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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((Remind me to NEVER use a D100 for this stuff again. 103 Rounds total later ...))

The Succubi didn't have to be told again. In moments Elise was getting her dick sucked by the wounded Succubus, and after only a few moments, her orgasm hit. Gently the Succubus bit into her, only this time the rush of pleasure was much more intense. For starters, it hit her harder than any orgasm she'd felt from a blowjob before, and for another, it didn't end quickly. She could feel blood being sucked from her, yet strangely, she didn't feel any worse for it. She was having gods knew how much blood sucked out of her, and yet she felt only pleasure instead of weakness. How it was possible, she didn't know, and did it really matter?

The orgasm went on for what felt like twenty minutes, and finally the Succubus withdrew her mouth, letting loose a happy sigh. The two looked at each other again, before the first gently took Elise to the ground, smiling at her.

"We're going to let you experience something that most mortals never get the chance to. There's many different tricks we have at our disposal, and I think perhaps you should get accustomed to them. Other Succubi you'll encounter later on in this world use them often. You need to be prepared for it. In each case, these attacks will be much more potent than anything else you've faced, and some of them even when you try to fight it, will cause you to instantly give up your seed of life to us. We'll try to be gentle."

Then there were no more words as the original Succubus lowered her hips over Elise's cock, sheathing her inside the tight Succubus pussy. Moments later, the Succubus moved her hips just the right way, and suddenly a whole new world of pleasure tore through Elise.

She was thrust way up inside, the womb of the Succubus itself seeming to clamp down over her shaft, and then the Succubus began to ride her. Slowly at first, then getting a bit faster. The tip of her cock felt like it was being massaged inside a much tighter tunnel than just a pussy, and it didn't take long at all to make Elise pop in one of the most powerful orgasms she had ever felt. It was far from over though, as the first Succubus dismounted her, and the second, who had already given birth, straddled her and began to ride her. This time it felt like some kind of mouth like tendril inside the pussy of the Succubus was toying with her cock, sucking on the very tip of it and licking it with what felt like a tendril tongue. Again, it wasn't long until she climaxed in orgasmic paradise, shuddering as she emptied out and impregnated her.

The third Succubus then took over, a combination of what felt like BOTH sexual moves being used on her simultaneously. She popped in record time, impregnating this one too, but rather than just letting her be, the Succubus dismounted her and then suddenly began to suck her dick, causing Elise to climax several times before suddenly, another Succubus was there.

For the next several hours Elise's world consisted solely of pure pleasure, multiple orgasms, and a sea of Succubus flesh dominating her beyond her wildest dreams. By the time it was all over, she'd had nearly a hundred orgasms, maybe more, and what had started off as just two Succubi was now an army of thirty, only two of which hadn't had sex with her. Still ten other Succubi were pregnant as well, in varying stages of their pregnancies, meaning she'd end up 'fathering' 39 children eventually. Each of the Succubi bent down to give her a kiss, whispering that it was time for them to go, and for her to continue onward. They dared not risk playing with her any further, for fear of utterly damaging her mind. While they'd kept their promise to minimize the 'damage' done to her, it became obvious they didn't have the power to completely stop her from taking corruption from the sex, but it had been negated dramatically. She had gained only 1,814 KP, but it felt like she should have gained at least 10 times that from how her body felt. She felt ... utterly drained, yet strangely satisfied. Still, now that she could move again, albeit shakily, it was time to move onward.

Elise soon found herself in what appeared to be a dimly lit, empty room. As she continued on her way ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 3 vs. Elise: 9

Elise suddenly noticed what seemed to be a misplaced tile. A quick glance told her it was some kind of trap, and she carefully moved out around it. Soon enough she was entering what appeared to be a carbon copy of the last room ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 6 vs. Elise: 1

... Only this time Elise failed to notice the fact that part of the floor seemed to shimmer until it was too late. By the time she did, she was falling into some kind of pit. She landed on something wet, slimy and squishy, something that suddenly came to life, grabbing her limbs tightly! She had only enough time to realize they were slimy, powerful tentacles before they were forcing their way inside of her! One penetrated her pussy, another into her ass, and when she went to cry out, one forced it's way into her mouth. Still another one coiled around her cock, bringing it back to attention as it began to stroke her as well!

