean. But now that I'm here we'll stop at nothing to get home and save as many as we can along the way, but first we need to find out where here is exactly," Elise told Brianna reassuringly, holding her close as they walked and kissing her on the cheek. "And if we run into any more succubi, then we'll rape them back and make them pay for what they did to you," Elise added with a confident nod of her head.

As they walked and talked, Elise noticed that the trees were thinning even more so now and that they seemed to be exiting the forest altogether from the looks of it. This was good she thought, as she didn't like being lost in those damned woods like earlier. "Yeah I kind of got lost in those woods because Cassidy didn't say much of anything when she showed herself and that bastard didn't tell me where you were so I had to just kind of walk aimlessly to find you. I honestly didn't imagine I'd find you that quickly," Elise told Brianna, admitting to getting lost despite not wanting to, but she figured that her bad sense of direction would brighten Brianna's spirits a bit and make her laugh, and with where they were now and what'd happened that would be good indeed.

The red grass they were walking on now was quite beautiful Elise thought, and if the situation weren't so dire she'd even suggest staying there for a while, but she knew they couldn't risk it. When they came upon the stream, Elise was about to suggest they stop there and get a drink and maybe clean Brianna up a bit, but her thoughts were cut short when a patrol of various creatures made their first appearance to her. Bringing her daggers up and getting them ready, Elise slipped her arm from around Brianna where she'd had it up until then and prepared to fight.

Elise barely had time to react before the tentacles of the Karsetti wrapped around her and started trying to tie her up. But Elise was ready for the creature and used her neural impactor and blasted it off of her, raising her daggers again. "Brianna sweetie, stay close to me and try and stay back, let them come at me and we'll see if we can take them down. I'm gonna take out that Slime blob over there first okay, so stay focused and back me up, then I'm gonna take out that Karsetti that just grabbed me," Elise said quickly to Brianna before darting in quickly to attack before it could retaliate.

[Using Clear Focus first and then Swift Edge Chain on the Slime Blob, leaving Brianna's actions up to you of course.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise uses Clear Focus, gaining instant Critical Hits on all melee attacks that are eligible, and losing 5 MP. She has 35/40 MP remaining.

Attack Roll:

Elise: 155+548=703 vs. Slime Blob: 170+629=799 (MISS!)

Elise somehow missed her target, as it jumped around her attack ...

Grapple Attempt:

Slime Blob: 185+768=953 vs. Elise: 210+423=633 (PINNED!)

... and suddenly threw itself on top of her! Elise barely managed to get her stun gun out and pop the Blob, and it flew off of her just as fast as it flew onto her. She dealt 100 damage!

Elise is down to only a Mini Knife.

The Slime Blob has 200 HP left.

As Elise got to her feet, she saw Brianna twirl her staff over her head, slamming it into the ground as some kind of spell was cast. Suddenly Elise felt quicker, like she could do more than one thing at a time, even as the same energy seemed to wash over Brianna.

Brianna has used Mantra Of Speed, giving both herself and Elise 2 actions per turn. Brianna loses 50 MP and has 70 left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+220=345 vs. Slime Blob: 125+705=830 (MISS!) Brianna missed on her first attack with Holy Blast.

Brianna: 125+418=543 vs. Slime Blob: 125+132=257 (HIT) Brianna lands her second attack, killing the Slime Blob!

Adjusted Turn Order:

Elise: 160+356=516 (3rd)
Brianna: 140+162=302 (4th)
Demon Dog: 130+439=569 (2nd)
Karsetti: 150+776=926 (1st)
Possessed Human: 120+51=171 (Last)

The Party has gained 400 XP so far (added in at the end of combat).

Grapple Attempts:

Possessed Human: 140+859=999 vs. Elise: 210+29=239 (PINNED!)

Elise once again finds herself pinned by the human this time, but she uses her mini knife and stabs him in the eye, making him let go in a hurry. She deals 75 damage to him.

Possessed Human Adjusted Stat: HP: 625.

Elise no longer has any one use items left!

Karsetti: 150+527=657 vs. Elise: 210+364=574 (GRABBED!) Elise found herself grabbed again by the Karsetti, and this time she wasn't getting away as easily. Elise is grappled!

Demon Dog: 140+88=228 vs. Brianna: 140+748=888 (EVADE!)

Brianna easily avoided the dog even as she flinched when Elise got grabbed.

Adjusted Stats and Stuff across the Board:

Elise: GRAPPLED, 3/4 Turns remain on Clear Focus, 14/15 for Cooldown. 10/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. 35/40 MP.

Brianna: FREE, 70/120 MP. 9/10 Turns on Mantra of Speed.

Possessed Human: 625 HP Remaining.

Karsetti: Anger Meter: 1/3. 480 HP Remaining.
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Mentally activating her focusing powers, Elise moved in at the slime blob and attacked, but the thing managed to dart around her attack before she could land it unfortunately, which she growled angrily about. She was further angered by the fact that the thing got the jump on her and managed to tackle her to the ground, but she managed to get her stun gun up just in time and zapped it clear off of her as it jumped off. Quickly bounding back to her feet, Elise watched Brianna work her magic on the slime blob after her quickening spell sped them both up, where the slime blob was then obliterated by her lover despite Brianna's obvious tiredness.

