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Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

The ratgirl's eyes would become teary and watery, her body rambling terribly before Liz's wrath, "P-please! D-don't worry! I-I'll runaway and never return! I just follow my m-mistress's orders! I'd rather be punished then killed! Y-you'll never EVER see me again! I SWEAR!" And with that the little rodent like woman ran off from the room and back out to the entrance that Elizabeth originally came from, thankfully not running into any other monsters. Elizabeth still had enough of the potion to use should she need to later on, and now was presented with another pair of iron doors to the bottom south end of the room, leading out.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth stared after the little rat girl, a dour expression on her face. Part of her was glad that she had managed to avoid killing the monstergirl, but another part of her was sure it would come back to bite someone, if not her, then someone else. Regardless, she made her way to the door at the other end of the room, carefully opening it and peering inside.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Liz would find a short southwards pathway leading from the doors, that would end in a fork with a westwards and eastwards path. The Eastward path would break into a long south path going a long way down and ending in a medium 3x7 room, with an ornate burnished bronze and blood red double door. It would also break off into two other paths heading into the west, once in the middle and once across from the room on the end. The western path at the beginning would widen out as she would go on and would seem to circle around another room, somewhat smaller then the one she had just been in. If she would investigate she would footsteps around the west branches in the long southern path and towards the end of the first western path before the south leading hall, as well as see shadows dancing across the walls.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Seeing her options, Elizabeth opted to take the middle west branch, walking as quietly and carefully as she could, hoping to get a good look at whatever was there before it could see her.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

As Elizabeth would proceed down the hall and into the western branch it would seem rather calm though as she made her way down the widening path the fork, the foot steps would become louder and closer and if she looked at the top path she would see a tigers tail swishing as she turned the corner in the opposite direction of the tiger and head into a long hallway on the other side of the small center room and came to long southward leading hall.
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Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

As Elizabeth kept going she both heard and saw another tiger much like the one she had killed earlier, and quickly she chose to avoid it, not wanting to have too many unnecessary fights. She came upon a large open hallway, and cautiously she continued forward, on the lookout for more enemies.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Upon heading northwards Elizabeth would come across another pair of large brass doors. If she chose to open them and head through them, she would fund that she would have done a full 360 degree circle and was back at the entrance. She could proceed eastwards or go back down through the doors she came in through and head southwards through the long hallway. If she went southwards she would come across a small single brass door leading into a small room at the end of the forked path she came through previously. She could either try entering it or priced further down the hallway.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth walked cautiously forward, listening silently with her ear to the large brass door for a moment before opening them, finding herself back at the entrance. How have I managed to circle around like this? Come on Elizabeth, you cannot make mistakes like this and expect to get out of here in one piece she thought, angry with herself for losing her sense of direction, and she closed the doors again before turning to go back the way she had come. As she did so, eventually she found a small brass door she hadn't taken before, and she decided to open it cautiously, trying not to alert anything that might be inside to her presence.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

As Elizabeth stuck her ear up against the heavy cold metal door she would hear nothing, and as she would open the door and head on in she would find the room empty save a for a lone treasure chest sitting against the back wall squarely in the center. The only difference between this one and the one she saw previously is that it was far more ornate, with lots of burnished gold trim, a rich mahogany wood, and platinum decorating what would otherwise be just an ordinary box.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Hearing nothing going on inside the room, Elizabeth carefully opened the door, finding it empty except for an ornate chest. Hmm... Suspicious. It's probably trapped, but there might also be something helpful in it she thought, walking up to it and checking it carefully for such traps before opening it slowly; she had some expertise with traps that she had acquired over the years, so maybe she would be able to disarm one if there was.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

As Elizabeth slowly inspected the box she would find no traps on the chest and surprising even more that it was unlocked, but as she began to slowly open it a pair a slimy green arms would spring out from the box and drag her inside it. She would be extremely shocked to find a whole entire miniverse inside the otherwise unassuming chest. After a while she would eventually find herself on a strange, translucent, glowing surface, and in front of her she would find a small flat chested woman with a chest around waist and midsection and three thick red triangles with a leg at each corner and their bodies facing so that they have two front legs and one back leg. Hanging in front of their back legs are thick cocks continuously dripping a black, cum-like liquid that is constantly erect.

"Well, well........ It looks like we have a greed nosy little intruder, babies!~" she cooed out to the triangles. "If you want to return to the castle, little snooper, you'll first have to get past me and my babies......."