Elise suffers 45 Pleasure and gains 105 KP from the rape. She has 205 Stamina left before succumbing to an orgasm!

Meanwhile ...

((105 Rounds ... wow, this'll take a while!.))

Escape Rape Attempts:

Brianna: 8 vs. Venus Suck Trap: 22.
Brianna: 13+10=23 vs. Venus: 26
Brianna: 7+10=17 vs. 25
Brianna: 27+10=37 vs. Venus: 21

Brianna can't break free! Eventually though she does.

Pleasure Rolls:

Venus Suck Trap: 17 vs. Brianna: 4

Brianna cries out as she suffers a powerful orgasm from the pleasure of the Blowjob! Her adrenaline begins to flow once more, and she snarls, knowing she really has to break free now, or she might be getting sucked for a while. She has 240 Stamina left. She suffered 65 pleasure and gained 115 KP.

Venus: 23 vs. Brianna: 9+10=19

Brianna can only cry out as her dick continues to be sucked towards paradise, unable to break free. She suffers 130 pleasure and gains 130 KP. She has 110 Stamina left until she's sucked dry again.

Venus: 23 vs. Brianna: 2+10=12

Brianna suffers 65 Pleasure and Gains 65 KP. She has 45 Stamina left.

Brianna counter attacks the Plant and kills it! She gains 2,400 XP but no loot.

((101 Rounds to go!))

Brianna enters a dimly lit room, a massive one at that. As she begins to cross it ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Brianna: 17 vs. Trap???: 29 (CAUGHT!)

Suddenly plant tentacle vines shot out from everywhere! From above, from below, from the walls, there was no escape. In moments she'd been grabbed, and pulled upward against the stone walls, well above the ground. It was then that she saw what had grabbed her, and when she did, she let out a gasp.

A massive plant creature, with a humanoid face, and tons of tendrils to keep Brianna perfectly restrained. Already a number of them had coiled around her, trapping her arms, legs, waist, and even her wrists. Still more wrapped around her hands, forcing them open and retracting into the wall, keeping her from moving a milli-meter. The creature laughed at her, amused by how easily it had caught it's prey. It moved in, leaning it's face close to Brianna, whispering ice into her blood.

"I'm going to suck you dry little girl. When I'm done, you'll be nothing more than a shell of what you once were. Enjoy yourself tasty morsel."

Moments later the humanoid mouth, large enough for her but still properly sized, and incredibly warm and tight slid over Brianna's cock, and she began to get yet another blowjob. The mouth felt amazing, almost as if she were inside a tight pussy as well, with a fleshy texture, not like the plant she'd been expecting. She opened her mouth to scream in pleasure, for just the feeling of the mouth over her cock starting to suck was too much, but her scream was effectively silenced before it began. Two large hand shaped tentacle groups came down from above suddenly, one clapping over her mouth before she could scream. This effectively silenced her, but still that wasn't enough for the creature. The other one clapped down over the one already covering her mouth, not only fully silencing even her moans, not allowing her to make any sound at all, but having the effect of also locking her head in one position, not allowing her to move it. This of course meant she would be forced to keep her eyes on the creature, and it's machinations upon her body at all times, and she knew as tightly as she was restrained, that it was very unlikely she could even thrash about when her orgasm did come. She was completely trapped, so much so that she wouldn't even be able to thrash about in pleasure while caught in the throes of what would almost certainly be the best orgasms, and blowjobs of her life.

The first of many orgasms tore through her a few minutes later, a violent, wild spurting sensation as she silently, inwardly wailed in pure pleasure, helpless to do anything but enjoy it. She couldn't scream, she couldn't moan, she couldn't buck in pleasure, she couldn't resist it, and she couldn't handle it. The creature wasn't stopping her dick sucking even as Brianna helplessly blew, having the effect of keeping her completely dominated. Eventually time blurred together, and she lost both her will, and her mind. The pleasure was too much, and she couldn't get away or fight anyway. All she could do was lay back against the wall and enjoy it. She was done for, the only question was if she'd survive long enough for Elise to find her, which she doubted. In fact, she actually hoped Elise wouldn't find her like this, or she might be caught too. And then all thought was raped from her mind as the pleasure became too much for coherent thought, and Brianna became one with the blur of sexual pleasure.