"Good work sweetie, now let's clean up the rest of... oof!" Elise began saying to Brianna as she was then tackled by the human man, where she yanked the mini knife up and stabbed him in the eye and kicked him off of her.

As soon as she got that guy off of her and scrambled back to her feet, Elise couldn't stop the Karsetti from grabbing her this time as its tentacles coiled around her limbs, preventing her easy escape this time. Elise immediately began struggling to get free, kicking and pulling her arms this way and that to shimmy loose, where she intended on ending this thing by slashing it to bits with her new daggers, intent on not missing this time should she break loose.

"Damn it all... sweetie don't worry about me, just focus on dealing with everything else and let me handle this, alright. I don't want you to get grabbed too by one of those bastards," Elise called to Brianna as she struggled to get loose while Brianna dodged the dog that jumped at her.

[Struggle free and use Beast Swipe on the Karsetti assuming she breaks free.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Elise: 155+445=600 vs. Karsetti: 150+486=636 (STILL STUCK!)
Elise: 155+394=549 vs. Karsetti: 150+116=266. (FREE!)

Elise needed the boost she had to get free, for one try wasn't enough! She was free thanks to Brianna's spell giving her a second chance!

Elise: FREE, 2/4 Turns remain on Clear Focus, 13/15 for Cooldown. 9/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. 35/40 MP.

Karsetti: 2/3 Anger Meter. 480 HP Remaining.

Brianna regens 12 MP, and now has 82/120.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+657=782 vs. Demon Dog: 100+871=971. (RESISTED)
Brianna: 125+277=402 vs. Demon Dog: 100+639=739. (RESISTED)

Brianna couldn't seem to get her spell to land, perhaps a side effect of what she'd recently been through.

Adjusted Stat:

Brianna: 8/10 on Mantra Remains.

Grapple Attempts:

Possessed Human: 140+775=915 vs. Elise: 210+124=334 (TACKLED!) Elise suddenly found herself pinned down by the human, and already he was trying to get his cock into her pussy!

Karsetti: 150+81=231 vs. Brianna: 140+517=657. (EVADE!) Brianna avoids being grabbed by the Karsetti, who's starting to look pretty pissed.

Demon Dog: 140+694=834 vs. Brianna: 140+818=958 (EVADE!) Brianna avoids the Dog yet again.

Elise's Turn Again, and little has changed.


1: Try to get Free.

2: Let this thing have it's way with you for a turn.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Struggling to break free, Elise managed to get loose only after a couple of big tries, which seemed to piss the tentacled beast even more so than it already had been. She didn't really care how pissed it was at her because she still wasn't about to just let it have its way with her despite needing to blow off some steam right now. Unfortunately as she broke loose from it, she found herself carried right into the waiting arms of the human man who pinned her down and was already rubbing his dick against her tight pussy, which tickled her testes a bit too as it rubbed against them as well. She immediately began struggling even as blood began rushing to her dick and made it become erect from all of this action. She could only imagine what would happen to both her and Brianna should she not manage to get free, so she struggled as hard as she could, kicking and punching, even biting if she had to to get loose.

"G-Get off of me you fucker. Brianna do whatever you've got to to take them down," Elise called to Brianna as her lover dodged both of their other enemies.

[Struggle free again and try to use Rune Carve Chain on the Possessed Human this time while Brianna targets whichever of the remaining enemies she wants to.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempts:

Elise: 155+283=438+20=458 vs Possessed Human: 145+828=973 (STILL PINNED)
Elise: 155+1=156+20=176 (OUCH!) vs. Possessed Human: 145+678=823 (STILL PINNED).

This time, Elise couldn't throw her attacker off even with the boost, and he grinned as he sensed the opportunity to plunge inside of her.

Elise: 1/4 Turns remain on Clear Focus, 12/15 for Cooldown. 8/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. 35/40 MP.

Brianna regens 12 MP, and now has 94/120.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 125+605=730 vs. Demon Dog: 100+322=422. (HIT!)

Brianna hits the dog for 600 damage, killing it!

Brianna: 125+618=743 vs. Karsetti: 150+262=412. (HIT!)

Brianna deals 300 damage to the Karsetti, leaving it with 180 HP remaining.

Adjusted Initiative Rolls:

Elise: 160+356=516 (2nd)
Brianna: 140+162=302 (3rd)
Karsetti: 150+776=926 (1st)
Possessed Human: 120+51=171 (Last)

Penetration Attempt:

Possessed Human: 165+413=578 vs. Elise: 150+125=275+20=295 (PENETRATED!) Elise's eyes widen in shock as suddenly the human slips his cock into her pussy, beginning to ram her in his desire to fuck her.

Pleasure Roll:

Possessed Human: 165+599=764 vs. Elise: 150+847=997+20=1,017 (NO PLEASURE)

Elise manages to resist taking any pleasure, but she gains 20 KP for getting penetrated.

Adjusted Stat:

Elise: 20/10,000 KP for the Fight, 20/50,000 KP overall. KL: 0.

