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Ella (DepEnc)


Dec 6, 2009
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Ella arrived at the door of a massive and ominous looking castle. It was hundreds of feet tall, built of obsidian black stone, with no windows anywhere to be seen to let light into it's halls less they had torches or candles to light the path; and to any and all observers, even if they didn't have any magical affinity or attunement, would feel an aura of overwhelming evil coming from it, it was not a place where many would wander off to on their accord. However this was where all leads from the people she had talked to lead to the kidnapped women being, so this had to be the right place. Even odder though, was the strange fact that there was NO security on outside proximity or perimeter. And she seriously had to wonder why? If she ventured forth to test the door, even more alarmin she would find it unlocked, meaning that they either forgot or were expecting her....... When she would finally head into the castle she would find herself in a medium sized room with a door on the south and east side.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella glanced nervously about the room, sure that some sort of guard would be lying in wait. Taking a deep breath, she stepped further inside and slowly closed the door behind her, leaving her shut off from the outside world. Can't look at it like that. Whatever took those women is around her somewhere. I just need to get them out and then try to stop it once and for all.

She crept slowly over the the eastern door and stared at it for a long moment before carefully pulling it open. Steeling herself for the trials to come, she gripped her staff a little tighter and began to walked into the gloom beyond.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

As Ella would crack open the eastern, door she would see a short wide hall way that would go down a little ways before curving off to the south shortly and the continue off to the east. It was dimly lit by crude made torches adorning the stone walls. The hall itself seemed rather empty but if she turned or looked around the corner at the end she would spot a small rat like woman holding a small dagger nervously looking around the area. She would have to be careful not to alert the little rat girl if she proceeded further.

(Sneak Check)
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

She doesn't look too dangerous. Ella thought as she looked at the rat girl. She'd likely be more afraid of me than I am of her. Still, no need to alert anyone if I don't have to just yet.

Staying as close to the shadows as possible and hoping her white robes wouldn't be too obvious, Ella began to creep down the corridor as she used to when trying to sneak down to the kitchen to get a midnight snack.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 vs TN 10 failure;Ella Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0
Total:13 vs Wererat Roll(1d20)-1: 13,-1 Total:12 success

Unfortunately Ellasnfooting would go out from her as she would wind up tripping on her long robes, stumbling along the stone floor in the direction of the small rat like woman; her staff swinging into the woman's back and also sending her sprawling out onto the floor as well. "Agh! What!? Oomph!" she cried before turning to Ella, "Hey! Watch where you're----- OH! An intruder! Halt!" she cried as she got into a defensive stance with her knife.

HP 5/5
MP 3/3
AP 0/10

HP 2/3
MP 1/1
AP 0/10
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Sugar beets! Ella cursed to herself as her foot caught on the hem of her robes. Realizing she was caught as the ratgirl started to turn, she lasted out with her staff, feeling it connect with a solid *THWACK*.

She quickly stepped back and planted her feet firmly in the ground, humming a hymn that quickly blossomed into full song. The tip of her staff flared into a shimmering white light that condensed into a single bolt and flew at the ratgirl as Ella sang out "Belenus' Radiance!"
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella-Roll(1d20)+0: 19,+0 Total:19 vs Wererat-Roll(1d20)+0: 6,+0
Total:6 Hit
Wererat-Roll(1d20)+0: 10,+0 Total:10 vs Ella-Roll(1d20)+0: 20,+0
Total:20 Miss

Ella's bolt of white holy magic would fly straight and true and hit the rat like woman square in her chest, sending her staggering back a little before she regained her footing and composure, and trying to swipe at Ella with her blade. Sadly her swing was wide and off its mark, and Ella would easily avoid the dagger. She could now take a swing with her staff or send another holy bolt at the ratgirl.

HP 5/5
MP 3/3
AP 0/10

MP 0/0
AP 0/10
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

"Sorry," Ella said as gripped her staff tighter and swung, hoping to knock out the ratgirl. "but I can't let you stop me. You kidnappers have to be stopped."
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0
Total:7 Success

Ella's staff would hit sure and true, knocking out the rat like girl with a swift and hard smack to the back of her head, causing her body to slump to the ground, her dagger held in her hand limply. Ella could now move on or try pick up the ratgirl's weapon before heading forward.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella started to head further down the hallway when she realized that it might not be such a good idea to leave the weapon near the ratgirl.

What if she's mad when she wakes up and come up behind me? I probably shouldn't leave it behind. She tip-toed over and picked up the dagger, paused, and then rearranged the ratgirl so that she was laying somewhat more comfortably against the wall, rather than just being sprawled in the middle of the hallway.

Besides, some of the girls might be tied up. Who knows how useful a knife could turn out to be.

After checking again to see that the ratgirl was still out cold, she continued down the tunnel and deeper into the tower.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

When Ella would look over the dagger she would find it to be small, made of Iron with a leather handle, and though the blade was well kept and not rusty, it was really not an impressive weapon or seem to be anything really special. Though if she would test the blade by wither touch, taste, or smell she would find it laced with a strong aphrodisiac designed to lower a victims defenses and will power making them hornier and hornier as time went by. After she was finished inspecting her new weapon she would continue on downwards until she found herself at a pair of iron doors leading into a medium sized room.