Over the next 96 rounds, Brianna is in utter heavenly bliss. She experiences a whopping 8,640 Pleasure, has 32 powerful orgasms and gains 10,000 KP. When it was all over, she had been utterly drained of all she had, and the creature gently lay her down on the floor, holding her down still even as it taunted her.

"You were so delicious, and so easy to defeat little girl. We both know you enjoyed every moment of that, and you wish you could have more. Maybe some day we'll meet again, and I'll drain you again. But for now, I will let you go so that you may provide more entertainment for me at a later date. Grow stronger my sexy, I'll be waiting in the shadows to drain your helpless body again some day. And when that day comes, I promise you, it'll be just as good for you then as it was today. Oh yes, I almost forgot. We're called Hama Dryads."

With that she vanished, the tentacles finally letting Brianna go. Even still, Brianna lay there for some time, completely unable to move after having been dominated so perfectly. She'd been totally helpless against the Hama Dryad as it had called itself. It didn't help matters that it had felt so damn good for her.

Finally though, she managed to stand on shaky legs and wobble her way out of the room. She'd gone for maybe a few minutes, barely standing still when suddenly she spotted two foes coming for her!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 7 Nelvoken Female: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 45. HP: 800. Damage: 25. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Nelvoken Mating Ritual

Level 7 Alarune: Stamina: 205. Pleasure: 55. HP: 900. Weak vs. Cold. Special Ability: Aphrodisiac Kiss.

Initiative Rolls:

Brianna: 14 (1st)
Nelvoken: 10 (LAST)
Alarune: 12 (2nd)

Brianna managed to react first, the information in her mind telling her that while the Alarune was a threat to her, and she'd already proven vulnerable twice now to plant like women, the Nelvoken with her tentacles, and her mating bind, not to mention her hostility when pregnant was the bigger threat. She had to kill it, and fast, though she wondered if she could manage to in her weakened state. Brianna cats her Mantra of Speed to give herself two turns, knowing she needs every advantage she can get. She has 185 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 1, 11, 14, 11 & 21 vs. Nelvoken: 18, 9, 7, 4 & 10

Brianna lands 4 of her hits, 1 of which is critical. She deals 650 Damage, leaving the Nelvoken with 150 HP.

Brianna: 4, 11, 4, 2 & 13 vs. Nelvoken: 17, 23, 19, 25 & 9.

Brianna lands only one hit, but it's a critical hit. It's enough to kill the Nelvoken outright.

Grapple Attempt:

Alarune: 14 vs. Brianna: 1

Brianna is too slow from exhausting herself with her barrage of hits, and her previous rapes to avoid being grabbed by the Alarune!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 12 vs. Alarune: 24

Brianna isn't getting away.

Penetration Attempt:

Alarune: 15 vs. Brianna: 7

Brianna can only cry out as she's made a futa again, and this time is forced into a soft, tight plant pussy. The plant walls close around her, just like the Venus Trap had, only this time she was forced into sitting down in a 'chair' of vines and forced to thrust into a tight, soft plant girl pussy. Brianna suffers 55 Pleasure and gains 75 KP from the rape. She has 215 Stamina left while the Alarune has 150.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 25 vs. Alarune: 28

Brianna can't escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 9 vs. Brianna: 24

Brianna resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 10 vs. Alarune: 18

Brianna is still trapped.

Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 1 vs. Brianna: 2

Brianna resists.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 18 vs. Alarune: 6

Brianna escapes!

Grapple Attempt:

Alarune: 28 vs. Brianna: 14

Brianna is grabbed again!


1: Attempt to escape the trap!

2: Let it rape you (How long?).
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise gasped as she felt her cock being engulfed inside of the mouth of the wounded succubus, and she quickly came from the pleasurable onslaught that the succubus' luscious mouth brought her. The rush of adrenaline was amazing, and she felt incredible from that, even the little bite didn't bother her That much, as she spurted her seed wildly into the succubus' mouth. When the succubus was finally done sucking Elise off, of both her cum and her blood, Elise was thankful that they helped her to lie down on the ground, and set her daggers to the sides of her. Elise nodded at the succubus' words and prepared herself, both mentally and physically, before she gasped upon being engulfed in that extremely tight wet pussy, before a choked moan escaped her lips.

