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Elizabeth (Tiffanian)


Dec 6, 2009
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Elizabeth arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Slowly Elizabeth made her way to the tower that seemed the most likely point where she would earn her next meal. And if all went according to plan, she might finally earn much more than a meal. The people of the nearby town had offered a good deal of pay, though only very little up front. Apparently the vast majority of the young women had been abducted from their homes or the town, and taken somewhere, though no one knew why. Of course the young men had gone off to rescue them, though none had returned. Only the old and the very young had remained in the town. It made it seem like a suicide mission, though it would have been suicide not to take it as well; until just now she hadn't eaten in almost a week, and had been desperate to find something, anything that people would pay her to do.

The tower itself only reinforced the idea that this was a suicide mission. It was immensely and made of pure black stone, no windows anywhere on it. She could also feel an intense magical aura emanating from the tower; she had some talent with magic, though she had only managed to learn a few cantrips over the course of her short life, and even so the magical aura pervaded the area, even so far from the tower. It had a decidedly evil tone to it, and Elizabeth was almost certain some sort of demon was inside. As she looked around she couldn't see anything guarding the entrance, the only one of which seemed to be on the right corner of the building from her perspective. How odd... she thought, making her way closer. There was a fairly simple metal door for an entrance, and she almost reached for the tools she used to try and pick the locks on doors, though she tried it first, just to see if it worked. And it did, the door swinging open freely. This is just too strange. It's like they want people to come in... This is obviously a trap. But... I can't turn back. I accepted this job, and I can't just go back to wandering aimlessly, hoping I find something before I starve to death she thought, drawing her old, beaten up and nicked sword and walking through the door. She found herself in an empty room, about mid-sized, with doors to her left and in front of her. Which door do I choose? I suppose at this point it doesn't matter, I have no reason to choose one over the other. I'll just go straight ahead. she decided, walking forward and cautiously attempting to open the southern door.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Encounter Roll(1d100)+0: 30,+0 Total:30 1-50 equals encounter, 51-100 equals no encounter

As Elizabeth, slowly and silently cracked the door open she would she a long pathway that broke off to the right a little ways in, again further down and a final time at the end. At the first bend, she would see what looked like a tiger-woman hybrid, She had a skimpy two piece Outfit, blue hair, a blue tiger striped tail and ears, she had athletic tape wrapped around her ankles, feet and forearms, and her fingers were tipped with nasty looking claws. She would have to walk slowly and quietly if she wanted to get by without accident.

Sneak attempt: Roll(1d20)+0: 2,+0 Total:2 vs TN 12 failure

Unfortunately the womans senses were just too acute and her ears picked up Elizabeths slight foot falls and she suddenly sprang out in front of her, "WELL WELL! LOOKS LIKE I HAVE MYSELF A CUTE LITTLE TRESPASSER!" she threatened with her claws out.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth opened the door carefully, finding a long hallway behind it. She walked down the hallway as quietly as she could, until she found what seemed to be a tiger-woman hybrid. This is definitely the place, there are monsters about. Do I try to sneak past it, or just attack? I should probably avoid combat until necessary, so I think I'll sneak around she thought, trying to tiptoe her way around the tigerwoman and around the bend in the hallway. She makes a slight noise, though, and the tigerwoman picks up on it, turning to face her. "Thank you, I suppose" she said, turning her battered sword against the monster. She suddenly ran at the monstergirl, slashing at her diagonally and hoping her leather armor would protect her from the tiger's claws.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz Roll(1d20)+0: 4,+0 Total:4 vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 9,+0 Total:9 miss

The Tigress was able to deftly juke out of the way of Lizs blade and immediately tres to riposte slashing her long claws towards Lizs chest.

.Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0 Total:14 vs Liz Roll(1d20)+0:
5,+0 Total:5 Hit

Her claws hit their target and rend deep into Lizs leather armor shredding deep long gashes into the outer part, revealing her outfit underneath. "If you like it rough, my cute little heroine, then maybe I'll take you to my master. After I had my fun with you of course~" she taunted as held her claws at the ready in a predatory stance and pose.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth's slash was easily avoided by the tigerwoman, who in return slashed at her leather armor with her claws, cutting it deeply and revealing a little bit of the pale black dress she was wearing underneath it. Once, years ago, it had been a rather nice dress, but by now it was worn and threadbare, frayed at the edges and more gray than black. "Like what rough? Being killed?" she asked, confused by what her opponent meant. "I was unaware it could happen any other way. So feel free if you can, I suppose." She then ran forward again, opening with a horizontal slash and then quickly moving into a vertical one.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 vs Weretiger:Roll(1d20)+0: 4,+0 Total:4 Hit
Liz Roll(1d20)+0: 4,+0 Total:4 vs Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 6,+0 Total:6 Miss
Weretiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0 Total:14 vs Liz: Roll(1d20)+0: 12,+0 Total:12 Hit