Ella has acquired a small dagger. 
It is made of iron of simple design and seems rather unimpressive. 
However it is coated in a fairly potent aphrodisiac, 
when hit a target must make a save vs TN 12 
or become aroused, taking 2 AP per round. 
The aphrodisiac can only be cured by a Cure Poison Potion 
or by sexual gratification.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Feeling a little tingly from smelling the aphrodisiac on the dagger, Ella took a few moments to breath deep and calm herself down.

I'm lucky she didn't scratch me with this. She thought, I don't think I would have been able to keep standing.

She didn't like the idea of using something as underhanded as the dagger, but she had to admit that she would need every advantage she could get. She sheathed it and then put it through her belt where it would be easy to get to when she needed it.

That done, she crept up to the doors and slowly pushed them open, peeking inside.
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Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Encounter Roll(1d100)+0: 12,+0 Total:12- 1-50 = monster encounter, 51-100 = no monster encounter

As Ella would open the doors, the large metal structures creaking as they parted, she would see a small rat like woman holding a dagger jump back in shock and surprise, "AGH! A-An In-intruder! H-Halt!" she cried out meekly her dagger at the ready.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella jumped as the ratgirl shrieked and drew a dagger. Remembering the poison coating the one she had confiscated not seconds before, she realized that this could be very bad.

She hopped into the room and slammed the door behind her, trying to make herself seem as threatening as possible.

"Stop where you are, creature of evil!" She called out holding her staff in front of her. "I have already defeated one of your sisters and will defeat you too!"

She drew up her magic, preparing to throw a bolt of light at the ratgirl if she attacked her. The tip of her staff began to glow brightly as the energy gathered on it.

"Surrender and I will let you go unharmed. You can even take your sister with you and start a new and peaceful life away from this vile place. Otherwise, I will have to... um... destroy you!"
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

"Sister? What are you going on about human, squeak? I don't have any sisters. She was just another wererat like me, squeak. A-anyways, I have to stop you! Elsewise, my mistress will punish me,squeak!" The wererat replied to Ella as she would lunge out towards her with her dagger.

wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 12,+0 Total:12 vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0
Total:13 Miss
Ella Vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 11,+0 Total:11 vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0 Total:13 Miss
Wereat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 2,+0
Total:2 Hit
Ella Vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 10,+0 Total:10 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0
Total:13 Miss
Wererat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 6,+0 Total:6 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0
Total:8 Miss
Ella vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 17,+0 Total:17 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 Hit
Wererat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 12,+0 Total:12 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 16,+0
Total:16 Miss
Ella vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 10,+0 Total:10 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 17,+0
Total:17 Miss
Wererat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 9,+0
Total:9 Miss
Ella vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 8,+0 Total:8 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 1,+0 Total:1 Hit
Wererat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 3,+0 Total:3 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 2,+0 Total:2 Hit
Ella vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0 Total:7 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 17,+0
Total:17 Miss
Wererat vs Ella: Roll(1d20)+0: 7,+0 Total:7 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 5,+0
Total:5 Hit
Ella vs Wererat: Roll(1d20)+0: 13,+0 Total:13 vs Roll(1d20)+0: 3,+0
Total:3 Hit

Ella and the rat like woman would go back forth in the battle, slashing steel and flying bolts of holy magic going back and forth all over the room, The wererat would manage to score a few hits on Ella, slashing along her upper breast, exposing the top part of her bosom with a red line of blood and scarring, slashing against her upper arm, and finally her abdomen, but she was fortunately built of more constitution then the rat like woman and her final bolt of magic finally managed to take her down. She was now free to inspect the chest, in which she would find a small vial of pulsating red magical liquid, the vial itself was fairly ornate looking and archaic/alchemical. There was nothing else of much interest in the room and to the south there would be another double door made of the same material as the one she came in through.

Ella has found a minor life potion.
 She can drink this to restore 2HP.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella winced at the cuts, and then blushed when she realized that her robe now had a rather long slash that exposed the top of her generous cleavage and the tattoo shaped like a protective seal that sat just above them.

Taking a moment to check the chest, she found the healing potion and gulped it down, sighing in relief as a warmth spread throughout her body and her wounds began to close. They didn't close completely though, and she felt a little stiff, but at least she didn't need to worry about bleeding out.

"That could have gone better." She sighed, casting a glare at the downed rat girl. She started to feel a little guilty as she looked at the burns her magic had caused her. She started to look through her pack and realized that she had forgotten to bring any bandages with her. Biting her lower lip in thought, she started to look around the room for something that she could use when she remembered her slashed and bloodstained robe.

"This was my favourite robe!" She groused as she took it off and began to cut it into strips.