"O-Oh fuck... F-FUCK!" Elise cried aloud, her hips bucking up into those of the succubus riding her now, and she felt the crown of her shaft being trapped within the tight confines of the succubus' womb.

"J-Jeez it's s-so tight. F-Fuck it's just like... s-so many years ago. D-Did succubi get tighter over the years I was in stasis?" Elise said after a few moments, fast closing in on her first climax already inside of the succubus, and quickly popping inside, collapsing back with her arms and legs outstretched as she exploded.

Lying there, unable to move from the sheer overload of pleasure, Elise watched as the other succubus mounted her, and she smiled up at her, but gasped as she felt the tendril like tongue lapping along her shaft and around the head of it. The thing swirled around the tip of her cock many times, and lightly started swishing itself around and around just inside of her urethra, coaxing an insane and maddening amount of pleasure to surge through Elise, and before long, Elise was already cumming a second time, impregnating the second succubus for certain. Then a third succubus, definitely her daughter through the first or second succubus, she wasn't sure which, mounted her cock and a combination of the tendril tongue and the womb squeezing around the head of her cock went through her, and she was left breathless as she lay there beneath the newest succubus. As this new one moved and shook her hips like she did, Elise raised her hands and grabbed the succubus' hips to hold on to, before she came again in less than a minute, her cock unloading every drop of cum her balls could produce on short notice.

When they were both certain that the third succubus was pregnant, she was dismounted and left for barely a few moments before she felt her cock engulfed in a sweet and succulent mouth. She was sucked off multiple times to keep her well good and hard and prepared for more, until a fourth succubus appeared, and Elise's eyes widened slightly for a few moments before she tried to raise up and take a more active role in the lovemaking here, unless they stopped her that is. She fucked the fourth one doggystyle unless they stopped her from doing so, and she'd pulled two of the others down just to either side of the first, and letting the fourth one hug her from behind and finger her pussy to ensure her pleasure was as great as possible, and she'd keep going until she came again, filling the fourth one up and ensuring pregnancy.

As time progressed, Elise's body became more and more weary as she was surrounded in a sea of succubus flesh, their soft lovely bodies a great joy to even touch, and barely an inch of her own flesh was left untouched by the succubi, that steadily grew in number as time went on. By the time it was all said and done, Elise was delirious, and had to lie there for a bit to recover, no matter what sort of magics were used in this place to keep her going, and she'd cling a bit to some of her succubus daughters until they all started to prepare to leave, and leaned down to kiss her on the lips, each one doing so, as Elise returned said kiss for each one. "Goodbye ladies, don't forget me, because I'm going to defeat Thembhrikal or whatever his damn name is, and I'm gonna take you all into my personal harem," Elise proclaimed to the succubi, though in a slightly shaky voice.

When she could finally get back up to stand, it was on shaky legs, leaving Elise a bit worried for herself, but after a couple of minutes more of resting, she found that she could walk properly again and set forth once again. "Whew, that was... amazing. If only they didn't corrupt me any at all, I'd bring Brianna and go find all of those beauties and we'd just fuck forever," Elise muttered to herself as she walked onward.

While she was thinking that, Elise entered the next room area, and just managed to spot the trap in front of her, and skirted around it to avoid the thing, and continued onward. The second time though, luck just wasn't on her side as she'd had a sweet daydream of sorts float through her mind as she stepped into the next room, her cock giving a tiny spurt of pre out of its tip at the thought of several of her succubus daughters holding her down in a large lush bed and taking turns raping her over and over, until she submitted completely to them. The trap caused her to gasp as the trapdoor opened up beneath her as she fell into a kind of shallow, but still slightly deep pit, and looking around she saw that she was surrounded on all sides by tentacles. Gasping as she felt her pussy and ass being plundered almost instantly upon landing, Elise cried aloud and started squirming, before her cock too was grabbed by another tentacle, which coiled around and began stroking it like crazy.

"O-Oh fuck... n-no please, a-anything but that too. C-Cock's still s-so sensitive," Elise half moaned, half whimpered, where another tentacle invaded her mouth upon opening it, though she was struggling to break free, because she knew her body would give in completely if she allowed herself to cum, being so weakened by the succubi earlier.

(1. Try and break free.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Elise: 10 vs. Tentacle Pit: 13

Elise can't break free!