Liz's horizontal slash hit its target as it leaves a scar across the Weretiger's belly, causing her to roar out in pain. It manages to sway out of the way of her vertical attack though as she retaliates with another swipe of her claws, this time across Liz's cheek, leaving three diagonal marks across her previously unblemished face, causing her to cry and wince out in pain. "I'm going to enjoy watching my master break you into a pretty little pain slut, little intruder!" She saids out angry after she manages to scar Liz's face, now getting right up in front of her more aggressive then she was previously.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth smirked as she landed a blow on the weretiger's stomach, causing the monstergirl to cry out in pain. It dodged her next attack, though, and cut her cheek with its claws, making her wince and let out a quiet cry as she jumped back, rubbing the wounds with a hand. It hadn't been a particularly deep strike, and she had suffered far worse in the recent past, so it didn't phase her much. "Pain slut...? What are you talking about? Is some sort of sex monster in charge here?" she asked, more for confirmation than anything. Great, one of those kinds of places. I had managed to avoid taking jobs that would bring me into contact with these sorts of monsters, but I suppose it cannot be helped she thought as she readied her next attack; she suddenly lunged with a diagonal slash at the nearby weretiger, quickly twirling around into a horizontal slash and then finishing with a stab meant to impale the monstergirl through her chest.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz:Roll 1(1d20)+0: 16,+0 Total:16 vs Were-Tiger:Roll(1d20)+0:
14,+0 Total:14 HIT
Liz:Roll 2(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Were-Tiger:Roll(1d20)+0: 15,+0 Total:15 HIT
Liz:Roll 3(1d20)+0: 12,+0 Total:12 vs Were-Tiger:Roll(1d20)+0:20,+0 Total:20 Miss
Were-Tiger: Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0 Total:14 vs Liz:Roll(1d20)+0: 9,+0 Total:9 Miss

Liz's Diagonal slash hit it's mark, leaving a gash down the Weretiger's top, partially exposing her left breast, followed by her horizontal strike which left a scar across her belly. She was badly wounded and winded, on her last legs; and knelt down on one knee, trying to get her second before she leapt at Elizabeth in retaliation, but her injuries had slowed down and caused her attack to be sloppy as Liz was able to easily jump out of the way of her slash leaving her open to counter strike.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth's attacks were fairly efficient, cutting into the weretiger deeply, though she wasn't able to land the killing blow. Her opponent did lunge at her, however, and missed badly, giving Elizabeth easy access to the monstergirl's back; not wanting to miss the opportunity, she stabbed at the center of her back, ready to slash to either side if the weretiger were to dodge out of the way.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz Roll(1d20)+0: 15,+0 Total:15 vs Weretiger Roll(1d20)+0: 14,+0
Total:14 Hit dead

Liz would manage to successfully get the finishing blow on the weretiger, attacking on the woman's blind spot, her blade piercing the soft flesh of her back and going through her abdomen as she fell lifelessly on the floor, her blood spillin and cooling on the stone floor of the castle. She could now proceed off to the right in the first split or continue on down the main path.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth's sword pierced the weretiger's back, impaling her; she quickly twisted the blade, not allowing the monstergirl to suffer much before her death, and then pulled the blade out, wiping it clean with the weretiger's clothing. She then rolled the monstergirl over and placed her hands over her chest, carefully closing her eyelids with a finger, and then continuing on around the bend and down the hallway, having paid her respects to her fallen foe.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

After Elizabeth would pay her respects to the fallen tiger woman she would come upon a set of large double iron doors leading into a medium sized room. She could test the doors to see if they were locked or head back the way she came.

((apologizes for short post but not much to describe at the moment ^ ^;; ))
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Hmm... These look significant for some reason Elizabeth thought, putting her ear up to the door and listening to see if she could hear anything inside. If she couldn't, she would test the doors to see if they were locked.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

As Elizabeth would press her ear to the door she would hear a slight squeaking and whimpering and what sounded like a very timid and whiny child bemoaning being left in a scary place by herself. "Squeak! Ooooh..... I'm not a fighter..... Why cant one of the tigeresses do the guarding. We wererats are spies and thieves; not guards or warriors...... Ooooooohhhh...... SQUEAK!" If Elizabeth tried to jiggle the handle of the door she would find it unlocked.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Hmm... Sounds like a weak enemy in the next room, though it may be an act Elizabeth thought, standing in front of the door for a brief moment and pondering what to do. Finally she threw open the door and tried to locate the supposed wererat in the room, charging at it as soon as she saw it.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0 Total:7 vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)-1: 1,-1 Total:1 Success

Elizabeth would manage to get the jump on the rat,l even though she loudly threw the doors open and charged at her, she was not ready for such a sudden and pressing attack and could not get prepared in time and received a slash across her shoulder from the woman's long sword.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth easily found and slashed the rat-girl inside the next room, quickly attempting to press her advantage with a stab to the monstergirl's chest.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz: Roll(1d20)+0: 17,+0 Total:17 vs Were-rat: Roll(1d20)+0:
16,+0 Total:16 Hit

"GURK!-" The rat girl cried out in pain and shock as Elizabeth's sword pierced through her small slim chest, as she promptly followed it by dropping to her knees and dropping her small dagger, a small trickle of blood coming form her mouth, "P.......P-please! MERCY! D-don't kill me! SQUEAK! I-I'm j-just a w-weak little wererat! A s-scout.... I-I'm not made for f-fighting! I j-just do as mistress commands me......... I DON'T WANT OT DIE, SQUEAK!!!!!" she begged Elizabeth with tears freely streaming form her eyes as she clutched the wound at her chest, trembling before the woman. "T-take the bottle from the chest over in the middle," pointing to the center of the room, I-it's a health potion..... if you give me just enough to heal me and not let me die..... I-I'll run away and never bother you again, SQUEAK!"
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth frowned as the wererat begged for her life. While she was certain that the little monstergirl would probably alert the others to her presence and cause trouble for her if she allowed her to run away, she felt that it would be heartless to simply kill her, especially now that she had ostensibly given up. She reached down with her sword and smacked the little dagger away against the wall, and slowly made her way over to the chest, keeping an eye on the wererat as she did so. "I'll allow you to run, but if you alert anyone else in this tower to the fact that I'm here, I swear I'll make you wish I had killed you here and now" she said, opening the chest to find the potion and then give the monstergirl about a quarter of it, just enough to mostly close up the hole in her chest.