It took a bit of work, but Ella was able to strip the rat girl and bind some of her wounds and give them a little first aid. She sighed as she stepped back and set to putting away some of the bandages and tying one of the clean, longer pieces of what was left of her robe into a halter to try and cover up her breast a bit when she noticed that her work on seemed a little strange.

She suddenly realized that, somehow while binding the girl's wounds, she had also tied her in an extremely strict hogtie, complete with cloth gag and blindfold. Now how did that happen. She wondered, feeling a little disconcerted.

She almost went to untied her, then realized that it was probably better to leave her like this. After all, Ella couldn't risk the girl running off to this "mistress" of her and giving her warning. She wouldn't be giving Ella away like this though. And besides, she was the one who wouldn't listen to reason, and forced Ella to use up that healing potion.

Ella decided to leave her like this. She leaned over and whispered "I'll let you out on the way back. Then we'll talk about how you're supposed to treat people."

After giving the ratgirl a comforting pat (on the bottom), she stood up and realized that she was feeling a little flushed. She wondered if she had been poisoned for a moment then checked her attacker's dagger to see if it had the same poison as the other one, before stowing it in her pack too. Then she cast her eyes on the rat girl's clothing.

Later, clad only in the leather grieves she had worn for leg protection, the rat girl's extremely tight and small pants, and a cloth halter to protect her modesty a little better than her upper armor currently was, Ella made her way over to the southern doors. Taking a breath to calm herself, she opened them and stepped through into whatever lay beyond, staff at the ready.
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Re: Ella (DepEnc)

A quick check would reveal to Ella that this dagger was indeed also soaked in an aphrodisiac agent. Fortunately it would not effect her too much unless injured with it. As she opened the southern leading doors. She would find a short southwards pathway leading from the doors, that would end in a fork with a westwards and eastwards path. The Eastward path would break into a long south path going a long way down and ending in a medium 3x7 room, with an ornate burnished bronze and blood red double door. It would also break off into two other paths heading into the west, once in the middle and once across from the room on the end. The western path at the beginning would widen out as she would go on and would seem to circle around another room, somewhat smaller then the one she had just been in. If she would investigate she would footsteps around the west branches in the long southern path and towards the end of the first western path before the south leading hall, as well as see shadows dancing across the walls.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella took the Eastward path, continuing to follow it as it went south to the ornate doors. She stared at them for what felt like a long time.

Could this be it? She wondered. It isn't like anyone would put doors like that on a storage room after all. But am I ready for this?

She chewed on her lower lip and decided that she had to try. She screwed up her courage, walked straight to the doors, and went in, staff at the ready.
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

As Ella would slowly push open the large ornate doors, the large bronze doors would slowly hiss out a loud creak, but she would thankfully be ignored at first as she would come across a werewolf, with short gray hair, gray fur on her wrists and ankles, red trible markings wearing a tribal skirt and bra out fit, with a bushy gray tail, whipping a nude long brown haired woman who had tears in her eyes and red whip marks covering her nubile body, she was clad only in the chains suspending her body and a black thong. "AAAAAAH! UUUUHN! OOOOH! STOP IT!" "Quiet little slave! I'm too lash any will out of you to make you ripe for the next step in your training for my master!" Just then the werewolf would spot Ella, "Well Well...... I wouldn't expect to find a volunteer making her way to my quarters..... Have you come here foolishly hoping to rescue these girls little cutie?"
Re: Ella (DepEnc)

Ella stood with her mouth gaping open, eyes wide with shock, as she stared at the villager that the werewolf had been whipping. The marks of the whips, the thin sheen of sweat, the dazed look in her eyes were captivating in a way she didn't understanding.

She blushed a deep crimson as she realized that she was staring and dragged her attention back to the smirking werewolf.

"Yes- I mean, no I'm not- I mean...." Flustered as she was, Ella realized that she was not off to a good start. Tightening her grip on her staff, she took a deep breath and tried to refocus. "My name isn't cutie, it's Ella, and I have come to save these girls from your terrible, perverse clutches!"

She realized how stilted and over rehearsed she sounded even as she began again, and swallowed hard as she felt the werewolf's gaze on her, somehow making her feel smaller and weaker in comparison. One of the sisters back at the abbey had been able to do that too, but Sister Agatha had never radiated the wild, dominant confidence that this woman did.

"And... and I didn't come to volunteer... I didn't even know you were here or that it was an option, not that I would want to of course," She realized that she was babbling and could feel the heat of her embarrassment flush her cheeks an even deeper shade of red.

"Look," Ella began yet again, starting to draw in the magic necessary to cast a holy shield on herself the moment she saw the werewolf try to move. "I have already fought my way through your guards. So just release these women and you can go on your way. No one has to get hurt."

Ella is "holding her action" (if that's possible) and will spend 1 Magic Point to use her Holy Shield spell on herself the moment the werewolf tries to attack her.
For the purpose of combat, she will use her light bolts to blast away.
She will change tactics if her Health drops to half (on the lower end if odd numbers) or her Arousal rises by half (higher end if odd numbers) their maximum, or she comes under some sort of continuous effect, like poison.
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