Pleasure Roll:

Tentacle Pit: 22 vs. Elise: 20

Elise can only continue to moan as the rape continues, suffering 90 pleasure as the tentacles find all of her weak points. She gains 90 KP and has only 115 Stamina left.

Escape Trap Attempt:

Elise: 15 vs. Tentacle Pit: 21

Elise can't get away!

Pleasure Roll:

Tentacle Pit: 17 vs. Elise: 8

Elise continutes to be raped, suffering 45 pleasure and gaining 45 KP. She has 70 Stamina left.

Escape Trap Attempt:

Elise: 13 vs. Tentacle Pit: 2

Elise finally manages to break free!

Moving onward after climbing out of the pit, Elise found herself under attack by two foes!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 30 Manticore: 85 Pleasure. 1,000 HP. 500 Stamina.

Level 9 Venus Suck Trap: Stamina: 170. Pleasure: 55. HP: 700. Weak vs. Cold.

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 22 (2nd)
Manticore: 29 (1st)
Venus: 20 (Last)

Grapple Attempt:

Manticore: 26 vs. Elise: 10+5=15

Elise is grabbed by one of the pincers!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 1 vs. Alarune: 10

Brianna is unable to get free!

Penetration Attempt:

Alarune: 5 vs. Brianna: 21

Brianna resists!

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 13 vs. Alarune: 23

Brianna is trapped still!

Penetration Attempt:

Alarune: 6 vs. Brianna: 22

Brianna resists again.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 3 vs. Alarune: 23

She's not going anywhere.

Penetration Attempt:

Alarune: 19 vs. Brianna: 18

Brianna's luck runs out, and suddenly she's crying out in pleasure as the plant pussy grips her again. Brianna suffers 60 Pleasure and gains 80 KP from the rape. She has 155 Stamina left.


1: Try to break free!

2: Get raped! (She'll have a lot of fun for sure, be on auto for a while)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise squirmed about in a seemingly futile manner for what felt like several minutes, while the pleasure kept coursing through her body, until finally she managed to break free. "F-Finally, n-need to keep going, f-find Brianna," Elise panted softly as she climbed out of the pit and continued onward, trudging forward to find Brianna as soon as she could.

Entering the next room, Elise found herself face to face with not one, but two different foes yet again. "D-Dammit... not two of them again," Elise muttered softly as she stood there staring at them both, her daggers in her hands as she prepared to rush the manticore, only for it to grab her in one of its pincers. "S-Shit!" Elise gasped as she was grabbed, immediately trying to break free, and not wanting to find our what the manticore bitch here had in mind.

(1. Break free.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 24 vs. Manticore: 9

Elise manages to break free!

Grapple Attempts:

Venus Suck Trap: 23 vs. Elise: 30+5=35 (Auto Counter)

Elise manages to dodge the Plant, and as she does, instinct takes over and she rakes her daggers across it, dealing 400 damage! The Venus Suck Trap has 300 HP left.

Manticore: 17 vs. Elise: 13+5=18

Elise barely manages to avoid being grabbed!

Meanwhile ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 19 vs. Alarune: 4

Brianna breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Alarune: 12 vs. Brianna: 9

Brianna is grabbed again!


1: Attack the Plant.

2: Try to Stun/Attack the Manticore to level the odds.

3: Try to negotiate.

4: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise was able to break the hold on her by the manticore girl, and managed to roll away, where the plant girl tried to grab her then, but Elise managed to turn her tendrils aside, and slashed them in return as she twisted just in time to avoid being grabbed by them. The manticore girl came back at her again though, but Elise was ready this time and ducked to the left and avoided the incoming grab.

"N-Not again you beast. I won't let you grab me That easily," Elise said as she dodged, and spun around with a hefty right roundhouse kick to the manticore girl's head to try and stun her or knock her out.

(2. Beast Swipe on the Manticore.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 30 vs. Manticore: 8

Elise lands her hit, stunning the Manticore for this turn and dealing 600 (critical hit) damage. The Manticore has 400 HP left and loses this turn.

Grapple Attempt:

Venus: 30 vs. Elise: 4+5=9

Elise is not only grabbed by the Plant, but she's closed up inside the petals as it begins to suck her dick too! Elise suffers 120 pleasure as every vulnerable point on her is hit. She has 130 Stamina left, and gains 140 KP.


Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 10 vs. Alarune: 28

Brianna can't get free!

Penetration Attempt:

Alarune: 17 vs. Brianna: 20

Brianna avoids sex for now.


1: Try to get free!

2: Enjoy a blowjob (how long?)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully, Elise landed her stun, and was able to force the manticore back and away from her, with her panting slightly as she prepared to finish the manticore girl off. Just as she was about to press her advantage though, the Venus Rose scooped her up and she was pulled inside of the plant girl's petals as she gasped and let out a cute yelp. "N-No... l-lemme go," Elise cried as she began struggling to get free, knowing if she didn't get out of here soon, she wouldn't have the willpower left to even try and get out, as her cock was already hyper sensitive from the succubi not too long ago.

(1. Try and break free of course.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Rape Attempt:

Elise: 16 vs. Venus: 6

Elise breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Venus: 5 vs. Elise: 23+5=28

Manticore: 27 vs. Elise: 23+5=28

Elise dodges the Venus with ease, and barely avoids being grabbed by the Manticore!


Escape Grapple Attempt:

Brianna: 29 vs. Alarune: 21

Brianna breaks free!

Grapple Attempt:

Alarune: 9 vs. Brianna: 13

Brianna dodges!


1: Finish the Manticore!

2: Attack the Plant!

3: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise managed to break free from the Venus plant girl, but felt that she only just managed to for some reason, likely from how weakened her body felt after the fun with the succubi earlier. Then, the manticore girl came at her again, and she just barely managed to dodge her, swaying her hips at Just the right moment to keep from being grabbed yet again. "N-Not today honey. Can't let you grab me now," Elise told the manticore girl, before spinning and whipping her daggers out at the manticore girl in an attempt to take her down to even the odds hopefully.

(1. Finish off that Manticore using Signet of Agony Chain.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 28, 14, 17, 12 & 28 vs. Manticore: 29, 22, 28, 8 & 29

Elise only manages to land one hit for 130 Damage. The Manticore has 270 HP left.

Grapple Attempts:

Plant: 4 vs. Elise: 12+5=17

Manticore: 24 vs. Elise: 6+5=11

Elise dodges the plant, but her momentum takes her right into the wiating pincer of the Manticore, which closes around her arm, holding her!

Meanwhile ...

Brianna attempts to attack the Alarune, but instead gets countered, and suddenly finds herself trapped inside the tight plant pussy, and closed up inside the plant walls! Brianna cries out as she's hotly pleasured, suffering 60 Pleasure and gaining 80 KP. She has 95 Stamina left, as does the Alarune.


1: Try to break free!

2: Get raped! (Give in until she gets pregnant from raping you, could be a while).
Last edited:
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise growled as the manticore proved a Bit faster than she'd thought, and was able to avoid several of her attacks, leaving Elise a bit winded, and her target still alive. "Damn you... just... go... DOWN ALREADY!" Elia growled before shouting as she tried to tug herself free from the manticore's pincer claw, where she'd attack as fast and hard as she could.

(1. Break free, and attack the manticore if possible with Swift Edge Chain.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 25 vs. Manticore: 23

Elise breaks free!

Grapple Attempts:

Venus: 24 vs. Elise: 18+5=23

Elise is grabbed again by the Plant!


Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 16 vs. Alarune: 22

Brianna can't break free!


1: Try to escape the Plant!

2: Allow the Plant to rape you (How long for?)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"F-Fuck off, please... starting to... get out of breath," Elise growled at the manticore as she broke free once more, only to be scooped back up by the alraune as she gasped in surprise. "N-No please... just... let me go," Elise whimpered.

Elise grunted and struggled against the alraune's tentacles that were holding her firmly, hoping to break free so she could end the manticore to at least give herself some form edge over the remaining foe. If she couldn't break free from the alraune after a couple of tries though, her body, starting to become exhausted from the repeated struggles she had to perform to get free, then Elise's body would go a bit limp in the alraune's grasp as she panted madly.

(3. Struggle to break free for two rounds. If she is unable to escape the alraune's grasp within two rounds, then she will give in for ten rounds.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 18 vs. Alarune: 14

Grapple Attempts:

Manticore: 2 vs. Elise: 16+5=21
Alarune: 9 vs. Elise: 17+5=22

Elise dodges both!