Grapple Attempt:

Karsetti: 150+584=734 vs. Brianna: 140+489=629 (GRABBED!)

Brianna's luck came to an end, and the Karsetti lunged too fast for her to avoid. In moments Brianna was grabbed in it's tentacles, and now both girls were in trouble.

Brianna has 7/10 turns left on her Mantra.

Elise's turn.


1: Try to get Free!

2: Let the guy pleasure you for a round.
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Struggling futilely, Elise simply couldn't break free of the bastard on top of her to even attempt to help Brianna out afterwards, no matter how much she grunted and pushed against him. It kind of made her a bit angry even as she shuddered at his continued rubbing of his dick against her petals, which also bumped against her sack and made her tremble there too. She was glad to see Brianna though take care of the demonic dog that was after them, which lifted her spirits a bit and encouraged her to further struggle against this guy. Just as she was about to cry her praise to Brianna for ending two of their enemies so far, she felt the human guy's dick slide into her pussy which caused her words to catch in her throat as they changed to a soft gasp of pleasure, her eyes wide with surprise that she was penetrated at the very moment she was distracted.

She resisted the urge to moan in pleasure though as he began thrusting in and out of her pussy, which was already secreting her juices to prevent her from hurting from this any, even though her breasts were jiggling along with her balls at his rapid thrusts. Her eyes widened with horror though as she saw Brianna snatched up by the Karsetti's tentacles, knowing that her beloved was already quite tired from her earlier ordeals with the succubi among the other things that had obviously had their way with her, but apparently she'd managed to keep herself from getting raped too much by these people and creatures and instead the girl she'd mentioned before Rachel had taken the brunt of it all for her, which while Elise was glad Brianna hadn't been corrupted and lost to her, she was still sad that it had to be that way.

"Sorry buddy, but my gal is over there and I can't let you have your way with me in front of her. No get off of me," Elise grunted, pushing with all her might as she brought her legs in and tried to get her feet against him to push him off and out of her, where if she managed to do so she'd bury her daggers in his chest to prevent him from doing so again.

[Struggle free and Rune Carve Chain against him again if she manages to bust free.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Rape Attempts:

Elise: 150+313=463+20=483 vs Possessed Human: 165+317=482 (ESCAPED! Barely!)

Elise threw the dude off of her just barely, and before he could react, she launched her attack...

Attack Roll:

Elise: 155+754=909 vs. Possessed Human: 120+836=956 (MISS!) Elise missed due to her foe flying back too far for her to reach him!

Elise: Clear Focus: 11/15 for Cooldown. 7/10 turns on Mantra of Speed. 35/40 MP.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 125+297=422 vs. Karsetti: 150+150=300 (FREE!) Brianna broke free of the Karsetti, who began flailing it's tentacles out, whipping them about. Elise could hear Brianna curse as she started a spell, something worrying her.

Attack Roll:

Brianna: 125+516=641 vs. Karsetti: 150+647=797 (MISS!) Briana missed her attack, drawing another curse from her.

Brianna has 6/10 turns left on her Mantra.

Grapple Attempt:

Possessed Human: 140+392=532 vs. Elise: 210+341=551 (EVADE!) Elise dodged the Human.

Attack Roll:

Karsetti: 150+219=369 vs. Brianna: 140+68=208. (LANDS!)

The Karsetti went berserk, seeming to be enraged about not getting a piece of one of the women, completely ignoring Elise who was closer to it, and instead lashing out at Brianna. It's tentacles grabbed her, but they didn't try to bind her. Rather they wrapped around her throat and began to squeeze. It seemed it was mad enough to try and kill her, and it began strangling her! Elise got a warning that Brianna had taken 8 HP worth of damage, even as a strangled sound came from her lover, as she tried not to be choked out.

Briana loses 8 HP and has 62 left!


1: Attack!

2: Stand in shock and get pinned again!
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Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Barely managing to throw the guy off of her before she started to shudder with pleasure, Elise jumped to her feet like a ninja almost as quickly as he'd tackled her down, her daggers both at the ready. Darting in, she just couldn't manage to slash her foe as she felt her focusing power run out, which wasn't as bad as it could have been sure, but it also meant that she wouldn't be able to finish him off unfortunately just yet. She also saw Brianna break free of the karsetti as well, which invigorated her even further as she prepared to launch another attack at the human man even as Brianna muttered a curse under her breath for some reason.

However her eyes went wide when she saw the tentacled beast went crazy with anger as it attacked Brianna even though Elise was closer to it than her lover was. She watched as it tried to choke her, which angered Elise greatly and she forgot all about the human man and went straight for the Karsetti instead, aiming to kill it outright and tear it apart. "Let her go you mother fucker," Elise cried and rushed the floating squid looking thing, intending to bury her daggers in it and rip it to shreds.

[Attack the Karsetti with Rune Carve Chain on him. Also doesn't Rune Carve Chain have 5 attack rolls regardless of if the previous one hit or missed? So shouldn't it have been 5 attack rolls against the Possessed Human? Because Rune Carve Chain and Signet of Agony Chain neither one say that each hit must connect to keep the chain going.]