Chest World Demon

HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Chest World Demon

HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Chest World Demon

HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Chest Mimic
HP 3/3
MP 5/5
AP 0/10
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth found that the chest didn't seem to be trapped from the outside, though as she slowly opened it a pair of slimy green hands grabbed her arms and tugged her into the chest. There seemed to be a whole world inside of the chest, and the girl groaned as she realized what had happened. Finally coming to rest on a flat, glowing translucent surface, she found herself face to face with the mimic of the chest, who looked rather like a little girl with a chest of her own covering her waist, and three... things that looked like triangles with odd spindly legs, though more prominent were the thick black cocks that hung from their bodies, startlingly erect and leaking some sort of black substance. Elizabeth recoiled in disgust at the sight until the mimic spoke, and then she began to get angry.

"Greedy, you say? You think I do this out of greed?" she asked, more than a little annoyance showing in her voice. "No amount of money would be worth putting up with monsters like you if I had any other way of making a living. Is it greedy to desire to live? To try to avoid starving to death? If so, then I suppose I am guilty of avarice. I doubt you care about the circumstances at all. So come at me, monster." She took up a defensive stance as best as she could, thinking that to rush in and attack all four opponents would be suicidal, but either way things weren't looking good.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Initiative: demon 3 goes first
1d20(+2)=13 vs 1d20(+5)=12 just barely hits

The third demon would quickly rush in and manage to nearly knock Elizabeth down knocking her back and cutting her left arm.

Demon 2 goes next
1d20(+2)=14 vs 1d20(+5)=16 miss

Elizabeth has better luck with the third managing to fend the fiend away with a short jab from her sword.

Demon 1 goes last
1d20(+2)=13 vs 1d20(+5)=6 {ouch! Those crit fails! D:}

However the third one would sadly catch her just right, knocking her off her feet and end up right atop of her, leaving her to try to escape and still fend of the beasts.

HP 2/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Demon 1
HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Demon 2
HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Demon 3
HP 5/5
MP 0/0
AP 0/10

Chest Mimic
HP 3/3
MP 5/5
AP 0/10
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Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

One of the demons rushed at Elizabeth almost as soon as she had finished speaking, far too quickly for her to track with her eyes. It slashed out with a claw-like leg, and she barely managed to avoid having major damage done to her, instead getting a slash to her arm. She had suffered much worse, though, and she focused herself on the next one, which was coming on her fast. She gritted her teeth, staring it down, and with a jab of her sword kept it at bay.

Unfortunately she had lost sight of the third, and it was now just at her feet. With a heavy blow it slammed up into her stomach, knocking the wind out of her and knocking her up off her feet. The former noble flew back some ways and then slammed into the ground, her head snapping back against the stone floor. Her body was thin and frail, far too much so to take this kind of punishment, and she felt woozy from the knock to her head. Still, she had to do something, that much she knew, and she swung her sword with as much force as she could muster against the demon that was holding her down.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth: 1d20+0=10 vs chest demon: 1d20+0=11 miss
Elizabeth swung mightily aT the beast ontop of her, but at least it just wasn't enough and just barely misses the foul creature.

Chest Demon: 1d20+0=15 vs Elizabeth: 1d20+0=9 Hit

Unfortunately the demon would have better luck then her and would manage to take a vicious swipe at her, clawing her other arm and knocking her weapon out of her hands. She was getting wind and still had two more demons to go.....

Chest Demon: 1d20+0=4 vs Elizabeth: 1d20+0=3 Hit

The chest demon swung one final time and knocked the once proud and noble aristocrat out could...... She feared she would be violated by these foul monsters before consciousness disappeared, but or someone reason they dispersed and she was merely lifted up by two tentacles gently and drug away behind a magically appearing door, the door clicking shut, the last sound she heard for a long while.........
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

Elizabeth swung with all of her might at the demon holding her down, but her frail body prevented her from bucking the thing off of her enough to get a cut in on it. It retaliated quickly, slashing open her arm. She grunted in pain, dropping her sword. She tried desperately to grab for it, her weakened arm just not moving quick enough, and with a quick motion a tentacle smashed into her temple. Her mind reeled, trying to comprehend what was going on as she slowly blacked out, feeling the demon get off her as she was lifted up into the air. Vaguely she heard a clicking sound, like the closing of a door, and then all was blackness for a while...
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