Meanwhile ...

Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 29 vs. Brianna: 1

Brianna cries out as she's ridden again, suffering 60 Pleasure and gaining 60 KP. She has 35 Stamina left before she has an orgasm, and the Alarune has 40.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 12 vs. Alarune: 19

Brianna can't get away!


1: Attack the Manticore.

2: Attack the Plant.

3: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Thankfully Elise managed to slip away from the alraune's grasp, where she dove out of the way of the manticore girl that tried to grab her as well. "A-Alright you two, t-time to take you down," Elise panted as she drew her weapons up and attacked the manticore girl, slashing out at her and hoping to take her down to even the odds.

(1. Beast Swipe on the Manticore girl if available, Swift Edge Chain if it isn't.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Roll:

Elise: 17 vs. Manticore: 25

Elise misses!

Grapple Attempts:

Elise counters the Plant, killing it!

Manticore: 8 vs. Elise: 26+5=31

Attack Roll:

Elise: 9 vs. Manticore: 2

Elise stuns the Manticore, leaving her with 400 HP. With it unable to move, she kills it on the next attack!

Elise gains 2,400 XP and finds a Stun Gun and a Mini Knife!

Moving onward Elise finds herself in a new room. It was large, and dimly lit with what seemed to be plant life growing even down here. As she began to cross the room ...

Trap Evasion Attempt:

Elise: 10 vs. Trap???: 4

Suddenly vines started moving! Elise barely managed to dodge out of the way as the entire roof came alive, vines managing to brush against her skin, feeling fleshy, but not latch on. They flailed about trying to grab her for a few moments longer, but failed to. Then they began creeping towards her, forcing her to retreat out of the room.

As she entered the next room, she found herself staring down two foes!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 7 Nelvoken Female: Stamina: 180. Pleasure: 45. HP: 800. Damage: 25. Weak vs. Magic. Special Ability: Nelvoken Mating Ritual.

Level 7 Alarune: Stamina: 205/205. Pleasure: 55. HP: 900. Weak vs. Cold. Special Ability: Aphrodisiac Kiss.

Initiative Roll:

Elise: 24 (1st)
Nelvoken: 6 (Last)
Alarune: 20 (2nd)

Meanwhile ...

Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 15 vs. Brianna: 26

Brianna resists!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 5 vs. Alarune: 8

Brianna can't escape!

Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 28 vs. Brianna: 2

Brianna can't fight her rape this time, and cries out as she's pleasured. She begins to moan franctically as her orgasm rapidly approaches, and suddenly she screams loudly. The Alarune's tight pussy begins to contract around her cock, the Alarune having an orgasm of her own, which intensifies Brianna's pleasure. On top of that, every single vulnerable spot on Brianna's captured cock is stimulated perfectly, further intensifying her pleasure, leading to Brianna screaming loudly as she succumbs to a powerful, spurting orgasm. Brianna wails helplessly as she shares her orgasm with that of the Alarune, knowing full well she's given up her seed and impregnated it. Brianna suffers a whopping 240 Pleasure from her rape, gaining 730 KP. When she's finally spent of her pleasure, and her adrenaline begins to flow, Brianna is only 65 stamina away from a second powerful orgasm! Her frustration skill activates, dealing 540 damage. The Alarune still has 360 HP left.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 4+10=14 vs. Alarune: 20

Brianna is kept captive despite her adrenaline boost!

Special Skill + Pleasure Roll:

Alarune: 30 vs. Brianna: 2+10=12

The Alarune forcefully plants a kiss on Brianna's lips, thrusting her tongue into Brianna's mouth! Once there, some kind of liquid is forced into Brianna's mouth, and she's forced to swallow it. Almost immediately she feels weaker, and more lust filled, realizing with horror she's been injected with an Aphrodisiac, a potent counter to her adrenaline boost! Even worse, the Alarune continues to rape her, finding all her vulnerable spots again, and once more Brianna can't handle it. She lets loose a muffled cry of pleasure as a second orgasm claims her, helplessly spurting in wild pleasure as her domination continues, the adrenaline, and the fight being raped out of her. When it's over, Brianna is completely stunned, unable to do anything for a while as all her strength has been sapped out of her. Brianna suffers 120 pleasure and gains 170 KP from her rape. She's also stunned for 4 turns. Worse, the Alarune has her adrenaline now for 7 turns, meaning easy rapings for her! The Alarune has 135 Stamina left until she has another orgasm around Brianna, and Brianna is under the effects of the Aphorodisiac for another 6 turns.

