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Elli's Excursion (Kathy)


Dec 6, 2009
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Ellise had traveled for several hours after leaving Isfrallas and had finally managed to arrive at the outskirts of a massive complex that she assumed had to be the place where the mayor told her the mosters had taken the city's women. She could see several monsters outside of the gates even as she heard the cpatives' pleas to be released and screams. On the outside there appeared to be a few women that were made out of slime, two bee like women and and two warrior women with large swords. The first building was of moderate size and seemed to be made of mostly earth, rocks, vines, and moss. The warriors, the Slimes and one of the bee women left to take of other buisness leaving only a single bee woman left at the gate.
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Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

The former barmaid sighed softly as she staked out the entrance to the odd complex. So many women crying out for help, but only a few monsters at the entrance, the entire thing seemed odd to her. Worse, the way the mayor so freely sent heroines off to what was very likely an obvious defeat.

"Guess he'd rather send one or two at a time, so if they succeed, he can give them a pittance of money, while if they fail... well... just one more girl to rescue, and with luck she's killed a few monsters on her way through."

The pink haired girl groaned a bit as she watched the entryway a little longer, her combat-outfit's straps left loosely undone around her, and her ample tits were absolutely bare to the world... walking around with the skin-tight armor fully donned was a bit of a hassle for the poor girl, her breasts constantly rubbing against it and it dug into her pussy a bit more than was proper... It was the only armor she could afford though, the tight fitting leather made for another moderately endowed woman, not her... the leatherworker sold her it, telling her the other girl backed out of the deal and he'd give her a discount.

Ellise sighed to herself... in towns she could at least fake the armor being on right, even if it accidentally slipped off on occasion, she usually had her cloak on and flashing a villager or two could be overlooked. In combat though...

She pulled her armor's straps tight, dressing in the tight leather fully, her breasts squeezed a bit painfully into the armor's top, nipples rubbing into the hard leather, and areolas half exposed. If she jumped just the wrong way, her breasts would come spilling out entirely, but this was the best fitting armor she'd ever gotten her hands on, and it at least protected most of her body...


Armor on, Elli drew her dagger and crouched low to the ground, sneaking towards the complex and trying to get around behind the last remaining guard.

One quick stab, she reasoned. It wouldn't be fatal, but it would take the fight out of the guard, and turn this fight into a simple matter of subduing an injured foe... if successful at least.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

Ellise attempted to sneak up behind the bee lady to try to stab her in the back.

The honeybee doesn't notice Elli sneak up on her and she is able to strike at the foe in secret.
(flatfooted, no defense)
2 damage

The knife skewers the insect woman in the back and she hits the ground hard. Elli would find a rusty iron key and a handful of coins on the fallen foe.

Ellise's Sneak goes up to 1/20
Ellise's Fight Melee goes up to 1/10
Ellise finds 10 gold on the bee
Ellise finds a key to the gate.
Ellise gains 1xp
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

Elli whispered to the injured bee girl as she slumped to the ground helplessly, "Shh, now, I'm gonna be the heroine when I free the captives. And you... You get to see what it's like to be a captive... Won't that be fun?"

While the beegirl slumped to the ground, injured and unable to struggle, she'd feel Elli's bold hands working over her supple body, caressing and squeezing her large breasts, as the former barmaid roughly threw the battered girl to the ground in the nearest shadow, and promptly stripped bare what little the monster girl had on.

Bold hands assaulting the helpless figure in very unladylike ways, Elli stuffed the bee's own panties in her mouth before gagging her, deft fingers plumbing the monster's nether flower deep and hard, and strong hands squeezing her tender breasts with the single goal of milking her for valuable honey... With making her victim moan and squirm while fondling her... a pleasant side effect of the process.

... Though the rather violent and brisk molestation of the bee girl took only moments, the bound, gagged, and left messy and wet monster would've felt used and abused for hours, perhaps even days afterwards.

The Bee's outfit stolen as well, Elli briefly considered putting it on so she would seem more like the monster girls, but for now, decided against it.

Elli knew it was time to continue on her mission, sneaking into that first building, hopefully without being seen. If all of the battles were this easy, she reasoned, she'd be out of here by meal time.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

After Elli molests the bey woman she unlocks the gate and continues into the building. Once inside she comes to a small 2x2 room with a door in the bottom left corner and a long hallway at the upper right.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

Elli huffs quietly and stares down the long hallway to ensure that it was safe, then if nothing was there, she would try to quietly open the door. (Pick lock if necessary. If the hallway isn't safe, sneak down it to get better look at what's down there.)
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

Elli stuck her head around the corner to stare down the hallway, she would see it was dark and dank with dark grey stone cobble floors, and grey brick walls with not windows in sight and lit only by the dim light of the sparse torches lined up along the walls. The walls themselves had patches of moss growing on them. She would spot two orc minions patrolling the area, they were large rather chunky yet muscled pig men, standing about 6 feet tall each, their eyes were sunken into their heads, with large pink snouts, wearing cobbled together armor.
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Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

Elli grumbled under her breath for a minute as she stared down the hallway at the pair of orcs. "Not what I had in mind."

She turned to the door and made sure her actions here wouldn't alert the two down the hallway as she decided it was best to attempt to sneak through the door instead of going out and looking for a fight. "My job here is search and rescue, not to kill everything I meet. So let's stick to the task at hand." she mused to herself while gently opening the door and checking what was behind it.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

As Elli creaked the door open she would spot a junction, with two hallways, one leading straight down and and one veering to the left. Down the straight hallway she she would spot three flat chested, lithe framed, female ghosts floating through the area vigilant for intruders. She had no idea what might be down the other hallway.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

"Two large orcs. Three ghosts. Or a path I don't know..." Elli sighed a bit and shrugged, but decided that her best option was to avoid combat as much as possible, for now, slipping through the door when the ghosts weren't looking, closing it (not entirely, just enough to not draw their attention) and taking the "other" path veering off to the left, but expecting another fight, she had her weapon and spell at the ready.
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

TN 9
Elli was mable to crack the door open and leave it open a bit not drawing the attention of the ghosts down in the hallway.

TN 12

Elli would try to sneak around the corner and hears the sound of buzzing. As she rounds the corner she would find herself confronted by three fly looking women with wat looked liked claw tipped abdomen on their backs. The women would quickly turn around face Elli. "Bzzzz, what do we have here, Bzzzz? It looks like we have a little snoop, Bzzzz." The first one would say. "Yes, what brings a sexy little thing like you here, hmmm?" The second added, "Did you come here to feed us little intruder?" The last one finished.

Elli's Sneak went up to 2/20
Re: Elli's Excursion (Kathy)

"Flies..." Elli muttered under her breath, "unusual creatures to be used as guards." She grabbed at her dagger cautiously, not drawing it yet since the creatures weren't attacking, and she knew if she started a fight too early, it was very likely to cause the entire complex to be on her in seconds. Not a good option when flying monsters like these were nearby and easily able to keep tabs on her without risk.

"And what if I am a snoop? Maybe I'm here to join you? Or maybe I'm here as a spy for a larger group? Or perhaps I'm just some stupid adventurer that's cocky enough to think she can rescue the other girls captured here, hm?" She had to think on her feet, as long as these girls were talking, she could still do something more.

"Let's say I were to feed you. Would you... assist me on my mission here then? And just what kind of a meal would you like?"

(Negotiation with the three. Knowledge check to see if she knows what they like and if this species is known to be friendly or trustworthy, and diplomacy to try her negotiations. I hope.)