When Elizabeth next opened her eyes she found herself suspended by tentacles in a sea of dark purple, there several possibly hundreds more tentacles wriggling about in the empty space, all seeming like they were eagerly awaiting to taste her virgin folds and asshole. Her legs and arms were spread eageld, and she could feel one softly rubbing up and down her smooth thin underfed back. One of them went under her chin and lifted her face to look directly at the mimic who was now standing right in front of her, "Geez..... You're so scrawny...... No wonder my babies had such an easy time with you..... But not to worry by the time I'm through with you, you'll have a most lovely figure~" she cooed before a thick blue tentacle forced it's way into her mouth and immediately began pumping some kind of liquid into her. She felt like she would gag several times before it finally withdrew. Then two red tentacles with syringe like needle ends appeared and stabbed into her unimpressive tits, injecting a strange red liquid into her nipples. After they withdrew, the mimic would lean in for a long sensual kiss before pulling away, "Now all we do is wait, sweetie~" after several minutes Elizabeth would feel her chest begin to swell, grow tight and hot, and she would feel a hotness and wetness in her loins, to her surprise her bosoms would begin to grow to a respectable double d cup. Her nipples would become stiff and puffy and begin to slowly leak a small dribble of milk. She would feel her waist expand slightly, her ass would feel heavier as well as her legs as her body would become curvier, but at the same time the itch in her pussy would get worse. After her body was finished changing the mimic would lean up to her and rub her cunt causing more sex juices to flow out before singing in her ear, "Hmmmm~ I think my new little pet is ready for real some play~ Is that it, sweet thing?~ Are you ready for the main event?~"
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

After an undetermined amount of time, Elizabeth regained consciousness, only to find herself held by tentacles, suspended in the air with hundreds of writhing, wriggling tentacles all around them. One of the tentacles was rubbing against her thin back, while another lifted her chin up so that she had to look at the mimic. She tried to thrash around in the tentacles’ grasp, terrified of her fate. "No, please, stop!" she cried out, her eyes wide with fear, "please, just kill me quickly and be done with it!" She had spent much of her “career” as a wanderer avoiding the possibility of this very situation, and now she considered herself to have stumbled into a fate worse than death.

She continued to try and protest for a while before a thick blue tentacle forced itself into her open mouth, beginning to pump a disgusting liquid down her throat. She tried to scream, gagging on the liquid and the tentacle as she squirmed. Finally it withdrew, and she coughed and sputtered, thrashing with renewed vigor when she saw the needle-like tentacles approaching her. "No… no, keep those away from me!" she shouted, before being restrained more fully. She tried to squirm out of the way, staring at them with terrified eyes. They slowly approached her, carefully stabbing into her nipples and injecting them with some sort of liquid. It didn’t hurt, but that wasn’t any comfort to her, and she protested loudly. When they finally withdrew from her the mimic leaned in to kiss her, and would find her resistant to the gesture, her lips closed tightly as the mimic tried to play at her mouth with her tongue.

"You… what have you done to me…?" she asked, anger and fear in her voice. She didn’t have to wait long before her breasts began to swell and feel tingly and warm. That warmth would spread down to her crotch as well, and she shivered uncomfortably. The rest of her body began to change as well, her waist and stomach expanding slightly, her ass becoming more rounded, her legs more shapely. She had gone from almost flat to DD in a minute, her thin, frail body becoming something much more curvy and sexy, and she didn’t like it one bit. She bit her lip, trying not to let out any sounds as the mimic began to playfully stroke her pussy, which was by now dripping with her juices. That liquid must have been an aphrodisiac… "No… just let me go…" she muttered, still twitching.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

The mimic giggled at Elizabeths weak protest even as her pussy continued to flood, "Fufufufu! Silly girl~ You act like you don't like it even though there's a veritable miniature waterfall pouring out of your lewd little pussy~ And the owner of the castle promised me I could keep any fools how stumble upon my chest if I defeated them~ So that means your sexy little body is all mine~" she taunted at the transformed woman, using two tentacles to massage her expanded bosom, one to rub her back, two to fondle her shapely rump, and another one to acts as a impromptu wooden horse, grinding against her flooding sex folds as she extended a long prehensile gel like tongue to worm it's way into Elizabeths mouth and assault her unexacting tongue.
Re: Elizabeth (Tiffanian)

"No... no... just kill me or let me go..." Elizabeth cried out, shaking her head violently, unable to believe the situation she was in. Soon the mimic began to stimulate her, though, and she began to whimper. She was so completely inexperienced that even just being caressed was intense for her. A tentacle apiece began to play with her newly-enlarged breasts, and she couldn't believe how sensitive they were. Two more rubbed gently at her rounded out ass, while another gave her a backrub. One more, of course, began to grind against her dripping pussy, making her eyes go wide. "No, stop..." she muttered, which gave the mimic an opportunity to invade the former noble's mouth with her tentacle-like tongue, worming and wrapping around her own tongue. She closed her eyes, clenching her fists tightly as she tried to block out the pleasure, but she was failing badly. She had never allowed herself to feel sexual pleasure before, and just this gentle grinding and caressing was beginning to overwhelm her.