Brianna is stunned and lays there defeated.

Brianna can't offer any resistance to her rape, moaning in silenced pleasure as she suffers another 120 Pleasure, gaining 120 KP from it. Brianna has only 95 Stamina left and will Orgasm on her next turn! The Alarune has 80 Stamina left.

Brianna is still stunned for this round and two more.


1: Attack the Plant!

2: Attack the Alien!

3: Have Sex! (How long and with which?)

4: Try to Negotiate.

5: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise's struggles were not in vain thankfully, and soon enough she's managed to worm her way free of the alraune again, where she spun and slashed one of her daggers as she fell free. Her blade sliced into the alraune and killed her as she fell free, and when she landed, Elise panted softly and rushed at the manticore girl, where she spun and swung her daggers around in a horizontal arc, going across the manticore girl's throat and chest, where her foe fell dead moments later.

"J-Jeez everything in here really wants a piece of me, and if it wasn't corrupting me each time I'd be More than willing to just lie back and happily let them ride me and everything they wanted," Elise muttered to herself as she wiped her daggers clean on the alraune's body, before taking the items dropped by her foes.

Moving along, Elise gasped as she entered the next room and found the plant within moving towards her, so she rushed past it and fled onward without bothering with the plant creature. She stumbled at the entrance of the next room and when she'd caught herself and looked up into the place, Elise frowned and groaned softly as she saw yet another alraune, and some sort of alien like woman. "Well, the foe you know right," Elise whispered to herself as she readied her daggers to go after the plant woman. But seeing that they weren't rushing her immediately, Elise gulped and thought to herself that maybe she could negotiate with them... with some luck. She had negotiated with the succubi before after all, so maybe she could do so with others in this place.

"H-Hey... what would it take for you to let me pass without a fight, hmm?" Elise asked the two, gulping softly as she spoke, and hoping they'd listen, because her cock was aching for some more action already, and the alraune was a prime target for her seed to fill up, her balls trembling ever so slightly as they worked overtime almost constantly to keep them full of cum to shoot into the wombs of her lovers.

(4. Try and negotiate.)

(But if they don't Want to negotiate, Elise will rush at the alraune and... 3. Have sex with the alraune, pulling her down onto her hands and knees, and plowing into the plant woman from behind. She'll go for 4 rounds, and if she at any point impregnates the alraune during that time, Elise will submit for an additional 12 rounds, to both, letting both use her as they see fit for said 12 rounds.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The two creatures seemed to look at each other, possibly communicating telepathically. There was silence for several minutes, which was stressful, but at least they weren't attacking. Finally, the Alarune spoke, her voice soft and tempting, almost like a siren.

"I suppose we could be convinced to let you pass if you were to ... oh I don't know ... spend some time with the two of us? My friend over here has a few treats in store for you as well. She'd very much like to surprise you with them, if you catch my meaning."

Meanwhile ...

Brianna can do nothing to resist her rape, crying out as every vulnerable spot on her cock is pleasured. She shudders as she empties out in another orgasm, and suddenly, despite being stunned, a lust filled haze takes over her mind as she enters a sexual frenzy! Brianna suffers 120 Pleasure and gains 170 KP. She now has 245 Stamina left. The Alarune has 25 left.


1: Agree.

2: Fight!

3: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Of course, I get exactly what you mean love. And of course, I don't mind that. You both look... quite lovely to say the least. I'd be more than willing to give you two lovely things a wonderful time," Elise replied with a smile, glancing down at her cock, which twitched and throbbed a few times as if in preparation for the coming fun. "How many babies do you both want, hmm? I... persuaded some others to let me pass in exchange for giving them lots of babies. Or do you wanna just go until you leave my cock so sensitive that I'll cum at the slightest touch for a while instead?" Elise then asked curiously, reaching down and giving her cock a few strokes as her pre beaded at the tip and dripped to the floor.

(1. Agree and prepare for smuts.)